First, in prepared remarks in Washington, Brennan referred to his love for “al-Quds,” which happens to be the Arab revanchist name for the city that the rest of us call “Jerusalem.” This terminology is routinely used by Islamist terror groups to rally the faithful....
[Second, a]t a conference in Washington, he said that the Obama administration is exploring ways to strengthen the hand of “moderate elements” within Hezbollah....
Earlier this year Brennan said that the 20% recidivism rate of the Gitmo detainees released up to that point was “not that bad.” See, he explained, the rate for American criminals sometimes approaches 50%....
May 21, 2010
Should John Brennan be the new Director of National Intelligence?
Dennis Blair has resigned, and Obama says he has "more confidence" in Brennan. Michael Anton looks at some things Brennan has said:
John Brennan? Director of National Intelligence?
What an oxy-maroon, as bugs would say.
This was sadly predictable.
I actually miss Bill Clinton.
He was effective as POTUS when he wasn't boffing the staff.
Obama is an incompetent.
John Brennan? Director of National Intelligence
Obama: But he knows Powerpoint.
The other shoe drops in Obama's plans to remove Israel from political control in the old city of Jerusalem. As the Euro and the Dollar do their strange collapses and 20% of Americans have no jobs , the Global Governance visionaries still strangely cannot keep their energies off focusing upon who controls the tourist center called Jerusalem. Once you see Obama's goals, then he looks super competant.
Well, he'll fit in with the rest of the campus commandos. They thought the VC were just misunderstood love children.
Fen said...
I actually miss Bill Clinton.
He was effective as POTUS when he wasn't boffing the staff.
No, he wasn't, but Dick Morris got him past re-election and impeachment.
Don't forget, without Willie, we wouldn't have Enron, subprime mortgages, and a War on Terror.
Blah blah blah. Powerpoint. Blah blah blah. Diversity hire. Blah blah blah. Libtards. Blah blah blah.
No Garage, you still cant suck my balls. Go away perv sicko.
Anton is being rather disingenuous with his comment about 'Al-Quds'.
That's not a 'revanchist name', that's its name in Arabic, the same way 'Napoli' is the Italian way of saying 'Naples' or 'Ellas' is how the Greeks call their own country.
Seeing that Gitmo is not designed as a rehabilitation center, but is instead a detention center, it's not surprising in the least that there's a high recidivism rate. Rehab facilities are generally happy with a 20% recidivism rate as it usually does run closer to 50%.
Fortunately, the Israelis are not dependent for their survival on the US. They are quite capable of managing their own affairs.
Re the possible appointment of Brennana--the US intelligence system is so fucked up at this point it doesnt make any difference who is where--Now in fairness that is not Mr Obama's fault, but rather reflects the homeland security creation and the aftermath of 9/11.
This qustion was answered last night by:
ricpic said...
Didn't one of the Obamoid idiots say recently that we have to cozy up to the moderate terrorists in Hezbollah and Hamas in order to humanize those very complex and interesting organizations...or some such twaddle? That's right, he called them moderates. I'll bet that guy is credentialed up the eyeballs. You've gotta be really really really bright...only then can you fuck up EVERYTHING.
Was acting Director of the National Counterterrorism Center under Bush 2004-05
Spent a year abroad studying Arabic and Middle Eastern studies at American University in Cairo.
Video Al- Quds day rally in DC
No, dumbass... 20% is only the KNOWN recidivism rate. You don't know what other released individuals are up to.
I didn't know Michael Anton from Susan Anton, so I looked him up. Apparently he wrote speeches for GW Bush. I don't see how this qualifies him to kibitz Obama's pick for an intelligence czar.
I suppose Obama has more confidence in Brennan because he believes Brennan is more likely to do the things he wants his DNI to do, like put together facts about those who would destroy Americans. Just kinda guessing here.
But Anton appears to be criticizing Brennan for seeing Muslims as fellow human beings. Why can't that boy demonize Muslims?
Consider that al-Quds is indeed the name for Jerusalem in Arabic. Many cities have different names in different languages -- the locals refer to Munich as Muenchen, while the Italians call it "Monaco," despite the confusion with the casino-state.
Realize that people who start out as terrorists fighting for their land and their people, often become respected political leaders, as did Yitzhak Shamir and Menachem Begin. Hezbollah was powerless until Israel invaded Lebanon (in the early 80's, not the most recent time). Kick a dog and it will bite you.
Finally, Anton asserts that terrorists are by definition a special kind of mass murderer, making recidivism much worse than for ordinary criminals -- but he can't show any concrete examples of recidivist terrorism.
Brennan video
Complements Obama's bowing and scraping ME 2009 foreign policy trip
"That's not a 'revanchist name', that's its name in Arabic, the same way 'Napoli' is the Italian way of saying 'Naples' or 'Ellas' is how the Greeks call their own country."
Considering that Jerusalem is the capital of the Jewish state, I doubt very seriously the Jews use the Arabic term.
Your apologetics suck.
My post applies to fls' attempt at the same lame argument.
Brennan video
Proves my point. Brennan sees Muslims and Arabs as fellow human beings.
Demonize them, you dhimmi!! Don't you know they hate us? Muslims are hardly even human!!!
And FLS flails his strawman yet again!
Nice job Libtard. And you didn't even hurt yourself this time.
Roger J. said...
Re the possible appointment of Brennana--the US intelligence system is so fucked up at this point it doesnt make any difference who is where--Now in fairness that is not Mr Obama's fault, but rather reflects the homeland security creation and the aftermath of 9/11.
we seldom differ, but let me take issue with your first assertion.
On the second, sure, the ODNI and DHS are both organizational mistakes, not of Obama's creation except that he likely voted to create ODNI cause he hasn't met a redundant government office that he doesn't love.
on the first point, Obama's selecttion of unqualified directors based on political values damages morale (and you and I know the moral is 3 times the physical) regardless if the new Director doesn't hands on, fuck something up.
same with this poltical correctness of not saying using the terms like Islamic, war, Muslim, or terrorist anymore. demoralzing to the intel troops.
same with trying to hang CIA interogators after the fact for waterboarding or SEALS for making captures instead of putting 2 in the head.
morale, morale, morale...
Brennan is an Arabist. He ought to know what he's doing on intel in general, but he seems to have some strange views (IMHO) regarding the Israeli stuff.
And lets not forget, this is the same Libtard who claimed 25 million arbas were too "barbaric" to be given a shot at Liberty.
His "concern" for muslims is situational, as are most Libtard values.
Strawman? On what grounds, then, did the right-wing criticize Brennan's speech?
Brennan talked about our common humanity: “I did spend time with classmates at the American University in Cairo in the 1970’s. And, time spent with classmates from Egypt, Jordan, Palestine from around the world who taught me that whatever our differences in nationality, or race, or religion, or language, there are certain aspirations that we all share. To get an education. To provide for our family. To practice our faith freely. To live in peace and security.
He showed respect for Muslims' respect for their faith:
And in a 25 year career in government, I was privileged to serve in positions across the Middle East… In Saudi Arabia, I saw how our Saudi partners fulfilled their duty as custodians of the two holy mosques at Mecca and Medina. I marveled at the majesty of the Hajj and the devotion of those who fulfilled their duty as Muslims by making that pilgrimage.
Finally, he loves Jerusalem because it is the seat of the three great monotheist faiths:
And, in all my travels the city I have come to love most is al-Quds, Jerusalem where three great faiths come together.
on the first point, Obama's selecttion of unqualified directors based on political values damages morale (and you and I know the moral is 3 times the physical) regardless if the new Director doesn't hands on, fuck something up.
I don't understand this point. Was not the Admiral qualified? Or are you saying the former CIA Saudi station chief isn't qualified?
same with this poltical correctness of not saying using the terms like Islamic, war, Muslim, or terrorist anymore. demoralzing to the intel troops.
So considering Muslims and Arabs to be fellow human beings will hamper our understanding of them?
I don't get this, either.
"And, in all my travels the city I have come to love most is al-Quds, Jerusalem where three great faiths come together."
This absurd statement alone should disqualify him.
This absurd statement alone should disqualify him.
I keep thinking GMay must have reasons for the things he types, but he never shares them with the rest of us.
Hint: After typing a sentence like that, replace the period with a comma followed by the word, "because." Then complete the sentence.
FLS: So considering Muslims and Arabs to be fellow human beings will hamper our understanding of them? I don't get this, either.
Because you are an idiot.
We all agreed that Muslims and Arabs are fellow human beings a very long time ago.
Read some Bernard Lewis and catch up please.
Or, keep struggling with that Strawman.
"So considering Muslims and Arabs to be fellow human beings will hamper our understanding of them?
I don't get this, either."
This sort of vacuous appeal to emotion is a great example of the "Reality Based Community" ignoring not only present reality, but history.
Who the fuck said Muslims weren't human? Newsflash: Humans do fucked up things. Entire theopolitical belief systems, organizations (which includes couple Obama and Co. want to court), and nations have publicly called for the destruction of the Jewish state. Drive them into the Med or some such barbarism. That's humans doing fucked up things. They happen to be Muslim. Go figure.
This isn't hard.
Here FLS, I'll start you off so you can evolve to Former_Libtard:
"There is some justice in one charge that is frequently leveled against the United States, and more generally against the West: Middle Easterners frequently complain that the West judges them by different and lower standards than it does Europeans and Americans, both in what is expected of them and what they may expect, in terms of their economic well-being and their political freedom. They assert that Western spokesmen repeatedly overlook or even defend actions and support rulers that they would not tolerate in their own countries.
...there is nevertheless a widespread [Western] perception that there are significant differences between the advanced Western world and the rest, notably the peoples of Islam, and that these latter are in some ways different, with the tacit assumption that they are inferior. The most flagrant violations of civil rights, political freedom, and even human decency are disregarded or glossed over, and crimes against humanity, which in a European or American country would evoke a storm of outrage, are seen as normal and even acceptable.
...The underlying assumption in all this is that these people are incapable of running a democratic society and have neither concern nor capacity for human decency."
The Crisis of Islam, Bernard Lewis, p104
He's talking about people like YOU Libtard.
"Hint: After typing a sentence like that, replace the period with a comma followed by the word, "because." Then complete the sentence."
Tell ya what slugger, when you quit ducking out of threads or just flat out ignoring the legions of people who soundly rebut your nonsense here on an hourly basis, I'll give you the courtesy of spelling things out for you.
A cursory knowledge of the theo-political climate of the situation referenced by Mr. Brennan would negate the need of spelling out such a painfully obvious point, but when you stop trolling, I'll be happy to spell it out for you.
The only adult the regime had has been kicked out of the building. Pure unadulterated fantasy from here on in.
Once again, GMay was unable to back up his assertion with a fact.
The only adult the regime had has been kicked out of the building.
If "one official" who spoke to ABC can be believed, Blair was kicked out for not doing his job as requested, and for insubordination, which a military man above all should know is taboo.
The official says that there were high-profile problems on Blair’s watch and those certainly didn’t help him, but the ultimate reason Blair is gone is because of the dissatisfaction President Obama and the National Security Staff had with Blair’s ability to share intelligence in a tight, coherent and timely way.
This was, the official said, the result of long pent-up dissatisfaction with Blair as the principal intelligence adviser to the president, responsible for briefing the president every day and briefing the National Security Staff. In short, officials didn’t think the briefings were relevant to what the president was focused on that day or time period. They weren’t crisp or well-presented.
At other times, Blair didn’t seem to take “no” for an answer, the official said. He was pushing an initiative dealing with intelligence and other countries, and he kept pushing it even after President Obama turned it down.
Once again FLS works up his troll creds.
It's a simple deal dude, stop trolling (tall order I know) and I'll be as respectful and thorough as you could ever ask.
FLS, speaking as a former military man, what you quoted is definitely not insubordination.
That story was already dissected on the other thread.
Drill--no problem on disagreeing. As we both know, three cavalrymen, at least four opinions :)
I accept your point that (unfortunately)most of the state dept pukes are arabists--(I dont have a feel what its like in the intel community). I dont begrudge the president's perogative to appoint his own people; now I think that will come back to bite him in the future, because he will get the information that Mr Brennan thinks Mr Obama wants to hear. I fear that the organizational restructuring of the intel community has so diluted any common agreement, and replaced it with turf wars, that agreement will not be possible. And I take your point about morale.
FLS: I am assuming you dont know much about the intel community--there are numerous centers of intelligence (and intelligence, BTW, is defined as processed and evaluated raw information). The system prior to 9/11 was at best chaotic; the national intelligence estimate was designed to be a consensus document reflecting the assessments of DOS/DOD/CIA/FBI/NSA and other intel communities.
In short the NIE wasnt about facts; it was about turf. Differences were papered over--Frankly, imo the NIE was and remains a major piece of shit. It reflects only bureaucratic consensus, and is only weakly rooted in fact.
The post 9/11 "reforms" exacerbate the chaotic process by adding yet another layer in the assessment process. The entire system is fundamentally flawed. It is too slow and too ponderous, and ultimately reflects turf battles to be an effective source of ACTIONABLE intelligence. In this regard, I sympathize with Mr Obama--he will face the same problems as his predecessor--the intel pukes in the agencies know they can wait this administration out--a nd backstab the administration when they dont get their way.
Too many Chiefs, and not enough Indians.
former law student said...
I don't understand this point. Was not the Admiral qualified? Or are you saying the former CIA Saudi station chief isn't qualified?
Director Panetta had no intel experience
Director Blair was not an intel guy, though he'd been inside the CIA before.
So considering Muslims and Arabs to be fellow human beings will hamper our understanding of them?
That's not what I said. Don't accuse me of aling them non-human.
My point is that excising the words "radical Islamic Terrorist" out of documents will increase the number of successful attacks, not decrease them.
So what you are saying is that he prefers the Arab states that attack and kill us to the Jewish state that stands beside us.
Sounds perfect for Obama.
Drill Sgt: I agree that terrorists that are radical Muslims should be called radical Muslim terrorists, and you seem to agree that being Muslim (or even radical Muslim) is not synonymous with being a terrorist. So I think we're fine there.
It's a simple deal dude, stop trolling (tall order I know) and I'll be as respectful and thorough as you could ever ask.
GMay excuses his inability to support his assertions by alluding to alleged flaws of my own.
RogerJ -- Since WW II there's been a turf battle between the FBI and what became the CIA. Toss in the military intelligence services and you have a serious coordination challenge. This challenge makes a central point of contact necessary for the President -- else he becomes his own DNI.
The job of DNI appears to be of one with responsibility without authority. The CIA director is not about to report to him, for example. The director should avoid formal power plays and stick to working informal networks to get the information he needs. To get people to give him information he needs to be credible and respected.
"GMay excuses his inability to support his assertions by alluding to alleged flaws of my own."
I'd say your flaws are fairly common knowledge around here. Along with your penchant for fact free postings. And your hourly beatdowns.
Here, let's test you out a little. We'll start with some history. What can you tell me about the Al-Aksa mosque and recent history?
The reason this question is important is because it only begins to address the absurdity of Brennan's statement about three religions coming together. Not to mention the already-pointed-out fact that calling the Jewish capital by an Arab name is pretty insulting for anyone, let alone a political appointee.
So just chew on that little facts for awhile.
"Roger J. said...
Fortunately, the Israelis are not dependent for their survival on the US. They are quite capable of managing their own affairs."
Not true.
The Israelis are as dependent on the USA for survival as N Korea is on China for it's continued existence.
How vulnerable they are was demonstrated back in 1973 War - where they could have been choked out of existence
1. By an oil embargo the Jews couldn't break but for the US.
2. By suddenly needing new military ecm only the US was willing to give them or the would have a defeated air force. And the spare parts to keep their beleagured IDF Army viable.
3. Only the US had the ability to keep sea lanes open, or Israel would have been choked off by lack of food and raw resources and inability to export as surely as they would have been by no one sending oil.
"TMink said...
So what you are saying is that he prefers the Arab states that attack and kill us to the Jewish state that stands beside us."
Zionists like to assure us they "stand with us", but have never actually stood with us in a conflict. Not in any war, nor the Cold War, when they were ALSO assuring the Soviet Union that "Israel stands committed to progressivism and the cause of Socialism, and are as much friends of the noble Soviet people as America".
On the other hand, while we may be indeed "philosophically closer" to Israel than Arab states - many of the Arab States, as well as other Muslim countries - HAVE fought along with us side-by-side in the hot wars and in the Cold War.
GMay - Not to mention the already-pointed-out fact that calling the Jewish capital by an Arab name is pretty insulting for anyone, let alone a political appointee."
Actually, calling it the Jewish Capital is pretty insulting for every nation that has resisted Zionists demands that it be termed "The Jewish Capital" and diplomatically recognized as such.
As is, the Jews have managed to bribe one Pacific Island into diplomatic recognition. One Central American nation did, then rescinded it.
The Jews of AIPAC thought they had spread enough money and threats around in Congress to "seal the deal" with the US officially recognizing the Zionist Capital back in 1999 - but since then, the US has been told by our real allies that without a peace agreement and specific recognition of other parties interests in Jerusalem - it would be a spectacularly stupid deal.
So for now it is only the Jewish capital in terms of Zionists, one bribed Pacific island, and one bribed US Congress.
What can you tell me about the Al-Aksa mosque and recent history?
I know the mosque was built in the Seventh Century, and recently its foundations were excavated by Israelis, is that what you mean?
What can you tell me about how Aelia Capitolina became al-Quds? Are you aware that's where Muhammad's (and Jesus's, for that matter) ascent to heaven took place? Tell me about the building of the Dome of the Rock?
C4: I do enjoy your posts, but if you are asserting Israel would cease to exist without US support you are overstating the case. The Israelis are quite capable of maintaining their existence--that they use US assistance simply lessens their expense. If that safeguard goes away, then they will be capable of going it alone.
And the Arabs know that--Israel can reduce any arab state to cinders if their existence is threatened.
The bottom line is that the israelis are a lot smarter than all the ragheads in the mideast, and smart will carry them thru--hell, they've won every war with the rags since 1948.
And C4--your examples are from the 73 Yom Kippur war--and the israeli's learned that lesson: they have to be self dependent. You need to update your data base.
Zionists like to assure us they "stand with us", but have never actually stood with us in a conflict.
Well, they did do us a solid when they let Saddam Hussein lob Scuds into their cities during the first Gulf War so that Jim Baker's anti-Saddam coalition could remain Jew-free and we could keep the all-powerful Syrian brigade on our side.
Who knows, we might have lost that one if not for the presence of those Syrians.
FLS--we are in complete agreement re the current state of intelligence (no pun intended)--appreciate your reasoned response.
From my reading, it seemed as if John Brennan was already functioning as the go-to guy for intelligence issues. Why mess that up by giving him a new title.
Lemondog, since you checked wiki about Brennan, go check it for Dennis Blair.
They were right up to date about him on the day of his resignation. Additionally they had bold headings that surely catch your eye.
- "Reports of Disobeying Orders"
- "Conflict of Interest"
I am imagining Heidi Klum bestowing the honors...
"John, you are IN."
"Dennis, I'm sorry, you are OUT."
Oh yay, the standard anti-zionist bilge. "Real Allies"? Are you serious?
No mention of CAIR bribes or the clear Jew hate expressed by so-called "real allies" and Islamic fundamentalist states and organizations.
Color me shocked.
fls - "I know the mosque was built in the Seventh Century, and recently its foundations were excavated by Israelis, is that what you mean?"
Close. Are you unaware of the Al-Aqsa intifada and the years of violence that it's wrought?
What did the invading Muslims build the mosque on? What building did the invading Muslims destroy to get building materials for the mosque? (I think that should answer one of your questions)
Bottom line (to make a long sad story short) the area has served as a way for major cultures to insult one another and strain relations. Which again, goes back to Brennan's remarks.
Speaking of Aelia Capitolina, want to tell me how it became Aelia Capitolina and to whom even the Romans considered it belonged?
GMay - You called Jerusalem the Capital as if it was a universally accepted fact, when that is hardly the case. Hardly the case at all.
Your statement was deceitful, and I called you on it.
And hardly "insulting to anyone" to call it by names other than "the Jewish Capital".
Basically, what happened was enthusiastic Zionists declared Jerusalem the "Eternal Capital of All Jews" and Yishrael in 1950 and moved their government there. DEmanding other nations recognize the Zionist decision. No one did, because it was a direct breach of the Partition Plan and the Zionists own acceptance that the status of Jerusalem was to be an Open city for 3 faiths, with control over sections TBD.
So no nation recognizes the "Jewish Capital" though the Zionists have worked furiously to induce somebody to accept Jerusalem as "Zionist-ruled".
After 60 years, the only progress they got was:
1 Pacific Island paid well by overseas Jews to say it is so.
One Central American nation, since rescinded.
A bribed and cajoled by AIPAC US Congress that passed a bill in 1999 saying Zionists would call the shots there. Blocked by 3 US Presidents and State Dept from moving the US Embassy from Tel Aviv...
One thing is for sure, whether you think of Jerusalem as Israel's capital or not: The Zionists have been infinitely more tolerant and respectful of other faiths' need for access to Jerusalem holy sites than the Jordanians were when they controlled the old city.
Belmont Club has the best explanation.
Roger J - "And C4--your examples are from the 73 Yom Kippur war--and the israeli's learned that lesson: they have to be self dependent. You need to update your data base."
In 1953, Dear Leader Kim Il-Sung said the organizing principle of N Korea was that they would be self-reliant. The result is they proclaim they are, but the pathetic fact is they only survive on the sponsorship and under the protection of the ChiComs.
Israel still is not anywhere near self sufficient.
And as for the threat to use nukes to incinerate countries and ME Gulf Oil supplies...that was only credible if Israel had assurance that it would not face nuclear retaliation and the US and Russia would "back" their "Special Friend", as AIPAC puts it.
The so-called Sampson Option was barely a tenable idea 20 years ago. It is unlikely to work now.
You obviously don't understand the intel community. Each of the elements of that community prepares a briefing book for the leadership, both senate/congress and executive branches of the govt. These books are handed over and can be used to work up a consensus of what the intel community finds of interest. The job of pulling this info together into coherence to get the whole picture is the job of the DNI and the National Security Advisor. To name someone to that position who does not have intel background is ridiculous. That official would then be fair game for anything the various intel agencies want to tell him. You need someone there who knows the players and how to read what they are offering. Brennan would not even begin to know what was being handed over and would end up being a gross liability to this president who doesn't have a clue to begin with and seems hell bent on naming advisors who don't either.
John Burgess,
If Brennan had been speaking in Arabic, you'd have a point (and a thoroughly correct one). But he wasn't, so you don't (as far as I can see.) Brennan was speaking in English, and the English name for that city happens to be "Jerusalem".
"You called Jerusalem the Capital as if it was a universally accepted fact, when that is hardly the case. Hardly the case at all."
Considering that it is accepted by Israelis as their capital and they have most of their main government institutions there, I'd say that's a pretty strong argument. The fact that it's been the capital of the Jews off and on for about 3000 years by every objective historical standard also makes a damn strong argument.
The fact that you think this is deceitful is just weird.
The fact that you think that a universal international consensus is required for a legitimate people to determine their own capital is instructive.
I pretty much smelled you at "real allies" but was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. You've shown your hand it's just the usual anti-Zionist pablum.
I think you and I are done here.
traditonalguy: "The other shoe drops in Obama's plans to remove Israel from political control in the old city of Jerusalem."
For most Americans the central issue in John Brennan's nomination for intelligence director is not whether he's good for Israel but "is he good for America?"
And, in all my travels the city I have come to love most is al-Quds, Jerusalem where three great faiths come together.
If a Bush official had called the city "Yerushalayim", the Muslim world and their supporters would have been flipping out all over the place.
Moreover, the only reason that Jerusalem is actually a city "where three great faiths come together" is that the Israelis are controlling it.
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