"You would still be swinging the golf club?" "Yeah, (Elin) stopped. She was respectable. I'd get the baseball bat, I'd get everything out."
That's Sandra Bullock, the supposed "girl next door" type, being, presumably, cute and adorable. We're expected to find that especially poignant now because Bullock did not know at the time that her husband was cheating on her too. Poor, darling Sandra!
There will not even be a tiny dent in Bullock's lustrous reputation for her endorsement of — or lighthearted joking about — murderous domestic violence.
There is a double standard on women hitting men, but men allow the gross inequality to happen because:
1) It is too humiliating to a man to admit that he got beat up by his wife or girlfriend.
2) Most men, in the heart of hearts, know they deserve a good beating every now and again.
When, exactly, did Sandra Bullock start talking like Joe Biden?
I mean, man, this is a big fucking deal.
Don't let Bullock's sweet girl image fool you. She has street cred now.
Not to excuse Bullock's comments, but:
(1) Wasn't Elin actually hitting the Escalade, not the Tiger?
(2) At the risk of being gross, not only was Tiger stepping out on her, he was doing it with some really skanky women, and apparently without a raincoat. Assuming she and Tiger were still sleeping together, that's like signing someone up for STD Roulette without their knowledge.
Actually, almost exactly what Jesse James was doing to Sandra Bullock.
The speculation is that Tiger was sleeping and Elin "woke him up" with the golf club.
C'mon. It's talk. This idea has been expressed in comedy since the glory days of the standup cavewife comedienne, through vaudeville and the Bewitched show till today.
The domestic violence hysteria is a crock.
Remember when the left wanted the government to stay out of your bedroom?
Those days are long over. Now the left wants in your marriage, your family and your bedroom.
Domestic violence is a serious problems in leftist communities... because of the behavior of leftist women. Forcing your children to put up with one live-in boyfriend or husband after another is a sure formula for domestic violence.
It isn't the patriarchy that is to blame for domestic violence. It's the refusal of women to shield their children from their own skanky sexual behavior.
The source of the domestic violence hysteria is that familiar leftist problem. Thousands of women graduated from humanities programs with worthless degrees in psychology and women's studies. They demanded that we create jobs for them.
Chivalry demands that we give the girls what they want... even if they are useless, lazy skanks. We can't expect them to be responsible in their sexual behavior, can we? And we certainly can't demand that they learn a useful trade.
No, the solution is to revolutionize society so that these lazy, useless women have a job.
And, I might add, another crude aspect of chilvary is this:
What harm does it do to drive men out of their marriages and families, put them in jail and impoverish them?
It's all in the pursuit of making the world a nicer place for the girls!
And leftist men, turds that they are, pride themselves on putting on their halos and stabbing other men in the back.
It's been ugly, folks. The past 50 years of this shit has been a nightmare of idiocy.
There's go my respect for Sandra Bullock. I used to be jealous of Jesse. Now I know why he found comfort and pleasure of a painted (literally) lady.
C'mon. It's talk.
I agree. Did she go to town on her asshole husband? I think we would have heard about it if she had. She doesn’t mean it, she's just venting.
I think the real problem is that we act like there is never a time when someone deserves a punch. They may not deserve to be killed or put in the hospital or maybe even seriously injured, but I do think sometimes we’re too civilized.
Who says she was joking?
Goodbye Jessie
VW: slucks.
No kidding.
But Jesse James is a former bodyguard, and Sandra couldn't have kept hitting unless he allowed it.
We must remember that her idea of "scary" is conservative Christians like Leigh Anne Tuohy.
Yeah, it is just talk. I'd have no problem if she'd get up in his grill and then gone after his cycles with a bat.
If a man said he'd take a baseball bat to his cheatin wife or girlfriend- well, doesn't sound kosher to me. Not too many "You go girl!"'s on that one.
Also funny when it happens to men but not women: rape.
So she's all talk. Worse crimes than that.
Like cheating on your wife.
Hitler finds out Jesse James cheated on Sandra Bullock.
Good video! Thanks
Juno, patron of women and protectress of the hearth, picked up an Olympian nine iron and went ballistic on more than a few occasions after Jupiter went all Tiger. I would presume most women at the time were OK with this since wife beating was a popular indoor participant sport.
Sandra is invoking Elin as Juno. This may be the start of something.
WV "gonaratt" When said nine iron makes contact with straying husband's crotch, the first question asked after he looks down, as "Where my gonaratt?".
It's of a piece with Dick Armey's joke during the Clinton impeachment:
"If I were in the President's place I would not have gotten a chance to resign. I would be lying in a pool of my own blood, hearing Mrs. Armey standing over me saying, 'How do I reload this damn thing?'"
Sandra Bullock has to find a safer relationship. She went for the macho man whom she believed could protect her from harm. She forgot to evaluate him as a faithfull man or not, and now she is in more danger than she ever was before. This was like electing a Democrat politician since 2000 and expecting a tough guy that protects you rather than being sold out for your destruction and death.
There is a double standard on women hitting men
There is a double standard with women period. When a guy cheats, he's a despicable pig, when a woman does it, well its obviously because something was missing in her life and its romantic. At least that is how Hollywood plays it anyway. Fatal Attraction vs Bridges of Madison County.
I honestly don't know why the celebrity set even bothers with the exchange of vows. The divorce rate among them in somewhere north of 85% isn't it?
Jessee James is going to go the therapy and apologize?
Jesus Christ!
He did an entire TV series about being a rock 'em, sock 'em, don't tie me down outlaw.
Bullock missed that?
We're going to get the whole Tiger Woods apology tour out of James?
What a farce!
My wife has indicated that she would stay with me if I cheated. However, she makes a point of keeping a sharp knife by the bed, not for intruderes.
In my state, the domestic violence thing seems very strange. If a man beats on a woman, he goes to jail. If a man's wife gets mad and beats on him and the cops are called, the man goes to jail. This really and truly has happened. I guess that makes sense to someone.
Why isn't the first suspicion always that the guy isn't getting appreciation at home?
Guys are not complicated.
What really bothers me is when claims are made about domestic violence based on ... nothing.
So, even though I understand that a number of commenters here would object to scientific data, let me round up a few credible sources for you (from numerous studies compiled buy the Commission on Domestic Violence):
In a 1995-1996 study conducted in the 50 States and the District of Columbia, nearly 25% of women and 7.6% of men were raped and/or physically assaulted by a current or former spouse, cohabiting partner, or dating partner/acquaintance at some time in their lifetime (based on survey of 16,000 participants, equally male and female).
Intimate partner violence made up 20% of all nonfatal violent crime experienced by women in 2001.
Intimate partners committed 3% of the nonfatal violence against men.
In 2000, 1,247 women and 440 men were killed by an intimate partner. In recent years, an intimate partner killed approximately 33% of female murder victims and 4% of male murder victims.
And so on.
As for Sandra's words -- well, I'm still smarting that Meryl Streep didn't get an Oscar so I admit to bias there and should not comment.
She better hope Congress did not read that. They may pass a law against speech. They are terrified as it is. They look in the mirror and see hatred, violence, threats,homophobic behavior, and racism directed at them. They are in fear for their lives.
Under the new legislation- 10,000 pages long- being formulated by Nancy Pelosi and the Progressive Politburo, that video would be banned and all participants would be interred in re-education camps.
when a woman does it, well its obviously because something was missing in her life and its romantic. At least that is how Hollywood plays it anyway.
It may be how Hollywood plays it, but I don’t think that holds true in real life (I certainly don't find it the least bit romantic, but then I never saw BOMC either). A cheater is a cheater, most people don’t have a lot of respect for that.
I'm with Shanna. She was venting. And we know she was just venting because now it's happened to her, and she didn't beat anyone with a bat or club.
Big deal.
I blame the tea party movement.
It's not so inexplicable that men have a roving eye. What defies reason and Darwin is that women are so attracted to men with roving eyes. I suppose the woman thinks that her combo of grace and beauty trumps the allure of all other women combined. For a time maybe it happens, and it's probably very gratifying for the woman when it does. But then the man reverts to his mean. Jesse James was previously married to a porn star. The spouses of porn stars live in a different moral universe than the rest of us. As do movie stars. Movie stars have self confidence in their self delusions and are constantly getting blind sided......Sandra is not a movie star because of her superior logic and virtue, but because she makes her lack of logic and virtue seem so appealing and sympathetic.
What's the big deal? Jesse James was always attracted to dirty whores. That's why he married Sandra Bullock in the first place.
Nina writes: "What really bothers me is when claims are made about domestic violence based on ... nothing."
What claim was made? It bothers me that you are bothered by a claim that... doesn't exist.
No one has said that female violence against men is as frequent as male violence against women. The point is only that the idea of violence by women against men is freely expressed and received, even as the idea of violence by men against women is not something decent people are accepted encouraging and joking about.
"So, even though I understand that a number of commenters here would object to scientific data, let me round up a few credible sources for you (from numerous studies compiled buy the Commission on Domestic Violence)..."
Data... for what end. You list numbers, but you don't commit to any conclusion. You list them as if they refute things that have been said here that you also don't even identify. Yet you imagine, because you have recited numbers, that you are the scientific one here.
I'm not seeing that at all.
1. I think a statement like that is intended to both flatter the man at how important he is while also warning that to stray would be to deeply wound his wife and incur her wrath, the violent talk just being a metaphor for her fury.
2. As Crack has pointed out, cheating isn't just a little thing. It destroys families, tears down long standing relationships, shatters trust, and is, in its own way, violent.
3. As Nina points out, men and woman have no reason to fear violence to the same degree. Men are far less vulnerable. I am , for example, fairly certain that James could easily restrain Bullock if need be, while Bullock would have no chance of restraining James.
The point is only that the idea of violence by women against men is freely expressed and received, even as the idea of violence by men against women is not something decent people are accepted encouraging and joking about.
Which is perfectly rational given the enormous physical difference. A woman talking about serving her man with a beat down is usually much like a small dog barking. A man, however, could actually do it.
No sauce for your gander.
But I think we have a pretty good idea Jesse would have to say about this.
So to speak.
A cheater is a cheater, most people don’t have a lot of respect for that.
I agree. It goes for both men and women.
To be serious and probably I just don't get it.
Why would anyone 'cheat' on their spouse or significant other while, at the same time, continuing in the charade that the relationship with the spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/etc is going on?
You (generic) must have had some love and respect for that person in the first place. We all know that relationships can change over time and you can fall out of love, even grow into dislike of your partner and fall in love with someone else.
Just that falling in love with someone else is the beginning of cheating.
BUT.....don't you owe it to your partner and to yourself to end the first relationship before (literally) fucking around on your spouse? Have the decency to be frank about the relationship and END one BEFORE beginning the other?
To my mind, this is what is egregious and causes the urge to beat the crap out of the cheating partner. They didn't have the decency to end the relationship.
They made a fool of you. Made you into an object of pity and ridicule. AND in the process have exposed you to diseases.
Ending a relationship is painful. Being cheated on and tricked is even more painful.
Have some effing self control people. Have some respect for the others who at one time were significant, loved persons in your life.
Gosh, I gotta wonder where all the hate for Ms. Bullock comes from?
Her celebrity? Her recent Oscar? Her history of otherwise mediocre movies? Her "loud" personality?
I'm just a little puzzled by it.
I'm just a little puzzled by it
Me too. Are you reading the same post and thread that we are?
What "hate"? Suddenly, ultra-civil speech is the norm. I say bullshit.
Of all the crap that is going on in the world right now, the last thing I'm worried about is Sandra saying that she'd have beat up a cheater. Come on people, this is just noise. FOCUS!
Bullock's comments pale in comparison to Robert Stacy McCain's - on what HIS wife would do to him if he was cheating.
I think it was Armey that said during the Clinton fiasco," If I was involved with another woman, the police would find my wife standing over my bleeding body, asking 'how do I reload this thing?'"
paraphrased, of course.
What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit. All you people being indignant know fucking well that you'd be pissed as hell if your significant other cheated on you and would very much like to beat the shit out of them. This is all so fucking PC.
"Oh, but you don't care about domestic violence." Give me a break, there is a huge difference between someone who beats their spouse on a regular basis and someone who loses their temper in a moment of justified anger.
This is similar to the idiotic movement that periodically spanking a child is equivalent to constantly beating a child. There is a huge difference.
But let's not let reason get in the way of hysteria. (And a chance for a segment of the population to feel all smug and self-righteous.)
I think Sandra Bullock could beat up Tiger Woods.
"I think Sandra Bullock could beat up Tiger Woods."
Maybe, maybe not.
But I bet she could lick him.
So to speak.
As someone who has been cheated on, I can tell you about the shock, the waking nightmares, the 15 pounds lost in one week that resulted from finding out.
I shudder to think about what Sandy is going through.
Most of the women I've discussed the Tiger Woods thing with saw no problem with her whacking him with a golf club. I pointed out to a couple of them that if the shoe was on the other foot and Tiger was clubbing a cheating wife they wouldn't like it. They agreed, but only one changed her position on Elin's behavior after realizing that.
Culturally speaking, violence against men is acceptable to most women.
BS she's tarnished her image. The very tone shows that she was very invested in her relationship. The more you are faithful the worse the betrayal. Looking At his track record she maybe should not have been too surprised, but she loved him and that was that.
Illegitimi nOn carborundum
The point is only that the idea of violence by women against men is freely expressed and received, even as the idea of violence by men against women is not something decent people are accepted encouraging and joking about.
I seem to recall a Chris Rock joke about how he “understood” OJ killing Nicole, and that was about an actual murder, not just somebody getting beat up because they cheated.
3. As Nina points out, men and woman have no reason to fear violence to the same degree. Men are far less vulnerable. I am , for example, fairly certain that James could easily restrain Bullock if need be, while Bullock would have no chance of restraining James.
Indeed. This “In recent years, an intimate partner killed approximately 33% of female murder victims and 4% of male murder victims. ” is a hell of a stat.
And DBQ, I’m with you…I’ve never seen the point of cheating rather than just breaking up with someone.
The deeper the emotional impact, the more one should expect a physical challenge to the painful outrage. To think otherwise is to willfully blind oneself to passion's place in the real world.
Men who abuse women physically usually are not responding to outrage or offense, they are acting out a perverse need to dominate, intimidate, humiliate or worse. However, men who abuse trust by betrayal may not have physically hit a woman, but the pain is likely worse.
As others have stated, sometimes a guy's gotta have his ass whupped. Usually that's what it takes to get his brain back up into the cranium where it belongs.
Stated as a limit on acceptable behavior from her mate, I am fine with this. And limits aren't valid unless they are enforceable. Again, Her level of enforcement is another thing, but looking at from the perspective of a male, I am fine with this too. If you don't break the rule, you don't get the enforcement. She is not arbitrarily picking up a bat and swinging sociopathically.
Jesse found some women who were nicer too him than his wife was. Good for him. Life is short. It is even shorter when one is married to a violence-prone woman.
Shorter yet if her name is Lorena.
"What really bothers me is when claims are made about domestic violence based on ... nothing.
So, even though I understand that a number of commenters here would object to scientific data, let me round up a few credible sources for you."
Nina, let me spell it out for you. Commenters are objecting to a double standard, where female on male violence is funny/unserious/a cause for female empowerment, while male on female violence is a dreadful thing, which should be treated by castration/prison/fill-in-the-blank.
I assume that you are referencing Tjaden and Thoennes (http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles/172837.pdf), which among other things notes that "1.5 percent of
women and 0.9 percent of surveyed men
said they were raped and/or physically assaulted
by such a perpetrator in the previous
12 months." Sorry -this isn't much of a difference. The rest of the data in the report is similar, although the authors work pretty hard to make it only about violence against women.
I would also point to conclusions by researchers such as Barbara Morse: "Taken together, these findings somewhat reconcile the discrepancy regarding partner assault: women are more often than men the victims of severe partner assault and injury not necessarily because men strike more often, but because men strike harder."
The point, Nina, is pretty clear. Assaulting or raping your partner is a bad thing, regardless of the gender involved.
EDH said...
""When, exactly, did Sandra Bullock start talking like Joe Biden?
I mean, man, this is a big fucking deal.""
Joe actually said "This is a big Fuck-em deal.
Of course a good sized violent man would take that bat away from Sandra and beat her senseless with it. Women even more than men, need to avoid encouraging violence.
Elin's greatest mistake was in not going with the 3wood. I would assume she announced her intentions to knock his head off in advance of landing the first blow. Ms. Bullock seems like a decent sort and probably doesn't own a set of clubs.
Doesn't make it right but it is good theater.
It's called a "sense of humor" Althouse. And yeah, sometimes young attractive women have one too, much to your chagrin.
Of course a good sized violent man would take that bat away from Sandra and beat her senseless with it
That's because a bat is the wrong weapon of choice.
12 gauge or a 380. That way you don't have to get up close and personal and there is no size or weight advantage to the man.
It isn't worth it to kill the bastard or the bitch.....just walk away and make a better life for yourself.
(I speak from experience.....and yes....the first thoughts re: the weapons did briefly cross my mind.)
"It isn't worth it to kill the bastard or the bitch.....just walk away and make a better life for yourself."
I would also point to conclusions by researchers such as Barbara Morse: "Taken together, these findings somewhat reconcile the discrepancy regarding partner assault: women are more often than men the victims of severe partner assault and injury not necessarily because men strike more often, but because men strike harder."
The point, Nina, is pretty clear. Assaulting or raping your partner is a bad thing, regardless of the gender involved.
It seems like according to your cites the conclusion is also “women are more likely to be seriously injured in a violent confrontation”.
If ya want me to get in high dudgeon cuz Ms Bullock endorsed bat-to-skull action, I can't do it. Dire consequences for marital transgressions have been fodder for comedians since Fartius used to crack up the court of Romulus.
"nearly 25% of women and 7.6% of men were raped and/or physically assaulted by a current or former spouse, "
That is one of those self-refuting studies, where the claims are obviously inflated beyond credulity.
No one has said that female violence against men is as frequent as male violence against women.
Actually, some studies show that in intimate relationships female violence against men is significantly more common:
"In fact, when it comes to nonreciprocal violence between intimate partners, women are more often the perpetrators. "
"Regarding perpetration of violence, more women than men (25 percent versus 11 percent) were responsible. In fact, 71 percent of the instigators in nonreciprocal partner violence were women. This finding surprised Whitaker and his colleagues, they admitted in their study report. "
Violence is not Unmentionable. The Drill Instructers at Parris Island may act nicer to rercuits than DIs did 70 years ago, but a good old fashioned whupping is still a part of life that makes a man into a man. Not that there is anything wrong with men. (See, football, hockey, actual wrestling for modern examples). The "violence is forbidden trope" is asserted to make women feel equal where they are actually not equal. One of these days Alice...was Gleason's best line.
Female on male domestic violence happens about as often as male on female violence. It is usually on the 2nd we here about. When we do hear about female on male, as in Tiger's case, we take it much differently.
Look at how the comics have treated it traditionally:
Maggie and Jiggs/bringing up father: Maggie beaning Jiggs most weeks as he comes home late from a bar.
Blondie: Cora Withers constantly beating Mr Withers with an umbrella
Snuffy Smith: Loweezy beating him with a frying pan when he gets into the moonshine.
Andy Capp: The Mrs beating him most weeks with her oversized purse.
Message: It is OK for women to hit their husbands.
While on the subject, male on male and female on female domestic violence in gay/lesbian households happens at about the same rate as domestic violence in hetero households.
It's a domestic problem, not a gender issue or even a gender preference issue.
How society views it IS a serious gender issue.
John Henry
Holdfast asked:
(2) At the risk of being gross, not only was Tiger stepping out on her, he was doing it with some really skanky women, and apparently without a raincoat. Assuming she and Tiger were still sleeping together, that's like signing someone up for STD Roulette without their knowledge.
So you are saying that it is OK for a man to beat a woman if he has a good reason? Such as stepping out with a nastyboy.
Or is it only OK for the woman to hit the man?
If Elin hit Tiger with the club at all. Now that you mention it, I thought she had but don't remember for sure.
John Henry
The image of the aggrieved housewife chasing her husband with a frying pan/broom/whatever is handy is iconic. Her comments are an extension of this-- to say its supporting domestic abuse is pretty shabby.
shoutingthomas said...
-- snip --
The source of the domestic violence hysteria is that familiar leftist problem. Thousands of women graduated from humanities programs with worthless degrees in psychology and women's studies. They demanded that we create jobs for them.
We're trying to legalize prostitution, what more do they want?
If this was a typical cheating situation with a run of the mill porn star, there would really be no there there. I mean..she couldn't predict the fact that the "Vanila Gorrila" might revert to base instinct? She herself was doing a Paris Hilton when she ceremoniously told the world "He's Hot!"
I think Sandra's biggest concern should be she married a guy that can get it up for a white supremacist/Nazi sympathizer. Maybe they spelled Mein Kampf with fridge magnets after bumping uglies. Maybe they took the first step towards a master race. Have to start a "Bombshell" belly watch and see. But really..shouldn't someone hold Jesse's ___ to the fire on that issue? If Sandra wants to extract the slightest bit of decency out of this, she could take a stand and denounce that too.
Regarding Le Tigre,
I'm waiting for Cadillac to roll out a safety oriented commercial demonstrating the strength of the windows..with golf clubs. Maybe tie in an OnStar bit. Use your imagination. Good, eh?
Is there a portion of the black community upset that Tiger has taken his preference for white women to a serial level? Oh..here's a discussion:
Revenant said...
Culturally speaking, violence against men is acceptable to most women.
Of course, because violence against women is verboten in modern mass culture and modern mass media. The level of misandry taking place against the male gender in modern mass media is astounding at how eviscerating it has become. The mention of male gender alone is neutralized to the point of meaninglessness and when a man would dare try to defend himself against an attacking women, why, he of course is the great attacker. Because men are taught, in most cultures that women are the frailer gender and you don't commit violence, even to defend yourself against a female.
I was at a domestic violence conference (hey, it's free PD) and I found myself scolding the presenter and the audience for laughing at a situation described by the presenter, a doctor, where the wife was beating the husband.
These are DV "professionals"--shelter workers and counselors and lawyers and health care people and law enforcement.
I was disgusted.
Re Jesse James and the white supremacist tattooed lady:
And John Mayer thought that HE had a David Duke dick.
To Sandra:
You married a bad boy and now you're surprised that he's a bad boy?!
I guess ole Jesse had a special attraction to Ms. Bombshell:
He's soooooo bad.
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