May 19, 2010

"So is Rand Paul, on a personal level, just a deeply unlikeable guy?"

Asks Josh Marshall, and I'm trying to understand what his problem is:
One of the weird things about his acceptance speech last night was that he held it at the local country club -- to what looked uncannily like a members only crowd.
So Josh's uncanniness-sensors were activated. That is weird.
More to the point, news came out overnight that Paul allegedly refused to take Trey Grayson's concession phone call last night.
But he goes on to admit that the "news" wasn't too reliable and hedges "So who knows?"
But I am getting the impression that Paul -- aside from just being very unlikeable in personal terms...
Getting the impression... Josh's sensors are a-tingling.
... may be a much more divisive figure than one might from any Tea Party candidate who snatches away a nomination from an establishment party figure. 
Than one might... what? I assume Josh is hoping for divisiveness.
... But a poll out yesterday showed that Grayson supporters in Kentucky simply hate Rand Paul in a way that goes way beyond the normal aftermath of a contested primary. From PPP's write-up of their poll ...

53% of likely Grayson voters for today have an unfavorable opinion of Paul to only 23% with a positive opinion of him. More importantly though just 40% of Grayson voters say they'll support Paul in the general election if he wins the Republican nomination with 43% explicitly saying they will not.
I get the sense there's a whole issue of personality (and messianism) that's going to be in play in that race beyond quite apart from ideology narrowly construed.
Well, I guess I'll have to start paying attention to Paul, because I have no idea what Josh Marshall is talking about.  My sensors are saying Marshall is terrified of Paul and hot to bring him down. If so, he'll need more substance. That was really an inanely empty post.


rhhardin said...

The Uncanny (Ger. Das Unheimliche -- literally, "un-home-ly") is a Freudian concept of an instance where something can be familiar, yet foreign at the same time, resulting in a feeling of it being uncomfortably strange. Wiki

former law student said...

We are on the brink of a precipice, and only Rand can save us.

Just what we need, another Messiah.

Original Mike said...

"Paul's campaign manager, David Adams, tells 9 News, "Paul did not refuse Grayson's call. He was in transit and could not take the call.""

KCFleming said...

At this point, uncomfortably strange seems like one of the right tools to dislodge the comfortably familiar Thing that Wouldn't leave, socialism.

Joe said...

Just what we need, another Messiah.

Josh Marshall's words, not Althouse's OR Paul's...

But I guess you've come around then, this whole "Light Worker" Thing, a "God", a man capable of generating "tingles up a leg" was all way too much hype for a an under-qualified POTUS.

Joe said...

What gets me is this, when the GOP runs McCain we on the Right are told “Be team players,” but when an establishment Republican loses he and his followers can take their balls and go home.

Grayson never caught on, he lost…to an unknown. It may hurt, but it’s also true. The voters have spoken.

former law student said...

No, Rand believes he is the amointed one, while Obama does not.

former law student said...

Oh, puh-leez, Joe -- McCain bent so far backwards to accommodate the Right, he banged the back of his head on the ground.

Anonymous said...

"If so, he'll need more substance. That was really an inanely empty post."

No, in fact, the less substance the better.

This is precisely the kind of "news analysis" that a candidate would find impossible to defend against.

It's pure ridicule and innuendo.

There is no substance to it at all - by design. It's all code words that could be denied later on.

Alinsky Rules For Radicals #5: "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule."

Alinsky Rules For Radicals #9: "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."

Marshall's entire post is written as a way of suggesting some nebulous undefined threat ... as a way of amplifying people's natural concern and fear of someone they don't know as well and aren't as familiar with. The post is very well-written from a psychological slant.

It's classic Democrat Party and the Democrat Party has proven this tactic works and works well to get them elected. People are easily manipulated and Josh is an expert at manipulation.

What you don't want to admit Ann is that "inanely empty" is a feature to these people ... not a bug.

Unknown said...

Here we go again with the idea that a legislative seat is owned or belongs to someone...

"may be a much more divisive figure than one might from any Tea Party candidate who snatches away a nomination from an establishment party figure."

So, anyone who challenges an officeholder in a primary contest is snatching away the seat.

This kind of attitude seems to be so prevalent on the Left. Now they're the ones scared of change.

And they were the ones who went around singing, "You say you want a rev-o-lu-tion", 40 years ago.

(Big 70s day around here. Funny, because this was graduation day from undergrad school in 1970)

Joe said...

No, Rand believes he is the amointed one, while Obama does not.

We're the ones we've been waiting for...
Oh, puh-leez, Joe -- McCain bent so far backwards to accommodate the Right, he banged the back of his head on the ground.

Oh yeah, McCain-Feingold, McCain-Kennedy, opposition to tax cuts, "the G*d-D@mned fence", the Gang of 14 oh yeah he bent over backwards for the Right...

Night2night said...

Josh Marshall's behavior mirrors my experience with old friends I lost touch with years ago and found on Facebook with ornate liberal robes recently. If you disagree with their vision for the coming utopia you becoming deeply unlikable (twice in last 3 months). I've never understood how a mindset which purportedly celebrates diversity can insist you can only associate with people who think like you (although any type of profanity is okay if you hate the right people).

Daniel12 said...

@Original Mike, He was in transit...

Was it 1987 at the time? They have cell phones now...

@Joe, an unknown, really? His name is RAND PAUL.

Hoosier Daddy said...

oh yeah he bent over backwards for the Right...

Consider that for some, Trotsky was a right wing nutball.

former law student said...

Hello, Sarah Palin for VP, hello!!

He had already gotten the nomination. Instead of trying to appeal to moderates and independents, and the odd Democrat, McCain kept going to the right.

Anonymous said...

Did everyone see how "Former Law Student" worked that schtick?

1) Josh Marshall writes that Josh Marshall believes "there's a whole issue of personality (and messianism) that's going to be in play."

2) FLS writes how sickening it is that Paul believes himself to be a "Messiah."

It's right out of their Alinsky manipulation playbook.

What is surprising to me however is that in just one short year, they've become so lazy about executing this tactic that it has become comically transparent. So transparent that it's no longer effective.

Only those predisposed to believe this sort of hokum are taken in by it any more because FLS is so sloppy in his presentation.

Daniel12 said...

Hey Hussein, when does it become YOUR handbook?

garage mahal said...

This guy really is an arrogant dick with eyes. I usually some soft spot for most Republicans, whatever it may be, but this righteous twerp just makes me want to punch him right in the fucking face.

roesch-voltaire said...

If Rand is like his father of course the Republicans and Democrats will be uncomfortable with anyone who wants two wind down the empire and the war machine. Me I am going to join the country club and then the Tea Party in that order.

traditionalguy said...

Rules for radical right wingers needs to include a lesson about the stupidness of putting a charismatic fighter into political power while you think that you can control him and get rid of him when you are finished using his focused skills on your enemy. Rand Paul is no tool that you will use. He will end up using you!

Joe said...

@Joe, an unknown, really? His name is RAND PAUL.

And since Ron Paul was virtually unknown in Ky. His son was a reasonable unknown, too. Especially as compared to a two term Republican statewide candidate.

Joe said...

Hello, Sarah Palin for VP, hello!!

and the only time he led in the polling, too.

Original Mike said...

@Daniel - I have no idea. Just posting the press report.

John Stodder said...

A very left-wing friend pointed something out to me that I've not heard mentioned in the news coverage of this race. Each of the two Democratic senatorial candidates got more votes than Paul did, by a lot.

Gallup says Kentucky is lean-Democratic state, with voters stating a preference for Dems 9 percent ahead of voters stating a preference for Reeps.

There is no reason to think Paul will win this election. He certainly might. But one would tend to bet against it, given the makeup of the voters there.

Anonymous said...

"This guy really is an arrogant dick with eyes. I usually some soft spot for most Republicans, whatever it may be, but this righteous twerp just makes me want to punch him right in the fucking face."

And here we have another spittle-flecked hate-post advocating political violence from the loser side of the aisle.

This comment is filled with facts and figures to defend Garage's position ... oh wait, no that was just bile-spurting hatred and name-calling, with a call to violence.

You are in deep need of a mental health professional, Garage.

I am praying you get the medical attention you require before your raging hatred consumes you.

Joe said...

Gallup says Kentucky is lean-Democratic state, with voters stating a preference for Dems 9 percent ahead of voters stating a preference for Reeps.

Where all but 2 US House Seats are GOP and BOTH Senate Seats are GOP, which voted FOR McCain....

Miles White said...


Dust Bunny Queen said...

I know nothing about Rand Paul other than his hair is ridiculous. It looks like he has a small mammal perched on top of his head.

chickelit said...

That someone like Rand is beyond Marshall's ken is yet another example of Marshall's disingenuousness. Honestly, I don't get the rhetorical strategy of pretending to not understand one's political opponents. Is it fear? Fear of revealing one's own inner resonance with at least part of what Rand represents?

This not a characteristic of the right or the left, but a human one. Marshall is just an example par excellence of willful ignorance on the left. Sullivan is another.

Anonymous said...

"Hey Hussein, when does it become YOUR handbook?"

The magician's grand powers evaporate once people discover how he does it. Once they discover how easily they've been manipulated.

Once people are made familiar with the manipulative psychological tactics that are being employed against them by the Democrat Party they're a lot less likely to fall for the parlor tricks.

And people don't like feeling like they've been manipulated. They don't like that at all.

Abraham Lincoln was a well-educated guy: "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time."

The Democrat Party psychological game has been publicly revealed and the voters have been made aware that Barack Obama is the man behind the curtain - not in front of it - and that he is only 3 feet tall.

They're now exacting their revenge.

Lance said...

Hello, Sarah Palin for VP, hello!!

He had already gotten the nomination. Instead of trying to appeal to moderates and independents, and the odd Democrat, McCain kept going to the right.

Just because he had the nomination doesn't mean he had base support. The Palin pick was entirely about motivating the conservative base. It worked for a bit, then McCain blew it with his crisis grandstanding (among myriad other missteps).

traditionalguy said...

It is of interest that National politics for 200 years was an activity of compromise between regions of the country, and Kentucky's Henry Clay was the first famous Senator for using that skill. The only talent that the Paul clan uses in their politics is beligerance and confrontation that declares to be expendible enemies everybody not submitting to their strange vision. Are we so scared that we must now jump into that ditch on the right because the other side has jumped into a similar ditch on the left?

Anonymous said...

There is no reason to think Paul will win this election. He certainly might. But one would tend to bet against it, given the makeup of the voters there.

Actually, one would only bet against it if one were not familiar with Kentucky or its politics.

Big Mike said...

@FLS, well the Messiah in the White House isn't working out too well, so it's time to look for another.

@Original Mike, I agree with Daniel. Rand Paul doesn't have a cell phone?

On the other hand, Daniel, we're making it our handbook, too. Be frightened. Be very afraid. Very, very afraid.

@Joe, quite right. Grayson may be a good man, and perhaps would have been a good senator. But if he can't organize a better campaign than what he had, he would not be a senator even if Rand Paul had never been born.

Anonymous said...

Are we so scared that we must now jump into that ditch on the right because the other side has jumped into a similar ditch on the left?

Now that the choice in Kentucky is between "the ditch" and Jack Conway, yeah, I'll take the ditch.

Trooper York said...

"One of the weird things about his acceptance speech last night was that he held it at the local country club -- to what looked uncannily like a members only crowd."

WTF, he doesn't like Italians?

Cause they are the only ones still wearing members only!

What a bigot!

Original Mike said...

@Big Mike - Again, I have no idea what transpired.

Can someone post what nutty ideas Paul has (I'm assuming he has nutty ideas, or people wouldn't be up in arms about him).

As my whimsy leads me.. said...

John Stodder, Kentucky is overwhelmingly Democrat in voter registration and state voting. There has only been one Republican governor since the 60s; 2 since, I think, the late 1800s. Most of the elections are settled in the primary. That is how insignificant the state Republican Party has been until recently. It is not unusual for some Republican leaning people to register as Democrats just to have a say in the government.

However, in Congress and the Presidency, Kentuckians have more sense and tend to vote for Republicans, but this has only developed in the last 20 years or so. Previously Kentucky had more mixtures in the Senate, a couple of dependably Republican House seats, but most of the House seats were held by Democrats--and all the more so in Western Kentucky, where Dr. Paul is from.

(As a historic digression, this was the same Kentucky Democratic party that segregated previously unsegregated schools.)

There is a joke in Kentucky that no one seems to get in Ohio. Two friends, one Democrat, one Republican, were arguing over politics. The, Republican, exasperated, exclaimed, You're so stubborn! You'd vote for the Devil himself if he was running as a Democrat!
The Democrat thought for a moment, and replied, Well, I wouldn't in the primary."

Politics--the damnedest--in Kentucky.


Penny said...

There's a great article at The Daily Caller on this topic Democrats move quickly in attempt to marginalize Rand Paul

Anonymous said...

The Magnificent Bastard is keeping the best tabs running on Barack Obama's "Members Only" descent into utter toolbaggery.

"Barack Obama had all the makings of a style icon, and then something terrible happened: he turned into a toolbag."

Anonymous said...

"Can someone post what nutty ideas Paul has ..."

Cutting taxes to stimulate economic growth.

Cutting government spending to provide working families with tax relief in these troubled economic times.

Cutting salaries and benefits of government employees (averaging twice the salary/benefits of private sector workers).

Cutting unfunded government pension plans.

Ending Barack Obama's robot war against brown people in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

You know ... really nutty shit that you'd typically hear from someone who is a practicing eye surgeon for the past 17 years.

He's the sort of weirdo who, in 1995, founded the Southern Kentucky Lions Eye Clinic, an organization that provides eye exams and free surgery to needy families and individuals.

He's for giving needy families free surgery ... not requiring them to purchase exorbitantly-priced health insurance sold by wealthy Democrat Party donors.

You know ... he's creepy that way.

Scott said...

Josh Marshall is a tendentious, bitter, agenda-driven hack. How is an article like this surprising?

Anga2010 said...

"3. abortion is morally wrong but it should be not be banned or severely restricted

I'm saying I understand — and I personally agree with — #3."

Yay, ppl make mistakes smtms.

Earnest Prole said...

Once interesting, Josh Marshall has devolved into a purveyor of the lamest blue hackery. All you need to know to script a TPM post is whether there's an R or a D next to the subject's name: Republican Bad, Democrat Good. Lame.

Fen said...

Yay, ppl make mistakes smtms

Funny, but if my negligence behind an auto caused a death, I can be charged with manslaughter.

Yay Officer, ppl make mistakes smtms

Penny said...

There are no less than nine, NINE, entries on David Frum's forum that are negative about Paul. Frum still considers himself a Republican, although the further right you are, the more you question that.

Maybe both Democrats AND Republicans are fearful of Tea Party supported candidates?

commoncents said...

Thank You for posting this! I really like your blog - keep up the great work!!

Common Cents

I'm Full of Soup said...

"Deeply unlikely" also describes Senators Kerry, Shumer,Menendez, Boxer, Leahy, Specter, etc.

Methadras said...

former law student said...

Just what we need, another Messiah.

You already got yours and you can keep him.

slarrow said...

It's another one of those posts that tell me virtually nothing about the subject but a fair amount about the author.

A.G. said...

It's all subliminal code language...

What are the most memorable words you remember after you read Josh Marshall's piece?

"Member's only" and "Country club", right?

And what pops into your mind when someone mentions a southerner at a member's only country club? Racism, whites-only, etc. Link it with a "teabagger Klansman racist" (among other things) like Rand Paul, and you've just hit yourself a grandslam in the Liberal world...

See how they do??

LonewackoDotCom said...

I'm sure Althouse has seen how her tea party movement fans respond in comments here at her own site, and that's nothing compared to how libertarians and those in their orbit behave elsewhere. They're like a cross between Joe McCarthy, a very eager insurance salesman, a very committed Scientologist, and a rabid, stupid, feral, meth-addicted chihuahua. On acid.

So, while I don't know whether Rand Paul is like that, I wouldn't doubt that those in his circle are and probably most of his ardent supporters are.

Synova said...

Does anyone have a video of the messianic thing because I followed links and all I found was something of him sounding half asleep. (I think it's a regional dropping at the end of sentences thing, but who knows. Listening to Dr. Helen makes me nuts for the same reason.)

Zachary Sire said...

You know what else is "inanely empty"? You, Althouse, transparently propping up one teabagger after another after another after another. It's like, we get it. You married a teabagger. Your commenters are all teabaggers. Either admit that you are one too or that you're blatantly pandering to your traffic and/or your husband so your posts don't seem so disingenuous. It's boring and makes your blog dumb.

traditionalguy said...

@ New "Hussain" Ham: The Paul agenda is very good. The downside is only doubt that he means any of it. His attitude does not come from libertarian thoughts that he claims. His attitude towards other people is an "I am Better and Smarter Than You Are" attitude which must cull out other intelligent people and never allow compromises. That has a logic of its own that will either lead to a distain for and clash with its own supporters or an emergency temporary Dictatorship. It is fun to watch his sharp attacking rhetoric (like yours), but in the end a compromise has to be reached to govern...or he will have to have to rid the world of possible opponents, like other users of sharp attacking rhetoric. You will find that he is especially not your friend.

KCFleming said...

Shorter Zach:
Althouse iz a poopyhead.

jr565 said...

My hope for Rand is that he has some of his dads conservative economic sense and none of his bat shit crazy foreign policy sense.

A.G. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
A.G. said...

Althouse, transparently propping up one teabagger after another after another after another. It's like, we get it. You married a teabagger. Your commenters are all teabaggers"

Well that's not a very nice thing to say.

Geez, we had the one unhinged lefty at the top of the thread wanting to "punch" people in the face about this, and then you go and make your homophobic remarks. What the hell's this world coming to?

LonewackoDotCom said...

This page seems to have the history of the Southern Kentucky Lions Eye Clinic that Paul supposedly founded. It looks like the story's a bit more complex than our 'partier friend let on, and the bank is now linked to a - gasp! - public university. Could Rand be using - gasp! - public money for the - gasp! - greater good?

If not, exactly how many patients could he see? Would he have the resources to see more? Are there people who he wouldn't see? All those and more might be good questions for the Dems (or at least their non-existent smarter versions) to ask.

A.G. said...

Althouse, transparently propping up one teabagger after another after another after another. It's like, we get it. You married a teabagger. Your commenters are all teabaggers"

Well that's not a very nice thing to say.

Geez, we had the one unhinged lefty at the top of the thread wanting to "punch" people in the face about this, and then you go and make your homophobic remarks. What the hell's this world coming to?

Unknown said...

Remember when all our little National Socialists were strutting around during the ZeroCare votes, telling everyone to GET USED TO IT and GET OVER IT and YOU LOST.

Now, what do they do when their agenda is cratering?

All together now, bitch and whine, bitch and whine.

roesch-voltaire said...

If Rand is like his father of course the Republicans and Democrats will be uncomfortable with anyone who wants two wind down the empire and the war machine.

The empire and the war machine?

How very Gore Vidal of you. Not to mention so 60s.

WV "ochipp" What Ann will say when Chip Ahoy puts one of those wedding pictures of her and Meade atop the mountain in Colorado on the cover of Palladian's soft love hits album

chickelit said...

You, Althouse, transparently propping up one teabagger after another after another after another.

Who knew teabaggers even needed propping up? I thought they just liked hanging out.

dbp said...

"McCain bent so far backwards to accommodate the Right, he banged the back of his head on the ground".

Correct! Except it wasn't backwards and it wasn't for the Right.

chickelit said...

ZPS wrote: You married a teabagger. Your commenters are all teabaggers. Either admit that you are one too or that you're blatantly pandering to your traffic and/or your husband so your posts don't seem so disingenuous. It's boring and makes your blog dumb.

Hush Zach. Everybody already knows just what kind of teabaggers Meade and Althouse are: Link

JC said...

New Ham said:

"Ending Barack Obama's robot war against brown people in Pakistan and Afghanistan."

Wow, are you fucking serious? So, not only now is the war completely Obama's, but now it is something we shouldn't be doing . . . because . . . why exactly? Because a Democrat is in office?

And what, pray tell, is Rand Paul's plan for dealing with Islamic extremism then, besides having his supporters use tiny pictures of Mohammed that other people have drawn, when they comment on blogs that other people run? We all know isolationism is such a great tactic, right?

And since I know what your first, and likely only, line of attack will be, let me save you the trouble: I am not hardcore left, I did not protest the war in Iraq, and I did not vote for Obama - I voted for neither because I didn't think either candidate showed they would be any better than the other (though the Palin pick definitely had me leaning Obama)

I should have known you were a Paulian. Now I can actually make sense of your insane rantings. Anyone who was still undecided as to whether this guy was a joke - we all now have our answer.

Big Mike said...

@Pogo, no, Zach's message is that Althouse iz a dirty old poopyhead.

And she drinks tea, or sump'in.

former law student said...

Paul stands on precipice, faces Judgement Day, receives mandate, will transform America, save country.

Paul's all that stands between us and chaos.

Big Mike said...

Actually, I think the Professor's message is that Josh Marshall is a left-wing extremist and he is groping for a reason to hate Rand Paul that could plausibly get Republicans and those pesky independents pried away from him.

Paul is going to run against ROP-a-dope (Reid-Obama-Pelosi) and Josh is scared into zombie-dom that he'll win.

Charlie Eklund said...

High five, Pogo!

AC245 said...

Zachary Paul Sire holds in his hand a list of 200 known Tea Party infiltrators...

He challenges you, Althouse, and he demands you admit the answer to his question:

"Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Tea Party of the United States?"

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jr565 said...

Former Law Student: cmon that could never top Obama's This is the moment speech, which has to rank as one of the most narcissistic utterances ever uttered by a politician:

America, this is our moment. This is our time. Our time to turn the page on the policies of the past. Our time to bring new energy and new ideas to the challenges we face. Our time to offer a new direction for the country we love.

The journey will be difficult. The road will be long. I face this challenge with profound humility, and knowledge of my own limitations. But I also face it with limitless faith in the capacity of the American people. Because if we are willing to work for it, and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment (barack Obama's election) when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on earth. This was the moment—this was the time—when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves and our highest ideals.

Because prior to Barack Obama's election we didn't care for the sick or provide decent jobs. I don't quite see how Barack Obama's election will cause the water levels to recede, but such is his grandeur and power, that perhaps Obama can yet achieve such feats.

master cylinder said...

So last time I asked about Ron Paul all the regs here
didnt seem into him, now Rand is okay?

traditionalguy said...

@ New "Hussain Ham"...the Ron Paul agenda is great. His hurdle will be to convince people that he is a Libertarian realist. In his attitude people sense that he believes that he is the only one with the knowledge to run our government. That attitude has its own internal logic that will require Paul to distance himself from other intelligent and outspoken yourself... and to govern he will use a small cadre of loyal true believers. In short, his type is no ones friend. The Tea Party he has anointed himself the leader of will abandon his style of leadership or I expect it will end up split by his hostility to others. Politics also requires a compromise here and there.

Anonymous said...

I thought the left was all about beating down the establishment...

AST said...

So how many readers does Josh M have in Kentucky? I think he probably has one too many in Wisconsin. I used to hear him on the Hugh Hewitt show, before he bailed. He was as arrogant and dishonest then as he is now, substituting rhetoric for logic.

Even if Rand Paul (Was he named after Ayn?) is creepy, it's a libertarian kind of creepy, which pretty well fits the public mood in the GOP right now.

LonewackoDotCom said...

PatCA: I know this is going to be difficult for your wee mind to process, but RandPaul isn't anti-establishment; he's one of their little helpers, just like his friends the 'partiers. The left-leaning establishment is going after him, but as a whole he's not a threat. For an example of anti-establishment, turn to posts like this. See if you can find anyone in the establishment - or pseudos in this sense like RandPaul - raising such issues.

roesch-voltaire said...

Dear Edutcher I was quoting Ron Paul not Gore Vidal in case you forgot here is the quote Paul gave at the convention for conservatives including the boos he received: Conservatives spend money on different things. "They like embassies, and they like occupation. They like the empire. They like to be in 135 countries and 700 bases. (boos) [...]
Don’t you think it’s rather conservative to say, ‘oh it’s good to follow the Constitution, oh, except for war. Let the President go to war anytime they want.’ [...] We can do better with peace than with war! (mixture of boos and applause)

AlphaLiberal said...

I didn't realize how much the first part of that post by Josh was like something Ann Althouse would write. Weird that she would criticize someone doing what she habitually does.

The second part is definitely not an Althouse type of piece. He uses facts to show how the other camp intensely dislikes Rand Paul. And that's the good stuff.

AlphaLiberal said...

He's the gift that keeps giving. Now he says the Civil Rights Act was wrong to prohibit private businesses from discriminating.

It's not clear if he would vote for the Civil Rights Act, but he is certainly doing his best to keep the issue alive. He can't just come out and say "I support the Civil Rights Act."

Perhaps the reporters are asking about this because of the ties between Rand Paul and some certain white supremacist groups like Stormfront.

And the white supremacist charges are coming from Republicans!.

Fen said...

wtf ZPS? Yet another Libtard who begging to suck my balls? Go away pervo sicko.

DaddyO said...

Hello please.

I am here to tell you what is giving me the anger today.

I am not understanding why the educated American womans are in love with the auyurvedic medicines.

I am giving you an example. Today in my employers coffee room a coworker said to me "Hello Mr. V. S Gupta. How is it you are today?"

I said "Ah, valued co-worker, I am thanking you for the asking. I am very happy, verry verry happy. The sky is so blue, and I heard the birds chirping on my walk to work this morning. It is all so wonderful, other than this small headache which is of no concern."

And co-worker says "Gupta, are you using auyervedic remedies? I have recently finished reading of them. Your headache is because your vatta and pitta are not good. You need more sour taste in your foods and less salty taste. And you should have your chakras read."

And I am saying "Ohh, thanking you so much!" But I am thinking "This is shit! I am having a low-grade sinus infection which will be gone in three days, thanks to the antibiotic my MD prescribed."

What in the fack? Does not this moroon not know that auyervedic was invented because the Indian peoples were poor and had no medicines? So the old peoples said, "here, chew this twig and sniff these flowers and your pain will be better." And most of the time, the sick peoples died. They were covered with roots and leaves, but they died.

Or the elders sayed "You must swim in the Ganges to get better." The Ganges? The Ganges is full of shit from cattle, and dead bodies, and shit from peoples who lives on the river. How this is making anyone better?

But the American womans, they love the auyerveda. I do not know why.

I swear to sweet mother of vishnu that one day when I say to a co-worker "Ah, valued co-worker, how are you this fine day?" And the co-worker says "Mr. V. S. Gupta, I am having the awful cramps of the menstrual today" I will say "it is part of wonderful auyerveda that when you have the cramps you must rub mayonnaise on both of the breasts before coming to work in the morning, and also you must use the neti pot to pour tea of the dandelion blossoms into your nostrils. Do this and in three days the cramps they will be gone." Then I will add "do not use the miracle whip, it must be the real mayonnaise only."

Last year at the bank's holiday party a drinking but valued co-worker asked me "Mr. V. S. Gupta, what kind of ayuervedic medicine to your people use to make such smart babies? All your babies grow up understanding the maths and sciences. What is the secret?"

And I ma thinking "Holee cows that are sacred! What kind of shit is this? Indian childrens understand the maths and science because they fucking study six days a week, every week. No prom, no X-Box, no sleepy-overs, just study." One cannot say this to a valued co-worker. The Americans, they sometimes do not like the truths about their childrens.

So I says "Mrs. valued co-worker, I am telling you the secret because I am knowing it will not be retold to any other persons."

"In India, before the intercourse, the man rubs his balls sack with a slice of salted ham, and the womans, she inserts a beautiful lily in her rectum, so that the pretty flower sticks out when she kneels and the man mounts her. This is the ayuervedic prescription for having the very smart babies."

As I swear to all that is sacred, my office area smelled of ham and lilies for several months. the mas, they talked and laughed about the "ham sandwich", and the womans had vases of pretty lilies on their desks. Americans believe anything about ayuervedic medicine.

I do not believe this shit. I go to an MD.

That is what is making me have the anger today.

Unknown said...

Dear Roesch,

That drivel has been around since the 60s when Gore Vidal threw it at Bill Buckley during a joint commentary at the '68 Republican convention. I don't doubt Ron Paul said it, bit it's been around a lot longer than that.

Penny said...

"Blogger master cylinder said...

So last time I asked about Ron Paul all the regs here
didnt seem into him, now Rand is okay?"

Rev the engine much, master cylinder?

Of course you do. And I must admit, you caught my attention.

A.G. said...

It's not clear if he would vote for the Civil Rights Act, but he is certainly doing his best to keep the issue alive. He can't just come out and say "I support the Civil Rights Act."

You do realize that our POTUS and his AG are refusing to prosecute the New Black Panthers who threatened white voters last election, right? Is this supporting the Civil Rights Act? Would it be all's well if Klansmen stood outside a polling place and threatened black voters?
Seems kinda racist to me.

Cheap race-baiting is DOA; welcome to the "post-racial" era.

Revenant said...

You married a teabagger. Your commenters are all teabaggers

You're a teabagger, Zach? Welcome to the club!

Seriously, though -- isn't it funny how most of the long-time left-wing commenters here (like Zach, above) persist in speaking as if they somehow weren't part of the Althouse commenting community? Yes, guys, the Althouse commenters are all right-wing if you don't count the left-wingers as real commenters. :)

Michael McNeil said...

Rand Paul doesn't have a cell phone?

Jesus, that sounds stupid. I don't know how things are in Kentucky in this regard — though I understand it's got at least some substantially hilly areas — but here in California, for instance, where I am now has an excellent signal, but not a mile away there's no coverage at all, nor is that at all unusual, particularly in hilly regions.

GMay said...

Mr. V. S. Gupta,

I want to thank you for posting one of the funniest things I've read in a month. When you read that out loud in an Indian accent to your significant other, it's 10x the awesome.

Only now am I able to breathe properly again, though I still have tears streaming down my cheeks.

Who the hell is that guy anyway?

Revenant said...

So last time I asked about Ron Paul all the regs here didnt seem into him, now Rand is okay?

It is almost as if they were two different people or something.

Penny said...

Politics is getting too complicated.

Voters are playing checkers, and the 'movers and shakers' like to think of themselves as playing chess.

Penny said...

"It is almost as if they were two different people or something."

So, are you wearing your "satire" suit?

Not that I am very good at satire, but I do try to learn from the most honorable satirist, Rush Limbaugh, whose fans say he is among the best at what he does.

Anonymous said...

Former Law Student: "We are on the brink of a precipice, and only Rand can save us.

Just what we need, another Messiah."

Well you're right. After a year and a half of "the one" in the White House, the last thing we need is another fast talker with no substance or experience.

On the other hand, Rand's dad is pretty good on the issues--from the Mideast to the Federal Reserve. I wrote in Ron Paul's name on my ballot for president. If Rand is anything like his dad, we'll be in good hands.

Anonymous said...

Reverant: "So last time I asked about Ron Paul all the regs here didnt seem into him, now Rand is okay?"

I don't know about the other regulars. I always supported Ron Paul, sent him money on the Internet and wrote in his name when I voted for president.

Penny said...

Can we call his fans, Limbaugh's Losers?

Well, that's rather harsh. But honest!

The difference between Limbaugh and his purist, "NO-McCain!" strategy, and his right-wing fans' purist, follow RUSH, strategy?

Limbaugh made money on his losing strategy, and his fans?...not so much.

Penny said...

We have ONE vote.

Is it better to cast it for the person who MOST embodies our views?

Or is it better to cast our ONE vote for the person who more NEARLY matches our views, and could potentially win this thing?

Opus One Media said...

I know this guy a little and I know some of the docs who taught him pretty well. He is a good guy and a good heart. I think he is a serious fella.

Rachel Maddow kinda clobbered him last night with the distinctions in his opinion of the civil rights act which is fine and fair game. Paul, however, didn't get the nuance suggested not that it matters a lot.

What struck me is that here is a guy now thrust on the national stage who now has to think things through to the Nth degree and that may not be a good litmus test of what he believes or not.

Personally I'm glad that the Tea Party got a reasonable person to be their first born and although I would never vote for him even under threat of death or torture, he isn't a bad guy.

Roger J. said...

We may be pole vaulting over a mouse turd--Mr Paul won a primary bucking the state GOP establishment--he still has to win in the general. It seems like the major issue for our lefties is that Mr Paul had TP support. Seems to me the issue, as Senator Bennett's defeat in the Utah primary is that at least the GOP establishment is losing big time--Now I think the democrat's time is coming (Blance Lincoln). And I suspect our lefties are upset because the establishment appears to be losing, and they are whistling past the graveyard.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I usually some soft spot for most Republicans, whatever it may be, but this righteous twerp just makes me want to punch him right in the fucking face.

Nice to see your true colors come out garage. I mean a desire to inflict violence on someone because they don't share your precious ideology?

Then again somehow I doubt you'd have the stones to try.

Hoosier Daddy said...

We may be pole vaulting over a mouse turd--Mr Paul won a primary bucking the state GOP establishment--he still has to win in the general.

Whether he does or not isn't the issue as much as his winning the primary sends a message to the establishment GOP that they need to get their house in order. I'm a conservative, not a Republican. I'd vote for a Zell Miller (D) over Olympia Snowe (R) any day of the week. Whether Rand wins the general is, for me, immaterial. I'd rather the party that represents conservatism get a wake up call rather than just gain another seat that will vote yea on more spending.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Let me rephrase that last comment and say the 'party that used to represent conservatism get a wake up call.

Big Mike said...

@Roger, the thought is not original with me, but in the past when either party has taken a shellacking like the GOP received in 2008 there's been time for the losing party to regroup and pull themselves together, get new blood in key spots.

2010 is different. First, because ROP-a-dope (see my comment from 7:19 PM) has been extremely effective at being ineffective. I don't care what the MSM says -- combine severe underemployment with absolute unemployment and we are looking at numbers not seen since the 1930's. Yeah, yeah, I know. The recession started under George W. Bush. Let's even stipulate that. But obviously the "stimulus" package has stimulated nothing. We are spending nearly a trillion dollars and unemployment is still unbelievably high. Ridiculous.

And folks like FLS, and garage, and omega liberal think that all they have to do is say "Bush! Bush!" or keep trying to push that wet noodle that ROP-a-dope actually cares about jobs.

Do the three of you, and your girlfriend danielle, think everybody is STUPID!!!

I could go on and on, but I'm digressing.

Because my second point is that the Tea Party movement is demonstrating that people are scared. Really, really scared. Look at the demographics of the Tea Party movement. Mostly (55%) women, and fairly old. We remember runaway inflation, and we don't see how Democrats are going to cope with multi-trillion dollar deficits without resorting to inflation.

I think my Boomer generation is scared, and starting to get angry. I suggest that left-wingers go to a seance and consult with the ghosts of Dick Nixon and John Mitchell to see what it's like dealing with our generation when we've taken to the streets. Though I'm sure that John Mitchell will be happy; thanks to Holder he's no longer arguing with Alexander Palmer as to who was the worst AG of all time.

former law student said...

Fear is the GOP's best friend. Scared Americans will retreat into conservatism.

Re "Ayn Rand" Paul. Junior Paul addresses the issue with a video on his campaign site. The bullet points:

-- His folks named him Randal
-- They called him "Randy"
-- His wife shortened it to "Rand"
-- Although both Paul and his wife enjoy the works of AR, and Paul has read all her novels, "Rand" is not an homage to her.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Fear is the GOP's best friend. Scared Americans will retreat into conservatism.

As you are a Registered Republican, I would caution you to man up and quit being a coward.

former law student said...

HD -- I believe in the two party system. Where I live he GOP needs me, to help them serve as a check and a balance on runaway local spending.

The federal government can run up deficits; states cannot.

Big Mike said...

The federal government can run up deficits; states cannot.

Not when deficits = GNP they cannot.

A.G. said...

It's all subliminal code language...

What are the most memorable words you remember after you read Josh Marshall's piece?

"Member's only" and "Country club", right?

And what pops into your mind when someone mentions a southerner at a member's only country club? Racism, whites-only, etc.

Dude, that was pretty amazing. You pointed this out of the blue, and now today... everybody's talking about "whites-only" businesses and Rand Paul.

If I don't say so myself

ken in tx said...

I suspect Rand Paul would support commissioning privateers against the Islamist terrorists. That’s what his Pa advocates.

Anonymous said...

Ken in SC

There's nothing wrong with a little private resistance to thuggery. If all those cargo ships in the Indian Ocean getting captured by Somali pirates had 50 caliber machine guns on their sterns there would be a lot more sunken pirate ships and a lot fewer captured cargo ships.

About 10 years ago some guy up in the San Fernando valley was going for a walk at midnight when he noticed some taggers spray painting an underpass wall. He tried to write down their auto license plate but they came after him with screwdrivers. He shot one in the ass and killed another.

The Los Angeles Times of course went nuts that anyone would dare defend himself against attack. Their argument: if people just stayed inside at night they wouldn't have to shoot people who attacked them. All I can say is I'm sure glad the Marines who fought on Guadalcanal weren't led by the people who write editorials for the LA Times.

ken in tx said...

Duscany, I agree with you. However, the reason most cargo ships are unarmed is because they would not be allowed to dock in most ports of the world. Thank the UN for that.

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