April 29, 2010

"I followed my heart, and I believe it was the right thing to do, which is weird — I get how weird that is..."

"... because I didn’t make a commitment to Elizabeth. I wasn’t the one lying, like, to her, and I was supporting him in his process, and his intentions never wavered. I knew that he wanted — he just had a really unique way of getting there — to live a life of truth."

Rielle Hunter, being weird, on "Oprah."

IN THE COMMENTS: Meade said:
If she would have, like, made a commitment to Elizabeth, then it wouldn't have been weird.

Like, she could have made a commitment to respect Elizabeth's marriage to John? - it would have been, like, a really unique way of getting there? Getting to, you know, that space of living a life of truth?

But it wouldn't have been weird. It would have been just, you know, like a really really real... process.
Oh! It's Everybody Talk Like Rielle Hunter Day!


rhhardin said...

Respectability for a woman is how good a deal she makes for herself.

It's not a test anything else.

Peter V. Bella said...

Weird New Age dreck!

hawkeyedjb said...

Casanova - I knew that he wanted — he just had a really unique way of getting there — to live a life of celibacy.

Madoff - I knew that he wanted — he just had a really unique way of getting there — to live a life of philanthropy.

Liberace - I knew that he wanted — he just had a really unique way of getting there — to live a life of modesty.

Unknown said...

It would be interesting to hear this woman define 'right.'

in her world of 'heart' and 'authenticity' and 'self' it sounds like anything that makes you feel good is permissible, and hurting others is fine if you ultimately get what you want.

Trooper York said...

Jeff Ireland has a question for Quinn Hunter.

But I think he already knows the answer.

SteveR said...

I'm thinking of a word, but it's really quite disrespectful.

Unknown said...

i'd also be really interested to know how Oprah really views this woman. Oprah was very clearly mocking Rielle at different points in the interview. Oprah *has* to realize that Rielle is spouting some nonsense that sounds very much similar to what people call Oprah religion (which is why Rielle choose Oprah for the interview).

I wonder if Oprah will feel the need to draw more explicit boundaries when talking about spirituality so that people who agree with her view of spirituality wont be able to run amok, justifying everything they do in spiritual language the way Rielle did.

PatHMV said...

There's lot of reasons people have affairs. I'm not generally inclined to judge them too harshly for it, depending on the circumstances. But I get quite irate and judgmental when they try to JUSTIFY it.

It was an affair. You had the hots for each other. You had hot, sweaty sex to help you pass the time. Ok, we got it. It happens. But when you try to justify it, that implies that it might be right under some circumstances and that society shouldn't frown on it, and that it's ok. It's not. And most of the excuses and justifications are just bullshit, in the end.

If I ever get busted for having an affair, I hope I have the decency to just say: "I'm sorry. It happened, it shouldn't have happened, and I have no excuses for what happened. I'm ready to accept the consequences of my misconduct."

You can tell she's not so much trying to convince us as she is trying to convince herself that it was ok to have an affair with the husband of a cancer-stricken woman, and that she wasn't just one more piece of ass being taken advantage of by one more horn-dog of a politician. It's sad.

Anonymous said...

Did she call Edwards "Johnny"?

If it was right for Hunter because she didn't make a commitment, was it wrong for Edwards, who did? People often believe that the opportunity to be with a soul mate justifies breaking the vows they made to others.

Lincolntf said...

If I remember the story correctly, upon their first meeting Rielle walked up to Johnny and handed him a card listing her profession as "Truth Seeker".

The woman is a sad artifact of a culture where being vacuous and dishonest is no barrier to celebrity and riches.

Good point Danielle, she was basically spouting pidgin Oprah-ese and looking like a fool in front of Oprah's own proudly impressionable audience.
Weird all around.

save_the_rustbelt said...

I say part of this while I was working in my home office.

Spacey chick - dumb or just weird? Dunno.

SteveR said...

Rielle's spirituality makes Oprah's look like High Church.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It happens. But when you try to justify it, that implies that it might be right under some circumstances and that society shouldn't frown on it, and that it's ok. It's not. And most of the excuses and justifications are just bullshit, in the end.


Meade said...

If she would have, like, made a commitment to Elizabeth, then it wouldn't have been weird.

Like, she could have made a commitment to respect Elizabeth's marriage to John? - it would have been, like, a really unique way of getting there? Getting to, you know, that space of living a life of truth?

But it wouldn't have been weird. It would have been just, you know, like a really really real... process.

ricpic said...

Like, what?

David said...

Should you use tort analysis (proximate cause) or contract law?

Other woman: "I had no deal with you, wife."

Wife: "You knew the damage you would cause, bitch."

I'm Full of Soup said...

Dreck -haha that's her real last name you know.

Jeez, Oprah got f-ing huge again. She should not be wearing pink blouses.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I wonder if Oprah will feel the need to draw more explicit boundaries when talking about spirituality so that people who agree with her view of spirituality wont be able to run amok..

Oprah has a symbiotic relationship with the likes of Hunter.. If anything Oprah probably shepherd her to a good agent.

mesquito said...

Like, why are we wasting time on this New age bimbo? I mean, it's not like anybody cares or anything. She was just the nearest slut when John Edwards, chosen by John Kerry to be a heartbeat away fron the Presidency, got his horn up.

Unknown said...

True true, Meade. In her solipsistic world view, its interesting that she thinks that in 'helping' John to live a life of truth, that didn't involve him honoring his vows and his love for his wife and children. It only involved them both lying to her -- him directly, her indirectly by participating in his lying by hiding in expensive rental houses on campaign money.

Hedonism ? s persistent infatuation ? self-centeredness ? self-accomodating spirituality ?

Anonymous said...

Did she call Edwards "Johnny"?

Wasn't that his birth name? "Johnny"?

Word verification: mistrane.

Anonymous said...

I, like, know it sounds so very strange, but he wanted to live a life of truth..

...he just wanted it to be the truth that he wanted to live at that particular moment in his life.

And I can respect that kind of honesty, to - you know - have the courage to live the truth that you want to live, when - you know - other truths might be sort of condemning you.

I mean, that's what I was so attracted to - his courage to speak his truth to the power of his wife, the courage to hold to his truth regardless of the cost to him, his wife, his family, and the country to whom he was lying.

(Profiles in Courage: John Edwards - courageous truth shifter.)

rhhardin said...

My gloss on it all would be that love is not a feeling.

When you take your kid to the dentist, are you feeling love?

But if you don't take your kid to the dentist, you don't love him.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Althouse suggest It's Everybody Talk Like Rielle Hunter Day!

I like, believe that maybe you shouldnt help a guy cheat on his wife?
But if the guy is like totally hot.. I say go for it.

The Dude said...

You never met my children!

WV - waviases - what Johnny should have been riding instead of his new age bimbo.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

My sisters are forcing me to go to this therapist? and I really, really don't want to go.
I haven't visited a therapist since my parents divorced when I was 11 years old and the experience was traumatising


Anonymous said...

I realize that Edwards' real name is Johnny. I just wondered if she referred to him the way the rest of the world refers to him.

Her real name is Lisa Jo Druck.

I'll have to watch the show.

Fred4Pres said...

Clearly John Edwards was attracted to her my her mind...

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

BTW - isn't Rielle Hunter too old to be talking like a Valley Girl?

Valley girl

John Richardson said...

It is North Carolina. Elizabeth *could* have sued Rielle for alienation of affection which is an actionable offense in the state and she would have won. I don't know what assets Hunter had that could have been collected other than the sex tape. And I haven't seen it for sale...yet.

Robert said...

So, like, if Johnny had gone on to win the democracy primary vote thing, he could have beat that old guy real easy and then been president.

And if his wife died I could be first lady.

I think I would like that, to be with Johnny in the White House. They have good photo sessions there.

Moira Breen said...

The goal of "self-help": find and honor your inner sociopath.

Anonymous said...

Like, you know, love is this cosmic thing that can deepen and enrich the human psyche, and through my soul-attachment to Johnny I had my awareness raised. In fact, if Elizabeth had known we could have had built a truth platform where all of us could have enriched our love commitments on this crazy journey...

I"m not religious. I'm spiritual. Book's out in August suckers.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Oprah says about Hunter..

..she is smart, thoughtful.. perceptive.. and she has a lot of insight about things..


Michael Haz said...

She was a film maker. He had a ten megapixel penis. It was a perfect match.

Methadras said...

Hey. What happened to my post?

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that I don't find Rielle to be easy to hate.

Frankly, she's not the person who did the wrong.

She wasn't married.

She didn't cheat.

I don't particularly like her. She's clearly a new-age skank of the first order and I wouldn't touch her pussy with a 10-foot cock, but the people we need to see on Oprah are John and Elizabeth Edwards, who both deliberately perpetuated the lie that he was not cheating on his cancer-stricken wife at a time when he was running for high public office.

Rielle is a sideshow. She's had her 15 minutes and hit her jackpot. Glad to see that now we can ignore her.

Oprah needs to put Johnny on.

Whereerererereree's JOHNNY?

Unknown said...

oh my.

Lem, thanks for the link.

smart ? perceptive ?

dang. i thought Oprah would see through the bullshit.

KCFleming said...

Oprah confronts with horror the ne plus ultra of her New Age narcissism.

But will she recognize it as an abyss, one that she urges her fans toward?
I doubt it.

Crack MC is the catcher in the rye.

John Stodder said...

Love is a weird process of truth.

themightypuck said...

We may look down upon the other woman but she has made no promises to anyone. It is the married man who is breaking promises here.

As for seeing through bullshit, Oprah is probably the biggest enabler of bullshit purveyors in the world right now.

Roman said...

Are there really people who care what a world class bimbo thinks? This person is clearly overrated.

E Buzz said...

Like, you know, and junk.

Unknown said...

When someone is, like, that homely, you expect they have something else to offer, like, like, a good mind. No such luck. But, then, her idea of the perfect man was a combination of a bad televangelist and the most used car salesman you ever met.

themightypuck said...

We may look down upon the other woman but she has made no promises to anyone. It is the married man who is breaking promises here.

It's still adultery.

Simon Kenton said...

So, isn't Rielle, like, in this weird way, the Oprah twin? I'm getting there's, like, this deep ... connection here, like, where, there's all these surface, like, non-real opposites, like the one is white and the other is black and the one is straight and the other is gay, and still, though, like all this surface stuff is, like, so kind of superficial, like, if you peel off all these, like, layers of maya, they are like, kind of, one,?

Unknown said...

Don't be so tough on her! Don't you take off your pants in front of a photog when you want like privacy too?

veni vidi vici said...

I briefly dated a woman recently who was really big on my "being present in the moment" when she'd tell me something. After making altogether far too many accommodations for the possibility that people just express similar ideas in myriad ways, I realized that, yeah, there's a reason she's 38 and has never been married even though she's been in long relationships and not for lack of trying or desire.

She was just, like, on her way to getting there - to a life of presence.

Or something.

wv: "bluctuts" -- picture the kind of fat ass that cottage cheeses all over itself, visible from down the aisle at costco through the stretched-tight pink velour sweatpants. And she's wearing a thong... That gal ain't got buttocks, she's got bluctuts.

BJM said...

@Lem...Gees I couldn't listen to more than 30 seconds of Oprah spout mindless drivel. If Hunter was so damned smart why was she having unprotected sex?

I feel sorry for the kid.

@Veni...thanks for the mental image. Not.

Gabriel Hanna said...


My gloss on it all would be that love is not a feeling.

When you take your kid to the dentist, are you feeling love?

But if you don't take your kid to the dentist, you don't love him.

That is one of the wisest things I have ever read.

Love is something you do, not something you feel.

Some time in the last fifty years people got the idea that the way they feel should trump any constraints on the way they should behave.

In my experience whenever people say "I don't know what I should do", invariably they mean "What I feel like doing is not the same as what I know I should be doing."

The Elder said...

"But it wouldn't have been weird. It would have been just, you know, like a really really real... process."

When it comes to mockery of inane babble, my brother is a STAR!

Meade said...

Hey, Elder! Thanks for the compliment!

I think.

jaed said...

Two thoughts:

1. I wonder whether the editors at Newsweek are embarrassed yet.

2. Is it just me, or was that one weird-ass lede? Rielle Hunter? Like Ahmadhinejad? What? Three paragraphs' worth of this bizarre comparison!

vw: cultsmse. Paging Crack MC... Crack MC, to the white courtesy phone please.

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