April 13, 2010

Instapundit says "this sort of thing should happen more often"... but should it?

"Barney Frank gets a high-altitude haranguing on health care. Two women ophthalmologists, whom Frank’s partner, Jim Ready, dismissed as 'bitchy; — which really set them off. Frank got an earful. As far as I’m concerned, these guys shouldn’t be able to go anywhere without getting an earful. Luckily for Ready he’s the partner of a gay Democrat, because if he were a Republican that remark would have been sexist."

At the linked article, I see that "high-altitude" signifies that Frank was riding in an airplane at the time. It wasn't a political event, just normal transportation, and Frank was initially polite and said that he didn't like to talk on planes. He wanted to read. The women kept talking louder and louder to intrude on Frank anyway, which is pretty unfair to the other passengers on the plane. The "bitchy" remark, which sounds apt, was nevertheless stupid and impolitic, and it stirred things up, again to the detriment of other passengers.
"No one was calming things down and people were standing up shouting," said Brooke Sexton, who was seated seven rows behind Barney....
You really cannot have this kind of environment on an airplane.
"The women had been drinking, and they were crying and shouting," Sexton said. "They were clearly the antagonizers, and Mr. Frank was kind of minding his own business."...
So "this sort of thing should happen more often"? I think not.

ADDED: "Mr. Frank was kind of minding his own business." An obvious rejoinder: It's not his business. It's the people's business. But I'm sticking to my position: It's an airplane.


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Trooper York said...

You do realize that the pilots were Polish? Just sayn'

Michael said...

I usually ride in first class but even there the amount of personal space is quite small and often invaded by the person in front who believes that all airlines are the concorde and the moment the wheels are in the well the seat goes back. Rancho Relaxo!! I have a trick. I put my knees in the back of the seat and I lock myself into position. The seat in front will not go back without lower back pain. Works every time.

As to engaging passengers in conversation, especially notable passengers, I consider it a no-no. Air travel happens to be the one time when I can be as quiet as my ultra expensive but ultra excellent sound blocking ear phones broadcasting Glen Gould permit. Save the bitching for the wonderful moments after the plane hits the gate and the passengers begin to edge down the aisle. Perfect then to ambush a couple of sweating fat boys from DC

Kohath said...

Maybe Frank will have to think twice before boarding an airplane loaded with his victims.

garage mahal said...

AP reported it: Link

I bet AP reported Cleaver allegedly getting spit on too. Under right rules, a video must be available. Even when the video showed Cleaver wiping something from the side of his face, that isn't even good enough. Apparently, hi-res super slow-mo footage showing a spit stream clearly leaving someones mouth and landing on Cleaver's face is needed. So, I'm calling for a video of the attackers saying they were attacking them because they were wearing Palin buttons. And it must be verified with voice recognition software from an independent lab that specializes in it. Fair is fair right?

Anonymous said...

Fair is fair right?


Willing to put up $100,000 for definitive proof then are you, Garage?

chickelit said...

Willing to put up $100,000 for definitive proof then are you, Garage?

To be fair, Breitbart only offered $10k for proof, which might be more in GM's affordability range.

Opus One Media said...

The "people's business" is in his district. The plane wasn't in his district nor were the loudmouths constituents.

Mr. Frank perhaps has a very public face and a highly public role but he can have his moment of privacy and it isn't the public's business...where did you come up with that?

Opus One Media said...

The "people's business" is in his district. The plane wasn't in his district nor were the loudmouths constituents.

Mr. Frank perhaps has a very public face and a highly public role but he can have his moment of privacy and it isn't the public's business...where did you come up with that?

Anonymous said...

To be fair, Breitbart only offered $10k for proof, which might be more in GM's affordability range.

That was the original offer. He subsequently upped it 10x...Garage needs to put of the full $100K.

Big Mike said...

@garage, you're going to have to use newspapers for something besides wrapping fish. Cleaver has backed off his charge of being deliberately spat upon. Even the Washington Post now agrees that he got too close to a person who was yelling and got some inadvertant saliva on him.

And John Lewis is lying. So is Heath Shuler. Heath's as bad Congressman as he was a QB.

garage mahal said...

. Cleaver has backed off his charge of being deliberately spat upon.

Really? Have not seen that. You have a cite?

Anonymous said...

Really? Have not seen that.

Of course you haven't. That would require pulling your head out of...the sand.

garage mahal said...

Just need that cite!

I'm Full of Soup said...

In Garage's Libworld, a woman being beaten so badly she suffers a broken leg is equivalent to a wittle spittle getting on a Congress critter.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Btw "Wittle Spittle" is how Barney Fwank says it.

KCFleming said...

The time for talk is over. The time for being polite is past. The civil unrest is just getting started.

I will do my part, whenever the occasion arises. I will also start work-to-rule.

'I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part.'

Anonymous said...

Just need that cite!

Then go find it, skippy!

Chennaul said...

Just cuz they'ze Polish doesn't mean you have to suckz the Russian sausage down casing and all after itza only cooked for two days.

[Ancient Croat sayin'.]

chickelit said...

@rocketeer I stand corrected. Thanks!

garage mahal said...

Big Mike??

rachel tot said...

Fortunately for everyone involved, another passenger caught this vid on his cellphone.

Balfegor said...

re: Garage:

Really? Have not seen that. You have a cite?

People indicating that Cleaver has backed off his incendiary claims have generally pointed to this report, where Cleaver maintains he never talked about it to the press:

"I haven't talked about this incident on TV or anywhere, and I've been approached to talk about it on every national TV show," said Rep. Cleaver in an interview with FOX 4 News. "I never, I never reported anything, never a single thing in Washington, not one thing. People assume I went somewhere, never done press conference, never done an interview on it and I'm not going to do it."

He's not actually saying it never happened, just refusing to stand up and say affirmatively that it did happen, when asked. Some people have drawn the conclusion that it must not have happened. You may not feel that such an inference is justified.

Chennaul said...


You can add this from Representative Emmanuel Cleaver:

The president and members of Congress are supposed to lead the band, not just blame them for the shrill sound of the music. We must become the national example of decorum.
Democratic members of Congress must retreat from the notion that all tea party members are crazed hooligans. To accept and push that view is not only divisive, it is diabolical. As an African American, I have been caught in the net of the, “they all are” mentality.

Kansas City Star

[hat tip:Maybee]

So looks like even he is telling you in a certain parlance to "knock it off" garage.

Balfegor said...

I should also note that elements of Cleaver's story seem to have fallen apart almost immediately. For example, the Huffington Post reported that Cleaver's office put out a statement, including the claim that:

After all the Members were safe, a full report was taken and the matter was handled by the US Capitol Police. The man who spat on the Congressman was arrested, but the Congressman has chosen not to press charges. He has left the matter with the Capitol Police.

Helpfully, Huffington Post includes a link to an AP article, which, as updated, indicates that Capitol Police say they didn't actually make any arrests that day:

Sgt. Kimberly Schneider of the U.S. Capitol Police said in an e-mail later: "We did not make any arrests today."

So he -- or at least his office -- is something of an unreliable narrator here.

garage mahal said...

So looks like even he is telling you in a certain parlance to "knock it off" garage.

Me? What the hell did I do? I didn't even say whether or not Cleaver was spat on!

KCFleming said...

Turns out there's already a shortage of doctors, especially those who would do the primary care visits that Obamacare entirely depends on.

Strange how no one wants to do that work.

For example, Medicare promises"a 10% Medicare pay boost for primary-care doctors", although this comes after the 21% haircut Medicare just enacted.

Really, what could p[possibly go wrong?

chickelit said...

Way to stay on tangent guys! :)

Trooper York said...

The senile fat finger of douchebaggery strikes again.

Of course the only business good old hd does is in his Depends. So perhaps we might not want to hear from him. Twice.

KCFleming said...

So Frank can go to hell. From this point on, if I ever get a chance, I will be rude and in their face.

So far, being polite and considerate has only got me one dead Constitution.

I'm Full of Soup said...


Do you think that is cleverly & carefully worded?

Is it saying Obama cuts all docs 21% then gives only primary care docs a 10% increase? If so, it's just another way that the uninformed, inexperienced Obama is re-directing the traffic on America's economic highways.

former law student said...

You do know it is broke, don't you?

Social Security was reformed in 1983 to make it solvent until 2056.

Unfortunately Reagan and the Bushes had to fund their tax-cut induced deficits with something, right? The Trust Fund contains nothing but "IOUs" signed "Ron, George, and the other George."

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me, is my only response.

"You don't miss your water till the well runs dry" -- the GOP motto since the Reagan revolution. How do you all think GWB financed his Iraq invasion? Green stamps his mom saved up?

Methadras said...

They were being cunty. Barney kept his dick move in check. See how that works?

I'm Full of Soup said...


Reagan looted the lockbox then the Clinton/Gore admin took it back and made it secure and invested the "trust fund" but then Bush looted it again??

Oh I remember now- you are going to give Clinton a tongue bath again by claiming he stored up a big 8 year surplus.

GMay said...

garage Polanski mahal writes: "Even when the video showed Cleaver wiping something from the side of his face, that isn't even good enough."

You know you've wiped more than spit from your face garage. The only question is was a teabagger involved?

The Scythian said...

When Lefties literally riot in the streets, smashing windows with hammers and brickbats, we are told that the protests were mostly peaceful.

When Righties chant "Kill the Bill" at a peaceful protest, we are told that they were really spitting and calling black politicians the n-word. When they have a religious vigil for the unborn, the prop coffin used in the event is spun into a death threat.

The news media will lie openly and loudly in favor of its agenda.

Within this context, each and every story that is disseminated by the mainstream media about the unruly nature of those who disagree with its agenda should not merely be taken with a grain of salt. Such stories should be disbelieved and treated as propaganda until corroborating evidence is provided.

Challenge everything these propagandists put out, and make it clear every time a story like this comes up that the news media routinely lies about the opposition openly and loudly.

garage mahal said...
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garage mahal said...

It could be this tea partier was so enraged and incensed by the black caucus walking by him that he couldn't control the saliva and the word he was trying to say to Cleaver. That's not spitting!

Alex said...

It could be this tea partier was so enraged and incensed by the black caucus walking by him that he couldn't control the saliva and the word he was trying to say to Cleaver. That's not spitting!

That's a very plausible explanation garage! Give the benefit of the doubt to a fellow middle class American.

Chennaul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chennaul said...

I knew that would sound nastier than it should.

It's just language to quit a "dog fight".

Cleaver is saying to stop framing the Tea Party as racists.

I think you like that framing.

Anyways I gotta run but I love how certain stories are "buried' because they don't fit the narrative.

I'm going to hazard a guess-because I haven't been around a TV for the past week-but that local story with Cleaver backing away from the issue-[read the rest of his article at The Kansas Star] that hasn't got much Main stream media coverage, much like the gas dump stories from the initial Polish crash reports.

The only way to shed light on that now is to have Titus write up the Polish dumps and then maybe and then only maybe Althouse would front page it.

{just joking"}

John Stodder said...

Would I get drunk on a plane and start haranguing a lawmaker? No. Do I care if lawmakers who supported the health care bill get harangued by drunk people? No. Not at all.

That's about where I am too. I would never encourage such behavior in anyone else either, so I'm probably squishier than Instapundit. But I don't feel very bad that Barney Frank was given a rare glimpse of the contempt in which most intelligent Americans hold Obamacare.

Perhaps he was shocked that the two opthamologists weren't Klan members, as he'd been told to expect by his aides and sycophantic press. Instead, two professionals taking time out of their practices to attend a professional conference -- the very model of the kind of upscale, educated voter Frank thinks loves him and Obama and all their works.

I'm sure the irony of his partner using a sexist epithet in his defense was completely lost on him, however. The nation was supposed to go into a period of chastened self-reflection when the same thing allegedly happened to Frank just a few weeks ago. But the story here seems to be that Frank's partner stood by his man with every justification. Perhaps so, but then why the vapors when the situation was reversed?

Phil 314 said...

And this couple was probably provoking whoever assaulted them.
Physicians have a name for that reaction. See here

(or maybe you were being facetious?...
please, please restore my faith in the liberal view of the world by telling me you were being facetious)

KCFleming said...

@AJ Lynch
'Do you think that is cleverly & carefully worded?'

No; it's the right hand of the gummint acting without knowing what the left is up to.

The 21% cut may stand this year, or it may not. If not it will be a 23-25% cut next year they'll have to undo, because the cuts are automatic and part of the savings they calculated to pay for Obamacare.

If they rescind the cut now, the numbers used to pass Obamacare just a few weeks ago were complete bullshit at the time and they knew it. Of course.

But since they are too weak to fix it, the cut will come back every year, and the finances may force their hand to retain it soon enough.

So guess what's happening to Medicare patients.
Anyone? Anyone?

AllenS said...

Barney and his friend were probably doing their Titus impressions of fag drive-by-talk, and two women took offense and called them on it. Probably nothing more than that. The women should have, and probably did, just tell the two of them to eat shit. That's the best way to deal with overtly fag men. It's not that big of a fucking deal.

garage mahal said...

Of course I was. It's amazing to me to see though conservatives always play with an entirely set of rules than everyone else though. A blog post from freerepublic.com of all places, is all they need for "proof" a couple was assaulted because they were wearing Palin buttons. As sure as the sun rises tomorrow, if it were tea partiers instead of Cleaver or Lewis in those videos they would be screaming bloody murder. "It's on tape!"

Eric said...

This kind of thing is happening less and less because our representatives don't fly commercial much anymore. Don't know why Frank was slumming with the peons like that.

GMay said...

"It's amazing to me to see though conservatives always play with an entirely set of rules than everyone else though."

Projection alert.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

As much as I would desire for me and the entire voting population to pounce on Barney Frank at the first opportunity.. I have to agree with Althouse.

An airplane was not the time and place.. Specially these days.

KCFleming said...

I disagree.

Constantly is the time,
everywhere is the place.

Mian said...

Maybe it's time for Barney to retire.

Bruce Hayden said...

I don't have any sympathy here for Rep. Frank. Normally, I would agree with Ann's idea of being nice in public. But after what the Democrats have done since Obama took office does not deserve that much respect. And, Frank has been at the center of it, in particular, the financial problems we have faced, but also everything else.

Think about this, what would you think if someone who had been defrauded of their life's savings by Bernard Madoff saw him on a plane. Would you begrudge them giving him a piece of their mind? Or, indeed, if they attempted physical mayhem on his person? I think many, if not most, here would think it justified.

Barney Frank is worse than Bernard Madoff by orders of magnitude. He has significant responsibility for the banking crisis of a year and a half ago, and the financial crisis that followed. Similarly for the loss of trillions of dollars of equity, much of which had been the nest eggs of millions of Americans. Madoff may have harmed hundreds. Frank has harmed tens of millions. And this doesn't even include the damage he will have done to the health of millions through ObamaCare.

I am just surprised that he has the gall to show himself publicly. Now we know why Speaker Pelosi was so adamant about that private jet. She was at least smart enough to know that what she had planned was going to cause a lot of suffering by the American people and wasn't willing to face them. All I can figure out with Frank is that he is so insulated by his safe seat and sycophants that he did not, and may still not know, how reviled he has become by the American people.

So, no. I don't have sympathy for what was done to Frank. None. He deserves far, far, worse for what he has done to the people of this country.

Unknown said...

For those interested in the NOLA incident outside Brennan's, Michelle Malkin is now saying the two beaten up weren't wearing Palin pins, after all, so there amy be more here. When Alpha & Co start whining about this, regardless of what the truth turns out to be, let's all remember which side was interested in what the truth really was.

garage mahal said...

Of course I was. It's amazing to me to see though conservatives always play with an entirely set of rules than everyone else though. A blog post from freerepublic.com of all places, is all they need for "proof" a couple was assaulted because they were wearing Palin buttons.

At least we have rules. According to your Uncle Saul, the end justifies the means, therefore, you can lie all you want.

In any case, I see that hard Left journalist Michelle Malkin is the one investigating the facts of this.

And, yes, there's apparently no doubt the two were badly beaten.

Phil 314 said...

Thank you for reassuring me that you were facetious. And amazingly a conservative site elaborates here.

Anton said...

"At the linked article, I see that "high-altitude" signifies that Frank was riding in an airplane at the time. It wasn't a political event, just normal transportation, and Frank was initially polite and said that he didn't like to talk on planes. He wanted to read. "

He doesn't get to decide when his bosses talk to him. We decide. We pay his salary, and as long as he's awake he's on the clock. Period.

Liberty BC said...

Barney Frank is the biggest joker on Capital Hill!r

Darcy said...

Agree with Freeman and Pogo.

People like Barney Frank are allowed to use a megaphone to call half of America racist and stupid.

He couldn't handle a couple of angry opthamologists? ROFL. He may want to restrict his travel to very blue areas of the country.

Doc Merlin said...

"They were clearly the antagonizers, and Mr. Frank was kind of minding his own business."

Um, since when has he ever minded his own business. Seems he makes a living minding our business.

bagoh20 said...

The stock market is up currently because it was down previously; people took their money out in fear. Anybody with money now is looking to invest it to get it out of the bank, because they are scared to death it won't be worth anything soon as cash. The stock market can be complicated but right now it isn't. Domestic policy is scaring people back to private industry; the only place real wealth is produced. It makes the Dems look good to people who don't understand money, but it was never part of their plan. They don't understand private capital except as others people money they want to use.

jeff said...

So when do the two doctors have a chance to speak to the guy ruining their professional lives? Yeah, that's great that he prefers to read on a flight. I prefer to keep my HSA.

lucid said...

As Phelps eloquently wrote above:

"This is a democratic republic. Haranguing public officials is a feature, not a bug."

Anger and public haranguing is what happens when you disenfrancise voters and use trickery to impose a detested law that you can't pass legitimately.

When you cut people out of the political process, they get very angry.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Turns out there's already a shortage of doctors, especially those who would do the primary care visits that Obamacare entirely depends on.

Strange how no one wants to do that work.

For example, Medicare promises"a 10% Medicare pay boost for primary-care doctors", although this comes after the 21% haircut Medicare just enacted.

Really, what could p[possibly go wrong?

Hahahahhaha. Pogo finally figures out that there's a "shortage" of the legal labor monopoly he relies upon for work.

What's your specialty, Pogo? You really don't sound intelligent enough to handle something that involves a lot of research. The Minnesotans probably aren't much into plastic surgery. Perhaps cardiology. Or is it, God forbid, primary care?

Behold! The future for Pogo!


Chennaul said...


Golly you wouldn't be one of Barney's Boys?

You're nasty enough...

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

I don't even know what that's supposed to mean, madatSaskatchewan or whatever your name is. Some kind of slur toward gays?

Some of you guys are apparently so afraid of what I have to say that you don't even bother reading it anymore. My appearance alone is enough to make you shudder...

However nasty I may be, I'm really no worse than the pee-pee running down your leg, padawan.

Chennaul said...

No the point is you're just as nasty as Jim Ready in the story-Barney's boyfriend-from what you do here you could be Barney's typist. His staff.

He appreciates the nasty obviously.

What the hell is you point anyways?

You spent more paragraphs on personally assaulting Pogo, than whatever you're point was.

Oh and making a comment about my name-what is your style- third grade playground?

Chennaul said...

You've got about about nine lines of shit-eight attacking Pogo and one making whatever the hell your stupid petty point is.

Jason said...

Former Law Student:

Unfortunately Reagan and the Bushes had to fund their tax-cut induced deficits with something, right? The Trust Fund contains nothing but "IOUs" signed "Ron, George, and the other George."

Jesus Christ on a crotch-rocket, fls, you know absolutely NOTHING about Social Security and how it's structured.

Anyone who ever told you that there was EVER a Social Security "trust fund" for Republicans to "raid" was either a bone headed ignorant fool such as yourself, or was lying to you because he knew how dumb you and the rest of the useful idiots are.

All excess cash flows to Social Security not used to pay current year benefits have ALWAYS gone to nonmarketable treasuries, FROM THE INCEPTION OF SOCIAL SECURITY. It's the LAW.

The proceeds then go to the General Fund, where the government spends it. They have to. IT'S THE LAW.

They cannot do ANYTHING ELSE. They can hold no other assets, without 'privatizing' Social Security, which the stupid libturds so vehemently oppose.

That's been the law since the inception of Social Security.

You have zero concept of what you're talking about.

Go back to naming all 57 states and capitals.

Jason said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Freeman Hunt said...

Take it Ritmo is not aware of the locations of America's premiere healthcare destinations.

Hint: One of them is in Minnesota.

AlphaLiberal said...

I'm sure the same crowd would be okay if the same thing happened to Republicans.


These bitches are boors.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Thanks for the hint, FH. I was aware of both Pogo's location and the reputation that Mayo has.

As for Pogo's thoughts on the institution itself, I've not heard him say much. However, the displeasure he's indicated when sneering at his colleagues leads me to believe that he might actually be at a place run as sensibly as Mayo.

This does not mean he is a researcher, though. I have no idea what his area of practice actually is.

As for madatwon, I'm not even sure what he's trying to say.

Chennaul said...

Take it Ritmo is not aware of the locations of America's premiere healthcare destinations.

Hint: One of them is in Minnesota.

Ya, that's because he's too busy looking in the mirror while typing about how it's his girlfriend that's the narcissist.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

As for our wrangling, Pogo and I go way back when it comes to debates about health care economics. Sometimes he even tries to make a point that is neither too personal nor too theoretical to be of any use.

I thank him for those moments and wish he would attempt more of them.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

I take it MadatSwan has only ever had one lover in his entire life... And she was just PERFECT, I tell ya!

Elsewhere, reality beckons...

bagoh20 said...

"Jesus Christ on a crotch-rocket"

You just gotta love that visual: JC riding a wheely out of the tomb: "I'm Jesus Christ Superstar!".

KCFleming said...

"However, the displeasure he's indicated when sneering at his colleagues"

Really, Ritmo?
Show me a single post ever where I sneered at my colleagues.
Otherwise, apologize, unless you're a coward as well as a liar.

Worse, you failed to address my point, that the same gummint interference that created the MD shortage is the one taking over the rest of health care.
Government is unparalleled in its ability to cause critical shortages..

Chennaul said...


OK you know what?

I take back my earlier compliment about your skills as a typist.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

I actually quoted statements published by Mayo when writing about narcissism.

You should come visit my blog more often, Madawaskan. I promise to be as nice to you as you are to me. But that's because I like being a gracious host to guests who know how to challenge and be challenged.

Heck! Even Freeman linked to me at one point. I went so far as to return the favor, but by then it was too late... ;-(

Freeman is pretty open-minded and I give her credit for that. It's not just about being intelligent, but she is definitely one of the most intelligent ones on this site, or in this fishbowl, as it were.

KCFleming said...

"Sometimes he even tries to make a point that is neither too personal ...I thank him for those moments ..."

An interesting point you made, immediately after insulting me.

Well, not 'interesting' so much as par for the course, to decry in others those behaviors you've perfected.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Really, Ritmo?
Show me a single post ever where I sneered at my colleagues.
Otherwise, apologize, unless you're a coward as well as a liar.

Really, Pogo. I don't have time to GOOGLE every Althouse archive for search terms more specific than "sneer", "Pogo" and "doctors". I don't remember exactly what you said, but recall your expression of displeasure that more physicians weren't on board with your willingness to endlessly perpetuate market failure. If you disagree with that recollection of mine, so be it, that's fine. I'm big enough to concede the point if it means that much to you.

Worse, you failed to address my point, that the same gummint interference that created the MD shortage is the one taking over the rest of health care.
Government is unparalleled in its ability to cause critical shortages..

Well, that's certainly the point that matters to you. Other people care about the unparalleled willingness on the part of some to defend market failure. So you address that point (seeing as how the politicians already have) and maybe I'll reciprocate and address yours, you selfish little guy!

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Well, not 'interesting' so much as par for the course, to decry in others those behaviors you've perfected.

Have I really "perfected" the art of insulting others in a way that surpasses the skills many Althousians have for insulting every segment of the country (both collectively and individually) that disagrees with them? Well, then!

But this doesn't preclude me from relating to others here when they actually make an attempt on their own to do so.

Fen said...
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Fen said...

LibtardGarage: A blog post from freerepublic.com of all places, is all they need for "proof" a couple was assaulted because they were wearing Palin buttons.

FreeRepublic are the ones who outed your CBS memo hoax, so of course you deny them credibility, you little fascist brownshirt marxist scum.

They have more credibility than the MSM swill you swallow everyday.

And Garage, I love the way you try to whitewash the 4th instance of Left on American violence. You are such a tool. Such a Little Eichmann.

And, by your own Libtard standards [your idol, Ward Churchill] you know what fate awaits Little Eichmann's like yourself.

Dont whine when that day comes. Marxist Scum.

KCFleming said...

"If you disagree with that recollection of mine, so be it, that's fine. I'm big enough to concede the point if it means that much to you."
I doubt any readers here have ever read such a heartfelt apology in their entire lives.
How can I but accept such a soul-bearing request for absolution?

"Other people care about the unparalleled willingness on the part of some to defend market failure."

It's a definitional problem, but most often, socialists call 'market failure' what results when excessive gummint intervention and regulation totally screws the pooch.

Prior to Obamacare, the government controlled over 60% of the health care market. And yet somehow the market is to blame for the 5-10 million uninsured.
I'd laugh but now the government controls 100% of the health care market.

What will you call the uninsured next year, Ritmo?

Methadras said...

GMay said...

"It's amazing to me to see though conservatives always play with an entirely set of rules than everyone else though."

Projection alert.

The only thing tubby mahal projects is that giant sack of lard that sticks out on the front of his gelatinous body. Tubby wants to see what he pretends to see. He's so frightened of conservative and conservatism he will literally and I mean literally lie to to prop up his phony ideology. Nothing would satisfy me more then hearing or learning that Fatty Mahal dropped dead proselytizing his inanity.

Yes, I do now wish death on leftards that I believe deserve it. Fatty McFat Mahal is one of these leftards.

Big Mike said...

@garage, if you're still on this thread, try the Washington Post ombudsman's column from last Sunday.

Sorry, but I had a banquet to go to. Company function. They promised steak instead of rubber chicken, but I neglected to bring a scanning electron microscope so I had a hard time finding it on my plate.

If I go to enough company functions like this I should lose weight like nobody's business.

chickelit said...

@madawaskan Two things:

(1) When you first caught my attention I thought your name was a riff on Elmer Fudd saying "Mad Alaskan" (how appropriate for a thread about Barney Frank). I think this was around the time Sarah Palin was hitting the national scene so that's where the Alaskan part of my incorrect theory came from. I see now from casual googling that you've been around much longer. But what is the origin of your name? (you can email me if you don't want to share it here).

(2) NTTAWWI, but I always presumed that you were a she. Am I right?

Beth said...

The NOPD has a description of the suspects in that assault, so I hope we see an arrest within a day or so. There are not enough details in any news reports I've read to sustain the Free Republic guesswork.

There were protesters in the Quarter before the incident, but they'd disbanded and awhile before the assault happened. There's lots of film of that, and lots of people involved who, I believe, will call the cops if the descriptions posted match someone they saw at the march.

But the main suspect is described as a young white male who looked "dirty" and that makes me suspect a group that plagues the French Quarter, "gutter punks." They're young, white, filthy, unemployed, and thuggish. Hordes of them end up here since the weather's good for sleeping outside most of the year. There's also a lot of unoccupied, abandoned housing in the Bywater and Ninth Ward, not far from the Quarter and they squat in those. They're justifiably despised by pretty much anyone who encounters them. I'll give a panhandler a buck if they're needy, and I don't mind dropping a buck in the hat or guitar case of street performers. But these people are young and healthy, and right after the storm, when there were "Help Wanted" signs on every store and restaurant in town, these psychotic little shits dominated dark Quarter streets, demanding money - from people who'd lost their homes! I cross the street when I see a group of them (easily recognizable by their smell, and the uniformly gray/black of their filty clothing) and I don't engage in any talk with them - they're predatory. They don't just take no gracefully; they harass and harangue.

My money's on a group of gutter punks, but regardless of who it is, I want to see them prosecuted.

former law student said...

Anger and public haranguing is what happens when you disenfrancise voters and use trickery to impose a detested law that you can't pass legitimately.

Majority rule is illegitimate nowadays? That's rich coming from the "Republican" party. Plus ISTR an election in late 2008. But if the GOP now supports mob rule, I can get behind it.

But in 2008, Republicans were busy disenfranchising the old and the poor who don't walk around with drivers licenses in their pockets, especially the homeless who lack fixed addresses.

former law student said...

He has significant responsibility for the banking crisis of a year and a half ago

When did Barney wield all this power? When he was in the House minority during the entire inflation and bursting of the housing bubble? Come on Bruce, up your game as our hostess likes to say. The GOP was in the driver's seat from 2001 till 2007.

GOPsters forget all about W's Ownership Society, where he asked Fannie and Freddie to relax lending tules to put more minorities in their own homes. They proudly point to their ineffective attempts to "reform" Fannie and Freddie, which consisted largely of a speech John McCain made in 2006.

Greenspan's low interest rates have their own share of responsibility for the mortgage meltdown. The search for high-yielding debt instruments went right to sub-prime mortgages. Of course, the risk of default was priced into the rates the borrowers were paying. But Wall Streeters convinced themselves that there was no more risk than prime rate borrowers represented.

Perhaps they were thinking they could always foreclose and end up with valuable assets. After all, real estate prices only ever go up, correct?

former law student said...

Turns out there's already a shortage of doctors

There's a shortage of engineers, too. Not enough to induce corporations to raise their salaries however. I suspect the same is true of physicians. Just as we need to issue more H-1 visas to fill the needs of Silicon Valley, so will we have to issue more MD visas to fill the needs of American health care. The new pay schedule may not look so great from here, but compared to the Philippines, India, or China it looks pretty damn good.

former law student said...

You have zero concept of what you're talking about.

Don't talk to me, talk to those commenters who think Social Security is insolvent.

Everything is relative. In the world where Social Security is solvent, the National Debt is $1.3 trillion bigger than the official quoted number.

Too many people want to have it both ways. Andy Rooney was whining that summer didn't start until June 21. That would make summer the shortest season of the year, because everyone knows it ends on Labor Day, if not before.

Chennaul said...

El Pollo-

Anyways- it's just about being an Acadian -it's an early place name.

The original territory would be found on both sides of the border now-Canadian and American.

My dad was military so I ended up with a Creole nanny then going to kindergarden under age tagging along with my Japanese nanny who was a kindergarden teacher and then going to a French kindergarden in Canada.

I went back there to a bilingual high school where even though my French stunk we had to do 80% of our cheerleading in French. Completely stupid because they would not let most of us play basketball because our French wasn't good enough.

Anyways imagine being sorta French Canadian but never French enough and a hard core Republican. [that might come from dad the Croat.]

So ya, I'm still female-heh.

Oh and now you can understand why I might be dyslexic and why I absolutely loathe grammar freaks.

They've ruined the net-in the old days you would get people from other countries trying to venture into a comments thread-then they would get driven off and there was not one thing a person could do.

I never could stop it, but hey I tried.

See the Elmer Fudd version much funnier.

El Pollo-I'm going to steal that if you don't mind-rather do that explanation next time...heh.

chickelit said...

@Madawaskan: Cool story, thanks!

El Pollo-I'm going to steal that if you don't mind-rather do that explanation next time...heh.

My pleasure! It's yours!

Jason said...

Don't talk to me, talk to those commenters who think Social Security is insolvent.

I'm talking directly to you, fls, because you're the ignorant one in the discussion.

Those saying SS is insolvent are precisely correct. As of this year, SS cannot pay its current year obligations without a bailout from the general fund.

That's insolvent.

The future date, where the so-called 'trust fund' exhausts its supply of treasuries, is an accounting fiction, of no consequence whatsoever. The impact on the general fund is exactly the same whether that number is zero or infinite. The general fund must make up the difference between contributions and benefits in either case.

The people who say SS is insolvent grasp this.

You don't have a clue.

former law student said...

jason, jason, jason:

argument by repeated assertion, appeals to (non-existent) authority... I hope you've convinced yourself, at least.

Kirk Parker said...


"I'll give a panhandler a buck if they're needy"

And how can you tell?

Beth said...

Kirk, why do you ask?

KCFleming said...

It's the concept of the deserving versus the undeserving poor.

Subsidizing the latter is destructive.

Jason said...

appeals to (non-existent) authority


Are you on crack? Because nobody can be this dense naturally.

Point out the appeal to authority, dork.

If you're going to sling around terms you learned flunking out of law school, you'd best make sure you actually understand them.

Otherwise, you make yourself look like even more of an idiot.

Beth said...

Pogo, it's a subjective decision, made on the fly, while passing someone on the street. The stakes are at most, a buck. I can't understand anyone's urge to nitpick that.

Jason said...


I think there's a useful distinction to be made between a voluntary charitable act and a welfare program funded by tax dollars collected by threat of imprisonment from the unwilling.

I don't think an individual charitable act of giving a dollar is ever destructive. Certainly not as destructive as nursing judgements in one's heart about whether this or that person is deserving or undeserving.

Being charitable isn't always good for the recipient. But within reasonable limits, it is always good for the giver.

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