March 2, 2010

"Sex should be fun, beautiful and colorful, but women get the short end of the stick."

Says Lady Gaga, who maintains celibacy.


Joe said...

"We [women] can't talk about sex, we can't sing about sex."

Yes she does both. Her stupidity boggles the mind.

Jason (the commenter) said...

If a particular woman gets the short end of the stick, it is probably her fault.

Unknown said...

As someone else said in another thread, "Who is Lady Gaga?". More to the point, why should anybody listen to a woman (I'm being charitable here) who goes out of her way to look like a drag queen.

Frankly, I don't doubt she's celibate.

Anonymous said...

Well, not to state the obvious, but she's clearly not dating the right stick.

(Then again, she's a fatty with a humongous nose in need of jobbing, so ...)

Anonymous said...

Frankly, I don't doubt she's celibate."

I wouldn't fuck her with your stick.

Cooties. (Shuddddder.)

Scott M said...

Someone please explain to me how women get the short end of the stick sexually...the whole damned thing is tilted in their favor.

Anonymous said...

Gloria Gadsden, (the professor who is advertising for a 'discrete hitman' to kill the students) is also allegedly a female:

Jury is out on this chap.

traditionalguy said...

I suspect that this flamboyant showgirl is experimenting with all available sexual persona's and just needs a rest on occasions. Celibacy is her crowd's version of playing hard to get. The real question is who can tame her.

Anonymous said...

"... the whole damned thing is tilted in their favor."

Certainly the stick part tilts toward them, any way.

But then again, we have no way of knowing if her partners have even had sticks.

She's a New Yorker, after all, and there is some debate as to whether she is a woman at all.

rhhardin said...

Tiffany Eckhardt runaway train (not yet released album) might cover Lady Gaga, lyrically.

Roman said...

If women play their cards right, they can have as many sticks and as many sizes as they can handle.

chuck b. said...

The short end of the disco stick.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"Sex should be fun, beautiful and colorful, but women get the short end of the stick," she says. "We're just receivers. We can't talk about sex, we can't sing about sex."

Obviously, she isn't doing it right.

In addition, if that's her attitude, its probably just as well that she maintains celibacy. It will save some guy(s) a lot of needless pain and annoyance.

traditionalguy said...

Lady GaGa seems like a child like lover that cannot comprehend that men/women will just use her for sex. So she is on strike. The secret answer is a faithful marriage to a man capable of good faith back to her. Somebody tell her.

EnigmatiCore said...

I guess I am in the minority. I like her. Always have.

And I don't usually like her style of music, at all.

Joe M. said...

I'm with you, EnigmatiCore.

Irene said...

Just last week, a person in her twenties told me that people of my generation all oddly seem to be enchanted by Lady Gaga.

Each time I see Lady Gaga, I think of Madonna. Lady Gaga takes a thread from Madonna and runs with it. Madonna snared attention by her unbridled expression of sexuality and her portrayalof her overt indulgence in it. Lady Gaga shocks with a similar, theatrical promiscuity, but then she throttles the perception by claiming she is celibate. Both are women in control of their men: Madonna belittles Beatty in Truth or Dare, and Lady Gaga bypasses sex because "women get the short end of the stick."

Whatever the formula, I likethem both.

Julie C said...

I love Gaga. She reminds me of a younger Madonna, but honestly I think she's more talented. Ever since Althouse posted that Bad Romance video, I've been hooked. My kids love her, and I think her music is fine (I listen to it while exercising and it really gets me motivated to move), but the videos are really good. Very artistic and fun. And she's really very sweet whenever I've seen her interviewed.

Mr. Buford said...

Lady GaGa + Celibacy = No Kids
We can only hope she stays true to her vow!
If only more celebs like her would follow this simple formula the world would be a better place and most gossip magazines would be 1/2 the page count...

Matthew Noto said...

Hey Babe, hate the game, not the playa.

Just kidding.

If I had to guess, Lady Gaga's enjoyment of sex is directly related to how often a man tells her "My God, but you're a (Insert one) Goddess/Genius/Artist/Savant!".

I saw her interviewed on TV recently, and she was making the case that if you can't understand her "creative nature", you'll never understand her. I got the impresison that if you didn't help her justify her extremely high self-esteem, you weren't worth five minutes of her time.

Women that stuck up are usually frigid, in any case.

themightypuck said...

When it comes to taming women, I'd rather be the one to bring some peace to Lindsay Lohan than Lady Gaga.

cubanbob said...

Although I'm an old fart, Lady GaGa is a rather good pop singer. Her comments on sex are rather silly when considering some of her lyrics such as Bad Romance.

When men can have multiple orgasms she may have a point.

paul a'barge said...

Short end of the stick?

Hah hahhah! Good one!~!

Lindsey said...

Love this song of hers.

Palladian said...

Morrissey used to claim that he was celibate.

Maybe he was telling the truth. It is probably difficult to find some guy willing to bone you when you have a bouquet of gladioli in your back pocket.

Henry said...

I love the picture at the link. She's painted up as Warhol's Marylin Monroe.

Subtext: "Sex should be colorful. I am colorful. Psych!"

Palladian said...

If your "colorful" sex includes the unexpected release of red, yellow or green fluids, you should consult your doctor right away.

traditionalguy said...

LOL.. Palladian.. She needs to bed a doctor who can understand her coloful genius and make it all better.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I know there is a comment associated with the name Lady Gaga and a gag order.. but I'm shooting blanks.

AST said...

That's why her song isn't
"Poke Her" Face.

She should get together with Nevada's governor.

Phil 314 said...

could someone please explain to me how one end of a stick is "shorter" than the other?

kenaroni said...

It would have been more in character to say that women get the short end of the disco stick.

Although I'm an old fart, I enjoy Lady Gaga's music whenever it comes on the radio, and it tends to do that a lot lately.

Having said that, it seems to be the rule that declarations of chastity by young singers, acresses, or other celebrities are quickly followed by the revelation that they are banging some scraggly LA douchebag/s. I'm not sure what happens to someone who's celibate but doesn't broadcast it.

bagoh20 said...

I'm only responsible for my end of the stick.

MadisonMan said...

I much prefer her to, say, Keisha.

I like that her songs have melodies. So many of the songs my son listens to do not.

Anonymous said...

The rumors that Lady Gaga is actually a man are totally false. I know this because I spoke with her personally just last week. I was in the men's restroom at a restaurant, and she was standing at the next urinal.


MadisonMan said...

Sorry. Kesha.

I also find Lady G very entertaining, so I guess she's got talent.

Unlike, say, John Park or Jermaine. Go home now!

traditionalguy said...

Kenaroni...We should alert Andrew Sullivan so he can get her medical records released. Who wants to wait to read everything in the Inquirer which almost has its first Pulitzer Prize in the category of Vaginal Investigative Reports.

Anonymous said...

Color me skeptical about Lady Gaga, but I believe Lenny Kravitz.

Alex said...

What an ignorant little girl. She has the gift for music and choreography, but has no common sense. Maybe she's beginning to show signs of a mental breakdown.

Revenant said...

"We [women] can't talk about sex, we can't sing about sex."

My CD collection begs to differ.

Robin said...

Lady GaGa doesn't seem too gaga about sex.

I think the short end of the stick just refers to an unequal distribution of stick--as in, I have less stick than you do. It does suggest a competition for stick.

kentuckyliz said...

She ain't doing it right. Women have a far larger capacity for orgasm, if they know how to work their bits.

Maybe she'd feel more empowered if she were vajazzled.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"We [women] can't talk about sex, we can't sing about sex."

Yes she does both. Her stupidity boggles the mind.

This further proves my contention that if the celebrity set didn't have a minimal talent in entertainment most, if not all of them, would be asking customers if they preferred paper or plastic.

Joseph said...

She's a great performer and I love her music, art, and persona. Part of her schtick is toying with sex and gender. Its a little silly but its all part of her take on being a pop star, and pop stardom is always somewhat silly.

Opus One Media said...

""Sex should be fun, beautiful and colorful, but women get the short end of the stick.""

i've not read the thread but someone must have opined that the woman might do well to find a bigger stick?...or be happy for small favors.

Methadras said...

She wants some fun and her beat is sick, but she doesn't want a ride on a Disco Stick.

Methadras said...

The fact of the matter is, is that Lady GaGa is basically a Madonna that people wished Madonna could be. Articulate, fashionable, sexy, topical, controversial, but without all the bullshit artistic advocacy.

Peter Hoh said...

She reminds me of a young Prince.

Maybe the two of them should get together.