২৫ মার্চ, ২০১০

Obama's opposition to the individual mandate.

Plainly stated:

"When Senator Clinton says a mandate, it's not a mandate on government to provide health insurance. It's a mandate on individuals to purchase it. Massachusetts has a mandate right now. They have exempted 20% of the uninsured because they've concluded that that 20% can't afford it. In some cases, there are people who are paying fines and still can't afford it so now they're worse off than they were. They don't have health insurance and they're paying a fine. In order for you to force people to get health insurance, you've got to have a very harsh, stiff penalty."

I voted for him, not her. He was so sensible and pragmatic, considering all the details, so carefully and intelligently. He wasn't an ideologue. Where is the guy I voted for?

২২৪টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   224 এর 201 – থেকে 224
TDP বলেছেন...

No matter the reasons, the cold, hard fact is that we have a President that wasn't elected. In a very real sense the illusory candidate is gone and now for an ever-growing number the man that is President is not the man they voted for.

I guess this is payback from the far left for Bush v. Gore.

Arturius বলেছেন...

I'm curious whether or not those who voted for Obama are disillusioned that he hasn't veered the country leftward enough or just hasn't done it fast enough.

I'm only asking because from a conservative's standpoint, he has essentially kept the promises he made during the campaign that initially drew their ire so for them, he is exactly the guy they didn't vote for.

richard mcenroe বলেছেন...

Ann, the question is not, 'where is the man I voted for?' The question is, 'what do you do now?'

Hoping that another corrupt, self-inflating narcissistic ideologue like Hillary will come along to save you from Obama the way Obama was supposed to save you from... (Hm, who, exactly? Bush was gone with or without him)is exactly the same sort of wishful, magical thinking that got you into this mess in the first place.

So tell me, Ann, and I ask this in all sincerity as a thirty-plus year Democrat who left the party when I saw it drinking this poison, what else does the Democratic Party have? Is their only choice between Obamacare and Hillarycare, so to speak?

Cedarford বলেছেন...

AJ Lynch said...
Since it seems we are counseling Althouse on her lousy BS detector and her vote, Beldar wins this thread.

Who wins or doesn't "win a thread" looks like a pretty stupid fixation on trivia no one cares about.

The problem with the 2008 elections was that the other candidate McCain was about as excretable as Obama - PLUS he wanted a new major war to start AND he wanted to do 90% of what Obama wanted to do under a Patented John McCain bipartisan figleaf.

Say what you want about your Beloved Maximum War Commander Bush and how it was all "really!" Dodd and Barney Franks and "the bad non-Republican side of Wall Street". The truth is Republicans owned both sides of Congress and the Presidency and did little with that power other than push tax cuts they couldn't afford, new entitlements, and moan about hero troops and Noble purple-fingered Iraqi Freedom Lovers.

And truth is that Americans have been sold down the river on Free Trade and Globalism and "High Tech!!" snakeoil about industries and job losses easily replaced with Newer and Better! since the Ford Administration.
To understand how we got here, you have to look back to the roots of this and it didn't all start under Obama. Nor Bush, or even Clinton.

Now we might be seeing Obama as worse than McCain - but not by much.

Arguably, the country would have been better off with Hillary or Romney running the country - but that is not what the boob voters in their infinite wisdom decided would be who we voted on in Nov 2008 - after all the Party Purity tests were applied.

Turtledove বলেছেন...

What part of "fundamentally transforming America" did you not understand? One stump speech from the One was more than enough for me to know he was an elitist, America-hating ideologue through and through. Are you going to fall for the nonsense again in 2012?

Peter V. Bella বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Peter V. Bella বলেছেন...

Hey, I just herd on the radio some lawyer is thinking about filing a law suit of the tanning tax, that is part of the so called health care reform bill. he is going to file it on a civil rights issue- it is a tax that discriminates against white people.

A tanning tax in the health care bill? I wonder what other taxes are in there we do not know about- it is three thousand pages long:
Bikini wax tax
Pedi-mani tax
Haircut tax
electrolysis tax
Tax on hair growth products
Tax on hair removal products
Tax on make up
Tax on Deodorant
Tax on perfume and cologne
Tax on.....
and on.....
and on.....

Peter V. Bella বলেছেন...

Did Obama read all three thousand pages of the bill before he signed it? We know Pelosi nor any member of the House did- some even admitted it. If no one read this bill in toto they do not know what is in it. Which is the whole point behind their evil conspiracy to control the people through entitlements.

Three thousand pages!!! No one knows exactly what is in it. Amazing. And progressive entitlement liberals are celebrating this victory? They really are the Know Nothing Party.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...


I'd say Bush was not a very good president and our trade imbalance is killing us. But an individual's training & education or the lack thereof is the key factor in one's ability to earn a living.

BTW- when you were a child, were you scared senseless by a "Made in Japan" sign? Or maybe you could not figure out those Chinese handcuffs? Cause you sound like a bit of a crackpot re foreign trade.

Fat Man বলেছেন...

You invented the Obama you voted for. The evidence was available to everybody, that what you saw was not what you would get. The real Obama is a hard left ideologue.

So, Anne, who is the rube?

chickelit বলেছেন...

The weakness of Cedarford's (and other's) unending "McCain was worse" scenario is time. As time goes on, all the what if hypotheticals become more and more distant, frozen back there in the past, while Obama policies get invented and reduced to practice going forward. At some point, time alone will undermine this face-saving strategy.

chickelit বলেছেন...

wv "dupe" LOL!

Mr. D বলেছেন...

He did lie to you. He lied to all of us. The key thing is this: unlike certain pundits I could mention, you haven't been lying to yourself about it and you see him for now for who he is. And your witness is valuable.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Unless stopped, Obama will lie until we are all dead.He also says he is Israel's friend...so long as they will accept their early death that he has planned for them.

Der Hahn বলেছেন...

Way back up the thread somebody mentioned evaluating the two candidates based on comparing the worst of McCain to the best of Obama. I think that hits the nail on the head because I used to read another blog by a reasonable moderate (at least I thought so at the time) name Daniel Drezner. He spent most of 2004 appearing to go to and fro between W and Kerry, and put up several posts asking for the 'best arguments supporting W'. It quickly became pretty clear that, despite his protests, he was not interested in a fair evaluation of the two candidates. He persisted in drawing the comparision between the vauge promises of an empty suit (anybody remember Kerry's secret plan to end the war in Iraq?) vs W's actual record (mostly the rough patch of the war post-Saddam and pre-Surge in late 2003/early 2004). He assumed that Kerry would be able to implement policies that magically always seemed to be perfectly aligned with Drezner's priorities. I finally gave up reading his blog when it became clear that he was never going to admit that he was stacking the deck in his analysis.

The advantage of being the empty suit in a campaign.

Mark বলেছেন...

Actually, I'm sure the team that prepped Obama in how to fool the rubes has been paid off appropriately.

If it was based in NYC, I'd start looking in the Gowanus canal.

And yes, that's a joke. But just barely.

Mark বলেছেন...

By the way, I concur with Mr. D; not a lot of people have the intellectual honesty you have shown in re-evaluating Obama.

A friend of mine is tearing herself to pieces trying to justify her continuing infatuation with Obama. (Which is distressingly similar to how she deals with her real-life romantic life. There's probably a theme to be explored there, tingle and all....)

RLB_IV বলেছেন...

"Why do you regular commenters keep falling for this?"

People want to express their views. They want to pontificate and validate their level of prescience. It is natural for "thinking" people to discuss their political thoughts.

For me it is a romp in blogland. I would never hear such comments in the real world amoung most associates.

The brillance of The Althouse.

Mikio বলেছেন...

Althouse didn't vote for Obama. Only gullible idiots believe that.

She voted for her own conservative blog gimmick and the appearance of bonafides behind her ceaseless complaining about him.

Radio Free Ohio বলেছেন...


Please just stop. It's bullshit. It's not as cute as you seem to think it is. You voted for a fraud. The little game you continue to play makes me think you are a fraud.

Just stop.

Estragon বলেছেন...

You voted for a man who had never held a full-time job for long enough to build a resume. You voted for a man who had never accomplished anything of note - "Editor, Harvard Law Review" who publishes NO signed articles? "Professor of Constitutional Law" who never published ONE SINGLE article in 14 years?

"Community organizer" as lawyer for ACORN, a corrupt organization. "Author" of TWO autobiographies which read as if written by different writers. Never managed anything, never distinguished himself in any way. IN ANY WAY.

But you voted for him anyway.

Mick বলেছেন...

There was never any pragmatism, only radicalism. It was directly in front of your face and you chose to close your eyes to it and endanger this country. What kind of law prof doesn't know what a Natural Born Citizen is? (Born in the US to 2 US citizen parents).
So the Young and dumb, Blacks, and the educated idiots formed a coalittion to elect the Usurper.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Where is the guy I voted for?

He was like the Wizard Of Oz. Wasn't real. Once you peered behind the curtain you realize he was a fraud. Then again, the curtain was lifted the whole time and plenty of people saw what he was all about since day one (since much of it was clear as day and in print and on you tube and in the media). But some people refuse to believe their eyes and want to be swayed by the cult of personality. Caveat Emptor.

Alex বলেছেন...

jr... for most sane people when the Rev Wright thing came up it was a done deal to not vote for this fraud. But somehow it wasn't enough for Althouse, weird.

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন ‹পুরাতন   224 এর 201 – থেকে 224   আরও নতুন» সবচেয়ে নতুন»