June 10, 2010

How to choose between 2 female candidates?

Who's got better hair?


Original Mike said...

The mic is ALWAYS on. Why can't politicians learn that?

Anonymous said...

Only women would be so shallow as to choose a female candidate based on her hair. Men choose by which of the two has the better set of hooters, which is a much better indicator of ability.

Anonymous said...

"only women would be so shallow as to choose a female candidate based on her hair. Men choose by which of the two has the better set of hooters, which is a much better indicator of ability.'

Well said, sir. Beautifully phrased.

Unknown said...

I dont know why people would vote for Carly. She ran HP into the ground.

If Meg Whitman wins and does well as governor, I expect her to be a Presidential candidate in a the next 15 years.

Unknown said...

TRO, speaking of hooters ....

i must admit, i thought althouse would be all over this one.

MadisonMan said...

She ran HP into the ground.

Yet it's still around. Interesting definition of into the ground.

Unknown said...

your right Madison man, the stock price dropping over 60% under your tenure, being named among the 20 worst CEOs, and being forced out before you could do even more damage is nothing like running the company into the ground.

former law student said...

Yet it's still around.

HP's stock price has more than doubled since Carly's ouster. Perhaps Mark Hurd would like to run for Senator -- I'd vote for him.

Irene said...

Fiorina is showing her sense of humor.

A comment about someone's hairstyle is a comic twist when it comes from someone who, until recently, had no hair.

People recovering from chemotherapy make hair jokes all the time.

Unknown said...

Irene, even Carly didnt play the recently recovered from cancer card ...

Irene said...

I did not say she played that card. I said she was making an "in joke."

I left the "card playing" to John Edwards.

Howard said...

My wife this very morning commented that Meg Whitman needs to cut her bangs to hide her hydrocephalic forehead.

You've come a long way, baby.

Anonymous said...

"I dont know why people would vote for Carly. She ran HP into the ground."

I don't no why people would vote for Barbara Boxer. She ran California and the US into the ground.

Unknown said...

TRO said...

Only women would be so shallow as to choose a female candidate based on her hair. Men choose by which of the two has the better set of hooters, which is a much better indicator of ability.

Not to mention her behind, her legs ...

danielle said...

TRO, speaking of hooters ....

After 3 of the 4 candidates she endorsed won, after galvanizing public opinion against ZeroCare, the PDS crowd is going to spend the summer whining, "... and her bazooms are fake, too".


traditionalguy said...

The Professor's post on judging women by hair is coming closer, but is not yet hot. Sarah Palin's Boobs enlarged, vel non, is really bouncing around the internet.

Hoosier Daddy said...

MEEEEWOW! Saucer of milk table two!

Hoosier Daddy said...

And here comes the lovely danielle to prove my point with a ubiquitous Palin boob job post.

AllenS said...

I'm sure that the person who is renting the house next to Palin's has some good before and after pictures of Sarah. Hopefully he took some good pictures of her daughter, so we could see anything developing with her.

Unknown said...

you're right HD, the post about barbara's hair and obama's supposed rap video cameo puts the commentary on palin's boob job below the standards of Althouse... and lets not forget the precedent set by the video of the man washing his hands in urine.

victoria said...

Get used to Carly's gaffs. She is famous for saying stuff out of school. I live in California and am a registered(and proud of it) Democrat. I am seriously considering voting for Meg Whitman but would NEVER vote for Carly. I suppose what I like about Meg is that she is fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Carly is just a pawn and a shill for the uber right wing. Mark my words, she will not be elected.

Vicki from Pasadena

Hoosier Daddy said...

you're right HD, the post about barbara's hair and obama's supposed rap video cameo puts the commentary on palin's boob job below the standards of Althouse

Has nothing to do with what the Professor chooses to post on her blog but rather your Sullivanesque obession with Palin's anatomy. Hey, how about you and Vicki and when hdhouse start your own blog where you can all critique her mammaries, ovaries or whatever else causes your tail to puff up like a scared kitten by the mere mention of her name.

Anonymous said...

"Carly is just a pawn and a shill for the uber right wing."

Uber right wing. As if being just right wing would be okay with a liberal - LOL.

garage mahal said...

Demon Hair.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I live in California and am a registered(and proud of it) Democrat.

Bang up job you guys have done over there too.

garage mahal said...

Who is running California? Who is responsible for the budget?

Hoosier Daddy said...

Who is running California?

LOL! That is a damn good question garage! With the way they go through money my bet would be Lindsey Lohan!

Synova said...

Alpha, I think, brought up Sarah's boobs a couple days ago and someone else posted another picture of her in the same shirt but from a different angle and she really didn't look any bustier than normal.

The actual quotes from the "off" mic don't seem that outrageous. I suppose her tone of voice might put them over the top.

Or she's really clever letting drop that Hannity isn't an easy interview when he supposedly is a soft-ball cream-puff. And then people will think, maybe she's telling the truth about Hannity, because who would think she'd say that about Boxer's hair? Or they'll think she's telling the truth about Boxer's hair and take away the "so yesterday" attached to Boxer because who'd believe she'd piss off Hannity?

Hoosier Daddy said...

Synova she obviously got a boob job. I mean its not like bras are actually designed or accentuate or deaccentuate your...ahem...attributes.

I always thought Alpha was insane but his apparent fascination with Palin's chest and Bush's 'codpiece' confirms he's certifiable.

Ron said...

Hooters are for Foreign Policy, Booty Domestic.

Ever wonder why you can't sit a comfortably as you did before? Exactly...

Unknown said...

"Hey, how about you and Vicki and when hdhouse start your own blog ...."

Wow HD. You whine as if this is your blog. you sound as though you believe that only people who discuss things that you want to discuss are welcome here. fascinating.

i'm sure that if you got your own blog you could set such rules. guess that's something you should think about, eh ?

mccullough said...

Carly Fiorina doesn't strike me as too good of a candidate. But she's up against Boxer.

It's like watching the 49ers vs. the Raiders.

No matter what she did at HP, she seems smart enough to vote No on the Obama proposals.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Wow HD. You whine as if this is your blog. you sound as though you believe that only people who discuss things that you want to discuss are welcome here. fascinating.

Hey the only time I whine is when the barkeep says last call and they drag me out of the pub.

Dear danielle, do please forgive my impertinence and feel free to continue your Plain-boob inquiries and comments and why Althouse remains silent on this vital issue. Your insight is of course enlightening, informative and are at the cutting edge of information that the inquiring minds of the moonbat left need to give their lives meaning. I only suggested your own blog since you and a few others appear to have a great interst in Sarah's anatomy.

As you were.

ps. One small teeny request, please refer to me as Hoosier or Daddy but not hd. I don't want to be confused with the resident lunatic.

Hoosier Daddy said...

No matter what she did at HP, she seems smart enough to vote No on the Obama proposals.

You have to admit that's setting the bar pretty low.

former law student said...

I have considered the important issue of Sarah Palin's boobs and here is my analysis:

Sarah P. did not get a boob job. A close examination of the two images shows the same outer boob swell in each. This swell is consistent with a C-cup, which likely Sarah keeps in check by wearing minimizer bras.

An alternate explanation for boob enlargement -- and I'm surprised I have to offer it here, with so many women commenters -- is water retention. Sarah likely is still menstruating at her age, because she only recently gave birth.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I still contend that based upon her hairstyle, Blanche Lincoln still thinks its 1959.

Synova said...

I don't think that water retention makes that big a difference, not in the boobs anyhow. Plus, I'd expect that she's not lactating any more. She's trimmed up a lot (though she didn't seem to have gained pregnancy weight in the first place) and I don't know how that would affect apparent boob size because some women lose their boobs when they lose weight and some don't.

Mostly I think it's the T-shirt. I have a shirt with that neckline and maybe I'll see about picking up a few more before styles change because it seems pretty flattering.

But if people want to talk about Palin's boobs and circulate pictures of her I figure it's silly but all to her benefit.

Trooper York said...

"Hoosier Daddy said...
I only suggested your own blog since you and a few others appear to have a great interst in Sarah's anatomy."

Hey cut that out.

There is already a blog that is for people with a great interest in Sarah Palin's anatomy.

Synova said...

The most likely cause of bigger boobs is she's pregnant again.


Anonymous said...

Choose whichever one isn't shaved. Though today, of course, it's a near-certainty that both will be. God damn it.


Original Mike said...

"ps. One small teeny request, please refer to me as Hoosier or Daddy but not hd. I don't want to be confused with the resident lunatic."

Yeah, I'm always getting you two confused.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

TRO, speaking of hooters ....

i must admit, i thought althouse would be all over this one.

Perhaps we should ask Trooper York to give Danielle a lesson on the benefits of a properly fitted bra?

Christy said...

As a woman I've been ashamed of Boxer's reflexive, unconsidered opinions for years now. Dammit! Boxer's Exhibit 1 for taking suffrage away from women, for imposing Sharia Law. I'd vote for a goat over Boxer and be sure of getting a smarter critter.

Fiorina being named one of the worst CEOs by a magazine that failed after 21 issues is funny, don't you think?

Hoosier Daddy said...

Yeah, I'm always getting you two confused.

One can never be too careful in the vortex.

Unknown said...

victoria said...


Carly is just a pawn and a shill for the uber right wing.

Which is why she was one of McCain's economic advisors.

PS If I'm right, she's retained some of Maverick's advisor's.

Get rid of 'em, honey.

Anonymous said...

Carly was more interested in office intrigues than business. As a result, HP became a market-losing soap opera.

And don't expect her to change her petty approach, which is perfectly consistent with the Boxer comment.

Original Mike said...

Fiorina being named one of the worst CEOs by a magazine that failed after 21 issues is funny, don't you think?

I do think it's funny. Thanks for pointing that out.

former law student said...

Original Mike treats us to an example of the genetic fallacy

Trooper York said...

"Dust Bunny Queen said...
TRO, speaking of hooters ....

i must admit, i thought althouse would be all over this one.

Perhaps we should ask Trooper York to give Danielle a lesson on the benefits of a properly fitted bra?"

Thankd DBQ, but I will just refer her to the video the wife made of how to get a better fitting Braissiere!

Original Mike said...

"Original Mike treats us to an example of the genetic fallacy"


Dust Bunny Queen said...

Thankd DBQ, but I will just refer her to the video the wife made of how to get a better fitting Braissiere!

And here I thought you were a hands on kind of guy.


vw: throm. no comment

Trooper York said...


If I were I would have to run for Senator.

The only thing I don's do in the store is fit bras, pull up Spanx, or go into the dressing room to tie the wrap dress.

Everything else is up for grabs.

Trooper York said...

I will however state here and now that I will make an exception if Sarah Palin decides to come shopping.

We have Prima Donna Bras in all sizes so I am sure I can hook her up. So to speak.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

BTW: Isn't Trooper's wife cute as a button.

Re: Fiorina and HP. She became CEO of the company during one of the worst times for tech companies who were experiencing a bubble in their stock prices vs reality and some major sea changes in the techonology world at that time.

Merging with Compaq, while unpopular with some majority shareholders at the time, eventually turned out to be a good thing for the company as was the eventual purchase of EDS which she championed.

She wasn't 'politically correct' and I'm sure a good portion of her criticism is due to her clashing with the Board of Directors over differences regarding market strategies and globialisation of the firm. In addition there were many petty personal conflicts with the Board.

In hind sight....all in all...she did a pretty good job given the circumstances and in trying to pull a hidebound family dominated business model, which was lagging behind other more dynamic start up companies into a more modern and competetive model.

Trooper York said...

Thanks DBQ.

She's my baby.

I hope to get her own show soon.

Who knows, we could cast you in it and fly you to New York for a fitting.

dick said...


I think you should take another look at HP. The choices Carly made are now allowing HP to expand greatly in the making of computers and other equipment. HP is doing just fine because of the choices she made. She is not being given credit for those choices. Instead the libs are taking potshots using false information and patting themselves on the back for it - but what else could one expect from libs. Certainly not anything based on facts.

former law student said...

Before the merger, HP made printers (laser and ink), unix servers, Intel servers, pcs, and laptops. Compaq made Intel servers, pcs, and laptops.

After the merger, HP made printers (laser and ink), unix servers, Intel servers, pcs, and laptops.

So what did Compaq bring to the party? Consider that the bulk of HP's profit came from selling ink, then and now.

At the time she proposed the merger, Carly was at year 2.5 of a three year contract, without having any significant accomplishments to her name. The merger bought her time, because it made her look like she was doing something. Once the merger was approved, the BoD would have to give her time to make a success of it, resulting in her second three year contract.

Good ploy, but she was still fired after five years.

former law student said...

She became CEO of the company during one of the worst times for tech companies who were experiencing a bubble in their stock prices vs reality and some major sea changes in the techonology world at that time.

Yet look at this comparison from wikip:

When Fiorina became CEO in July, 1999, HP's stock price was $52 per share, and when she left 5 1/2 years later in February, 2005, it was $21 per share—a loss of over 60% of the stock's value.[42] During this same time period, HP competitor Dell's stock price increased from $37 to $40 per share.[43][44]

The stock performance of better managed companies did not suffer.

former law student said...

Carly Fiorina wanted to buy the consulting business of Price Waterhouse Coopers, not EDS. She offered $18 billion in stock for a business IBM picked up a year later for $3.5 billion. During the two months she dithered over closing the deal, the value of HP stock dropped 36%, putting the deal for PwC quite out of reach.

Synova said...

I wish we held our elected politicians to this level of success.

Unemployment went up instead of down? You're fired.

The deficit increased by magnitudes in one year? You're fired.

Employment gains are all tax-paid government jobs while tax-producing jobs made almost no increase? You're fired.

Crime went up instead of down? Welfare roles increased instead of decreased? Abortions went up instead of down? Fired, fired, fired.

Synova said...

Heck, we didn't even ASK Obama to show that his Annenburg thing had any positive outcome at all. Didn't even ask.

Dust Bunny Queen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dust Bunny Queen said...

Ahem...for disclosure.

Those are just examples and are in no way to be construed as giving investment advice.... which I wouldn't give to you in any case.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Deleted and reposted so I could add a link that explains this better.

The stock performance of better managed companies did not suffer.

Wanna bet.

Dell and HP were competing in different markets at that time. Dell had the larger market share of the lower end PCs and this is where Fiorina wanted to expand the company. The Compaq merger was to help with this and try to take a piece of the market share, which it ultimatly did since HPQ now has a larger market share.

And she DID propose aquiring EDS, which the Board did not do at the time. However they HAVE aquired it now.

When Fiorina became CEO in July, 1999, HP's stock price was $52 per share, and when she left 5 1/2 years later in February, 2005, it was $21 per share—a loss of over 60% of the stock's value.[42] During this same time period, HP competitor Dell's stock price increased from $37 to $40 per share.[43][44]

You also need to realize that HPQ did a 2 for 1 stock split in Sept of 2000. When a company does a stock split the stock value on the market is cut in half.

For example you own 100 shares of HPQ at $52 a share for a position value of $5,200. The next day after the split (assuming no major market movement) you have 200 shares of HPQ valued at $26 a share for a position value of $5200.


A company will split shares in order to increase the ability of smaller investors to buy into their company. People who won't buy at $52 may find $26 interesting.

You can't just use the starting and ending figures without accounting for splits and for dividends.

If the stock split and went from a split adjusted price of $26 to $21, that is only a 20% decline in from 99 to 2005. Given the market conditions at during those years it wasn't all that bad. Did DELL do a bit better then in holding prices during those 5 1/2 Yes. They rose by a whopping 7.5%...oh Hell...give them 8% growth.
Had you held those 100 shares of HPQ from 1999 to today (closing price approx) $42 your position value, not counting reinvested dividends would be approximately $8400.

The same investment in DELL 100 shares position value of $3700 would be worth $1,307

In addition HPQ paid dividends during that time period and DELL did not nor did DELL produce any stock splits.

Hmmmmm if you want to go JUST on numbers..

$8400 verus $1307. I wonder which company in hindsight you would rather own?

This is the problem with you left leaners. You are superficial, look at only the pieces of the puzzle that you THINK you understand and have little knowledge of investments. It is no wonder I refuse to do business with people like you.

Of course it won't stop you from distorting the truth. Numbers don't lie.

Oclarki said...

Carly was CEO of HP from 1999-2005, what happened to tech stocks in 1999? During 1999 Amazon went from $103 down to $15. Jeff Bezos must be an incompetent CEO also.

Oclarki said...


We posted at the same time. Yours was better.

chickelit said...

That was very good post DBQ. Thanks for that.

Because of the stakes, real and symbolic, this is destined to become one of the ugliest battles of the season.

former law student said...

dbq --

you will be surprised to learn that stock price charts on say, Yahoo, adjust for splits.


If Dell is an unfair comparison, compare HP to the similarly broad-spectrum computer manufacturer IBM over the Carly period -- it went from $125 to $95 a share, retaining 3/4 of its value, much better than HP's >40%.

I concede that all the nickels that HP shares paid off are worth something. But I do not understant how you can credit Fiorina for Hurd's turnaround -- a repeat of his accomplishments at NCR.

Finally, if you can provide a contemporary cite that Fiorina even thought about EDS while CEO I would appreciate it.

former law student said...

BTW, IBM paid out dividends, too during the Carly-HP-CEO period:


Dust Bunny Queen said...

Also FLS and Danielle

In addition to paying an .08 dividend per share CONSISTANTLY from 99 to today. In June of 2000 as part of the Compaq merger [HWP] spun off Agilent Technology. [A]The distribution was made on the basis of .3814 of a share of Agilent for each HP common share outstanding.

22% of the basis of the investors original cost basis could be attributed to the cost basis of the new shares for carry forward cap gains/loss info.

So in addition to receiving the dividends, if you held the stock (100 shares) you received 38 shares of Agilent. At market close on June 2, 2000 (the distribution date) the closing price of HWP common stock on the "regular way" market was $142.06 and on the "ex-dividend market" was $111.00, and the closing price of Agilent common stock was $81.875. 38 X 81.875 = $2538

Sooo... tell me again what a terrible thing happened to HPQ and how the investors were ripped.

You got dividends, you had a stock split, you got a spin off of value when the Compaq merger/Agilent Technologies spin happened....and if you were smart enough and not overly greedy (unlike most people who thought the bubble would never pop) you might have sold your [A] in a short time after the spin for an amount considerably higher than the date of distribution.

Just parroting numbers that the stock was XX on one day and XX on another so you can try to make Carly Fiorina look bad is disingenuous and actually quite stupid.

There are probably other things that you can point to that are damaging....but not this in particular. I just makes you look ignorant.

chickelit said...

FLS & danielle: I must say that you're not very convincing against DBQ so why don't you get back on topic and address the hair issue?

former law student said...

dbq: Adjusted for dividends and splits, HP's stock price declined from $40 to $20 during Carly's tenure as CEO


Now, what was your point again?

former law student said...

AND as I pointed out with the splits between 99 and 2005 when Fiorina left HP the HP stock only experienced a 20% decline.

Actually 50%

I hope you don't do your own investments without someone to hold your hand.

I can't believe anyone would pay dbq for her investment expertise, if this is an example. They'd be better off wadding up their money and stuffing it in a mattress.

chickelit said...

Though I honestly had my own reasons for detesting Boxer well before the last several days, I must say that having danielle, victoria, and FLS vigorously defiling Fiorina (in a veiled attempt to defend Boxer) also says something to me.

Dust Bunny Queen said...


My HYPOTHETHICAL investment in company XYZ

100 shares at $52 a share = $5200

Stock splits....yahoo...I have 200 shares.

Stock declines to $21 a share...oh bummer :-(

200 shares X $21 = $4200

My portfolio declines from $5200 to $4200 = 20% decline (rounded) Cool..round numbers!

Hypo exists during the arbitrary time frame within which YOU want to somehow smear Fiorina (who I really don't care that much about but for the fact that she isn't Barbara Boxer)

Oh....and during that time I also got a spin off of some other stock that still has value. And I also got some nifty dividends.

Do you want me to use crayons?

Beth said...

Hopefully he took some good pictures of her daughter, so we could see anything developing with her.

Why do you want to watch Palin's daughter developing, Allen?

Hoosier Daddy said...

Do you want me to use crayons?

If you do make sure you stay within the lines so he doesn't get more confused.

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