"The political odyssey of health care reform in many ways is the story of Ted Kennedy, and as President Obama signed the historic bill into law Tuesday, Kennedy's gravesite was a place of quiet celebration and poignant reflection."
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Oh, the media slobbering is unbearable this week.
And why are schoolchildren being taken to this man's grave?!
Response? Genuinely touching. Embarrassing, exploitative PR.
1. Patrick Kennedy, just being the substance-addled massive tool he always has been.
2. In answer to PatCA, the answer to why schoolkids are being taken to his grave is obvious if you look at the 3 graves next to his.
Maudlin nonsense.
I wonder of Mary Jo's parents placed a similar note on her grave when Ted finally went to St. Peter.
I guess I'm willing to give the guy a break, my dad would be 93 tomorrow, and Patrick didn't create the world he grew up in. That said I'm not giving him an unlimited run. At the core of my kindness is his decision not to run for re-election.
Stick you fat ass in elective office again and I'll retract this immediately.
Dad, the unfinished business is done.
Huh? I haven't seen any news stories about anyone gunning down the rest of the Kopechnes.
@ Meth..
"Maudlin nonsense."
No. Contrived nonsense.
Is it wrong for me to be enjoying the schadenfreude that goes along with the display of small, petty and unmanly behavior that has been exhibited by Republicans over the past several days?
Done in private, it would have been touching. Done as a press release? Bleh.
Dad, the unfinished business is done
Doesn't that read like a line in a mobster movie?
Note: It is not my intent to offend any mobsters by associating them with Congress.
Is it wrong for me
It is not wrong but it is not virtuous.
Is it wrong for me to be enjoying the schadenfreude that goes along with the display of small, petty and unmanly behavior that has been exhibited by Republicans over the past several days?
No, not at all, please go on!
You need to add an option:
5. Teddy Kennedy is burning in Hell for killing Mary Jo Kopekne and too busy to read PR notes from his drunk, drug-addled spawn.
The faster this guy gets himself committed the better for him.
It's a good thing the HCR bill covers mental illness.
@Freeman Hunt
Thankfully, the Kennedy's are not able to murder any more Kopekne's.
Both of Mary Jo's parents have passed on and thankfully, did not live to see this day.
My guess is that Teddy is too busy right now trying to explain his behavior on an individual level towards others.
I really have a gut feeling that "general welfare" arguments just aren't going to be enough to counter "screwed her, crashed, and left her for dead" type charges.
But I guess we'll all see one day.
With all the psychodrama the Kennedys have experienced, and considering Patrick's only problems and historical depedence on his father, I'm not surprised at this at all.
It would have been sentimental IF there had been no press release. This, however is pure PR--something well learned by the Kennedy clan.
Oh, Freeman Hunt, that was wicked and darkly (oops, hope I ndon't sound racist) funny.
How pathetically, churn-inducingly cloying can a no-talent hack son of a no-talent slob be?
Patrick Kennedy is a big baby. But then so was his father. They both should have been bartenders, cleaning up messes instead of making them.
Big Fat Teddy was as corrupt a statist as ever soiled the district of Columbia. Again, another option is needed, "The Kennedys have always been phony. Now, we don't have to be polite about it."
Cedarford said...
2. In answer to PatCA, the answer to why schoolkids are being taken to his grave is obvious if you look at the 3 graves next to his.
None of them deserve that kind of pilgrimage. Take them to the cemetary at Gettysburg and let them see some real heroes.
this is news?
Could some one 'splain to me how this touching "personal sentiment" get picked up by our news media?
Divine revelation I suppose
If it was a heartfelt personal note, then Mr Kennedy should not have alerted the news to cover it. Sad--genuinely sad--and what is sad? that the media would cover it, and apparently some people would believe it.
In the mood: do you believe the bullshit you just wrote?
As President Obama would say, this past week has been a "teachable" moment.
While Democrats have shown political courage and have been magnanimous in this victory that they have achieved for the American people, Republicans have been petty and grossly uncivil in their fight to protect the worst abuses of the insurance industry.
It is my sense that the political fever that has gripped this country over the pass many months has been broken. Democrats look like winners fighting for average Americans. Republicans now look like whiny losers.
"While Democrats have shown political courage and have been magnanimous in this victory that they have achieved for the American people"
I guess it takes courage to defy the people. What they have "achieved for the American people" is more intrusive government and more ruinous debt. The truly poor already had access to health care. Thanks Democrats.
Ann Althouse, you know it's true.
No option for "Sickening". (The third option is close, but doesn't quite reach the right level to express my feelings.)
"Ick" would do as well. Seriously, what kind of a person relates to his father that way? Let alone invites the press. I can only hope that this is solely political bullshit, done for the publicity at the request of the President or Speaker, and that it has nothing to do with what's in his heart for his father.
vw: "leevoner". There's probably an Elton John joke in here somewhere, but I'm not finding it.
LilyBart wrote
"I guess it takes courage to defy the people."
Please read "profiles in Courage".
Also, by next week polls will start to show that Americans generally approve of the leadership President Obama has displayed over the past several weeks and of this legislation.
Ted Kennedy's "business" was never done. While Jesse Jackson mastered the art of being a a race hustler, Ted Kennedy invented the art of being a poverty hustler.
Democrats look like winners fighting for average Americans. Republicans now look like whiny losers.
Yep, especially when people wanted this health care bill to pass by 9 percentage points
That was best comment of the week!
As comedians need foils the witty need In the Mood.
It would be sick-making tripe in any case, but it's not even true. This misbegotten gift to the health insurance industry hardly "completes" the "unfinished business" of providing all Americans access to competent, thorough, and affordable health care.
We need to kill the insurance companies and institute universal health care, aka "Medicare for All." (We also need to cut the war budget at least by half--preferably more--the better to allocate that money where it will better serve us.)
Garage: They were for it after they were against it.
I can only give him the benefit of the doubt.
Big bad Bobbie Cook lets the cat out of the bag. Endgame for the Left is defunding our military to make the world safe for their fellow thugs worldwide.
"The unfinished business was that bastard swimming back to save me." - Mary Jo Kopechne
Now the American people know what was actually in this bill and that they were misled by the Republicans.
You can now feel the backlash among the American people that is forming against the GOP. Being a party that tolerates lying and personal ugly behavior like call heroes of the civil rights movement the worst imaginable slurs is taking its toll.
"It is my sense that the political fever that has gripped this country over the pass many months has been broken. Democrats look like winners fighting for average Americans. Republicans now look like whiny losers."
I'm not a Republican.
You're sorely mistaken to think that this is a democrat/Republican issue and that mistake is going to fucking bury you. Count on it.
You and your revolting comrades have made yourselves permanent enemies.
"Being a party that tolerates lying and personal ugly behavior like call heroes of the civil rights movement the worst imaginable slurs is taking its toll."
We're not going to let you get away with your lies anymore. We're not going to let you play your psy-ops games anymore. We're not going to allow you to get away with any of your shit anymore. One way or another, you're going to be held to account for what you've done and what you're doing.
You're gonna get it!
Keep hating Palladian.
This country is basically an optimistic one. Your kind have never defined America over the long haul in American history. It won't win this time either.
You have no idea, garage. But you're miserable when things are going your way, so perhaps you get a dispensation. Being you seems like punishment enough.
I think its sad when a son is not allowed to speak to his father and has to leave a note.
Reminds me of this story ;)
"This country is basically an optimistic one."
That's right, and that's why you're going down.
"Your kind have never defined America over the long haul in American history. It won't win this time either."
My kind (my family) have fought for this country generation after generation so don't tell me that "my kind" haven't defined America. "My kind" helped build and defend this country and that's why "my kind" is not going to allow you to ruin it.
You don't control the narrative anymore. You're not going to win.
Only the assholes here would post such disgusting comments about a man visiting his father's grave.
What a sad crew...and Queen Ann is the saddest of all.
Ted Kennedy was a fucking fat windbag bastard who has driven American culture into a ditch, leaving it to drown in the cold deathly waters of Feminisit wussiness.
No man ever did more to emasculate his country.
Patrick Kennedy should send notes of thanks to the Republican establishment instead. After all, the health care thing passed because the pathetic Republicans failed to stand up as an opposition party.
Yes, every time I visit the graves of my loved ones, I promptly issue a press release right afterward!
Palladian- what's with the new name?
Jeremy- fuck you asshole. Ted Kennedy was a drunk and a killer. Patrick is a drunk and drug abuser. The apple did not fall far from the rotten tree.
Ted Kennedy did more for Americans than the lot of you tea bagging fools.
Ann should be ashamed of opening this disgusting thread.
But I bet she isn't.
By all means, run on the angry (and in your case, sometimes clearly drunk) wingnut taking retribution against those in favor against health care reform. I can see the ads now. I'm sure that will be a big winner for you.
Oh poor abused Patrick Kennedy! An orphan! I can tell you that I read his press release about his visit to daddy's ditch with the utmost solemnity and compassion and reverence due to such an honorable and august figure. I even shed a tear or two. I'll be issuing a press release about the experience shortly.
So is Jeremy being stupid or disingenuous?
And no you can't say both.
I have talked to many good Americans today and I have heard over and over that they feel an even greater sense of elation and pride than they did on the day after Barack Obama was elected president of this great country.
God Bless America!!!
"I have talked to many good Americans today and I have heard over and over that they feel an even greater sense of elation than they did on the day after Barack Obama was elected president of this great country.
God Bless America!!!"
LOL. Come on, fess up. Were you really able to type that without cracking up. I mean, maybe just a little? I mean, I can't even read it without chortling briefly and then burping up a little of lunchtime's chickpea salad. But to actually write something like that?
You should write press releases for Patrick Kennedy, with that kind of talent.
AJLYNCH - Suck my dick you little piece of shit.
Ted Kennedy did more than you'll ever dream of accomplishing in your meaningless, hateful life.
This has to be one of the most disgusting and hateful groups of people I've ever encountered on the internet or in life for that matter.
You're nothing but a bunch of self loathing, uneducated and uninformed losers who spend every day denigrating anyone with whom they disagree.
Genuinely touching.
As in, "reading that genuinely touched the part of my brain responsible for making me vomit".
jayne_cobb - Keep on sucking.
Your tea bagger buddies need the reassurance.
Wait, while I was replying to this:
"I have talked to many good Americans today and I have heard over and over that they feel an even greater sense of elation than they did on the day after Barack Obama was elected president of this great country.
God Bless America!!!"
You deleted it and then re-posted it so you could add "and pride"?? LOL. I mean, you're going to give yourself cavities if you pour any more syrup into that gruel!
I'm curious:
Why, if the legislation is so great, did Congress feel the need to exempt themselves and their staff members?
"Palladian- what's with the new name?"
PinchingLoaf called me that the other day and I liked it so much I decided to use it for a while.
Jeremy wrote about Ann's right wing crowd
"You're nothing but a bunch of self loathing, uneducated and uninformed losers who spend every day denigrating anyone with whom they disagree."
Or, in other words, as someone who use to post here would have put it..They are the "Althouse HILLBILLIES!!!"
"Why, if the legislation is so great, did Congress feel the need to exempt themselves and their staff members?"
Because the legislation is for The People™! You know, the lower sorts. The common run of folk. The lumpenproles. Our Betters obviously needn't be involved in such measures.
Palladian wrote "I can't even read it without chortling briefly and then burping up a little of lunchtime's chickpea salad."
Well, that is because you don't love America like I do.
AJ Lynch,
Jeremy does have a point.
-Have you ever drowned a woman?
-Have you ever cheated on your significant other?
-Have you ever attempted to dry hump an unwilling waitress?
-Have you ever offered to work with the Soviets to undermine your own President?
I highly doubt it.
And therefore you are a horrible excuse for an American.
"They are the "Althouse HILLBILLIES!!!"
Ahh, there's that patented Democrat compassion for the Appalachian poor. "Look you inbred little poverty-stricken pissants! We got you the appearance of health care! But we're not going to stop making fun of you and treating you with contempt! We're Democrats!"
Ted Kennedy was a corrupt alcoholic narcissistic overgrown trust fund baby, living off his megalomaniac father's illegal rum-running fortune, whose overt and covert support for the Irish Republican Army and for abortion caused far more death and destruction than anyone bearing the label "human being" ought to have caused. He was a scumbag. His supporters are scumbags. The party he represented is run by scumbags.
Other than that, he was a pretty decent guy who got along with anyone who had a scotch bottle.
"Well, that is because you don't love America like I do."
Eww! It's getting really uncomfortable now!
AJ Lynch - "Patrick is a drunk and drug abuser."
That pretty much describes George W. Bush.
Oh, and since so many here consider Ted Kennedy a "murderer," then you must also feel the same way about this person:
In May 2000, 17-year-old Laura Welch ran a stop sign, causing the death of the sole occupant of the vehicle hers had struck.
She entered an intersection without heeding the stop sign and there collided with the Corvair sedan driven by 17-year-old Michael Douglas. (That's right...she ran the stop sign.)
The boy's father had been traveling in a car immediately behind his son's and witnessed the whole thing. (Isn't that nice?)
He had been a star athlete, excelling in track and football, and was also nominated as the school's most popular boy while a junior, an honor that almost always went to a senior.
The accident is difficult to understand in that it took place on a clear night on dry pavement at a crossroads described as "the middle of nowhere," where the view was unobstructed and the stop sign that faced Laura Welch was clearly visible. (Gee, do you think she may have been...DRUNK?)
I asked for two more options at the poll:
Dumbshit, why did you obstruct this in 1971 when Nixon wanted to do it? You set back the cause by nearly 40 years.
Who says he's feasting with Jesus? He could well be stuck in an eternal drowing car that ran off the road into a lake of fire.
LOL. Thanks for the excellent defense!
Palladian, you only suffer from a poverty of the mind. That is why you got labeled as an Althouse Hillbilly.
Scott said..."Ted Kennedy was a corrupt alcoholic narcissistic overgrown trust fund baby, living off his megalomaniac..."
Once again, you could say exactly the same thing about George W. Bush.
But in Ted's case, he spent the last 40 years of his life doing what he could for the poor and middle-class.
Palladian - I thought you did suck dicks?
Something change?
"Palladian, you only suffer from a poverty of the mind."
Whoa! Deep, man! If I didn't have so much work to do tonight I'd fire up a big spliff and contemplate that little Koan.
I need an insulin shot STAT!
Would anyone care to know the note I left on my father's grave?
Nahhh--I didnt think so. I figured it was a private thing and wasnt necessary to issue a press release.
the unfinished business is done
if only. as robert cook demonstrates, it's time to start whining and bitching for single payer. duh.
What does that say about the Obama regime were underlings (thnks Freeman) succumb to leaving notes at a grave site praising Obama so they can be part of his greatness inner circle?
Really astute this kid Kennedy..
Maybe too astute.
BTW--who was the troll that kept using the phrase "hillbilly?"
Looks like there has been an identity change--can any of these trolls identify themselves or do they labor in anonymnity because they havent the courage to use their names.
The internet has changed a bit since the days of usenet flame wars, but it still permits the little cowards to hide behind faux names.
Alas--cowards all.
If we can ever get term-limits passed, I hope the offspring are included in the tally.
100% True Story:
Ted Kennedy left a human being to drown while he went to bed. In the morning, he convened his advisors and attorney to discuss his options before he notified the police about the incident.
Troll who coined Althouse Hillbillies was "lee something" and/or 1cbj?
They may have been the same person.
Palladian - the new ID is better!
Roger - Where do you or any of the other tea baggers here see anything about a "press release" from Patrick Kennedy or any of the family for that matter?
This is from the Washington Post and unless there's another article Queen Ann hasn't referenced, I didn't see anything about the family releasing anything:
"The late senator's widow, Vicki Reggie Kennedy, spent hours on Sunday at the simple white cross at Arlington National Cemetery marking where her husband was laid to rest only seven months ago. Ted Kennedy's youngest son, Rep. Patrick J. Kennedy (D-R.I.), visited on Monday morning and left a hand-written note that read: "Dad, the unfinished business is done."
Would you and others like to bitch and whine about his widow visiting the grave, too?
What a bunch of disgusting creeps.
You can now feel the backlash among the American people that is forming against the GOP. Being a party that tolerates lying and personal ugly behavior like call heroes of the civil rights movement the worst imaginable slurs is taking its toll.
Surely. That's why we see the Democrats sinking further into the abyss in every poll.
AJ Lynch - Here's another "true story":
In May 2000, 17-year-old Laura Welch ran a stop sign, causing the death of the sole occupant of the vehicle hers had struck.
The accident is difficult to understand in that it took place on a clear night on dry pavement at a crossroads described as "the middle of nowhere," where the view was unobstructed and the stop sign that faced Laura Welch was clearly visible.
I did not mourn Ted Kennedy. Does that make me a bad person?
Are you sure "unfinished business" doesn't refer to Patrick drowning a young campaign worker he was hitting on?
Gee Jeremy--exercise your limited powers of reason and ask yourself--how did a private visit a gravesite manage to find its way in the the news--
I suppose in the fevered brainswamps of your miniscule mind you must think the WAPO stakes out the gravesite.
are you that stupid?
Redundant question: Apparently so
and no little boy--don't want to suck your dick. But do keep asking because someone somewhere might service you.
Yeah Jeremy the story just materialized out of thin air. It was nothing Patrick did to alert the press to this oh so touching and poignant third-rate act by a fifth-rate substance -abusing wasted sperm named Patrick Kennedy.
Eric said..."That's why we see the Democrats sinking further into the abyss in every poll."
Care to share a link to all of these polls?
Gallup's Poll for President Obama as March 23, 2010:
Approve 51%
Disapprove 43%
Sorry all of my dear Althouse Hillbillies, but
I'm lovin' it!
AJ Lynch said..."Yeah Jeremy the story just materialized out of thin air. It was nothing Patrick did to alert the press to this oh so touching and poignant third-rate act by a fifth-rate substance -abusing wasted sperm named Patrick Kennedy."
Show me the "press release" you and others here keep referring to.
This was a report in a newspaper, not a "press release."
And are you also upset that Kennedy's widow was at the grave site?
You're a lying little weasel.
Genuinely touching -- if it were a private moment that none of the rest of us heard about.
Roger - Show me the "press release."
You're just using the article to justify disgusting comments about Patrick and his father.
You and others here are lying.
:Huh? I haven't seen any news stories about anyone gunning down the rest of the Kopechnes."
Game. Set. Match. Tournament, Ms. Hunt!
peter hoh said..."Genuinely touching -- if it were a private moment that none of the rest of us heard about."
I suggest you call: Philip Rucker and Eli Saslow.
They wrote the "article" appearing in the Washington Post.
NO press release.
Just Ann Althouse tea baggers lying through what few teeth they still have.
of course there was no formal press release you fool--a simple phone call from one of Kennedy's staffers to a sympathetic WAPO editor. If my use of the term "press release" confused you I apologize profusely. Apparently it did. The depths of your stupidity continue to amaze me
And again, before you invite me, no I dont want to suck your dick.
David said..."Huh? I haven't seen any news stories about anyone gunning down the rest of the Kopechnes."
And you probably haven't seen any news stories about Laura Bush gunning down the rest of the Douglas family.
You know...the family of the kid she killed after running a stop sign?
Game, set...blah, blah, blah.
Roger J. said..."of course there was no formal press release you fool--a simple phone call from one of Kennedy's staffers to a sympathetic WAPO editor."
How the fuck do you know any of this, asshole?
Reporters report.
Newspapers publish.
You're just using whatever you can come up with to bitch and whine.
Roger - You being a tea bagger, I was wondering...is it difficult sucking dick with testicles in your mouth?
This contretemps really has me wondering--In the fever swamps of jeremy's mind, two full time reporters are staking out Senator Kennedy's gravesite--presumably 24/7. Miraculously Rep Kennedy shows up with a note after the HCRF passes and is signed. After an appropriate amount of time Rep Kennedy leaves, and the WAPO reporters converge on the headstone, open the note up to find this touching sentiment.
Being good WAPO journalists they know they have hit journalistic paydirt, they publish this revelation for a salivating public.
Thats the story line you expect us to believe Jeremy? Really?
The depths of your stupidity continue to amaze me.
Ah Jeremy--you seem to have a problem with your sexuality. Particularly this fixation on oral sex from strangers--I think there are some twelve step programs that might help you. You may want to consider staying away from some of the rest stops on the freeway.
No one will buy in unless there's extensive jailtime added. Two or three months at least. At present, it's going to be about as well-policed as our border.
Jeremy shows the depths of his stupidity daily when he posts here.
wv = slanaba = where Jeremy is from
If Jeremy is older than 13 I would be really shocked.
Tell you what Jeremy--I do have an engagement and wont be back until tomorrow--so you can savage me to your heart's desire--be advised that I will be very hurt and probably have a really bad morning suffering the slings and arrows of your bile, but still little man--I wont be sucking your cock. Have a wonderful evening vandalizing the blog
Senator Ted Kennedy was a very public man. His son, Congressman Patrick Kennedy, is also very much a public person. This legislation becoming law is very much of public interest. The press clearly is focused on the Kennedy legacy in relation to this story.
That you find this is the best place to direct your weaselly venom says more about you than the patriotic Kennedy family who have given their lives to public service for this country.
I wrote "weaselly venom".
And just to be clear, I am calling you weaselly snakes.
Yes, Teddy was so patriotic that he sent a letter to the Soviets trying to help them undermine President Reagan.
On the bright side at least Biden gave the bill a truly deserving name today: The Big Fucking Deal.
I'd have expected a burial at sea.
Senator Ted Kennedy was a very public man. His son, Congressman Patrick Kennedy, is also very much a public person. This legislation becoming law is very much of public interest. The press clearly is focused on the Kennedy legacy in relation to this story.
Right, and as a public person he's going to come into some criticism for these kinds of classless political gestures.
Also, by next week polls will start to show that Americans generally approve of the leadership President Obama has displayed over the past several weeks and of this legislation.
Care to place a bet? I think Obama's "bump" will still leave him with less than a 50% approval rating, and it will be downhill from there.
I have talked to many good Americans today and I have heard over and over that they feel an even greater sense of elation and pride than they did on the day after Barack Obama was elected president of this great country.
You're not talking to same sort of good Americans that I'm talking to. The ones I'm talking to are not limousine liberals like the Kennedy clan, whose personal wealth will shield them from the consequences of this legislation, nor are they loser liberals like Jeremy and garage. They're from the American middle class, and they know who's going to pay the bill for freeloaders on the system.
"Senator Ted Kennedy was a very public man."
You've got a stray "L" in the penultimate word there.
"That you find this is the best place to direct your weaselly venom says more about you than the patriotic Kennedy family who have given their lives to public service for this country."
The Kennedys are so freakin' patriotic that they've given other people's lives to public service for this country as well.
Do we still call it public service when you use it to enrich yourself?
No Eric. We call that "Bush-Cheney Service."
(I love teasin' my dumb-dumb Althouse Hillbillies!)
Fortunately, it looks like Massachusetts voters are over the Kennedys. Probably because we have reality TV now, so we're more used to watching drunk people.
They're from the American middle class, and they know who's going to pay the bill for freeloaders on the system.
I really hope this is the rallying cry for conservatives - defending with their life, a cruel, unjust, and inhumane health care system where someone who at no fault of their own, contracts a disease is deemed a "freeloader".
I really hope this is the rallying cry for conservatives - defending with their life, a cruel, unjust, and inhumane health care system where someone who at no fault of their own, contracts a disease is deemed a "freeloader".
I hope so too. For every hard luck case you can find where someone is unlucky, you'll find ten people who are gonna cost the rest of us millions of dollars due to their "lifestyle".
Eric wrote " For every hard luck case you can find where someone is unlucky, you'll find ten people who are gonna cost the rest of us millions of dollars due to their "lifestyle"."
Do you mean like Meade quiting his job and marrying Ann Althouse and freeloading off of the taxpapers of Wisconsin? Meade, that is some great "lifestyle" you got going there, you rugged individual you!
Somebody ain't in the mood.
That's the problem with leftists. They don't know the difference between freeloading and work.
Eric is right. Surely being married to Ann Althouse is work.
(Lovin' it!)
"I really hope this is the rallying cry for conservatives - defending with their life, a cruel, unjust, and inhumane health care system where someone who at no fault of their own, contracts a disease is deemed a "freeloader"."
Why would we call someone with a disease a "freeloader"? I'd only call them that if they expected me to pay their way because they decided before they got sick that they didn't want to work for a living.
I like your sneaky little "no fault of their own" caveat. It's a sinister little foretaste of how this "Rainbow Magical Barack Free Health Care" is going to work out for everyone. Some jelly-faced woman in a bureau is going to decide that your heart disease or diabetes or HIV is not going to be covered because you contracted it through fault of your own.
Eventually nothing will be covered or everything will be illegal. Food will be portioned and meted out for you, sex will require licensing, extensive testing and quarantine, and if you're pregnant with a baby that is discovered to be affected by a disorder or defect you'll be required to abort. Because if you went ahead and birthed such a burdensome mass of cells, well, the existence of a defective child would be your own fault! And Barack isn't going to be using the money he took from you to pay for your preventable mistakes!
Presumably Wisconsin pays Althouse to do professor-y things. You see, that's a free exchange of resources. I know it's a bit hard to grasp for community college professors, but try to stay with me here.
I have seen some videos of Patrick's recent appearances in Congress. He seemed volatile and overwrought. He looks like he's teetering on the edge of nervous collapse. I wonder if there is anyone in his immediate circle who would tell him to step back. The Republicans would party all week if he had a full on flame out, and the Dems would characterize it as a manifestation of his intensity. Between the malice of the right and the puffery of the left, he must find it very difficult to find the center.....I'd like to make fun of Patrick but, like Brittney Spears a few months back, it doesn't seem right. He seems like a genuinely screwd up guy.
Ah, jealousy of Althouse and Meade! Now we get at the real reason that "In the Mood" is such a twat: he or she has been "In the Mood" for years but is too stupid and ugly to actually score even a mercy fuck.
Maybe there will be a provision in the Magic Unicorn Barack Free Health Care Program to pay for a little release for the sour little douchebag.
"He seems like a genuinely screwd up guy."
He's a scion of the Kennedy family and his father was Ted Kennedy! What do you expect?!
garage mahal said...
Democrats look like winners fighting for average Americans. Republicans now look like whiny losers.
Yep, especially when people wanted this health care bill to pass by 9 percentage points
Can't wait to see the methodology and sample on this one.
75% Democrat?
Jeremy said...
Only the assholes here would post such disgusting comments about a man visiting his father's grave.
As opposed to the stuff you posted about the last administration?
What a sad crew...and Queen Ann is the saddest of all.
Then leave. And take your filthy mouth and lame brain with you.
kentuckyliz said...
Who says he's feasting with Jesus? He could well be stuck in an eternal drowing car that ran off the road into a lake of fire.
Signor Alighieri would be proud of you.
"I have seen some videos of Patrick's recent appearances in Congress. He seemed volatile and overwrought... "
Maybe he should man up and self-medicate with Scotch.
Eventually nothing will be covered or everything will be illegal. Food will be portioned and meted out for you, sex will require licensing, extensive testing and quarantine, and if you're pregnant with a baby that is discovered to be affected by a disorder or defect you'll be required to abort. Because if you went ahead and birthed such a burdensome mass of cells, well, the existence of a defective child would be your own fault! And Barack isn't going to be using the money he took from you to pay for your preventable mistakes!
As is often the case, Ray Davies had something to say about this line of thinking.
Maybe there will be a provision in the Magic Unicorn Barack Free Health Care Program to pay for a little release for the sour little douchebag.
The social welfare state of Denmark has long paid for its disabled citizens to visit prostitutes.
But unfortunately whoring is illegal here in America. Therefore it probably can't be included as a government-mandated benefit in our new American health insurance planz.
"Hi, dad. This is your son Pat. Please quit shoveling all of that coal into the furnace. Maybe you've forgotten, but we are having issues up here in alive-land with global warming.
@garage, care to list your car collection again for our edification? My off-the-top-of-my-head guess when I saw your list a bunch of months ago was that you own several tens of thousands of dollars worth of classic vehicles. And you decline to part with any of them to afford medicine for your family. Instead, those of us who worked our way into the middle class are expected to dig ever deeper into our pockets (to the tune of one trillion dollars between 2014 and 2020) so that you don't have to sell any of your cars to care for your family.
So you are a freeloading loser liberal, and that's all you'll ever be.
I like your sneaky little "no fault of their own" caveat. It's a sinister little foretaste of how this "Rainbow Magical Barack Free Health Care" is going to work out for everyone. Some jelly-faced woman in a bureau is going to decide that your heart disease or diabetes or HIV is not going to be covered because you contracted it through fault of your own
Have you even bothered to look at any of the proposals or bills? Where does this jelly faced woman in a "bureau" exist in your mind? What dept? What agency? It's just astounding how misinformed you people really are. Your doomsday scenario already fucking exists in our current system.
"He seems like a genuinely screwed up guy."
I couldn't agree more. Growing up with alcoholic parents and becoming one yourself is no picnic. I can empathize. Then add being a Kennedy to that certainly doesn't help (evidence by the comments today). He seems like a guy just trying to do the right thing...and barely making it.
(As for the alleged press release, I was wondering about that myself. Patrick and Vicky, I'm sure, as they politically linked to this very big story, were being watched closely by the press. That's what the press does - follow and write).
As for the Ted comments. Whatever. He's dead. He's worked something out with God. Carry the torch if you want, but it's not going to change anything. I'm not seeing the point.
Ah, the venerable Kennedys.
"American Royalty." That's all you ever needed to hear to know they were/are bad news.
I give Jackie credit for raising two pretty decent-seeming kids.
"Where does this jelly faced woman in a "bureau" exist in your mind?"
Inside the museums, where Infinity goes up on trial.
I don't see the relevance of Laura Bush's tragic accident, which happened years before she dated George W., anyway.
A magazine editor from Time or Newsweek said that Teddy Kennedy liked to hear the latest Chappaquiddick jokes. He thought that they were funny. What does that say about Teddy?
Patches' note to Dad was meant to be discovered and read, in my opinion, sort of like the prayer that Obama inserted in the Western Wall.
If under Obamacare pre-existing conditions are not guaranteed to deny coverage. What incentives does a healthy person (the overwhelming majority of Americans) have to buy coverage?
Why not just wait until you get sick to get coverage?
@garage, care to list your car collection again for our edification?
1990 BMW 535i paid $1200 (daily runner)
1996 Mercedes 560SL paid $4500 (summer car).
I sold another older Mercedes last summer to bring it down to two.
My total monthly payments are ZERO. Designed that way. The goal is to pay nothing each month, or be on the positive side after I sell and rebuy the next one. I do about 90% of the maintenance myself, and I buy used parts when I can off auto forums. I think I've bought and sold about 12 cars in the past 20 yrs. My first wife used to say "you love that Mercedes more than you love me!". And she was right!
@Jeremy: "In May 2000, 17-year-old Laura Welch ran a stop sign, causing the death of the sole occupant of the vehicle hers had struck."
May 2000?
..She might be only 17 but she has a lifetime of experience.
Ryan Seacrest speaking of Miley Cyrus.
Similar to Obamacare proponents.
We might not have the money for Obamacare but that doesn't matter.
Signor Alighieri would be proud of you.
Grazie tanto!
Did anyone leave a note at the grave of Mary Jo Kopechne?
Doesn't that read like a line in a mobster movie?
Yeah- "leave the broad, take the canoli."
we do not know what was in the note the depraved drunken junkie left on his murdering father's grave. It really is irrelevant. He is not running again and probably will be another dead Kennedy soon.
But, we have real problems here. Purple Shirts like Jeremy who use bullying and thuggery to hijack a comment section. His vocabulary limited to the crudest four letter words, his commentary is inane, and he sounds like an intellectual idiot and mensa moron.
Hey- Jeremy is Joe Biden!!!!!!!!
"Ah, the venerable Kennedys."
To me, the "Kennedys" sounds a lot like a version of Star Trek's "Borg".
I pronounce it as "the Kennediss". It is an entity of national onanistic fantasy-projection unparalleled in the American experience.
@garage, I was under the mistaken impression that the Beemer was a classic and worth consider dollars. Kelley's Blue Book disabused me.
Man, I hate eating crow but I have to take back what I said about you. I'm sorry.
Doesn't mean I'll take it back about anybody else, though.
It's simultaneously touching and creepy.
I haven't seen any news stories about anyone gunning down the rest of the Kopechnes.
I hope Freeman never fucks up big time in public, and I hope she never faces a situation stronger than her character can deal with.
Outside of NYC, Boston, and the media --- when was the last time anybody legitimately have a damn about the Kennedy clan?
So, a drug addict made sure to tell the press he left a note on the grave of a murderer. This is supposed to mean...what?
Jeremy, In and garage seem to be arguing that Patrick is not grandstanding. Apparently they missed his embarrassing performance in the well of the House several weeks ago.
Was he Grandstanding then? I leave it to those that see this deplorable performance to decide for themselves whether Kennedy is a either a sincere and genuine person who did not crave publicity regarding the note on his dad's grave, or rather was a grandstanding pol who "leaked" his note to the press.
"...I hope she never faces a situation..."
Your concern-trolling is duly noted.
Ted Kennedy did more for Americans than the lot of you tea bagging fools.
Well, he did personally kill at least one Democrat. So he's got me beat, right there.
Only the assholes here would post such disgusting comments about a man visiting his father's grave.
Only a pathetic twit would try and get publicity from visiting his father's grave.
Ted Kennedy did more for Americans than the lot of you tea bagging fools.
True. Nobody here helped make SCOTUS hearings brutally partisan affairs nor helped usher in epic deficits.
I note you didn't say he did positive things for America, so I'm assuming this is what you're referring to.
Ted Kennedy did more than you'll ever dream of accomplishing in your meaningless, hateful life.
Didn't Kennedy start life on third base and claim he hit a triple? Heck, the much-maligned Bush accomplished more than Teddy boy...you know, the dumb Kennedy.
Oh, and since so many here consider Ted Kennedy a "murderer," then you must also feel the same way about this person:
In May 2000, 17-year-old Laura Welch ran a stop sign, causing the death of the sole occupant of the vehicle hers had struck.
Laura was 17.
Teddy Boy was 37.
This is from the Washington Post and unless there's another article Queen Ann hasn't referenced, I didn't see anything about the family releasing anything:
That you are seeing WHAT WAS WRITTEN IN THE NEWSPAPER is the proof of a press release...unless you're arguing that the reporter followed him to the grave, picked up the note after he left and read it.
focused on the Kennedy legacy in relation to this story.
The Kennedy Legacy:
Joe Kennedy- an economic terrorist like George Soros and a con man like Ponzi. Had major associations with New York and Chicago Organized criminals. Supporter of Adolph Hitler.(No wonder Liberals revere him).
John F. Kennedy- won his election with help of organized crime. Hired his brother(nepotism anyone) as US Attorney General. Left the Bay of Pigs freedom fighters stranded. Used the White House as his own personal whore house.
Bobby Kennedy- worst serial civil rights and civil liberties violator in modern history- worst than FDR.
Teddy Kennedy- killer, coward, drunk, molester of women.
Their spawn- drunks, drug addicts, sexual predators.
Some legacy.
One sick m.f., i.e. just another liberal.
I hope Freeman never fucks up big time in public, and I hope she never faces a situation stronger than her character can deal with.
You just never know when you might drive drunk, cause an accident, leave your passenger for dead, sleep it off, and then try to orchestrate a coverup to protect your political career. Could happen to anyone.
I'm sure I'll wake up in cold sweats with worry about this possibility in my life.
In May 2000, 17-year-old Laura Welch ran a stop sign, causing the death of the sole occupant of the vehicle hers had struck.
The accident is difficult to understand in that it took place on a clear night on dry pavement at a crossroads described as "the middle of nowhere," where the view was unobstructed and the stop sign that faced Laura Welch was clearly visible.
Mary Jo would be so proud.
damikesc said..."Only a pathetic twit would try and get publicity from visiting his father's grave."
There was no "press releases" asshole.
The Washington Post published the "article."
If y9ur father dies...would you visit...asshole?
What is it with you assholes here?
Why don't you love your fathers?
You really sound like...selfish assholes.
Have any of you tried calling Patrick or his mother...both of whom visiting the grave site?
The Althouse Tea BaggerHillbillies are really a disgusting group of...well, you know...assholes.
Freeman, were you referring to anyone in particular?
Fred4Pres said..." Mary Jo would be so proud."
As would...
The Douglas family:
In May 2000, 17-year-old Laura Welch ran a stop sign, causing the death of the sole occupant of the vehicle hers had struck.
The accident is difficult to understand in that it took place on a clear night on dry pavement at a crossroads described as "the middle of nowhere," where the view was unobstructed and the stop sign that faced Laura Welch was clearly visible.
Jeremy, Patrick Kennedy going to his dad's grave is fine. Patrick Kennedy making some political statement about it opens it up to criticism.
Save your faux outrage. We are not buying crazy today.
Fred, is there some reason you use this weasel who thought he could be President, realized he was just a fucking actor...who couldn't talk without a script...as you moniker?
You actually think Fred is some kind of intellectual force?
You're an idiot.
Fred4Pres said..."Jeremy, Patrick Kennedy going to his dad's grave is fine. Patrick Kennedy making some political statement about it opens it up to criticism."
So if your own father had fought for a specific change in national politics or service, for over 30 years...you'd leave that out of your note?
Is that what you're saying?
It wasn't a press release, it it an article in the Washington Post.
You're just another right wing prick trying to make something out of nothing.
And of course, this was a Kennedy...not quite the same as somebody who isn't revered throughout the world.
Why not try to be honest for a change...asshole?
Palladian - Aren't you supposed to be in bed, sucking on some tea bagger's balls?
You're such a little man.
Jeremy. A mere accident, however tragic, is forgivable.
That describes Laura Bush. It sure as hell does not describe Teddy Kennedy. Getting drunk, cheating on yoru wife, leaving Mary Jo to drown, lying about it, and then getting special treatment because you are a Kennedy (even if you are the half wit fuckup of the family) is something else. There were houses right there he could have gone to and called for help, but Ted was more important.
Did he learn from that mistake even? Hell no. He was a hell raiser for years until the health toll of it all slowed him down. Lord Jim? Ted Kennedy was far from that.
Fred4Pres: Freeman, were you referring to anyone in particular?
I was replying to the italicized comment. What do you mean?
Teddy is laughing his way into heaven...
Only hours after the president signed health care reform legislation into law on Tuesday, the immediate political benefits for the Democratic Party are already coming into focus.
According to a Gallup/USA Today poll conducted the day after health care legislation passed the House of Representatives, 49 percent of the respondents think the passage of reform is a "good thing," compared to the 40 percent who think it is bad.
"In May 2000, 17-year-old Laura Welch . . . ."
Ten years ago Laura was older than 17. What else are you wrong about?
Not the first time FLS has gone out of his way to defend Ted Kennedy's behavior in the Chappaquiddick incident.
It's wrong to make special excuses for politicians. They are not special.
Part of Kennedy's behavior was driven by the fact that he was treated like he was special; above the law, even. And he got away with it.
Then, to make things worse, a bunch of idiots who believe in the Kennedy Fairy Tale elected him to congress over and over again.
Now the rest of us get to live with the consequences.
Ted Kennedy.
William Kennedy Smith.
Michael Skakel.
Classy, classy family.
Hey Jeremy, what is Mexifornian for Heil Pelosi or Heil Stern?
You see, Jeremy is a Democrat. A Socialist Democrat.
When I was younger I knew a young lady who was the daughter of a famous politician. (Not a Kennedy) She was smart and very good looking and seemed to be on a completely different flight path than the other students. Some people went out of their way to be her friend, but others went out of their way to tell her that she was nothing special. A lifetime of that can get inside your head. She was pleasant enough, but there was something guarded and brittle about her. Perhaps there was another crowd of her peers in Washington that she could relax with, but among civilians she was very wary and a little distrustful......This isn't the saddest story you ever heard. I just blogged her. The sketchy facts are not troubling to read, but there doesn't seem to be a surfeit of glittering prizes either. Her father is now almost forgotten. She can rest easy that her obscurity is not a stain on the family name.
Teddy is laughing his way into heaven...
Hardly. At this very moment, Ted Kennedy is suffocating in the back of a car. Over and over again. For eternity.
Not the first time FLS has gone out of his way to defend Ted Kennedy's behavior in the Chappaquiddick incident.
Dead drunk, he drives off a bridge, saves only himself, and leaves a young woman to die. Surely he was wrong to drink and drive, but it's hard to figure out what to do in a crisis when you're DEAD DRUNK.
Perhaps Patrick feels that he is the real, unfinished business of his father.
An excerpt from an old Peggy Noonan column:
A few weeks ago I was reading Christopher Lawford's lovely, candid and affectionate remembrance of growing up in a particular time and place with a particular family, the Kennedys, circa roughly 1950-2000. It's called "Symptoms of Withdrawal." At the end he quotes his Uncle Teddy. Christopher, Ted Kennedy and a few family members had gathered one night and were having a drink in Mr. Lawford's mother's apartment in Manhattan. Teddy was expansive. If he hadn't gone into politics he would have been an opera singer, he told them, and visited small Italian villages and had pasta every day for lunch. "Singing at la Scala in front of three thousand people throwing flowers at you. Then going out for dinner and having more pasta." Everyone was laughing. Then, writes Mr. Lawford, Teddy "took a long, slow gulp of his vodka and tonic, thought for a moment, and changed tack. 'I'm glad I'm not going to be around when you guys are my age.' I asked him why, and he said, 'Because when you guys are my age, the whole thing is going to fall apart.' "
Mr. Lawford continued, "The statement hung there, suspended in the realm of 'maybe we shouldn't go there.' Nobody wanted to touch it. After a few moments of heavy silence, my uncle moved on."
Lawford thought his uncle might be referring to their family--that it might "fall apart." But reading, one gets the strong impression Teddy Kennedy was not talking about his family but about . . . the whole ball of wax, the impossible nature of everything, the realities so daunting it seems the very system is off the tracks.
And--forgive me--I thought: If even Teddy knows . . .
Got news for y'all. There are not going to be any more elections. Between the economic dismantling and racial-tension-fanning that the dems and press are doing, we'll be in a state of emergency in time for Obama to cancel elections for the foreseeable future. Pelosi knows it; it's why she doesn't give a damn about what polls tell her. She's not worried about ever losing power.
Noonan column here: http://www.opinionjournal.com/columnists/pnoonan/?id=110007460
I have to say "none of the above". Obviously it is a publicity stunt, but a pretty meh one for a Kennedy.
I love it when Jeremy squeals like a stuck pig. I wonder what high school this little proto-fascist goes to.
"Gallup's Poll for President Obama as March 23, 2010:
Approve 51%
Disapprove 43%"
You're proud of a 51% approval rating for the "bestest president ever?"
Everyone expected a slight bounce and now it will crash again. Once those higher taxes and premiums kick in with the corresponding loss of jobs it will be a wonder if he doesn't go below 30.
Freeman, it was a rhetorical question. I understood who you were talking about.
If y9ur father dies...would you visit...asshole?
So, your theory is that the press is just staking out Pat at all times, in case he does something?
Surely he was wrong to drink and drive, but it's hard to figure out what to do in a crisis when you're DEAD DRUNK.
Really FLS? Guess he wasn't DEAD DRUNK enough to save himself, walk away to sleep it off and then call his lawyers to cover his ass.
That's pretty pathetic even for you.
Also, last I checked, if you drive drunk and kill somebody, you go to jail.
Unless you're Ted Kennedy. If you're Ted Kennedy you get to lord your power over all the commoners to try and plan their lives according to your vision, which, of course, you fund with their money.
And you don't allow that vision to be obstructed by windmills, no matter how much coal-generated power your mansion needs.
If you want to learn about social justice, you should pick up a copy of the Poverty and Social Justice Bible and memorize the 2,000 passages overlooked by members of the GOP in this healthcare reform bill. But here are a few quotes for starters:
He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God." Proverbs 14:31
"He who gives to the poor will lack nothing, but he who closes his eyes to them receives many curses." Proverbs 28:27
Here are some additional quotes, if you need the short list: http://home.snu.edu/~hculbert/poor.htm
I define social justice as follows: a society that gives individuals and groups fair treatment and an equitable share of the benefits of society.
Anyone who calls themselves a Christian knows that it is a COMMANDMENT to serve the poor and needy. No it is not voluntary; that's hedonism. Those that are in Christ do not continue to sin and hoard for self.
"If there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the land that the LORD your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward your poor brother." Deuteronomy 15:7
Healthcare is a gift from God at Easter, to remind of us a God who sent his son in the flesh to HEAL the SICK and FEED the POOR. He did not come for those who THINK they know it all; those people who acted holy but withheld sharing were the goats he promised to divide from his SHEEP, who know him and follow his will.
I retract not ONE word from my earlier comment.
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