April 29, 2010

$8,875,000 for "an ocean-view villa... with a swimming pool, spa and fountains... 6 fireplaces, 5 bedrooms and 9 bathrooms."

Another place for Al Gore and his lovely wife "Tipper" to snuggle up and keep warm.

It's nothing but jealousy and pure peevishness to mock and complain when this delightful, public-spirited man takes another modest step to find some little comfort for himself and his wife.


Ron said...

If only what's going on behind Al off camera caused that expression...alas.

Rich B said...


Isn't it a little too easy to make fun of Ozone Al?

I'm Full of Soup said...

But I thought the ice cubes and icebergs are melting and the ice packs were turning into hot packs? Causing the oceans to rise by 20 feet?

Why would this brilliant man throw his money away on a house that will be under water?

Anonymous said...

This is obviously not a residence but a ocean monitoring site. He will be on the beach every day charting the rise of the sea. He wants to show solidarity with other threatened
coastal property owners. Can't do that from TN.

Anonymous said...

"I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money." -- Barack Obama

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Global Warming pays.

Opus One Media said...

Those of you with no belief in global warming have no room to bitch about this because, in your words, global warming isn't an issue so what the heck difference does it make.

Or do you now believe in global warming and think this is excess?

Can't have both. Choose.

MadisonMan said...

I wonder who sold it. Seems kinda pricey.

Briane said...

Nobody needs that kind of expensive housing, and Gore just joined the list of people I complained about.


knox said...

He can do this, secure in the knowledge that neither the media, nor governments who've spent tons of money based on his bullshit, will call him on it.

Original Mike said...

Hypocrisy from politicians does not surprise me. What surprises me are the boot-lickers who defend this guy.

Anonymous said...

"Those of you with no belief in global warming have no room to bitch ..."

Who's bitching? I'm enjoying it.

kristinintexas said...

I think Al Gore can have whatever, and however many, house(s) he wants to have, wherever he wants to have them. It might be a little ridiculous, but hey, it's his money.

What bothers me is that he's made that money telling other people to conserve, conserve, conserve because otherwise we're all going to diiiieeeee. Obviously, he doesn't believe it.

Larry J said...

Those of you with no belief in global warming have no room to bitch about this because, in your words, global warming isn't an issue so what the heck difference does it make.

Or do you now believe in global warming and think this is excess?

Can't have both. Choose.

Sure we can bitch about it. Al Gore is becoming a billionaire by selling phony carbon credits and by lecturing us about how we need to cut back on our lifestyles. If he wasn't such a prig about telling the rest of us how we should live, few people would give a damn about how he chooses to live. Since he's doing the classic case of "do as I say, not as I do", we're perfectly free to point out his hypocrisy. We do have freedom of speech, after all. If you don't like it, tough.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Global warming pays.

I thought global warming enthusiasts/alarmists were upset about large carbon footprints and the evils of capitalism?

Isn't Al Gore a huge capitalist?

When the alarmists ditch the mega hypocrisy and start acting like human-caused global warming a crisis, I will too.

Anonymous said...

So St. Al buys a McMansion. Five bedrooms, nine bathrooms on a tiny 1.5 acre lot?

Nine bathrooms?? Why do you suppose Gore needs 9 bathrooms? I'm guessing he's incontinent.

knox said...

Those of you with no belief in global warming have no room to bitch about this because...

Perfect example of the "How Dare You Complain" approach that seems to be the foundation of every democrat argument since Obama came into office.

No attempt to defend the behavior or the policies, just ... "How Dare You Complain!" It's whiny, it's lazy and it comes across like a Hall Monitor or teacher's pet. "Shut up and just do what they tell us!!"

You guys are the ones who supposedly "Question Authority." What happened?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"I mean, I do think at a certain point you've made enough money."
--Barack Obama

Paul-- Heh. Nice one.

bagoh20 said...

This post and the following one about Appholes are starting a theme here today: The most successful marketing is that which puts out a message exactly the opposite of the reality.

Rialby said...

HDHOUSE: Those of you with no belief in global warming have no room to bitch about this because, in your words, global warming isn't an issue so what the heck difference does it make.

Uh huh. We have to choose. We have no right to call Gore a hypocrite. Nope, none at all.

Really strong point.

Anonymous said...

Those of you with no belief in global warming have no room to bitch about this because, in your words, global warming isn't an issue so what the heck difference does it make.

Or do you now believe in global warming and think this is excess?

Can't have both. Choose.

And how would this narrow standard NOT apply to former Vice President Gore himself?

(For the record, I'm an agnostic on AGW - I honestly don't know if it's real or not, or whether humankind can do anything about it if it is for real.)

Word verification: cheop.

campy said...

Thanks again, Florida voters.

bagoh20 said...

Our lefties here are often very apt at cut and paste, but when it comes to making their own arguments we get stuff like what HDhouse laid down here.

When you get caught with your pants down, it's a bad time to try and argue who is best endowed, especially on an icecap.

Tank said...

Some animals are more equal than others.

I swear to God that's the best book I ever read.

virgil xenophon said...

HDHouse, you're a perfect fool. The reason to bitch is that Gore's riches have come, in large part, from the pockets of the taxpayers who have paid the price in the form of higher utilities, increased food costs, etc., --all driven by either government (i.e., taxpayer) subsidies for "green" energy production or higher direct costs brought about by inefficient energy production or carbon trading-driven costs for same via higher resultant energy costs for the price of everything from gas to grain.

Global warming may not exist, but Gore's tax-payer funded climate scams--scams hyped by altered/doctored or, in some cases, just plain made up totally bogus data--which personally enrich him, unfortunately DO exist and only serve to bilk the public.

Wince said...

Gore has transcended mere hypocrisy.

He is extending a middle finger to a sensible public that has politely listened, made him rich, but rejected his ridiculous demands.

He's a sad, angry man.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Those of you with no belief in global warming have no room to bitch about this because, in your words, global warming isn't an issue so what the heck difference does it make.

That's just it, it doesn't make any difference. I could care less that AlGore is buying up mansions that 99% of us can't afford. Good for him. We're just pointing out the hypocrisy. Obviously pointing out hypocrisy to hypocrites like yourself is a pointless endeavour.

Or do you now believe in global warming and think this is excess?

Can't have both. Choose.

Gee hdhouse, don't you think that question should be directed to Al Gore? I mean he is the one complaining about carbon footprints all the while creating elephant sized ones himself.

You really can't be this stupid can you?

Roger J. said...

HD (hoosier not house)

A couple of points re our Mr House:
(1) the point of his head is hard
(2) you cannot overestimate his stupidity

Original Mike said...

"You really can't be this stupid can you?"

He's not. He played the best hand he had. Just was a really shitty hand.

AllenS said...

The earth has a fever.

I'm Full of Soup said...

This little news tidbit could mark the date when when the belief in global warming jumped the shark?

Afterall, Gore has predicted New Jersey and other coastal areas will be underwater in 20 years.

X said...

Can't have both. Choose.

you sir, are brilliant.

Jed said...

The only AGW activist able to walk the walk is Ed Begley Jr. Not that I agree with him, but I have to say I respect him.

Hoosier Daddy said...

He's not. He played the best hand he had. Just was a really shitty hand.

Well I usually fold when I get a Deuce-King offsuit but that's me

You know your earlier comment was spot on regarding how people can continually defend this guy. I mean I can see he's full of fecal matter because I just don't buy into the AGW theory to begin with but I don't know how you can be a AGW believer and still think Gore is some kind of enviro prophet. That takes cognitive dissonance to a whole new level.

Original Mike said...

That picture of Al is priceless.

WV - dismsa. I dismsa your inconvenient truth.

Hagar said...

When Al Gore left office, he was rich, but no billionaire.

So, where is all this money coming from?

Original Mike said...

"That takes cognitive dissonance to a whole new level."

You'd expect them to go all "Norman, coordinate" with the smoke pouring out of the ears and all, but they just keep rolling along.

kristinintexas said...

So, HDHouse, this is an honest question.

Do you believe in anthropogenic global warming?

What do you think about Al Gore's new house?

Okay, two honest questions. If you do believe that AGW is a fact, then if anyone has a right to be upset about this, it's you. Are you?

Fred4Pres said...

Fighting global warming is hard work. Al and Tipper deserve this.

Fred4Pres said...

Six fireplaces? The amount of carbon they may have ejected into the air is frightening to think of.

bagoh20 said...

Regardless of the evidence for AGW, either Al Gore does not believe it or he is one evil bastard. Either way he should be enemy #1 for environmentalists.

AllenS said...

When traveling from the mansion in Tennessee to the mansion in California they probably drive a car that gets like really, really good gas mileage. Most likely equipped with solar panels, and electric motors. The earth has a fever, but if Al or Tipper gets the shits, they don't have far to go for a bathroom. "No not that one, I shit in that one yesterday."

David said...

"Love Story" continues.

Tank said...

Does this mean he's returning his "prize?"

bagoh20 said...

What do you do when the spokesman for your cause is the worst possible person according to it's principles? It would be like Mao leading the Tea Party.

Brian said...

Those of you with no belief in global warming have no room to bitch about this because...

It's the hypocrisy dude. Non-Christians criticize Christians who misbehave all the time. Gore is the de facto leader of the green movement, and getting wealthy from it. He's received a Nobel Peace Prize for this role. The fact that he personally doesn't live up to the standard he advocates for everyone else leaves him open for criticism. He's fair game.

Sorry you don't understand.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I can see the T-shirts now. They say "Global warming was just another liberal money grab".

On the front it will picture Gore's TN shack and on the back is his CA bungalow.

AllenS said...

In one of the bathrooms, hangs the Nobel Peace Prize.

Anonymous said...

"In one of the bathrooms, hangs the Nobel Peace Prize."

....and the Oscar over the roaring fireplace.

DADvocate said...

I'm glad the house has 9 bathrooms. A man so full of shit needs them.

george said...

Al has always been a grifter, a con-artist. That he has found a home on the left means he finds them to be the easiest marks. Not everyone will willingly give up the advances of science and modernity so that Rev. Jones.... I mean Al Gore can have multiple-McMansiongasms. Not everyone is so racked with guilt at their own existence that they would willingly pauper themselves and the rest of society for Al's comfort.

It takes a SPECIAL kind of person to make that sort of sacrifice. Don't you want to feel special?

bagoh20 said...

Alfred Nobel would be proud. What's wrong with those people? Al Gore, Arafat, brand new, unknown, Obama; are there any rules? Homecoming queens are selected with more principle.

Jason said...

The interesting thing is not the house itself. It's what he's NOT doing.

He's putting his money into residential real estate.

Which means, most likely, he's sold out a bunch of his green energy interests. He may have taken a loan against his business interests to buy the house. But that means he's not reinvesting his gains into green energy anymore.

AllenS said...

five bedrooms and nine bathrooms.

If Al and Tipper had 8 guests staying over for the weekend, and everyone had to shit at once, only 1 person would be shit out of luck. That's kind of impressive.

garage mahal said...

200 comments for sure, Gore drives the right absolutely frothing- mouthed bonkers INSANE!

DADvocate said...

What surprises me are the boot-lickers who defend this guy.

Bootlickers? Like HDHouse?

kjbe said...

Al doesn't get it.

I wonder, "What would Ed say?"

paul a'barge said...

Al Gore, scum bag.

Anonymous said...

How come none of my truths ever turn out to be that convenient?

JAL said...

The number of bathrooms is irrelevant. I mean, two people only go so many times a day ... besides, maybe they follow the "yellow - be mellow, brown -flush it down" mantra.

Either way the amount of water used is the same, right?

And Tipper has silk flower bouquets in all the six fireplaces.

Bottom line: Hipócritas.
(Since they are in Caleeforneeaa.)

Michael Haz said...

Okay, everyone relax.

I have no doubt that Gore is going to have the villa torn down (everything will be recycled)and replaced with a sustainable yurt.

He cares, he really, really cares.

Balfegor said...

At last he can live like a human being.

Brian said...

200 comments for sure, Gore drives the right absolutely frothing- mouthed bonkers INSANE!

Maybe Ms. Althouse could start a "Gore is like Palin" thread. However, I don't know how that makes Gore look any better.

ricpic said...

Al Gore is becoming a billionaire by selling phony carbon credits...

Can someone explain to me what a carbon credit is? How it is sold? And are there real as opposed to phony carbon credits? Real questions, not tongue in cheek.

Brian said...

Carbon credits are a mechanism to limit the amount of carbon that can be emitted in the atmosphere by a central government agency (and/or international agency) doling out the number of credits to emitters (by industry, per company, etc.)

Then the government monitors a "carbon exchange" that allows companies that can't meet their carbon limits to purchase more carbon credits from another company/group. If a particular company has more carbon credits than it needs, they can sell it and make money. The idea is this fosters the growth of carbon-free industry, whether it's green energy, renewable energy, carbon sequestering, etc.

Politicians also like it because it gives them the ability through legislation to dole out carbon credits to their constituents. A congressman or senator can be lobbied to extend more carbon credits to a particular industry in his state/district. The monitoring of carbon dioxide emissions becomes paramount to make sure no one "cheats." Also, the government sells these credits to start with, so they make money off of it. In fact, Obama was originally counting income from the carbon exchange to offset the cost of healthcare.

Anonymous said...

maybe 'climate change' will bring more water to california. for the meantime, i hope he enjoys his pool, spa and fountain of water shipped all the way to montecito from the colorado river or from the high sierras from way up north.

Unknown said...

The Living Redwood has always lived in palatial splendor, thanks to his father. And he has always been a hypocrite about it - remember his strip mining stocks?

As Larry J notes, he has the money to do this because the Lefties who claim they are sooo much smarter than everybody else were stupid enough to buy these carbon credits so he could afford a place like this just before the truth about global warming (oops, climate change - we have to keep the scam going) came out.

Paul Zrimsek said...

"I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money." -- Barack Obama

Unless, of course your last name is Obama - or Clinton.

HDHouse said...

Those of you with no belief in global warming have no room to bitch about this...

All I hear is a lot of laughing. you may want to reflect at whom is it directed.

Hoosier Daddy said...

200 comments for sure, Gore drives the right absolutely frothing- mouthed bonkers INSANE!

Not insane garage, just wildly amused at his ability to be the uber-hypocrite. If you want to see insane, Althouse put the perfect picture on this thread for your viewing pleasure.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin was criticized a few days ago for building a 6,000-square-foot home that will contain apartments for Track and for Bristol and her son, and a studio for broadcasting her commentaries on Fox. Will the people who criticized Palin now criticize Gore? Methinks no.

MadisonMan said...

Six fireplaces? The amount of carbon they may have ejected into the air is frightening to think of.

Unless they're burning coal, fireplace heat is 'sustainable', as they say. The carbon you emit is coming from recently sequestered carbon. So there's no net input into the atmosphere.

Balfegor said...

Can someone explain to me what a carbon credit is? How it is sold? And are there real as opposed to phony carbon credits? Real questions, not tongue in cheek.

Exactly what a carbon credit is would depend on the precise legislation implenented. But conceptually, you might think of it as a kind of pollution license. You're allowed to emit a certain volume of carbon into the atmosphere, and you get credits for that. Suppose you have more carbon credits than you need, to cover your actual emissions. Other parties may want to emit more carbon than they have credits for, so they pay you for some of those credits. Fake carbon credits would be a kind of scam where someone claims he has credits he hasn't got and sells them to companies for real money.

Brian said...

So there's no net input into the atmosphere.

I'm sure the trees to feed those fireplaces were cut down and chopped up with sustainable, renewable energy. Swarthy lumberjacks only using axes, or chainsaws powered by ethanol or electricity generated by a windmill.

Balfegor said...

I'm sure the trees to feed those fireplaces were cut down and chopped up with sustainable, renewable energy. Swarthy lumberjacks only using axes, or chainsaws powered by ethanol or electricity generated by a windmill.

I don't think carbon emissions restrictions are structured to take into account how energy sources were acquired -- extractions is probably regulated as a separate emitting source, so the cost of the necessary credits for those emissions, would in theory be factored into the energy costs.

Brian said...

Or Gore simply offset the carbon emitted by buying carbon credits from himself.

Hagar said...

I do not pretend to understand this, but I read some time ago that Tata Industries of India bought a steel plant in England and then found that if they dismantled the English plant and moved it to India, the EU (I think) would credit them with approx. $40 billion for eliminating the existing plant's emissions in Britain and reducing the emissions in India, because the relocated plant would be more efficient than the very old plant it replaced there. The net benefit to the Earth is of course zero, but40 billion dollars was too much money for even Tata to ignore, however sentimental they may feel about "the mother country," so the deal is going ahead.

Opus One Media said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael said...

I think that Gore using this window of opportunity to buy a nice big place on the beach is just fine. The window of opportunity, of course, is the earth's cooling that will occur over the next year or so as a result of the volcanic ash in the atmosphere dimming the sun's rays.

Opus One Media said...

I'm left to ponder how the right wing on here got to be so predictable and sooooo easy.

I miss the days of a few years ago when there were first rate minds on the right side and not just some of this rabble.

Some of you sillypeople should just get on your knees now instead of having to bend over to get your nose rubbed in it.

Known Unknown said...

"I'm glad the house has 9 bathrooms. A man so full of shit needs them."

DADvocate FTW.

MadisonMan said...

the earth's cooling that will occur over the next year or so as a result of the volcanic ash in the atmosphere dimming the sun's rays.

Eyhoweveryouspellit's ash output was nowhere near large enough to impact the global climate. Not this time at least.

A.W. said...


> Why would this brilliant man throw his money away on a house that will be under water?

Gee, its almost like he thinks Global Warming is a crock.

But that can't be it, right? ;-)

PunditJoe said...

This is notable because of Gore’s desire for everyone else to do with less in the effort to combat global warming while at the same time consuming a truly massive amount of resources himself.

Al Gore either has a set of frickin’ brass ones or a serious lack of self awareness. Heh heh

(Sadly, I cannot see the pic as I’m behind a filter wall.)

A.W. said...

btw, my wife gave her theory of all of this and i like it...

This isn't proof he doesn't believe in global warming...

This is part of his master plan. the house will be destroyed and then the feds will give him disaster relief! Profit!

Trooper York said...

"Or do you now believe in global warming and think this is excess?

Can't have both. Choose."

I choose that Al Gore is a lying sack of shit that is in this for the money. He has the brains of a gnat and the morals of a weasel.

Much like you hd, he is a canker sore on the rectum of America.

hombre said...

I wonder who sold it. Seems kinda pricey.

I dunno. The median selling price of houses in Montecito is $2.7 million.

La Senora and I checked out a 950 sq. ft. condo in foreclosure near the beach in Santa Barbara for a mere $670K.

The place is full of limousine libs. Al will love it.

Unknown said...

HDHouse said...


I miss the days of a few years ago when there were first rate minds on the right side and not just some of this rabble.

Interesting how the Left is on the side of 'the people', but they fear the rabble.

TMink said...

I do not regret or resent his material success. I resent his being a lying huckster snake oil salesman. We know all about Al here in Tennessee. Washington ruined Al. While a Tennessee Senator, he had a 100 voting record from the NRA. He represented his state well.

Now he lies about the world having a fever, and cries how we all need to cut back while his houseboat is bigger than my house. And he has 4 houses.

If he were pro-capitalism and growth, I would ask him for a beer. With the way he acts, I would not spit on him if he were on fire.


Trooper York said...

Hdhouse is an old school liberal. Contemptuous of the rabble as he terms it. You know everyday people. Working people. The bus drivers and waitresses and post men who bring his social security check. They should listen to their betters who have fancy house in the Hamptons and don’t have to hobnob with the hoi polloi.

You see if you didn’t go to an elite school or belong to his circle you should just shut up. Pay your confiscatory taxes and eat and drink and think the way your betters tell you to.

Think Mr. Burns with a bad attitude.

And a colostomy bag.

Meerkat said...

I'm surprised how much house fits on only 1.5 acres. Is it 5 stories tall or something?

Original Mike said...

Hoosier: "You [HDHouse] really can't be this stupid can you?"

Me: "He's not. He played the best hand he had. Just was a really shitty hand."

HDHouse: "Some of you sillypeople should just get on your knees now instead of having to bend over to get your nose rubbed in it."

I ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks.


BJM said...

Where's the pay czar when we need him?

Synova said...

The guy is making a fortune, and has made a fortune, by telling everyone else in the world that they have to consume less.

It ranks right up there with the worst excesses of organized religion and Lifestyles of the Televangelist.

Phil 314 said...

I never find individual hypocrisy a particularly powerful argument. The validity of a point of view should stand above and beyond the behavior of any one individual who supports or opposes.

I recall discussions about support of the war and war service -OR-

support for public education while putting the kids in a private school

BJM said...

You really couldn't make this shit up.

Al's carbon hypocrisy reminds me of Bab's scolding the use of clothes dryers while her tidy whites air dry out back of her little bungalow-by-the-sea.

btw- the point about CA water is spot on. We're on water rationing up north, the west side of the Central Valley is becoming a dust bowl and the twits down south continue to plant lawns and build pools.

Synova said...

"200 comments for sure, Gore drives the right absolutely frothing- mouthed bonkers INSANE!"

What does your highly tuned hypocrisy detector think of Gore, garage?

Inquiring minds want to know.

DADvocate said...

I wonder if HDHouse and garage will ever crawl out of the cave.

mariner said...

He will be on the beach every day charting the rise of the sea.

But BHO told us that his nomination marked the time that the sea level began to fall.

Gore's $8.9M ocean monitoring station: Fail!

WV: whormese: didn't wish he were an Oscar Meyer.

Opus One Media said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Opus One Media said...

DADvocate said...
I wonder if HDHouse and garage will ever crawl out of the cave."

I've been here all along D. Just waiting for an answer to the question "if there is no global warming as some of you propose what difference does it make where he lives." you really can't say there isn't anything to global warming and then criticize someone for excess now can you?

So the choice is simple. Either there isn't an you are just whistling in the wind or there is and you have been mis-representing yourselves all along,

which is it?

Original Mike said...

OK, Hoosier, I concede. He is that stupid.

ak said...

"I've been here all along D. Just waiting for an answer to the question 'if there is no global warming as some of you propose what difference does it make where he lives.' you really can't say there isn't anything to global warming and then criticize someone for excess now can you?"

Do you really not understand that people here are making fun of Gore for his hypocrisy? HIS hypocrisy. HE'S the one who claims that AGW is real.

The fact that you think you're having some sort of ah-ha moment here is just painful to watch.

Trooper York said...

Any post by hd is just painful too watch.

On the other hand it will be very useful to Alzheimer researchers in charting the course of the continuing devastation caused by that terrible disease.

Opus One Media said...

you guys are a laugh riot. he could have one house or 4 or 20 and it would all be the same to you. your pinheads can't get around science so you just go after the messenger.

your breed of "gotcha" has all the glow of a turd in the punchbowl.

but what is totally visible is that you got nothin' and it is so easy to beat you like rented mules that it almost ceases to be fun.


J.R. said...

I don't begrudge the man the benefits of his wealth. The thing that is galling is that he's such a hypocritical, limousine liberal, asshole.

Trooper York said...

Don't worry about it JR, everyone feels the same way about hd.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Laika's Last Woof said...

"Or do you now believe in global warming and think this is excess?

Can't have both. Choose."

I choose to believe the naked hypocrisy of Al Gore's excess is strong evidence that global warming is a hoax.

See? CAN have both. Thanks for playing.

egoist said...

Live by the sword...

Fertile grounds & times for the control-freaks to cash in on their years of work. When everything is outrageous, nothing is outrageous.

Hucbald said...

The only thing green Al is interested in is cash, and there wouldn't be anything wrong with that absent the hypocrisy and lies he uses to, "earn" it.

Michael said...

"Those of you with no belief in global warming have no room to bitch about this because, in your words, global warming isn't an issue so what the heck difference does it make."

Yeah, that's why no one who wasn't a fundamentalist Christian made fun of Jimmy Swaggart or Larry Craig.

"200 comments for sure, Gore drives the right absolutely frothing- mouthed bonkers INSANE!"

Interestingly, you're the only one who felt the need to amp it up into capital letters.

Skipper50 said...

There sure is big bucks in crisis mongering, eh? How do I get in on this action?

SteveR said...

As Knox(girl- I've been here long enough to remember) says, he knows he can get away with this. He's worse than a criminal, although I'd accept a plea to fraud.

LPF said...

"Why do you suppose Gore needs 9 bathrooms? I'm guessing he's incontinent."

No. Just full of sh!t.

Unknown said...

HD, what if an evangelist, oh say, I don't know, Jim Bakker for example, continually preached the benefits of marriage and monogamy, but was found out to be having an affair? Well, some might say he was a bit of a hypocrite, and he just might lose the support of millions of his supporters as a result, as they actually might have believed in what he was saying.

Please tell me, what is the difference, and why don't his followers treat him with the same kind of disdain? Isn't this the same kind of breach of trust?

Mr. D said...

Nah, it's good news. If Al really believed the things he says, he'd have bought an oceanfront villa in St. George, Utah. Or the Unabomber's old place.

I just wish he'd have bought Bernie Madoff's old house, because that would have really closed the circle.

DADvocate said...

HDHouse - you complain about the lack of a few first rate minds but you don't get my reference to the cave. Not all that sharp yourself, are you?

And wouldn't he disdain whatever honors, praises, and prizes were awarded there to the ones who guessed best which shadows followed which? Moreover, were he to return there, wouldn't he be rather bad at their game, no longer being accustomed to the darkness? "Wouldn't it be said of him that he went up and came back with his eyes corrupted, and that it's not even worth trying to go up?

Jake said...

Nine bedrooms on an acre and a half. This is how the upper-middle class lives.

A Cadillac in the drive of a twenty year old single-wide. This is how the lower-middle class lives.

Same class.

Francis Barragan said...

Not really related, but why are so many of Gore's pictures make him look like he's yelling?

Nate Whilk said...

What else is he supposed to do with the millions he made promoting global warming like some phony TV preacher? Donate it to charity? Fund research? Please.

JorgXMcKie said...

Near as I can tell, HD and Garbage subscribe to the "Blazing Saddles" belief about the common people:
"You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons."

@Francis, "why are so many of Gore's pictures make him look like he's yelling?" Same reason Garbage resorted to all caps: those who believe they have a superior intellect to the above-mentioned "morons" also believe that if you yell at them they'll understand your point and believe you.

WV: culten. Seriously. HD and Garbage belong to BigWoodenAlgore's culten.

AST said...

I want this to be in Iceland, so I won't inquire further.

Anonymous said...

Can someone explain to me what a carbon credit is? How it is sold? And are there real as opposed to phony carbon credits? Real questions, not tongue in cheek.

You pay a token sum to some friendly fellow in India or Brazil to pretend to plant some trees, or to plant some trees and then let them die. Then you do whatever you would have done anyway, but get to feel insufferably smug about your superiority to HD's "rabble."

Fen said...

Libtard: your pinheads can't get around science so you just go after the messenger.

Isn't it cute how the Left just ignores all reality and makes up whatever narrative they like.

AGW theory was dealt a deathblow by the CRU scandal. Caught redhanded cheating at Science.

Why else do you think the carbon market has tanked? I hope you sunk your retirement into this nonsense.

Can someone explain to me what a carbon credit is?

Its a scam.

Fen said...

RICO Gore.

Gunboy 3 said...

Global warming been berry, berry good to me

TWM said...

"200 comments for sure, Gore drives the right absolutely frothing- mouthed bonkers INSANE!"

No, he drives the left insane. The right just finds him terribly amusing now. He's the global warming crowd's worse nightmare.

Original Mike said...

"your pinheads can't get around science so you just go after the messenger."

HD, read A.W. Montford's new book and then get back to me. We'll have a nice chat about the science.

RebeccaH said...

So how many polar bears did Al Gore drown with that house? Is anybody asking the important questions?

Unknown said...

Another temperature monitoring sight was needed. I believe he put it in the sauna.

Unknown said...

Swimming in dirty pool parts water will cause skin diseases and eye irritation. In the pool, the bacteria causing the disease is controlled with the provision of chlorine, that regular water changes will improve the quality of a healthy pool water.

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