April 11, 2010

Who's behind "Crash the Tea Party" movement urging people to show up with racist signs...

... etc.

It could be either anti- or pro-Tea Party.

Think about it. It's damned easy for anyone to screw up Tea Parties by showing up with the racist signs the media and liberal blogs would love to exploit. But, that being the case, it's also quite useful for the Tea Party to get everyone to think that any bad signs probably came from their opponents. There are too many layers to this. I think that mostly hurts the Tea Partiers. It generates too much chaos and uncertainty. If you don't know what's real and what's fake out there in that world of political action, don't you want to pull back into your more intimate relationships with people you actually know?


By the way the "Crash the Tea Party" website is most notably selling T-shirts. Maybe that's really the whole idea — T-shirts, not Tea Parties. Buy the merchandise. Maybe there's no real politics, just a guy with a little wit, trying to make a buck. He just got some big links, so, in his way, he earned it.


As I was writing this post, I looked up from my window table at a café in Madison, Wisconsin and saw a middle-aged man, shambling along in Birkenstocks, wearing a T-shirt with a big, faded:

Everybody always needs a new T-shirt.


And as I wrote the words "your more intimate relationships with people you actually know" my very next thought was: I wonder how Tiger's doing at the Masters today? You see my train of thought?


Solar said...

Keep your penis in your pants/ keep your tea bag in your own tea pot.

rachel tot said...

Ah, what's real and what's fake.

Difficult to know, guts tell me fakers are real... fakers. It's the counterfeit fakers that ruin it for everyone.

That middle-aged man wearing the female symbol shirt was being real. Many men estrogenize when they get older. Not all, thank Mother Nature who must still have a hankering in her advanced age.

Meade's activism in the Tea Party is admirable and all agentic testosteronic.

JAL said...

My guess is someone has already called the real number for the fake name and address connected via the whois website registration.

We will know.

But yes. It is confusing.

I now have made a personal commitment to personally shred any racist sign I see. Preferably in front of TV cameras and flip cameras worldwide. That will be sure to convince everyone watching that tea partiers are not racist.

Just like censoring Robert Byrd every year all these years has convinced me that the Democrats' hearts and minds are lily white.

(I have been to a couple tea party events and never seen a racist sign. But there is always a first time I suppose. I need to be prepared.)

themightypuck said...

The plus sign is the target. The arrow is what boys are supposed to wear.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

It is interesting that conservatives wouldn't dream of going to a code pink rally or something as an infiltrator to give them a bad name by performing bad behaviour. The liberals and code pink ladies can do bad behaviour all on their own. The do a very good job of being assholes and idiots without our help.

On the other hand, the liberals feel the need to infiltrate, disrupt and create fake bad behaviour at Tea Party or conservative venues. This is because, by and large, most conservatives act in a responsible and law abiding manner.

Yes.yes.yes. There are fringe wackos on all sides. But the preponderance of wackjobs and bad behaviour are definitely on the side of the libs.

themightypuck said...

As for The Masters, the last I looked Fred Couples was doing well and Tiger was doing horrible and people were joking that Tiger needed Couples Therapy. I'll check back in once the leaders hit the back nine but my money is on Phil.

rachel tot said...

JAL: "Fake name and address connected via the whois website registration"

Hilarious. What's in a name, esp on the web?

Fortunately, most people will respond to written inquiries with their real names and agenda, but not all :( Some are content to attack and hide in the shadows, doing mischief and causing all sorts of harm to people's lives.

LonewackoDotCom said...

The very fact that this question has to be asked (and big, unexpected points for figuring it out) shows just how dumb the tea partiers are. I'd compare them to zombies, except they can think.

T.L. Davis said...

I am working security at the Denver Tax Day Tea Party at the capitol. I will be there with my camera.
The difference I have seen between one group and another, is that the REAL tea party people are non-violent and the others, usually union members signified most often to each other by their purple shirts conspicuously missing the SEIU logo, are bent on either causing conflict, or instigating conflict.
I have a better delineation of this at my blog http://teaparty-editor.blogspot.com

Ron said...

Is Meade the Pullman Porter on your train of thought?

"For a shiny silver quarter,
We can tell the Pullman Porter,
Pull the lights down low...

Off we're gonna shuffle,
Shuffle off to Buffalo."

victoria said...

I have no doubt, just as the right believes that the left manufactures protests against their groups that the right also manufactures anti tea party stuff. Makes them more righteous. It's all bull.


Fen said...

Libtards lose again.

FreeRepublic tracked the perp down - he's a typical brownshirt leftist.


Luckily, freeper HOYA97 was able to grab the true registry info before it was changed to cover Mr. Levin's tracks.

Registrant ID:CR45137659

Registrant Name:Jason Levin

Registrant Street1:xxxx SW Birch Street

Registrant City:Portland

Registrant State/Province:Oregon

Registrant Postal Code:97223

Registrant Country:US

Registrant Phone:+1.503936xxxx

Registrant Email:xenex11@gmail.com

So now we learn the website's true owner is Jason Levin of Portland, OR. His attempt to hide his info by using "Ben Franklin" and "Philadelphia" came from his Myspace page (found by freeper correctthought) as Franklin is listed as his hero and Philly was listed as his hometown. His Myspace page uses the screen name "xenex11" which also was listed on the original registry info.

Freeper csd found Mr. Levin's twitter account and his linkein account.(xenex11 used once again) From linkein we learn:

Jason Levin

Owner, MCG Technology Solutions

Portland, Oregon Area

* Owner (Sole Proprietorship) at MCG Technology Solutions

* Technology Teacher at School District of Philadelphia


* San Francisco State University
* Temple University
* Bensalem High School

Will Cate said...

@LonewackoDotCom --

Your comment makes no sense, and the link (to your website, naturally) doesn't seem to support any particular point-of-view.

Since clearly you're so much smarter than the average tea-partier, certainly you're capable of expressing your thoughts more clearly, instead of just being pissy.

Big Mike said...

I'm 100% certain that AlphaLiberal is right on board with the "Crash the Tea Party" movement.

Fen said...

@LonewackoDotCom --

Your comment makes no sense, and the link (to your website, naturally) doesn't seem to support any particular point-of-view.

Worse, the website claims the Tea Party is good for Dems because it splits the GOP. The idiot over there isn't even aware of polling data re the number of Independents and Dems in the group. So its ironic for LoneWacko et al to use the word stupid...

>@LonewackoDotCom -- Your comment makes no sense, and the link -

Don't blame Lonewacko. He's just paid to cut-n-paste whatever is fed to him. Just like AlphaLibtard.

Anonymous said...

Interesting stuff on this guy's Facebook page, and revealing Twitter "follows."

The phone number used to register the "Crash" site is listed in Langhorne, PA; the Facebook profile says "Maddy" is from SF, CA. Whatever.

This is all stupid in an amusing sort of way. Most Tea Party folks will be on the look-out for fakes...because we don't cause problems, aren't violent, don't leave any litter. It'll be easy to sort this out on the day.

What I am waiting for is when the media finally realizes they're useful idiots for guys like "Maddy."

Anonymous said...

@Fen! Good work! Typical, indeed.

Unknown said...

The whole agent provacateur thing is a much loved bit of Lefty lore - remember the Reichstag fire?
Given all the work Breitbart has done on the subject, I'd say the Willie/Carville cabal is behind it (sounds like the sort of thing they'd pull), assuming this is for real.

Insta is signing up people as "citizen reporters" to take their cameras to record the proceedings at Tax Day Tea Parties.

LonewackoDotCom said...

Fen: you made a false claim about me; no one pays me to post comments. Retract it immediately or I might take legal action. (One great thing about Google is that they'll hold on to your personal information for a long time, making finding out who you are fairly easy.)

Further, the number of Dem partiers are less than the number who vote GOP and the "independents" are probably just GOP in disguise (h/t: Ambinder).

Will Cate: I'm sorry it was difficult for you to understand, let me help:

If the partiers were smarter, they wouldn't be in the situation where they could be undermined by moles; if they were things in a different way it wouldn't be an issue. They could still hold the same (aberrant) thoughts, they'd just change their tactics. However, as detailed at the link in my comment, they're so incredibly dumb that they can't differentiate between their goals and how they try to achieve those goals. If that's still too complicated for you, please ask a Kindergarten teacher to walk you through it.

themightypuck said...

For the purposes of this thread, Lefty means 3 time and current Masters champion Phil Mickelson.

Penny said...

"Crash the Tea Party movement"?

That's the least of our worries.

I'm more concerned about how EASY it is to create mistrust and doubt.

Penny said...

"And as I wrote the words "your more intimate relationships with people you actually know" my very next thought was: I wonder how Tiger's doing at the Masters today? You see my train of thought?"

I can only guess your "train of thought", Althouse. And for that matter, you can only guess mine.

Except that I told you what my thoughts were, and you can quote me on this.

"It's too easy to create doubt and mistrust."

On purpose, and even accidentally.

MadisonMan said...

Congratulations to Phil on his win. I wish good health for his wife.

Bruce Hayden said...

Fen: you made a false claim about me; no one pays me to post comments. Retract it immediately or I might take legal action. (One great thing about Google is that they'll hold on to your personal information for a long time, making finding out who you are fairly easy.)

That should be quite entertaining. Any way to get in on the action?

If the partiers were smarter, they wouldn't be in the situation where they could be undermined by moles; if they were things in a different way it wouldn't be an issue. They could still hold the same (aberrant) thoughts, they'd just change their tactics. However, as detailed at the link in my comment, they're so incredibly dumb that they can't differentiate between their goals and how they try to achieve those goals. If that's still too complicated for you, please ask a Kindergarten teacher to walk you through it

I think that what he is trying to say is that if the tea party movement were even half as well orchestrated as the counter movement, or the Obama campaign, then this movement wouldn't have these problems.

But, then, it wouldn't have nearly as much momentum either, and especially with the type of people involved. As someone pointed out, the SEIU thugs are often fairly obvious, given their penchant for wearing identical t-shirts, carrying professionally produced signs, etc. But, then again, that is why they are in a union in the first place.

In short, if the tea party participants were as disciplined and uniform as their liberal opposition, they would be on the other side already.

Bruce Hayden said...

Here is an example of that leftist uniformity that I mentioned in my previous post. Note that all of the signs are professionally made, and are identical.

Penny said...

"Not content with their success in completely destroying the United States as a political entity, women take aim at everyone's Eternal Salvation. Film at 11."


The only truth about what you just said is that someone out there will repeat it at 11, and a shitload of people will line up to agree or disagree.

Count heads if you want. But we both know that means very little in the end as it relates to "truth".

I've seen you be "misunderstood", right here among your friends at Althouse, when the topic of "weight" comes up.

"Truth" is, all too often, PERSONAL.

"Pain", on the other hand, is UNIVERSAL.

William said...

I think if the left were really to use such tactics they would undermine not the tea partiers but democracy.

Fen said...

LonewackoDotCom: Fen: you made a false claim about me; no one pays me to post comments. Retract it immediately or I might take legal action

Bring it bitch.

And not only are you paid to post your bullshit propaganda, you suck Soros off every evening, and then the both of you go out to molest little boys.

Fuck you Little Eichmann

Anonymous said...

Better issue a retraction, Fen, before you get sued for libel by whoever it is you're accusing of being idiot enough to pay Lonewacko to post that crap.

Fen said...

LonewackoDotCom has a thing for goats too.

X said...

victoria said...
I have no doubt..

Fen said...
Libtards lose again. FreeRepublic tracked the perp down - he's a typical brownshirt leftist.

AlphaLiberal said...


Sounds like a faker but more someone from the right wing trying to deflect the bad PR from the racism that has been very evident at TP rallies.

There is more buzz that they're trying to tone this stuff down.

Obligatory statement for the reading impaired: This is not to say all TPers are racist, just that there has been racism evident at many TP events.

Jason said...

Alpha Libtard...

Desperate little fuck, aren't you?

nrn312 said...

And not only are you paid to post your bullshit propaganda, you suck Soros off every evening, and then the both of you go out to molest little boys.

Good times.

Fen said...

AlphaLibtard Sounds like a faker but more someone from the right wing trying to deflect the bad PR from the racism that has been very evident at TP rallies.

Nice try moron, we already outed your little brownshirt leftist scum. Check the 3:33 comment:


Luckily, freeper HOYA97 was able to grab the true registry info before it was changed to cover Mr. Levin's tracks.

Registrant ID:CR45137659

Registrant Name:Jason Levin

Registrant Street1:xxxx SW Birch Street

Registrant City:Portland

Registrant State/Province:Oregon

Registrant Postal Code:97223

Registrant Country:US

Registrant Phone:+1.503936xxxx

Registrant Email:xenex11@gmail.com

So now we learn the website's true owner is Jason Levin of Portland, OR. His attempt to hide his info by using "Ben Franklin" and "Philadelphia" came from his Myspace page (found by freeper correctthought) as Franklin is listed as his hero and Philly was listed as his hometown. His Myspace page uses the screen name "xenex11" which also was listed on the original registry info.

Freeper csd found Mr. Levin's twitter account and his linkein account.(xenex11 used once again) From linkein we learn:

Jason Levin

Owner, MCG Technology Solutions

Portland, Oregon Area

* Owner (Sole Proprietorship) at MCG Technology Solutions

* Technology Teacher at School District of Philadelphia


* San Francisco State University
* Temple University
* Bensalem High School

Fen said...

AlphaLibtard: just that there has been racism evident at many TP events

Wrong again. The only racism at a TP event was your own SEIU thugs beating down a black man and calling him n----r because he was selling Dont Tread On Me t-shirts.

Also, you forgot to switch out your LoneWacko sockpuppet. LOL.

azm86334 said...

It is typical of the left wing Kool-Aide drinkers. They are uninformed , too lazy to research the issues and just are sooo needy because the come from father-less homes. And have become accustomed to siding with whomever is giving them the hand-outs. They live totally oblivious to the real world. They smoke their dope snort their coke and continue to spread their legs and pop out baby after baby to keep the welfare checks rolling in. Unfortunately they are of the generation who FIRMLY Believe the world owes them and why should they have to work for or earn anything on their own. We the blur colored hard working tax paying citizens should be robbed of our hard earned earnings to provide them with a better life. WE OWE THEM THAT....yeah well here's a Notice to you fruity idiots there are less and less of us and more and more of you...I realize you were huffing glue during math class and may have not learned simple math..but let me explain it to (sorry I no Habla Spick so I can only tell you in English) continued subtraction from a fixed amount will eventually leave you with nothing. Instead of constantly believing in Fairy Tales read research and find the truth. OOPs sorry that would mean you' actually have to do something...my bad forgot you want everything handed to you no effort on your part.

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