April 12, 2010

"To any of the ladies I’ve offended, I apologize.."

"I say this to the men out there who have never opened a graphic image on the Internet: Don’t vote for me. For those who have, I welcome your vote."


GMay said...

Yet if he had a prior KKK membership, he could aspire to be a senior Democratic senator.

Unknown said...

A couple more politicians like him and Stormy Daniels is going to look like the family values candidate.

traditionalguy said...

What to comment? Is it a dick move to deny gender equity here. I am confused. Should everyone have equal access to the Curse of beastiality. Should the man be blamed? If the man's horse at home only met his needs, then he would not need to find other beasts.

victoria said...

What a jerk. Yes, I want him as my senator!! GMay, ass.


Synova said...

td, you are too funny. ;-)

rhhardin said...

A man's horse is his castle.

Expat(ish) said...

Hmmmm, I'd have to see the porn in question. Is it one of those "Disappointments" style graphics or bestiality-bestiality?

And since any joke about BHO or Tiger or Je$$ie or Al is racist, god knows what that part means.


KCFleming said...

In which Carl Paladino explains why he's qualified to be State Guber.

James said...

Expat(ish) said:

And since any joke about BHO or Tiger or Je$$ie or Al is racist, god knows what that part means.

Yeah, not like linking to a video of African tribes dancing, titled "Obama Inauguration Rehearsal," (which was posted at Stormfront), or a picture of the Obama's at a ball photoshopped so that they're dressed up as pimp and prostitute, or a picture of black men running from a crashing/landing plane with the caption "Run, N****** Run!" would be considered racist. We all know racism has absolutely no place in the tea party movement.

Apparently only women can be offended by these pictures/videos, not to mention the bestiality porn.

GMay said...

"We all know racism has absolutely no place in the tea party movement."

Amen! Darn those Tea Partiers talking about how clean and articulate Obama is along wih his lack of a negro dialect. Anyone who says things like that has no place in any government position.

Wait a minute...

somefeller said...

You can find examples of what Paladino was sending out here. There are dots covering the nudity, but it may be NSFW. Classy guy.

AllenS said...

The Republicans represent the big tent party. Democrats can have people like Joe Biden. Do you know that his middle name is Robinette. WTF?

Anonymous said...

New York has to be one of THE most politically dysfunctional states in the union.

The Empire State no more that's for sure.

Lemme think,which political party is it that has caused this demise? Hmmn.

Adam said...

Paladin, Paladin
Where do you roam?
Paladin, Paladin,
Far, far from home.

Penny said...

At least he didn't say he clicked on it, but never watched. That would be too Clintonesque. "I experimented with marijuana, but I never inhaled."

GMay said...

I wonder if he issued an apology like some who have forwarded worse e-mails, everything would be all hunky dory.

KCFleming said...

Soon enough, the horse himself can run for Senate, which is not without precedent as declines and falls go.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I Rather have the horse in the tent pissing out than outside pissing in ;)

What can I say? this is just beyond grotesque.

roesch-voltaire said...

It seems that the big tent party includes a horse of another kind.

Anonymous said...

Bestiality porn? Wow, I'm glad that I have a nice wholesome fetish.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I want to live in a state where horses can feel safe to roam unmolested.

Expat(ish) said...

@James - bad stuff, and I'm sure it happened, and I'm sure some of it (maybe all of it) was not astroturfed.

Are you saying one drop of racism in a movement makes everyone a racist? (historical irony alert here)

But even non racist BHO/Al/Jessie/Tiger jokes are racist if the other side wants them to be. Every possible inventable nuance in the age of deconstruction is available and avidly seized upon.

So, yeah, color me bored with the whole thing. Get back to me when you can explain to the Asian population why they have to score higher to get into college.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I keep expecting Trooper to jump in here with something about Mr Ed.

ricpic said...

I can understand a desperate Basque shepherd getting it on with a sheep, but other than being in such an extreme...

KCFleming said...

"best of all was the video he forwarded of a woman doing a horse"

Trooper might have remarked that he didn't know that Sarah Jessica Parker was gay.

Peter Hoh said...

Doesn't this deserve one of those non-apology tags?

I like to read these as though sung by Willie Nelson.

1775OGG said...

Ah,for NY, Carl is simply adopting the normal preferences for its state executive, with one exception, he claims to be a Rep, not a Dem. Pity.

LonewackoDotCom said...

I haven't seen and won't bother seeing the emails, but on the face of it this appears to be yet another tea party smooth move. They recently had to change all the bell curves to make room for a long, flat line on the left just slightly below the x axis.

Say, does anyone know why the partiers ignore the issue where their supposed opponents are weakest? It's a highly unpopular position for the Dems and they're most vulnerable on it, but the partiers - their supposed opponents - ignore the issue.

Why, it's almost like the partiers aren't really what they seem, or something.

Mr. Humphreys McKracken said...




Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Republicans are so raunchy.

Maybe if they married a sweet twenty-nine year old with a tongue ring then they'd put down the donkey porn.

There are benefits to being Dennis Kucinich.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Amen! Darn those Tea Partiers talking about how clean and articulate Obama is along wih his lack of a negro dialect. Anyone who says things like that has no place in any government position.

The not so subtle distinction between awkward gaffes and outright condescension is lost on those who have no respect for themselves or others.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

"A merciful man is merciful to his beast."

Fred4Pres said...

emails are evil.

William said...

Democrats who were able to see past the apparent sexism of the dead woman in Teddy's car should make an effort to be more tolerant of this man's foibles. If a dead body does not disqualify a man for public office, neither should a bit a bestiality.....This is like criticizing the vitriolity of Limbaugh and electing Franken.

Methadras said...

Is he being cunty?

Dustin said...

Does anyone know if this is Kozinski style bestiality, which is more just stupid humor (and not egregious), or actual sex with critters for some completely insane person's arousal?

The media was pretty awful about reporting this kind of stuff with Kozinski, who really didn't do a damn thing wrong that would warrant any kind of serious attention.

GMay said...

Ritmo flawlessly reasoned: "The not so subtle distinction between awkward gaffes and outright condescension is lost on those who have no respect for themselves or others."

Oh Ritmo, I don't suppose you noticed the not-so-subtle fallacy to which I was responding do you? But then again, you've got a fallacy recognition problem...that and a tendency to get tripped up by paragraph breaks.

Racist is racist to my mind, so I guess I just don't have your grasp of nuanced liberal racism. Perhaps you can bring up FOX news or a haphazard mention of Roger Ailes?

That always works out so well for you!

Ritmo Re-Animated said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ritmo Re-Animated said...

It's not so much FOX News and Ailes as it is a reminder of the folly of mythology. Mythology is important. Mythology creates identity. Mythology unifies and is sometimes based (loosely) in fact.

That said, it is a form of mythology to believe that people don't (or even shouldn't) see race or class. Perhaps they shouldn't judge the character of others on those bases, but that is something different altogether. You might as well pretend not to recognize a man in a Lamborghini versus a man in a Kia.

Most people understand that condescension and a sense of superiority is the element that makes racism a bad thing. Conservatives are more interested in a forced (and false) sense of uniformity, and therefore define racism as any recognition of racial differences, period. That is a false definition, though. Racism is when one race is seen as better than the other.

Joe Biden did not do that. He commented on Obama's presentation of himself in terms of a style of language, dress and demeanor that wouldn't stand out - as a political asset, but rather would be seen as attractive. You can agree with it or disagree with what he said or not, and I don't. It was clumsy and perhaps unintentionally demeaning in a nagging and pathetic if harmless way.

But racism?

Where was the evidence that Biden thinks less of Obama for being black?

Biden can recognize the political advantages of how others will view someone based on the superficial qualities of the image they present, without being a racist.

Whether he was or was not a dumbass who happened to say something that sounded both stupid and racist, OTOH, is a different story.

GMay said...

Ritmo spit-shines a turd of an idea by: "Actually reinforcing his paranoid delusions about Roger Ailes, then concocting his usual bullshit argument about conservatives that he can then thoroughly beat down."

Ok ok, so I summed it up. If your arguments weren't so painfully juvenile, you might deserve a serious response. You give the pretty standard liberal rationalization of your own racism, which would be repulsive were it not so trite. I'll just let it go, consider you a racist and leave it at that.

But here we have Joe "7/11" Biden making what are widely regarded as racist remarks when in the context of describing a black man. After all, it's ok to call G. W. Bush "The Chimp" but if you were to call Obama that, well...

You see, despite your verbal calisthenics to paint this as a "gaffe", you only display a severe cultural ignorance. The difference is that he's a Democrat and we all know there's a different standard for Dems. Had Trent Lott made comments with such overt racial connotations, he would have endured far worse than making a comment from which one had to infer racism.

Spare me the "but that's different" argument you have tickling your fingertips.

"Where was the evidence that Biden thinks less of Obama for being black?"

I'll assume you know where the "7/11" moniker I used earlier comes from? He's made a habit of speaking his mind. Well, that, and the fact that he's just not all that bright. You can say a few things about Joe Biden, but subtle speech isn't one of them.

I also noticed you conveniently failed to remark about Reid's so-called "gaffe". You do make a habit of ignoring the inconvenient, but I'm eager to hear your apologetics for him too.

If you choose to respond, see if you can work in a more robust Roger Ailes or FNC comment this time.

Sean said...

What makes a Tea Partier?

from a NYTimes article at his own website

"But he has to overcome several issues that threaten to undermine his support from the right. Until 2005, he was a registered Democrat. And he has used his fortune over the years to support Democrats who are lightning rods for conservatives, like Hillary Rodham Clinton and Al Gore. "

MadisonMan said...

What makes a Tea Partier?

Would being a featured speaker at a Tea Party Express rally qualify one as a Tea Partier? News reports suggest Paladino was one, 'tho I've not seen the video to prove it.

In any case, all politicians never cease proving how unrelentingly dim they are when it comes to technology.

Der Hahn said...

Ritmo Brasileiro said...

The not so subtle distinction between awkward gaffes and outright condescension is lost on those who have no respect for themselves or others.

We all bow to your expertise in condescension, Ritmo.

A.W. said...

don't care so much about the bestiality stuff, mostly because i have seen the liberal papers toss that scare word around when the thing just isn't as horrific when you look at it. And the spirit of passing that on can be... complicated.

But the racist sh-- is a problem. he should withdraw and the tea party should denounce it. His statement talking only about the bestiality is really just trying to duck the issue.

Joe said...

Well the Tea Party Movement is young...and therefore new to the game.

You have to "vet" your candidates, if you don't this is what you get.

Now "politicians" may not be held in the best regards by the TPM, but here's a news flash, if you can find an ESTABLISHED one, even if s/he IS a "politician"-you know the people who live to destroy your country for special interest votes and money-you can avoid much of this embarrassment.

Sean said...

There are advantages to being an amorphous, de-centralized political movement, but Paladino illustrates a disadvantage. Leave it to New York TP'ers to completely miss the target.

El Presidente said...

Is anyone else jaded enough to think, unless I see the joke or the picture the description is probably horse shit? I don't know if he is an R or a D but this is opposition research spoon fed to the paper and the newsies just ran with what they were served.

A.W. said...

el presidente

i agree, but i have seen at least one of the racist pictures, and it is every bit as bad as advertised.

Brian said...

Conservatives are more interested in a forced (and false) sense of uniformity, and therefore define racism as any recognition of racial differences, period. That is a false definition, though. Racism is when one race is seen as better than the other.

True conservatives want the law and policy to be colorblind. Instead we have policy and law that demands equal outcomes, like the New Haven, Ct. case of white firefighters denied promotion because no black candidates passed the exam. The Supreme Court reversed the case (reversing Sotomayor's previously upholding New Haven's decision) because of the test of "disparate outcomes."

Was the test racist? It's PC bullshit to say the test itself was racist. You pass, you get promoted. How can you say conservatives wanted this sort of outcome when the conservative justices on the S.C. reversed it?

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

We all bow to your expertise in condescension, Ritmo.

Did I condescend to you, "Der Hahn"? I don't ever remember seeing you here, let alone talking to you. But I'm sure if I did you'd show me just how much of a respectable human being you really are.

I judge based on what's available to judge.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

True conservatives want the law and policy to be colorblind.

It's one thing to talk about the law and policy. It's quite another to pretend society is the same way, or that it would become the same way merely because of those laws or policies.

If there are conservatives who make that distinction and can see the shortcomings of that distinction, more power to them. They are being honest.

1775OGG said...

Regarding "Ritmo" the pseudo human, what Henry II said!

1775OGG said...

Obviously, in jest and not in fact!

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Ok ok, so I summed it up. If your arguments weren't so painfully juvenile, you might deserve a serious response.

Others have given me serious responses on various topics, and I respect them more because of it. Just because you don't - either because you can't or because you don't see the point of it, doesn't allow you to pretend you speak or opine for everyone. You don't. At the very least, you don't represent everyone here in my mind.

You give the pretty standard liberal rationalization of your own racism, which would be repulsive were it not so trite.

It takes a repulsively primitive mind to accuse me of something because you don't like what Joe Biden said.

I'll just let it go, consider you a racist and leave it at that.

Surprise, surprise! More rationalizations based on your inability to grasp the reasoning behind your disagreement with someone.

But here we have Joe "7/11" Biden making what are widely regarded as racist remarks when in the context of describing a black man.

Who said they were widely regarded that way?

After all, it's ok to call G. W. Bush "The Chimp" but if you were to call Obama that, well...

Well, what? You don't understand the difference?

I'd jokingly call you a "stupid chimp" in response, but we can see you are too slow to grasp the humor, let alone the irony, let alone the lack of reason for any offense.

You see, despite your verbal calisthenics to paint this as a "gaffe", you only display a severe cultural ignorance.

Oh, gee!!! How exactly will GMay school me on his vast expertise regarding human culture? I just can't wait to find out!!!1!1!!!111

The difference is that he's a Democrat and we all know there's a different standard for Dems.

Oh. Now I see. In his mind, "culture" is a shorthand for "politics". Boooo!!!! Boring!!!

I was actually holding out for some kind of enlightenment that didn't commit an act so stupid as to conflate culture with politics.

To paraphrase another revolutionary movement: "The cultural is the political."

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Had Trent Lott made comments with such overt racial connotations, he would have endured far worse than making a comment from which one had to infer racism.

Trent Lott actually did much worse. He said the country would have been better off had a segregationist won the presidency and set policy.

Your inability to comprehend the meaning of that is staggering.

Spare me the "but that's different" argument you have tickling your fingertips.

You've not been spared. The argument was already glaringly obvious. And made.

Of course, you can't defend yourself against it. But that's your own fucking problem.

"Where was the evidence that Biden thinks less of Obama for being black?"

I'll assume you know where the "7/11" moniker I used earlier comes from? He's made a habit of speaking his mind. Well, that, and the fact that he's just not all that bright. You can say a few things about Joe Biden, but subtle speech isn't one of them.

Oh, I see. So now "speaking one's mind" is tantamount to racism. You almost had me believing you were going to make a real point about what was worth condemning in his 7/11 comment.

I must say, your performance today is even more mediocre than usual, GMan.

I also noticed you conveniently failed to remark about Reid's so-called "gaffe". You do make a habit of ignoring the inconvenient, but I'm eager to hear your apologetics for him too.

Then quote it, address it, and debate it. What Reid said is not what Biden said. Although I understand that, maybe, because they are both Democrats, you might be fooled into thinking that the quotes were identical in words, meaning, context and significance.

If you choose to respond, see if you can work in a more robust Roger Ailes or FNC comment this time.

I guess I didn't have to. Your warped understanding of reality was so transparent and personal this time that I didn't have to bother with pointing to the powers who spoon-feed you that script.

Jeremy said...

William - "Democrats who were able to see past the apparent sexism of the dead woman in Teddy's car should make an effort to be more tolerant of this man's foibles."

Good lord...got anything just a tad more current?

And the relevance...?

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