May 14, 2010

"Our President Will Put Us in DEBT Beyond Our Wildest NIGHTMARE!"

A sign...



... seen today by the side of U.S. 12 near Sauk City, Wisconsin.


1775OGG said...

This is a surprise? Why? Obama claimed as much when he was elected!

traditionalguy said...

It has already happened. The World Governance Council, which will be the issuer of a World Guaranteed currency, is standing outside now in plain brown wrapper awaiting its unwrapping at the moment Obama and friends selects. Mere millionairs are Kaput. The place nowl belongs to the world's Billionairs with proof of wealth.

Anonymous said...

The dramatic words are getting tiring. Why so many dramatic words about debt and Demon Democrats now? Where was this sign in 2003?

A while ago statements like this were cute, even occasionally poignant. But now? Now it seems like it is just excessive Rightist complaining, like the subtext is that if Republicans would just come back into political control then everything would be fine.

Besides, Obama is not going to make the country broke. That's because he can always initiate a VAT and thereby tax the bejesus out of us. And if a VAT is proposed, you can count on Republicans to roll over and go right along with it, just like they rolled over and went right along with excessive and unaffordable deficit spending for so many years.

dhagood said...

"will"? more like "has".

Expat(ish) said...

Hope that guy has coffee ready for the IRS agent, the EPA guy investigating runoff from his parking lot, the workspace safety guys, the licensing guys, etc, etc. I also hope his "private" government records are mighty clean as they'll get trolled too.


chickelit said...

Sauk City? Are you two going canoeing on the river? I highly recommend it. We did it last year as a family and may do it again this year.

cryptical said...

Dead Julius said...
The dramatic words are getting tiring. Why so many dramatic words about debt and Demon Democrats now? Where was this sign in 2003?

The old tu quoque, eh DJ?

Chip Ahoy said...

Will? He already has.

rhhardin said...

Farmers are conservative except for farm subsidies.

They're always outvoted by liberals though.

Dustin said...

Shame this is probably snarked on as hysteria, when it's very true that debt is going to lead to tremendous hardship.

Dead Julius says he's tired of dramatic words, despite knowing what's up with Greece today. He pretends the right wasn't upset about debt in 2003 because he thinks this is about partisanship. Porkbusters was started in 2005, but dramatic language and urgency about this urgent issue has been out there for much longer. If you haven't heard conservatives complain about GOP spending, you are living in an amazingly tiny bubble.

Our 'rulers' seem to have no problem passing a horrible burden onto our kids.

Anonymous said...

Slow Joe- What is up with Greece today? They got bailed out of their debt mess by the larger government organization to which they belong, just like California and New York and every other state will be bailed out if necessary by our own national government. There is little motivation for fiscal sanity when you know that, in the end, you aren't going to be held accountable for your financial well-being.

And no, the American Right wasn't upset about debt in 2003. Oh sure, there were some people saying that maybe we should think about maybe not spending so much. But then they reminded themselves that there were two wars going on, or at least beginning, and they dropped the topic.

It is a big fat lie that the Right was ever concerned about debt before Obama got into office. THEY. DON'T. CARE.

Moira Breen said...

cryptical: The old tu quoque, eh DJ?

Two or three quoques and a couple of subtexts, old folk remedy against those debt nightmares.

wv: witstrol. Wits troll, if a thread is lucky. Otherwise it's the dullards.

Beta Rube said...

Don't those rubes know he's there to "get big things done"?

Big things cost big money, whether we can afford it or not. What's a trillion or two among friends when yoy're working for the greater good?

Blue@9 said...

"It is a big fat lie that the Right was ever concerned about debt before Obama got into office. THEY. DON'T. CARE."


Plenty of conservatives were upset at the spendthrift ways of Bush and Congressional Republicans. If you noticed, the Republicans got slaughtered in 2006 and 2008. Why? Because many of us stayed home or voted Dem in protest.

Just because you weren't paying attention doesn't mean it didn't happen.

LonewackoDotCom said...

If it's so IMPORTANT, why can't THEY find any SMART people to counsel THEM on THE best way TO do things? WHY do THEY think the BEST way TO do something consists of DRESS-UP games and RANTING? Maybe IT'S Darwinistic: those ON the OTHER side are JUST smarter THAN they ARE.

That said, don't mess with the Mama Grizzlies!

Beta Rube said...

Dissent went from Patriotic to angry to Darwinistic?

Surely the mind boggles at such rapid change.

Titus said...

I was in Sauk last weekend and didn't see that.

I saw many bad clothes choices and huge people but no sign.

I went and saw the eagles by the dam.

Beta Rube said...

Do you mean hog huge or dairy state huge?

Titus said...

Dairy State Huge.

Like having a hard time walking huge.

Like seeing butt cracks huge.

No hog sightings. I am married.

And lots of "blouses" that women wear that have rhinestones on them.

Unknown said...

The word, repeal, is going to be a big part of our future.

Dead Julius said...

The dramatic words are getting tiring. Why so many dramatic words about debt and Demon Democrats now? Where was this sign in 2003?

Julius, as usual, is blowing smoke. The Conservatives in the Republican Party (Tom Coburn, Jim DeMint, etc.)were making noise about this long before the Demos did. Part of the consternation on the political scene is because the Assistant Democrats that Julie uses as a smokescreen are being thrown out.

The silliness of his argument is shown when he says The Zero can tax his way out of this. The greater the taxes, the less the revenue; we're already seeing this.

As to the idea Greece has been bailed out, this is a drop of mercurochrome on a sucking chest wound. These debts are unsustainable and Julie knows it, but, good little apparachik that he is, he keeps the "Tax, tax, tax, spend, spend, spend" mantra going, just the way he's been told to.

Titus said...

My parents are good friends with Darlene Ballweg, who owns Ballweg Motors in Sauk and Middleton and in Wausau.

My dad dated her in high school at Lodi and my mom graduated with her-class of 1952.

Go to a restaurant in Sauk called Green Acres on the Wisconsin River-fab supper club

GMay said...

"It is a big fat lie that the Right was ever concerned about debt before Obama got into office. THEY. DON'T. CARE."

I'm glad I have some random guy on the internet to tell me what I really think.

Titus said...

My parents are also friends with the couple that own the Dorf Haus in Roxbury-fab German food and the waitresses wear little German outfits.

I am delaying going to see my husband.

I just jerky jerkyed so no sex tonight.

Is it bad that I jerky jerky'd right before going to his house?

The older I get the less impressive my loads becum. It used to be like a geyser now it is like a little drip.

chickelit said...

My parents are good friends with Darlene Ballweg, who owns Ballweg Motors in Sauk and Middleton and in Wausau.

I went to school with a Ballweg at Middleton High. She was in my homeroom.

There is probably only 1 or 2 degrees of separation between us Titus.

Titus said...

I think Ballweg Motors got a bailout from the government.

All those big farmers around there get huge subsidies as well.

I like going by that huge WWII thing over there that is now and has been vacant. I would love to walk around those old buildings.

Titus said...

There is a house my the dam where the eagles land that is the scariest thing I have ever seen. There is junk everywhere, toilets, old boats, cars piled on top of each other. The road to the house has orange cones and tape across it that says do not enter. So Wisconsin.

Too many jims said...

1. Kudos to the the photographer for juxtaposing the sign with the John Deere equipment.

2. Obama is like Bush. A tag that could be applied.

3. If the looming debt is beyond the author's wildest nightmares she was not paying much attention during the Bush administration nor the campaign between Obama and McCain.

Phil 314 said...

It is a big fat lie that the Right was ever concerned about debt before Obama got into office. THEY. DON'T. CARE

Well hopefully those on the LEFT AND THE RIGHT CARE NOW

Titus said...

Tinkling after you blow a load is the best kind of tinkle.

It is like you are pushing out any chizz remnants from the staulk of your hog.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I bet $100 that President Obama never took even one economics course in his life.

wv = crayan

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Titus said...

Where you going Mary?


Mirror Lake State Park?


Trout Fishing in Richland Center?

Lac Du Flambeau?


Devils Lake State Park?

Ed Gein's old farm?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Althouse- do a poll. "Are u more scared now that we may hit depression levels than you were last year?"

I am and Obama is the big factor- he has failed to make Americans feel confident about the future and he has failed to make Americans feel confident in his leadership abilities.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
master cylinder said...

The war in Iraq has cost us a trillion dollars and yall
loved that shit. Thats why it's so hard to take all this teaparty crapola seriously.

Bill White said...

Technically, isn't it the House that's putting us in DEBT beyond our wildest NIGHTMARE?

Methadras said...

China has become the Fannie/Freddie of the debt buying business. There is nowhere else to go for them to pawn off the debt they've bought. Japan for that matter as well. When you hover at 90% debt vs GDP, you have a real problem on your hands. President Barely doesn't hear the word deficit. It's not in his lexicon.

The Drill SGT said...

Doug Wright said...
This is a surprise? Why? Obama claimed as much when he was elected!

Oct 7, 2008, McCain Obama debate 2

Obama:We've got to invest in college affordability. So we're going to have to make some investments, but we've also got to make spending cuts. And what I've proposed, you'll hear Sen. McCain say, well, he's proposing a whole bunch of new spending, but actually I'm cutting more than I'm spending so that it will be a net spending cut.

chickelit said...

Titus wrote: Where you going Mary?

Did you mistake me for Mary? Seriously?
I'm disappointed. Do I look like a Mary?

just askin'

GMay said...

"The war in Iraq has cost us a trillion dollars and yall
loved that shit. Thats why it's so hard to take all this teaparty crapola seriously."

Here's a fun little exercise with basic math: $1,000,000,000,000/7 years = less than 150 billion annually.

For shits and giggles, let's lowball Obama's numbers and go with your 1 Tril figure. Divide it by 1 and what do you get? That's right, 1 trillion in one year!

For extra credit, you can juxtapose the percentages of actual defense spending increases over the past 7 years with the percentage of Obama's actual spending increases in one year.

Then maybe you'll be equipped to question the credibility of your betters in the Tea Party.

Titus said...

I was referring to Althouse as Mary Pollo.

Everyone knows a Ballweg in Wisconsin and an Endress and Kalschuer and everyone loves a Supper Club. Except Althouse because she is elite and not a real cheesehead.

Anonymous said...

Where was this sign in 2003?

Dude, you're so drunk on lefty koolaid that you've lost your ability to reason.

Let me break it down for you in ways you can understand.

Citizens make money and spend - maybe OK for government to do same, not so good when they deficit spend.

But if citizens lose jobs, make less money, and have to cut back - the government should cut back too, not deficit spend in multiples that we've never seen in 70 years, if ever.

And all you are able to do is point to yesterday's stupidity to try to justify today's lunacy?

knox said...

There's a billboard on 75 here near Dayton that says:

"OK, the joke's over ... can we have our Constitution back now??"

chickelit said...

Quayle wrote ...the government should cut back too, not deficit spend in multiples that we've never seen in 70 years, if ever.

70 years ago was 1940. Maybe the POTUS is counting on some momentous horrible event to catalyze his ascension as the next war leader or something next year.
Hell, we're vulnerable enough.

MadisonMan said...

I went to school with a Ballweg at Middleton High. She was in my homeroom.

How can you not have a Ballweg -- or a Breunig -- in your class at Middleton?

Bill White made the same comment I was going to -- it is the House that has put us in debt. They are the ones that originate the spending bills.

As for the picture, as it is west of Sauk, I'm guessing a trip to Devil's Lake, Ho-Chunk or the Dells. Unless the Professor went down Highway 60 to Spring Green. That's a nice windy road.

Eric said...

Yeah, the tense is certainly wrong.

The biggest problem with sovereign debt is it gets voters thinking they're much wealthier than the facts support. That was the problem in Greece, but it's just as big a problem in the US in the long run.

Titus said...

I love Spring Green.

My parents are going to their cottage this weekend in Lake Delton and will be at Ho Chunk tomorrow for the Preakness.

My parents, when there were young, used to go to dances at Devils Lake State Park. They now have them again playing the music they used to dance to. They go a couple of times every summer.

Love Devils Lake. And Mirror Lake.

My parents are still a pretty hot couple.

MadisonMan said...

My parents are also friends with the couple that own the Dorf Haus in Roxbury-fab German food and the waitresses wear little German outfits.

The Dorf Haus is great. St. Norbert's across the street is a beautiful old church. Too bad the Bully Bishop has put ultra-right Priests there. Nevertheless, I'd rather go to Mass there than at St. Al's in Sauk -- St. Al's is a gymnasium-type 1970s Church.

MadisonMan said...

There's a picture of my wife's grandfather in the Dorf Haus. It's near the bar.

Titus said...

Don't forget the Ashton and Plain church fish fries!

All you can eat!

Titus said...

Is there going to be any canoodling between Meadsy Poo and Althouse this weekend?

Titus said...

Go to The Bank restaurant in Spring Green=totally fab.

former law student said...

Farmers have blame enough for everyone:

former law student said...

The old tu quoque

No. It's the old IOKIYAR.

(It's OK if you're a Republican.)

JAL said...

@ Dead Julius Where was this sign in 2003?

You really can't see the difference?

Were you a liberal arts major?

Do the math.

And yes. Some people were complaining. One of the main complaints from conservatives then about Bush. Too much money.

But what we are seeing now is unbelieveable. Do these people think we are printing money in OUR basements for them?

Not to mention who took over Congress in January 2007?
(Hint: Starts with "D")

wv hoolum
See? Just add the "D"

Kev said...

Besides, Obama is not going to make the country broke. That's because he can always initiate a VAT and thereby tax the bejesus out of us.

Oh, so you're saying he'll make us broke, then. Yeah, that's a whole lot better...

As my whimsy leads me.. said...

Knox, is it anywhere near the 'Jesus in the Lake' statue?


LonewackoDotCom said...

Beta Rube: You're just a sleazy, cowardly smearer who isn't smart enough to understand my position on dissent nor understand the point of my comment.

But, thanks for providing yet another piece of evidence in support of my argument about this being partly Darwinistic.

Calypso Facto said...

Saw a mini van in Madison today with 2 rear-window bumper stickers:

1) Bankrupt the US? Yes we can!
2) Dear Mr. President: Stop spending my money like a drunken sailor!

Shocking in the People's Republic.

Heading north on the interstate I then saw the Obama "HOPE" sticker where the "O" was overwritten with a "Y".

I've also noticed an uptick in the re-hash of a Bush-years favorite: "If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!"

I think the storm surge is rising...

Maybe Dave Obey saw the same signs? At least he would have, had he spent any time in Wisconsin....

chickelit said...

OK OK so I am not within one or two degrees of separation from Titus because there are a billion Ballwegs in Wisconsin, even though our dad's may have met at Ft. Knox in 1952 and I may have dated one of his older sisters while in high school...


Opus One Media said...

The first trillion attributed to Mr. obama was on the Bush/Paulson doing..remember? The complete mess that we find ourselves in financially was Mr. Bush's doing remember?

Unfortunately to get to the other side of the river you have to pay the ferryboat captain and that is that. Quit sniveling and face facts.

JAL said...

Calypso --

That bumper sticker guy apparently did not see the letter from a former drunken sailor in the April 2 Northern Wyoming Daily News.

To the Editor:
I object and take exception to everyone saying that Obama and Congress are spending money like a drunken sailor. As a former drunken sailor, I quit when I ran out of money.

Bruce L. Hargraves
USN Retired

Beta Rube said...

Actually wacko, your first comment struck me as something put together with individual letters cut from newspapers and magazines, pasted onto cardboard, and sent to a newspaper by a crazy person. So you are right, I don't understand it. Also, I don't think Darwinistic is a word.

JAL said...

So HD -- who was it who blocked checking up on FM&FM?

Who were the officers who took home a gazillion $$ while they played footsie with the accounting?

Franklin ____ (go ahead -- fill in the blank). Last names too hard? Try the first name here: ____ Johnson? And then we have Jamie Gorelick the opportunist par excellance .... (Remember her? Something about a wall to keep the agencies from talking to each other about things like people wanting to hurt us big time? Who then moved on to making a ton of money doing what?)

And then there were the intimidation of the sit-ins and the young lawyerly community organizer ....

Remind us again how everything wrong in America is that stupid idiot from some village in Texas's fault.

It's all sort of like all that finger pointing by the oil guys that made Barack Husein Obama SOOOO angry. Right?

Rialby said...

Just one thing to say about this..

Tea partiers, to which these people are sympathetic, are truly wonderful people. Want to know why?

Because they said, "Our President".

When the hell did you ever hear that phrase out of the mouth of a Progressive during the Bush era? All I ever remember hearing were things like "He's not my President" and "YOUR President" and "Bushitler".

God Bless the Tea Partiers for being better than their detractors.

Opus One Media said...

hey JAL...when you get high on too much bad stuff ..just a tip here...don't post.

Lunacy is ok if you are confined to your kitchen table but when you spill out into the front yard and, God forbid, you post..well then....

Troubled Voter said...

was this sign made during the bush admin? not a fan of obama's spending, but bush's spending was also insane. just so funny to see people getting worked up about obama when they may have mildly irritated by bush for the EXACT SAME THING.

and don't worry, i like bush, think he is a decent person--i'm no hater

GMay said...

"just so funny to see people getting worked up about obama when they may have mildly irritated by bush for the EXACT SAME THING."

I guess tripling already out of control spending is the same thing...kinda.

Calypso Facto said...

JAL, I agree that the sticker is an affront to drunken sailors everywhere!

Rialby, excellent point.

Opus One Media said...

hey gMAY...please. that is year over year not over time of any significant.

That is exactly what people hate about the GOP. that kinda crap number manipulation.

GMay said...

"The first trillion attributed to Mr. obama was on the Bush/Paulson doing..remember? The complete mess that we find ourselves in financially was Mr. Bush's doing remember?

Unfortunately to get to the other side of the river you have to pay the ferryboat captain and that is that. Quit sniveling and face facts.

Face facts that you pull out of your ass? No thanks.

Let's start with this - cite for me all the financial regulatory reform the Democrats were furiously working on from 2006-2008 to stave off the financial crisis which happened on their watch.

Extra credit (2 questions, hang in there big guy):

Who controls the budget - executive or legislative?

Who makes laws governing the financial sector - executive or legislative?

I won't even ask you what precipitated the financial crisis because I feel certain you'll step all over it. As usual.

GMay said...

"hey gMAY...please. that is year over year not over time of any significant.

That is exactly what people hate about the GOP. that kinda crap number manipulation."

This is exactly what I hate about lefties - language manipulation. Care to write something a little more understandable?

If you've got a point to make, then make it, don't just whine unintelligibly.

Paco Wové said...

"don't just whine unintelligibly."

Don't task poor HD beyond his capabilities!

Phil 314 said...

he war in Iraq has cost us a trillion dollars and yall loved that shit.

First Mate:Captain, the ship has struck an iceberg and she's taking on water

Captain:Find the ship's architect, bring him onto the main deck and administer forty lashes....and in the meantime, full speed ahead!

JAL said...

Hey HD -- lookee here!!

But the really interesting stuff is the detail, and what leaps out again and again is how much of a hill the US has to climb. Exhibit a is the fact that under the Obama administration’s current fiscal plans, the national debt in the US (on a gross basis) will climb to above 100pc of GDP by 2015 – a far steeper increase than almost any other country.

With a PICTURE -- (aka a "graph") or those who are visual learners.

Anonymous said...

Rialby said: Tea partiers, to which these people are sympathetic, are truly wonderful people. Want to know why? Because they said, "Our President".

I completely agree. It's something I try to do myself- no matter how frustrated I am with our president, I still try to say "President Obama", not just "Obama" (or Obozo, or some other silly insult name), same with Secretary Clinton, Speaker Pelosi, or Senator McCain. I find it really helps you to take a step back from your outrage and not just see people you disagree with as cartoon characters.

I'm sure that this kind of respect is directly related to the why the Tea Parties have been so civil. (in the real world, not as covered by the liberal media).

- Lyssa

Chris said...

You're already in debt beyond your wildest nightmares. What's scary is that your country (like most western countries) is being run by people who don't think that debt is real.

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