May 18, 2010

Rand Paul is in. And Specter is out.

It's been a big night.
"It’s been a great privilege to serve the people of Pennsylvania,” said Mr. Specter, looking drawn and downcast as he delivered a brief concession speech.... “And I’ll be working hard for the people of Pennsylvania very hard for the coming months.”...

“I have a message,” Mr. Paul said, delivering a victory speech in Bowling Green. “A message from the Tea Party. A message that is loud and clear and does not mince words: We have come to take our government back.”


Sydney said...

I almost feel happy for the first time since November 2008.

former law student said...

Lieberman lost a Democratic Senatorial primary, too.

Don't count out the Specter.

Fred4Pres said...

I am glad Snarlin Arlen is gone, even if the guy who beat him is arguably a tougher candidate in the general.

Now Blumenthal needs to get defeated in the Nutmeg State.

Semper fibus. Semper lyius. Semper fibus.

Fred4Pres said...

I would love it if Zombie Specter runs in the general. That would help the GOP.

Big Mike said...

Burns' defeat puts a damper on things.

The RNCC now understands that it has to set their collective minds to working. They can't just sit back and let the Tea Party do the heavy lifting.

Fred4Pres said...

Arlen is no Lieberman. Lieberman was rejected by a vocal minority of lefty Dems. Arlen got rejected by both the GOP and the Democrats. Ouch. They is no running as an indie and winning after that.

Mark said...

Yeah, fls, but Connecticut voters actually like Lieberman.

Not really getting that feeling for the Ghost.

KCFleming said...

No safe seats.

Eric said...

No safe seats.

Good lord, I wish that were true. Nancy Pelosi really needs to spend more time with her family.

Peano said...

"Don't count out the Specter."

Please. What planet are you on?

Anonymous said...

The specter of Specter running as an independent isn't plausible. Even he has to have some conception at this point that he wouldn't be running for anything but himself.

Lieberman had something to offer. He was and is a Scoop Jackson Democrat. Nothing wrong with that. What is Specter? What do he and Charlie Crist stand for other than themselves?

former law student said...

What planet are you on?

The first rule of Israel Lobby is that you do not talk about Israel Lobby.

jayne_cobb said...

As far as I know PA election law bars Specter from running as an independent. He could still attempt a write in candidacy, but at this point there's no way in hell that would result in a victory.

The only reason I could see him doing such a thing would be out of spite. He would likely drain votes from Sestak and not Toomey.

However, this would be dependent on Specter being a sore loser, and there is no possibility of that is there? I mean given the praise the man has received from the media and the Dem. establishment he must surely be a noble and trustworthy politician.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

He's going to wish he had gone for the uniforms.

Anonymous said...

FLS -- The Israel Lobby sure has a piss-poor GOTV wing, huh? Especially for being all powerful and all.

former law student said...

7M: Ask Debbie Stabenow. Heck, ask Spencer Abraham.

Anonymous said...

FLS -- So may I presume that the third rule of the Israel Lobby is that you should be a politician from Michigan?

Anonymous said...

P.S. I would think this thread would get more action. Where are the flamers, dammit? Are you too busy sulking?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Obama got his ass whipped tonight. The more the candidates touched Obama and his policies, the more likely they were to fail [or underperform].

Incumbents who supported Obama are a highly endangendered species. Where is the EPA to declare they must be protected?

Ben Calvin said...

Nancy Pelosi really needs to spend more time with her family.

The weird thing is I live in Nancy's district and we're getting robocalls for the Republican primary! She has to have the safest seat in the country, but I guess enough money's come in so the Republican candidates are running calls against each other.

The calls to my house are wasted though -- changing my registration to vote for Mickey Kaus.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Specter did not lose- he just was unable to prove he won [per Scottish law].

former law student said...

The more the candidates touched Obama and his policies, the more likely they were to fail [or underperform].

The Republican Party is being purged. No more Mensheviks, only Bolsheviks, from this day forward.

Anonymous said...

What happened to Mollohan and Specter? Were they Trotskyists or part of the vast doctors' plot?

I'm Full of Soup said...

FLS- no idea what a Menshevik is. But IMO Obama has become like the Scarlet Letter. His touch [percieved or real] is staining incumbents and they are paying the price.

Bennett voted for TARP, Specter voted for Spendulus, Molohan probably voted for every spending bill he ever saw like a good little Obamaphile. And Lincoln is stained as well.

Anonymous said...

AJ -- Here's the kicker, though. The October surprise in 2010 is that we find out that Obama got his 'A' because he was having an affair with Bush all along.

Thus, it's all Bush's fault!

LonewackoDotCom said...

Who exactly will teaparty be taking gov't back from? What month and year will they be returning gov't to?

Two simple questions, but instead of trying to answer them, teapartiers will try to smear anyone who points out that they don't support the will of the people and that they have no clue about how to run things in a way that works for everyone in the U.S. and not just them.

P.S. Before replying, picture everything you've ever written online as the #1 Google result for your real name.

Anonymous said...

I am picturing that, Wacko. I am picturing that as I call you a nutty douchebag who is unreasonably obsessed with immigration policy when it is not a priority for the vast majority of Americans.

Most Americans want a government that spends less and is more practically democratic, thus allowing Americans to govern themselves and pursue happiness, which is all all us immigrants ever set out to do.

former law student said...

Bennett was purged; Specter jumped ship before he was purged. But the Dems didn't buy Specter as a Democrat.

No idea about Mollohan -- first time I've heard of him.

Anonymous said...

FLS -- Well, if this is the first time you have heard of Mollohan, I think it's fair to say that you have no idea what is going on in any kind of national sense.

Paul Kirchner said...

It is a relief to get Arlen Specter out of the Senate. He looks and sounds like a sick old man. You'd think he'd have been happy to retire years ago, but for guys like him political power is like heroin to a junkie; they just can't let go. It's really kind of disgusting and it's a sad commentary on our system that a guy like this can hold on to an office as long as he did. All that talk about "public service" when it was about his insatiable ego all along.

Anonymous said...

I can see November from my house!

former law student said...

7M: I keep forgetting that WV is part of our country. Plus I'm still celebrating Ted Deutch's stunning victory in Florida.

LonewackoDotCom said...

Immig. policy isn't the top issue for most Americans, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be: it's an indicator of massive gov't corruption and it's a very vital, fundamental issue. It's more fundamental than spending, and it has a direct impact on spending. And, that's one of the reasons why I call the 'partiers idiots. Because, it's an idiotic thing to complain about spending and corruption while ignoring things directly related to those and that precede those.

P.S. Look forward to your #1 slot.

Revenant said...

The Republican Party is being purged.

If by "purged" you mean "the old guard are losing elections" then, well, yeah. But that particular "purge" started four years ago, and you were cheering for it back then.

Anonymous said...

Immig. policy isn't the top issue for most Americans, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be

Sadly for you, Wacko, you don't get to choose the top issue for Americans. You are exactly -- exactly! -- like a communist prattling on about how class war is really, really important but everybody else in the whole wide world but you and your gang is too dumb to see it.

Immigration is obviously an issue in border states right now, and I say bully for those states in trying to solve the problem using law and democracy.

Finally, I think that you have confused the icon I chose a long time ago on an absolute whim with the idea that I am somehow trying to protect my identity. I hope you are able to expose me. I look forward to that glorious moment. Maybe we can go on Larry King together. I'll wear a lucha libre mask and then take it off midway through the show. It'll be great theater.

Then, we can go around the country debating on college campuses. I'll tell you all the reasons you are such a boring tool from Stony Brook to Saint Olaf to Southern cal, and we'll get paid to do it G. Gordon Liddy style.

Awesome! Or, tal vez debo decir: respetuoso!

Methadras said...

So long you piece of party jumping crap. You binged and the people purged.

Alex said...

I have to say one thing. Jewish liberals are mentally ill.

Alex said...

And, that's one of the reasons why I call the 'partiers idiots.

Most Republicans are not Tea partiers. No one I know belongs to the TP or has attended any rallies. Yet we will all vote GOP just like we always have.

Revenant said...

P.S. Before replying, picture everything you've ever written online as the #1 Google result for your real name.

Sort of like how Lonewacko is the #1 Google result for "fucking low-rent anti-immigrant dipshit". :)

I wonder if Wacko is bright enough to realize that threatening to harass someone online is illegal under federal law.

Gary Rosen said...

"The first rule of Israel Lobby is that you do not talk about Israel Lobby."

A Jew-obsessed nonsequitur worthy of C-fudd himself. Have FLS and Cedarford ever been seen in the same place at the same time?

Anonymous said...

"The Republican Party is being purged."

Yes. The Democrats are being removed from our Party.

How does our ass taste?

Once we're finished purging our Party, we're going to fucking purge your party too pal.

Anonymous said...

"Obama got his ass whipped tonight."

That's the real message here. Barack Obama is a loser.

Every candidate he has stumped for since becoming President has been removed from public office.

At some point, you'd think wiser heads would prevail in the Democrat Party and they'd dump this guy before he single-handedly destroys everything the Democrat Party has spent the last 40 years building.

Hillary warned Democrats not to elect this moron.

She was right.

Roger J. said...

MSM spin notwithstanding, it looks like a major case of anti-incumbent fever irrespective of party affiliation. Thats a good thing, IMO. I suspect a whole lot of incumbents Rs and Ds alike are sweating bullets about their prospects in November. Fortunately for the dems the RNC is fucked up beyond belief; fortunately for the GOP Obama will be the issue.

November will be interesting.

FLS: I cannot believe you do not know who Mr Mollohan is. Check the appopriations committee.

Anonymous said...

Everybody is in fiesta mode because it took PA 30 years to get rid of this slug. 30 years!!!

pm317 said...

New Hussein Ham,

"Hillary warned Democrats not to elect this moron.

She was right."

No kidding, she and 18+ million others of whom I was one.

Republican said...

I like that Rand Paul is pointedly identifying himself as a teabagger.

Hope it sticks.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Well nice to see that the peoples of Pennsylvania have exorcised the Specter from the state.

Republican said...

Alex: Most Republicans are not Tea partiers. No one I know belongs to the TP or has attended any rallies. Yet we will all vote GOP just like we always have.

In this area, the TP leaders are all making money hand over fist now from holding 'training' seminars and making appearances fees.

They were NEVER members of the GOP. Some were not even registered to vote. Some are 'reformed' Democrats. Most have something to sell (books, merchandise, programs).

In a year's time, they've formed at least five nonprofit orgs aimed at "reforming" government or training the masses, or jumped into alliances with groups led by fringe believers.

For more information, see Glenn Reynolds, as he is one of their biggest supporters.

They all have a common link with Breitbart, who deserves a lot of credit for being a brilliant strategist and recruiter.

Damon said...

We were so close to getting Specter out 6 years ago... then Bush stumping for him gave him the slight edge in the Repub primary. I will never forgive Bush for that... one of the many things on that list.

Anonymous said...

"We were so close to getting Specter out 6 years ago... then Bush stumping for him gave him the slight edge in the Repub primary. I will never forgive Bush for that... one of the many things on that list."

Can you forgive Obama for trying to short-circuit Sestak's candidacy with a bribe?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Sestak is a bigger socialist than Obama. Sestak is a big govt knows best zealot. So the PA general election will be a key one :

Huge interventionist buttinski nanny state govt loving Sestak vs. low tax and small govt Toomey.

Joe said...

So Lonewacko would you care to comment on your expulsion or your retreat from Reason?

I "Googled/Bing"'d you and it's funny what came up, mostly vituperation aimed at you.

You're a funny dood/doodette. Please keep the laughs coming.

former law student said...

Gary: KUTGW.

Why the hate for Specter? A good decent man his whole career.

Joe said...

Why the hate for Specter? A good decent man his whole career.

This IS sarcasm, right? He was hated by all parties, for his nasty demeanor and his faithlessness.

GMay said...

Cue Jeremy waving his big giant e-peen and begging to suck on balls in 3...2...1...

Anonymous said...

"In this area, the TP leaders are all making money hand over fist now from holding 'training' seminars and making appearances fees."

That's called "community organizing."

We're teaching people how to organize themselves to take over ... only to do it to Democrats instead of doing it to Republicans.

Our model is based on Saul Alinsky's excellent teachings about taking power from entrenched politicians ... only turned around and used on Democrats.

Once we take over government, we mean to engage in a long march through the institutions of power in the United States; taking over power from Democrats and forcing them out.

We're going to start with our nation's schools. Then on to the colleges and universities, where we are going to mount an assault on the concept of tenure so that we can purge the professors committing scientific fraud to advance discredited theories such as "global warming."

You lefties should get used to that salty taste of our nut sacks.

You'll be sucking on them for the next 100 years.

You've awoken the sleeping giant.

Damon said...

"Can you forgive Obama for trying to short-circuit Sestak's candidacy with a bribe?"

Thank goodness political opportunism is not en vogue with voters any longer.

Everyone says Obama brought Chicago politics to Washington - strong arm tactics and all. He did do that, but little known is that is just a stronger form of Washington politics badly executed. That has woken up the voters.

former law student said...

He was hated by all parties, for his nasty demeanor and his faithlessness.

The GOP he'd belonged to for half a century moved ever further to the right, and finally Specter couldn't follow. Outside the hard right, I don't know who hated him.

Opus One Media said...

And don't forget Sarah the Queen charged the TPers a pretty penny to speak to about raptor government types separating fools from their money....

Joe said...

Outside the hard right, I don't know who hated him.

You mean beyond the DEMOCRATIC Voters, who refused to return him, in his primary, right? Really you make this too easy. AND, Specter, in this rightwing party, tended to vote his own way, so it didn’t matter and in his decision to switch parties, I don’t think he mentioned the rightwing party so much as his inability to achieve REELECTION, you might have missed it, but Specter himself made it his key point.

Lynne said...

I keep forgetting that WV is part of our country.

What a crummy thing to say, FLS.

Anonymous said...

"Outside the hard right, I don't know who hated him."

His constituents came to hate him. Nobody respects a traitor who is also an arrogant asshole.

So they fired his fucking ass.

And he's not the last Democrats who is going to taste the salty ballsweat of defeat.

former law student said...


I have never been to West Virginia.
I have never known any West Virginians.
I do not even know any one who's been to West Virginia -- at least no one who's ever talked about it.

Delaware is the only other state I can say this about, but corporate law and Joe Biden have ensured I'm aware of it.

Please, tell me of the wonders of West Virginia.

Hoosier Daddy said...

What a crummy thing to say, FLS.

Consider the source.

Anonymous said...

"I like that Rand Paul is pointedly identifying himself as a teabagger."

Let's see a quote to back that up.

former law student said...

On further thought an 80 year old cancer survivor like Specter might just decide to pack it in at this point.

Anonymous said...

"I keep forgetting that WV is part of our country."

This is precisely the sort of arrogant asshole-ish statements that Democrats just can't resist letting slip. They have no idea how to win friends and influence people. They have no idea how to lead. They know only the prod.

They only know how to manipulate and force people.

You can gain temporary power this way, but once they got power, people like Former Law Student and his buddy Barack Obama just can't hide their arrogance.

They are assholes through and through and you can only hide that from voters for so long before it slips out. Obama was able to keep it in check for the relatively short campaign season ... but the jig is up. People are seeing Barack Obama for who he is and rejecting every message he transmits; firing every person he wraps his arms around.

He's a loser. And he's finished.

Lynne said...

You know one now, FLS.

Thank you for staying away.
That's wonder enough for me.
Not to mention a terrific selling point for the state as a whole.

We're FLS-repellant! Yay!

former law student said...

This is precisely the sort of arrogant asshole-ish statements that Democrats just can't resist letting slip.

Registered Republican here, mourning what my party did to one of its giants this past year.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"I like that Rand Paul is pointedly identifying himself as a teabagger."

Let's see a quote to back that up.

I think Rand pretty much embraced the Tea Party and considering he completely trounced his opponent in the primary, it evidently is a plus for him. I'll wager its going to benefit him in 2010 as well.

former law student said...

HD, I think the commenter meant Paul had not embraced the scrotal aspect.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Registered Republican here...

Really? Did you serve in Vietnam too?

Anonymous said...

"Registered Republican here."

Lots of Registered Republicans are actually arrogant Democrat assholes in disguise.

That's why we're purging folks like you, and Spectre, from our political party.

We don't want assholes like you in our political party. You don't represent us. You don't mirror what we believe in, and we mean to purge you and your kind from our midst.

You're an asshole. If you're truly a registered Republican (and nobody here would ever believe that sort of dumb ass spin) then get the fuck out of our party. We don't like you and we don't want you around us.

former law student said...

Lynne, surely you can do better than that.

Fragments of a John Denver song are floating in my head.

Apparently that Mollohan was quite a crook.

Joe said...

On further thought an 80 year old cancer survivor like Specter might just decide to pack it in at this point.

Good “spin” there FLS, he was “beloved” but rejected…those grapes were sour anyway…He needed to spend more time with his family. It’s obvious he hadn’t decided anything of the sort, hence his decision to switch parties, in order to avoid a primary defeat.

Anonymous said...

FLS was in Da Nang that Christmas ... knee deep in the shit ... chasing Charlie with his pals Dick Blumenthal and John Kerry and Bill Ayers.

And now they're being Swift Boated.

How sad.

former law student said...

Joe, I mean rather than mount a Lieberman-style challenge. Lieberman's a dozen years younger.

Luckily, most Republicans are not potty mouths like New Ham.

Phil 314 said...

surely you know of West Virginia's two prominent senators, particularly if you're concerned about health care reform and racism in America.

former law student said...

HD and New Ham,

No, I stayed home, like my fellow Republicans Mitch McConnell, Trent Lott, John Kyl, John Cornyn, John Ensign, John Boehner, Roy Blunt, Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson, Dick Armey, Tom DeLay, Rick Santorum, Dick Cheney, Jeb Bush, Karl Rove, Newt Gingrich, and Richard Shelby

vw: retwpow -- like John McCain

HDR said...

Maybe Arlen the private citizen will be able to tell us all about the second gunman on the grassy knoll. Of course, if Betty Ford never babbled about it at a late-night party then maybe the Warren Commission was on the level after all.

reader_iam said...

FLS has been reading this blog how long and never once noticed Althouse blogging about her early days in Delaware?

GMay said...

fls pined: "The GOP he'd belonged to for half a century moved ever further to the right, and finally Specter couldn't follow. Outside the hard right, I don't know who hated him."

Care to explain what "further to the right" means?

Fen said...

FLS: Registered Republican here -


Original Mike said...

"I keep forgetting that WV is part of our country."

It's telling what bigotry libs think is acceptable.

reader_iam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
reader_iam said...

As for Arlen Specter, I've disliked him for reasons including idiosyncratic once since he first hit my consciousness in the 1970s. In anticipation of his defeat, last evening I ordered a Philly-style cheese steak from Capriotti's, a now-growing franchise operation which started as a single sandwich shop in Delaware in 1978 and which, conveniently enough, opened a shop in Iowa just last week.

(You couldn't get "real" subs or cheese steaks, in the way my Delaware Valley bias would define them, anywhere around here, until now.)

Delicious evening, all the way around.

X said...

Registered Republican here, mourning what my party did to one of its giants this past year.

is titus the only other person here besides me? ok FLS, how was your morning stool?

Kirk Parker said...


"Registered Republican here, mourning what my party did to one of its giants this past year."


Omaha1 said...

Bye-bye Arlen, don't let the door hit you in the ass. Nobody likes or trusts a traitor.

Anonymous said...

"HD, I think the commenter meant Paul had not embraced the scrotal aspect."

Exactly. A point for you, FLS. Words actually have meaning.

Revenant said...

Arlen Specter's last approval rating poll had him at a net favorability of -18%. That's four points worse than the Republican Party had just before losing control of Congress in 2006.

Even if one buys into the myth that Specter was left behind as the GOP "moved right" -- in reality he entered the Senate in 1980, when the Republican Party was much more right-wing than it is today -- the truth of the matter is that nobody wants Specter. The Republicans rejected him, independents dislike him, and now it turns out the Democrats don't want him either. Good riddance!

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