June 30, 2010

The National Enquirer article on the Gore accuser is out.

... with a cover photo of the accuser holding a zip lock back with something inside that the tabloid labels "her stained pants."


The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
A.W. said...

i am just wondering what video evidence they are referring to.

Clyde said...

She's no Anna Chapman.

Speaking of which, what are the odds that Al Gore proclaims her to be a deep cover Russian spy who was trying to ferret out secrets from him?

Clyde said...

Molly Hagerty, that is...

John Borell said...


Unknown said...

That's the problem with these Left-wing Democrats. They don't bring any Shout when they rape somebody.

PS The real newspaper of record strikes again.

john said...

How do we know if they were the right trousers?

Martha said...

Sad day for the Gore family. Imagine having these gory details in the press/internet for all to see. I felt sorry for Chelsea when the Starr report was released. No one would want their kids to read/know this sort of stuff about them ----WHICH IS WHY GORE/CLINTON/EDWARDS SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEHAVED LIKE CRAZED SEX POODLES!

William said...

Moral standards regarding sexuality are still evolving. Here is yet another example of where the more evolved are punished by the gill breathers still stuck in the primal slime. My sympathies go out to Al Gore in this his hour of trial....Who among us has not on occasion rubbed one out prior to falling asleep? Think of it as an organic, holistic barbituate. I think most tolerant, literate women such as we find here on the Althouse site would not consider their husband's view of an x rated video while on a business trip sufficient cause for divorce.... Just so with Gore's encounter with the massage therapist. I myself have never availed myself of the services of a $500/hour massage therapist. However, this has more to do with the fact that I don't make 100 million a year than with any moral quibble on my part. I can think of no better way of relaxing than a thorough massage just prior to bedding down. The massage, therefore, should be looked upon as a kind of x-rated video for the wealthy.....People like Al Gore who live a high pressure life have a much harder time downshifting from the frantic tensions of their day into a restful sleep. Much is demanded from them, and much must be given to them in return for their sevices to humanity. I'm afraid that many here, particularly the women, are taking a prudish stance toward a harmless activity.

Scott M said...

Speaking of which, what are the odds that Al Gore proclaims her to be a deep cover Russian spy who was trying to ferret out secrets from him?

This is Al Gore we're talking about. He probably thinks she's a deep cover spy for Lord Monkton.

Scott M said...


You forgot to type in /sarcasm on before the body of your post. /snark on would also suffice. Please be more conscious of myself and the rest of the less intelligent among us.

Opus One Media said...

One could ask what are the chances that any of this stuff is even true?

john said...

William said I'm afraid that many here, particularly the women, are taking a prudish stance toward a harmless activity.

Now that's funny!

Kind of like the "Tipper Sticker!"

Martha said...

William said:"I'm afraid that many here, particularly the women, are taking a prudish stance toward a harmless activity."

THAT is exactly what my husband said.
But I do not think my kids would agree. And masseuses who are not into happy endings might find Gore's purported behavior objectionable.

Scott M said...

One could ask what are the chances that any of this stuff is even true?

Excellent question and quite appropriate at this point. However, despite my initial dismissal that it was a) the NE, b) a year's old accusation and c) it was completely hearsay, are all starting to crumble a bit. First, let's remember that the NE is not completely without breaking major scandal stories like this. Second, the time from accusation (police report) to now is actually irrelevant. Third, if there are indeed pants, as this woman and IE are claiming, that catapults this entire thing into a whole new, Clintonesque area.

It's starting to look like they are doing one of those drip, drip, drip methods of releasing info. Release just a hint, watch for reaction, etc.

My question is...if she's claiming she's got DNA on her pants and has gone public with this assault charge, and it all turns out to be false, doesn't she lay herself open to open-and-shut lawsuits by Gore?

On a related note, I asked my wife to release my second chakra the other night.

Unknown said...

HDHouse said...

One could ask what are the chances that any of this stuff is even true?

It depends on what the meaning of is is.

Scott M said...

so many typos...sorry, all. That's what answering multiple calls before hitting SUBMIT will do to you.

Scott M said...

It depends on what the meaning of is is.

On the one hand, it's immensely sad that this joke lives on in our society primarily due to the subject matter that spawned it. On the other, it's still fucking hysterical primarily due to the subject matter it's currently being applied to.

Trooper York said...

"My question is...if she's claiming she's got DNA on her pants and has gone public with this assault charge, and it all turns out to be false, doesn't she lay herself open to open-and-shut lawsuits by Gore?"

"It depends on what the meaning of jizz is"


Opus One Media said...

@trooper york...

a pointless civil action against someone with a screw loose and no money....now talk about a trial...

Ray said...

I wonder if Gore could get one of those pro bono lawyers to agitate for the release of his second chakra from Gitmo.

I blame Bush. Pun intended.

Dave said...

Can't you just feel the Obama sex scandal coming?

I bet it's already on an MSM desk somewhere, desperately being shuffled to the bottom of the stack again and again...

Scott M said...

a pointless civil action against someone with a screw loose and no money....now talk about a trial...

How is defamation of character pointless? Secondly, what in this story points to a loose screw?

The loosest screw I've seen so far is her reporting her friends said not to go to the police because the world would burn up.

wind.rider said...

Folks like William that dismiss incidents like this and the Oval Office tryst by Billy Jeff as simply a sex issue that no one else should be concerned about miss the point much farther than if they simply forgot to take a left at Albuquerque.

Asking the question? Sure, go for it big Al. Asking again after getting a no? Take your shot. Trying to force yourself on a woman who has repeatedly declined your request, who showed up for a legitimate reason that was NOT sex?

Red card, pal. It's not about sex, it's about boundaries of behavior. That many on the left seem to be on the one hand absolutely adamant about, specifically a woman's rights in matters sexual, the defense of which seems to hypocritically fall by the wayside when the individual involved with violating them happens to be a political darling.

The events described appear to constitute attempted sexual assault. Which, if they had happened to, say, your wife, William, or your daughter, perhaps, would you be quite so dismissive or tolerant of them? Maybe even go so far as to take the man that did such a thing to one of your family out for an existential discussion of gender role relations in the modern age, over a latte? Cinammon on yours perhaps?

Anonymous said...

If the 'mainstream' media agree with someone's politics, they will turn a blind eye, a deaf ear, and a velcroed mouth to their fuckups. But if they disagree with someone's politics, they will attack their fuckups with a microscope and a bullhorn. And if such people don't fuck up, they'll invent something.

Michael said...

The one thing I take away from this is that Gore must not have been a constant poonhound like Bill, because he was so inept at it as to call the wrong kind of massage service to send someone up, and then to compound his mistake by trying to force himself on her. Anyone with some experience in this matter would have realized he screwed up, paid her and sent her away, and called for another one.

Also, the fact that he's the rock star of a movement full of reasonably hot nerdy girls (hey, I like the type, don't knock it), and it doesn't occur to him that he has groupies.

None of the above should be taken to excuse his abysmal and very possibly criminal behavior, I'm just making an observation about how bad he was at it.

sane_voter said...

Al and Bill were so much alike,
More than we ever knew.
And how often I released my second chakra,
and never had a clue!

Anonymous said...

Also, the fact that he's the rock star of a movement full of reasonably hot nerdy girls (hey, I like the type, don't knock it), and it doesn't occur to him that he has groupies.

Groupies are trouble. Groupies hang around, call you at home, stalk you, boil your child's bunny alive.

Hookers are not paid for sex. They're paid to go away without a fuss afterwards.

Opus One Media said...

Scott M said...
"How is defamation of character pointless? Secondly, what in this story points to a loose screw?"

there is nothing to gain by suit. if you do you give her the notarity that she is after. let ths sleeping dog lie (pun intended) and I do mean dog.

Second, how do you think that this happened..."ring ring ring....howdy, this is Al Gore from Tennessee and yes I have a driver's license and photo ID - I need to be real discrete here...could you send over a young lady for a "hehehe massage?" wink wink....Yes that Al Gore...just don't tell anyone k? wink wink..

are you guys shittin' me?

Scott M said...

are you guys shittin' me?

You do realize that the wealthy exist in a different world that the rest of us. That businesses exist specifically to cater to them and do business in a different manner than we are used to day-to-day?

My point is that a service that offers $500 professional massages probably wouldn't blink too much about yet another VIP wanting their services.

Are you suggesting that he didn't order the service to begin with?

Steverino said...

Sexcapades by politicians are like cockroaches. For every one you see, there are fifty you didn't see. I wonder what all those lefty journalists will say about this, the ones who were so mystified about why the Gores, that perfect couple, divorced. Who knew it was as simple as Al having a rocket in his pocket?

Paul said...

It's starting to look like they are doing one of those drip, drip, drip methods of releasing info. Release just a hint, watch for reaction, etc.
Drips, releases, hints, reactions...Are you referring to the news or to what Al tried with the masseuse?

From Inwood said...

sane voter @1:43

Permit me to rewrite

Al and Bill, so simulacra,
More so than ere we mortals knew.
And so I my second chakra,
And yet ‘til now had ne’er a clue!


Bill and Al up to hotel
To get a second chakra
Bill excused (don’t ask, don’t tell)
Al confused, thought simulacra!

traditionalguy said...

HD...Did I hear You say that the victim " Had a screw loose...". That's the same attitude by AlGore, that she would be a loose screw, which started this mess. Tipper may be out to break the new divorce settlement record set by Elin Wood.

Ralph L said...

It's starting to look like they are doing one of those drip, drip, drip methods of releasing info.
Would you prefer it in one big gush?

Why did Gore think a prostitute would lug a massage table to his room?

Michael said...

HD: I think your point is correct. The clueless Al Gore, still living in the 70s, thinks that ordering up a massage means a happy ending as a forgone conclusion. Although I have seen his whale like self in the men's locker room of the Belle Meade cc heading for the massage room. I doubt he can create a special relationship with the massage guy, though, without causing a scene.

Opus One Media said...

traditionalguy said...
HD...Did I hear You say that the victim " Had a screw loose...".

yes you did TG..and I'll thank you to refer to her as the alleged victim as she has riden that ponyride twice into the police station and has been shown the door twice....or are the police part of the conspiracy as well?

Scott M said...

I suppose my question would be...having not read the NE article...why would the police have closed any potential investigation if she had DNA evidence in a baggy?

Just out of curiosity, HD, as I'm almost out the door and don't have time to look, I wonder if you ever referred to the lying Duke stripper as some version of "having a screw loose" back before that fracas became an apparent lie. Yes or no?

Craig Howard said...

Clinton, then Edwards, now Gore. Wait'll loyal Dems find out where Barry used to spend his down, um, low time.

jamboree said...

@William Well, yeah, we're the ones that get to be grossed out by the idea of Al Gore demanding his "rights" from ...one of US rather than the one availing himself of his "rights" by some anonymous person with different genitalia.

See how that perspective shift changes things?

Margaret Cho has a bit on being in the hospital and a woman named "Gwen" whose job is was to "wash her vagina" and what a nightmare job that must be.

Maybe you should watch it a few million times and grow an opposable thumb yourself.

Blue@9 said...

Well, she's either lying out her bunghole or Al Gore is a tasteless crazed sex poodle, because it would take some extraordinarily bad judgment for a billionaire to risk his reputation over her. I could understand if she looked like Megan Fox or something, but... look at her.

prairie wind said...

but... look at her.

Um...look at HIM.

Phil 314 said...

Third, if there are indeed pants, as this woman and IE are claiming,

who will pay for the DNA test?
How do we get a sample from Mr. Gore to match?
Why didn't the police do same?

lanelseymour said...

Well, he was Clinton's VICE president. (Works on more than one level.)

Martha said...

HEY--Blue@9 ....

LOOK AT MONICA LEWINSKY---and remember what PRESIDENT Clinton risked when he boinged her in the Oval Office.

Life at the epitome of the political class is apparently lonely and desperate.

Anonymous said...

Goodbye, Mr. Chits.

Anonymous said...

Behind The Green Gore, by Flogging Molly

Scott M said...

Margaret Cho has a bit on being in the hospital and a woman named "Gwen" whose job is was to "wash her vagina" and what a nightmare job that must be.

Margaret Cho = single most un-funny comedienne "working" today. Also quite the little bitch about her show getting canceled. Not someone I'd want to have a beer with, not that I'm in jeopardy of that happening. Just saying', in case YOU'RE Cho. God knows she's got the spare time.

JAL said...

I'm confused.

Was it "crazed sex poodle" or "sex crazed poodle?"

traditionalguy said...

HD ... The Perpetrator is always the bad guy and the Victim is the one needing the protection by laws. That is Prosecution 101. Or calling the girl an alleged victim implies that she is an extortionist making Gore the victim needing protection by laws. That is Defense 101. The "final answer" will be blowing in the wind of PR until a Court hears the case with all of the witnesses and a sifting cross examination. For his sake Gore needs to hire himself a better team of trial lawyers than the Global Warming Hoaxers hired for their team of money hungry scientists.

William said...

I am saddened and confused that my observations on the soporific effects of a thorough massage were greeted with such hostility. Who would have thought that such prudery still exists in America? Gore is a road warrior. He bounces around in different time zones and tries for a few hours of fitful sleep in strange hotel rooms. He doesn't do this for the awards and the hundred million dollars a year. He does this for us and for planet Earth. This man is literally our Atlas with the burden of the world upon his shoulders. Yet when he asks for a little linament on his tired muscles, he is treated like a sex maniac.....Did it ever occur to anyone that that blessed sleep that comes after a successful massage is not some type of luxury or venery, but an absolute necessity for his work battered body. How many polar bears must drown in order to preserve some archaic ideal of marital fidelity....I would caution the women here to look to Hillary and not to Tipper for a workable model of a good wife.. Like Gore for the environment, Bill Clinton travels the world ceaselessly--some would say compulsively--for world peace. Hillary is supportive of all his endeavors. She knows that if a marriage cannot survive a few incidents of urinary tract infection, it was never really a marriage in the first place. If more women were like Hillary, more marriages would survive.

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