The first commenter says: "I guess that's why they call it 'fee'-dom." A few comments down someone asks if maybe it's Photoshopping. Yes, it's so easy to Photoshop errors onto people's signs. (I wonder if there are any defamation lawsuits based on the photographic lie that results.)
Via Wonkette, where commenters are having fun mocking someone who wrote "I did’nt serve 22 years for Socialism":
I love the “Did’NT Serve” sign.So, one man served in the military for more than 2 decades and then misplaced an apostrophe, and another is skilled in the detection of racism and the use of mental disability as metaphor.
Seems the three Rs for Teabaggers is Retardism, Racism, and Recidivism not that librul reading, riting and rithmatics.
Simpleton white dumbfuck retards, all.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 296 of 296The race card has paid the bills of many libs for many years. It's better than texas holdem!
"Why are liberals so hung up on race? What is the point of referencing the race of the protesters?"
Because they are full of white guilt hiding their own racism.
The arrogance of the left on one forum I follow is a wonder to behold.
I've noticed that a lot of the name-calling and accusations of racism are coming from black people who see absolutely no irony in their own bigotry.
My site has been picking up repetitive searches for misspelled signs Tea Party signs for weeks. This has been an ongoing concerted hunt for quite some time.
Unfortunately for them, the entry they keep hitting on is one where MoveOn misspelled a professionally printed sign they produced multiple copies of.
"The Republicans are pretty worthless, because they won't fight against racial and sexual quotas designed to punish white men."
Because just about the worst political attack is calling someone racist, and Republicans fear that more than they love the truth, because the truth is insensitive.
Dick Stanley "Why are liberals so hung up on name-calling? They always claim they want an honest discussion, then get frustrated when they can't string together a few argumentative sentences, throw discussion out the window and call their opponents kooks or worse."
Oh, really?
So the signs we're discussing, that depict our own President as a Nazi or the Joker or call him a Marxist or a Muslim or as an African native...those are all forms of "honest discussion" in your book?
But since we're on the subject, here are a few "honest discussion" comments from people right here, describing liberals, Democrats or left side of the aisle opinions:
"Why are liberals so hung up on race?"
"But, the Democrats are just plain vicious assholes."
"Simply put, they are spoiled children who have never been disciplined or held accountable for their actions."
datatroll - Just Google: "misspelled tea party signs"
And tell me you can't find plenty of silly misspelled signs via the tea baggers.
That is an astounding account you gave. I remember the saying that it is normal to be very liberal when you are young.
But it sounds like the future movie directors you talked about are brainwashed and just plain dumb.
If you can't meet the substantive argument- then throw sand. Be rude, nit-pick- make extravagant accusations, anything to obscure the fact that you have no argument.
Oh and a tip to teabaggers- treat the title as honourable:- whatever its origins it now means you and is as honourable as you are.
FWIW, this blog really starts to blow every afternoon when d-bag Jeremy shows up.
Odd thing is, the guests they claim she interviewed, LL Cool J and some Toby Keith say she never interviewed them.
You dare question Sarah Palin's intelligence after writing this train wreck of a sentence?
So the signs we're discussing, that depict our own President as a Nazi or the Joker or call him a Marxist or a Muslim or as an African native...those are all forms of "honest discussion" in your book?
After 8 years of them pulling the same shit, I still can't believe the lefties get the vapors over President = Hitler thing. Talk about a lack of self awareness.
Are you aware of any "death panels" in any of those countries or here?
Canada refused this woman treatment for her cancer. The death panel there deemed her treatment too expensive even though health care is "free" there. Her and her husband spent their retirement on treatments in India instead. Since then she's cancer free.
Hoosier Daddy said...
I'll say it again, when the left resorts to the teabagger-racist retort you know you've won the debate.
Not really, the Left and the proogressive Jews are trying to establish a meme.
With any luck, the meme will become permanent and institutionalized and your children will be taught that from texbooks explaining that tea parties were all about ill-educated racist whites opposed to social justice.
And laws and PC codes will reflect that "new truth".
Just as other memes having nothing to do with America, our culture, or the Consitution have now pervaded America and are seen as obligatory behaviors - such as:
1. Support of diversity, or else.
2. Words that belittle any minority are not only unacceptable, but can lead to firing or school expulsion - while any language that rightly attacks the majority oppressors and their white privilege is just righteous free speech.
3. Women, historically disadvantaged and barred from wealth - deserve extra breaks,
4. America is all about Open Borders, mass immigration and the poem that Amended the Constitution.
5. There was no communist threat. The real threat was McCarthyism, and taxpayer money has to go to victims of that groundlessly based era of dark night fascism that swept America.
Other memes have been established along similar intro, repetition, reinforcement until they pervade official and unofficial society as the gospel truth.
Sometimes they fail. Remember the vigorous, strident past effort by Bush, CAIR, various activists to pound home that Islam is The Religion of Peace for about 2 straight years. Along with other pathetic Bushisms like "woman of cover", and ACLU cheerleaders saying more terrorist rights are needed or "The Constitution is shredded".
Generally, the best approach is to strike back, loudly and in organized fashion calling them on the bullshit before it spreads and is unchallenged enough to become the new reality.
The struggle by progressive Jews of the ACLU and other activist groups to ban christian symbols for public space during Christmas and ban cross displays has pretty well backfired on them. Rather than people saying that they really won the debate because they didn't fight such ridiculous trivial things as they follow court orders to tear down the crosses and fine merchants who display angels - people fought back hard. Even Jews like Bert Prelusky who railed on fellow Jews to knock off the Christian-bashing and the litigation.
I can think of a "Death Panel" in the US...IIRC an Oregon womon was told that Oregon would NOT pay for her cancer treatment, but WOULD pay for her euthanasia.
WV: hypodull a descrition of the medical equipment in Single Payer Systems?
After 8 years of them pulling the same shit, I still can't believe the lefties get the vapors over President = Hitler thing. Talk about a lack of self awareness.
Why, yes, of course. All the lily-white protesters at peace rallies of yester-year were flower-children, who'd never harm a fly, and were Rhodes Scholars to boot.
Listen, anybody that disagrees with the Tea Party's message of love of individual freedom is worse than Hitler. And if you throw around Tea Bagger as a pejorative, you're window-licking moron.
mishu / Joe - There's not an insurance company in America that hasn't turned down treatment for any number of reasons, many of which I disapprove, but that certainly doesn't constitute "death panels."
If an insurance company rejects a claim and the patient dies soon thereafter...are you saying that patient was doomed via a "death panel?"
Wait...don't answer...I already know the tea bagger take on this.
This is all just a regurgitation of the Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh garbage broadcast every day on Fox.
mishu - Your article is from 2007 and says the woman was treated for lung cancer.
Do you know if she's still alive today?
My dad died of lung cancer and was aggressively treated for almost two years but still passed away.
And based on the context of this article I have no idea why you think this specific case relates to any kind of "death panel."
If an insurance company rejects a claim and the patient dies soon thereafter...are you saying that patient was doomed via a "death panel?"
Yes, the old "There is no such thing as a death panel!" equals "Hey, death panels are everywhere, for everyone!" "argument."
Does your head, being so far up your ass, help with the double-think?
I agree with C-ford here.
Just the other day, I saw a story that PBS had put together a multi-day "informercial" that teachers could use to brainwash students about the right to govt paid health care!
We have to get rid of the political slant in these taxpayer funded orgs like NPR, PBS or get rid of them.
We also must kill the dept of education. Replace it with just enough money to pay for a bi-annual test of every school kid. The test can be prepared and administered by a group like the College Board. It will tell parents how their own kids measure up. And that is it! Should cost maybe $25 Billion per year versus the $100 plus billion the Educ dept spends today.
Brad - "Listen, anybody that disagrees with the Tea Party's message of love of individual freedom is worse than Hitler."
The tea baggers are fun loving, freedom fighters?
GFL with that many of them are collecting money via the government as we speak? You don't think any of these "leave government out of it" yahoos aren't collecting unemployment, Medicare, Medicaid, veteran's benefits, etc.??
You know damn well that they are.
And once again: THEY chose the name, Dude...the liberals didn't have a hand in it.
Maybe if they spent more time researching the definitions of specific monikers and of course, buying dictionaries, they might have avoided looking like illiterate chumps.
I missed this post earlier, but here's plenty of evidence that tea partiers are complete idiots. None of that involves sleazy innuendo or the like; all of it is based on what they've said and done (and not said and not done).
If any nationally-known teapartier would like to debate me, let me know.
AJ Lynch - Can we all assume there was no Department of Education when you attended school?
And that it just didn't work out for you?
mishu / Joe - There's not an insurance company in America that hasn't turned down treatment for any number of reasons, many of which I disapprove, but that certainly doesn't constitute "death panels."
Know who turns down moe claims than Private Insurance....yeah that's right, MEDICARE!
In Britain don't try to get a kidney transplant after doesn't happen. NICE sees to that, not really therepeutically your life expectancy is shortened, but at leas teh health care was free!
LonewackoDotCom - Unfortunately, you're too late for any kind of real debate or disuccion of the merits of the tea bagger movement.
95% of the people who post here every day are already firmly committed to being the best tea baggers they can be.
Brad just mentioned that "...anybody that disagrees with the Tea Party's message of love of individual freedom is worse than Hitler."
Hitler no less.
I think that the misspelling was intentional. The tea partiers seem to like making their own signs, and a lot of them like to be clever. Sometimes it is more successful than other times. And that is what this looks like to me, someone trying to say something clever (and maybe failing).
And this really is one of the big differences between the tea partiers and their foes, as the later seem quite happy to show up in matching T-shirts with matching pre-made signs. I think it must be some sort of solidarity thing.
But should anyone be surprised at this difference between the two sides of the debate? On the one side, you have liberty and individualism, and on the other equality and communitarianism. The former put the individual first, while the later put the community first.
Education is a black hole. Take $300 per year and give it to every kid in the country to buy books for their own home so they can build a home library of their own. Take another $200 and test the kids every two years. Eliminate the rest of the spending by EDUC Dept.
That is how I'd bring "hope and change" to the Dept of Education. And I just saved the taxpayers $100 Billion a year.
Here is another example of a tea partier trying to be cute. (Hope the link works). If the link doesn't work out - the sign spells out ObamaCare with the O symbol from his campaign, and the C is the Soviet era hammer and sickle.
Joe - "Know who turns down moe claims than Private Insurance....yeah that's right, MEDICARE!"
Medicare turns down about 6.8%...Aetna about 6%.
Of course, Medicare isn't even available until one is 65 and the kinds of illness and afflictions would be entirely different and more serious than standard coverage for people much younger.
Medicare fields 10 times as many claims...6,000,000 to 600,000 for Aetna.
AJ Lynch said..."Education is a black hole. Take $300 per year and give it to every kid in the country to buy books for their own home so they can build a home library of their own."
And install cameras and microphones to see if their parents are making them read and study...that is, if they have parents who are at home to do so.
Wow, so we agree then Jeremy...Medicare is MORE HEARTLESS than Private Insurers?
But does Medicare handle more claims than Private Insurers, or just more claims than Aetna, merely one Private Insurer?
And by your own figures, Jeremy, Medicare turns down 408,000 folks, and Aetna only 36,000...dooesn't that make Medicare at least 10 Times more heartless?
Bruce Hayden said..."I think that the misspelling was intentional. The tea partiers seem to like making their own signs, and a lot of them like to be clever."
So they spelled nigger..."niggar" 'cause it was really funny?
How about "feedom" instead of freedom?
Or "get a brain morans!"
Jeremy, honestly, you're retarded. I say that with full sympathy to your parents, as I know you can't actually read this electrowebby thingamabob.
But seriously, chief. There's lots of room for debate over lots of issues, but there's no room to debate a child.
You insist on slavering over yourself and mahal, Alpha, the other maids in this liberal marriage of buffoonery to asshattery, by calling tea partiers a homophobic (or is it homophilic, one never knows these things, tsk tsk tsk) pejorative.
I'm not going to take you serious. You're a jackass.
Just putting it out there... Managing to photoshop the r out of Freedom on that sign would take me about 10 minutes.
Joe - I guess you missed the part about when you can begin using Medicare, huh?
You actually believe a company that insures a group of people ranging in age from about 10 - 64...would be just as inclined to have claims that were a company that picks up it's clients when they're in the last 10-20 years of life?
And I would assume retirement homes and rest homes have many, many more deaths than rehab centers for those who are much younger.
It's got to be apples to apples.
You're just throwing shit into the fan at this point.
You know, I wandered over here from another blog. I didn't really come with any particular agenda.
It doesn't really bug me if folks protest the health care reform bill, it doesn't really bug me if their spelling is bad, and I don't really care what color their skin is.
But I gotta say that after reading this thread, you all strike me as kinda crazy. Like, divorced from reality crazy.
Just saying.
Take it for whatever it's worth to you.
Good luck.
spool32 - "Just putting it out there... Managing to photoshop the r out of Freedom on that sign would take me about 10 minutes."
I can do it even faster, but are you implying these signs aren't real, and have actually been manipulated by...the liberals??
That, after appearing on national TV, the people who made up the signs didn't notice or tell anyone?
Jeremy, they call themselves the Tea Party. Teabaggers is what Keith O and Anderson Cooper and the rest got off using to denigrate people they disagree with. Not exactly "journalistic" or "professional." But then again, those in the media have long ago sacrificed their integrity for their agenda. And the name probably isn't homophobic, except that you use this term for a mostly homosexual act to express your hatred of people you disagree with. Mostly because you can't deny what they're protesting about is true. Calling people names is something people do when they have no confidence in their arguments.
No Jeremy what I'm doing is pointing out that GOVENMENT HEALTH CARE is FAR MORE LIKELY TO DENY COVERAGE than Private Health Care.
And your counter-argument simply fuels my point, Medicare deals with an older what?
So what you're saying is that the Government is interested in limiting its liability to the old. That Medicare IS A DEATH PANEL, comparatively speaking.
russell - You're right on point.
I come here for one reason: to aggravate the living hell out of these tea bagging wing nuts.
Stop by two or three times a week and you'll hear bitching and whining about literally EVERYTHING and ANYTHING said, proposed or enacted by President Obama or the Democrats.
But I gotta say that after reading this thread, you all strike me as kinda crazy. Like, divorced from reality crazy.
Really well thanks for that...and your evidence for this divorce from reality?
We aren't convinced that your side is right/smarter/better looking?
IIRC your posting was no great shakes, prior to this...but YOUR the smarter more connected guys?
Whatever keeps you warm at night.
Russell - The isketch game looks interesting, but I have a feeling it takes some practice to compete.
Yeah Russelll, still waiting for you to discuss your baseline for sign mis-spellings or to address your odd belief that the Tea Party Movement is 90-95% white...and WE'RE divorced from reality?
I come here for one reason: to aggravate the living hell out of these tea bagging wing nuts.
Idiocy IS aggravating.
It IS pretty amazing to see your hard work at practicing idiocy reinforce your natural jackassery. To be a professional liberal [cretin], the competition must be tough. Good luck to you.
Joe said..."No Jeremy what I'm doing is pointing out that GOVENMENT HEALTH CARE is FAR MORE LIKELY TO DENY COVERAGE than Private Health Care."
If they're denying at a 6.8% rate, versus 6% rate, the only reason there would be MORE rejections is that there are more claims.
That only makes them less than 1% more likely to reject...but they cover people who are already over 60 years old.
Regular insurance companies have millions of customers who NEVER file a claim...EVER.
I'll bet if you ask around, you'll be amazed at how many people you personally know...who have never filed a claim...and if they did, it was nominal.
That is not the case when one is in their mid-sixties and older.
Brad - Would you like for me to tea bag you?
Open up...
Joe - "And your counter-argument simply fuels my point, Medicare deals with an older what?"
So what??
Call your insurance agent and ask them if they only dealt with people who were "older," if their rates or percentage of denied claims would be higher.
Good lord...are you this dense that you can't see the correlation between age and illness?
Bob - "And the name probably isn't homophobic, except that you use this term for a mostly homosexual act to express your hatred of people you disagree with."
It isn't and I'm not using as such.
They chose the name, they hold up signs saying they want to "tea bag" liberals...and they have to live with it.
Check out Garage's posting at 10:52 AM and see for yourself.
If they're denying at a 6.8% rate, versus 6% rate, the only reason there would be MORE rejections is that there are more claims.
That only makes them less than 1% more likely to reject...but they cover people who are already over 60 years old.
Regular insurance companies have millions of customers who NEVER file a claim...EVER.
This posting shows that, at least here, you are TOTALLY AT SEA, Jeremy…we’re DISCUSSING RATES! Rates of denial…you’ve quoted two of them. A denial rate is the number of denials/Total CLAIMS, not total clients! The number of claims is irrelevant, UNLESS you’re arguing that large organizations will turn people down more often than smaller ones. IF that’s the case you FURTHER undermine the case for Government Health Care.
And no the difference is not 1% more likely it 6.8-6/6 X100% or 13% more likely to deny a claim…..
Good lord...are you this dense that you can't see the correlation between age and illness?
What are you maundering on you're saying that older folks, being sicker DESERVE a higher denial rate?
Why? So it IS your belief that Government Health Care is acomparative Death Panel, right? Because as you get older and then sicker, we need to turn you down more often, right?
They chose the name, they hold up signs saying they want to "tea bag" liberals...and they have to live with it.
one sign proves your standards of evidence are pretty low.
I read the first dozen or so entries on Snopes, and I didn't see anything very significant about Fox News.
I did the same thing for MSNBC, and it was about the same, or even a little worse.
Tell me, how would you react if you saw this on Fox News?
How about "feedom" instead of freedom?
The point there, as I think most here probably realize, is that all of the fees, charges, mandates, and taxes involved in health care "reform" seriously erode our freedoms. Yes, they probably over-reached. But that was part of the fun of it for them, and a lot of the others who attended.
As far as the "niggar" sign - I think that those who attend these tea parties would tell you that anything racial is an extremely small proportion of the signs out there at the rallies, and that if there is a picture of a racially insensitive sign, it was seriously cherry picked.
Joe - "What are you maundering on you're saying that older folks, being sicker DESERVE a higher denial rate?"
Are you brain dead?
People, especially relatives, will ask their doctors to take a run at damn near anything they think would help, and the doctor is obliged to do exactly that...even if he or she feels the claim will be denied.
Plus, you keep ignoring the fact that Medicare insures, millions more than any insurance company, and their clients are ALL 65 or older.
What is it about this that can't penetrate that rock you call a head??
Anytime you insure an older person, a faster car, a driver who has a bad driving record, a patient who has existing're always going to have higher rates and a higher rate of denial.
Call an insurance agent and ask...maybe that will get you on the right track.
YOU keep saying the reason Medicare has a higher rate of denial is that it's government run.
That is patently false and makes absolutely no sense.
Bruce Hayden - So, every industrialized democracy in the world with national health care has eroded their citizens "freedom?
We're the ONLY country that has it right?
They're ALL wrong...and we're right?
And you base this on us having the very highest health care cost per citizen, and one of the worse infant fatality and life expectancy rates...?
This is how it works in your universe?
Brad - Too late, sweetheart.
You asked for it, and I offered first.
Do you want me to run at you or just let them drop?
Joe - "Jeremy…we’re DISCUSSING RATES! Rates of denial…you’ve quoted two of them. A denial rate is the number of denials/Total CLAIMS, not total clients! The number of claims is irrelevant..."
Uh, no...I think you have that ass-backwards.
If I asked you what your "rate" of success wouldn't say...6.
You'd respond with a "percentage"...right?
The "rate of denial" is directly related to the percentage of denial.
In this context, that is what "rates" mean.
Good lord...
Jeremy, you're...seriously, how can you fuck this up? Are you this dull of a wit that you cannot think a dick's width past the OBVIOUS use of "Teabagger."
For the love of Allah, Buddha and Tom Cruise, you are a moron. You need the teabagger slur, 'cuz if you rapped your head against a wall for a week and somehow managed to press the two non-crack-addled neurons you have left together, you couldn't come up with anything wittier to say.
Jeremy said...
edutcher - Veteran's benefits are funded, just as Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Child Welfare, and other "socialist" programs...via taxpayer money.
You can post jingoistic blather all you want about how veteran's benefits are just being provided as a form of American "debt" to those who serve, and isn't a form of socialized assistance, but that's bullshit...and you know it.
Hardly jingoistic blather. Even FDR felt the same way.
By your definition, the Post Office and the military are socialism. The Constitution establishes a number of services the the federal government is expected to maintain.
The fact is there have been Old Soldiers' Homes and hospitals since the 18th Century. These cared for indigent, as well as disabled veterans.
Jeremy: Very disturbing to read your posts and I think that the person who expressed sympathy for your parents is to be seconded. You appear to believe you are making points when you are clearly demonstrating that you have no grasp of the argument. I feel sorry for you but you are spoiling the fun. Really you are. It is quite horrible to think that you are about in the world. Hopefully you do not have children.
"I come here for one reason: to aggravate the living hell out of these tea bagging wing nuts."
Poor Jeremykins. His life must be so empty. Nothing to do except sit there watching Al Qeada beheading videos and thinking that saying "teabagger" makes him some kind of revolutionary. Meanwhile, in the big real world outside, the Tea Party movement keeps getting bigger and Jeremykins' beloved Obama keeps getting weaker. But, at night, as tears stain his pillow, Jeremykins gently sobs himself to sleep knowing he has fought the good fight and has, single-handedly (for the obvious reason), helped slow the conservative momentum just a little by spending all day on a blog which makes him crazy.
Hardly jingoistic blather. Even FDR felt the same way.
By your definition, the Post Office and the military are socialism. The Constitution establishes a number of services the the federal government is expected to maintain.
I know, right? It's almost like a super-scary smart argument he's rattling off there.
Government spending = socialism. Socialism is nothing, it's EVERYTHING, and awesome! Catch the fever!
Rome had a military, Jeremiah, and so did Queen Elizabeth. Guess they were socialists too, huh, genius?
Jeremy said...
edutcher "Not now. The death panels will be a feature of single payer, which is the ultimate goal of the exercise. When rationing starts, then they come into being."
(Thank you tea baggers of America & Princess Sarah)
Now tell me what in the world does the single payer system have to do with this insane "death panel" garbage?
When the government becomes the single payer and maintainer of health care, it prioritizes to control the system. The bodies that ration health care, as they do in Britain and some states here, effectively become death panels because they deny care to some people.
There was a much-publicized case of a 66 year old woman in Oregon during the '08 campaign who as the state health system about treatment for her cancer. They sent her a brochure on assisted suicide. That, my friend, is what a death panel does; it determines who gets life-saving care and who doesn't. Rahm Emanuel's brother wrote a treatise on "Useful Lives" outlining how it's done.
Do you even know what a single payer system is?
Single payer health care systems have been highly effective for years in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom...and oh...right here in America via Medicare.
When the government is the only payer, that's single payer, which is The Zero's ultimate goal (he's on record). He intends to drive the private insurers out of business, which is probably unconstitutional.
As to the NHS, if it's so effective, why are there so few British doctors in Britain? Why are there so many scandals of people dying because they were refused care? Why do so many Canadians, including the highest ranking politician in Ontario, feel obliged to come to the US for care, if they can?
And Medicare is not single payer. Application for it is not required and there are other health plans and discount programs available. ZeroCare would displace Medicare.
Are you aware of any "death panels" in any of those countries or here?
Can you provide any articles or evidence of anything of the kind?
May I suggest a walk through the archives of the "Best of the Web" blog run by James Taranto? He has dozens.
(I'm not fed citations by anybody, so I'd have to get specifics from his site. He's the one who publicized the case of the woman in Oregon, as well as many horror stories of the NHS.)
It's just a single insurance pool, (with individual/corporate/government contributions) that spreads out the cost of everybody's insurance across the board. One source collects the fees, one source pays the bills.
No, you're talking about the exchanges, which is an intermediate step; the insurance companies would be unable to compete with the Feds and be driven out of business. Single payer would be the government only and that one source determines who gets what care. BTW, these individual/corporate contributions are called taxes. Ruinous ones if you look at Britain.
I called on doctors and hospitals for years and never once heard a doctor, nurse or administrator not endorse sing payer as the best solution to national health care.
Then why do 45% of the doctors practicing now say they'll quit if this mess is established.
PS My wife is a nurse of more than 40 years' experience and she hates it.
But those people *are* actually stupid!
Bruce Hayden - So, every industrialized democracy in the world with national health care has eroded their citizens "freedom?
And you base this on us having the very highest health care cost per citizen, and one of the worse infant fatality and life expectancy rates...?
Come on Jeremy. We have been through this multiple times here before. You are comparing apples to oranges. The definition of a live birth here is the most liberal in the world. So, we count a lot of premies who die and no one else counts as live births.
And life expectancy is no better. Not only do we count all those premies that die, that aren't counted elsewhere, but also counted are all those drive by shooting deaths by gang bangers. The drug culture in much of the under (esp. Black) class also causes early deaths. Also throw in car accidents (we drive more than almost anyone else). Plus, our level of obesity his one of the highest, resulting in even more premature deaths. None of these things have anything to do with the quality of health care.
That is why comparing, for example, cancer survival rates for different types of cancers is a much better metric than either infant mortality or life expectancy. And when we do that, the U.S. health care system, in the past, looks very good.
And yes, even though you are putting words in my mount with your first statement above, I agree that socialized medicine reduces freedom and liberty.
Why are liberals so hung up on race? What is the point of referencing the race of the protesters?
Liberalism (so-called) is entirely about race. It has been ever since the Frankfurt School decided that Marxism would work better if "whites" were subsituted for "the evil capitalists" and "colored people" for "the noble proletariat". It's not an exaggeration to describe liberalism as the doctrine of race war. White people are inherently evil in the eyes of liberals, as shown by their hatred for Tea Partiers merely for being white.
Yes, many liberals are white thenselves. And the typical old-school communist was often a member of the upper class.
Jeremy @ 3:24 Pm
"THEY picked the term, fool. Nobody (unless it was one hell of a joke via a liberal) called up this band of wing nuts and tell them they should consider using a term depicting a ball-dropping as their fucking moniker."
An aside regarding this issue we've run into at work.
There's a person who, well, can't stand Republicans, Conservatives, Bush, Tea Party folks, etc. Fine. Not a problem. He's entitled to his viewpoints.
The problem began when this person started to refer to Tea Party folks as "teabaggers" - at work. Someone asked what he meant by that term and he told them. One of the people he told this to went down to HR and reported what was said.
The teabagging comments stopped. Right away. Personally, I would have used the chain-of-command to report the matter, but HR says they have an open door policy with these sorts of matters.
At the end of the day, we should all just accept the fact that the more educated people will have better signs with fewer typos.
I am proud to live in a country where even the illiterate have voice.
Yes it is easy to mock people who call the President a Gorilla, lie and misrepresent the truth at every opportunity, blindly obey the calling of Glenn Dreck and other Faux pundits, insist everyone in America be white and speak English, even though these racists can't themselves spell or speak the language coherently.
They deserve to be mocked and to suggest otherwise and defend these retarded assholes makes you one of them.
The signs are photoshopped? Hah, you WISH. But you can't make these teabagging fools up. Keep supporting them, Ann. They deserve an alcoholic lawyer defending them.
Oh, Ann. You seem so nice on Blogging Heads. But seriously, the folks you attract and the company you keep here...unh, unh, unh. All the poison and stupidity can't be good for your psyche or your spirit. And yet you encourage them. Get some help, sweetie. Really.
Faux this, faux that. I bet not one of you simpletons can parle francais.
Your faux sophistication isn't impressive, but your sophistry is.
Keep shoveling, morans.
The Misinformed Tea Party Movement
Bruce Bartlett, 03.19.10
For an antitax group, they don't know much about taxes.
"Tuesday's Tea Party crowd, however, thought that federal taxes were almost three times as high as they actually are. The average response was 42% of GDP and the median 40%. The highest figure recorded in all of American history was half those figures: 20.9% at the peak of World War II in 1944."
Alpha, you and your lib friends believe raising taxes in the middle of a recession is a great idea!
Most people don't know specialist knowledge like historical tax rates - of course - but most people do know, save the 52% Stooges evidently, that taxes do not equal prosperity. That's basic. You have to be something of a cretin to not get that.
Honestly, kids, this stuff ain't that hard.
Wow. I usually like the comments when I visit Althouse, but I think I actually feel dumber for having read about half of this thread. I wouldn't have read that much, but I sort of went into what is probably a blog version of highway hypnosis.
Man, liberals are absolutely obsessed with race.
That and their paranoid fear driven reaction to the tea party protesters makes me think there is an underlying inherent psychology flaw in today's liberals.
No normal well adjusted people think like this.
At the end of the day, we should all just accept the fact that the more educated people will have better signs with fewer typos.
Well, no, since the most professional looking signs are those carried by ObamaCare proponents. Why? Because they are professionally done, along with matching T-shirts, etc., and passed out to the people bussed in to carry the signs. So, of course, they are spell-checked - the original for the signs and t-shirts is likely generated in Wash., D.C. by professionals using computers.
So, we really can't determine IQ or educational level of a person carrying a sign, without first determining whether or not that person actually created the sign.
And, even then, we have to look at whether the sign is trying to play word games (as I think the creators of the sign in this post were doing). In other words, the misspelling may have been intentional.
After reading thru many,many of these posts today, I have to wonder why so many people keep banging their head against the brick walls of libs like Alpha and jeremy? People like this are simply incapable of seeing things that would introduce cognitive dissonance into their closed, little worlds. The facts are indisputable regarding Big Government, it's failure (over time), everywhere it's tried. The mindset of a true liberal doesn't allow for the failure of big government. It's always someone else s fault; greedy corporations, right wingers who don't want to pay "their fair share" etc....When, as the dims have been doing after passing the monstrosity of the HC bill, come out and talk about this bill is really about the redistribution of wealth -- curing the supposed inequity between the rich and tho poor -- they just can't seem to understand why we call Obama a socialist. Well, guess what you dumb-asses...we call him a socialist - or say he has socialistic tendencies -- because he is!! But keep telling yourself that we're just seeing imaginary boogeymen. Call it day when it's really night. Conservatives -- hell even independents -- have this administration the dims figured out. My advice to the sensible folks on this forum is to simply not waste your time on people like Alpha Liberal and Jeremy. They can't be helped and aren't worth it. Take pity on them the way you might on a homeless person on the street that is obviously debilitated and unable to help themselves but for whom you can nothing to help. These libs are the same way; you feel sorry for them, you hope that they'll get better but you know they won't and you move on.
Man, liberals are absolutely obsessed with race.
My theory there is that it is because of their guilt in belonging (or at least supporting over the other party) the party that repressed of Blacks over at least 2/3 of the history of that party. Remember, the Democratic party was founded by slave owners, the Civil War was waged when Southern Democrats seceded in order to maintain slavery (supported by their Northern brethren), waged Jim Crow for much of a century, provided almost all Klan members, hung numerous Blacks, re-segregated the federal government after it had be desegregated by the Republicans, and provided most of the votes against the Civil Rights Acts of the 1960s.
If I belonged to that party, I would feel guilty about the racism of my party too.
Oh, and I forgot in my list, that the Democratic party also was instrumental in destroying the Black family and throwing much of the Black community into a culture of dependency by passage of the Great Society and the War on Poverty.
Just something else to feel racially guilty over.
If there's one thing worse than being racist, it's being anti-racist.
If only blacks can use the "n-word", who are all these folks using the "r-word"?
Please note the gentleman holding the sign about "20 years of service" is black man, that didn't seem to fit the narrative. I think he has been dissed in abstentia by the progressives. How quaint that his race was edited out.
You know the sign, "I did'nt serve 22 years..." and the guy was called a: "Simpleton white dumbfuck retards, all."
He is African American.
See him at 4:25 mark. So, did they purposely crop him out of the picture on Flikr?
Jeremy, if you can get over your need to throw sexually-explicit insults at people, you just might realize that the Tea Parties have produced hundreds of thousands of handmade signs and- just like liberals- some conservative's spelling is pretty lax without a handy spellchecker. (Except the Tea Partiers don't pay someone to professionally print their mistakes)
What is more telling is the elitist fascination of liberals with those misspellings, as shown by all of that Googling, reposting and 'Look at this'. Keep playing that gotcha game right up to November, Jeremy; then we'll talk.
And, if you want to see a number of false caricatures of the Tea Parties shot to pieces all in one continuous video, take a peek at this one.
that would be "parles francais" or "parlez francais".
mercy boocoo
eve said..."I feel sorry for you but you are spoiling the fun. Really you are. It is quite horrible to think that you are about in the world. Hopefully you do not have children."
This must be one of those compassionate conservatives I always hear about.
Not one of the brightest, but obviously quite compassionate.
datatroll - Once again: You're the idiots who came up with the name, not me.
The original tea party was related to taxation without representation, your group evidently thinks the government should be abolished...all while collecting unemployment checks and taking full advantage of any "government" assistance available.
It's called hypocrisy, and your whining and bitching about anything "sexual" being associated with your group's name is just plain sour grapes.
Bruce Hayden said..."Oh, and I forgot in my list, that the Democratic party also was instrumental in destroying the Black family and throwing much of the Black community into a culture of dependency by passage of the Great Society and the War on Poverty."
The Republicans are notorious for being the party that's most interested in helping people of color.
You get dumber by the minute.
none said..."After reading thru many,many of these posts today, I have to wonder why so many people keep banging their head against the brick walls of libs like Alpha and jeremy?"
Opposed to just continuing the wing nut suckfest?
95% of the comments here could be written by the same tea bagging wing nut and you know it. There's no discourse, discussion or debate.
It's just a whole bunch of conservatives agreeing with each other about literally everything...and of course, bad mouthing anything President Obama says or does.
Let's see how much play the massive increase in jobs announced today gets.
And where the discussion of the Russian nuclear pact just agreed to?
All you're doing is defending and perpetuating the suck up to the "Queen" and her loyal wing nut subjects.
Well, if we're going to be slamming people for spelling errors, I would think this photo would be relevant:
Hillary Clinton, May 31 2007, Silicon Valley, speaking on (I'm not kidding...) education:
I bet not one of you simpletons can parle francais.
that would be "parles francais" or "parlez francais".
Holy hell, Jeremiah. You're like an Einstein in reverse; you cannot help but render the smallest details without genius.
Third person present tense (the tip shoulda been "one"), the conjugation of "parler" is "parle", i.e. il/elle/on parle, not tu or vous.
Thanks for proving my point, idiot.
"At least the Tea Party doesn't elect its idiot relatives to Congress."
That's because Palin can't win an office at the national level.
as the say in france: touchy.
Maybe we should just conjugate "can" and leave "speak" as an infinitive?
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