২৩ এপ্রিল, ২০১০

"Gov. Jan Brewer of Arizona signed the toughest illegal immigration bill in the country... and reignited the divisive battle over immigration reform nationally."

Why is it so inflammatory for the people of a state to deal with a problem of disorder within their own borders?
Even before she signed the bill at a 4:30 p.m. news conference here, President Obama strongly criticized it....

Saying the failure of officials in Washington to act on immigration would open the door to “irresponsibility by others,” he said the Arizona bill threatened “to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and our communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe.”
What is irresponsible and unfair about what Arizona did?
The law... would make the failure to carry immigration documents a crime. It would also give the police broad power to detain anyone suspected of being in the country illegally. Opponents have decried it as an open invitation for harassment and discrimination against Hispanics regardless of their citizenship status.

২৭৬টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   276 এর 201 – থেকে 276
Synova বলেছেন...

"Synova -- I think my logic is unassailable here. From a GDP perspective, when someone leaves, that leaves that much more for everyone else."

No... because anyone who leaves takes everything they had with them. It doesn't stay behind to be portioned out between those who remain. They don't leave their money, they don't leave their educations, they don't leave their human capital. They aren't there producing anything at all any more. If they were a professional, or if they were planting rice or doing laundry... they aren't doing that there any more. So how is there more of anything for those who are left?

LonewackoDotCom বলেছেন...

In case anyone would like to actually do something useful, play this video. You don't even have to watch it; the goal is to get it into one of their lists.

Another thing you can do is contact Sam Feist of CNN.

Only slightly more difficult, help me discredit Jim Wallis.

Avoid those who just want to make noise, and concentrate on doing things that are effective.

Revenant বলেছেন...

It's a great reason to fear the people seeking refuge from it.

And the hellhole status of Mexico is being caused by, what? Argentinians? Chileans? Canadians?

Oh, that's right. Mexicans! More specifically, Mexicans who make money off the illegal trafficking of drugs, goods, and people into the United States. Were the border tightly controlled, the lucrative smuggling market wouldn't be so lucrative anymore.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Ritmourbanlegend -- There is a visa process in this country established by Congress. There are several consulates in Mexico and one in each Central American country. The cost of obtaining a visa is high but probably not as high as the cost of paying a human trafficker.

Mexico's problems are not our problems. The problems of the people of Mexico do not become our problems simply because they manage to evade our laws to get here.

Further, there is no geographic reason and certainly no ethnic reason for Northern Mexico to be the devastated shit hole that it is. This is all political. The United States need not serve as a safety valve for Mexico's problems.

The people of Arizona have constitutional rights. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion. Think about that.

Penny বলেছেন...

The Federal Government has CHOSEN to ignore the problem of illegal aliens.

Would they take so kindly, and for so many years, to citizens who refuse to pay taxes?

When the "normal rules" don't apply for some, eventually, they apply to no one.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Garage -- Do you say that to the bouncer at the bar? Does he kick your lame, sorry ass?

Revenant বলেছেন...

Nicely put, Synova.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Synova -- I agree. That is the weakness of that perfectly logical argument. As we say in economics, "all other things being equal..."

Revenant বলেছেন...

Would they take so kindly, and for so many years, to citizens who refuse to pay taxes?

Mostly they give those people jobs in the Obama Administration. :)

Synova বলেছেন...

"Were the border tightly controlled, the lucrative smuggling market wouldn't be so lucrative anymore."

If people could come across easily and legally the lucrative smuggling market wouldn't be so lucrative anymore either.

The problem is the half-assed "neither hot nor cold" approach.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Oh my God! Wacko! It's your pet issue! Finally in the news for a day!!

You must be on Cloud Fucking Nine right now.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

And the hellhole status of Mexico is being caused by, what? Argentinians? Chileans? Canadians?

Oh, that's right. Mexicans! More specifically, Mexicans who make money off the illegal trafficking of drugs, goods, and people into the United States. Were the border tightly controlled, the lucrative smuggling market wouldn't be so lucrative anymore.

That's it, Rev! It's Mexicans who are downgrading the status of Mexico. The fact that, specifically, criminals are to blame is secondary to the fact that they're Mexicans, FIRST.

Cue pinatas and Mexican music. I hear the criminals like to dance to that and celebrate their nationhood to the sound of gunfire and whatnot.

Thanks for playing.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Mexican criminals are still Mexican, dude. No getting around that.

Ritmourbanlegend -- You have yourself convinced that conservatives and libertarians are racists, xenophobes, and various other creatures. You come here to try to prove it and you get your ass handed to you every. single. time.

It's tragic, yet hilarious. I feel bad for loving to kick your sad, stupid ass around. It's like beating a puppy.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

What the fuck is wrong with you? You finally manage to make a sound, convincing and informed point at 11:34, and then turn around and bitch at me for responding to more goofy shit from Revenant in like manner.

You know, if you managed to make a good point to begin with, maybe you could forego the snark. But I guess that would be too honest an approach for you...

Synova বলেছেন...

"That's it, Rev! It's Mexicans who are downgrading the status of Mexico."

Well of course, Ritmo. Who else would it be?

The problem is viewing Mexicans as an oppressed minority group in a country, Mexico, where they are not. That's got to cause a disconnect someplace.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

The problem is viewing Mexicans as an oppressed minority group in a country, Mexico, where they are not. That's got to cause a disconnect someplace.

I don't know if those not involved in criminal activity are a minority or not. But I would suppose they are oppressed.

For you to not realize that must cause a disconnect someplace.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Mexicans are plenty oppressed in Mexico. That's why they try to come here at great personal risk.

But it's not the problem of the people of Arizona.

It's time for Mexico to get its shit together. If Brazil can do it, for Christ's sake, Mexico can.

Revenant বলেছেন...

That's it, Rev! It's Mexicans who are downgrading the status of Mexico.


Revenant বলেছেন...

I don't know if those not involved in criminal activity are a minority or not. But I would suppose they are oppressed.

How exactly does the majority population in a democratic nation go about being "oppressed" by a criminal minority? Are they all complete pussies, or what?

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

Are they all complete pussies, or what?

Yes, that's it. They're a nation of pussies. It's in their bloodline, it's marked in their national food, it's part of what they are.

Just stop it already. Machos came around to divulging the relevant points and if you want to stop the talk of xenophobia then stop using language that lends itself to the charge.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Ritmourbanlegend -- Don't be such a prude about everything. There is no reason to be such an insulting little bitch any time someone threatens your mainstream leftist orthodoxy.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

What orthodoxy? That I don't reduce a nation of people to one-word epithets? (Unless I'm being silly, of course). And what the hell does that have to do with prudery?

Besides, I spoke of language that leaves one open to a charge. I didn't say that I found what he said sufficient. Although, to be fair, it does seem to give "aid and comfort" to xenophobes.

And what sort of orthodox belief in the supposedly oh-so-rare nature of xenophobia does one have to have for you to have supplied me with such a (bitchy?) reply?

Revenant বলেছেন...

if you want to stop the talk of xenophobia then stop using language that lends itself to the charge.

Ritmo, you apparently have me confused with somebody who cares if you accuse me of xenophobia. Of course you're going to accuse me of it. Ad hominems are your schtick.

As for the "nation of pussies" business, I'm just mocking your claim that illegal Mexican immigrants are coming here fleeing oppression. They're coming here to make money, dumbass. The pay's better north of the border than it is south of it; there's no deeper motive than that.

Synova বলেছেন...

So, perhaps you're suggesting that the oppressed people of Mexico need to be liberated?

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

Anyway, if you want to get realistic about xenophobia, I will say this. For the issue to have come about in the 2004 election was nothing more than pandering to xenophobia. Arizonans, I suppose, can get as persnickety as they want about the flow of population.

But people bitching about this in any area other than the Southwest, and to react as viscerally and personally as they sometimes do, does strike me as bound in a much less pragmatic motivation.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Ritmourbanlegend -- I've spent a a lot of time in this place, largely because I have two young kids and I am the night guy. Plus I spent a long time in a boring country.

I know Revenant. I know Synova. They aren't xenophobes. I know few people in Arizona but I know that law and order and jobs trump all the isms you think run the world virtually every time, especially in this country.

You need to grow up a bit and understand that politics is a complex thing, not the sum of good liberals on one side and racist, selfish, foreigner-hating morons on the other side.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

Revenant, I don't care what you care about because frankly I don't perceive when you actually take an issue seriously.

dave in boca বলেছেন...

I'm hoping the Dimo-rats elect to make this Arizona Law a big part of their campaign this fall. Every legal Hispanic immigrant almost without exception despises the human garbage types who comprise a large percentage of the illegal aliens from south of the border.

In Arizona, 60% of the homocides were by illegal aliens, and that defines a CRIME WAVE. They also lead the list in carjackings and home invasions by a wide margin.

Of course, the Brazilians are the most disgusting of all, but disgusting is merely a measure of stupidity and lack of moral probity.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

You need to grow up a bit and understand that politics is a complex thing, not the sum of good liberals on one side and racist, selfish, foreigner-hating morons on the other side.

Oh, come on! Are you saying that Althouse can encourage her crew to play that onto the other side, but that I can't? How unfair!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Althouse is a Democrat who voted for Obama. Dipshit.

Revenant বলেছেন...

Revenant, I don't care what you care about because frankly I don't perceive when you actually take an issue seriously.

Your first clue is that if I'm deigning to respond to you, I'm not taking the issue very seriously. :)

Ralph L বলেছেন...

Of course, the Brazilians are the most disgusting of all
Since Peter ironweights is busy flossing with pie, I'll reply for him and say you're absolutely correct.

I think that $50 an hour picking veggies was supposed to be $5.00.

Unknown বলেছেন...

I think its especially important to keep all those fucking illegal Canadians out who keep coming here to get the health care they are stuck in wait lists to get at home.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

After the uprising of the 17th June
The Secretary of the Writers Union
Had leaflets distributed in the Stalinallee
Stating that the people
Had forfeited the confidence of the government
And could win it back only
By redoubled efforts. Would it not be easier
In that case for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?

Fen বলেছেন...

Libtard: But people bitching about this in any area other than the Southwest

Are you really this stupid? Illegal immigration is an issue even in Maryland. The public schools cant keep up with the classroom sizes because of it. Local homeowners have to deal with rental properties next door that house 8 families in a 3 bedroom townhouse.

Opus One Media বলেছেন...

Synova said...
"problem is he thinks that applies to Federal/State relationships rather than state/citizen relationships."

Are you suggesting that the federal government doesn't have citizen relationships?

I do remind you all that for 8 years and probably before that, we had a virtual open boarders free-for-all and the federal government did NOTHING. I think Mr. Obama was right to point that out.

What if there became a crazy quilt of state laws along the border...anther issue...and California, which always needs seasonal workers doesn't pass such a bill, leaving it therrefore to the proper boarder patrol function of the federal government and it caused, as it is sure to do, a run on federal resources.

Or if a local law enforcement guy and a fed arrive at an illegal in Arizona at the same time. One demands papers while the other puts him/her in detention and sends him/her back or arranges a hearing. Who choses the laws that apply?

HT বলেছেন...

Generally speaking, I agree with what Az did. And I consider myself a liberal member of the Democratic Party of the United States of America.

I agree with Synova's sentiment:

The "who will do this task" arguments are stupid to the point of hatefulness.

What are we supposed to do? Value cheap grapes and tidy lawns so much that we support a system that creates and sustains a victim class that has no legal recourse to the protections provided by the law?

I don't think this breaks down along traditional party lines. I think you'll find a lot of members of the Democratic Party supportive of this.

Omaha1 বলেছেন...

I am sitting here listening to NPR inform me that Arizona has "made it a crime to be in the country illegally."

Hello? Isn't this already a crime? "Illegally" doesn't mean that it is not legal, i.e., a crime?

Obviously, 70% of the people in Arizona are tired of dealing with the crime and squalor inherent in the current atmosphere of unrestricted illegal immigration. The Feds are not doing the job to control the borders so the Arizonans are stepping up to the plate in their stead. If this is "irresponsible" I look forward to Obama defending his definition of irresponsibility in court.

I fully support legal immigration, anyone willing to jump through the bureaucratic hoops to vist the country legally are welcome to come here and work, and even become citizens. That is what made our country great - the best and most ambitious people from nations around the world came here for their chance to grab the brass ring of American opportunity.

However I don't believe an invisible, underpaid, isolated, stigmatized underclass is what America is about. It is shocking that the unions with their exorbitant demands for wages and benefits would support unrestricted immigration as advocated by the Democrats. Also the minorities, such as African Americans, whose teenage children can't get jobs at McDonald's, because they are filled by illegals. It just doesn't make sense. I understand the evil capitalists wanting cheap labor but you would think the Dems of all people would be opposed to this unless they just want more votes and an increased dependent class.

Finally, something that seems to be overlooked far too often is that those who are in the country illegally are not citizens and therefore not entitled to Constitutional rights or protections of any kind.

george বলেছেন...

It's not exactly a secret that the Dems plan to import voters from other countries. They have committed pretty much every outrage against the American people imaginable so it is time for reinforcements. It also helps fund their Ponzi schemes long enough for them to kick the can down the road.

We are already at the point of low level civil war with states opting out of the stupidity being forced upon them by Dear Leader and individuals no longer feeling bound by any decisions Washington makes.

As many of our liberal friends have argued in this very thread there is no need for them to obey or enforce immigration law. That being the case I see no reason to support or enforce 90% of the rest of the crap the government does either. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. The left counts on the right complying, keeping their mouths shut and putting their backs into making the country work no matter what load is piled upon them or what ridiculous bullshit they have to wade through to do it.

If nothing else the Tea Party movement shows that those days are coming to an end. That is what frightens the left the most. How are they to get their cotton when the slaves are in open revolt?

HT বলেছেন...

Ok, Omaha, you need to read the post right above yours.

Also, during the whole "immigration is what made our country great" era you are talking about, there were precious few enforcements or markers between legal and illegal immigration. So maybe I would not harken back to that time as a bolster for your argument. It's a different world now.

Finally, I do wonder if McDonalds hires illegal immigrants. Maybe check that one out too.

MathMom বলেছেন...

I grew up in Idaho. There, KIDS worked in the fields, setting irrigation pipe, hoeing beans, and moving sprinklers. In farming communities in Idaho, school would be let out for a week during harvest so the kids could help. Now it's done by illegals, and the kids have become mall rats and carbuncles upon the fat butt of society.

As a kid who lived in town, my only source of income was babysitting. My cousins, who lived on the farm, made much more than me because they worked in the fields. I envied them, and tried to find ways to make that much money in town, to no avail.

I was thrilled when I got a chance to stay for a week in the summer and get the sort of pay they got for setting pipe and hoeing beans.

Can you imagine the improvement in our society, if we got our kids out of the arcades and into the fields, where they work hard, earn some good money (for their age), and begin to understand where stuff comes from? They might develop a work ethic! They might develop MUSCLES! They might lose weight! They might do what my cousins did, which is come into town and spend that money, or save it and pay for their own college educations.

What do we do instead? Enact legislation making them "children" until they are 26, so mommy and daddy remain responsible for their health insurance.


Michael বলেছেন...

For the open borders supporters: Try this. Try crossing into Canada or Mexico and settling in. See. What. Happens.

Omaha1 বলেছেন...

HT, I read & reread your comment preceding mine and I can't quite figure out where you think we disagree, except that I believe the Dems are more supportive of "amnesty" than most conservatives. Don't know for sure about McDonald's, although it doesn't seem that hard for illegals to get fake ID's qualifying them to work here, and the employees at my local Mickey D's don't seem to have more than a passing familiarity with the English language.

As far as "who will do this task" goes, let the market work, along with minimum wage laws, and someone will do it, legal or not. If there are not enough workers willing to settle for the low wage, the wage will rise accordingly, until it becomes worthwhile for US citizens to "do the tasks". If this means increased prices for goods and services, so be it. It is still probably cheaper than providing "free" medical care and education to illegals.

It is not healthy for our nation to have laws that are routinely flouted by a large percentage of the populace. Although only marginally relevant to the subject at hand, I would include anti-drug laws in this, which seem to contribute to the lawlessness we now see in the border areas.

wv: hiessin - Hi New "Hiessin" Ham!

Jason বলেছেন...

Ritmo: Furthermore what, Fuckface? Ukraine, Turkey, and Algeria are not part of the E.U.

Finally, you're beginning to get it.

Now consider... like the E.U., our citizens can move freely between the states.

Consider further: The country of Mexico is not part of the United States.


master cylinder বলেছেন...

Althouse is a Democrat?
Voting for Obama does not make her a Democrat.
Immigration reform must include provisions for legalizing those who are here and agree to a process for citizenship. i cant take anyone seriously who into walls and round-ups. That will not work. Why cant we open up legal paths to citizenship? More taxes being paid in, more control in the form of knowledge about who we are as Americans.

Jason বলেছেন...

Immigration reform must include provisions for legalizing those who are here and agree to a process for citizenship.


And if you idiots try to run on that premise you're going to get clobbered. And justly so.

I have many friends who are here legally. You are unfair to them, and to everyone who plays by the rules if you reward the illegals with an end run around the people who are law-abiding.

I have a hard time taking anybody seriously who thinks it's wrong to simply enforce the laws on our books.

master cylinder বলেছেন...

People who are here legally would not be penalized by
a process that would help illegals gain legal status. What is your plan? Midnight round-ups? The walls that are put up just get cut through. If we open up the legal status, we can demand more. The process must evolve-what we have now isnt working.

master cylinder বলেছেন...

Dont we want them to pay taxes and follow the rules like everyone else? I dont want special stuff for anybody, ESL schools, that is bullshit. Let them in and make no special provisions.

Phil 314 বলেছেন...

Anywhere south of Tucson and you're safer in Iraq or A-stan.

cryptical বলেছেন...

Here's a fair process for those folks who want to become citizens... Go back home and wait your turn.

Anything else would be unfair to those who work hard and play by the rules.

bubarooni বলেছেন...


ever been pulled over while driving white?

asked 'license and registration please' and said 'i don't have my license on me.'

take my word for it, it ain't no fun...

Phil 314 বলেছেন...

Crime rate in Cochise County where the murder of a rancher, likely by a spotter working for a drug smuggler, accelerated the push for AZ's immigration bill

Hagar বলেছেন...

My idiot son got pulled over for driving with expired Illinois plates and of course was also asked to show his driver's license.
So he was ticketed, i.e. arrested, "tried," pled guilty, and fined for not having a valid State driver's license and the plates.

Was this "racial profiling?" How would his case differ from pulling over a vehicle with expired Mexican plates? Explain, please.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Like some, I"m a little concerned about the power Arizona's giving to law enforcement to solve the problem, but it's their problem to solve.

Does this mean I trust Obama to handle the problem given how full of contradiction the left's current governing ideas are, and the reality of what he has to do to mobilize them to maintain his own political power? Hell no, not after ramming health care through.

And all this racism xenophobia talk by the left on this message board just further confirms for me that these are the hot button political issues. Keep building that paradise here on earth...

Of course, the left is pure, and not racist...right?

This is the Postmodern, leftist, excessively relativistic, divorced from classical liberalism political reality we've backed into...

Don't we have your generation, in part, to thank for this Ann?

Phil 314 বলেছেন...

In Arizona, 60% of the homocides were by illegal aliens, and that defines a CRIME WAVE.
Citation please.

Phil 314 বলেছেন...

A nice short editorial about the conservative/libertarian split that immigration accentuates.

Phil 314 বলেছেন...

So according to the law any law enforcement officer can stop anyone on reasonable suspicion that he/she is in the US illegally.

So using the logic I've read here if you're hispanic and speaking spanish you may have a reasonable suspicion. Boy the Sheriff in Santa Cruz County is going to be really busy, particularly if anyone forgets to bring their driver's license with them

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

The countries of the E.U. are actually, different countries.

And as far as Professor Ann's purported politics go, she's just in it for the spectacle. Rush Limbaugh is not someone who appeals to Democrats. Personal friendships and an ideological kinship with Instapundit do not make a Democrat. Show me the preponderance of links on her sidebar and which proportion of the political sites are left-leaning as opposed to right-leaning - nay - far right-leaning.

She voted for Obama because she likes following the commotion - it gives her a bigger spotlight and the feeling of connectedness to social movements. Same reason she's onto the Tea Parties.


Lawyers are notorious for needing someone else to define the rules of the game by which they work, play and live their lives. Those who actually want to set the agenda or stand up for something consistent go into politics. Or better yet, the judiciary. I'm not saying that applies to da Prof, just saying I know enough lawyers to know the type.

But she is not a Democrat. Which Democratic principles does she (or better yet, did she - if she wants to claim they once represented her but now alienate her) hold to?

She's just following the strong horse. Or what she perceives to be the strong horse.

Phil 314 বলেছেন...

certainly no ethnic reason for Northern Mexico to be the devastated shit hole that it is.

Not to get into a discussion as to what defines a "shit hole" but I believe economically, Northern Mexico does quite a bit better than Southern Mexico. And that's why so many come from southern Mexican states (and Central America)

TmjUtah বলেছেন...

Obama has already been behind many laws that make no sense. Nationalizing banks, financial institutions, manufacturing giants that should have been kissed goodbye, and finally health care with its criminal coercion...all are good examples. In all of these examples, the consequences are still banked. We haven't begun to see the personal pain wrought by destroying what's left of corporate America via over regulation and onerous taxes but it is coming.

But with the coming immigration conflict, he's about to issue unenforceable orders. Orders to Justice to prosecute States for enforcing Federal law in the utter and complete absence of Federal action to do its Constitutional duty. Orders to National Guard units to not deploy when their Governors tell them to.

There will be blood. Count on it.

Watch Arizona, possibly New Mexico, and most certainly Texas.

Obama policy doesn't make a lick of sense, unless you accept he's working to destroy the Republic. We're whole counties past Liberal politics.

This is an attack on the foundations of our system.

Pass the popcorn. And some Hoppes #9.

HT বলেছেন...

Arizona, if the law stands, and begins to have the effect it was intended, might soon come to the federal government asking for some recompense since they have done a big favor for the rest of the nation preventing a lot of illegal immigration to other states.

But for now, that's neither here nor there.

What I meant, Omaha, is that people should not be so quick to paint Democrats and leftists with such a broad brush. But I know arguing this is a losing cause on this blog. But believe me, go onto a lot of left blogs and about this issue, I bet there's a lot more diversity of opinion than there is here on Althouse.

I know that I am not alone in feeling the way I do, as a liberal member of the Democratic Party.

HT বলেছেন...

Oh, I think Bush started the bank nationalization. Obama just lacked the guts to stop it.

HT বলেছেন...

Ritmo - agree completely with why AA voted for Obama.

Christian বলেছেন...

Actually what really bothers me is what was unsaid by the President.

When a state, confronted with a problem, passes a law to deal with the problem, with the Federal Government does not have the stomach to do, it's not considered irresponsible and requiring Congress to step in and make it right.

Are you listening America? Your state can now only pass laws which the President approves of. If you act otherwise, the President and Congress will just step in with some kind of federal legislation, probably denying federal funds to states that do not comply with the program.

With HCR, we had the government refusing to allow states to make their own rules. With Obama's latest comments, setting up for the legislation to come, he seems to be implying even when the states create their own rules, the Federal government will just step in and overrule them with sweeping broad national legislation.

Regardless of one's stance on illegal immigrants -- I generally feel we should try to find a solution that confronts the realty of the struggle real people, with families who are just trying to make a better life must face; these words by the President imply a yet another blow to federalism.

Jeff বলেছেন...

We have several issues here in this law:

1. Is it legal? I suppose yes, although supposedly anti-government conservatives look strange handing over increased police powers to jail you if you fail to carry documents. The SC has fallen down on both sides of the issue of whether you can jail someone just for failing to hand over documents.

2. Will it be effective as public policy? No, not if the intention is to turn down crime, since it will probably reduce the likelihood of illegals denouncing crimes in their neighborhoods. Not that Arizonans seem to care, but if they DID manage to toss out the estimated 500k illegals, their housing market is going to bottom more, so that I think is a bad policy outcome.

3. Is it just? Law and order conservatives seem to wipe out any libertarian sentiment on this. I think justice is free trade, in goods and labor, and so for me a narcotrafficker is heroic when he supplies drugs to someone who wants them. But others think all laws designed to enforce the laws are just ipso facto.

4. Is it reacting to a real problem? No, Arizona crime rates are very low, and have fallen over the past several years. Moreover, illegal immigrants are less likely, statistically speaking, to commit crimes than legal residents.

Muggins বলেছেন...

I'd like to see the U.S. control it's borders better in light of the drug lords and their takeover of parts of Mexico.

former law student বলেছেন...

Obama has already been behind many laws that make no sense. Nationalizing banks, financial institutions, manufacturing giants that should have been kissed goodbye...

If you have a mess you clean it up. Obama didn't invent this stuff: The hallowed Reagan administration nationalized the Continental Illinois National Bank, and bailed out 300 savings and loans that failed after their regulations were loosened. The Carter administration bailed out Chrysler in 1980, which repaid their loans with interest in 1983, going on to invent the minivan -- the most popular automotive innovation of the past thirty years.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Becoming American should not start with breaking our laws.

Kev বলেছেন...

If we need the cheap labor that much, pass some decent wage laws that allow students and adults to take those jobs.

Or else stop pretending that it's about caring about people.

Well said. I teach high school and college students, and their job prospects have been awful for at least the past eight years. One kid I taught tried to get a job at McDonald's, but the only available applications were in Spanish.

And as for the person who asked how many illegals work for McDonald's: I can't speak for them, but a friend of mine was a manager at another burger chain a while back. I asked him one time how many people would be left in his store (out of a workforce of around 14) if there were an immigration raid; his response was, three--himself and two guys from India.

Kev বলেছেন...

One more thing (and yes, I realize that I'm LTTP here)--The debate over this issue raises a couple of questions with me:

1) How can anyone truly be worried about "rights" for people who are breaking our laws by their very presence in this country?

2) How can Hispanic "activist" groups actually show sympathy for these lawbreakers simply by virtue of sharing a national heritage with said criminals?

My own take on immigration is that we should adhere to the standards used by the Six Flags corporation at its amusement venues: "LINE JUMPERS WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE PARK."

(And please, nobody bother to point out that Six Flags has recently faced bankruptcy. So will the USA if the current cast of idiots in Washington continues its ways.)

নামহীন বলেছেন...

It's a statistical fact that 100% of illegal Mexicans come from Mexico. Therefore, if you want to stop illegal Mexican immigration, one must necessarily target Mexicans.

You can't argue with science.

former law student বলেছেন...

1) How can anyone truly be worried about "rights" for people who are breaking our laws ...

I remember that this was a big issue in 1789, resolved in favor of the law-breakers, as I recall.

2) How can Hispanic "activist" groups actually show sympathy for these lawbreakers simply by virtue of sharing a national heritage with said criminals?

Heard of "driving while black"? In Arizona the equivalent will be "breathing while brown." Throw everyone in the jug and let their lawyers sorth them out. Time to rent "Born in East L.A." I'm not kidding.

Blue-eyed blondes will not be affected.

former law student বলেছেন...

if you want to stop illegal Mexican immigration, one must necessarily target Mexicans.

So illegal Chinese, etc immigration does not bother you? Are you sure you're not a racist?

In the 70s a lot of blue-eyed blonds came here from Poland and Ireland. Now that the Irish economy has cratered, we may see more 'taters coming in illegally.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Weak, FLS.

If you want to stop illegal Chinese immigration, you must target Chinese people.

You are trying to poke holes where there aren't any with this particular argument.

Revenant বলেছেন...

So illegal Chinese, etc immigration does not bother you?

For every illegal immigrant from China, there are 30 illegal immigrants from Mexico and 13 more from Central and South America.

So, sure. It bothers me. About 2% as much as the people pouring across the Mexican border bother me. :)

dick বলেছেন...


I don't see why you are so adamant that we should take illegals from Mexico when Mexico will not take illegals into Mexico. Check these two stories, one in Spanish and one not:



My Hispanic friend translated part of one thusly:

rough translation: the president of the national comm. on human rights said: the military went into homes of townspeople to forcibly remove migrants without caring that there were children present. In front of the children the migrants were brutally beaten and women were raped. In one home the underwear of women was found as well as used contraceptives.

and our law enforcement can't even look at them cross eyed!

La denuncia fue formulada ante el presidente de la Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos (CNDH), José Luis Soberanes. “Los militares se metieron a las casas de los pobladores a sacar a los migrantes y sin importarles la presencia de los niños los golpeaban de manera brutal”, dijo.
Vázquez Medina también consideró que durante el operativo varias mujeres fueron abusadas sexualmente, ya que en una casa abandonada se encontró ropa interior y preservativos usados.

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