March 5, 2010

If you had as much money as Rush Limbaugh, how would you decorate your 4,600 square foot apartment on 5th Avenue in NYC?

Here's how Rush had it done:

As that second picture suggests, he didn't really like NYC, but it was, apparently, the millionaire's tax that drove him out.


KCFleming said...

NYC finds out what happens when they go after hoarders, wreckers, and capitalist pigs.

Now where will they get the free ponies they promised everyone?

Bob_R said...

There are a couple of really nice pieces of furniture buried in all that dreck.

Bob_R said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
vet66 said...

I have a relation who lives outside of Rochester, NY. and pays close to $25K a year in property taxes. We left Oregon years ago when the property tax exceeded the principal and interest on the home being taxed. People on fixed incomes who paid their houses off on the McKenzie River had to move because their property taxes kept going up in the People's Republic of Lane Coounty.

At the rate this is going, the U.S. will be have a majority of it's population living in the flyover states. The migration has already begun. The progressives and liberals who remain on the east and west coast may well have to start earning a living with a real job paying real taxes to support their cherished entitlements. Maybe they can import third world workers to maintain their yards, gardens and security at their gated communities. In 25 years the "Boomer generation" will pretty much be history and the tax base will be decimated.

That is the major long-term reason Obamacare is fatally flawed.

WV: barthed

Opposite of birthed, the green pill prescribed by bureaucrats to a boomer who has outlived his/her usefulness.

KCFleming said...

Soak the Rich, Lose the Rich.
MAY 18, 2009
Americans know how to use the moving van to escape high taxes.

"from 1998 to 2007, more than 1,100 people every day including Sundays and holidays moved from the nine highest income-tax states such as California, New Jersey, New York and Ohio and relocated mostly to the nine tax-haven states with no income tax, including Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire and Texas. We also found that over these same years the no-income tax states created 89% more jobs and had 32% faster personal income growth than their high-tax counterparts."

There's a reason East germany, Cuba, China and the Soviet union had to put up walls and murder people who tried to leave.

New York, like other socialist states, is finding that they, too, are running out of other people's money.

Pastafarian said...

I'm no expert on interior decoration, but...yucko. That looks over-the-top tasteless.

And Rush must have allowed this photo to be taken, so I guess he was pretty pleased with it. Yikes.

rhhardin said...

It's overdecorated. And where are the piles of stuff?

KCFleming said...

It looks like some gay fling between Donald Trump and Jimmy Buffet.

KCFleming said...


muddimo said...

vet66, unfortunately they already have a solution to this conundrum: disproportionate revenue allocation under federalization. If they can give sweetheart deals to Nebraska and Louisiana to buy votes, they can come up with any number of schemes for diverting tax revenue from productive fly-over states to favored locations. And will your congressman or senator object? Not if he or she needs help getting their own legislation through, which in all likelihood will be to benefit their key contributors, not you. So from their point of view, no harm done.

MadisonMan said...

Not to my taste. A little to frou-frou-y. Especially the blue room (shudder)

muddimo said...

Maybe the decor is explained by the fact that the Limbaugh family is from Cape Girardeau, Missouri, which, along with nearby St. Genevieve, Missouri, is one of the few French settlements in the Midwest that actually survived and remained somewhat ethnically distinct after the Louisiana Purchase. When I think overly ornate, I want to blame the French.

Banshee said...

The really interesting question is... which is the guest bedroom?

I'm betting the fancy one is the guest bedroom, and that Rush slept in the more pleasant and airy-looking Florida bedroom.

With the photomural on the wall. Heh. You can take the boy out of the Midwest, but not the Midwest out of the boy.

traditionalguy said...

If the central government prints all money on credit, then they have taxed everyone into poverty who uses dollars as a medium of exchange . That is why the rest of the world is preparing to rebel and dump the dollar. How will a fly-over state do that? The Fed has long since outlawed gold certificates issued by private banks. Credit means belief in the promisor. That is reason #1 that we need Sarah Palin as President...the rest of the world believes what she says. Nobody believes Obama even when he says the sun comes up in the morning.

al said...

Not my style. OTOH if I had Rush's money I wouldn't live in NYC. I'd find a free state as radio can be done from anywhere.

kjbe said...

Well, not really my style, but hey, knock yourself out.

Fred4Pres said...

Pogo said...
It looks like some gay fling between Donald Trump and Jimmy Buffet.

That's funny, although I think those rooms might be too gay for a lot of gays. I guess I never really thought about Rush's decor, but thinking about it now I would have thought it to be something like Sherlock Holmes' flat or maybe Professor Henry Higgins' digs.

Wince said...

I see two themes. First, an attempt to surround himself with the trapping of luxury, clearly influenced by Trump's sense of, ahem, style, minus the gild.

As if to signal his arrival in NYC.

Second, his longing for escape through a fantasy portal.

The really interesting question is... which is the guest bedroom?
I'm betting the fancy one is the guest bedroom, and that Rush slept in the more pleasant and airy-looking Florida bedroom.

But look how small the hideous blue room is. It appears no wider than the bed.

AllenS said...

And not one head of a dead animal nailed to the wall. What's this world coming to?

KCFleming said...

The ideal guest bedroom resembles a monk's room: bleak, small, undecorated, with a tiny bed and simple bedstand, a high small window, and a naked bulb hanging from the ceiling.

Unless you actually want guests.

master cylinder said...

oh yeah those are so.... French.

Joan said...

If you've ever seen Rush's ties, you shouldn't be surprised at those rooms.

Bureaucrats are so stupid. They think people who have a choice about where they live will just stay put and pay through the nose. People usually do have a fondness for "home", but when staying "home" is costing you a disproportionate amount, moving is more than just OK.

David Wharton said...

Trimalchio couldn't have done better.

KCFleming said...

Yeah, Cook, there *are* thousands rushing in.

But none of them pay more than a few cents in taxes, and most are on the dole.

Read the wsj article.

Wince said...

LOL Pogo!

Pogo said...
The ideal guest bedroom resembles a monk's room: bleak, small, undecorated, with a tiny bed and simple bedstand, a high small window, and a naked bulb hanging from the ceiling.

Unless you actually want guests.

Right now I'm redecorating what will be a guest room, and I chose the room by its qualities for those precise reasons.

My question: the room's got a large east facing window. Should I look at that as making sleep uncomfortable (good), or an early rise more likely, which means I have to get up early too (bad)?

I need your advise. My choice of curtains hangs in the valance.

nbks said...

I enjoy his show, but man, that is some tacky-ass decorating.

Joe said...

I love Rush, but that's WAY too ornate for my Country Boy Style...I kept expecting therd to be people with Powdered Wigs staning about.

knox said...

I once knew a girl who's friends w/ a guy in REM. She went along with him to a party in NYC, at a hideous apartment--gold everywhere, gaudy, overdecorated. Turned out it was Sting's place.

I guess once you make a certain amount of money, you can't resist. For some people at least. Just think of Leno and his, what is it, 100 cars?

With that said, more power to them all. They earned it. In this country, almost every one of the Super Rich worked their ass off for it.

knox said...

... that's WAY too ornate for my Country Boy Style

It's too ornate for Liberace, for goodness' sake.

chuck b. said...

Pop a bottle of oxycontin, find a couple ladies, Viagra... the decorating starts to look mighty fine.

Or, maybe this is what happens when you hire a heterosexual to decorate.

Shanna said...

I guess once you make a certain amount of money, you can't resist.

I guess but that is just terrible. I am not into that style at all. If you have so much money you feel the need to buy uncomfortable overly ornate stuff just to spend your money, it's time to start giving it away.

CatherineM said...

Peter Cook - people are rushing in with 10.5% unemployment? I have interviewed people - in fact, all I have interviewed - have been out of work, temp or perm, from 1-2years. It's not good.

Republican said...

I would be surprised if Rush had much to do with decorating the apartment. It's way too femme.

Is this the same apartment Rush used to talk about on his show when Marta was redecorating?

In fact, they were embroiled in some kind of lawsuit over the work that had been (or not) done.

It looks more like something a Florida aerobics instructor might choose, especially with the palm tree mural. (Very 90s.)

Lynne said...

This man's apartment is 3 times the size of my house!I'm trying wrap my pea brain around that fact. Does it take up one entire floor of the apartment building?
And it looks like he used the same decorator that did Saddam Hussein's palaces.

TMink said...

"For every Limbaugh that leaves town, there are a dozen more rushing in. He just couldn't make it here."

Are you a resentful, lying kool aid drinker or are you really that stupid?

Rush has made a dollar or two. That takes little intelligence to see.


Kensington said...

Ha, ha "[Rush] just couldn't make it here."

Thank you. That was the best laugh I've had all day!

Blair said...

Proof once again that all the money in the world cannot buy good taste.

William said...

OK, it's kitschy, but can anyone here deny that it would be a huge step up from their present abode?......It's like knocking Tiger Woods for going out with semi finalists in Hawaiin Tropic contests. We're far removed from tackiness, but not necessarily because we are above it.

Phil 314 said...

So now I know that not only are Rush's rants not to my taste, but Rush's taste is also not to my taste.

Somehow I never pictured him as Liberace.

Titus said...

God that's ugly..but consider the owner, not a physically attractive human being.

Penny said...

We'd all be a lot more comfortable at Sting and Trudie Styler's apartment on Central Park West. It looks downright cozy in comparison.

Kurt said...

Knox beat me to it with the Liberace comment. That's who I thought of when I saw the decoration. Blech!

Oh well, as the saying goes, there's no accounting for taste.

Triangle Man said...

Rush has a very feminine aesthetic.

David said...

Can you imagine Sarah Palin, all gauzy with love, on her back on that blue bed, looking up at that clouded blue ceiling?

I bet Rush can.

Anonymous said...

I'm with commenter Republican--I think it's the apartment that Limbaugh's former wife Marta decorated. She designed those awful ties, too.

Penny said...

"Rush has a very feminine aesthetic."

It's statements like this that have husbands insisting on a stratolounger in an otherwise well-decorated room.

Roy Lofquist said...

I have been in more than a few abodes in Manhattan and environs that were worse. Top "decorators" in New York are an "elite" little community that command very high prices. If they can unload a monstrously ugly piece of furniture for $50,000 and collect a 50% commission that's what you get.

I'm sure that Mr. Limbaugh told someone to get him a top decorator and he got stuck. He sold it. Wouldn't be surprised if he felt little love for that place.

Revenant said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ritmo Re-Animated said...

That's a lot of money to spend on entertaining your Dominican sex slave.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Rush has made a dollar or two. That takes little intelligence to see.

Not necessarily. It could just as easily take some talent. Or some persistence. Or in Limblown's case, a huge and previously untapped market of like-minded conservative automatons.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

First comment of the thread, and Pogo starts with this horseshit:

NYC finds out what happens when they go after hoarders, wreckers, and capitalist pigs.

Now where will they get the free ponies they promised everyone?

Gone to equally wealthy people who just aren't quite as enamored of a government stocked with incompetent lazy-asses as Rush Limblown is.

bettiwettiwoo said...

Why does the room look so much smaller in the second ('Blue Hawaii') picture?

Why is the wall now pushed up almost to the foot of the bed? What happened to the third window pane on the side of the bed and the window in front of it? Is it the same room at all?

The outside panorama looks completely different too.

I call BS.

Revenant said...

Americans know how to use the moving van to escape high taxes.

I agree with the principle, but I suspect that a lot of middle and upper-middle income Americans are like me -- unwilling to eat a huge loss on a home sale just to avoid taxes. It doesn't make financial sense, unless you think the market isn't going to recover for a decade or more.

In better times? I'd probably be giving serious thought to bailing on San Diego and moving to Boulder or Austin.

Omaha1 said...

This does not look like a place where someone like Rush would be comfortable, based on his public persona. I, too, suspect that the ex-wife was in charge of "decorating" this atrocity.

If it really was all Rush's idea, it bespeaks a profound sense of insecurity, to engage in a little amateur psychoanalysis. It's like someone just ordered the most expensive item in every category, so that whoever visited would know that this is the home of a very rich person. It is cartoonish in its excessive ornate-ness, as if it were designed by a blue-collar lottery winner.

I hope that Rush does not harbor a secret inferiority complex. He is after all just a boy from Missouri, but he deserves all that he has earned by the masterful leveraging of his talents. It would make me sad to think that he doesn't feel worthy of his success.

On taxes, I once heard him say that New York was demanding $20,000 from him for every day he spent in the state on business related matters. Kind of self-defeating on the part of the state, since it has effectively driven him to avoid it altogether.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

It is cartoonish in its excessive ornate-ness, as if it were designed by a blue-collar lottery winner.

I hope that Rush does not harbor a secret inferiority complex.

Ahh... the ugly, secret truth behind the right-wing "pull oneself up by the bootstraps" mantra reveals itself!

ken in tx said...

I agree with those who say that this is the work of Marta, Rush's ex-wife. OTOH, Rush is a cat person, so I'm not sure.

ken in tx said...

I mean maybe Punkin decorated it.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

If he has an elevator, I imagine he has something like this, only in reverse, with the wall showing the Adam half of the Sistine Chapel, putting himself in the place of God every time he presses the button.

Omaha1 said...

Ritmo says, "Ahh... the ugly, secret truth behind the right-wing "pull oneself up by the bootstraps" mantra reveals itself!"

I only said I thought it was sad (if true), not "ugly", if Rush has a secret inferiority complex. It is simple human nature to doubt one's own worth and has nothing to do with right-wing or left-wing philosophy. I want Rush to feel comfortable with his well-deserved success. I myself don't need affirmation or support from a socialist government to assess the value of my contributions to society. As a conservative I would prefer to be judged on my own merits.

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