April 24, 2010

"Everybody Draw Mohammed Day" is not a good idea.

And as long as I'm disagreeing with Glenn Reynolds, let me say that I disapprove of "Everybody Draw Mohammed" Day, which he seems to be promoting. (Hot Air, Dan Savage, and Reason are actively delighted by the idea.)

I have endless contempt for the threats/warnings against various cartoonists who draw Muhammad (or a man in a bear suit who might be Muhammad, but is actually Santa Claus). But depictions of Muhammad offend millions of Muslims who are no part of the violent threats. In pushing back some people, you also hurt a lot of people who aren't doing anything (other than protecting their own interests by declining to pressure the extremists who are hurting the reputation of their religion).

I don't like the in-your-face message that we don't care about what other people hold sacred. Back in the days of the "Piss Christ" controversy, I wouldn't have supported an "Everybody Dunk a Crucifix in a Jar of Urine Day" to protest censorship. Dunking a crucifix in a jar of urine is something I have a perfect right to do, but it would gratuitously hurt many Christian bystanders to the controversy. I think opposing violence (and censorship) can be done in much better ways.

At the same time, real artists like the "South Park" guys or (maybe) Andre Serrano should go on with their work, using shock to the extent that they see fit. Shock is an old artist's move. Epater la bourgeoisie. Shock will get a reaction, and it will make some people mad. They are allowed to get mad. That was the point. Of course, they'll have to control their violent impulses.

People need to learn to deal with getting mad when they hear or see speech that enrages them, even when it is intended to enrage them. But how are we outsiders to the artwork supposed to contribute the process of their learning how to deal with free expression? I don't think it is by gratuitously piling on outrageous expression, because it doesn't show enough respect and care for the people who are trying to tolerate the expression that outrages them.

UPDATE: More here.


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Lockestep said...

I'll take a stab at the analogy challenge.

I liken the situation to the Abolitionist movement in England. Slavery was basically out of sight to the common Englishman. No one saw the everyday life of the West Indian slaves. The system benefited a few (plantation owners, slave traders) while economically repressing the common man by artificially lowering the cost of labor.
Into this situation stepped (mostly) the Quakers, who produced pamphlets and books which scandalized the people. The Quakers were attacked for producing the material which offended the majority, who had little to do with the minority responsible for the slaves, but through their inaction allowed slavery to continue.
Eventually the shock was enough to cause more and more people to turn against the system, and eventually it was destroyed.
Similarly, the majority of Muslims remain silent about the excesses of those who would impose their morals on the world. Until that majority is moved to force changes, until the enablers say "no more", the violent will hold a disproportionate share of power.
The cartoons are designed to shock, and to cause discussion among people who never heard of Theo Van Gogh. Just as the drawings of William Blake shocked the English.
Is the analogy perfect? No, but I think it comes closer than the Piss Christ. Thoughts?

jim said...

WTF?!? I agree with Ann Althouse!


I think it's a bad idea, not because I'm a concern-troll for radical Islam, or because my Flaming Leftist Card will be revoked if I don't disagree - but because it gives these psychopathic jackholes exactly what they want: oodles of attention & an excuse to go on a rampage.

As for Islam being more violent than Judaism or Christianity, don't make me LOL ... some folks over in the Gaza Strip can tell you all about just how peaceful Jews are, if the marathon of genocide they carried out in the Old Testament didn't already make matters perfectly clear - & the same point can be made in regards to central Africa, where some of the nastiest warlords are devout fundamentalist Christians (El Salvador, Sierra Leone & Lebanon also come to mind).

The punchline is that all three religions worship the same God Of Abraham - so to a godless heathen like me, they're all peas in a pod. Mocking Allah = mocking the Holy Trinity = mocking Yahweh.

I remain baffled by the ongoing deference given to superstition merely because a large number of folks believe in it (imagine if astrology required special buildings for astrological rites & its own clergy with pointy hats) ... but I think the best way to put it behind us is with critical thinking & education, not getting everyone to draw nasty cartoons.

blake said...

Some folks over in the Gaza Strip can tell you all about just how peaceful Jews are,

Why on earth would you believe them?

if the marathon of genocide they carried out in the Old Testament didn't already make matters perfectly clear

Actually, the current historical wisdom is that it never happened, something you (as a non-believer) might put more credence in than the Bible.

Also according to your brethren, godless heathen is an oxymoron.

Maximum Awesome said...

Personally, I would absolutely have supported a "dunk a crucifix in urine" day, for exactly the same reason I would support a "women voting" and "women wearing pants in public" day.

That IS how you combat censorship - by doing the thing that's censored until the censorers give up. How else could you possibly do it?

Ibrahim said...

Hi, I'm a Muslim and I have to say this is disgusting. I was disgusted with the radicals and extremists who make silly threats. Let me explain the Islamic background: in Islam we're not allowed to draw humans, especially Prophets (which includes Moses, Aaron, Jesus etc), because humans have a tendency to veer towards idolatry which is an absolute NO-NO in Islam. (For example, the saint worship prevalent in Catholicism) Add to that the insulting nature of these cartoons, and you can perhaps see why Muslims were offended.

Having said that, in Islam we're supposed to be better than non-Muslims in the sense that if they treat us badly, responding kindly may attract them towards Islam. But what these idiots are doing in the name of "humour" and "freedom" is pathetic. Wiith freedom comes responsibility; would you like it if people made cartoons satirizing, say, the Holocaust, or insulted ethnicities of any sort? I agree with the post that said that it's wrong that artists get to do anything just because they can. That's called leeching off society's indulgence, not freedom

blake said...

Hi, I'm a Muslim and I have to say this is disgusting. I was disgusted with the radicals and extremists who make silly threats.

Not silly threats: Death threats.

Let me explain the Islamic background: in Islam we're not allowed to draw humans

Historically untrue (and there's a mountain of art to prove it) and not true of all Musilms now.

But there are Christian sects who hold very similar beliefs as far as human and divine representation go.

But they don't go around killing people.

(For example, the saint worship prevalent in Catholicism)

Catholics don't worship saints.

Add to that the insulting nature of these cartoons,

Have you actually seen them? Of the original 12 cartoons, one doesn't show him at all, three show him in a form so abstract as to be meaningless, two of them show him with a halo, two (including one with a halo) are just straightforward drawings, two show him being a reasonable voice, one focuses on the artist's nervousness, and the remaining two show him as being a rather menacing figure.

and you can perhaps see why Muslims were offended.

Given that people died as a result of imams riling people up, perhaps you can see why the rest of the world thinks Muslims need to take it down a notch.

Having said that, in Islam we're supposed to be better than non-Muslims in the sense that if they treat us badly, responding kindly may attract them towards Islam.


But what these idiots are doing in the name of "humour" and "freedom" is pathetic.

You're free to denounce it.

Wiith freedom comes responsibility; would you like it if people made cartoons satirizing, say, the Holocaust, or insulted ethnicities of any sort?

You mean the sorts that extremist Muslims draw all the time?

I agree with the post that said that it's wrong that artists get to do anything just because they can. That's called leeching off society's indulgence, not freedom

Actually, it can be both. In this case, it's the latter.

Ibrahim said...

In reply to Blake:

Yes there were Muslims who used to draw the Prophet. Just like there are Muslims who kill and bomb people. that doesn't mean it's the mainstream view, mate

And don't you guys worship saints? I'm sorry but I went to Notre Dame and saw people actually praying to Saint Peter/Paul (I dunno, it was a tall fellow with a pointy beard). And don't cities/countries have patron saints to protect them/etc? Sorry but I guess that's the difference between Islam and Christianity.

And there are far far more Imams who denounce this kind of religious extremism; I have no idea why the media chooses to ignore them. Recently on Hannity's show this issue came up. They got Brigitte Whatsername (the snake-eyed brunette) to argue against Islam, and instead of getting a Muslim spokesman they got poor Juan Williams to argue for us. That with Hannity arguing against him too. I'm sorry; Williams did his best and I appreciate it, but it's definitely not as cut-and-paste as you say.

That's exactly what we're doing. And as to the radical freaks who go around making fun of the Holocaust, that's a NO-NO in Islam. We're not allowed to mock others' beliefs, because that'll just start a tit-for-tat fight.

Look I'm from Pakistan and you have no idea the sacrifices people over there are making to try and blot out terrorism. It's a crying shame that the media, and most Westerners, don't recognize that, and a real slap in the face.

And don't you think death threats are stupid? Dangerous, yes, but very very stupid.

Ibrahim said...

Do you think we Muslims don't realize how these people are defiling Islam? Instead of coming down on the extremist perps, you're trying to offend all Muslims to make a point? Look I have an old family friend, lived next door to me in Islamabad, who died during the war against the extremists. And believe me it works both ways--we can't tolerate intolerance, but surely we can make an effort to show respect (if you lot still remembers what that means). I salute Ann for speaking up for Muslims and decency worldwide

Hyphenated American said...

Look Ibrahim,

Freedom of speech is a fundamental Western value, and it's not negotiable. Secondly, SP made fun of Holocaust, ethnic groups, religions and the like. Thirdly, the Holocaust Denial, attacks on Jews is prevalent in the moslem world. If you truly believe that moslems are better than non-moslems, then you want object if we start treating moslems same way as moslems treat Jews, Christians and Buddhists in Pakistan, Iran, Indonesia and the like. Agreed? Fourthly, you tell me that Pakistani fight terrorism - but you neglect to say who are those terrorists - are they Jews?

Lastly, you spent a lot of time cursing those that dare not to follow Islami religious eddicts - but you faily to provide any ideas on how you will help defend the rights of South Park cartoonists to, Yes, insult Islam if they so choose. Nothing in your post explained how you want to assist us in defending freedom of speech. In short, you made the case that there is no other way to protect free speech in this country from islamic terrorists - but to spread the risk. Thanks for proving the point.

Ibrahim said...

Look Hyphenated chappie,

I know Freedom of Expression is a Western value. Pity about it, because I think there should be a line and I have NO respect for people who make fun either of Christianity, Judaism or any other religion.

I used to live in Pakistan. It's true that Christians are a minority, as are Hindus, but they're not persecuted or streamlined except in small isolated backward "hick" communities. Do you honestly believe that all Muslims, or even most, hate Jews, Christians and Buddhists? In the Quran it says that the closest people (in general) to Muslims are the Christians, because they're not arrogant. I have far far more respect for a religious Christian than I do for closet hate-mongerers who use "freedom of expression" as their excuse for anything. Believe me that Piss-Christ thing was a disgrace, and just shows how warped some people are, enslaved to their idea of freedom. It's for that reason I don't live in the USA--you can get away with anything you want as long as you have a pathetic-sounding enough alibi. It's strange--Canada technically has more liberal laws, but the people here are far more decent.

The terrorists I was referring to were the Taliban. Remember them? I also personally think that Israel is using apartheid tactics to crack down on its non-Jew people in true Holocaust fashion, but I appreciate that that's those people's fault, not all Jews. Nor do I think Israelis are monsters or ought to be blown up, and I'm speaking for msot Muslims here. We dislike Israel and would gladly see a two-state solution, but we're not all the barbarous hate-filled maniacs your media portrays. And there's a poster here saying that Allah has no sense of humour, whatever that's supposed to mean. Allah doesn't have human characteristics, but He has qualities such as Compassion, Force, Grace, Justice, etc. When Allah created man in His image, it's not a literal thing, it means that He gave us the ability to make choices, to think for ourselves etc..

Do Muslims disapprove of the Israeli regime? You bet; but we don't hate or dislike all Jews. Remember Jews and Christians were living harmoniously under Muslim rule in the same region for centuries. The "Dhimmi" card that critics draw is pathetic--the only difference between a dhimmi and a Muslim was that Muslims were obliged to fight if necessary against invaders, whereas non-Muslims didn't have to and just paid for the service with a small tax.

Hyphenated American said...


In your post you incessantly tell us whom you do respect and whom you don't. It's unfortunate that you neglected to ask of the how much I value your respect. I am not asking for your respect - what I am saying that freedom of speech is a non-negotiatble Western value - and you clearly do not agree with that. What I am demanding from you (not asking - demanding!) is that you tolerate my speech. Is this too much to ask? And if you believe so, let me ask you - what should be the punishment for people who "insult Islam", question Holocaust or claim that Jews are children of monkeys? All of the above goes for mosques and any private/government entities everywhere in the world.

In you email you also slipped up. You said that Israel is using "apartheid tactics to crack down on its non-Jew people in true Holocaust fashion". Here you clearly sound as a Holocaust deniar, and you are making false and hateful comments Israel and Holocaust. If you believe you have the right to make those comments without the danger of being punished - why should I be stopped from claiming that Islam is an evil religion?

I would also want to know your opinion about some moslem states that use Sharia laws - take Gaza, a true segregated state. What's your opinion on that?

I also want you to tell me how Israel's treatment of moslems is worse than moslem treatment of Jews? I also like you idea of levying extra taxes on people who are obliged to serve in the armed forces. You know that in Israel, only Jews HAVE to serve - does it mean you believe it's fair to lay dhimmi taxes on moslems in Israel? If it was okay for moslems to do this - would you believe the turn around is far?

blake said...

Yes there were Muslims who used to draw the Prophet. Just like there are Muslims who kill and bomb people. that doesn't mean it's the mainstream view, mate

Nice sleight-of-hand there: Conflating a harmless past activity with a current, deadly one.

Produce some numbers if you want me to believe that all billion of the Muslims care at ALL about (infidels!) drawing pix of Mohammed.

You know what else is kind of funny? Muslims riot over drawings but quietly accept the killing and bombing.


I'm not a Catholic.


Praying with. Important distinction.

>>Sorry but I guess ...

See, Freedom of Speech means you get to misrepresent another person's religion, like you're doing here with Catholicism.

And there are far far more Imams who denounce this kind of religious extremism; I have no idea why the media chooses to ignore them.

Maybe because denunciation isn't a comparable effort to rioting and violence.

>>but it's definitely not as cut-and-paste as you say.

I don't watch Hannity. And I'm you're the one saying it's cut-and-dried (not paste).

I say not all Muslims care about this crap--in fact, I suspect most don't. But they need to shut down the ones who do or they're complicit. Period.

Look I'm from Pakistan and you have no idea the sacrifices people over there are making to try and blot out terrorism. It's a crying shame that the media, and most Westerners, don't recognize that, and a real slap in the face.

Nope. I do recognize it. I'm rooting for you guys. It'd sure be a lot easier if the rest of the billion of you got together and agreed to marginalize the radicals.

And don't you think death threats are stupid? Dangerous, yes, but very very stupid.

Your word was "silly". That word does not apply.

blake said...

Whoops. Used the wrong kind of formatting. Well, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out what I was saying.

I also personally think that Israel is using apartheid tactics to crack down on its non-Jew people in true Holocaust fashion, but I appreciate that that's those people's fault, not all Jews.

Right. They're rounding non-Jews up and gassing them in concentration camps, just like The Holocaust.

Jeez, do you ever listen to yourself?

Ibrahim said...

whoohahaha. Believe me, Hyphenated American, I believe Israel has every right to levy dhimmi-type taxes on its Muslim subjects, long as they treat them right. And Blake--I appreciate your point, but any kind of persecution is not right. I used to live in Saudi Arabia and I loved it there--best years of my life, from 2002 to 2005, but I realize that they did have plenty of nepotism and also cruelty. My own home country, Pakistan, is filled with corruption and I don't realize why Muslims don't address these points before turning on, say, Israel or America.
And Hyphenated chappio, I didn't ask for your opinion old boy. Don't respect you enough, see.

Also, as regards the so-called "Sharia" laws in Muslim countries, those "Sharia" laws are levied by idiots who ignore parts of the original Sharia and impose other parts. Take the stoning of adulterers--that punishment can only be levied IF there are 4 reliable sources, all corresponding, witness to the adultery. In countries like America, a "God-fearing" nation where adultery is widespread and half-celebrated, I guess that might be received with a bit of shock.

I appreciate the horrors of the Holocaust and it's sickening when Muslims or others deny it. But to exploit the murders of those people as justification for just about anything their descendants do is a crime, in my opinion. Murder is murder, whether it's a Muslim or a Jew or an atheist or a Christian who's killed.

Ibrahim said...

oh and Hyphenated American please don't call me "Ibie". Sends a chill down my spine, y' unnerstand.

Zergu said...

There is NO offense in depicting Muhammad, this is a total lie told by extremists who seek any opportunity to stomp on freedom and democratic values.



sadafzarar said...

mostly you people are afraid of muslims... and when there is no reasonable defence you find to confront muslims you start targeting us emotionally ,making us feel disgust by being disrespsctful to our prophet,but remember muslims are taught from the very begining to stay peaceful..... and yu are believing jst exactly wjhat your leaders want you to believe, what i mean is that muslims have been intentionally portrayed wrongly,so better open your eyes and wake up from this slump you are in to....you will soon realize this.............. what we demand is perfectly rational... let us believe in our own faiths.... did we ever interfered with your beliefs? did we ever commit disrespect...... YOU DONT EVEN KNOW YOURSELVES,,,,,,,, GO SEARCH INTO IT......

sadafzarar said...

dear ! muslims are offended mainly because they know that by organizing this art competition you would be open heartedly commiting blasphemy and disrectpect..... coz you dont want to waste any chance of looking down upon muslims............surely not m,any of you would recognize the reality that prophet muhamnmad was the greatest personality of alln the times...... you people are already so biased as you will never open yur eyes...................

Sameed Khan said...

Great job on the article. Looking at things from the other's perspective. Very unbiased. As it should be in sensitive matters. I personally have nothing against these cartoonists. In my opinion you need to be a Muslim to understand the respect we have for the prophet. I cant and dont blame them for not understanding. However I do blame our extremist brothers for making things worse and a few hotheaded people from the "retaliation-against-retaliation" movement.

By the way, who defines the bounds of freedom of speech? I've seen people flip when someone says freedom of speech is just another a cult. If there are no boundaries, then those who believe in freedom of speech should have no problem whatsoever with anyone who openly denies the concept. If you want your opinion to be respected, you should learn to do the same for others. And if you can't then your concept of free speech, im sorry to say, is more of an excuse to say whatever you want than a right. Not everyone knows enough about everything.

"Should we not discuss the Holocaust because that offends neo-Nazi's."

Quote Wikipedia: "Holocaust denial is illegal in a number of European countries. Many countries also have broader laws that criminalize genocide denial."
Though hats of to the media of USA. They make fun of any and everything. (Simpsons episode on Jerusalem)

Steve W. said...

I drew Muhammad, but I don't think it hurts Muslims. I think it empowers Americans. It's really a difference of perspective. www.sowily.com

FoibleBear said...

This is not about insulting Islam. It cannot be compared to Piss Christ, it is a completely different sentiment.

Try to understand the outrage of Westerners who feel *physically threatened* by another culture for doing something as simple and every-day as a piss-take.

This goes to the heart of our culture in the West. We grow up being able to take the piss of whatever we like, including ourselves, our own government, our own religions, and that's a healthy thing.

We regularly lambaste Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, what-have-you. The point is, we can do it in *safety*. Ripped apart by the media perhaps, but safe from death threats and violence.

This is part of a backlash caused by fear of a culture rearing its head within our own, which appears to be quick to violence and we are standing up to say *we will not accept institutionalised repression and violence in our society*.

Look at the backlash at the Catholic Church for its horrid inadequacies. Why should Islam be exempt from that? Expression our common moral outrage is how we've pulled ourselves out of the Dark Ages and overcome repression within our own culture.

This is how our Western culture *works*. This is why women, minorities, etc. have equal rights (more or less) these days.

We *will not* allow repressive beliefs to take hold in our society again. THAT is what this is all about.

Piss Christ my ass.

Unknown said...

Ibrahim: "Believe me that Piss-Christ thing was a disgrace, and just shows how warped some people are, enslaved to their idea of freedom."

I don't think that word means what you think it means. I'd rather be "enslaved" to the idea of freedom, than be "free" to do a certain number of things but not others on pain of stoning.

Ibrahim: "It's for that reason I don't live in the USA--you can get away with anything you want as long as you have a pathetic-sounding enough alibi."

Except murder. It seems, however, that in Islam, you can (literally) get away with murder. I'm talking about sanctioned stoning, killings of women by relatives, etc. for relatively harmless acts, like, yes, adultery - which is harmless. Is that truly a preferable situation to you? Are those outcomes truly acceptable to you?

Ibrahim: "It's strange--Canada technically has more liberal laws, but the people here are far more decent."

Depends what you mean by "decent". I'll take not being physically threatened for behaviour which may offend but does not harm anyone. We all have to live in this world and, therefore, accept that others will say things we don't like. Is that really so hard? If so, I'm sorry but you don't have my sympathy. We all have to do it, to live together.

Ibrahim: "I know Freedom of Expression is a Western value. Pity about it, because I think there should be a line [..]"

Yes, there is a line. The line is that people don't injure each other because they disagree. That, to me, is a good line. But people should *always* be free to disagree and put their view, whatever that is.

You see, we have spent decades fighting for our liberties - equality of women, minorities, the disadvantaged. Perhaps you can understand the resentment we feel concerning perceived Islamic values that undermine those things.

We *don't want* your laws and attitudes concerning women, dress, speech and behaviour in our countries, because we fought hard to move away from those kinds of regimes. The way we live is preferable to us. You have to accept that.

We are scared you want to impose your attitudes on our culture, which is not acceptable. We *value* individual expression and rights. Yes, there is a line and we continually discuss that in our society all the time. We don't need arbitrary rules, not from Christians, not from Muslims. We work it out via argument and discussion. It's an evolving thing. Why is that so bad?

Case in point - your comment about stoning is very telling: "Take the stoning of adulterers--that punishment can only be levied IF there are 4 reliable sources, all corresponding, witness to the adultery."

So killing someone, in a most horrid and sickening way, is only acceptable IF... IF... this is the point. Here, it is NEVER acceptable to kill or even hurt someone for something as harmless as adultery. You even sanction it if the poor girl was raped! Don't you see how awful, how *primitive* this looks to outsiders?

Yes, primitive. Christianity also behaved like this, burning people for this and that. In the past... our *past*, which we have moved on from, seems to be your *present*. Don't you see that? This is a big source of disrespect for Islam. Your laws represent attitudes we have fought very hard to move on from.

Sorry this turned out so long. But I hope it explains some things. I believe that the only way we will ever live is peace is to *understand* each other. Hopefully, one day, come to accommodations.

Understanding where we both come from, why each of our positions are the way they are.. that's the only way forward.

I appreciate you being open to discussion. Respect comes from seeing an effort to understand another's views. This, I think, is the problem Islam faces in the West. We are being asked to accept and understand Islam, but we don't feel it is being reciprocated.

Unknown said...

Ann, you're projecting. It's "everybody draw Mohammed day," not "everybody mock Mohammed day." You're presupposing that all images created would be, somehow, offensive, no matter their content. And if that's true, that sorta proves the point.

Anonymous said...

"... depictions of Muhammad offend millions of Muslims who are no part of the violent threats."

Yes, but it's been created as a result of the violent tendencies of some. "Piss Christ" didn't result in muders and assaults unless I missed something.

They can be offended if they're non-violent. I can accept that. I don't have to worry about those people trying to kill me for drawing something. That I can't accept.

Unknown said...

Sorry to disagree. Personally, I think anything which raises awareness of things we "daren't speak of" is a *good* idea. At least we're discussing it. Talking is better than fighting, without exception.

Case in point, let's raise the issue of our terrible Western "indecency" and freedoms, which Muslims are fond of pointing at.

See here:

It states that Aisha, Mohammed's last bride, was about 6 years old when they were brought together, and about 9 years old when the wedding was "connumated". Let's not mince words, he rooted a 9 year old girl. Lovely. And Muslims have a go at *our* indecent freedoms?

Side of their hypocrisy, Mohammed has a some of his own, namely that the Quran states girls can only be wed once attaining puberty. Aisha was still playing with her dolls.

Now I don't mean to poke holes for its own sake. I'm saying nobody is perfect. Not "us", not "them". We all have our problems, inconsistencies, things we still need to work out and develop in our own cultures.

I hope we can continue to annoy the hell out of each other, as it is a natural part of the process of understanding!

If it comes to blows, it is not the argument which is to blame. It is *violent people* who are to blame. Not Islam, not the West. Violent individuals cause violence. They should be punished and people should learn that violence resolves nothing. It teaches nothing. It solves nothing.

Tolerance is the lesson here, on both sides. That opens the door to understanding, from which leads the was to mutual respect.

Jeff-in-Germany said...

Ann - the problem with your logic is where you draw the line? At 50% of no-radical muslims being offended? 20%? 5%? One person? At some point, we have to assert our culture that says people WILl get offended by free speech but we still allow it.

Robert Langham said...

I consider it an effort to liberate my muslim brothers from their backwards beliefs.

Reliapundit said...

"But depictions of Muhammad offend millions of Muslims who are no part of the violent threats."





Unknown said...

There are two problems with Ann's "piss Christ" comparison.

#1, no Christian advocated beheading the artist; he was in no physical danger. The Islamists are using real threats, of actual physical harm including death, to suppress art they don't like. The Christians -- those that cared at all -- used at best public opprobrium and possibly economic means to effect change, which leads to the second issue.

#2, piss Christ was funded with public tax dollars. If the censored South Park episode was paid for with public money, then I'd have no problem with peaceful protest against the use of public money explicitly to defame a religious icon -- whether that icon was Jesus or Mohammed. 'Course, if it was privately funded -- as all such "insults to Islam" have been to date -- then they can just STFU.

Anonymous said...

That's a hard comparison, one of DRAWING, versus one of URINE. Hmmm. You know, Christians also believe images of God are wrong, but if you want to draw one, I don't think you'll cause many to cry or want to kill you.

Unknown said...

Celebrating Everybody draw is like celebrating offense against a group!! I mean how can one be allowed to offend other person while being an activist of free speech?? Does freedom mean to go out rapping others!?!? its not just about drawing Muhammad (peace be on him) it is more like celebrating an offense!! and show how outrageous is hamburger society!

Unknown said...

Perhaps if there were an obvious push back against the extremes of Islam, there wouldn't be this kind of 'in your face' reaction.

kindle said...

even as good thing, moslem is prohibited to potray Muhammad pbuh,

western even insult their mothers.. it yours....it's a freedom of speech for you...

BarryD said...

Being offended is a grown-up's way of saying that his "sensibilities" were hurt.

"Being offended" is not a grown-up's anything.

Unknown said...


I question your assertion that "millions of Muslims" are necessarily being offended by (largely benign) drawings of Mohammed. Their taking of offense is extremely selective. Centuries of depictions of their prophet by Muslims and non-Muslims alike: no outrage. A bunch of Danish imams apparently produce fake, extremely offensive drawing purely as slander to inflame the masses; why weren't they beheaded? All this "outrage" is purely a political ploy, and it's long past time we stopped playing their game.

Awais Yaqub said...

Act of stupidity, it is clear creators of such contents are not actually protecting freedom of speech but targeting Muslims deliberately, reason being they are too much afraid off most peaceful, tolerant and fastest growing religion in this world especially in Europe and it will continue to grow, if you disagree show me some example of your tolerance!

No matter how much i disagree with War on Iraq and american troops fighting war on terror for OIL and killing inocent muslims i won't draw them burried in shit, just because it is too stupid and Islam don't allow that, my heart still goes with parents of dead American solders, this is what my way of life taught me.

It btw amuses me when you say Islam is violent! are you blind or ignorant about your own life?

Mike Lorrey said...

I DON'T care what other people hold sacred. Really... I don't. And as someone with a sense of humor, who understands comedy, I know that one of the core ethics of comedy is the violation of the sacred, whether they be our mores, our politics, our religion (but I repeat myself), our sex lives, our appearance, etc...

You may consider yourself a spiritual person, and have respect for other religious people, but there are plenty of religious people in the world who know that if you can't laugh at yourself, and your religion, then you really are a sad sack.

I'm a catholic and I love jokes about catholics that portray the pope, jesus christ, priests and nuns in general, the saints, or any other 'sacred cows' in a negative or humorous light.

The purpose of things like "Draw a Picture of Mohammad Day" is to help educate the muslims of the world to the fact that if they can't be amused about their religion, then they really do deserve to be depicted by all the worst stereotypes about muslims that are made.

The funniest joke is about someone who takes themselves too seriously.

Unknown said...

Could the good Muslims stand up for them selves and separate them selves from the radicals so we know where thy stand.speak up if you love America, and stand with us.stand! or die with them!!!

health said...


plasmacuter said...


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