March 2, 2010

"I write about the TeePees because it's so sad how they've been manipulated to oppose their own best interests."

Says Roger Ebert, who tweets about politics now and does not, on Twitter, eschew the cruder term "teabaggers" for participants in the Tea Party movement.
When Ebert tweeted that he was unaware of the term's pornographic connotation, Big Hollywood countered that he had referred to such a context in past movie reviews.
Ha. It must have been "Pecker." I love that movie. Yeah. Here's Retracto the Correction Alpaca calling gotcha on Ebert — complete with "Pecker"-clip. Frankly, I can see how someone could have reviewed "Pecker" and even talked about the teabagging in "Pecker" — which is pretty silly — and not realize that the word had moved beyond that context into the general parlance and was implied by the term that is now used to mock tea partiers.

That movie also uses the expression "shopping for others." I remember that, but remembering that doesn't tell me that it's become a term for something people are really doing these days. [ADDED: I see that the link within that link now goes to the absence of a YouTube clip from the movie. It was a scene in which Pecker, a budding young photographer, and his friend go into a store and put embarrassing items in other people's shopping carts when they're not looking. Pecker then takes pictures of their reactions at the checkout counter.]

Anyway, I welcome Roger Ebert to the Tweet-o-sphere. It's great when an excellent, interesting writer takes to the 140-character art form. Follow him here. I am.


AllenS said...

Roger Ebert is a jerk.

Anonymous said...

"Follow him here. I am."

Why would you encourage your readers to follow him and make him more valuable to advertisers and employers when he's such a fucking scumbag?

Follow him all you like, but it's offensive for you, Ann, to ask us to follow him when he's clearly working against our best interests.

Why don't you suggest we follow Barack Obama?

Isn't Obama tweeting, after all?

Fuck them and their Twitter advertising.

Anonymous said...

I'm not up on the latest liberal contortions-- is the idea that basing your politics on your own self-interest is no longer considered selfish? Or that selfishness is no longer considered bad?

MadisonMan said...

I believe he's on Oprah this week. His recent life story is utterly fascinating.

MadisonMan said...

The Esquire piece on him was excellent.

Anonymous said...

What would that f'ing douchebag know about my best interests?

I would say my best interests are served by not being controlled by douchebags like him who think they know more about my life than I do. Seriously, would you rather make your own decisions about your life or be under the thumb of some arrogant prick who thinks he's so smart that not only does he know how to run his own life, but he has enough mojo left over to run yours, too. For your own good, of course.

No, thanks.

X said...

Did the Greek public servants vote against their own self interest when they gave themselves an unsustainable economy? Did the autoworkers vote against their own self interest when they voted to crush their employers with unsustainable contracts? Did California public servants vote against their own self interest? Does Roger Ebert vote against his health's self interest when he elects to not push away from the buffet table. It is sad.

Pete said...

Puh-leeze. Ebert's turned bitter and hateful, and not because of his illness. You've conveniently overlooked the shots he took at Limbaugh while Limbaugh was in the hospital, which, admittedly, Ebert later apologized for. He knew full well what teabagging was and intended it to belittle the movement. His political essays are lousy though I greatly admire his piece on Steak N Shake. Sorry, he's not worth following on Twitter.

MadisonMan said...

Comrade, that would be a bad metaphor in this case. Laughably bad, but still bad.

Anonymous said...

Calling them "TeePees" isn't exactly connotation-free either. Didn't Ebert also review Beavis and Butt-head Do America?

MayBee said...

Comrade X:Did the Greek public servants vote against their own self interest when they gave themselves an unsustainable economy?

Very good.

rcocean said...

Glad Ebert's pontificating on politics. A man whose spent his life eating popcorn and writing about "American Pie" and "Toy Story" must be listened to.

Henry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Henry said...

Teepees used to be no more than portable shelter for the Sioux. Now they've been manipulated into the how-cool-am-I accoutrements of hippies and bourgeois camp owners. Alas the teepee.

X said...

MM, I hadn't seen your link and clicked through. I feel for the guy and was unaware he was sick. But my point stands.

rcocean said...

Regarding Ebert taking shots at an ill Limbaugh - did you see the nasty outtakes of him and Siskel? - Ebert comes off as a bitter, fat little bitch.

That's the real Ebert.

Automatic_Wing said...

Who better than a professional movie reviewer to know what's best for the proles? The man's uniquely qualified, if he does say so himself.

MaggotAtBroad&Wall said...

Ebert is sad that you aren't smart enough to know what's in your best interest. The fact that you don't know what's in your own self interest, but progressive socialists do know, is proof that you are being manipulated by evil forces.

He's sad but smart. You're not smart. He's only trying to save you from your own igoranace. Lighten up on Ebert.

rcocean said...

Now, he's a bitter, thin, little bitch.

But he knows movies.

SteveR said...

I liked Gene.

Anonymous said...

"I would say my best interests are served by not being controlled by douchebags like him who think they know more about my life than I do."

And our best interests are also not served by Ann Althouse urging us to all become a nation of fucking followers.

This nation has too many followers. It needs some leaders.

Don't. Follow. Twitter.

Be a leader!

Anonymous said...

"Calling them "TeePees" isn't exactly connotation-free either."

For those un-familiar with this little up-and-coming meme "TeePee" is the replacement term assholes like Roger Ebert have resorted to since they've been shamed out of calling American voters Teabaggers.

TP ... get it?

Toilet paper.

You wipe your ass with it.

They think they're so witty.

We'll be wiping that shitty smile off their face soon enough.

Larry J said...

Ebert is another in a long line of liberals who believe ordinary people are too stupid to know what's in their own best interest. No, these people must have the hard decisions made for them by a strong ruling party. How does that lyric go again, "You can't even run your own life. I'll be damned if you'll run mine!"

Joan said...

The Esquire profile that MadisonMan linked is compelling, but it doesn't make me like Ebert or want to read him, much less follow him on Twitter. I don't follow anyone on Twitter, what's the point? (I just admitted I'm a dinosaur.)

The worst thing about Ebert is that he lets his politics pollute his art. Back in the day he used to be a good, honest movie reviewer, but those days are long gone. He gave Al Gore's monstrosity 4 stars, and whatever you may believe about the validity of the content, it was a bad movie. It had no narrative line, and as documentaries go, it was amateurish at best. Yet because of people like Ebert, who liked the political message, it won an Academy Award, when it was nothing more than a PowerPoint presentation put on the big screen.

A final reason for not following Ebert? I get insulted enough by the rest of the mainstream media. I don't need to read "tweets" maligning my intelligence or my morals. I already know what he thinks of me, and I don't care to listen to how well he can express his contempt in 140 characters or less.

X said...

Are young people voting against their own self interest when they vote for universal healthcare? Some of the innovations in medicine and machines that will be delayed or denied by moving it to a socialist system instead of capitalist system might come in handy late in their lives. Who knows? Maybe scientists could have conquered death by then or postponed it until later scientists could. Certainly they and Ebert benefit today that it was not greedily done a couple of generations ago.

The Drill SGT said...

I too refuse to follow people that disgust me.

I see no reason whatsoever to encourage his behavior, or similar behavior in others.

Ann Althouse said...

TP = toilet paper.

Teepee = a home for Native Americans. Why is Ebert making a pejorative out of a word relating to Native Americans?

Peter V. Bella said...

I met and vaguely knew Ebert years ago, when he was a man about town. He was insulting, rude, and got punched out more than a few times for being crude to women.

He was a bad drunk- in the sense that the more he drank, the more insulting and cruder he became. I think for a while he got an ass beating a day. He loved to start fights. He was a bully and would sucker punch people. Problem was, he could not finish them. He usually wound up on the bar room floor or in the middle of the street.

He was banned from so many bars; only two would have him.

The guy was a total jerk then. He hasn't changed much now; now that he is on his final sympathy tour.

AllenS said...

Why don't you give him a Tweet and find out for yourself, Professor.

AllenS said...

And then get back to us. We're just dieing to know.

Scott M said...

because it's so sad how they've been manipulated to oppose their own best interests mean like poor black families in the sixties were revved up about welfare benefits including rules about women getting more money if there were no men in the household?'s that working out for ya?

I am not a TP participant, more a fascinated observer, but I can say that many of my friends and family, who were formerly among the sleeping, are now acutely aware of runaway spending and financial policy. They got involved without anyone manipulation at all. Well, if you don't count what the administration and Congress call their budget for 2009 and 2010.

damikesc said...

I loved his tweet wondering why he believed Salons satire about Robertson was satire and not true.

Having read it, I wonder why one should waste their time on the opinion of such a profound moron if he thought it was true.

But who am I to question the pedigree of the man who brought us Beyond the Valley of the Dolls?

Fred4Pres said...

Now this is a tee-pee! Ouch!

Adam said...

He should have spelled it "tipi," as an hommage to Hitchcock blondes. Then at least he'd be mildly interesting, and as much as one-hundredth as clever as he thinks he is.

Big Mike said...

Ebert's mind has been going for years. He's regressed to the sort of infantile tripe he used to write in his column for the Daily Illini.

He was a fool then and he is a fool now.

John Salmon said...

Ebert is a perfect illustration of the notion that very bright people shouldn't stray from their realm of expertise. In his arrogance, Roger thinks his views on politics, which amount to simple parroting of Keith O. and such, have equal value with his brilliant movie writing.

chuck b. said...

Ebert gives some of the best tweet.

Anonymous said...

I'll give the guy this one ounce of credit: He works in an industry and amongst a crowd that requires that he hold the political beliefs that he holds.

They keep lists.

We have no real way of knowing if these are his true feelings; if he did not espouse these views he would be hounded out of Hollywood and be jobless.

So in that regard, he's to be pitied.

And I do pity him.

Graham Powell said...

I admire Ebert a great deal, and think he's a man of insight and compassion - but his political tweets are intellectually lazy, of the "Democrats GOOD, Republicans BAD" or "OMG, Sarah Palin is SOOOOO STUPIDE!!!1!" variety.

But his reviews are pretty much infallible in determining if I'll like a movie or not.

dave in boca said...

NewHam I always regarded this fat lil boy-bitch one of those pieces of shit that got the shit kicked out of himself at recess. Now he wants to flail away at those long-ago bullies who demonstrated his true zero capacity.

A liar, a creep, an all-round fatboy who has to kiss ass just to stay in Hollyweird with the other gargoyles.

Susan said...

Between royalties, residuals, remaining salary, interest, etc., he presumably makes more than $250k/year, but supports the current health care reform proposal. For which he would pay higher taxes.

It's so sad how he's been manipulated to oppose his own best interest.

Unknown said...

Ebert hasn't been worth watching (if he's still on TV somewhere) since Siskel died.

Henry said...

Teepees used to be no more than portable shelter for the Sioux. Now they've been manipulated into the how-cool-am-I accoutrements of hippies and bourgeois camp owners. Alas the teepee.

But you can say it only if you're a Lefty. Otherwise, it's raaacist.

Ann Althouse said...

Teepee = a home for Native Americans. Why is Ebert making a pejorative out of a word relating to Native Americans?

A home for (some) American Indians. I think most of the people who participate here are native Americans, race notwithstanding.

This is the kind of Balkanizing mind game that has the Demos in Congress about to enact Akaka's cockamami race bill.

Chip Ahoy said...

That reminds me, tee pee.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. I spend my coffee time perusing blogs and occasionally commenting. At least I control my time at it.

All I need is to be hammered all friggin' day by tweets. Stupidest idea ever - like subscribing to spam.

Joe said...

I actually never liked Ebert's reviews. I often used him as a negative indicator. If Ebert liked it, I avoided it. In that sense, he is one of the best reviewers ever.

For me, Gene Siskel was a far better reviewer.

Titus said...

I have always wanted to stay in one of those "teepee" hotels.

Totally retro.

Also, loved Pecker, natch

Jason (the commenter) said...

I never liked Ebert reviews. I think it's because he doesn't watch television. It cuts him off from so much of the culture that it makes his opinions of what is new or innovative suspect.

Newham: Why would you encourage your readers to follow him and make him more valuable to advertisers and employers when he's such a fucking scumbag?

Take it a little easy on Althouse. Didn't you see that giant glass of alcohol she keeps taking pictures with?

LonewackoDotCom said...

What's hilarious about all this is the the TPers opponents are only slightly smarter than they are. Instead of calling them names, the Dems could oppose the tea parties at a higher level, as discussed at the link. However, as also discussed at the link, it's in the Dems' best interest to encourage the partiers since they're serving the interests of the Dems and the far-left.

Revenant said...

Ebert readers can amuse themselves with the following little game:

First, find an Ebert article in which he berates or praises some particular style of film-making. This is, to a first approximation, all of them. Second, find another Ebert article in which he adopts the exact opposite position. E.g., "One Day in September" versus "Bowling for Columbine".

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