March 18, 2010

"I would never have hooked up with him if I thought he was a married man. He gave me the impression they were separated."

If the word is "separated" and not "divorced" the man is married. What an excellent example of being condemned by one's own words.


Anonymous said...

Tag is wrong.


Somebody should tell Sandra Bullock that if you marry white trash don't be surprised when it gets took out.

Fred4Pres said...

New Ham sank the 8 ball on the break.

Scrutineer said...

Never trust a man with a chin mullet.

jimbino said...

"Separated" is the operative word. Marriage is what folks do out of insecurity, gold digging, satisfying parents wishes, desire for tax deductions and inheritance rights and for health and immigration benefits.

I have numerous friends in places like Brazil who are still married to the "ex" but living and breeding with another because it is too damn expensive to get divorced.

themightypuck said...

I don't think so. I figure separated is not the same as married in the vast majority of people's moral calculi.

Salamandyr said...

This is definitely a case of getting day old cheeseburger out, when you've got steak at home.

Anonymous said...

She picked a bad boy. Sad.

Paddy O said...

"I figure separated is not the same as married"

Apparently, Sandra Bullock disagrees.

"We were on a break!" never really works as an excuse, though it often is used as a rationalization.

At the same time, it's Jesse James who is 100% the desperado here.

Sounds like he was just out for a little fun, and whatever feelings he might have for anyone else, he put his own momentary pleasure before everything else, causing chaos.

But, no surprise. That kind of attitude is, no doubt, part of why Bullock was attracted to him.

Anonymous said...

"This is definitely a case of getting day old cheeseburger out, when you've got steak at home."

This is also proof of the old axiom that no matter how pretty or famous a girl is - somewhere there is a guy who is just sick of her shit.

But yea, James went from steak to stank.

William said...

The tattoo model is so far distant from the realm of ordinary experience that, like midget bukkake, it is very difficult to pass a moral judgement on the phenomenon. Who even knew that there was such a thing as tattoo models?

Anonymous said...

"'We were on a break!' never really works as an excuse, though it often is used as a rationalization."

Ross and Rachel were not married.

They were ON A BREAK.

He was totally right to bang the Xerox hottie.

rcocean said...

Who is Sandra Bullocks?

Anonymous said...

@Paddy O

Ross breaks it down for you.

Joaquin said...

Sandra better get tested.............

MadisonMan said...

Tattoo model.

Every parents' dream for their kid.

Joe Veenstra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joe Veenstra said...

Not to parse words too much, but you can get legally separated (formally known as "divorce from bed and board") in Wisconsin, see, sec. 767.001. I'm pretty sure that is what the fine lady was referencing when she made her statement.

Anonymous said...

Lydia oh Lydia, say have you met Lydia,
Lydia, the Tattooed Lady.
She has eyes that folks adore so,
And a torso even more so.

Lydia oh Lydia, that encyclopidia,
Oh Lydia the Queen of Tattoo.
On her back is the Battle of Waterloo.
Beside it the wreck of the Hesperus, too.
And proudly above waves the Red, White, and Blue,
You can learn a lot from Lydia.

bagoh20 said...

Us single people are out here to make being married a challenge. Without us, marriage would be nothing special since nothing was sacrificed for it's benefits. You're welcome.

bagoh20 said...

Separation has no purpose if dating is off limits and it is a very dangerous therapy for a marriage. Yours better be damn sick before you try it.

John henry said...

Benny Hill had a 300# tatooed lady. Name of Bianca.

He said she gave him "shade in the summer, heat in the winter and moving pictures all the year round."

John HEnry

bagoh20 said...

What's up with Blogger lately? I get this new error when posting comments:

"Sorry, the page you requested was not found."

Then I lose the whole comment and can't get it back. It really sucks! Any suggestions?

Trooper York said...

Maybe Sandy and Jesse can go on the "Marriage Ref" and get consuling from Madonna and Larry David.

Althought the only advice they had in the last show for the dude who hated that his wife had a five foot long pet lizard was that it looked like a penis.

Which gives you pause to wonder just who Madonna is dating these days.

Oh and Larry David too.

traditionalguy said...

It appears that Sandra Bullock is not the good girl that she portrays in the movies. Let's pray that the prenup is upheld. Mr James was never married to Bullock in his heart. He saw Bullock as another object for his tool to chop up, and she probably knew that but took him for excitement while believing that she could change him.

KCFleming said...

In which another man learns that one cannot have both a madonna and a whore.

("It depends what you mean by 'separated'.")

Trooper York said...

I don't know Pogo. After watching her on the "Marriage Ref" I think it is pretty clear you can be both Madonna and a whore.

I mean for crying out loud, she's banging Jesus!

Just sayn'

Mark O said...

Separated? Easy. She's not here to stop me.

Trooper York said...

I just hope that Sandy doesn't get all wrinkley and stuff!

Just sayn'

Unknown said...

A great American philosopher put it succinctly, "Stupid is as stupid does".

KCFleming said...

One sparrow does not a spring make!

Republican said...

Infidelity, and the inability to be loyal and remain faithful, has become epidemic.

Julie C said...

I guess this depends on the definition of "separated." Clearly, Jesse told her he and Sandra were separated, meaning "by many miles" as his wife was off filming a movie. Maybe the tattoo tootsie thought he meant "legally separated." Yeah, that's it. That's definitely what she thought.

Given that Jesse's first wife was a porn actress, shouldn't that have given Sandra a clue she might be marrying down just a notch or two?

Trooper York said...

Pogo I don't think the sparrows are the problem, it's the swallows.

So to speak.

avwh said...

A porn actress, Sandra Bullock, a tattoo model.

Hmmm...which of these is not like the others??

AllenS said...

Another example of what the definition of is is.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that she'll be back with him before too long.

Girls like her who marry this way have no self-esteem. She needs him to be shitty to her and fuck other women.

It proves her case.

John Clifford said...

You lie down with dogs... well, better go get tested to see if you picked up any fleas.

Personally, I think Jesse blew it, big-time. Or else the tattoo model is making this all up.

SteveR said...

Then I lose the whole comment and can't get it back. It really sucks! Any suggestions?

Has happened to me, enough times I'll copy the comment, if its long, in case I have to start over. I just figure its one of those google/microsoft things I should not waste any time understanding. Work around...

AllenS said...

I always copy before I click publish.

Tibore said...

Wow, talk about slummin'. Jesse cheated on Sandy with that gal? Look, I may not have prime rib enough to get tired of it, but if I ever were in such a position, I can't see myself choosing Alpo in its place.

Trooper York said...

Well I feel I have to stick up for women everywhere who have tattoo's...or who have tattoo's everywhere...or something....but we don't know what other talents she might have other than being able to be stuck over and over again without flinching and....wait that might be it.

fivewheels said...

Not to mention, I don't see how Sandra is any great prize. Her great asset is what, a talent for pratfalls on camera? Whoop-de-doo. Michelle Bombshell allegedly has a degree in biology at least.

"A porn actress, Sandra Bullock, a tattoo model. Hmmm...which of these is not like the others??"

Many would see a dip in the middle.

fivewheels said...

That's not to minimize James' duty to his actual wife, of course. But I do agree with those who find less fault with Ms. McGee if she was indeed lied to about their separation status.

Trooper York said...

If you want to feel bad for somebody, feel sorry for Matthew Broedrick.

That poor bastard.

Amartel said...

Clearly it's her fault. Shoulda known better. Shoulda had the self-esteem to recognize that tattoos and chin mullet automatically = cheater. Stupid untalented no-self-esteem pratfall woman.

Boo, you 20/20 hindsight whores!

Trooper York said...

Seriously, everybody knows she is just dumb! I mean how hard is it to find the brake pedal on a bus?

Joe said...

Sandra Bullock is back on the market? Whooo hooo! Now I just need to convince my wife....

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

So why did tat model tell all? What's her motive?

fivewheels said...

Also, this is still not to excuse James' behavior, but my ability to shed tears for poor Sandra Bullock is not enhanced by the knowledge that she began seeing James while he was still married to Janine Lindemulder. A key data point.

Sigivald said...

A permanent separation (rather than "taking a break", or "separated by her not being here this weekend") seems morally equivalent to "not married".

At least for people who aren't in a religious frame; if you view marriage as "united in one flesh according to God", that's another matter entirely.

Synova said...

I don't find less fault with the woman who was "lied to" about someone being married who she knew darn well was married.

It's not like there's a finite amount of fault to be portioned out and she gets less because he's lying to her.

Seriously. It's looking for excuses and if Mr. Bullock is telling her one thing, even a little bit of awareness gives her Sandra gushing over how wonderful it is to find someone who "has your back" and tabloid stuff about how Sandra is bonding with his kids and working to get him custody and how this person he's "separated" from burned her pubes by trying to make them into a pink heart for him for valentines day and had to go to the hospital.

Anyone with an ounce of self-respect would look at the guy and call him what he was, which is a no good liar, and ask him why the woman he's "separated from" was trying to get custody of his kids and planning outrageous romantic gestures.

Trooper York said...

"Seriously. It's looking for excuses and if Mr. Bullock is telling her one thing"

Mr. Bullock?

That could be part of your problem right there.

Trooper York said...

I mean Jesse James problem not yours Synova.

For all his macho posturing he wasn't man enough to have a wife who was more sucessful than he was so he banged the first hosebag that came to his garage and handled his lube gun.

Trooper York said...

I do hear he is going to have a new show on Spike TV called "Monster Garage Mahal."

I hope that works out for him.

Synova said...

She was way more famous than he was when they first met. But yeah, maybe "Mr. Bullock" was part of the problem but she was never pulling that in public. Do you think she was in private? She seemed very much to be all about "he's the man in the relationship."

Now, yes, she doesn't get off the hook either for going with a guy who was still married and for not recognizing that someone who does it once will do it again.

Just don't don't don't ever trust someone who keeps the safety-net of a previous relationship while being on the look-out for the next.

Phil 314 said...

Nice tattoos. There's gotta be one just below the beltline that says:
Insert _______ here (with an arrow pointing downward)

Trooper York said...

You see she doesn't have to pull the Mr. Bullock thing but if everyone else does that might eat away at him.

But you are 100% right Synove.

That's why you should buy J-Lo's dog!

Once bitten.....

Trooper York said...

That's "shouldn't buy J-Lo's dog."

I hear she is having a big yard sale since she is so hard up that she is appearing in sitcoms like "How I Met Your Mother."

Next stop, "Dr. Drew's Sober House" where she can sit on the couch between Tom Sizemore and Heidi Fliess.

Synova said...

That's "shouldn't buy J-Lo's dog."

Oh, that hurts.

I took one of our dogs to be put down after she suddenly and without warning tore into one of our other dogs that had been with her since she was a puppy. (For some reason this other dog just seems to invite being attacked and he always seems to have a wound but she wasn't asserting dominance, she nearly killed him.) The fact that there wasn't even any growling first freaked me out completely.

But it was almost as bad to have well meaning people at the vet's ask me if I'd considered a rescue organization.

Now, maybe a dog that nearly kills another dog isn't a danger to people, but what if she suddenly reacted that way to a child?

But hey, if I send her to a rescue organization it's not my fault, right?


Anonymous said...

Sad. The court probably awarded custody of Jesse's daughter to Jesse and Sandra at least partly because they seemed to have a solid marriage. Of course, the mother is a porn star and she's in a halfway house, but still.

mariner said...

Trooper York @ 12:24,

Good to see you back in such fine form, sir!

Anonymous said...

Jesse James surrenders.

He will announce he is a sex addict in 3 ... 2 ... 1

Just before being shot by the coward Bob Ford if history is any guide.

Anthony said...

Sandra Bullock is back on the market? Whooo hooo! Now I just need to convince my wife....

Funny, but the same thought ran through my head.

OTOH, I realized a while ago that, despite being wildly hot and coming off a certain way in public, Hollyweird hotties can be psycho and when you're not banging them 24 hours a day you have to put up with the other stuff.

Still, I'd take a couple of years with her for a little nuttiness.

Penny said...

"Infidelity, and the inability to be loyal and remain faithful, has become epidemic."

While there appears to be some truth to this statement, in general, at least here at Althouse, commenters are very outspoken about this being negative behavior, and not at all the cornerstones of their lives.

While I'm not naive enough to believe that anyone fooling around on their spouse makes a habit of talking about it publicly, until proven otherwise, I pretty much assume that in addition to the commenters here, there are a heck of a lot of other people out there who take their marriages seriously, until proven otherwise.

Penny said...

For all we knew beforehand, Tiger Woods took his marriage seriously, and he was the antithesis of bad boy imaged, Jesse James, who we also thought took his marriage seriously... Well that is to say, before we found out about all this "stuff".

Guess what, folks? Life is full of "stuff", yet to be learned. Here's hoping you deal with what you can -- Your OWN "stuff".

Cedarford said...

1. Good news is Sandy's available..or as available as Jesse James was from the porn star as they separated and fought over divorce and custody when Sandy shacked up.
2. The tattoo skank doesn't look like a skank. Reports that Jesse James is a "Vanilla Gorilla", hugely endowed. "We had sex 2-3 times when we met, then got more serious.", in the last 11 months. Yowsa!
3. If we found out Matthew Broderick had been pronging Tattoo Babe, we of course would cluck our expected disapproval..but we'd understand. Wouldn't, we...guys???
4. I guess Sandy Bullock could start something up with Charlie Sheen. He's out of rehab, the lawyers are dropping charges...he lost his whore rental black book..and honestly wouldn't care if a heart-shaped public hair present to him was pink or not as long as it was attached to available pussy.

Big Mike said...

I've never known a couple who were separated and got back together again. Probably she doesn't either. She's just getting dibs in.

Methadras said...

I'm reserving judgment on whether Jesse James banged this chick. I'll wait to see if this is true or not.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...


When I was a small child my parents had a German Shepherd. It had a problem with me. My father took it to the pound and told them not to give the dog to anyone with a child.

They did, it bit the child, and got put down.

So, good call on your part.

JAL said...

The first wife was covered with tats also.

Based on the happy couple after the Golden Globe score by Ms. Bullock, it's clear the latest tat girl wasn't following the celebrity rags very closely. They (Sandra and James) appeared genuinely happy then.

And Sandra really was into working with James for custody of the littel girl.

Sad story.

Question: Why do guys think the other woman is going to stay quiet?

JAL said...

And if the latest says "I would never have ... if ...." why did she now choose to blab?

Because her score was worth more since Sandra won the Oscar?

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