April 22, 2010

"You’d be surprised how many people liked that. That’s sort of the best thing I ever did."

Lefty gasping at Dick Cheney's deadpan humor.


Original Mike said...

"That's sort of the best thing I ever did:

It's right up there.

Scott said...

The comments on that blog are precious. The snarling vileness is so over-the-top, it's hysterical.

wv:hymena (and I don't want to go there)

garage mahal said...

Dick's a little touchy about Halliburton. Hmmph.

themightypuck said...

I love Dick.

ricpic said...

If it's possible to outSchumer Schumer Leahy does. That's how bad he is.

A little plastic surgery taking the sneer out of Cheney's lip would do him more PR good than...than anything

Synova said...

A lot of people really liked Bush's youthful giving the camera the finger while prepping for a television interview.

And a lot of people were discombobulated on account of the disconnect between what they thought the people who liked that *ought* to have thought of it, and their actual reactions.

As for Dick Cheney... half the fun of liking him is the reaction you get. It's a real incentive to put on an act just to watch the fireworks.

And at least he didn't bring up the picture that was circulated that supposedly showed his massive member.

mesquito said...

"The comments on that blog are precious. The snarling vileness is so over-the-top, it's hysterical."

"I’d love to see this smirking criminal tried and executed for war crimes. They found Eichmann, didn’t they?"

"No Dick , the best thing you’re ever going to do is die , and return to hell from whence you came , you soulless sack of shit."

"so says the man who has wet dreams over torture. (beats looking at lynn cheney)"

"Sorry, Dick – the best thing you could ever do is drop dead."

Scott said...

Yup, that's the left for ya.

Peter V. Bella said...

The libs have Joe Biden. Dumbest White man in America. Wait until all his famous idiotic quotes keep getting repeated.

Synova said...


No violent rhetoric in those comments, eh?

Opus One Media said...

Well. Certainly a Vice President to make us all proud. I know I am. Ya'betcha!

Opus One Media said...

Synova said...
"As for Dick Cheney... half the fun of liking him is the reaction you get."

Yeah yeah Synova but you can just watch a turd in the punchbowl just so long...

Eric said...

Hey House, which one of those comments is yours?

Synova said...

"Yeah yeah Synova but you can just watch a turd in the punchbowl just so long..."

Well, I suppose. Since the purpose is to incite entertaining behavior from liberals, I'll agree that there is a sell-by limit to how long it remains amusing.

Eric Jong is always amusing, though. I could be entertained by her fantasy of Dick Cheney personally leading the National Guard down Pennsylvania Avenue for decades. Stuff like that just doesn't go stale.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

There is no rule against obscene language by a vice president on the Senate floor. The senators were present for a group picture and not in session, so Rule 19 of the Senate rules -- which prohibits vulgar statements "unbecoming a senator" -- does not apply, according to a Senate official. Even if the Senate were in session, the vice president, though constitutionally the president of the Senate, is an executive branch official and therefore free to use whatever language he likes.

From the Wapo contemporaneous reporting.

Dustin said...

I love how Joe Biden is just not expected to control himself. He used the F word more recently and in front of a mike and podium, rather than in a private conversation with a really sick Senator.

But Cheney is smart... even the left knows it, and Biden is some kind of retard. The left knows it's horrifying that Obama picked someone so inexperienced and stupid, so they project all that horror onto Palin, who yeah, isn't experienced enough even though she had tremendous executive success in a short time, but a lot more qualified for the White House than Obama or his goofy VP.

Shanna said...

I think it's funny that people are shocked (or act shocked) by this sort of thing (meaning Cheney's profanity). It's one of the few times you get to see a politician being completely honest. That's awesome and we should encourage it.

The people commenting on that blog don't give a damn about bad language, they just hate republicans. I really don't get this otp hatred for Cheney...he just gives off business guy/dad vibes to me. It's so strange that people think he's this crazy evil person.

Unknown said...

Richard B Cheney knows the Lefties are never more fun than when you pull their chain, or anything else they have.

Anonymous said...

Cheney should have gotten in Leahy's face. And then punched him. Twice. As hard.

SteveR said...

Think Progress. Hmm That's a joke right? They neither think nor seem to progress, at least in adult terms. As for Cheney, like him or not, suffering a fool like Leahy, is beneath any self respecting person.

Chennaul said...


You must be getting your Lefty scare words confused-

there's only one "L" in Haliburton...there's two in that other one.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I give up Susan Collins and Olympia Snow for One Leahy for our side.

At the SCOTUS hearings, that bastard is a political freak of nature.

Methadras said...

Cementing proof that leftards are humorless Dick's.

Methadras said...

garage mahal said...

Dick's a little touchy about Halliburton. Hmmph.

This is too easy, fatso.

Peter V. Bella said...

Hey House,
Are you old enough to remember when President Roosevelt went on television in 1929 to assure the nation about the depression? Hmmmmmmmmmmm?

Biden remembered that. Yeah, your guy is some intellectual idiot.

Chip Ahoy said...

In other news, citing the Federal Trade Commission's truth-in-advertising rules, Thinkprogress.org changes their domain name to Totallyfuckingstuck.org.

David said...

Althouse, I'd never been to the "Think Progress" blog before. It has a great feature. Comments can be "voted down." Then they disappear unless clicked upon, so the unwelcome opinions won't sully the purity of thought exhibited there. Imagine the possibilities.

garage mahal said...

angry baby said....
This is too easy, fatso.

How would you even know if were fat or not angry baby? You still shit your pants!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Tea Party envy.

Jason said...

This is a big fucking deal.

Rialby said...

“As I heard it, my chances of surviving the surgery were certainly better than fifty-fifty,” he wrote. “But the chances of waking up with serious deficits to my mental faculties were more significant.”

Joseph Robinette Biden, 2007

Mutaman said...

"That's sort of the best thing I ever did"

Hey DICK, it was sure a lot better than those six deferments you took.

Methadras said...

garage mahal said...

How would you even know if were fat or not angry baby? You still shit your pants!

Awww, Dumpy Mahal wants to wipe the babies bottom?

David said...

I liked it. If I ever get close to Leahy I will probably say the same thing. He's a nasty, bullying, intellectually dishonest man.

Adam said...

Had Leahy been able to follow Cheney's recommendation, it most certainly would have been the best thing he ever did.

dick said...

Such nice congenial commenters on that site. A real pleasure to read their opinions. Gives me joke material for weeks!!

Meade said...

Some people think I'm a George W. Bush fanatic but they're mistaken.

I love the guy but I'm not a George W. Bush fanatic.

I'm a Dick Cheney fanatic.

Unknown said...

Dick's very same words have been getting a lot of play lately on the daily show.

i *loved* the response to bernie goldberg & fox news.

i appreciated john stewart taking on revolution muslim on tonight's show, but I done feel that it went far enough. its not really the sort of thing i wanted to laugh about, though I'm glad he did bring it up.

garage mahal said...

My qualifications for president are whether or not you can catch a trout, or not.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

i appreciated john stewart taking on revolution muslim on tonight's show..

Thank you John Stewart for taking that one off Obamas busy plate.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates, according to Sunday's New York Times, warned President Obama in a classified memo in January that the U.S. lacks an effective strategy for dealing with Iran's nuclear progress.

garage mahal said...


garage mahal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
garage mahal said...

Scofield just absolutely sleezy on that solo. I love it.

Lem, what you got punk?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

(Bent Remix)

Anonymous said...

I, too, love Dick Cheney. You can tell how awesome he is by how much venom the loony left spewed hating him when he had a job that everybody knows ain't "worth a bucket of warm spit."

Jeremy said...

Meade said..."I'm a Dick Cheney fanatic."

Gosh, Needy...that's really cool.

Who's 2nd...Glenn?


Jeremy said...

ONLY the tea bagging fools here would openly rave about their "love" of Dick (and I do mean DICK) Cheney.

The man will go down in history as one of America's most embarrassing elected officials ever...and you idiots revere the asshole.


garage mahal said...

Summertime. Bill Evans style.

Anonymous said...

You dumb asshole Dick Cheney-loving motherfucker prick cock whores.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Habla Mi Corazon - Lemongrass

Revenant said...

The Leahy moment was certainly MY favorite part of Cheney's term in office. :)

Alex said...

Jeremy I just scroll past these days. He's just a serial slur-merchant and there's really no content in his posts other then slurs.

Opus One Media said...

Peter V. Bella said...
"Hey House,
Are you old enough to remember when President Roosevelt went on television in 1929 to assure the nation about the depression?"

Priceless Peter. Thank you for the quote of the decade. Re-read it a few times and see what could be factually wrong in what you wrote...go on there fella...ohhhh and put the remote control down..it will help you think.

Here's laughin' at you kid.

Dustin said...

I think hdhouse doesn't realize the actual origin of the lie he's mocking... kinda makes it seem like he's extremely insular and totally unaware of what happened outside his bubble.

But that couldn't be it.

Dustin said...

jon stewart's reply to goldberg was hilarious. I think most conservatives would agree with that, at least the ones I would want to hand around.

But he missed the word 'serious'. It's true, if Jon wants to be a serious commentator, which he doesn't and I don't blame him, then he would have to be a little more ballsy. I still think Jon's shown a lot of intelligence and more fairness than most expected.

I don't see why Danielle, obviously a nutjob, would think makes this so difficult for me to watch. Jon Stewart is like Rush. A very funny guy I often don't agree with.

el polacko said...

so glad i managed to make it all the way through this comment thread...past the usual vile insults that 'jeremy' thinks are clever repartee..to get to the fall-on-the-floor-hilarious entry from 'hdhouse' for the cluelessly-snide-comment-of-the-week award. so glad i didn't miss it..priceless. i'll be sleeping with a smile on my face tonight.
thanks, hd !

Roger J. said...

The HD comment was not his finest IMO. I continue to think that his confusion over ebonics and eugenics was his masterpiece--ya betcha

Hoosier Daddy said...

The HD comment was not his finest IMO. I continue to think that his confusion over ebonics and eugenics was his masterpiece--ya betcha

Hdhouse is not exactly the braintrust of what passes for intellect of the Left.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see Cheney run for president. Just to watch the rest of the world defecate a huge brick.

It would be like Clint Eastwood coming back to the saloon; "Who owns this shit-hole?" as he lowers his shotgun. "You, Fatman, speak up."

MadisonMan said...

I'm not sure telling someone to go f*ck themselves is the best thing someone has ever done is something to brag about. Sort of diminishes your entire life.

Opus One Media said...

Boys boys boys...I made a type and print post for which you have enjoyed it...as have I...

but the problem is that I get over your faults and foibles (mainly because you always produce fresh ones to substitute) while you get all mired in the past..

ya'betcha. how's that neo stuff workin' out for you by the way?

How's Dick? Turdblossom? Newt? I read about Sarah a lot but the print keeps fading into nothingness.

Synova said...

"I'm not sure telling someone to go f*ck themselves is the best thing someone has ever done is something to brag about. Sort of diminishes your entire life."

Well... Duh!

Hence... the "joke" aspect of "deadpan humor" and the subsequent liberal gasping.

Robert Cook said...

Revenant said:

"The Leahy moment was certainly MY favorite part of Cheney's term in office. :)"

Even more than the mass murder, torture and destruction?

MadisonMan said...

Deadpan humor or cluelessness?

When it comes to politicians, I usually tilt towards cluelessness.

Robert Cook said...

Shanna said:

"I really don't get this otp hatred for Cheney...he just gives off business guy/dad vibes to me. It's so strange that people think he's this crazy evil person."

I feel very sorry for you if this is your idea of a father figure. Cheney is not crazy but he is evil. He is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands or more innocent people in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the imprisonment without due process of thousands of others, (and the torture of many of those).

His manner oozes malevolence and contempt for others, a rare case in Washington of truth in packaging. He is one politician who cannot--or doesn't feel any need to--hide his criminality behind an innocuous glad-handing persona.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Cheney is not crazy but he is evil. He is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands or more innocent people in Iraq and Afghanistan,

Last time I checked the Vice President of the US doesn't have the authority to order the military to go to war. In fact the President has limited authority under the War Powers Act althought Bush did get authorization fron Congress which is what the Constitution calls for.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Even more than the mass murder, torture and destruction?

You'd have a bit more credibility if you got as worked up over the Islamic terrorists who are doing a pretty consistent job of that.

master cylinder said...

Nice to see yall clinging to your Cheneys.
Now that's smart politics! Please do keep it up.

Robert Cook said...

Hoosier, you're being disingenuous. While the Vice President is traditionally an office without power, Dick Cheney was a driving force in the Bush White House in shaping its direction and policies. Cheney was also one of the more visible members of the administration traipsing across the news landscape fomenting fear and telling lies about Hussein's imaginary WMD and his equally mythic "connection" with Al Qaeda and 9/11. Such propagandizing fear mongering on his and his colleague's parts helped drive Congress to abdicate their Consitutional responsibility and authority to declare war and simply pass it off to Bush to flex American might as and when he desired. (This doesn't let Congress off the hook; they,also, are responsible for the blood of innocents shed by America).

As for your remarks about the Islamic terrorists, you can be sure we have killed many more innocents around the world than they. But this is beside the point: terrorists are criminals and murderers, to be sure, and should be apprehended and prosecuted. But I am an American citizen...the terrorists don't represent me in either their ideology or their acts. Moreover, I cannot influence their behavior and am not, therefore, responsible for them.

The policies and behavior in the world of America represents me, and as American policy is--supposedly--driven by the consent of the governed, we are responsible to curb abuse of government power domestically and internationally. It is every American's obligation to condemn American national policy and behavior that is abhorrent to and in violation of our professed ideals, (not to mention, our laws).

As John McCain said, in objecting to American torture of others, "It's not about who they are; it's about who we are." This is probably the most on point thing McCain has ever said.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Such propagandizing fear mongering on his and his colleague's parts helped drive Congress to abdicate their Consitutional responsibility and authority to declare war and simply pass it off to Bush to flex American might as and when he desired.

Pffft...I suggest you do some research and see the Congressional resolution passed by Congress authorizing the President to take military action. Compare it to the declaration of war on Germany and Japan and get back to me about 'abdicating Constitutional authority'.

The very fact that you think terrorists are criminals that should be apprehended and prosecuted is the exact idiotic mentality that brought us 9/11. For someone who never has one single positive thing to say about his country I still stand in amazement you can stand to live here. If there is a disengenuous person around here its you.

Brian said...

Point well taken on McCain's sensibilities on this point. He has credibility on torture.

As to your other posts on Cheney - I know from previous posts you don't give slack to Obama for continuing the policies of the Bush Administration, the war in Afghanistan, the drone strikes, etc. Is it also correct you would not give Obama slack if it turns out, while prohibiting the use of waterboarding by the U.S., that he simply turns over terrorists to Pakistan for their enlightened methods of interrogation?

Also, given that Obama has doubled down in Afghanistan, is he now a war criminal also?

Robert Cook said...

I would not give slack to Obama for turning over terrorists to Pakistan to be tortured by them. (It's against the law for us to do this, actually, to turn prisoners over to other countries that we have reason to believe will subject such persons to torture.)

Obama is a war criminal, without question.

Anonymous said...

Many people wish they had the opportunity. Cheney took it.
That's excellent.

Roger J. said...

Mr Cook: damn sir--I give you credit for intellectual honesty.
Appreciate your posts.

Robert Cook said...

Those who applaud the disreputable Cheney for having told a Congressional colleague to "fuck himself" assume, I guess, that this shows some sort of macho forthrightness on Cheney's part.

How intrepid was Mr. Cheney when he had his Secret Service agents detain a citizen of New Orleans who offered his vocal objections to Mr. Cheney when our disgraceful former VP was trolling through post-Katrina New Orleans?


Cheney is like all bullies: he can dish it out but he can't take it. Unfortunately, he's a bully who had access to the power of the American government, and he used that power to abuse others, individually and at large.

Meade said...

Given his view that our country is being led by a war criminal, if Robert Cook is a U.S. citizen and has real integrity, he will either self-exile or commit civil disobedience.

Fen said...

Cook: Cheney was ...telling lies about Hussein's imaginary WMD

Provide evidence to back up this assertion. Also explain why you don't include Clinton, Kerry and all other Democrats as "liars".

and his equally mythic "connection" with Al Qaeda and 9/11.

Again, provide evidence. I know that Cheney's first thought after the planes hit the towers was that Iraq was involved, but I think you're taking it out of context. Like when a child goes missing and the police first check out local registeresd sex offenders.

Fen said...

Cook; Cheney is not crazy but he is evil.


More of the "Republicans are either stupid or evil meme".

Why should anyone take you seriously?

Original Mike said...

Deadpan humor or cluelessness?

When it comes to politicians, I usually tilt towards cluelessness.

Dick Cheney is not your average politician. That's one of the reasons I like him. I have no doubt is was humor.

Opus One Media said...

Fen said...
"More of the "Republicans are either stupid or evil meme".

Well Christ sakes Fen. It's one of the other. No middle ground there I can tell ya' (wait for it...the stupid vote wins in a landslide)


Anonymous said...

Hey look! It's Robert Cook!

Tell us, Robert, under what treaty, law, or shit you made up did Dick Cheney do anything illegal?

Also, you are evil Robert Cook, a pox and a blight upon humanity.

See how easy that is, and how pointless?


Methadras said...

Robert Cook said...

Even more than the mass murder, torture and destruction?

But your heroes; Mao, Pot, Stalin, Hitler, Mugabe, Lenin, Kambanda, Idi Amin, Mussolini, Brezhnev, Suharto, and the 1918 Spanish flu already beat them to it.

Oh, I'm sorry, but what was your point again you fucking idiot?

Robert Cook said...

Fen said:

"Also explain why you don't include Clinton, Kerry and all other Democrats as liars'."

They are liars. However, they weren't the ones who mounted a successful months-long campaign to convince Americans we had to attack Saddam Hussein to preemptively defend against his supposedly inevitable and impending attack on us that he had never planned or intended with WMD he didn't have. They aren't the ones who called off the UN inspections in Iraq prematurely--intended to discern whether Hussein did or did not have WMD and thus whether an attack on Iraq was justified and necessary or not--and told the inspectors to get out of the country in order that the planned attack could begin as scheduled.

Methedras, if you want to try to play "gotcha!" you can't make shit up. FAIL.

Robert Cook said...

Fen said:

"Also explain why you don't include Clinton, Kerry and all other Democrats as liars'."

They are liars. However, they weren't the ones who mounted a successful months-long campaign to convince Americans we had to attack Saddam Hussein to preemptively defend against his supposedly inevitable and impending attack on us that he had never planned or intended with WMD he didn't have. They aren't the ones who called off the UN inspections in Iraq prematurely--inspections intended to discern whether Hussein did or did not have WMD and thus whether an attack on Iraq was justified and necessary or not--and told the inspectors to get out of the country in order that the planned attack could begin as scheduled.

Methedras, if you want to try to play "gotcha!" you can't make shit up. FAIL.

Robert Cook said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

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