April 29, 2010

A socialist, an atheist, and a Muslim.

Ah! I've unwittingly written a "Jeopardy"-style answer. Now, you tell me the question!

ADDED: You could also take it as a Karnak answer.

WE HAVE A WINNER: Irene says: "Which affiliation do most Americans agree would disqualify a person from nomination to the US Supreme Court?"

Yes, there is a new poll about replacing Justice Stevens, and in one part of it, Americans are asked if they would be "comfortable" with various sorts of nominees. Here's the PDF of the results. A socialist, an atheist, and a Muslim are the 3 types of nominees that a majority of Americans would not be "comfortable" with. 64% were uncomfortable with the socialist (though Democrats were split 47/47%). 58% were uncomfortable with an atheist, including a majority of both Democrats and Republicans. And 53% were uncomfortable with a Muslim (though only 45% of Democrats had a problem). Interestingly, in contrast to the socialist, libertarians did pretty well. 57% were comfortable, including 53% of Democrats. The poll also asked about Mormons and Christians who take the Bible literally. Both of those types did quite will, with 65% and 62%, respectively, feeling comfortable.


Trooper York said...

Who is sitting behind the desk in the Oval office tonight?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Who are: annonying people who won't mind their own business and leave other people alone.

Trooper York said...

Wait it has to be in the form of a question right?

AllenS said...

Who are Alpha Liberal, garage mahal and Barack Obama?

Rumpletweezer said...

I'm thinking more Carnac the Magnificent: I have here the last envelope...the last envelope.

Who has sex with everyone, only himself, and a goat?

Rialby said...

one destroys wealth, one destroys God and one destroys infidels

Ann Althouse said...

There is something that is the same about each, according to a new poll.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Name tree demographics Sarah Palin was told she needs to reach out to.

ricpic said...

If a bar of soap slips out of your hand in a prison shower and there are three other prisoners in the shower with you, of those three first name two in whose presence you could chance bending over to pick up the soap and then one in whose presence you would never ever dare bending over to pick up the soap...unless you're Titus, in which case all rules are off.

Irene said...

Americans agree that Justice Stevens's replacement on the Supreme Court should not be one of these.

Irene said...

(Stated in the form of a question, sorry:)

Which affiliation do most Americans agree would disqualify a person from nomination to the US Supreme Court?

Ann Althouse said...

We have a winner.

traditionalguy said...

the three despise love and mercy and replace them with cruel legalism ruling the world.

rhhardin said...

A socialist, an atheist and a Muslim were walking down the sidewalk and encountered a drunk lying in the gutter.

The socialist and the atheist pretended not to notice, but the Muslim stopped to see if he could help her.

The Muslim said as he rejoined the other two, "They don't make drunks like they used to."

Irene said...

Every now and then, a squirrel finds a nut.

jimbino said...

Is this a joke?

BJM said...

Who are the Guardian's favored stalking horses against the right?

garage mahal said...

ACORN is back in the news.

X said...

three assholes walk into a bar...

Tibore said...

"A socialist, an atheist, and a Muslim."

So dang it, where the bar they walk into? And what's the punchline?? (taps foot impatiently)

Trooper York said...

"A socialist, an atheist, and a Muslim"

Who were the last three guys to bang Lady Diana before she started wearing a steering wheel instead of a halo?

paul a'barge said...

Let me see ... a socialist, an atheist and a Muslim ... hmmm, what famous person do we know who could be all three at the same time? Impossible? Nope. I give you:

Barrack Hussein Obama.

Trooper York said...

I love Lady Diana jokes.

Trooper York said...

What's the difference between Princess Diana and Henri Paul?

One had Royal Crowns the other had Crown Royals

Trooper York said...

What did Princess Di reply when the desk clerk at the Ritz asked
if she wanted a room for the night?

"No, I'm gonna crash with my boyfriend."

Unknown said...

A socialist, an atheist, and a Moslem.

Waht is, "One wants to tax Boobquake, one wants to take it to court as a violation of the separation of church and state, and one wants to fly a jetliner into it"?

Fred4Pres said...

Being socialist is not the same as being athiest or a Muslim. And it is okay (in fact desirable) to reject a nominee because you disagree with them on issues like socialistic theory.

While I would not automatically reject one for being an athiest or a Muslim, I can recognize why it might be relevant. Not in a religious test sense. Anyone's religious faith, depending on what it is, might be relevant depending on how they have practiced it.

Fred4Pres said...

Although I was waiting for Ann so say, "So a socialist, athiest and a Muslim went into a bar..."

Balfegor said...

Those numbers are kind of interesting, particularly to the extent that on the cultural affiliation issues, independent numbers are significantly closer to Democrat numbers than Republican numbers -- on Mormons, it's 62/63 vs. 68; Christian literalists, it's 54/57 vs. 74; Muslim it's 50/53 vs. 31; and atheists it's 46/47 vs. 29. I would have thought independents would split more evenly.

I was also amused by the libertarian results. Independents are comfortable with libertarian judges at 65%, but both Republicans and Democrats -- the parties of the people who actually control government -- are markedly less accepting at 53% for Democrats, and 58% for Republicans.

Trooper York said...

What's worse than getting red wine off the carpet?

Getting Di off the uphostery.

I'm Full of Soup said...

TY got it with his first try!

Trooper York said...

What did Princess Diana die of?

Car-pole-tunnel syndrome

themightypuck said...

Name three things about Salman Rushdie.

themightypuck said...

These results suggest that people really do care about more than impartial refereeing when it comes to judges.

Darrell said...

Name the three human suppositories--in sequence--that Satan must use for his hourly bowel movements.

Unknown said...

The most fascinating result for me:

The percentage of Democrats who think being gay should be a disqualifying factor? 15%

The percentage of Republicans who thing being gay should be a disqualifying factor? 18%
