April 25, 2010

A Meadhouse refrigeratorscape.



ADDED: The longer view:




Meade said...

Ha! Didn't think you'd do it.

People will just have to take my word for it - the fourth food group lies out of sight in the crisper.

Michael Ginda said...

That bottle of Chimay on the second shelf needs to be standing upright!

Michael Haz said...

Meade, you've successfully maintained the proper yogurt-to-beer ratio. Congratulations on your fine efforts.

Lyle said...

Belgian brew is the best. It's what I drink... or micro-brew copycats like New Belgium brewery's 1554. Air high five Meadehouse.

Doug the Doberman Lover said...

It's always nice to see someone who has his priorities straight.

john said...
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Ann Althouse said...

"That bottle of Chimay on the second shelf needs to be standing upright!"

Should I fear an explosion?!

chickelit said...

Now I'd like to see shared closet space or some other shared space which tells a different story.

Ann Althouse said...

"Now I'd like to see shared closet space or some other shared space which tells a different story."

We have separate closets. Oddly, his is bigger!

Eric Muller said...
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chickelit said...

We have separate closets. Oddly, his is bigger!

Waiting for Meade's reply....

Meade said...


I have more skeletons.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Jeez it looks like a single guy's fridge!

Paco Wové said...

Veuve Cliquot. Mmmmmmmmmm.

Michael Haz said...

Guys have skeletons in their closets, women have shoes.

Penny said...

"Guys have skeletons in their closets"

Why ever would men hide their bones in the closet?

chickelit said...

Does Meade have a bookshelf of his own in Meadhouse? I'd like to know what's on it.

rhhardin said...

The peanut butter is disaster preparedness.

Anonymous said...

One of the reasons why Child Protective Services may declare a home unfit and remove the children to foster care is a refrigerator that contains mostly beer and very little food.


Sorin said...

"Why ever would men hide their bones in the closet?"

Better than under the bed!

David said...

Whole milk? Are you out of your minds? Don't you know what that stuff can do to you? And besides, beer will never foam again in a glass that's had milk in it.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible that MeadHouse lives on beer and cheese alone?

I would have declared "shenanigans" on this refrigerator's selections, but the yogurt balances everything out. It IS organic yogurt after all.

A post several months ago involved the Delirium Nocturnum...I tried it and now know how to get a terrific night sleep when needed.

Unknown said...

You guys need a bartender.

I don't doubt Meade grows most of the groceries out back, but somehow I can't see Ann coming home after a hard day of conlawproffing to churn the butter.

chickelit said...

...but somehow I can't see Ann coming home after a hard day of conlawproffing to churn the butter.

A Man Needs A Maid.

John Stodder said...

Who's the caramel-lover? And what is it used for?

Triangle Man said...

Dairy group. Beer group. Fancy foreign stuff group. The fourth group in the crisper must be bacon. That's where we keep ours too.

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

Ale's what cures you.

Chris said...

After I graduate and have a real salary, my refrigerator will look like that.

TBMD said...

It's well known that the four basic food groups are alcohol, fat, caffeine, and sugar.

Technically, you can exist on a diet of nothing but Bailey's Irish Creme.

Opus One Media said...

peanut butter in the fridge? lordy.

Anonymous said...

It's looking good Meade, but a lot of useful beer space is being consumed by that useless jug of milk.

Get on that.

mariner said...

If you love both blueberries and ale, try some Bar Harbor Blueberry Ale.

Titus said...

Do you cook Althouse?

Jeff said...

Compared to Tampa Bay Rays player Pat Burrell, you are a total piker: his Clearwater, FL condo fridge contains beer, water, and nothing else.


Sadly, Comcast revoked the video ... just one more reason to hate Comcast. Because the video was 5 minutes of pure hilarity.

Titus said...

Can you take a picture of your underwear drawers?

Also, I would like to analyze and judge your shoe closets.

Thanks Doll.

Erudite Aspie said...

I want that frig. That frig rocks. And Belgian beer, well, God's little gift of heaven on earth.

Mr roT said...

OK, I approve of the Veuve Clicquot, but couldn't we have a couple bottles of Stone IPA instead of the sweet stuff?

Titus said...

Is there a "kinky closet" anywhere?

Joan said...

The problem with keeping the Chimay on its side like that is that the sediment that supposed to be nicely settled on the bottom is getting mixed in with all the drinkable beer.

Although the last time I had a Duval I was surprised to find no sediment, so maybe everyone's filtering more these days (alas).

Not enough mustard in that fridge, but I think I could live with it.

Paco Wové said...
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Anonymous said...

Does beer count as a vegetable?

Dust Bunny Queen said...
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Meade said...

"The fourth group in the crisper must be bacon."

Ten points Triangle Man!

Bacon... because we haven't read Insty all these years just to learn absolutely nothing!

RebeccaH said...

Needs more cheese.

wondertrev said...

I need to show this pic to the wife.

chickelit said...

The Jack Daniels brand mustard looks intriguing.
Is it any good?
Is there really hooch inside?

Unknown said...

Finally saw the wide-screen view. for a minute, it looked like Meadehouse was a front for a saloon.

Titus said...

Do you cook Althouse?

Only Meade can answer that!

Elizabeth said...

I want that frig. That frig rocks.

Frig or fridge?

Theo Boehm said...

Does beer count as a vegetable?

Only if your name ends in stein, stern, berg, burg, or dorf.

Tully said...

Skeletons take up more room than shoes.

There are really only three food groups, plus dairy. The three food groups are meat, cookies, and rabbit food.

Jamie said...

Re: Child protective services and beer: When our oldest was in kindergarten, he told a wild tale of child abuse to the McGruff Crime Dog puppet... and then to his teacher, and then to the principal, and then to the CPS worker summoned to assess his veracity. (Bit of an attention seeker, our kid.) First I knew of the whole thing, the CPS person was knocking on my door.

She introduces herself as being from CPS, and my immediate thought is, "Oh God, which of my neighbors...?" On the heels of my thought, she adds, "...and there's been an allegation of child abuse against your husband." (Who, btw, doesn't spank, yell, or do ANYthing that could be construed as abusive by the most uptight observer.) Long story short, he was of course completely exonerated and the record of our kid's imaginative discourse expunged... but during the home inspection that day, I felt compelled to explain why we had two cases' worth of empty beer bottles on the dining room table.

(We homebrew, and were getting ready to bottle a batch that evening.)

Roman said...

I didn't realize that there are that many food groups.

Hagar said...

Whole milk from contented Guernsey cows is what makes life worth living!

As my whimsy leads me.. said...

That's all very nice, but what's in the freezer? Ice cream? venison sausage? edamame? Popscicles? Mrs. Paul's fish sticks?

Hagar said...

and green chile, of course.

MadisonMan said...

Not enough dairy products.

As my whimsy leads me.. said...

Am I missing something? I thought you two were red-blooded Americans. Where's the ketchup???


Michael Haz said...

The longer view allows one to draw the inevitable conclusion that the Meadehouse refrigerator has a serious lack of hot sauce. A good fridge should have at least 8 different types or hot sauce.

Anonymous said...

Uh, where do you eat?

Rockport Conservative said...

It seems to me that a Meadhouse refrigerator would by its name have beer aplenty.

TMink said...

At our house, the Crystal does not last long enough to require refrigeration.


MadisonMan said...

I like Hendrick's gin, but I don't keep it in the fridge, but maybe I should keep the gin chilled at all times.

Is that really vegetable oil in the fridge door? I have never known someone to use oil so slowly that it goes rancid, which is why I'll assume it's there.

Tulkinghorn said...

Beer stored on its side will lose its carbonation.

In Southern California, we get our ABT 12 on tap.....

Irene said...

Where's the freezer?

Tom said...

Remember the fridge scene from 9 1/2 weeks? I'd use the Maple syrup on the door...

Titus said...

Meadsy Poo do you know how that bacon got from the supermarket to your home?

Piggys have feelings too. Did you know they laugh and are sad and cry?

Don't forget the pigs.

Thank you.

Titus said...

When I move to Madison are we going to be best girlfriends and have barbecues and braid our hair and girl talk?

Alan said...

Maybe after you pour your first Chimay you'll learn why you don't lay it on its side.

JAL said...

So do we have a shot of what it looked like pre Meadehouse?


chickelit said...

So do we have a shot of what it looked like pre Meadehouse?

I'm sure it was packed full of gin back when she was cultivating her hard-drinking persona. :)

Ann Althouse said...

"Where's the freezer?"

The freezer is a drawer on the bottom.

"Maybe after you pour your first Chimay you'll learn why you don't lay it on its side."

Our first Chimay was poured long ago.

Penny said...

They hide the food in that second fridge in the garage.

Meade said...

The lowdown on oil rancidity: HERE


"When I move to Madison are we going to be best girlfriends and have barbecues and braid our hair and girl talk?"

Answer: No.

David said...

Glad to see that Althouse is buying local--Madison's own Sub Zero.

Sub Zero does make an "all refrigerator." That's a good concept, since the freezer is usually an intermediate step to the trash in my house.

chickelit said...
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Meade said...
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Meade said...

Freezer is full of frozen vegetable, blueberries, and bananas. No ice cream, edamame, fish sticks, or popsicles.

Althouse is a fabulous cook. Her best dishes are: 1. Risotto, 2. Bologenese sauce, and 3. Minestone soup. All from the Classic Italian Cookbook by Marcella Hasan. She's been practicing these delicious dishes for more than three decades.

My best dish: Blueberry/Banana smoothie.

Althouse sometimes puts caramel syrup in her coffee.

Anonymous said...

I like this. You guys are living up to your name—Meadhouse.

chickelit said...

The name comes from butane, and not butter.

Meade, that is incorrect.

Hasan is my wife's favorite Italian cook too. I'll bet you've had the porcini mushroom & prosciutto lasagna.

Kakashi said...

Good taste in beer, although I'm not a big fan of the Nocturne.

Meade said...

Not yet, Chicklit, but it sounds good. We are also big fans of spaghetti with sauteed pine nuts, garlic, and parsley.

btw: I save all my rancid butter to use as a noxious, nausea-inducing repellent against HDHouse whaling crews.

Bryant Likes said...

Where do you buy your beer at? I can get Chimay at TJs, but the St. Bernardus is harder to come by.

chickelit said...

I save all my rancid butter to use as a noxious, nausea-inducing repellent against HDHouse whaling crews.

putrescine works well too.

former law student said...

Jeez it looks like a single guy's fridge!

The sight does make you wonder what the Meadhousians eat. But perhaps they do marketing on a daily basis.

I admit a lot of what we have in the fridge are jarred sauces and jams -- things that say "Refrigerate after opening." Vegetables and fruit go in the crisper, but salad greens have outgrown the space available and occupy their own tupperware bins. Meat is frozen unless we're going to cook it right away, to avoid spoilage.

But where are the leftovers? And the luncheon meats, cheeses, olives, etc.

Anonymous said...

"Does beer count as a vegetable?"

No, but it does have the caloric equivalent of a ham sandwich.

You could, in fact, survive quite a long time by just drinking beer and nothing else.

Damn fine life you'd have too.

master cylinder said...

elite beer snobs

Anonymous said...

The five basic food groups:

BJM said...

Foregoing commercial ketchup I can understand, but no Sriracha? Really?

Triangle Man said...

The name comes from butane, and not butter.

@Royal Chicken:

The Wikipedia article you linked to does not support your assertion.

Triangle Man said...


How many points do I need to win a bottle of that beer?

OctaneBoy said...

Bravo on the Belgian bias. "Delirium Nocturnum;" one need not speak Latin to get what that's all about.

Anonymous said...


Ann you may be excused, or perhaps envied ...

... as the owner of a "40 Something Newlywed's, Refrigerator" you and a super guy who met you on your blog no less.

I'm noticing among the various elixirs of Newlywed delirium, ...

Champagne, may you two float away on bubbles of happiness.

Beware however, Beware.

Champagne is dangerous dangerous stuff for Newlyweds.

We subtracted 9 months from the Birthday of Econ_Jr. #1 (of 4) and got to 2 bottles of Pink Champagne on our first anniversary.

Woo Hoo !

The only thing better for your brain than fine drink.


May you and your New Mr. enjoy all that chilled frothiness together in a season of almost unbearable sweetness.


You Pal,

Mr. & Mrs Econ_Scott, (Plus 4)

Howard said...

OK, you have my respect. Hendricks Gin is the absolute best leg-spreader since Sarticious gin went out of business.

4-oz Hendricks
1-oz Grand Marnier
4-oz 100% pomegranate juice

Shake like a banshee with ice.

Partition into 2 high-ball glasses. Top with soda.


chickelit said...

@Triangle Man

Yes, I noticed that too and posted a correction comment at 11:44PM last night. :)


Triangle Man said...

By gum Pollo you did correct. Apologies for missing it. Will I ever have an opportunity to trot out the one thing I remember from O-Chem again?

Jimmy said...

No New Glarus?

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