"That brought on another "quick shift" in Gore's mood. "I never saw anybody's moods just go like this," the masseuse told police, snapping her fingers."
The carbon footprint for an incarcerated person is much smaller than your average limousine liberal? If so, I suggest Al Bore do the right thing and confess.
In the churches, in the courts, in the police stations, in Ireland, in Belgium, in Spain, in the US, in Italy, in Austria, in the blogs, in the pews, in the pubs, in the alleys, in the newspapers, in the media, in the... well, everywhere. It has been condemned quite a bit and for a good while now.
Could it possibly get worse? Sure. Will it? Probably not. Of course, I said that back when climategate broke.
Seriously, though. Why do people continue to take this idiot seriously? Very few people rise to the level of flesh-and-blood caricature, but ManBearPig's managed to pull it off.
I said this when the story broke. I'm skeptical, but this section here makes her story far more believable to me. Liberal women have a long history of saying "just suck it up" to women wronged by liberal men, and they rarely see for what it is unless it happens to them.
If she truely was a liberal, I doubt that she would have just made that part up.
Looks like the New World Governance's aristocracy has once more been rudely attacked by a an American "little person". Nobel Prizes are just not getting the job done. The New Order needs to confer titles like Duke, Earl, and Viscount. Then maybe little people will behave around them as they should.
I know a few massage therapists-- my ex-wife was one back in the day. This sort of behavior by a client is actually rare, much more rare than you might think considering the way that some people think when they hear the word "massage".
In fact, the massage therapists I know would object to the label "masseuse" because of the societal baggage that comes along with it. They prefer "massage therapist".
The point: It takes an exceptionally narcissistic person to pull this sort of stuff. It is attempted rape, nothing less. And if this woman seems a little crazed by the experience, not quite knowing what to do about it, well, that's a perfectly understandable reaction to such a strange and rare and threatening occurrence.
Now will the Dembots start claiming that she was actually a prostitute and that she should have known that a sexual encounter was expected of her upon entering that hotel room?
Or is the line just that this woman is verbose and a little confused and therefore should not be trusted, especially since the offender here is such a super-duper elite?
In the case of the Church we had numerous court cases proving abuse had occurred, and on-the-record accounts of the Church's reaction to those cases.
In this case, we have third-hand accounts of how anonymous people reacted to second-hand accounts of an encounter between Gore and a massage therapist.
So, no, I'm not ready to level anywhere near the kind of condemnation I level at the Church. Even setting aside the fact that the Church is supposed to be held to a higher standard, there's the little fact that they are, and were, provably guilty. The "suck it up" crowd might not even exist.
"When did Austrians start speaking with Australian slang?"
I suspect they don't. But when the folks at the Vatican tried writing a letter to them in Austrian that's what they came up with.
No wonder there's still confusion about the issues involved.
Though, when asked what they thought about the Vatican attempting Austrian rather than the native German, the church leaders simply responded, "No worries."
Interesting. That linked piece is dated tomorrow, and yet the actual content is so yesterday. Day before yesterday in fact. What gives? Why nothing new?
There appears a common thread across Gore's hypocrisy, sanctimony, profiteering and lechery: he is a vengeful captive of his 2000 loss.
The accuser said Gore maneuvered her into the bedroom. His iPod docking station was there, he told her, and he wanted her to listen to "Dear Mr. President," a lachrymose attack on George W. Bush by the singer Pink.
Obviously, it was the masseuse's fault for failing to make a connection with Gore's root chakra.
Lingam is the Sanskrit word for the penis. It literally means "wand of light". Lingam massage is the ritual of honoring and healing this part of the body. Touching the penis not from a place of arousal and orgasm but from a joy and wonder of this beautiful part of the body.
I hadn't heard just suck it up as a thing liberal women say. Never. I grew up in a .. well I was going to say "conservative" town, but really more than either lib/conservative, it was all about preserving the power structure (a mid sized city in the South). I was a bit of a hellion and I distinctly remember one very powerful woman, a mother of a friend, pointedly relating a story to me about someone who "does not know which side their bread is buttered on." My spine tingled. The message was clear: toe the line young lady.
"This sort of behavior by a client is actually rare, much more rare than you might think"
Of course. The elusive ManBearPig is rarely encountered in the urban setting. Their near extinction is the justification for the crazed-sex-poodle breeding behavior. This is a survival issue. We needs to seek endangered species protection for it.
I think people would have more sympathy if the ManBearPig was cute like bunny or helpless like a Snail Darter or wise like the Spotted Owl. The unfortunate fact that it is a fat, smelly, hairy predator deeply threatens it's survival. We are such anthropocentric fools.
Just 'suck it up' for the cause is basically what NOW told Monica Lewinsky.
Did NOW tell Monica Lewinsky to flash her thong at the President? Monica couldn't have thought that Bill would have dumped Hillary for her -- she had to be going for the experience.
Wow. First the climategate stuff comes out that more or less dismisses the claim that global warming is occurring, and then this. Almost makes one feel sorry for Al Gore doesn't it?
Nah. Who am I trying to kid? This is great entertainment.
FLS: Glad I caught you because I need some advice. I am off to Scotland for the glorious 12th and need your advice on the best shotgun. Which is it that you use on upland game? I forget. And since I will be there for the opener you might suggest both choke and shot size. Best.
That a man of such singular importance to the continued health, to the very existence of Gaia, was willing to chance the loss of his precious bodily fluids for us, for us...no, I'm a little verklempt...talk amongst yourselves.
"In the churches, in the courts, in the police stations, in Ireland, in Belgium, in Spain, in the US, in Italy, in Austria, in the blogs, in the pews, in the pubs, in the alleys, in the newspapers, in the media, in the... well, everywhere. It has been condemned quite a bit and for a good while now."
Where is the condemnation?
My question was ambiguous - sorry.
I meant, where is the same condemnation for NOW's and this lady's protection of the approved institution at the expense of an individual, as there was for the Catholic church.
Where's the condemnation indeed. I think that has been very much at the root of Althouse's strong reaction against much contemporary feminism.
Indeed it very much is like what happens within the church. People are very quick to condemn outsiders but protect leaders of their own groups. The church scandals were hushed up for so long because people did not want to accuse or destroy a "man of God". It's a terrible habit. Like Paul says in 1 Corinthians, "kick out the immoral brother."
It's for the sake of the message we have to be harsh against those who trash the message with their actions, and not harsh against those who are trashed by "the immoral brother."
How many teachers have been charged/convicted with child molestation in the last 25 years? Judging by the MSM, it was about 3. And they were all hot chicks hooking up with adolescent boys. Anyone think that's an accurate picture?
Now, from the band The Sex Crazed Poodles, their new album Adductor Massage Therapy, and their hit single Release My Second Chakra, Dammit, with guest singer, Pink, and Hole playing backup.
If you want a best gun, I'd get a Purdey. Probably too late to get one now, but you could stop by for a fitting.
Which is it that you use on upland game? I forget.
Citori in 12 ga.
And since I will be there for the opener you might suggest both choke and shot size
What kind of shooting will yo be doing? How far away will the birds be when they break? Can they still use lead shot, or have the enviroNazis prohibited it?
Look at this pic of a British Lab, and tell me what he's doing:
Dear Mr. Vice President, Come take a deposition with me. Let's pretend we're just two people and You're not better than me. I'd like to ask you some questions if we can speak honestly.
How do you rectify this with your wife? Who do you pray for at night before you release your second chakra? What do you feel when you look in the mirror? Are you proud?
I am going to ask my wife for a release of my second chakra
Isn't that one of the nature-keyed Asian practices that inspired the New Age movement which Camille Paglia believes has preserved the radical vision of the modern sexual revolution?
Question 2: Does Al Gore sport shorts when he's out and about?
They prefer "massage therapist".
I think I see the source of the problem. Slightly buzzed, Al Gore read the words "massage therapist," and read them as MASSAGE THE RAPIST. Because he was the massagee, so to speak, he identified himself as the rapist.
That second chakra horseshit sounds like a remarkably pretentious way of asking for a handjob. I can see Gore using such a high faluting term, and the expression lends credence to the woman's account. Perhaps if he had straight up asked for a hand job or had offered her a productivity bonus, the affair would have had a happier ending. High minded idealists like Gore have a lot of trouble handling their own banality.
FLS: The lab in the picture is doing what he is supposed to do: retrieve a dead bird. Send a picture of one pointing which is what you said yours did.
I am going for the glorious 12th which, of course, is the opening day of grouse season in the UK. But of course you knew that. Since I will be shooting walk-up, as opposed to driven birds, I will probably use a Boss 20 bore, double triggers and side by side. I own a Purdey (two year delivery now old Chap) but it is a 12 and has a cast off stock and is bored too tight for what I will be doing: it was made for driven birds, but you would have known that too. The shooting will be behind English pointers which will point the birds. But you knew that, just as you know some of the people from the village will trail behind with Labradors to pick up the dead birds. But you knew that too. I will likely use #6 but 8s might do as well. The grouse are fast but the English pointers hold them and the hunter can walk up to the back of the quivering pointer and the handler will give him a touch and he will go forward into the birds. Should you miss you can see them fly quite a ways on the moor. But if you hit one, and I will, the Labradors will probably find him even in the heather which is up to mid calf. Hard to find those dead ones without a Labrador Retriever, but you knew that.
Your use of a 12 bore on quail is obscene, way too much gun. Not done where I come from.
Man I miss my chocolate labs. Haven't owned a dog since my female passed 5 yrs ago. Neither hunted a lick, but the male, Frank, was an expert rock diver. You could throw a rock in a lake and he would almost always bring one up at least twice the size of the one thrown. I once remember him working on a rock for the longest time, only his ass-end above water - coming up for air periodically, wondering what in the hell he was trying to do, then finally came up hauling about a 40lb piece of asphalt back to shore he had found to the amazement and cheers of onlookers at a Fourth of July picnic.
Garage: I had a black Labrador named Jacob that I trained using James Lamb Free's book and he was splendid. He loved to duck hunt and chase anything you could throw. Literally you could throw tennis balls in the water all day and he would get them again and again.
I knew a springer spaniel who would go and find those rocks in the woods or in the water. It was amazing, because we all carefully examined the rocks before we threw them. He never cheated.
I would have cheered with the asphalt. Hooray!! And on the fourth. I am dog less at the moment too.
Michael I should have qualified something. The female, Katy, was a pacifistic all around sweetheart, I don't think she had the make-up to be a good retriever. The male most definitely I think had the potential to be a very good one. The problem was me, not him. Just never had the time or energy to train him, as we just had a baby. Anyways I still think about those labs almost every day.
P.S> I had a friend that had a black lab, Fred, and he was famous for catching fastballs [tennis balls]. You could throw some pretty good heat and he catch most of them, especially when thrown right to give him the full chance. Big, wide ole block head black lab. Beautiful dog. He wouldn't play any other kind of fetch though. Only pitch/catch with tennis balls. Weird. heh
In the case of the Church we had numerous court cases proving abuse had occurred...
Proving? We may have had numerous cases where people were convicted of abuse, but by its very nature this crime is almost impossible to actually "prove". Mostly what we have is allegations, just like in the Gore case.
I looked at this blog earlier today and I saw the post and I didn't click through because I assumed this statement was written ironically by some conservative snarker.
Lo and behold, it was serious. It is difficult for me to believe that people would really think that way.
garage: Old Jake would break before I gave him the signal. He was about a year and a half old and was already huge. James Lamb Free's book suggested I put a choke collar on him and tie on fifty feet of clothes line. Let him break and then shout for him to stop and yank on the clothes line. Well Jake went charging out and I grabbed the cord when he was about thirty feet out. Like in a cartoon my hands were smoking as he easily jerked twenty feet of cord through my palms. Ouch. I then tied it to a tree and when he hit the end of the rope....the choke chain broke. Lesson learned, by me. He was not to be fully broken. RIP Jake.
As the relationship developed over time, Ms. Lewinsky grew emotionally attached to President Clinton. She testified: "I never expected to fall in love with the President. I was surprised that I did."(44) Ms. Lewinsky told him of her feelings.(45) At times, she believed that he loved her too.(46) They were physically affectionate: "A lot of hugging, holding hands sometimes. He always used to push the hair out of my face."(47) She called him "Handsome"; on occasion, he called her "Sweetie," "Baby," or sometimes "Dear."(48) He told her that he enjoyed talking to her -- she recalled his saying that the two of them were "emotive and full of fire," and she made him feel young.(50) He said he wished he could spend more time with her.(51)
Ms. Lewinsky told confidants of the emotional underpinnings of the relationship as it evolved. According to her mother, Marcia Lewis, the President once told Ms. Lewinsky that she "had been hurt a lot or something by different men and that he would be her friend or he would help her, not hurt her."(52) According to Ms. Lewinsky's friend Neysa Erbland, President Clinton once confided in Ms. Lewinsky that he was uncertain whether he would remain married after he left the White House. He said in essence, "[W]ho knows what will happen four years from now when I am out of office?" Ms. Lewinsky thought, according to Ms. Erbland, that "maybe she will be his wife."(53)
Like in a cartoon my hands were smoking as he easily jerked twenty feet of cord through my palms.
Dang. Know the feeling though. I really stupidly tried to thumb a spool of line over-spinning on a Penn reel with a real big wahoo that I set the drag too light on. Had a blister/groove on my thumb forever. Lesson learned.
Michael: Where I'm from, 12 gauge is the first choice for quail, and for just about anything else, unless you're a child or a woman.
Now, I'm not saying that a 20 gauge is useless. My grandmother was a legendary shot with a 20 gauge; our family tells a story of how some dandies from Field & Stream showed up at the farm for some quail hunting with extravagantly expensive shotguns like yours, and FLS's; and she supposedly put them to shame with a beat-to-hell single-shot worth a few dollars.
So a 20 gauge could be a good choice; if you're a teenage girl, like she was.
I'm not sure what you and FLS are going on about, what with the farcical nonsense about villagers trailing behind to pick up the birds and $5,000 shotguns and such; sounds like you're trying to out-shithead each other as a continuation from another thread. They're quail. You get within a few yards and execute them on take-off. It's the easiest wingshooting there is. They might as well be sitting on a fencepost. You should use a slingshot, as I have, and give them a chance.
Please everyone remember this episode when it is time to beat up on a conservative Republican when some charge is made against her/him. Please no whining about how the charges are unsubstantiated and based on one person's word about an event that supposedly happened several years ago.
All's fair! I hear that Bobby Jindal has some pretty juicy skeletons in his closet!
Pastafarian: My first gun was a pump 12 gauge Savage and I killed a lot of birds with it. I find that I can swing a 20 a lot faster in my 65th year than I can a heavy 12. I shot over 900 dove in a day in Argentina and I was not even close to the top guy. 20 gauge. Could not have made the day with a 12. I have seen a lot of good old country boys chawing about their skills to the city boys with the fancy guns and have seen the city boys out shoot them. I used to shoot with a local in upstate NY who had a single shot 12 with an extra shell duct taped to the stock. He couldn't shoot worth a shit. Grew good dope, though.
"Thanks Ann and Meade for lowering the bar so low! "
I think the blame for that lies with:
Gary Hart Bill Clinton John Edwards, All Presidents or at least the choice of most Democrats at one time. That's just at the Presidential level.
There is of course other levels of Government where the light is even brighter
William Jefferson Marion Barry Cynthia McKinney
"Democrat" it's the new "classy".
All of their exploits were denied initially as well. Some people are just losing the right to the benefit of the doubt. I certainly believe in innocent until proven, but where are all the cases where the rumor turned out wrong?
Given that the standard is now one person making one charge about an "event" from the distant pass then something tells me I will be linking back to this post in the not so distant future.
Given that the standard is now one person making one charge about an "event" from the distant pass sic
Tell us, Jake. How did you feel about Anita Hill? Or does history start only when you took that class called Contemporary Issues at junior college last year?
At the time I thought that Anita Hill's charges were a late hit and not appropriate. They also distracted from the obvious fact that Clarence Thomas was woefully under qualified for the court.
So, the Hill sage was both unfair and distracting.
But 7-M your position is that you can acted scummy because of something that happened twenty years ago? Boy, I see that coming back to bite you in the ass.
I do not believe that Al Gore can act scummy because Anita Hill made baseless accusations against Clarence Thomas. I think Al Gore should use escort services properly. I believe that, with a little training, he will succeed.
Interesting that garage only wants to talk about dogs and Jake is already laying the ground work to justify the next media smear job on a Republican, "I hear that Bobby Jindal has some pretty juicy skeletons in his closet!".
Doesn't matter whether they're true, just that "when it is time to beat up on a conservative Republican". Another son of a Saul.
Problem is The Living Redwood's victim, like Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey, has turned out to be credible, This is what happens when people who fancy themselves the ruling class in a federal republic try to invoke le droit de seigneur.
This thread merely proves the point Althouse made in her post: the left is primarily interested in propping up its leadership at whatever cost. Logic, principle, virtue, and coherence are twaddle compared to what's most important: defending the Dear Leaders.
edutcher wrote "Doesn't matter whether they're true..."
Don't kid yourself, Ann's Hillbillies don't care whether the charges against Gore are true. Somehow in their twisted little minds it directly refutes the scientific evidence supporting global climate change.
Look, lets be honest. There are individuals and groups on both the left and the right that play in this gutter. They personally hold themselves in pretty low regard.
It is also fair to say that Ann and Meade are part of this too large school of gutter snipers.
Ann's Hillbillies don't care whether the charges against Gore are true. Somehow in their twisted little minds it directly refutes the scientific evidence supporting global climate change.
This is a perfect example of the vapidity and stupidity of people on the left. No one here is making any connection between the charges against Gore and global warming. The person making the charge said that someone told her she should not make the charge because doing so could affect Gore's global warming crusade.
"...the obvious fact that Clarence Thomas was woefully under qualified for the court."
Who are you Harry Reid?
Henry: When you were asked on NBC's "Meet the Press" whether or not you could support Justice Thomas to be chief justice you said quote, "I think that he has been an embarrassment to the Supreme Court. I think that his opinions are poorly written." Could you name one of those opinions that you think is poorly written? Reid: Oh sure, that's easy to do. You take the Hillside Dairy case. In that case you had a dissent written by Scalia and a dissent written by Thomas. There--it's like looking at an eighth-grade dissertation compared to somebody who just graduated from Harvard.
Here is what Thomas wrote: I join Parts I and III of the Court's opinion and respectfully dissent from Part II, which holds that §144 of the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996, 7 U.S.C. §7254, "does not clearly express an intent to insulate California's pricing and pooling laws from a Commerce Clause challenge." Ante, at 6-7. Although I agree that the Court of Appeals erred in its statutory analysis, I nevertheless would affirm its judgment on this claim because "[t]he negative Commerce Clause has no basis in the text of the Constitution, makes little sense, and has proved virtually unworkable in application," Camps Newfound/Owatonna, Inc. v. Town of Harrison, 520 U.S. 564, 610 (1997) (Thomas, J., dissenting), and, consequently, cannot serve as a basis for striking down a state statute.
I've had a Golden Retriever and now a Spaniel. Both hate the water. Go figure. I'd love to have a lab, but one dog at a time, as I constantly tell the wife.
Seven, I confess to not following closely, but is someone actually defending Gore here? There are people not condemning his actions, but I don't see that as defending.
It's hard to defend, anyway, when you're laughing at someone.
Oh gosh, this blog post has outlived its usefulness by a mile.
Here are people on the left hoping against hope that it ain't so, but resigned to the fact that it most likely is, and a bit chastened about the whole thing.
And there are the ones on the right insisting that everyone on the left is in denial about Gore simply because they are leftists and must stand together or some such.
Newsflash: this has been in the Post and the NYT, on the front web page. Libs understand what this means. They might not be shouting it from the rooftops as you are, but that does not mean they are assault apologists or otherwise in denial about it.
*Assistant Attorney General of Missouri *Corporate Attorney with Monsanto Company *Legislative Assistant for a US Senator *Assistant Secretary of Education for the Office of Civil Rights *Chairman of the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission *Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
You're right. He should have stayed back in Georgia speaking Gullah.
HT -- Where have I said that anyone is in denial about Al Gore?
The problem you are having is that you and your buddy Jake have come here with preconceived notions about whom you will find. And you are trying to fit what you see written into those preconceived notions. And it's not working out for you because your preconceived notions are wrong and you are stupid.
The pic in the lower left hand corner, where "Ash" is pointing a bird.
I never cared about shooting birds in the UK. I know about Purdey because my one buddy visited them in London, and bought as much as he could afford, which was a pair of snap caps.
A friend of mine shoots dove, even late in the season, with a .410, and I do admire him for that.
If my great-uncle ever kicks, he's promised to leave me his drilling. But of course you know what that is.
pasta, a Citori doesn't cost much more than an autoloader, and is much less touchy. My first shotgun was a Mossberg that someone had won in a DU raffle and wanted to get rid of. And the safeties of the two guns are in the same place.
I'd love to have a lab, but one dog at a time, as I constantly tell the wife.
We decided if you always have two, then you always have one. Being dogless just plain feels weird.
In my limited experience, labs have a lot of variability. All the ones I have especially liked have been yellow, but that is probably just coincidence.
AJ -- The only way to get thrown under the bus is to support the war effort or aspects of Guantanamo, like Lieberman.
I bet the left is relieved that our armed forces are out of harm's way and that Guantanamo is closed. That Obama. He sure is living up to his credentials.
I don't know any liberal who ever idolized Al Gore. To me he was as big a sad sack as W. Al had warmed a chair in the West Wing for eight years, and thought he was entitled to be President, without any visible aptitude for the job.
edutcher wrote "Doesn't matter whether they're true..."
Don't kid yourself, Ann's Hillbillies don't care whether the charges against Gore are true. Somehow in their twisted little minds it directly refutes the scientific evidence supporting global climate change.
Anyone who wants to look back a couple of days will find said Hillbillies were more than a little skeptical of the charges. Ann, in particular, talked about waiting for more evidence. Nobody was ready to imagine The Living Redwood had been taking lessons from the Serial Rapist in Chief.
"Bag -- Don't you remember how conservatives were so voraciously defending the foot-tapper guy?"
That's a good example for comparison.
Larry Craig tapped his foot in a bathroom stall. At worst, propositioning an adult for sex... maybe. I still don't see the crime there, unless you just hate gayism.
Al Gore assaults and attempts to rape a woman. Is there any question about that being despicable and illegal?
Yet many liberals see these as about equal on the scandal chart. That's why these liberal leaders think they can do this crap. It's the group's mores in action and these are the alphas, (alpha-liberals, so to speak).
Don't bother Jake with the fact that I myself said and continue to maintain that these charges strain credibility because Al Gore surely knows how to order an escort properly. Jake has come here with preconceived notions about Althouse and its commentariat.
The "hillbillies" part cinches it; the man can't even come up with an original insult so he had to get it from some other place that was talking about us. But we are the idiots. Jake read about it in some leftist hothouse.
In the juvenile leftist mind, it is a much bigger scandal to be a gay Republican than to be accused of trying to molest an unwilling backscrubber while married.
After all, it's just human nature to want to throw yourself all over somebody sexually. But nobody could value economic and political freedom over the right to have recognition of your marriage vows from the government -- the government, the end-all, be-all of space, time, and existence.
Until recently every liberal I knew held him in high regard
Gore's being right about global warming puts him in the category of stopped clocks and blind pigs. The man has traditionally given empty suits a bad name.
I'm going to charitably guess he was high as a weather balloon at massage time. No one who looks like him could see himself in the mirror every day and conclude women craved a carnal connection with him.
If my great-uncle ever kicks, he's promised to leave me his drilling. But of course you know what that is.
The relative I have in town who remembers the Flu Pandemic of 1918 had a sweet blue steel Colt Handgun made in the 30s. My great-uncle gave it to her for when she drove around S. Carolina at night. I coveted it, but she gave it to a nephew of hers who collects.
Nuts. Closest I've gotten to gun ownership. I'll probably inherit Dad's when he dies. I'm too cheap to buy my own.
Remember when the Left was funny and the Right was humorless?
What happened? This link is to a line you couldn't put in a novel. A masseuse, getting advice from other masseuses that if she presses charges against Al Gore for sexual assault, "the world's going to be destroyed from global warming."
I don't care where you are on this issue, that is spit-out-your-coffee funny. It's like that famous line in the Beatles' "Help!" when the villain says of a ring that Ringo's wearing, "With this ring I could, dare I say it, rule the world!"
I can just see Jake and HT and the others sitting in the audience back in 1965 when everyone else is laughing, sitting grim-faced saying, "that's not funny! You're not supposed to laugh at things like that! Damn these hillbillies!"
Does anyone ever notice how important it is to move on -- HT's words -- from scandals plaguing leftists (there's even a website called moveon, about something that happened in 1998). Yet we must dwell on things like George W. Bush's military service during the Vietnam War, some person named Valerie Plame, hurricanes in the South, toe-tapping gay members or Congress, and all manner of calamities involving Republicans?
This is the dumbest thread I've ever read here, mainly because of Michael and FLS's ridiculous oneupsmanship about hunting. Nobody gives a shit, guys, but no doubt you two will be impressed to learn that my gillies do my hunting for me, and pepper each other's face with buckshot on my command, while I sit in my sedan chair, laughing, laughing, la--ouch, my gout.
But did you laugh at why she didn't report the alleged crime?
Because all this thread should be about. How funny our political culture has become. Not to minimize either sexual harassment or global warming. But still.
Is it time to play "let's pretend"? As in "let's pretend the mainstream media and the political left (but I repeat myself) don't automatically treat accusations as gospel truth when they are leveled against conservatives"?
I'm tired of playing that game. Reality is more fun.
I don't know any liberal who ever idolized Al Gore.
Oh you have GOT to be kidding me. The Gore is/was a fucking rockstar to the Left. He's the guy who got robbed by W. He's the guy who championed Global Warming on the world stage. He made A Movie. And it Won and Academy Award. And he Won the Nobel Prize. Practically every mention of Gore in the past ten years by a liberal has been made with drooling adoration. What you wrote just confirms to me that you are a horrible liar.
"The "hillbillies" part cinches it; the man can't even come up with an original insult so he had to get it from some other place that was talking about us."
Give him some credit. As one of his other sockpuppets ("L. E. Lee")*, I think he may have been the first person to yammer on about all the hillbillies! hillbillies! hillbillies! on Althouse.
"I don't know any liberal who ever idolized Al Gore."
The Chad Mitchell Trio says it's time for all liberals to sing:
"Each and every liberal dances to the strain Of the I Was Not an Al Gore Groupie. All without exception join in the refrain Of the I Was Not Al Gore Groupie...."
We know that millions of Teacher's Union members must love him. They allowed that crappy movie of his to supplant centuries of actual scholarship on subjects like how coastlines are formed, how weather patterns and climatic conditions make for a constantly changing environment, the role of solar (and other) radiation in Earth's life cycles, etc. Just basic natural sciences stuff. All chucked out the window in favor of an ex-Veep doing his best Troy McClure impression. Frickin' Nobel Prize for narrating a film? Gimme a break. That's even weaker than Obama's Nobel Prize for Participation.
the pious new age shit, the immaturity, the entitlement, the complete lack of self-awareness. it sounds exactly like Algore. if she's making it up, she has a writer's talent.
FLS: The one lame picture you cite is not of a Lab pointing a bird.
There are a couple of Lab owners on this blog who can fill you in on their role in the field.
I have an idea. You contact the dog breeders whose site you linked to . You ask them if they have a Labrador pointer for sale. If they say yes I will buy you the dog or pay you the equivalent amount of money. If, on the other hand, they laugh in your face, you pay me.
Unless his brain is ossified to the point where it rejects all new information, Michael's just trolling me at this point. So I will let him retain his self-image as universal hunting expert.
Some Labs are pointers, and really I can only swear that the particular Lab I hunted with is a pointer.
Dogs are bred to have certain traits, but that doesn't mean other doggie traits have been bred out of them, at least not out of all of them. There are poodles with Herding Instinct Certificates.
On Al Gore: I agree at this point it's He said/She Said. Perhaps the allegedly cum-stained pants will be dispositive. The only interesting part of this tawdry story is the way the masseuse's friends urged her to take one for the team. Any denial that this is the way Gore has been treated for years by the Left is laughable.
On hunting: of course most Labs are flushers and retrievers, not pointers. But some can indeed be trained to point, making what is probably the perfect all-around canine hunting companion. I recall reading an article on this very topic in the American Hunter a decade or two ago.
The only thing I use a 12 gauge for is ducks and geese. I even took my modest 20 gauge o/u on a pheasant hunt for the first time a couple of years ago, and limited out by mid morning every day with very few misses and no cripples or lost birds. Totally humiliated my sky busting pal with his 12 ga. Benelli autoloader shooting 3-1/2 inch shells.
And yeah this is sort of he said she said but, as far as I know, Irene's poodles have never even thought about sexually harassing any therapeutic massage professionals. Good boys!
No, they'll never win an Oscar or the Nobel Peace prize. I suspect they like being rubbed under their chins and maybe their third and even fourth chakras from time to time.
Ann Althouse, global warming denier and gossip monger.
The quote you highlight from the story is not attributed to Al Gore but an un-named friend of the alleged masseuse. You make it sound like it came from Gore.
Maybe it sounded like that to you. If so, you think Gore is a bigger monster/fool than I do. Sorry I forgot to account for that. It never even crossed my mind.
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She did not say "Just suck it up" did she?
"That brought on another "quick shift" in Gore's mood. "I never saw anybody's moods just go like this," the masseuse told police, snapping her fingers."
serenity now, serenity now... Hoochie mama!
Just 'suck it up' for the cause is basically what NOW told Monica Lewinsky.
And how is that different from what the Catholic church leaders wanted people to do following allegations of abuse?
If ManBearPig had a nickle for every time that line worked on some lefty chick, he's be as rich as Al Gore.
I am going to ask my wife for a release of my second chakra after working on my adductor muscles.
To think I have missing out for all these years.
Awhile back, Beth had advised I lend some mystery to my plan to wear just chainsaw chaps, by adding a bow tie.
Now this.
Man, I can't wait to combine this all into one big soirée.
"how is that different from what the Catholic church leaders wanted people to do following allegations of abuse?"
Wanted? Want.
Lie back and think of England
If ManBearPig had a nickle for every time that line worked on some lefty chick, he'd be as rich as Al Gore.
Pogo, just make sure you're not wearing shorts. The word on the street is that really lowers a woman's libido.
The word "up" was extraneous.
"Wanted? Want."
Yeah, OK. And where is the same condemnation?
The carbon footprint for an incarcerated person is much smaller than your average limousine liberal? If so, I suggest Al Bore do the right thing and confess.
Did the Vatican send a protest letter in Austrian to that cardinal?
Al is nuts. When you accept that, the universe makes sense and your worries melt away. That's my advice to those under his spell.
Gore's mistake was to assume that these women were loose yet tight-lipped.
So to speak.
"Did the Vatican send a protest letter in Austrian to that cardinal?"
Yeah, I heard it started out with:
"G'day, Mate, we here down in the home office have heard you've become a bit of a dob. Quit your whinging, you old stickybeak."
"where is the same condemnation?"
In the churches, in the courts, in the police stations, in Ireland, in Belgium, in Spain, in the US, in Italy, in Austria, in the blogs, in the pews, in the pubs, in the alleys, in the newspapers, in the media, in the... well, everywhere. It has been condemned quite a bit and for a good while now.
Could it possibly get worse? Sure. Will it? Probably not. Of course, I said that back when climategate broke.
Seriously, though. Why do people continue to take this idiot seriously? Very few people rise to the level of flesh-and-blood caricature, but ManBearPig's managed to pull it off.
The best South Park takedown was the episode where they cruelly spoofed Rob Reiner's anti-smoking crusade.
I wonder if South Park has a bias against fat guys.
When did Austrians start speaking with Australian slang?
Now, conservative like detailed and multiple page reports!
I said this when the story broke. I'm skeptical, but this section here makes her story far more believable to me. Liberal women have a long history of saying "just suck it up" to women wronged by liberal men, and they rarely see for what it is unless it happens to them.
If she truely was a liberal, I doubt that she would have just made that part up.
- Lyssa
Looks like the New World Governance's aristocracy has once more been rudely attacked by a an American "little person". Nobel Prizes are just not getting the job done. The New Order needs to confer titles like Duke, Earl, and Viscount. Then maybe little people will behave around them as they should.
I know a few massage therapists-- my ex-wife was one back in the day. This sort of behavior by a client is actually rare, much more rare than you might think considering the way that some people think when they hear the word "massage".
In fact, the massage therapists I know would object to the label "masseuse" because of the societal baggage that comes along with it. They prefer "massage therapist".
The point: It takes an exceptionally narcissistic person to pull this sort of stuff. It is attempted rape, nothing less. And if this woman seems a little crazed by the experience, not quite knowing what to do about it, well, that's a perfectly understandable reaction to such a strange and rare and threatening occurrence.
Now will the Dembots start claiming that she was actually a prostitute and that she should have known that a sexual encounter was expected of her upon entering that hotel room?
Or is the line just that this woman is verbose and a little confused and therefore should not be trusted, especially since the offender here is such a super-duper elite?
Yeah, OK. And where is the same condemnation?
In the case of the Church we had numerous court cases proving abuse had occurred, and on-the-record accounts of the Church's reaction to those cases.
In this case, we have third-hand accounts of how anonymous people reacted to second-hand accounts of an encounter between Gore and a massage therapist.
So, no, I'm not ready to level anywhere near the kind of condemnation I level at the Church. Even setting aside the fact that the Church is supposed to be held to a higher standard, there's the little fact that they are, and were, provably guilty. The "suck it up" crowd might not even exist.
Al Gore. "Capt" Paul Wilson. 2 fatasses that say I'm consuming too much.
"When did Austrians start speaking with Australian slang?"
I suspect they don't. But when the folks at the Vatican tried writing a letter to them in Austrian that's what they came up with.
No wonder there's still confusion about the issues involved.
Though, when asked what they thought about the Vatican attempting Austrian rather than the native German, the church leaders simply responded, "No worries."
oh, come on. i brought this up the last time we talked about this. i cited right from the transcript... give me some credit, man...
btw, the computer generated animation of gore is frickin' hilarious.
Just suck it up; otherwise, ...[insert liberal scare prophecy here]."
Taxes, regulation, and coerced sexual favors, all under the guise of some sweaty gummint slacker telling you what's best for you.
Same as it ever was.
Interesting. That linked piece is dated tomorrow, and yet the actual content is so yesterday. Day before yesterday in fact. What gives? Why nothing new?
There appears a common thread across Gore's hypocrisy, sanctimony, profiteering and lechery: he is a vengeful captive of his 2000 loss.
The accuser said Gore maneuvered her into the bedroom. His iPod docking station was there, he told her, and he wanted her to listen to "Dear Mr. President," a lachrymose attack on George W. Bush by the singer Pink.
Obviously, it was the masseuse's fault for failing to make a connection with Gore's root chakra.
Sacred Lingam Massage.
Lingam is the Sanskrit word for the penis. It literally means "wand of light". Lingam massage is the ritual of honoring and healing this part of the body. Touching the penis not from a place of arousal and orgasm but from a joy and wonder of this beautiful part of the body.
I hadn't heard just suck it up as a thing liberal women say. Never. I grew up in a .. well I was going to say "conservative" town, but really more than either lib/conservative, it was all about preserving the power structure (a mid sized city in the South). I was a bit of a hellion and I distinctly remember one very powerful woman, a mother of a friend, pointedly relating a story to me about someone who "does not know which side their bread is buttered on." My spine tingled. The message was clear: toe the line young lady.
"This sort of behavior by a client is actually rare, much more rare than you might think"
Of course. The elusive ManBearPig is rarely encountered in the urban setting. Their near extinction is the justification for the crazed-sex-poodle breeding behavior. This is a survival issue. We needs to seek endangered species protection for it.
I think people would have more sympathy if the ManBearPig was cute like bunny or helpless like a Snail Darter or wise like the Spotted Owl. The unfortunate fact that it is a fat, smelly, hairy predator deeply threatens it's survival. We are such anthropocentric fools.
Well, what did we expect? The Left treats him like a rock star celebrity and he ends up behaving like a rock star celebrity. Amazing!
Just 'suck it up' for the cause is basically what NOW told Monica Lewinsky.
Did NOW tell Monica Lewinsky to flash her thong at the President? Monica couldn't have thought that Bill would have dumped Hillary for her -- she had to be going for the experience.
Wow. First the climategate stuff comes out that more or less dismisses the claim that global warming is occurring, and then this. Almost makes one feel sorry for Al Gore doesn't it?
Nah. Who am I trying to kid? This is great entertainment.
FLS: Glad I caught you because I need some advice. I am off to Scotland for the glorious 12th and need your advice on the best shotgun. Which is it that you use on upland game? I forget. And since I will be there for the opener you might suggest both choke and shot size. Best.
Taxes, regulation, and coerced sexual favors, all under the guise of some sweaty gummint slacker telling you what's best for you.
That's the plot of Das Leben der anderen.
That a man of such singular importance to the continued health, to the very existence of Gaia, was willing to chance the loss of his precious bodily fluids for us, for us...no, I'm a little verklempt...talk amongst yourselves.
"In the churches, in the courts, in the police stations, in Ireland, in Belgium, in Spain, in the US, in Italy, in Austria, in the blogs, in the pews, in the pubs, in the alleys, in the newspapers, in the media, in the... well, everywhere. It has been condemned quite a bit and for a good while now."
Where is the condemnation?
My question was ambiguous - sorry.
I meant, where is the same condemnation for NOW's and this lady's protection of the approved institution at the expense of an individual, as there was for the Catholic church.
How long can it be before there is a band called the Sex Crazed Poodles?
ahhhh, that makes much more sense.
Where's the condemnation indeed. I think that has been very much at the root of Althouse's strong reaction against much contemporary feminism.
Indeed it very much is like what happens within the church. People are very quick to condemn outsiders but protect leaders of their own groups. The church scandals were hushed up for so long because people did not want to accuse or destroy a "man of God". It's a terrible habit. Like Paul says in 1 Corinthians, "kick out the immoral brother."
It's for the sake of the message we have to be harsh against those who trash the message with their actions, and not harsh against those who are trashed by "the immoral brother."
How many teachers have been charged/convicted with child molestation in the last 25 years? Judging by the MSM, it was about 3. And they were all hot chicks hooking up with adolescent boys. Anyone think that's an accurate picture?
The scary thing? Gore almost became our president. Imagine, two presidents in a row with their DNA toted around on textile samples.
The Smithsonian would've had to open a new exhibit...
Now, from the band The Sex Crazed Poodles, their new album Adductor Massage Therapy, and their hit single Release My Second Chakra, Dammit, with guest singer, Pink, and Hole playing backup.
NOW and Gloria Steinem have denounced the Goracle for this, right, thus advancing the feminist cause?
When the world is eventually destroyed by global warming, I personally am gonna be really really pissed at that massage lady.
Why can't she just take one for the team?
need your advice on the best shotgun.
If you want a best gun, I'd get a Purdey. Probably too late to get one now, but you could stop by for a fitting.
Which is it that you use on upland game? I forget.
Citori in 12 ga.
And since I will be there for the opener you might suggest both choke and shot size
What kind of shooting will yo be doing? How far away will the birds be when they break? Can they still use lead shot, or have the enviroNazis prohibited it?
Look at this pic of a British Lab, and tell me what he's doing:
Perhaps Lynda Barry could sketch out a sex crazed poodle for a T-shirt:
He's mad as HELL
Lynda Barry is tops.
Loved her "Marlys " stuff.
She's a bit of a loon, natch.
"Dear Mr. Vice President"
Dear Mr. Vice President,
Come take a deposition with me.
Let's pretend we're just two people and
You're not better than me.
I'd like to ask you some questions if we can speak honestly.
How do you rectify this with your wife?
Who do you pray for at night before you release your second chakra?
What do you feel when you look in the mirror?
Are you proud?
I am going to ask my wife for a release of my second chakra
Isn't that one of the nature-keyed Asian practices that inspired the New Age movement which Camille Paglia believes has preserved the radical vision of the modern sexual revolution?
Question 2: Does Al Gore
sport shorts when he's out and about?
They prefer "massage therapist".
I think I see the source of the problem. Slightly buzzed, Al Gore read the words "massage therapist," and read them as MASSAGE THE RAPIST. Because he was the massagee, so to speak, he identified himself as the rapist.
That second chakra horseshit sounds like a remarkably pretentious way of asking for a handjob. I can see Gore using such a high faluting term, and the expression lends credence to the woman's account. Perhaps if he had straight up asked for a hand job or had offered her a productivity bonus, the affair would have had a happier ending. High minded idealists like Gore have a lot of trouble handling their own banality.
FLS: The lab in the picture is doing what he is supposed to do: retrieve a dead bird. Send a picture of one pointing which is what you said yours did.
I am going for the glorious 12th which, of course, is the opening day of grouse season in the UK. But of course you knew that. Since I will be shooting walk-up, as opposed to driven birds, I will probably use a Boss 20 bore, double triggers and side by side. I own a Purdey (two year delivery now old Chap) but it is a 12 and has a cast off stock and is bored too tight for what I will be doing: it was made for driven birds, but you would have known that too. The shooting will be behind English pointers which will point the birds. But you knew that, just as you know some of the people from the village will trail behind with Labradors to pick up the dead birds. But you knew that too. I will likely use #6 but 8s might do as well. The grouse are fast but the English pointers hold them and the hunter can walk up to the back of the quivering pointer and the handler will give him a touch and he will go forward into the birds. Should you miss you can see them fly quite a ways on the moor. But if you hit one, and I will, the Labradors will probably find him even in the heather which is up to mid calf. Hard to find those dead ones without a Labrador Retriever, but you knew that.
Your use of a 12 bore on quail is obscene, way too much gun. Not done where I come from.
The further we go, the more corrupt the Lefties are revealed to be. And they have the gall to call everyone else names.
WV "unsuzzle" What the masseuse had to do to get away from Albert.
Man I miss my chocolate labs. Haven't owned a dog since my female passed 5 yrs ago. Neither hunted a lick, but the male, Frank, was an expert rock diver. You could throw a rock in a lake and he would almost always bring one up at least twice the size of the one thrown. I once remember him working on a rock for the longest time, only his ass-end above water - coming up for air periodically, wondering what in the hell he was trying to do, then finally came up hauling about a 40lb piece of asphalt back to shore he had found to the amazement and cheers of onlookers at a Fourth of July picnic.
Gooood Boy!
Garage: I had a black Labrador named Jacob that I trained using James Lamb Free's book and he was splendid. He loved to duck hunt and chase anything you could throw. Literally you could throw tennis balls in the water all day and he would get them again and again.
I knew a springer spaniel who would go and find those rocks in the woods or in the water. It was amazing, because we all carefully examined the rocks before we threw them. He never cheated.
I would have cheered with the asphalt. Hooray!! And on the fourth. I am dog less at the moment too.
Why is anyone surprised? After all, Mr. Gore is a Nobel Piece prize winner.
Wonder what Bill Clinton thought when he heard about this?
This story is absolutely bizarre. You'd think that rich and powerful men would get propositioned all of the time. Why go this route? Odd.
I should have qualified something. The female, Katy, was a pacifistic all around sweetheart, I don't think she had the make-up to be a good retriever. The male most definitely I think had the potential to be a very good one. The problem was me, not him. Just never had the time or energy to train him, as we just had a baby. Anyways I still think about those labs almost every day.
P.S> I had a friend that had a black lab, Fred, and he was famous for catching fastballs [tennis balls]. You could throw some pretty good heat and he catch most of them, especially when thrown right to give him the full chance. Big, wide ole block head black lab. Beautiful dog. He wouldn't play any other kind of fetch though. Only pitch/catch with tennis balls. Weird. heh
In the case of the Church we had numerous court cases proving abuse had occurred...
Proving? We may have had numerous cases where people were convicted of abuse, but by its very nature this crime is almost impossible to actually "prove". Mostly what we have is allegations, just like in the Gore case.
I looked at this blog earlier today and I saw the post and I didn't click through because I assumed this statement was written ironically by some conservative snarker.
Lo and behold, it was serious. It is difficult for me to believe that people would really think that way.
Meade's Index
Number of times in speech by Al Gore on the acceptance of the Nobel Peace prize December 10, 2007 he uses the following words or phrases:
"marriage": 0
"grew apart" 0
"the royal treatment": 1/2
"adductor muscles": 0
"go lower": 0
"There!" : 6
"release": 2
"treat box": 0
"lachrymose" 0
"You know you want to do it":0
"Gore's lawyers":0
"called the story":0
"absolutely false": 1
garage: Old Jake would break before I gave him the signal. He was about a year and a half old and was already huge. James Lamb Free's book suggested I put a choke collar on him and tie on fifty feet of clothes line. Let him break and then shout for him to stop and yank on the clothes line. Well Jake went charging out and I grabbed the cord when he was about thirty feet out. Like in a cartoon my hands were smoking as he easily jerked twenty feet of cord through my palms. Ouch. I then tied it to a tree and when he hit the end of the rope....the choke chain broke. Lesson learned, by me. He was not to be fully broken. RIP Jake.
Anyways I still think about those labs almost every day.
I love labs. I'd get one in a heartbeat if I had the room.
Monica couldn't have thought that Bill would have dumped Hillary for her -- she had to be going for the experience.
Because women never have unrealistic expectations about the men who are cheating with them.
D. Emotional Attachment
As the relationship developed over time, Ms. Lewinsky grew emotionally attached to President Clinton. She testified: "I never expected to fall in love with the President. I was surprised that I did."(44) Ms. Lewinsky told him of her feelings.(45) At times, she believed that he loved her too.(46) They were physically affectionate: "A lot of hugging, holding hands sometimes. He always used to push the hair out of my face."(47) She called him "Handsome"; on occasion, he called her "Sweetie," "Baby," or sometimes "Dear."(48) He told her that he enjoyed talking to her -- she recalled his saying that the two of them were "emotive and full of fire," and she made him feel young.(50) He said he wished he could spend more time with her.(51)
Ms. Lewinsky told confidants of the emotional underpinnings of the relationship as it evolved. According to her mother, Marcia Lewis, the President once told Ms. Lewinsky that she "had been hurt a lot or something by different men and that he would be her friend or he would help her, not hurt her."(52) According to Ms. Lewinsky's friend Neysa Erbland, President Clinton once confided in Ms. Lewinsky that he was uncertain whether he would remain married after he left the White House. He said in essence, "[W]ho knows what will happen four years from now when I am out of office?" Ms. Lewinsky thought, according to Ms. Erbland, that "maybe she will be his wife."(53)
Like in a cartoon my hands were smoking as he easily jerked twenty feet of cord through my palms.
Dang. Know the feeling though. I really stupidly tried to thumb a spool of line over-spinning on a Penn reel with a real big wahoo that I set the drag too light on. Had a blister/groove on my thumb forever. Lesson learned.
Proving? We may have had numerous cases where people were convicted of abuse
I.e., where the allegations were proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
Rush summed it up with a caller when he said, the divorce and this affair are definitely linked.
Michael: Where I'm from, 12 gauge is the first choice for quail, and for just about anything else, unless you're a child or a woman.
Now, I'm not saying that a 20 gauge is useless. My grandmother was a legendary shot with a 20 gauge; our family tells a story of how some dandies from Field & Stream showed up at the farm for some quail hunting with extravagantly expensive shotguns like yours, and FLS's; and she supposedly put them to shame with a beat-to-hell single-shot worth a few dollars.
So a 20 gauge could be a good choice; if you're a teenage girl, like she was.
I'm not sure what you and FLS are going on about, what with the farcical nonsense about villagers trailing behind to pick up the birds and $5,000 shotguns and such; sounds like you're trying to out-shithead each other as a continuation from another thread. They're quail. You get within a few yards and execute them on take-off. It's the easiest wingshooting there is. They might as well be sitting on a fencepost. You should use a slingshot, as I have, and give them a chance.
Please everyone remember this episode when it is time to beat up on a conservative Republican when some charge is made against her/him. Please no whining about how the charges are unsubstantiated and based on one person's word about an event that supposedly happened several years ago.
All's fair! I hear that Bobby Jindal has some pretty juicy skeletons in his closet!
Thanks Ann and Meade for lowering the bar so low!
Pastafarian: My first gun was a pump 12 gauge Savage and I killed a lot of birds with it. I find that I can swing a 20 a lot faster in my 65th year than I can a heavy 12. I shot over 900 dove in a day in Argentina and I was not even close to the top guy. 20 gauge. Could not have made the day with a 12. I have seen a lot of good old country boys chawing about their skills to the city boys with the fancy guns and have seen the city boys out shoot them. I used to shoot with a local in upstate NY who had a single shot 12 with an extra shell duct taped to the stock. He couldn't shoot worth a shit. Grew good dope, though.
I need to improve upon my joke from earlier (a la Costanza):
Lie back and think of East Anglia
"Thanks Ann and Meade for lowering the bar so low! "
I think the blame for that lies with:
Gary Hart
Bill Clinton
John Edwards,
All Presidents or at least the choice of most Democrats at one time. That's just at the Presidential level.
There is of course other levels of Government where the light is even brighter
William Jefferson
Marion Barry
Cynthia McKinney
"Democrat" it's the new "classy".
All of their exploits were denied initially as well. Some people are just losing the right to the benefit of the doubt. I certainly believe in innocent until proven, but where are all the cases where the rumor turned out wrong?
Jake -- Gotcha. Thanks for the sorry-ass hit and run.
Bag -- Don't you remember how conservatives were so voraciously defending the foot-tapper guy? Remember that?
Given that the standard is now one person making one charge about an "event" from the distant pass then something tells me I will be linking back to this post in the not so distant future.
Thanks Ann and Meade for setting the bar so low!
Given that the standard is now one person making one charge about an "event" from the distant pass sic
Tell us, Jake. How did you feel about Anita Hill? Or does history start only when you took that class called Contemporary Issues at junior college last year?
At the time I thought that Anita Hill's charges were a late hit and not appropriate. They also distracted from the obvious fact that Clarence Thomas was woefully under qualified for the court.
So, the Hill sage was both unfair and distracting.
But 7-M your position is that you can acted scummy because of something that happened twenty years ago? Boy, I see that coming back to bite you in the ass.
I do not believe that Al Gore can act scummy because Anita Hill made baseless accusations against Clarence Thomas. I think Al Gore should use escort services properly. I believe that, with a little training, he will succeed.
What logic planet are you from?
Interesting that garage only wants to talk about dogs and Jake is already laying the ground work to justify the next media smear job on a Republican, "I hear that Bobby Jindal has some pretty juicy skeletons in his closet!".
Doesn't matter whether they're true, just that "when it is time to beat up on a conservative Republican". Another son of a Saul.
Problem is The Living Redwood's victim, like Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey, has turned out to be credible, This is what happens when people who fancy themselves the ruling class in a federal republic try to invoke le droit de seigneur.
This thread merely proves the point Althouse made in her post: the left is primarily interested in propping up its leadership at whatever cost. Logic, principle, virtue, and coherence are twaddle compared to what's most important: defending the Dear Leaders.
edutcher wrote "Doesn't matter whether they're true..."
Don't kid yourself, Ann's Hillbillies don't care whether the charges against Gore are true. Somehow in their twisted little minds it directly refutes the scientific evidence supporting global climate change.
Look, lets be honest. There are individuals and groups on both the left and the right that play in this gutter. They personally hold themselves in pretty low regard.
It is also fair to say that Ann and Meade are part of this too large school of gutter snipers.
These posts on Gore prove it.
Ann's Hillbillies don't care whether the charges against Gore are true. Somehow in their twisted little minds it directly refutes the scientific evidence supporting global climate change.
This is a perfect example of the vapidity and stupidity of people on the left. No one here is making any connection between the charges against Gore and global warming. The person making the charge said that someone told her she should not make the charge because doing so could affect Gore's global warming crusade.
You have it completely backwards, tool.
But carry on. See you in November. Tool.
"...the obvious fact that Clarence Thomas was woefully under qualified for the court."
Who are you Harry Reid?
Henry: When you were asked on NBC's "Meet the Press" whether or not you could support Justice Thomas to be chief justice you said quote, "I think that he has been an embarrassment to the Supreme Court. I think that his opinions are poorly written." Could you name one of those opinions that you think is poorly written?
Reid: Oh sure, that's easy to do. You take the Hillside Dairy case. In that case you had a dissent written by Scalia and a dissent written by Thomas. There--it's like looking at an eighth-grade dissertation compared to somebody who just graduated from Harvard.
Here is what Thomas wrote:
I join Parts I and III of the Court's opinion and respectfully dissent from Part II, which holds that §144 of the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996, 7 U.S.C. §7254, "does not clearly express an intent to insulate California's pricing and pooling laws from a Commerce Clause challenge." Ante, at 6-7. Although I agree that the Court of Appeals erred in its statutory analysis, I nevertheless would affirm its judgment on this claim because "[t]he negative Commerce Clause has no basis in the text of the Constitution, makes little sense, and has proved virtually unworkable in application," Camps Newfound/Owatonna, Inc. v. Town of Harrison, 520 U.S. 564, 610 (1997) (Thomas, J., dissenting), and, consequently, cannot serve as a basis for striking down a state statute.
I've had a Golden Retriever and now a Spaniel. Both hate the water. Go figure. I'd love to have a lab, but one dog at a time, as I constantly tell the wife.
Seven, I confess to not following closely, but is someone actually defending Gore here? There are people not condemning his actions, but I don't see that as defending.
It's hard to defend, anyway, when you're laughing at someone.
7M, I was just having fun at you expense...Tool! (BTW, that term is now quite dated.)
Also, I just looked it up and I was all of nineteen when the Anita Hill thing happened.
Younger people like myself laugh at the old hyper partisans like Ann and Meade. That is true on both the right and the left.
Part of the problem is Bombay Sapphire.
Speaking of affirmative action political hires, how that Barrack Obama?
Younger people like myself laugh at the old hyper partisans like Ann and Meade.
Ironic much?
Rialby please list Thomas's qualifications (i.e. previous jobs, etc.) before he joined the court.
Yeah, I thought so.
Rialby -- please also list Kagan's. Thanks.
Madison -- Jake is here bashing people who bash Gore for reasons only known to himself and his right hand.
*Community organizer
*First Black head of Harvard Review
*Wrote two autobiographies before the age of 50
*state senator
ummmm... ran his own campaign!
Oh gosh, this blog post has outlived its usefulness by a mile.
Here are people on the left hoping against hope that it ain't so, but resigned to the fact that it most likely is, and a bit chastened about the whole thing.
And there are the ones on the right insisting that everyone on the left is in denial about Gore simply because they are leftists and must stand together or some such.
Newsflash: this has been in the Post and the NYT, on the front web page. Libs understand what this means. They might not be shouting it from the rooftops as you are, but that does not mean they are assault apologists or otherwise in denial about it.
Move on.
Clearly, Obama should take Clarence Thomas's place on the Supreme Court and be president. That's if he can squeeze it in between golf outings.
*Assistant Attorney General of Missouri
*Corporate Attorney with Monsanto Company
*Legislative Assistant for a US Senator
*Assistant Secretary of Education for the Office of Civil Rights
*Chairman of the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
*Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
You're right. He should have stayed back in Georgia speaking Gullah.
Who is insisting that everyone on the left is in denial about Gore? Who?
This is the worst straw man ever created. Ever. Ever.
Um you.
HT -- Where have I said that anyone is in denial about Al Gore?
The problem you are having is that you and your buddy Jake have come here with preconceived notions about whom you will find. And you are trying to fit what you see written into those preconceived notions. And it's not working out for you because your preconceived notions are wrong and you are stupid.
My buddy Jake?
Who's Jake? I don't know him. Stop assuming.
Seven Machos, sorry, I assumed you were an adult.
6/28/10 10:06 PM
HT's first experience with metaphorical writing.
Anyway, about your preconceived notions and your stupidity...
Michael. Dang. Let me try again:
The pic in the lower left hand corner, where "Ash" is pointing a bird.
I never cared about shooting birds in the UK. I know about Purdey because my one buddy visited them in London, and bought as much as he could afford, which was a pair of snap caps.
A friend of mine shoots dove, even late in the season, with a .410, and I do admire him for that.
If my great-uncle ever kicks, he's promised to leave me his drilling. But of course you know what that is.
pasta, a Citori doesn't cost much more than an autoloader, and is much less touchy. My first shotgun was a Mossberg that someone had won in a DU raffle and wanted to get rid of. And the safeties of the two guns are in the same place.
Libs prop up their leaders no matter what they did?
Damn "prop up" - with their newly dead senator on hand, they could do a remake of Weekend at Bernie's the Beltway Trip.
I'd love to have a lab, but one dog at a time, as I constantly tell the wife.
We decided if you always have two, then you always have one. Being dogless just plain feels weird.
In my limited experience, labs have a lot of variability. All the ones I have especially liked have been yellow, but that is probably just coincidence.
AJ -- The only way to get thrown under the bus is to support the war effort or aspects of Guantanamo, like Lieberman.
I bet the left is relieved that our armed forces are out of harm's way and that Guantanamo is closed. That Obama. He sure is living up to his credentials.
I don't know any liberal who ever idolized Al Gore. To me he was as big a sad sack as W. Al had warmed a chair in the West Wing for eight years, and thought he was entitled to be President, without any visible aptitude for the job.
without any visible aptitude for the job
Come on! The man was the inspiration for Love Story for crying out loud.
Jake said...
edutcher wrote "Doesn't matter whether they're true..."
Don't kid yourself, Ann's Hillbillies don't care whether the charges against Gore are true. Somehow in their twisted little minds it directly refutes the scientific evidence supporting global climate change.
Anyone who wants to look back a couple of days will find said Hillbillies were more than a little skeptical of the charges. Ann, in particular, talked about waiting for more evidence. Nobody was ready to imagine The Living Redwood had been taking lessons from the Serial Rapist in Chief.
As to that scientific evidence:
"Bag -- Don't you remember how conservatives were so voraciously defending the foot-tapper guy?"
That's a good example for comparison.
Larry Craig tapped his foot in a bathroom stall. At worst, propositioning an adult for sex... maybe. I still don't see the crime there, unless you just hate gayism.
Al Gore assaults and attempts to rape a woman. Is there any question about that being despicable and illegal?
Yet many liberals see these as about equal on the scandal chart. That's why these liberal leaders think they can do this crap. It's the group's mores in action and these are the alphas, (alpha-liberals, so to speak).
Don't bother Jake with the fact that I myself said and continue to maintain that these charges strain credibility because Al Gore surely knows how to order an escort properly. Jake has come here with preconceived notions about Althouse and its commentariat.
The "hillbillies" part cinches it; the man can't even come up with an original insult so he had to get it from some other place that was talking about us. But we are the idiots. Jake read about it in some leftist hothouse.
I don't know any liberal who ever idolized Al Gore.
Remember, we are talking about Oregon here. The place is filthy with tree-huggers and warmalist fanatics.
"I don't know any liberal who ever idolized Al Gore."
Until recently every liberal I knew held him in high regard and I know there are some in Stockholm. At least there were.
In the juvenile leftist mind, it is a much bigger scandal to be a gay Republican than to be accused of trying to molest an unwilling backscrubber while married.
After all, it's just human nature to want to throw yourself all over somebody sexually. But nobody could value economic and political freedom over the right to have recognition of your marriage vows from the government -- the government, the end-all, be-all of space, time, and existence.
Until recently every liberal I knew held him in high regard
Gore's being right about global warming puts him in the category of stopped clocks and blind pigs. The man has traditionally given empty suits a bad name.
I'm going to charitably guess he was high as a weather balloon at massage time. No one who looks like him could see himself in the mirror every day and conclude women craved a carnal connection with him.
If my great-uncle ever kicks, he's promised to leave me his drilling. But of course you know what that is.
The relative I have in town who remembers the Flu Pandemic of 1918 had a sweet blue steel Colt Handgun made in the 30s. My great-uncle gave it to her for when she drove around S. Carolina at night. I coveted it, but she gave it to a nephew of hers who collects.
Nuts. Closest I've gotten to gun ownership. I'll probably inherit Dad's when he dies. I'm too cheap to buy my own.
Gore is wrong about global warming.
That said, I agree that Gore was probably high as a kite.
Remember when the Left was funny and the Right was humorless?
What happened? This link is to a line you couldn't put in a novel. A masseuse, getting advice from other masseuses that if she presses charges against Al Gore for sexual assault, "the world's going to be destroyed from global warming."
I don't care where you are on this issue, that is spit-out-your-coffee funny. It's like that famous line in the Beatles' "Help!" when the villain says of a ring that Ringo's wearing, "With this ring I could, dare I say it, rule the world!"
I can just see Jake and HT and the others sitting in the audience back in 1965 when everyone else is laughing, sitting grim-faced saying, "that's not funny! You're not supposed to laugh at things like that! Damn these hillbillies!"
Again with the broad strokes.
How many times. How truly many times do I have to say
I believe the massage therapist?
Nothing says "read no further" than an opening like this:
"Gore's being right about global warming..."
G'night G'may then. Buh bye.
Time to close romper room down.
Does anyone ever notice how important it is to move on -- HT's words -- from scandals plaguing leftists (there's even a website called moveon, about something that happened in 1998). Yet we must dwell on things like George W. Bush's military service during the Vietnam War, some person named Valerie Plame, hurricanes in the South, toe-tapping gay members or Congress, and all manner of calamities involving Republicans?
Anybody ever notice that? Strange, isn't it?
Goodbye, HT, you super-awesome and serious adult, you.
This is the dumbest thread I've ever read here, mainly because of Michael and FLS's ridiculous oneupsmanship about hunting.
Nobody gives a shit, guys, but no doubt you two will be impressed to learn that my gillies do my hunting for me, and pepper each other's face with buckshot on my command, while I sit in my sedan chair, laughing, laughing, la--ouch, my gout.
I believe the massage therapist?
But did you laugh at why she didn't report the alleged crime?
Because all this thread should be about. How funny our political culture has become. Not to minimize either sexual harassment or global warming. But still.
And for anyone who hasn't read it, Orwell's "Such, such were the joys", about his experience as a scholarship boy in a public school. REPORT YOURSELF!
"Not to minimize either sexual harassment or global warming. "
Nor global harassment or sexual warming which are also top hobbies of the manbearpig.
Thanks Ann and Meade for setting the bar so low!
Is it time to play "let's pretend"? As in "let's pretend the mainstream media and the political left (but I repeat myself) don't automatically treat accusations as gospel truth when they are leveled against conservatives"?
I'm tired of playing that game. Reality is more fun.
I don't know any liberal who ever idolized Al Gore.
He was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize without ever having contributed to world peace.
Obviously SOMEBODY looked up to the silly son of a bitch.
I don't know any liberal who ever idolized Al Gore.
Oh you have GOT to be kidding me. The Gore is/was a fucking rockstar to the Left. He's the guy who got robbed by W. He's the guy who championed Global Warming on the world stage. He made A Movie. And it Won and Academy Award. And he Won the Nobel Prize. Practically every mention of Gore in the past ten years by a liberal has been made with drooling adoration. What you wrote just confirms to me that you are a horrible liar.
"The "hillbillies" part cinches it; the man can't even come up with an original insult so he had to get it from some other place that was talking about us."
Give him some credit. As one of his other sockpuppets ("L. E. Lee")*, I think he may have been the first person to yammer on about all the hillbillies! hillbillies! hillbillies! on Althouse.
*Also known as: Holy Cow!; In The Mood; Sussed.
"I don't know any liberal who ever idolized Al Gore."
The rewriting of history begins. Again.
"I don't know any liberal who ever idolized Al Gore."
The Chad Mitchell Trio says it's time for all liberals to sing:
"Each and every liberal dances to the strain
Of the I Was Not an Al Gore Groupie.
All without exception join in the refrain
Of the I Was Not Al Gore Groupie...."
We know that millions of Teacher's Union members must love him. They allowed that crappy movie of his to supplant centuries of actual scholarship on subjects like how coastlines are formed, how weather patterns and climatic conditions make for a constantly changing environment, the role of solar (and other) radiation in Earth's life cycles, etc. Just basic natural sciences stuff. All chucked out the window in favor of an ex-Veep doing his best Troy McClure impression. Frickin' Nobel Prize for narrating a film? Gimme a break.
That's even weaker than Obama's Nobel Prize for Participation.
the pious new age shit, the immaturity, the entitlement, the complete lack of self-awareness. it sounds exactly like Algore. if she's making it up, she has a writer's talent.
FLS: you are wrong. Labradors are not pointers. They do not serve as pointers. Show me a picture of a Lab pointing in front of shooters.
FLS: The one lame picture you cite is not of a Lab pointing a bird.
There are a couple of Lab owners on this blog who can fill you in on their role in the field.
I have an idea. You contact the dog breeders whose site you linked to . You ask them if they have a Labrador pointer for sale. If they say yes I will buy you the dog or pay you the equivalent amount of money. If, on the other hand, they laugh in your face, you pay me.
In 2000, lefties voted for Nader.
Unless his brain is ossified to the point where it rejects all new information, Michael's just trolling me at this point. So I will let him retain his self-image as universal hunting expert.
FLS: I surrender. Labradors are pointers.
Some Labs are pointers, and really I can only swear that the particular Lab I hunted with is a pointer.
Dogs are bred to have certain traits, but that doesn't mean other doggie traits have been bred out of them, at least not out of all of them. There are poodles with Herding Instinct Certificates.
On Al Gore: I agree at this point it's He said/She Said. Perhaps the allegedly cum-stained pants will be dispositive. The only interesting part of this tawdry story is the way the masseuse's friends urged her to take one for the team. Any denial that this is the way Gore has been treated for years by the Left is laughable.
On hunting: of course most Labs are flushers and retrievers, not pointers. But some can indeed be trained to point, making what is probably the perfect all-around canine hunting companion. I recall reading an article on this very topic in the American Hunter a decade or two ago.
The only thing I use a 12 gauge for is ducks and geese. I even took my modest 20 gauge o/u on a pheasant hunt for the first time a couple of years ago, and limited out by mid morning every day with very few misses and no cripples or lost birds. Totally humiliated my sky busting pal with his 12 ga. Benelli autoloader shooting 3-1/2 inch shells.
I'd like to pretend to speak for everyone when I say I like the hunting comments the most.
Al Gore sounds like he's a pointer, and he's a poodle.
I like Irene's poodles.
And yeah this is sort of he said she said but, as far as I know, Irene's poodles have never even thought about sexually harassing any therapeutic massage professionals. Good boys!
No, they'll never win an Oscar or the Nobel Peace prize. I suspect they like being rubbed under their chins and maybe their third and even fourth chakras from time to time.
But hey - no crime in that!
sj -- FWIW, I only ever use 2-3/4 in. shells for upland game.
Ann Althouse, global warming denier and gossip monger.
The quote you highlight from the story is not attributed to Al Gore but an un-named friend of the alleged masseuse. You make it sound like it came from Gore.
You make it sound like it came from Gore.
Only a truly stupid person could possibly come to this conclusion.
"You make it sound like it came from Gore."
Maybe it sounded like that to you. If so, you think Gore is a bigger monster/fool than I do. Sorry I forgot to account for that. It never even crossed my mind.
This reads like a parody.
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