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Roman Polanski can remain silent no longer.

Read his statement. I don't see that it adds anything new. His lawyers have already said all this. But he'd like you to think he's been holding something back all this time and now has simply got to say it.

৩৮টি মন্তব্য:

Opus One Media বলেছেন...

The entire tawdry episode is unfortunate. That a mother would involve her daughter in such a way. That a seemingly reasonable and gifted person would do this. That law enforcement has blown hot and cold now hot. That the Swiss are taking more time to decide this than to make cheese..and now Mr. Polansky, perhaps watching the hourglass run out of sand, speaks.

Cheap. Tawdry. Pathetic. Probably bound for a jail he richly if not rightfully deserves.

Albatross বলেছেন...

I think I missed it. Did Polansky once express regret for what he actually did all those years ago?

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

he's been holding something back all this time and now has simply got to say it.

I really loved the...skillful way you beat the other girls to the bride's bouquet.

Really, why do we care what a guilty person thinks about the crime they committed?

Teki Setsu বলেছেন...

Dude. You have sex. With children.

GMay বলেছেন...

He needs Whoopi Goldberg on his legal team.

Teki Setsu বলেছেন...

"He needs Whoopi Goldberg on his legal team."

Yeah, it wasn't rape rape. I mean, she only said the word "no" repeatedly after he drugged and then raped her. She didn't submit a formal, typed, letter of disapproval.

Fen বলেছেন...

How is it that this perp is still walking around alive?

Fen বলেছেন...

Oh thats right, he's an "artist"

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

An artiste! Don't forget the e.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

No, I'd rather not.

Albatross বলেছেন...

A "real" artist. He probably gets away with drawing Mohamed, too.

paul a'barge বলেছেন...

C'mon back, Roman.

Can I just have 10 minutes alone with the mutt?

Then, I'll shut up about him forever.

Really. It's time we did something serious about pedophiles.

Unknown বলেছেন...

He did it and he's always talked about how swell having sex with underage girls is. He ought to be doing time here now.

Besides, Gstaad, last I heard, was one of the playgrounds of the obscenely rich. Hardly Devil's Island.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Roman Polanski can remain silent no longer

The cruelest punishment would be if no one listens to him.

PatHMV বলেছেন...

Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

He's scum. Lower than scum. A rapist and a pervert. The Hollywood celebrities who support him should be deeply ashamed of themselves.

Opus One Media বলেছেন...

paul a'barge said...
"Really. It's time we did something serious about pedophiles."

I think there is a Catholic Church down your street. Serious is fine. Polansky in jail with a bubba buddy is right up there with have a nice day. But lets also let no stone left unturned here.

I agree with you...peds are just the worst among us.What we are doing isn't working so lets think about it some and come up with a better mousetrap.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I really don't have words to express the loathsomeness of this perverted sodomite. If the girl had been my daughter, I would have flown to France some decades ago, and either the pervert or I would long since be dead.

And any Hollywood twit who defends him is dead to me forever.

A.W. বলেছেন...

Look folks, the man has been in jail for like... months... Okay, more like house arrest. Or really, "mansion arrest."

And he is about to run out of champaign and all the slumber parties have been cancelled. Can't we have a little compassion?

paul a'barge বলেছেন...

HDHouse: "I think there is a Catholic Church down your street."

As much as I loathe the Catholic Church (I'm a Protestant and believe that there should be an annual event at which Martin Luther's 95 Theses should be nailed to the front door of each Catholic Church), I'm not interested in playing Pick-a-Ped.

And besides, there is no evidence to suggest that anything more than a tiny minority of Catholic priests are pedophiles. Of course, if upper management in the Catholic Church would do something serious about that tiny minority, we'd know for sure.

Polanski, on the other hand is a convicted and admitted molester of young girls.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

He holds his tongue about as well as he held, well ... some of his other body parts.

My only hope is that if he does go to jail he can finally have the experience of having sex against his will.

A.W. বলেছেন...

E.M. Davis

Are you saying that he will be raped in prison, or rape-raped?

Known Unknown বলেছেন...


At least he won't have the luxury of quaaludes or champagne to 'soften the blow.'

Cedarford বলেছেন...

"Dude. You have sex. With children"

He had sex with a sexually active 15-year old, who was no virgin.

Which makes him a perv but no pedophile. In the years since Polanski, in California alone some 5-6 million sexually active teens 16 and below have hooked up with men 25 years old or older over the years.
In inner city black America, little ho's and they Sugah Daddies is all too common.

Not to excuse Polanski, but this is hardly an unusual, shocking "crime of the century". Most cases aren't prosecuted or are settled without the male or female cradle-robber involved becoming a convicted felon or registered sex offender.

The jails just hold so many people.

Skookum John - "I really don't have words to express the loathsomeness of this perverted sodomite. If the girl had been my daughter, I would have flown to France some decades ago, and either the pervert or I would long since be dead."

No you wouldn't. Or if you did it would be after you killed you wife or beat her half to death. For delivering the 15 year old. And then for encouraging the 15-year old model/starlet wannabe to be "real friendly" with Polanski.

The girl herself said the state prosecutors using her as a pawn to enhance their own careers as lawyers and her parents trying to sue and get rich were far more painful and disgusting than the actual tryst Polanski manipulated her into.

A.W. বলেছেন...


> Not to excuse Polanski...

Except that you are about to do that.

> He had sex with a sexually active 15-year old, who was no virgin.

Ah yes, so then it is okay to drug and anally rape her. Because she was a slut, so she deserved it. /sarc.

> The jails just hold so many people.

We have room for one more.

> No you wouldn't. Or if you did it would be after you killed you wife or beat her half to death.

The mother ain’t no saint, but I still stick the primary blame on the pedophile.

> actual tryst Polanski manipulated her into.

By “tryst” and “manipulated” you mean when he drugged and anally raped here.

Jason বলেছেন...

Damn. Just lost what little respect I had for Cederford.

Dude... Rape is a crime.

Sure, there are gray areas. This case wasn't among them.

CyndiF বলেছেন...

"He had sex with a sexually active 15-year old, who was no virgin."

Wasn't she 13?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Maybe I'm way off base here, but I don't get why everyone focuses on the rape. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't he plead guilty to that and popped smoke before sentencing.

It seems to me that, for those who think Polanski should be in jail (for the record he should), you're playing into the hands of his enablers by making it about the sex instead of him flaunting the law and the justice to which he submitted.

A.Worthing বলেছেন...


Wikipedia says she was 13. that lines up with my memory.

And here are some pictures of the victim taken close to the time of the crime.


She wasn't a little woman, she was a girl. And that makes Roman one sick f---.


fleeing is bad, but in my opinion its really the rape that boils my blood.

You can read her uncontradicted testimony, here. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/polanskicover1.html

it breaks your heart when she talks about "cuddliness" and you realize what she is trying to say.p

Cedarford বলেছেন...

" Jason said...
Damn. Just lost what little respect I had for Cederford.

Dude... Rape is a crime.

Sure, there are gray areas. This case wasn't among them"

Dude, there are 10 million cases a year like Polanski's in the USA. Many involve a similar dirtball tapping some eager young 12-16 year old "ghetto bride of the day" plied with money, trinkets, or drugs.

There aren't enough jails in the country to make the "law" work as you think it should.

It's like with marijuana. It's a crime to smoke it in most places, and "the law is the law" - but it's absolutely unenforcable - in that you cannot attempt to apply anti-drug laws uniformly and impartially.
Best argument you can make is to single out certain ghetto sex exploiters or pot users for capricious and unfair prosecution to set an example for the other 10 thousand you have no inclinations or resources to "bring to justice".

Then you are left with an argument that backs capricious laws and prosecutors...that just because they let 10 thousand walk doesn't mean they shouldn't nail the one they want to single out.

My position is law only works if it is fairly and impartially applied. And laws that are capricious are not respected by most people.
Does that mean that dope smoking and cradle robbing is OK because the laws cannot be enforced because penalties are too draconian and too expensive on the state to impliment? NO. But it does signify that people want smarter ways to deal with those problems than felony criminal justice.
A reasonable fine for dope offenses instead of millions in cost to taxpayers to try and convict. A 5,000 dollar fine of twiffle-tappers - paid to the twiffle or her parents ought to work wonders, even in black inner city neighborhoods.

A.W. বলেছেন...


Wow... So because we can't catch every child rapist, we should catch none of them.

Btw, what crime doesn't that logic apply to. i have had things stolen from me 3 times, no arrests. so i guess theft should be legal, right? and i wonder how often we catch murderer... i wonder if it is often enough for your taste.

so even assuming your stats are true--and i am not making that assumption--you are wrong, because your argument leads to anarchy.

A.W. বলেছেন...

Mmm, here's the page from the transcript of the grand jury presentation, dealing with cuddliness...


remember cedar doesn't think we should bother ourselves with interrupting this "tryst."

paul a'barge বলেছেন...

Cedarford: "It's like with marijuana."

No, Cedarford. Statutory rape of a child is not anything like marijuana.

You and your buddy, Beelz may think you can peddle that nonsense but you can't.

Go crawl back in the gutter.

Cedarford বলেছেন...

"paul a'barge said...
Cedarford: "It's like with marijuana."

No, Cedarford. Statutory rape of a child is not anything like marijuana."

I'm afraid it is, in the context of the act being so common and the law so uneforceable on each perpetrator.
Next to felony drug possession, statutory rape is the least prosecuted "major crime" on the books.
In some inner city neighborhoods, the percent of 13 year olds to 16 year olds who are virgins is under 10%.
To prosecute and imprison all the 10s of millions of "child rapists" I would urge you to support Barack Obama adding a new 3 trillion dollar lawyer scholarship program and prison construction program.

Because that is what it will take to fund the cost of running your mouth off about it. Mouthing off is free, but actually funding your moral outrage doesn't come cheap. Not to mention what the state and local costs would be and how much that would jack up sales, income and property taxes to put another 12 million men and a few 100,000 women behind bars for decades.

Grow up.

Best solution is Rasheed at 19 has to pay 14-year old Laskeesha's momma 5,000 bucks for Lakeesha eagerly spreading them for Rasheed. Or Rasheed goes to jail for a year for failing to pay Momma. Rasheeds friends tell him and other friends that 14 year old pussy just got too expensive. They avoid it. Plus people like Lakeesha's momma who might not care at all before - would be watching like hawks for any sign their chilluns are being tapped.

A.W. বলেছেন...


You are scum.

Grow up? So ironic when we are talking about sex with underage girls.

Tell me, most people who want to legalize pot use it...

So... you want to legalize child rape, does that mean...?

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

You're right, Cedar, Jodie Foster did deserve to get hammered on the pinball machine in The Accused, too.

I mean, look at the way she was dressed!

Revenant বলেছেন...

The really shocking news here isn't that Cedarford is making excuses for a rapist, but that he's making excuses for a guy who's half Jewish.

Jason বলেছেন...

This rape was more than statutory; it was also forcible, and would have been a criminal assault no matter how old Samantha Geimer was at the time, you morally retarded shit.

Keep digging, Cedarford.

Hope you never have a daughter.

Unknown বলেছেন...

I want Roman to be treated fairly. Serve time on the rape charge then consecutive time on the fugitive charge.