April 3, 2010

Got my iPad!

Down at the Apple Store in the West Towne Mall in Madison, Wisconsin. Things were hopping:


That's "Specialist" Chuck Sholdt handing over the goods. He recognized me and said he "felt like [he was] in the presence of royalty." He recognized Meade too — said he'd read all about him.

Back home now, in my favorite reading position...


UPDATE: I'm typing this on the keyboard. I do think I could use this to blog, something I can't do on the iPhone (without a great deal of trouble).

UPDATE2: I bought the iPad app Pages to do word processing and I just plain cannot get it to work. It seems that there should be a toolbar, but I can't get one to display, so I'm at a dead end. Any ideas? AND: I turned it upright, out of landscape mode, and that worked. AND: I wish I could figure out how to get iDisk documents into the Pages App. (And I really am trying to find the answer in various "help" pages. It's especially frustrating because "pages" isn't a distinctive word.)

UPDATE3: Apple confirms that you can't get your iDisk documents into Pages.


Scott said...

Apple called to say that your check is in the mail.

Meade said...

Sorry about the poor frame job in second photo.

Guess I was a little... overly... excited.

Rialby said...

I still don't get it. Some reviewer on Fox yesterday was gaga over it. You can read books! You can surf the net! But don't plan on typing on it!

In this economy, are there that many people who can free up $500 to buy a more expensive Kindle? Why wouldn't you just by a Dell Mini or something similar?

How many single-use devices can people afford? Oh wait, I forgot - the American people love to funnel money they should be using for their own health insurance into flat screen tvs, microwaves, iPods and iPads. Carry on.

Jerry said...

The Android has a wonderful keyboard alternative known as Swype. There are similar others from Slide-IT and uh, something else.

Try one, I find it much much faster to Swype than to type. If I was limited to non-physical keyboards, I would probably demand Swype.

Christopher said...

That is such an enchanting photo. Props.

rhhardin said...

The first thing I added to my Vic-20 was a decent Morse code interface.

Jerry said...


When you use Swype, and it's working nicely, it's almost magical (as any sufficiently advanced technology is.)

I don't know if it was offered to Apple, but I'd hate to think Steve Jobs turned it away, ....

themightypuck said...

Looks pretty cool. Reminds me I should probably upgrade my ancient Razr. Verizon keeps telling me I can have a free phone but I never overcame my giant clumsy fingers enough to embrace texting. Mostly the iPad looks like a cool web browser/e reader to me. I prefer paperbacks but I have read a couple books on my MacBook using Stanza.

kjbe said...

Cool! Would have been a great b'day present for myself, but I got. self-inflating sleeping pad and trekking poles instead. Maybe next year...

john said...

Where are the see no evil and speak no evil guys?

Mike Rophone said...

Awesome! I'm very interested in your opinion on the book reading experience. I've used a Kindle, and I'm not impressed with the value provided by the device. I use the Kindle app on my PCs, though. The concept was great; the hardware platform needs a major update.

victoria said...

I am totally jealous. When we pay off college and law school for our girl, we will be in line!!!!

Vicki from Pasadena

MayBee said...

Look at the poor Apple Store employee in the back, rubbing his temples. He's already had a long day.

john said...

rhhardin said...
The first thing I added to my Vic-20 was a decent Morse code interface

On the Commodore 64 that comes standard. By the way is this your yard? Looks like your dog in that line (9th from left).

Ann Althouse said...

"rubbing his temples"

I think he's just pushing up his glasses. It does look odd... a funny accident of the snapshot.

Ann Althouse said...

"rubbing his temples"

I think he's just pushing up his glasses. It does look odd... a funny accident of the snapshot.

Mr. Bingley said...

You won't be blamed if you put Barry White on the Hi-Fi after that second photo, Meade.

ObeliskToucher said...

Look at the poor Apple Store employee in the back, rubbing his temples. He's already had a long day.

Or, he could be trying to make our heads explode...

John said...

I read on boing boing that you can't so much as change the battery without big daddy Steve's assistence. I would prefer to stay off of the Steve Jobs' plantation thank you.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Moose said...

Whew! Thank God Chuck wasn't TRYING to suck up...

J Lee said...

I suspect that this is going to be a product that ends up being targeted more towards women than to men for the simple reason of potability. Men are far less likely to carry bags and/or purses around, and the iPad is too big to simply be pocketed like an iPhone. And if you do get a man to tote around a murse, the added inconvenience factored against the functionality of the iPad as is stands today makes it just as likely a guy will carry a laptop computer or netbook carry-bag with them, unless they simply want to toss the iPad in the back seat of the car, pickup or SUV and just take it out to carry around when needed, but that's a pretty costly item to be leaving out in the vehicle all the time.

Moose said...

Heh- regarding your inablity to get the word processor to work. It has been said that when a PC user has issues with their device the blame Microsoft: when an Apple user has issues with their device, they blame themeselves.

Remember: It (should) just work! Must be the operator...

rhhardin said...

Photo by Goya.

ic said...

Vicki from Pasadena: When we pay off college and law school for our girl, we will be in line!!!!

What are you talking about? Buy an iPad, tell your daughter to get a student loan. Obama is paying for her college, courtesy of the little people who pay taxes. Don't forget, she may not have a job after getting her JD; if she does, most of her income will go to pay someone else's healthcare and college expenses. So be smart, buy an iPad, let Obama worry about your daughter's education. Oh, she doesn't even have to pay her loan back if she couldn't find a job, and only has to pay 10% of her income for 10 years if she lands a "govt" job, or 10% for 20 years if she is silly enough to work in the private sector. Again, the only sane thing to do is buy an iPad, and let Obama pay for her education.

Unknown said...

I want a handwriting tool for note taking or marking up documents.

Anonymous said...

I confidently believe that in one year, you will feel the same way about Steve Jobs that you now feel about Barack Obama.

Trouble is, they both now have your money.

Shawn Levasseur said...

Ann, did the staff at the store tell you, "Congratulations," after getting the iPad? It seems that they were all trained to say that to customers who bought one, as if they had won the thing in a contest and not just shell out several hundred bucks on one.

Anonymous said...

That's so cute that they recognize you! And I like it when salespeople...er, specialists really know and love their product.

I like the security guard's look too. "Don't even think about it."

Ann Althouse said...

"You won't be blamed if you put Barry White on the Hi-Fi after that second photo, Meade."

He was playing "Sexual Healing" -- a propos of that sex addiction post.

Beth said...


I'm curious about Pages - I respond to my students' work by using Word's comments and colored text. Do you think I could do that with an iPad? I've never used Pages but I assume it creates and opens RTF files. What's your opinion of the program, and the iPad interface with it?

Roger von Oech said...

Love my iPad! Lots to explore. Watched a bit of a "Breaking Bad" episode on it. Great video quality.

WSJ has done a nice job transferring their concept. I may cancel my newspaper version of the WSJ.

Made a TruPhone call (@ 4 cents a minute) on it. So the iPad works as a phone.

Nice surprise: my own app (Creative Whack Pack iPhone version) looks good at 2X. [developing iPad version currently.]

Very delighted. Fly to Spain next week. May leave Mac at home.

D. B. Light said...

I'm sticking with my kindle for reading, a netbook for on the go webbing, and an HP bigscreen for photo work at home.

Beth said...

There's a Kindle app for the iPad, isn't there? I don't see myself buying books from Apple if I can read them only on the iPad. I like WhisperSync.

Brian Hancock said...

Love the mall cop with the shades inside!

Anonymous said...

"... as if they had won the thing in a contest and not just shell out several hundred bucks on one."

Jobs stole that. That's a Meg Whitman invention. It's absolutely diabolical.

You won't buy things on E-bay ... you "win" the auction.

That's right, they held a contest to see who would be the person to pay more than anyone else, and you "won."

Congratulations .. you were the only one stupid enough to pay that much! You won! Hurray! (Cue balloons and confetti!)

When the revolution starts, and the blindfolds come out and the firing squads start doing their dirty work ... we'll need to make sure we congratulate the winners on being selected.

Should go very smoothly.

Jim Hu said...

I don't have an iPad or iDisk (yet), but I think you transfer files to the iPad by downloading them from the browser or via iTunes on your computer

Word verification: hamboli... sounds like an Easter stromboli.

Michael Haz said...

How do you hold it next to your ear when it rings?

Michael Haz said...

Of Apple came out with sacks of a gardening product called iManure, early adapters would proclaim "This is, like, the best shit ever! Totally!"

Meade said...

@Michael: iPooed?

lemondog said...

Gizmodo site:
Ask Anything Live: The iPad

Freder Frederson said...

He was playing "Sexual Healing"

You really are stupid. Sexual Healing is Marvin Gaye, not Barry White.

Mr. Bingley said...

He was playing "Sexual Healing" -- a propos of that sex addiction post.

Aw yeah...and he was thinkin' it's business time...

Anonymous said...

Vicki from Pasadena: When we pay off college and law school for our girl, we will be in line!!!!

Damn, wish my mom were paying for my college and law school. But for some crazy reason, I was expected to be responsible for things that impact my future. Go figure!

Mr. Bingley said...

Freder, where does she say that "Sexual Healing" is Barry White? It's not even faintly implied.

Alex said...

How many single-use devices can people afford? Oh wait, I forgot - the American people love to funnel money they should be using for their own health insurance into flat screen tvs, microwaves, iPods and iPads. Carry on.

Well the American people are notorious for spending themselves to oblivion and then demanding the responsible taxpayers bail them out.

Bring back Debtors' Prison!

Unknown said...

Even if I had the money, my reaction would still be, "How many gadgets do I need?".

I don't even want to think about what The Blonde would say.

Meade said...

Sorry about the poor frame job in second photo.

Guess I was a little... overly... excited.

Looked fine to me, but then I don't blame you a bit.

traditionalguy said...

When someone steals an I-Pad, can the service be denied to them or a secret code be sent out to freeze it? It does have a password feature, I presume. If those safeguards are not fool proof, then a big market in stolen I-Pads being Container shipped to the Middle East will arise overnight.

Prosecutorial Indiscretion said...

Just bought one after months of vowing to wait until the next iteration. It'll be worth it for the portable video and ebooks for all the flight and hotel time I deal with (I hope - if not, it's a badass toy and a reasonable signaling device to let the ladies know about my disposable income). I had no intention of buying it until I put my hands on a demo model. Looking forward to reading about what you get up to with it.

Anonymous said...

Knowing that this will only boost Meade's excitement, you're kinda cute in your favorite reading position, Professor.

Never gonna buy an iPad though or any Apple product if I can help it.

Anonymous said...

"This is going to be a product that ends up being targeted more towards women than to men for the simple reason of [POTABILITY]."

I'll drink to that, J Lee.

Anonymous said...

He recognized me and said he "felt like [he was] in the presence of royalty."

Did he have a really bored-looking little girl with him?

sixty-five said...

The SWYPE equivalent for iphone is shapeWtiter. But it can't be used globally the way SWYPE can in the Android. Jobs had better deal withbthis SOON.

Anonymous said...

I love the iPad. It is a terrific to read things when you are mobile (planes, trains, and buses).

What kind of case did you get?

Chuck Pelto said...

TO: Ann Althouse, et al.
RE: iPad at First Blush

Mine came a little while ago. The delivery-man said that a LOT of them are being delivered today in this town of 100K.

Between cooking and dinking around with it, it is all I expected of it—at this stage of development/evolution—and a tad more.

Here are my first impressions.

[1] The on-screen keys are overly sensitive. But not horrifically so. I think a tweek of the OS will fix that.
[2] The wireless, i.e., bluetooth, keyboard works PERFECTLY with Pages. An essential for taking minutes of the state-level garden club association I'm about to become secretary of.
[3] The iPad and the wireless keyboard fit PERFECTLY into my leather notepad portfolio, which is a LOT easier to carry about than the MacBook Pro in the backpack.

The size is PERFECT for the portfolio. Slips right into the 'papers' divider. The keyboard rests in the middle.

With refinements, this IS the demise of the laptop. Or at least it relegates the laptop to the market-share occupied by high-end IT types who need to carry about a complete computer system with them. [Note: Something I have to do myself....on occasion....]


[Work smarter.....

.....and don't carry around excess weight. -- US Army Ranger Course Instructor....also a suspected Mac aficionado]

Eric said...

Sorry about the poor frame job in second photo.

Guess I was a little... overly... excited.

Whaddaya talking about? I clicked on the comments button so I could say what a great picture that is. And I don't normally notice that kind of stuff.

Andrea said...

eve said:

"I want a handwriting tool for note taking or marking up documents."

Here ya go.

I'm here to help.

Chip Ahoy said...

This probably sounds stupid but I'd import the iDisc documents into a separate holding folder on IPad however I could then get iPad's pages to find them.
The difference being not trying to get pages to import them directly.

How does iPad pages create and save documents? Make the iDisc documents look like those.

Create and save a document in pages. See where the document goes. Put the iDisc documents there.

Connect the two machines wirelessly. Open Pages. Command iPad, "now get my documents, Bitch." Possibly not that exact wording.

Chuck Pelto said...

TO: All
RE: Opus One Media

I wrote about this on my blogspot. There is one born every minute. -- Opus One Media

Can you say, "Projection"?

I knew you could....


[Never ask someone what kind of machine they drive. If it's a Mac, they'll tell you. Otherwise, why embarrass them? -- Tom Clancy]

Ann Althouse said...

"Jim Hu said...I don't have an iPad or iDisk (yet), but I think you transfer files to the iPad by downloading them from the browser or via iTunes on your computer."

But there is an iDisk app, which I have. And when I use Safari to get to the MobileMe, I can't figure out a way to sign in. It "wants" to send me to download iDisk, and when I go there "it sees" that I have already installed it. Now what? The iDisk app lets me get to my documents, but I'm seeing them not in the best resolution, and I can't edit them. I was told at the store that using Pages would work with iDisk (and I emphasized that this was the main thing I wanted to do) but I cannot figure out how. It's really annoying to me, because I see a big point of this product as being that it is effortless and intuitive, but I have been running around in circles.

MaggotAtBroad&Wall said...

I don't give a shit about the iPad. Endless hype affects me that way.

But hanging from the ceiling to snap that photo is impressive.

Chip Ahoy said...

Kitty loves iPad

Anil Petra said...

Why give up the advanced technology of eInk -- which I enjoyed for the first time with the groundbreaking Kindle I, for another conventional LCD panel? At best this reproduces the experience available on a host of other devices already.

I played with an iPad this morning. It's much too low resolution for antialiased color rendering of mixed text on a screen this size.

It feels like I'm looking at a cheap LCD panel TV set. The lowest price category of HDTV.

For reading books? No way.

The Kindle DX, which has the same 9.7in diagonal screen, is in fact higher resolution, and works much better at rendering black & white. And, of course, has vast advantages for long-term reading, as a reflective light device.

Also, it's pathetic for typing. Even he Kindle keyboards, which are abysmal (but physical), are a better typing experience. And that's saying something.

I remember Ann's peculiar comments about how she "sees" text on paper book pages in her mind's eye, but that it doesn't work with the Kindle. Curious that she's silent about this problem where the iPad is concerned.

The Kindle DX is already just a bit too large, just a bit too heavy. The iPad doubles down on the heaviness factor (1.5 pounds!), making it impractical for holding at any angles but vertical and horizontal for long periods.

Steve said...

Vicki from Pasadena: When we pay off college and law school for our girl, we will be in line!!!!

Hellooooo..... Buy them an ipad - direct them to iTunes U or Stanford.edu or similar where they can learn without the over-priced piece of paper. While I have great memories of college for the cost and the quality bricks and books is getting pretty weak. My latest best employee is a 'college drop out' and is better at what he does then the last six folks with the fancy BA-BS.

Tom said...

Love photo #2 Meade...Did you "direct" Ann to do that Susanna Hoffs maneuver with her eyes?

I am picking my iPad up at the Apple store in Honolulu on Monday morning...wish it came with a couch babe...

Penny said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to hear updates on how it works out for you.

Here's what the tech reviewers for the WSJ and the NYT's said on the Charlie Rose show...

In their opinion, this is the beginning of the end of the laptop.

Both of them seemed downright giddy with the tactile nature of this device, implying that it was nearly addictive to have that touch control take you where you wanted to go, and so directly.

Personally, ease of use is no minor thing. There are still many people out there who have no relationship whatsoever with a computer, and this will open doors for them. They'll buy to get to email, or maybe even Facebook, but then they get to the exciting part...BROWSING!

Penny said...

Chip, Kitty may like the iPad, but my Mouse and I, well, we go WAY back.

Tom said...

Since someone asked, it's here, at about 2:51 mins...


Ann Althouse said...

As for the Kindle, I never use mine because I think the gray on gray print is so ugly. I'm so used to reign on a lit screen that the e ink bugs me.. If it were crisp like psper print, it would be different..

Michael Haz said...

NEWS ALERT!! Apple announces that nest Saturday it will introduce the upgraded iPad 2GS.

The new model will contain twice as much good stuff (hence the 2GS name) at half the price of the original, outdated version.

wombat said...

"This is going to be a product that ends up being targeted more towards women than ..."

Where are the government-mandated guyPad and biPad subcategories?

Michael Haz said...

The iPad will have an app for sex addicts. It is called iWannaMeetU and is a free download, at least until the divorce hearing.

Maxine Weiss said...

Chuck Sholdt needs a shave.

Shame on Apple, on their most important day of the year, for hiring a shabbily-dressed, ungroomed Salesman.

If a female saleslady were trying hock $500.00 gadgets with chipped nailpolish and smudged mascara....they'd run her out of town on a rail.

Yet, a scruffy-looking guy in need of a razor and tweezers allowed to strut around and post for pictures? How humiliating for the company !

--Totally uncouth, and classless.


Pastafarian said...

How could something without a full-size keyboard ever be the death of the laptop? Absurd.

We'll see more and more posts and comments typed in the mini-keyboard style: Omitting articles and such. Sure, bloggy writing should be concise, and brevity is the soul of wit, yadda yadda...But I really don't feel like reading things written as if they were keyed into a phone by a 14 year old. I can even tell now which commenters don't use a full-size keyboard. Danielle, I'm looking at you and your lack of capitals.

idk, my bff jill...uggh.

Tell you what -- one of you iPad fans time your typing (or as the kids call it these days, keyboarding) speed in words per minute, and let me know what you can do. If it's less than 40, then that's pretty much useless.

Ann Althouse said...

"As for the Kindle, I never use mine because I think the gray on gray print is so ugly. I'm so used to reign on a lit screen that the e ink bugs me.. If it were crisp like psper print, it would be different."

I guess my typing on the iPad wasn't as good as it felt...

paper print

and used to reading on a lit screen

Pastafarian said...

Even if it were full-size, you couldn't use touch typing with all 8 fingers (and the right thumb for the spacebar). You're reduced to hunting-and-pecking, and typing by sight. You can't look at something else while you type.

Utterly useless.

Here's an idea: Make a laptop with a touchscreen in place of the mouse. And one that doesn't roast your chestnuts if you actually use it on your lap.

Pastafarian said...

Was the word "reign" autocompleted, like a phone would?


I'm sure that the iPad might be useful for watching video, or light surfing without commenting; but the death of the laptop??? It's too small, has no useful keyboard, and yet it's too big to put in your pocket like the iPod Touch (which is a very nifty little device, but no laptop replacement.)

Is there anyone here that will take the other side of this?

J Lee said...

Blogger Iapetus said...

"This is going to be a product that ends up being targeted more towards women than to men for the simple reason of [POTABILITY]."

I'll drink to that, J Lee.

4/3/10 4:00 PM

...just don't spill any on the iPad. My guess is they like water about as much as the iPhone does.

gefillmore said...


this is off topic (my new counselor would say that every time we went off topic (next time I'm going to have to tell her to quit saying that because my middle name is non sequitur))-

you look positively lovely-

must be something in the meade-

gefillmore said...

another 'aside' (this is about photography, so I'm pretty close to the subject at hand, and it is also about apple):

a fairly new app for the iphone that makes some really neat photos:


sorry, you'll just have to miss it if you won't copy and paste because I won't do the html thing (I never can remember)
(just turned 60; may I use that as an excuse?)-

I hope all have a good easter-

yes said...

I haven't tried Swype so I can't compare them, but that demo looks a LOT like ShapeWriter for the iPhone, and I know there's an Android version of Shapewriter. Maybe they licensed it to Android under another name.


I love Shapewriter; if I could make it my default keyboard I would. And that's why I hardly ever use it. It's a great replacement for Notes, but I use other full-featured apps which include note functions, like Evernote. And you can write an email in Shapewriter but it's very clunky to transfer it to the email app.

If I could designate Shapewriter as an alternative keyboard, like I can with Cyrillic or Hebrew, and use it whenever I need a keyboard on the iPhone, I would.

There are already a few iPhone apps which add haptic feedback to the keyboard. I haven't tried them, but that might be a way to get enough feedback to type accurately.

gefillmore said...

well crap

just google hipstamatic app

Brian said...

I would love to have an iPad. I plan to get one as soon as Apple decides to give up controlling every little thing I can and cannot do on it and allows me to install whatever I want without having to buy it through their ripoff store. I was looking at the iPad apps this morning and most of their prices are a joke.

Jason (the commenter) said...

What happens if you get it wet?

KCFleming said...

Hope the iPad is fun.

I'm having a hard time staying interested in anything at all at the moment, not music or gadgets or politics.

Just spent a week in Our Nation's Capitol. Tourist stuff. George Washington's outdoor privy had three seats. Very curious.

The only things that moved me at all were the Korean War memorial, the eagles on the World War II Memorial, and in the Nat'l Gallery of Art, a breathtakingly beautiful Pietà, from Spain around 1680, made of cloth stiffened with glue, for carrying in church processionals.

Otherwise I remain numb.

Anonymous said...

Hard to save PDF documents. Also, wifi keeps quitting.

David said...


This is a week of faithful celebration. On Monday and Tuesday nights, Jewish families and friends in the United States and around the world gathered for a Seder to commemorate the Exodus from Egypt and the triumph of hope and perseverance over injustice and oppression. On Sunday, my family will join other Christians all over the world in marking the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

And while we worship in different ways, we also remember the shared spirit of humanity that inhabits us all – Jews and Christians, Muslims and Hindus, believers and nonbelievers alike.

Amid the storm of public debate, with our 24/7 media cycle, in a town like Washington that’s consumed with the day-to-day, it can sometimes be easy to lose sight of the eternal. So, on this Easter weekend, let us hold fast to those aspirations we hold in common as brothers and sisters, as members of the same family – the family of man.

All of us know how important work is – not just for the paycheck, but for the peace of mind that comes with knowing you can provide for your family. As Americans, and as human beings, we seek not only the security, but the sense of dignity, the sense of community, that work confers. That is why it was heartening news that last month, for the first time in more than two years, our economy created a substantial number of jobs, instead of losing them. We have begun to reverse the devastating slide, but we have a long way to go to repair the damage from this recession, and that will continue to be my focus every single day.

All of us value our health and the health of our loved ones. All of us have experienced an illness, a loss, a personal tragedy. All of us know that no matter what we’re doing or what else is going on in our lives, if the health of someone we love is endangered, nothing else matters. Our health is the rock upon which our lives are built, for better and for worse.

All of us value education. We know that in an economy as competitive as ours, an education is a prerequisite for success. But we also know that ultimately, education is about something more, something greater. It is about the ability that lies within each of us to rise above any barrier, no matter how high; to pursue any dream, no matter how big; to fulfill our God-given potential.

All of us are striving to make a way in this world; to build a purposeful and fulfilling life in the fleeting time we have here. A dignified life. A healthy life. A life, true to its potential. And a life that serves others. These are aspirations that stretch back through the ages – aspirations at the heart of Judaism, at the heart of Christianity, at the heart of all of the world’s great religions.

. . . .

Coming to an Ipad near you, just in case you missed it.

vanderleun said...

Although trendy it is in general a poor idea to buy into Version 1.0 of anything from a device to a president. But some people just like unprotected consumerism.

I am damned pleased that so many today are paying so much to do my beta testing for me.

I'll be along at version 3.X .... Have fun screwing around with this one and "not getting things to work.""

vanderleun said...

And let us not overlook the Onion from just last December:

millions of consumers proceeded to their nearest commercial centers this week in hopes of acquiring the latest, and therefore most desirable, personal device.

"The new device is an improvement over the old device, making it more attractive for purchase by all Americans," said Thomas Wakefield, a spokesperson for the large conglomerate that manufactures the new device. "The old device is no longer sufficient. Consumers should no longer have any use or longing for the old device."

Added Wakefield, "The new device will retail for $395."

Able to remain operational for longer periods of time and occupy a demonstrably smaller three-dimensional space, the new device is so advanced when compared to the old device that it makes the old device appear much older than it actually is. However, the new device is reportedly not so radically different as to cause confusion or unwanted anxiety among those familiar with the feel of the old device.

"Its higher price indicates to me that it is superior, and that not everyone will be able to afford it, which only makes me want to possess it more," said Tim Sturges, owner of the old device, which he obtained 18 months ago when it was still the new device. "I feel a strong urge to purchase the new device. Owning the new device will please me and improve my daily life."

Freeman Hunt said...

Did you get the keyboard dock? If so, how do you like it?

Considering buying one but only if the keyboard dock is great.

mtrobertsattorney said...

I agree Pogo about the Korean War Memorial. I still haven't gotten over the first time a saw it from a distance. I thought it was a group of re-enactors made up as specters. The photos of this Memorial taken after the Great Blizzard make it appear even more mysterious.

Kevin Walsh said...

How do you work that thing without a mouse? I have tried tablets in Mac stores but I'm too clumsy. If they're phasing out mice I'm out of luck.


KCFleming said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KCFleming said...

My FIL was in Korea. The memorial was haunting and sad and showed the duty, bravery.

It's as if you stumbled on the scene as it unfolded.

Will Cate said...

re: Vicki from Pasadena: When we pay off college and law school for our girl, we will be in line!!!!

And the award for opening one's self up for ridicule goes to....

lucid said...

I hadn't bought a Kindle yet because I have been waiting for the early design to mature. But I recently downloaded Kindle for PC from Amazon, and now I am hooked. I find that I love reading novels on my laptop, and that the laptop funtions as a perfect "book-holder." Also, now I don't have to take both my books and a laptop anywhere.

I say all this because I am not sure either the Kindle or the iPad would be as easy to use as a good reading software program on a high quality notebook or netbook.

But I think I will wait for the Kindle 3 to really decide.

I do find Apple much too controlling to get involved with.

I think of Apple as the Obama/Pelosi of technology--they think that I work for them, that they can tell me what to do, and that they get to decide how much of my money I can keep.

Jasony said...

heh, the Apple employee looks like he's trying to use his mind ray on the buyer.

The guard just looks bored.

sosolobi said...

am I allowed to say YAWN!?

Anonymous said...

Post more photos like the second one and I guarantee you'll go from #3 to #1 in the lawprof blog rankings.

Anonymous said...

What we don't know is whether AA bought her new toy using her own money or using law school department funds. Which is it? Did you get an educator's discount from Apple?

Penny said...

"Considering buying one but only if the keyboard dock is great."

Both the tech reporters on Charlie Rose were lukewarm about the keyboard dock. Neither liked the placement, if I recall correctly. They quickly turned the conversation back to the touch pad, one saying that a speed typer took about five minutes to adjust and was off and running. The WSJ guy said he had completed most of a column for the newspaper with his new iPad, but it took some getting used to.

yes said...

Was that the real Roger von Oech? You got celebrities reading you, Ann.

Unknown said...

On the couch is EXACTLY how we'll be using one when they come out here in Australia.

But it really, really needs to have multi-user support. That is when it will take off as a home coffee table/bedside device.

Titus said...

Good evening fellow republicans and Happy Happy Easter.

My Indian husband and I purchased out Ipads at Copley in Boston (fab). Then we went to the Blue Hills with the rare clumbers. The Blue Hills are absolutely beautiful. The rare clumbers swam in Houghton Pond and we played with our new equipment. We love them.

Than we had dindin at Helmond in Cambridge which is owned my Karzai (the president of Afghanistan) brother. Than we came back to my loft and did it. The rare clumbers are exhausted and I will retiring to bed and heading out to one of my Italian friends from the North Shore to experience an Italian Beaster. Tortellini Soup-yum.

My Indian husband blew all over my face.

Thank you so much and have a wonderful holiday.

Titus said...

FYI-I now have an Ipad, Iphone and Mac Computer.

So fab.

Christopher - Conservative Perspective said...

Happy Easter!

Penny said...

At least we know the iPhone came before the iPad.

Many aren't sure, however, if the Easter chicken came before the Easter egg?

We have MUCH to discuss.

Penny said...

Happy Easter, everyone.

TheCrankyProfessor said...

I hate to say but I agree with Gerard about version 1.0. I used a teaching abroad semester and then a sabbatical outside ATT coverage as a way to postpone buying the iPhone - and lookie, I got a 3GS without having to trade up for one!

LoafingOaf said...

Some new Apple thing -- blah blah blah

lemondog said...

@Pogo, beautiful Pieta and that it has survived intact. Your 'eagles' link broken. Here is another

Been immersed in WW1&2 histories with reading B.Tuchman Guns of August and video collections of both wars.

barry's blog said...

OK frigtards, buy an iPad

Soulhuntre said...

The toolbar thing in pages is less than obvious. Essentially the toolbar is only there in portrait orientation. Just turn the iPad nod you will be all set.

MnMark said...

The wireless, i.e., bluetooth, keyboard works PERFECTLY with Pages. An essential for taking minutes of the state-level garden club association I'm about to become secretary of.

Ah, so you had to buy a separate keyboard in order to be able to be able to input data at a serious rate?

And now you're going to lay this iPad down flat on the table while you type.

I predict the next thing you'll have to buy is a stand to hold the iPad up at a comfortable viewing angle while you type.

And then you'll wish it had more connectibility - USB ports, external monitor connection, DVD drive, and buy special bluetooth versions of those things to lay on the table around the propped-up iPad.

And then somewhere along the line you'll realize you already had all that functionality, and in one portable package, when you had your slim-profile laptop.

Mian said...

Ipad relies entirely on software from iTunes and Apple gets a slice (no pun intended) of every activity associated with the iPad....if Microsoft had done this people would be rabid with their criticism, but Apple's kool...

We need more open-sourced software, not the elitist-monopolist product of greedy Steve Jobs.

Hope you enjoy your iPad...sucker!

AllenS said...

Off topic, check out Michelle Obama. She's a birther.


Andrea said...

Am I the only person on Earth who isn't all that thrilled with the idea of touch-screens? Maybe it's because I had oily skin as a kid and I was always getting fingerprints all over everything. And it's not like touch screens are new things -- we've had them since at least the early 80s when Disney World installed them in their information kiosks. And I already have a portable touch-screen device: here it is. It's an old HP handheld running Windows CE. I had to buy a stylus for it (the original was lost), but it will work with fingers as well. But I don't like getting fingerprints all over the screen. And as you can see it comes with a keyboard which is pretty comfy to type on, at least for me. I used to take notes with it when I was going to college a few years ago. All I need is to acquire a new cable so I can connect it to my desktop so I can upload documents from it -- I stupidly lost the cable when I gave away an old computer case (the cable was still in it).

Anyway, the iPad is just another cool gadget for impressing people at the coffee shop. There are laptops that are just as light and easier to type with and do more, so one day I'll probably get one of those. (I have a laptop, but it weighs a ton, so it's not much fun to carry around.)

bagoh20 said...

"Was the word "reign" autocompleted, like a phone would?

My first impression when I saw that typo was: She must be really smart, cause I don't even understand what she wrote, but it looks like it makes sense to really smart ipad people.

Unknown said...


Every picture I've seen of people using an iPad show them on a sofa. Does the iPad come with a sofa? Can an iPad be comfortably used without one?

kentuckyliz said...

Vicki from Pasadena: When we pay off college and law school for our girl, we will be in line!!!!

ic: What are you talking about? Buy an iPad, tell your daughter to get a student loan. Obama is paying for her college, courtesy of the little people who pay taxes. Don't forget, she may not have a job after getting her JD; if she does, most of her income will go to pay someone else's healthcare and college expenses. So be smart, buy an iPad, let Obama worry about your daughter's education. Oh, she doesn't even have to pay her loan back if she couldn't find a job, and only has to pay 10% of her income for 10 years if she lands a "govt" job, or 10% for 20 years if she is silly enough to work in the private sector. Again, the only sane thing to do is buy an iPad, and let Obama pay for her education.

When you order online from Apple, it ships from Shanghai. Fun to watch the shipping tracker hiccup at the international dateline.

You have to keep buying CHinese made products so that the Chinese keep accumulating excess American dollars that they need to do something with...and then they buy US Treasuries which makes the money for the student loan, the loan forgiveness, and the free pony healthcare plan available.

It's patriotic!!!!

kentuckyliz said...

Look at the box on any Apple Product: it is only DESIGNED in the USA.

kentuckyliz said...

I ordered the one with 3G so it won't ship until later in the month.

No Apple store here. Kinda richie rich for Appalachia. People here don't have a lot of money, so they need to spend it on necessities like food and OxyContin.

lemondog said...

...and then they buy US Treasuries

No, they buy gold or invest in resource-rich countries buying up oil, industrial metals, etc..

Meade said...

Julius Ray Hoffman said...
"Post more photos like the second one and I guarantee you'll go from #3 to #1 in the lawprof blog rankings."

Sez our charming resident pornographer. Heh.

Gary Rosen said...

"These are aspirations that stretch back through the ages – aspirations at the heart of Judaism"

... just as long as they don't aspire to live in Jerusalem. Then BO will get his Chicago Boyz to fit the yids with cement overshoes.

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