In Arizona, there is some racial profiling criteria in order to enforce the law that it's against any sense of human rights; and, of course, is provoking very disappointing, uh, things -- or very disappointing opinion -- in Mexico and around the world, even here in America. So to introduce this kind of elements, especially racial profiling aspect that are attempting against what we consider human rights, it's the principle of discrimination which is against the values of this great nation.I thought that before I heard Rush Limbaugh say that's what he thought. Read the whole thing. Don't miss the Wolf Blitzer interview.
May 20, 2010
Did Obama's speechwriters write Calderon's speech?
That's what I thought when I heard this:
Well, it was full of the same lies that the Obama team spews about the Arizona law.
On Mark Levin's site there is video of Wolf Blitzer asking about Mexico's immigration policy right after Calderon gave the party schtick.
Mexico has tough immigration laws! But they do not want them for us.
So yeah, this smells like the Obama team.
If Congress and Arizona adopted the Mexican immigration statute then then the hypocrisy of Calderon's comments would have too much to resist the laughter his comments would have produced.
You should see how poorly they treat illegal immigrants in Mexico.
Of course, their excuse is that they have a poor neighbor on their southern border.
Listening to Calderon's speech I was struck by the phraseology and the fact that he stumbled trying to pronounce the words, "...racial profiling...".
To my knowledge that is not a phrase that rolls off the Latin American tongue. It certainly didn't come easy to Calderon.
It HAD to be planted by an administration speechwriter.
Calderon can kiss my big white Republican kulo.
Obama can have at the other cheek.
You're all a bunch of stupid racist teabaggers.
(Just trying to beat Jeremy to the punch.)
I don't see why it has to be an Obama writer. Mexico as more incentive to export its poverty than Obama has to import Dems. Would the Mexicans need to be told that "racial profiling" is a negative buzzword? They like playing the race card as much as Obama. Are you figuring it was an Obama writer because Calderon couldn't pronounce the English?
I guess this is the Democrats strategy of completely and utterly ruling out Arizona as a state that can go democrat in any election in the next 20 years. They've ceded Arizona. And in fact, any border state that has a stake in enforcing the border (other than California which has it's own logic) should think twice about voting democrat ever again, considering the standing ovation for this hypocrite, who's own country has far stricter immigration laws. They're all but saying that they will not EVER protect the borders. Hell, Obama's ICE chief suggested that they may not process illegals referred to them by Arizona. If that's the case Arizona should dump all illegals they deport into California. Just make sure to seal off the border between the two states.
This is utter lunacy.
Not sure where obama nightmare ends but it ain't gonna be pretty...
How can one (or many) be "racist" against Mexicans? The are not a "race"! They are a nationality.
How is the Arizona law's "profiling" different than a New Years Eve police roadblock looking for potential drinkers? They stop drivers, not walkers or people on public transit. In Arizona they have to look for Mexicans. They don't ever look like Swedes or Nigerians. My perfectly innocent non drinking self on New years Eve politely shows my license and registration to the police officer who gets my thanks for trying to keep me safe. Get over it!
And Calderon, when you're done kissing my big white kulo, why don't you do something about your compatriots piracy on Falcon Lake?
The "uh" between the words "disappointing" and "things" is a dead give away.
"The "uh" between the words "disappointing" and "things" is a dead give away."
Thread winner.
I continue to be amazed how everyone goes on about the AZ law when CA has essentially the same law and apparently had it a long time before AZ. It is California Penal Code Section 834b, you can read it here:
It was the Teleprompter in Chief. He told Calderone: "Chill dude, I'll take it from here. I think his accent was off. It sounded kind of Kenyan/Cuban to me.
Either they wrote it for him, or added things in; either way Calderon got to be a puppet. And assist The One in really pissing everybody off even more.
Like the idiot comments on "You Americans need a Assault Weapons Ban so the cartels can't get them." As if the cartels that move bleeping tons of drugs around Mexico would have trouble shipping in military weapons. Say, from that nice new AK47 factory in Venezuela the Russians helped Chavez build.
In Arizona they have to look for Mexicans.
It's simpler than that. In South Texas, most of the cops, and most of the people, are Mexican-American. They can tell a mojado at about 200 paces. And 30 seconds' conversation would seal it.
This is the dangerous part of having a president so firmly in a political bubble. These folks have no idea how deeply unpopular their stance is and will assure themselves an ass whuppin this fall. Its really quite eerie, like Pickett's charge or some other slaughter you can see a mile away.
The sad thing is that Obama and Democrats are literally scripting Republican campaign ads for November but the Republicans aren't going to have the balls to use the material.
Again, we should treat Mexicans identically to how Mexico treats their illegals.
It'd certainly stop the whole stopping traffic on Cinco de Mayo crap.
As Gutfeld and Andy Levy said, sure, the law is a PR nightmare...because people are going out of their way to misrepresent what the law actually does. Nobody who hates the law can actually explain what is so bad about the law.
"There is potential for abuse" if there ISN'T a potential for abuse in Obamacare? Cap and Trade? Card check?
I might be wrong about this but didn't this kind of disrespect get wars started? back in the day?
Who the hell does that little nothing think he is, coming here and insulting us that way?
Obama is going to have a lot to answer for.
The funny thing is that hearing the President of Mexico criticize the law will probably increase its popularity with the general public.
Jeeez if he keeps talking like that everybody is gonna pass him by when he is standing in front of the Home Depot. Just sayn'
"Obama is going to have a lot to answer for."
I just wonder if he bowed to this guy too.
Good grief, MountainMan!
It's the idea that someone is most likely going to ENFORCE a law that has these people wetting themselves.
Of course, the number of those who have read the bill doesn't seem to be growing even incrementally, (including el presidentes), much less exponentially.
The stupidest thing about this whole argument (aside from Obama and his entire staff demagoging Arizona as a bunch of racists WITHOUT EVEN READING THE BILL and completely misrepresenting what the bill even says) is that if this were a discussion about legal immigrants the idea that they had to show papers would be a forgone conclusion and would not even be questioned. A person on a student visa gets pulled over, doesnt have a license has to produce his student visa. A person either with a green card or going through the process of getting a green card has to turn over said documentation if pulled over, so as to notify the officer pulling him over that he has a right to be in the country.If someone was legal and left their license and registration at home and was driving around in a car and got pulled over they would be in big trouble because they have no way to identify themselves and could bee driving around in a stolen car for all the cop knows. One of many reasons why we need documentation.
And Mexico has an immigration system far stricter than anything proposed by Arizona. They know the value of protecting their border from illegals coming from even poorer countries and are very strict about enforcement. Someone should have asked Calderon, while he was standing next to Obama about Mexicos immigration policies, and find out from Obama if he thinks that they are troublesome policies. But who is he to guilt us? And where do the dems get off applauding this drivel. Are they out of their minds?
Importing Mexican illegals and giving them amnesty is a big part of Tippytoes' master plan for a Permanent Democrat Majority, and for Calderon, who, it must be said, is trying to fight the drug gangs, it's a major source of revenue for Mexico.
I don't doubt The Zero's speechwriters punched up some of Calderon's talking points. It's called a united front.
Elliott A said...
How can one (or many) be "racist" against Mexicans? The are not a "race"! They are a nationality.
There you go being rational. To a Lefty, everything they dislike is racist, don't you know that?
GMay said...
The sad thing is that Obama and Democrats are literally scripting Republican campaign ads for November but the Republicans aren't going to have the balls to use the material.
If I were looking to unseat a Demo, I'd get the C-Span footage of my opponent applauding Calderon.
Whether it's used or not is another matter. I think a lot of Republicans are going to be funded independent of the RNC and the game will be different for them.
PS The sound you hear in the background is the spinning of the men of Palo Alto, Molino del Rey, and Chapultepec at the idea of a Mexican president saying such things on American soil and an American president (more or less) seconding him.
Like the idiot comments on "You Americans need a Assault Weapons Ban so the cartels can't get them." As if the cartels that move bleeping tons of drugs around Mexico would have trouble shipping in military weapons. Say, from that nice new AK47 factory in Venezuela the Russians helped Chavez build.
Especially since true assault weapons (i.e. fully automatic rifles) are essentially illegal here. They aren't getting them here. Maybe Venezuela. Maybe China. But definitely not here. Just way too expensive and difficult. Oh, and from the Mexican police and military.
Handguns yes. They apparently get a lot of their handguns from the U.S. And some semiautomatic M-16 type weapons (but, notably, not M-16s themselves, since they are real assault weapons, and not look a likes).
Rather, there is some evidence that fully automatic weapons are moving in the opposite direction - from Mexico, where they are relatively easy to obtain, into the U.S.
Next on the agenda: The President of Zimbabwe will be here to lecture us on the economy. Of course, if he talks about how he kicked whitey off all the farms, he'll get standing ovations from the Democrats.
Home Depot -heh good one Trooper. Since I laughed at it, I must be a racist.
Rev - libs just can't quite grasp the ugly truth that their views are not embraced by most Americans. And just think Obama will be an ex-president at 51 years old? So he'll have 10-20 more years than Jimmy Carter has had to stew in his own bitter juices.
I really don't give a damn who or whom wrote it for him.
Is HE still in our country?
We should adopt Mexico's immigration laws and be done with it.
But, Mexico is fully dependent on income illegals earn in the U.S. Mexico would collapse financially without it. Calderon will say anything to protect his country's primary source of revenue.
The real villains here are Obama and the left who gleefully give away the birthright of every citizen in order to grab a few votes and expand their power.
You can tell how bad it has gotten for liberals when none of them even show up here.
This blog is like a litmus test - even Garage and Alpha and Jeremy and Ritmo can't mount a half-hearted defense of stupid White House miscues and bonehead moves.
Where is Congressman Joe Wilson when you need him?!
Yea, the Obama defense here has withered. I guess the lefties are getting more racist too. There is, after all, no other reason to disagree with his policies.
Perhaps Bill Ayers wrote the speech.
Ah the Chicago way at work. No doubt some sort of "payoff" will be coming Calderone's way for his performance.
The Blitzer interview does make Calederone look like a complete idiot and hence the Administration look like it did pull his strings on his speeches.
I wonder how that will play in Pennsylvania this fall, along with the Sestak Job offer? Not too many Americans, regardless of their political affiliation like to be preached to by a hypocrite. At least not for more than 4 years!!
Mountain Man provided the law in California which is close to identical to Arizona's.
Can I say, that is so classic. Someone from Arizona should get on tv and/or write an article in the paper or speak to Wolf Blitzer where they read off this law and then ask is California racist for passing this law? or did they not read the law they passed just as they didn't read the law that Arizona passed. They should then ask if California will boycott itself for passing such racist laws and say they are debating whether or not to boycott California.
But of course, Californians probably don't even realize they have such a law because they and the federal govt are not serious about enforcing it.
Which was the whole point of Arizona passing it's law.
But just for the sheer comedic value, PLEASE Arizonans. Someone find this blog, look up this law and then read it on the air on CNN, even better with some Californian democrats present just to see their sputtering.
And then turn off the power you provide to them, for being such insolent, demagogic, insufferable and hypocritical pricks.
Well, were I President of the US, and *any* foreign leader had delivered those remarks to me at a press conference in the White House, my response would have been pretty short and sharp:
Dear President
Thank you so much for those illuminating remarks. Considering them, I have decided to cancel this evening's state dinner, as I have some planning to do. Please let yourself out of the White House via the Dalai Lama exit, and don't let the sun set on your ass here, in Washington, DC. US troops will be on the border within the next 72 hours with orders to shoot to kill anybody attempting to cross illegally, and the border itself has become a "shovel-ready" project. That is all.
Jason wrote: Perhaps Bill Ayers wrote the speech.
Actually, before you wrote that I did have an inkling that some whiny white guy wrote it. I was thinking more like Josh Marshall, but I doubt he has that kind of influence.
AJ Lynch said: And just think Obama will be an ex-president at 51 years old? So he'll have 10-20 more years than Jimmy Carter has had to ****pocket some phat cash from CAIR****."
"Hell, Obama's ICE chief suggested that they may not process illegals referred to them by Arizona."
CHICAGO - Arizona's new law targeting illegal immigration is not "good government," a top Department of Homeland Security official said in Chicago on Wednesday.
John Morton, who heads U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said his agency will not necessarily process illegal immigrants
referred to them by Arizona officials. The best way to reduce illegal immigration is through a comprehensive federal approach, not a patchwork of state laws, he said.
"I don't think the Arizona law, or laws like it, are the solution," Morton said during a visit to the Chicago Tribune editorial board.
So much for faithfully executing the Office of President of the United States, or preserving, protecting and defending the Constitution.
Yes, I think he was told what to say by the WH. The permanent campaign.
Where's AL, Jeremy, garage?
"...his agency will not necessarily process illegal immigrants referred to them by Arizona officials."
And this is different from the status quo how?
"The best way to reduce illegal immigration is through a comprehensive federal approach..."
Which the federal government has decided not to do.
You can't even make this kind of shit up man. Truth...stranger...fiction...and all that.
Recipe for disaster:
1) import poor, disenfranchised people who are mostly descendents of Native Americans and who are illiterate in both their native language and the language of the host country
2) Pump them full of anger towards their host country while glorifying the broken culture and society that they had to leave behind while also telling them that their birthright stretches from Texas to Oregon
3) Create a welfare state that depends on new taxpayers to support the massive entitlement structure that cannot be self-sustained
4) allow one of the two parties to demand that illegals be let in to enable business owners to hire low cost workers and because they want to stay in power with the help of Hispanics
5) allow the other party to demand illegals be let in to shore up the tax AND welfare rolls ensuring a continuation of the welfare state and bc they want to stay in power with the help of hispanics
"Where's AL, Jeremy, garage?"
They're down there in the dead thread posting up a storm with Ritmo. Even they're not stupid enough to touch this thread with a 39.5 foot pole.
that stuff and the early Obama admin bs / talking points about our guns ending up in Mexico... some government guns sent to central America... but the stuff about civilian ones was debunked way back then...
So....does Calderon get his cojones back after he gives the (prepared by Obama) speech or are they kept in a lock box to ensure future debased and groveling puppet shows?
The people of Mexico must be so ashamed.
(And no offense to our upright gay community. This is what the Mexican/Latin macho perception of him is likely to be)
I've been covering this issue since 2002 in (literally) thousands of posts.
And, they repeat the same things over and over and no one calls them on it.
For one example, Calderon also used a variant on the "safe, legal, orderly" phrase in his speech. Others using variants on that phrase include: Bush, a Mexican consul, the Canadian government, a U.S. religious leader, and... Obama's See past examples at the link.
In case anyone would like to do something effective about this issue, see my guide to reducing illegal immigration. Some of those are easy, some aren't. However, at the very least you can encourage others to get involved. Simply visiting echo chambers and leaving comments that everyone else agrees with just doesn't cut it: you have to go beyond that and do things that will send a strong message to those who support the current situation.
Well shit LoneWhacko, I'll consider myself properly chastised.
Everyone but you is just sitting around doing nothing, so allow me to feel bad on everyone's behalf because you have everyone's personal lives figured out from your fucking Captain's chair.
Well shit LoneWhacko, I'll consider myself properly chastised.
At least he's not casting unnecessary smears at the Tea Party this time.
I left the GOP because of their position on ILLEGAL immigration. Even wrote about it here when I switched to Independent.
With a bit of wisdom, LoneWacko might recognize he needs to change his pitch just a bit.
The chutzpah of Calderon is indeed breathtaking.
Years ago I worked as a security guard at a Greyhound station in Miami. One night two young women, Salvadorian accent, got off from the Laredo-Miami bus, and stayed in the station, visibly nervous and calling their family, which they could not contact for a good two hours. I talked to them for a while and (after reassuring them that 'security guard' meant nothing in the US), I asked them whether they had come 'from the frontier' (the proper euphemism). One of them opened up--she was outraged. She was outraged, that is, at the Mexican border guards, who had stolen their money and possessions, making the trip to their family in Miami vastly more expensive and dangerous.
And the President of Mexico lectures us on immigration?
Its funny to read this thread without the predictable lefties at least putting up a flaccid defense. Wow, that's how bad this is for obama and the democrats. Better to shadow box about how "terrible" Rush Limbaugh is for the republican party than pick up this mess.
obama is really the good man of America and can make the America true power of world.
automotive auto parts
Maybe there is a simple explanation. Calderon is dumber than Joe Biden.
Gird your bajo vientres!
Damnit stop listening to Rush. Well listen to him but only in the context of a liar. Geeemanie
Excuse me, Mr. House, but when Limbaugh plays a tape of Calderon saying these things, what part of that makes Limbaugh a liar?
I think you mean Jiminy. As in Jiminy Cricket. I'll bet that Limbaugh knows how to spell it.
You may not respect Obama as a leader, but you should respect him as a candidate because campaigning is the one thing he does well. All of the faux controversy about the Arizona law is nothing more than the Democrats trying to capture the Hispanic vote for the next generation.
I suspect Mexico needs to continue letting their nationals migrate illegally to the US--illegal northward migration results in infusions of hard cash to Mexico, increased opportunities for graft and corruption for Mexican border officials and police, and reduces the possibility of political dissafection internally for Mexico. Its a trifecta for them. Of course they would oppose any controls on northward migration.
Wow. The Blitzer interview is pretty damning. I would hate to be a Democrat in Arizona trying to run for reelection with friends like these.
AllenS said...
Excuse me, Mr. House, but when Limbaugh plays a tape of Calderon saying these things, what part of that makes Limbaugh a liar?"
Well excuuuuuuuuuuse AllenS. Rush is a liar. He lies all the time. The truth isn't in him. I would trust not one sneeze from this guy, taped or not. Lie a little lie a lot.
When Limbaugh sneezes, Mr. House, you get pneumonia.
"Rush is a liar. He lies all the time. The truth isn't in him. I would trust not one sneeze from this guy, taped or not. Lie a little lie a lot."
So how often do you listen to him? I really want to know because I never do. When it comes to lying and Limbaugh, the only incident I know of is the MSM's blatant propagation of phony quotes attributed to the man in an attempt to smear him.
Didn't work out too well from what I recall.
So perhaps you'd like to share some of his lies? After you do, I'd like to share some by entire networks and other "legitimate news organizations". And they lie a lot too, so does this mean you have the same boycott of outlets like MSNBC, CBS, the NYT, etc?
Cause it's reeeeeeal easy to find their lies, and they pretend to be journalists. Something that I understand Limbaugh doesn't do.
wv: scrot - heh!
"Where is Congressman Joe Wilson when you need him?!"
This was my first thought. Where was Joe Wilson? In a more civilized time, commments like Calderon's would have been answered with a gauntlet, not standing ovations. I'm reminded of the Churchill's book, "The Gathering Storm" on the years between the World Wars. In it, he describes how the Allied Powers, especially Great Britain, actively sought to diminish their own power in the face of a rising and agressive Germany. How they, not only went out of their way not to offend Germany, but were quite liberal in criticism of their own country. It ended very badly, and I fear we are in for a similar ending. Fecklessness in the face of evil is seldom rewarded.
I thought the same, and when the bonehead went off script, it cinched it down.
I am flabbergasted.
Good job whoever voted for this idiot Barry.
.. and they pretend to be journalists. Something that I understand Limbaugh doesn't do."
Yes he does. He pretends to be something and he is otherwise a liar all the time. Why don't you see it for what it is.
Has the Tea Party endorsed any specific brand of tea or iced tea?
I looked up Arizona Tea (brand) and they are a company out of Queens NY. They distance themselves from the laws that have been made by Brewer and others in Arizona, and say they want to not be associated with Arizona's immigration mess.
I think people should boycott Arizona as in the tea. It's a bad tea anyway as it's filled with high fructose corn syrup.
HD--perhaps you see it thru your own perceptual lenses. And your vision may be a bit less than 20/20 in some areas. But since you know what the truth is, who are we to argue.
Geeez, I was thinking that exact same thing when watching the highlights on the news this morning!
Looked like he had a hard time reading the text. He has enough trouble in his own country so he can head back now, (under the fence, not over it)
Yes he does. He pretends to be something and he is otherwise a liar all the time. Why don't you see it for what it is.
100% false and I don't even listen to Rush. In the few instances where controversy has had him in the national eye over this or that, when he is the one being interviewed, he states firmly that what he is doing is not journalism. He's no more a journalist than John Stewart is and, in essence, they are doing the same job in different media.
I don't have a horse in the hate/defend Rush race, but I know bullshit when I see it.
"Why don't you see it for what it is?"
Apparently you missed the part where I said I don't listen to him.
Apparently you also missed the other questions I asked you. I'm shocked I tell you...absolutely shocked!
Hey, let's see if you can answer this one - show me where Rush says he's a journalist. You're the expert here, so gimme some learnin'.
When Calderon was speaking, you could see Obama's lips move, the sure sign of a poor ventriloquist. However, his hand movements were well-concealed.
The RNC has lots of good ad footage for the coming congressional campaign season...all the D's rising on cue to give Calderon a standing 'O'. That scene is going to come back to haunt the D's.
Re that standing ovation: there is an interesting article from 2006, by Fredo Arias-King, a former aide to Vicente Fox. In "Immigration and Usurpation: Elites, Power, and the People’s Will", the author describes and explains the American political class's (both Rep's and Dem's) enthusiasm for mass immigration from south of the border.
He argues that the elite class prefers the Latin American political model (sweet for their class), and wishes to "elect a new people" to effect this. The traditional political attitudes of Americans are a tedious obstacle. E.g.:
"Also curiously, the Republican enthusiasm for increased immigration also was not so much about voting in the end, even with 'converted' Latinos. Instead, these legislators seemingly believed that they could weaken the restraining and frustrating straightjacket devised by the Founding Fathers and abetted by American norms. In that idealized 'new' United States, political uncertainty, demanding constituents, difficult elections, and accountability in general would 'go away' after tinkering with the People, who have given lawmakers their privileges but who, like a Sword of Damocles, can also 'unfairly' take them away. Hispanics would acquiesce and assist in the 'natural progress' of these legislators to remain in power and increase the scope of that power. In this sense, Republicans and Democrats were similar.
"While I can recall many accolades for the Mexican immigrants and for Mexican-Americans (one white congressman even gave me a 'high five' when recalling that Californian Hispanics were headed for majority status), I remember few instances when a legislator spoke well of his or her white constituents. One even called them 'rednecks,' and apologized to us on their behalf for their incorrect attitude on immigration. Most of them seemed to advocate changing the ethnic composition of the United States as an end in itself. Jefferson and Madison would have perhaps understood why this is so—enthusiasm for mass immigration seems to be correlated with examples of undermining the 'just and constitutional laws' they devised."
GMay: I didn't say what you pretend I said. I correctly pointed out that simply leaving yet another me-too comment in an echo chamber has almost zero impact on this issue. Would you care to contradict that?
I then indicated how people could actually do something.
And, instead of supporting my effort, you launched a false ad hom attack. In other words, you put your dislike of me ahead of the general goal of doing something about this issue. Now, is that smart?
Comments like yours will have almost zero impact, but they will have some impact. Will they have the impact of helping solve this problem, or continue it?
Well, it's a pisser alright when the head of a failed state comes to America and trashes Arizona, whose new immigration law is supported by nearly two-thirds of all Americans.
It's a pisser plus two when the Democratic congress cheers themselves silly at his remarks.
I wonder what they would do if the prime minister of India came here and trashed Pennsylvania, Ohio and Illinois---give him an hour long standing-O no doubt.
"I correctly pointed out that simply leaving yet another me-too comment in an echo chamber has almost zero impact on this issue. Would you care to contradict that?"
I'm not even going to attempt to contradict your argument by assumption. Which is what you did when you "pointed out".
You're obviously enamored with yourself as it just oozes from all your posts, so keep this conversation going with yourself.
I'm out.
Here's what I don't understand about the whole guest worker/amnesty program idea proposed by the open borders crowd (and first let me state that I am in favor of a guest worker program, but not amnesty, but also realize that the guest worker program has many issues and may prove unworkable).
They first say, that these people do jobs that Americans wont do. If there were a guest worker program, wouldn't it need to conform to American Law, and have some form of minimum wage? Or could employers still pay guest workers them a buck an hour to do the menial work (jobs that americans won't do)? Yes, we'd get to know who was in the country, but it would lead to fewer peole being hired, since most likely to conform to American Law corporations wouldn't be able to pay slave wages to guest workers, and those not hired would then try to find work with companies not complying with the guest worker program which would invariably spring up. And companies who previously paid workers wages this low who had ot comply with law would now not be able to hire as many people so would not be as profitable or the restrictions of the guest worker program would give them an incentive to break the law.
Then on the issue of amnesty, if you give undocumented workers amesty and make them citizens do you still expect them to do jobs that americans wont do for salaries that americans woulnd't accept since they are now american citizens?
Wouldn't you then need to bring in an influx of millions more people to do the jobs that the former undocumented worker no longer does thus perpetuating an endless stream of illegals? Or, would you raise the salaries of all these undocmented jobs and make them conform to the minimum wage? Wouldn't that then lead to millions of americans out of work because those who hired them at 2.00 an hour when they were illegal will not pay for the same work at 7.50 an hour?
The amnesty approach just leads to more illegal immigration, because we will still need illegals to do the jobs that americans wont do, and illegals who are given amnesty become Americans and thus will not be required to do those jobs.
Each one of you are from an european descent, just check how your people came here to the USA, exiled?, persecuted?, escaping famine? ....One thing to consider is that mexicans and other people come here or go to Europe trying to get basic opportunities, our countries are economically devastated by the multinational companies with the complicity of well seen by the USA rulers, such as Calderon, He himself does not care about mexicans in the USA or in Mexico. The irony is that uncle's SAM thirst of money is so huge that now he is going against his own pockets, his own people, so I say to all of you, welcome to feel how the rest of the world feels.
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