April 7, 2010

Conserve printer toner: Make Century Gothic your font.

On line, it doesn't matter. No one cares if your electrons are black or white.

In the office, how about just not printing stuff out at all? I've been using my iPad in class instead of printing out my class notes. In dollars, how many toner cartridges equals one iPad, hmmm?

Maybe companies/universities should be providing us printer-users with iPads. More likely they'll start dictating what font we should use. It will be like forcing compact fluorescent light bulbs on us. You might say: I'll turn off the lights whenever I leave a room, and I'll use a dimmer and keep my lights low. But the answer is: No, we don't care about other things you do to save electricity; we want you saving electricity the official way, the way that makes you feel bad, fluorescent bulbs.

The same with fonts. Maybe the university will dictate the use of Century Gothic on any document that is to be printed. I might say: But I will take the time to eliminate all verbosity in my documents, making them as short as possible, and I will print out only a small fraction of the things I write and read. But the answer will be: No, we don't care about the other things you do to save toner; we want you saving toner the official way, the way that makes you feel bad, Century Gothic font.


Anonymous said...

It should be illegal to print out anything that is illogical, nonfactual conjecture, or just plain stupid.

Let's start there and then see if we need to eliminate serifs.

Smilin' Jack said...

I've been using my iPad in class instead of printing out my class notes.

Using an iPad consumes electric power. Printing notes sequesters carbon. How can you look those drowning polar bears in the eye?

George said...

Next thing you know, Ann, they'll outlaw your "Print N Share" app.

Bob said...

You've certainly nailed exactly the mindset of the nanny state, Ann. Well done!

Anonymous said...

When they outlaw Goudy Stout, only outlaws will use Goudy Stout.

Curtiss said...

This is the first step toward a Graphics Nanny State.

Jenny said...

Ironically enough, century gothic was my standard font in college because many profs had page requirements for papers. Century Gothic has a wide footprint and looks cool enough that it doesn't shout page filling.

Curtiss said...

These are decisions that should best be left to me and my printer.

Automatic_Wing said...

First they came for comic sans and I didn't speak up because I hated comic sans...

Original Mike said...

That reminds me. It's time to buy another bolus of light bulbs.

rhhardin said...

People only read the tops of the letters anyway.

Anonymous said...

U.S. out of my toner fuser kit!

Curtiss said...

What's next?

Comma quotas?

MPorcius said...

British spellings, with all those extra "u"s in places like color and armor, should also be avoided. However, the way Britons skip the period (henceforth to be designated "dot," a savings of three letters) after "Mr" and the "s" after sport is to be commended.

Triangle Man said...

I just saw a speech by someone from CSPI about food regulations and she used Comic Sans. Will all of the different nanny state factions eventually cancel each other out?

What about the eco font?

victoria said...

Ann, Helvetica is my jam. I love it and have used it as my signature font forever!!
Power to the fonts!!!!!

Vicki from Pasadena

Triangle Man said...

By the way, as Jenny and the article both mentioned, Centry Gothic is wide and may lead to using more paper.

traditionalguy said...

The Trillion dollars that the Congress so easily added to the deficit and called themselves heros still is repayable ( without interest) as a thousand dollars every second for thirty two years. So by all means save a few pennys a day and feel better than wasteful people.

Anonymous said...

The New York Times should be forced to switch to Comic Sans. Fair warning and all that.

Tom said...

Serif of Nottingham-esque

Anonymous said...

What's next?

Comma quotas?

Caps Cap and Trade.

jeff said...

I sure there was a study before implementing the regulation. How much toner is saved p/printer by changing the font?

mariner said...

Sometimes Althouse, you make entirely too much sense.

This is not allowed.

Anonymous said...

Years ago, I saw a Dilbert comic strip where the boss, railing against wastefulness in the office, complains of people using full colons in situations where a semicolon would do.

Tom said...

The anti-embellishment blockheads read The Fontainhead, didn't they?

Will said...

I have a HP LaserJet 1100 that I bought in 1999. It's on its second toner cartridge, which set me back about $40 a few years ago. So an ipad is at least 10 cartridges and 73 years of printing at my current rate. Not really a good trade off.

Rialby said...

Does everyone remember the old days before the Font Protection Act of 2012 when we were free to use whatever font we wanted?

First they came for Constantia and I said nothing...

LordSomber said...

I used to dislike Century because it used to have no bold italic. Berkeley was a great font until the AJC started using it, and you'd see it everywhere. Goudy is always good though.
Helvetica? Nah, I use Univers for that 60's corporate feel.
Yeah, I'm a font geek.

Who was it who said "Comic Sans is the AOL of fonts"?

LordSomber said...

I meant Century Schoolbook, not Century Gothic. Century Gothic is just an Avant Garde/Futura knockoff anyway.

Curtiss said...

Actually, some laser toner cartridges have page counters. They stop working after a certain number of pages have printed, whether they're out of toner or not.

So how does that fit into the Jack-Booted-Font-Fascist's Centralized Graphics Control Agenda?

Unknown said...

On line, it doesn't matter. No one cares if your electrons are black or white.

How naive of you. OLED displays (as seen on the newest Android phones) consume much more power for white pixels than for black ones. You cannot escape your environmental obligations just by avoiding printing. Surely the impact of an occasional print-out pales before those millions of environmentally sensitive Android users partaking of your blog.

Perhaps a federal font mandate is in order? I think we ought to introduce a tax on font sales and offer tax rebates for use of certified environment-friendly fonts. Surely a newly established Department of Sustainable Font Efficiency and Legibility can be trusted to impartially evaluate such things and establish a sliding scale. We might even tighten the requirements over the years, leading to ever more energy efficient fonts as font designers are forced to finally own up to their environmental responsibilities!

-- perry

BJK said...

You can have my Garamond when you pry it from my cold, dead, carpral-tunnel-having hands!

(As to electrons being black and white, wasn't there a movement to have Google go to an all-black page instead of white, since it would save electricity to rendering that much black on LCDs? Pretty sure that already happened.)

Scott said...

This AP article was a waste. Every claim of resource saving and readability at the top of the article is contradicted by experts in later paragraphs.

Contrary to what the UW-Green Bay expert says, Century Gothic is nearly unreadable in blocks of text. What's more, the speculative cost savings are bogus. (Never trust an estimate with a lot of zeros at the end.)

When I design documents, I stick with the fonts commissioned by Microsoft. They scale well, display well in browsers that run on PCs, and can be embedded in PDFs. (The font Georgia is particularly nice for business communication. It has big serifs and gives a document a pleasingly calm feeling. Give it a few points of leading for maximum readability.)

If you want people to use less toner and ink, tax paper.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

wasn't there a movement to have Google go to an all-black page instead of white, since it would save electricity to rendering that much black on LCDs

What next? Blue screens with white lettering. Do away with the GUI and bring back the C Prompt C:/ to avoid all the wasteful graphic pixel hogging and electric costs?

Maybe I should have saved my old Vic 20

Bill said...

Ann Althouse: "On line, it doesn't matter. No one cares if your electrons are black or white."

Perry The Cynic: How naive of you. OLED displays (as seen on the newest Android phones) consume much more power for white pixels than for black ones.

Save the environment — switch to light gray text on a black background!

Chase said...

Of course liberal academia would search for ways to control others rather encouraging creativity.

Controlling the lives of other people: the very foundation of today's political liberal thought.

LordSomber said...

Scott, I agree -- the article is a waste.
It's not a secret that serif fonts are more readable whether they're in smaller type, in block text, or reversed (white on black).

Support your local serif.

Jim Hu said...

So... how is the iPad working for you in class? I took mine to seminars and meetings for the first time yesterday, and while it was OK for notetaking, I need to refine how I do it.

MadisonMan said...

Of course liberal academia would search for ways to control others rather encouraging creativity.

I think UWGB is being very creative in how they try to accomplish savings.

If you can think of a better way to save money, propose it. Making a certain font a default is hardly the end of civilization.

A.W. said...

i am pretty tech savy, but even with a disability that makes it hard for me to write by hand, i appreciate the value of print outs on real paper. you can write your edits right on the paper and then enter them into the computer. even with a disability in writing by hand, it is still more convenient than typing (when i am not disabled). so i am pretty skeptical of these e-book solutions.

The best use of e-book tech is my kindle app on my blackberry. that lets me read things even laying down in bed, with the blackberry on the pillow next to me. i usually fall asleep doing exactly that.

I don't see an i-pad being used that way, and frankly i am not sold on the rest of the tech. it sound marginally better at a few things, but not so much better as to justify its price. maybe in about 5 years the ipad will come down in price enough to make sense for me.

Anonymous said...

Regarding fonts that make you feel bad, for me it's always Arial.

AlphaLiberal said...

Yea, maybe the UW will recommend what font to use to conserve resources. Teh horror! Why it's just like Stalin! Except different!

It's very interesting to me how adamantly conservatives oppose conserving.

It's striking how much conservatism has become an ideology of gluttony and greed. Even to the point that our nation is less secure due to increased reliance on imported oil.

Here we are, for example, facing a national oil crisis (that also funds the terrorists, BTW) and conservatives insist on opposing fuel efficiency standards and promoting gas guzzlers.

The kids be damned!

AlphaLiberal said...

Re: Fonts. Painful experience has taught me to duck font debates! Ugh!

Chip Ahoy said...

Also, Century Gothic was designed for limited blocks of text such as titles and headlines, not for full documents, said Haley,

Why that's a good point you make there Mr. Haley.

who describes fonts as his "children."

Ha ha ha. You loon. You have to create typefaces for them to be your children.

Haley said he still recommends Times New Roman or Arial for their readability.

Back again then with another fine point.

Larry J said...

The next logical step is to discourage the use of upper case letters. After all, they take more ink or toner than lower case letters. Then, mandate smaller fonts, say a 6 or 8 point instead of 10 or 12. You'll not only save ink, you'll need fewer pages to print your document.

Whether you'll actually be able to read your document is besides the point.

bagoh20 said...

Don't lawyers use a lot of toner, paper, oxygen. I'm just saying if you care, there is a group we can tell to shut up with very little controversy and make great progress on many fronts.

WV: tedeh - thank you, thank you very much.

Dustin said...

I dunno about the ipad, but providing note using employees with 5 year old tablets would be very cost effective where I work.

I've had a tablet for years, used one note and many other programs. Used it as an ereader and game player. It's running Windows, and is totally open and easy to use. I fear the ipad's management of what I can and can't do with it and my data, as well as the future of a device whose battery will fail and can't be swapped (you give them your ipad, and they give you a different one), is just not smart business.

Hell, from a security standpoint, it's not a great idea. but that's just my personal aversion. It's time for companies like Universities to seriously consider removing printers entirely from all but a few offices. Require a tablet, and either pay or give an allowance or just require it like you do business clothing.

People who can't handle that probably are not your valuable worker bees, and people who are awesome enough to justify the idiosynchratic use of dead trees probably can override the directive.

KCFleming said...

I shot the Serif, but I didn't shoot the Century (gothic).

reader_iam said...

So many articles I read today make my teeth itch.

A.W. said...


> It's very interesting to me how adamantly conservatives oppose conserving.

Mmm, yeah. Meanwhile liberals gather together in Copenhagen to talk about it and take private jets rather than meeting on skype. Al gore uses more electricity in a month at his house than most people use in a year, etc. he shows up to speak at an environmental rally in a fleet of suburbans, and then leave them running the whole time he is speaking. This isn’t about conservation, but control.

Indeed that is Ann’s point. The ipad, in her opinion, would conserve even more, but big stupid government can’t figure that out.

Michael said...

SlowJoe: I had hoped that iPad would have handwriting recgnition, but apparently it does not. What brand tablet have you found satisfactory and are they still being produced?

A.W. said...


By the way, I am wondering how it can be that liberals stand for freedom in so many contexts, but support totalitarian controls of our lives in others?

How do you say in abortion that it is your body and your choice, but on the other hand in everything else related to health, the government has a right to take things over.

How can so many liberals support the legalization of pot and increasing demonization of tobacco?

How can you support a right to engage in gay sex, but ban trans-fatty acids in new york?

I just mentioned that the environmentalist movement is really about control but how can you guys favor so much control on some subjects and then play all libertarian on others?

KCFleming said...

"I am wondering how it can be that liberals stand for freedom in so many contexts, but support totalitarian controls of our lives in others?"

Because slavery is freedom, and ignorance is strength.

bagoh20 said...

What about sending someone a pink slip via iPad? Is there an app for that? Does it self destruct the iPad like on Mission Impossible?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

It's very interesting to me how adamantly conservatives oppose conserving.

Here we are, for example, facing a national oil crisis (that also funds the terrorists, BTW) and conservatives insist on opposing fuel efficiency standards and promoting gas guzzlers.

I don't oppose conserving. I oppose stupidity and useless counterproductive restrictions on people and on free enterprise.

Show me a 'fuel efficient' eco friendly electric vehicle or hybrid truck that can haul a trailer loaded with a John Deere backhoe up a 4% grade....in the snow. How about one that can deliver a load of sheet rock or other construction materials. Pull a horse trailer. A load of hay. 8 kids to the basketball game at the high school 50 miles away.

Hybrids work very well when you live in an urban or even suburban setting and don't have to drive very many miles. Some of us use our vehicles for work purposes and drive many many miles daily. Hybrids just don't work for us.

Trying to shove everyone in the country into the same gutless wonder weenie mobiles just isn't going to work. They can make the new cars be 34 mpg. I'm not going to buy one. We'll just keep our existing vehicles on the road because.....they function, have boucoup power, are easy to repair, cost less to license and insure. And look very cool.

The free market system works.

High gasoline prices will MAKE people conserve. $3.00 gasoline? Please...we've been paying over $3.00 a gallon for at least 8 months. When gasoline is over $6.00 to $8.00 a gallon, I might consider making some changes.

Titus said...

I am trying out for the Rockettes today in Boston, wish me luck.

I don't know how to change my font. I also don't know how to put any pictures on my computer. I do have a fab computer though. My husband says I am technically challenged.

What does your font choice say about you?

I am crowning at this moment so will need to leave to pinch a loaf.

There have not been any breasts on this site for quite some time and for that I am heartbroken.

Lastly, I am really into Bayfield, Wisconsin at this moment. The restaurants and B&B's are totally expensive and fab. Who knew? All the way up in northern Wisconsin.

Hazy Dave said...

You wanna make their frickin' heads explode, ask 'em how to make Century Gothic the default font on your Microsoft Office products so ya don't have to remember to manually change it every time you create a new document.

We're supposed to use CG as the font on Visio drawings here, and every time we make a new text box or drag a flowchart stencil shape onto the sheet, it's always bleedin' Arial. Know of a way to change the default? Let me know.

Sheryl Crow's "one sheet of toilet paper" suggestion makes about the same amount of sense.

Titus said...

Some of the lodging in Bayfield Wisconsin is over $300.00 a night. How fab.

You don't see that in Wisconsin.

Is there any other place in Wisconsin where you would pay over $300.00 a night for a room?

Maybe somewhere around Door County.

I am liking the Rittenhouse Inn in Bayfield.

Vegetarian options are nonexistent though in terms of the restaurants.

Do you know how hard it is to find a restaurant for both the non vege and the vege?

My husband and I have actually had multiple fights regarding going out to dindin. I proposed that we don't anymore because it is such a pain in the ass.

He also can not drink anything with ice in it. It drives me crazy sometimes but really it shouldn't be a big deal.

My loaf just poured out like a soft serve ice cream machine.

Freeman Hunt said...

Saves $20?

Helpful information. If the University mandates usage of this font, you can drop a twenty at the office of whoever made the the decision. And with your twenty you can include a note:

"Here's your $20, cheapskate. Now I'll use whatever font I like."

Later in the article, it says it uses more pages. WTF? Trees? Ink? What is the cause du jour?

Michael said...

DustBunnyQueen: Excellent post. Liberals do not much know about backhoes!! Now a prius, a $35,000 bumper sticker, that's another thing. Speaking of which I rented one recently and was quite impressed with its speed. I kept the pedal to the floor the moment the light turned green so I don't think I saved any gas or anything, but otherwise it was impressive. Too expensive, of course, but not as sluggish as I thought.

Freeman Hunt said...

Maybe students should be required to etch their papers into the leftover skins of vegetables they have eaten.

chickelit said...

Here we are, for example, facing a national oil crisis (that also funds the terrorists, BTW) and conservatives insist on opposing fuel efficiency standards and promoting gas guzzlers.

Piss-off Alpha. I drive a 43 MPG diesel.
Two things bug me about you and your ilk:
(1) The insane opposition to diesel technology, especially in California.
(2) The love of hybrids, supposedly for enviro reasons, but without giving any thought to the nickel and nickel mining behind the stupid things.

wv: "emishes" fancy that!

Titus said...

When he eats tofu it makes me a little sick.

I called his food shit the other weekend and for that I apologized.

Titus said...

I also call him a subhuman inferior to me brownie.

Because he is an Indian and brown and I am white.

Isn't that cute

But he is an Indian with a British accent and that is really hot. You just don't expect it and the contrast between the Indian and the British accent is almost overwhelming.

He calls pants trousers.

When his friends have her period he calls it the bumps or something like that.

Oh and when things are good they are brill-love that.

Titus said...

Are there fags in Arkansas?

When I was little I went with my parents to Lake of the Ozarks which I think is in Arkansas or is that Missouri?

Titus said...

Where's Meadsy Poo?

Titus said...

I would do West Virginia's governor.

chickelit said...

Where's Meadsy Poo?

Try looking in the toilet Titus- you're good at that. :)

What's that? you saw a reflection?

Don't fall in love!

Freeman Hunt said...

Titus, there were people at my high school who were out. That was over ten years ago. You are not exotic.

jimbino said...

Seems to me that a person who doesn't breed has the right to his share of world pollution in the form of any font at any size in any color with or without serifs.

Penny said...

Green jobs!

Diane Blohowiak - Coordinator information technology user support, U of WGB; Thom Brown - ink researcher Hewlett Packard; Alan Haley - director of "words and letters" Monotype Imgaging; Simon Daniels - program manager Microsoft Typology Group; unnamed employee doing research for Printer.com; Dinesh Ramde - associated press writer and last but not least, an anonymous RULE MAKER at U of W.

Scott said...

@Lord Somber:

"Support your local serif."

You slay me. :-)

David said...

Stop sending out memos telling people what to do. That might help.

Hire a scrivener. People are seeking work.

The Althouse way: eschew verbosity.

Or . . . get a life.

Scott said...

Yeah, hire a scribbler. That's the ticket.

Freeman Hunt said...

Save jobs. Instead of reading things on paper, hire pages trained in oral traditions to take verbal memos to people.

reader_iam said...

I do have a fab computer though.

Is it one of the biodegradable ones?

chickelit said...

Regarding the iPad: "Will it Blend?" video that went viral yesterday:

A certain "greenblogger" (LOL) was not amused:

This joker and cohorts need to go tour some of the horrendous precious metal mines, the manufacturing facilities, an e-waste dump and get first hand experience with how much goes into creating and disassembling one of these devices so that they begin to grasp that this is not funny. link

Geez, I hope anybody under the illusion that anything silicon chip related is somehow a green technology takes that tour as well.

Titus said...

Seriously, Freeman Hunt, I am a little interested in what is like to be gay in places that you don't necessarily expect fags.

I have lived in the ghetto all of my adult life and it is rather boring.

What I find more interesting is the gays that don't live in the ghetto.

Granted, I do know we are everywhere like the tshirt says.

Titus said...

And Freeman Hunt, let me say this right now, in a non threatening way because I am gay...you are very attractive and cute. Your husband is lucky.

Titus said...

As a gay man I do really appreciate an attractive woman. All my gay friends respect and appreciate an attractive woman, just like our straighty counterparts.

My fav is still Linda Evangelista-I love her.

Freeman Hunt said...

Titus, that's a fair inquiry. I think that once you live somewhere you don't expect gay people to live, you then come to expect them to live there because they do. Probably harder to find dates because you have to work harder at ascertaining orientation, but that's about it apart from the different laws in different states.

LordSomber said...

Isn't there a Flintstones solution where you can dictate to some pteradactyl and he'll peck it out for you on a stone slab or something?

Beldar said...

If the font isn't easily readable, it doesn't matter how much ink it saves.

Georgia is by far the best serifed font for use on computer/video screens, and also prints well. Ditto for Verdana for sans serifed fonts (most useful for headlines). They're improvements in, respectively, Times New Roman and Arial, which are okay in print but less readable on video screens.

Century Gothic sucks.

Penny said...

"Isn't there a Flintstones solution where you can dictate to some pteradactyl and he'll peck it out for you on a stone slab or something?"

The pteradactyls unionized, and thus became extinct.

JAL said...

@MM Making a certain font a default is hardly the end of civilization.

It is the beginning.

This incremental interference in our lives IS important.

Of course it hasn't happened yet, but when the government can make a small 21 store company that sells pizza (and allows custom orders) to print out the nutritional information and calories count for all their products on their menus, they have jumped the shark.

It's time for us to say "Cut it out. GO HOME." We will put mature adults in DC who understand what the purpose of the government is: Protect us from bad guys and stay out of our way while we enjoy life, and liberty, and pursue happiness.

A.W. said...

no, its not the end of civilization. and big stupid government is within legal bounds on this, given that we are talking about a public university's internal policies. But i think it is a window into the stupidity of government.

froggyprager said...

New Apple ad - Don't print it, iPad it!

Brian Day said...

As Beldar and others have pointed out, serif fonts are best for text and sans-serif fonts are best for headlines/titles.

Now if there was a way for Blogger to display serif font text... hmmm.

Brian Day said...

D'oh! Never mind.

The main page is in a serif font, but the comment page is in a sans-serif font.

(Hangs head in shame.)

Bruce Hayden said...

I guess my law firm is doing their part, maybe. Our email signatures now have at the bottom in a small green font "Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail." And there is a cute little green tree to the left of that wording.

Frankly, I think it silly, but then again, most of the people in the firm seem to believe in AGW, while I am a bit more skeptical.

Tom said...

Freeman Hunt says: instead... hire pages trained in oral traditions

Can't we just MoveOn.org (in Antsypants font?)

Bruce Hayden said...

We're supposed to use CG as the font on Visio drawings here, and every time we make a new text box or drag a flowchart stencil shape onto the sheet, it's always bleedin' Arial. Know of a way to change the default? Let me know.

It seems like pretty much every MSFT Office program has its own way of changing the defaults here. Word is easy - you just change the font in Normal.dot. Visio is much harder. I can't remember what I did, but I did manage to change my default to 12 point Arial a year or so ago. I seem to remember it being something else, or at least a smaller font. I need at least that size for the USPTO, and sans serif seems to work better on their drawings. In any case, whatever I did back then to change the default font in Visio seems to have escaped me, as I cannot yet reproduce it.

Anonymous said...

AlphaLiberal: "Here we are, for example, facing a national oil crisis (that also funds the terrorists, BTW) and conservatives insist on opposing fuel efficiency standards and promoting gas guzzlers."

I agree we're in a crisis but we wouldn't be if liberals hadn't blocked the construction of every nuclear power plant anyone proposed over the last 30 years. We should have done what France did--stuff a baguette in Jane Fonda's mouth and start building nucs, like they're currently doing in China, India and South Korea. France has 59 plants and among the cheapest electricity in Europe. They sell it to coal dependent countries like Italy. Here in Los Angeles we're dependent on coal fired electricity and the mayor just announced he wants to increase electric rates up to 39%.

When battery powered cars finally go into mass production, France and all the other nuclear powered countries) will have the cheapest transportation costs in the world outside Indonesia, where they still use water buffalo. Here in America we'll just be flat be out of gas.

And that's another thing. Dependence on foreign oil (or oil at all) is ultimately a one-way downhill street. But until our nuclear plants come on line (over many objections Obama has authorized loan guarantees for two) we need offshore oil. Unfortunately that too is banned here in Southern California. All the liberals up in Malibu claim it will ruin their "viewshed."

kentuckyliz said...

The New York Times should be forced to use Webdings.

kentuckyliz said...

How many trees are felled to make the paper for the Sunday edition of the New York Times, EACH WEEK?!

Someone just told me the number recently and it was shocking and I don't remember numbers, sorry.

kentuckyliz said...

What would make French electric cars so cheap? You still have to charge them. Plug them in.

Where does that electricity come from?

Unicorn farts.

Coal. And Nukes. If it's cheap, it's because the consumer doesn't pay the full cost of long-lived radioactive waste. That will make Algore mad and the cap and traders should jack up the electric rates to recoup the real costs.

That's just of the energy--not the nickel and cadmium mining for the battery mfg, which wreaks its own environmental degradation. Check out Sudbury ON CA.

kentuckyliz said...

In MS, while the program is open, use the office button and look at the bottom, it will let you control the defaults for that program.

In word, I set it to autosave like every minute because I get power flickers.

Dustin said...

" Michael said...

SlowJoe: I had hoped that iPad would have handwriting recgnition, but apparently it does not. What brand tablet have you found satisfactory and are they still being produced?"

I think your real issue is the operating system. I use an HP tx series, and I love it even though it has its compromises (mine has lower battery life but is inexpensive). Newer Windows versions simply have better handwriting support. I never have a problem with that, and I have shit handwriting.

Also, just something you might not know, but having tons and tons of fonts loaded in your computer has a noticeable impact on its speed. Go to your fonts directory and remove the fonts you don't use. I would leave in all the internet standards, and the couple you use. Georgia and Verdana probably. Put them in an alternative directory and restart your computer. One of those little things you can do to keep using an older computer.

I do like the ipad form factor a lot, but it's an apple. I can't use them for everything I need, and I do not like itunes or their file management or their app store for so many things I take for granted. To each their own, though. I look forward to replacing my tablet with a lighter, thinner Lenovo or HP tablet that follows the Apple model while improving it in so many ways.

KCFleming said...

Serif don't like it

Rock the Camera
Rock the Camera

Beth said...

The taxpayers of Wisconsin have every right to demand font-efficiency at public institutions. You're printing from the general fund! Didn't they talk about that at the Tea Party Express?

KCFleming said...

I'd prefer they limit staff to one sheet of TP per trip to th' loo.

Should require a full-time admnistrator to keep tabs on it all.

Michael said...

slow joe: Thanks. Excellent tip on the font removal. I only use three or four.

Thanks again.

Patm said...

When I see "before you print this, consider the environment," I consider printing the thing even if I don't need to, just because I'm so sick of being lectured to.

Beth said...


I'm expecting a memo instructing us to use recycled paper for TP any day now.

KCFleming said...


When my dad was an industrial engineer in the 70s, the high mucky mucks instituted a rule limiting how many pencils you could use (for drafting).

So you couldn't get a replacement pencil until the old one was less than 2 inches long.

So he brought all the pencils from the floor home and sawed them into 1 and 3/8ths inch pieces. The next day he and his co-workers turned them all in for hundreds of new pencils. They did it again a week later.

The rule was quietly dropped.

Ralph L said...

Probably harder to find dates because you have to work harder at ascertaining orientation, but that's about it apart from the different laws in different states.
followed by:

LordSomber said...
Isn't there a Flintstones solution where you can dictate to some pteradactyl and he'll peck it out for you on a stone slab or something?

A stone slab would be very hard on the knees and elbows.

The next generation of hybrid cars will use Lithium ion batteries, so you manic-depressives had better stock up on lithium meds now, before the price rises out of sight.

MamaM said...

Inveigle: To win over by coaxing, flattery, or artful talk.

The Abuse Cycle has three stages: Tension, Acting out, and Remorse.

Abusers love the challenge of attempting to win back those distanced by their behavior. The more distanced the victim, the more intensely the abuser pursues...and pursues...and pursues.

Following another stinking dump of mean-spirited, vituperative comment yesterday, today's attempt by Titus to inveigle response using pseudo-intimate stories of lifestyle challenges and crowning loaves the consistency of soft serve ice cream, is a classic example of Remorse Stage behavior.

Cute as a Clumber pup who offers his paw, chews on shoes, whizzes on the sofa and leaves soft doggy piles on the rug. What's not to love?

Fabulousness according to the Urban Dictionary is characterized wonder, adoration, inspiration, exhaltation, and love.

The shit Titus is pinching is rife with the scent of fear and control.

Decidedly unfabulous, regardless of presentation.

Beth said...

Pogo, your dad was a genius.

I'm looking at my previous comment, and your story, and wondering if you have a lesson in mind.

KCFleming said...


Who, me?

Hazy Dave said...

Thanks anyway, Bruce.

KYLiz: No Office button in Visio.

Hmm, there's a Theme thing that looks promising if I apply it to the template and change back everything that ISN'T supposed to be Century Gothic... Maybe another day.

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