In the comments to the "Stump Nightclub" open thread last night, kentuckyliz prodded our resident animator Chip Ahoy: "photoshop this pic with a teabag dangling down into her mouth. Or clip her out and paste her onto the background for The Scream." She meant this picture:
Not my stump picture:
And Chip said: "Gnarly root Medusa tea-bag Pelosi but nobody is allowed to look at it except for kentuckyliz and Rialby. And now I must go and pray to repent for God told me he's going to totally kick my ass."
So, of course, we looked:
Oh, lord! That's so wrong and so right. But that's another kind of salute to the lady who has claimed her place in American history. There was a time when we pulled our punches when a woman was involved. I say Chip's GIF is a landmark in the journey toward equality for women.
And God have mercy on us all.
It's even greater than I imagined. Thank you Chip.
Great photoshop Chip
Re Ms Pelosi--credit where credit is due. Dont like her at all, dont like her politics and tactics, but clearly she took her play book from Machiavelli-- she got it done (not that I like it, but thats another story).
Too bad the republicans dont have someone like that.
She was asking for it!
I believe Capt. Janeway defeated the Borg queen in the end.
Hey, Roger J: The Republicans have Sarah and Michele. They'll clean up Nancy's mess soon enough.
With a strong majority in the House, she bullied this through. With all due respect to her power brokering, she's done what anyone in her position would have been expected to do.
Big deal, can we name a damn building after her and get her to retire.
The photoshop reminds me of Medusa as well.
Someone on this very blog -- sorry, I forget who -- said in the comments that Nancy would get this done two weeks ago and I was dubious. But you have to give her credit for pulling it off.
I agree with SteveR--given the Democrat's total control of government, the problems getting this through speak to the weakness of the leadership, not the strength.
To the extent Pelosi "got it done," that's not really to her credit considering the methods used.
I'd have gone with 'SKELETOR' personally. Nice job though. GOD has a sense of humor so don't worry too much. My guess is that SHE will personally torch the sugar on your creme brulee as an object lesson...
Big deal, can we name a damn building after her...
I suggest the National Poor House.
"Halving it all"
I suppose a win is a win, but given the majorities the Dems. have and the fact that they still had to bribe the hell out of their own party I'm not quite ready to label her a genius.
I think my remark about this being like having a 30 minute head start in a marathon and only winning by 30 seconds is still appropriate. Or, if you prefer, this is like the Steelers winning on a last minute field goal against a college team.
If they (democrats) get away with this defiance of the will of the people - if they get away relatively unscathed, then they will feel free to defy the people with impunity.
Nobody's liberty or property will be safe.
That was another moment of true inspiration by Chip Ahoy.
It was great if he had just left it as Medusa.
Frankly, the unretouched pic was shocking itself because Pelosi's facial muscles moved. Did this require doctors to administer a Botox andidote?
How long between time of movement allowed in her Great Leap Forward and when wrinkles would appear without the Botox?
As for teabagging....well, I know it is wrong....just so wrong...but can that GIF be adapted to a pic with Eric Massa, Barney Frank or Larry Craig with their mouths open??
And exactly how did teabagging get labelled as just - so homosexual!! What about the tens of millions of wonderful talented female ball suckers and scrotum nibblers out there?
I don't really understand why we would congratulate someone like her for having cajoled/threatened/bribed/intimidated/begged enough people of her own party in order to barely pass a bill that profoundly affects everyone in the country, including the majority who oppose it.
Sure it's "great", I guess, for her partisans on the far left. They have someone who can force their will on the rest of us.
But why is that praiseworthy from the rest of us?
It would be praiseworthy if she behaved like a statesman, a uniter who finds some grand compromise that brings together people from across the spectrum and improves the political climate and makes us all glad.
Instead she's a hateful, bitterly partisan person who managed the "great accomplishment" of getting 219 out of 253 Democrats to agree to a bill. She didn't even have to get a single Republican to agree; she only had to cajole her OWN PARTY into agreeing. Big whoop! Excuse me if I don't feel like that was a praiseworthy contribution to American history.
I think this bears repeating. Most powerful woman? Please. She has a 78 member majority and had to beg and plead to get enough of her own party to go with this boondoggle.
So she fails by getting it through, and she fails by not getting it through.
Nice benchmark.
Nobody's liberty or property will be safe.
Remember KELO.
Add Pelosi, another despicable symptom of our totally corrupted political class, the neo-norm of post-America.
Re: Her expression.
Wasn't there an althouse post 2 days ago that had a pic of her walking towards the House (presumably) with a bunch of other bigwig Democrat Reps, and she was carrying a gavel, and she had the exact same expression? (I don't see that image on the althouse blog anymore, though. Maybe I dreamt it).
It is indeed a great accomplishment, and an honor to feminism, that a woman has been the first to circumvent and thereby negate the US Constitution, and end the American experiment.
Well done!
There was a time when we pulled our punches when a woman was involved.
Out in the real world -- that's a slap at the very left-of-center academic community you're immersed in, Professor -- it's been that way for quite some time.
A quarter century ago, perhaps, it was something on the order of "oh, looky, a woman pretending to be a department manager, we have to keep our expectations down." For the past fifteen years in the organizations I've worked for, female managers have the same expectations for results that their male counterparts have -- with the same willingness up the line to remove or reassign female managers who don't measure up.
By that standard Nancy Pelosi should get no kudos for this bill, and even fewer for the alleged "stimulus" bill that has quite evidently stimulated nothing.
Now if she had undercut the GOP by incorporating some GOP ideas into the bill and purging some of the dreck, she would have attracted a bunch of GOP votes -- and made the Democrat majority safe well past 2010. So I think you will find that, ultimately, she will be judged a failure as a politician.
So she fails by getting it through, and she fails by not getting it through.
Nice benchmark.
I guess you glossed over the fact that she presides over a 78 member majority in her own party and she still had to brow beat them into squeaking by with a winning vote. Jayne_cobb summed it nicely with the analogy of getting a 30 minute head start in a race and winning by 30 seconds. Hardly a feat I'd be bragging about.
In Pelosi World, getting to sit down with Diane Sawyer on national TV is worth any sabotage a privileged elitist like her can - and did - perpetrate.
May she live a long life to witness the destruction she has wrought.
Now that's funny!
You know throughout recent history people have written credits to Hitler. Now, it's Nancy Pelosi?
We call those people "monsters". Don't we?
What would she have to do for people to feel she violated her responsibilities. She accomplished her ends and that seems to absolve all things.
When we do whatever it takes to accomplish something that is nonessential and unpopular with those who you are supposed to be representing, I find no virtue, only dangerous, uncontrolled ambition. There is nothing about her performance that makes me proud, but I don't hold winning as the highest goal in politics.
I hate to be the downer here or go off-topic (it's related though!) but I just clicked on this story on Drudge - Having insurance 'going to be like Christmas' - and read this:
"It's just going to be like Christmas," said DeCarlo Flythe, who lost health coverage for his family when he was laid off almost three years ago. "It's going to be great. You know, no worries (about) the bills. We are going to go ahead and pay our co-pay and be alright."
Given that the gentleman in question has a very unique name, I was able to find a picture of him in less than a minute. He looks like an able-bodied young man who doesn't appear to have missed a meal in some time. Tell me again why I am subsidizing him? Clearly he has quite a bit of access to a computer given all the friends he has accumulated on a popular social networking site - 400+. Tell me again why he couldn't get 2-3 simultaneous PT jobs at some point during the last 3 years. I work 60 hours a week in my FT job so there's no reason he cannot hold down 3 jobs at 20 hours a week.
If 50% of Americans are not going to pay a cent into the tax coffers and if people like this guy are going to take 3 years off, where is the incentive for me to continue to work hard? To pay for his 2nd "Christmas"? I am about to start shrugging.
"There was a time when we pulled our punches when a woman was involved. I say Chip's GIF is a landmark in the journey toward equality for women."
I agree! It's about time we allow violent sexual commentary about a powerful woman! It balances out all the pictures of male politicians sucking cock that you see on mainstream blogs by prominent law professors.
@Madison Man
See the headline picture at
Rules? What rules?
Rialby, You found one of the winners. His kids will learn how to excel in our new system.
...violent sexual commentary about a powerful woman"
You have some seriously weird fantasies, dude. TMI. Leave us out of it.
Capone got things done too. Pelosi has an apporval rating of 11%. How you can say she'll come out of this well is beyond me (then again, you voted for the big O...)
If 50% of Americans are not going to pay a cent into the tax coffers and if people like this guy are going to take 3 years off, where is the incentive for me to continue to work hard? To pay for his 2nd "Christmas"?
Well you're obviously a Scrooge. Are there no workhouses? Are there no prisons? Please forgive the creaking of chains but Mr. Marley would like to have a word with you! You know, maybe you should quit whining and be grateful that you work 60 hours a week rather than be laid off and posting on Facebook all day. Its people like you who not only make the country run but also provide those valuable safety nets for people like Mr. Flythe who don't have to worry about wasting away because they can't afford their next meal. Remember, its patriotic to pay more taxes. What are you some kind of communist?
/sarc off
Hagar, yes, that was the image I was remembering. Mouth isn't quite open as much, but very similar posture.
The zombie lie that only 50% in this country pay taxes lives!
Pelosi has balls.
I think she's right that the electoral fallout will not be devastating.
But the bill--and the process--were still a disaster.
How about the zombie zombie lie that the top 1% pay over 50% of the taxes, garage? Zombie zombie zombie zombie.......but true.
Ok garage - what's the percentage of Americans that pay no federal income tax?
Pelosi has balls
That's why she's bowlegged,
This woman's plumbing
Should be investigated.
It's not paying taxes period, it's paying your share which is far below 50%. If I pay $10 and use $10,000, I'm not paying anything.
How would you feel about being in a club where most of the members paid a fraction of the dues you did and then voted to determine how much you have to pay. In addition, you are not allowed to use the clubhouse because you're too rich. Nice club? Fair? Motivate you to do work for the club? Proud to belong?
The zombie lie that only 50% in this country pay taxes lives!
Well garage, as much as you lefties try, it's hard to kill the truth even with a head shot.
Oh puleeeeeeeeze! Nancy Pelosi is not only the most powerful woman, she is the most powerful person in the government. She has proven, like her or not, she is the only person in Washington who knows how and when to use power. No one, not Bush, not Obama, not Emanuel, not Biden, not Reid, cand come close to her.
If any of you bothered to read some of the profiles on her last week, you would have learned a lesson in the use of power. They described in great detail how she took people to the woodshed, used come to Jesus meetings, and made blatant threats and promises.
She slammed the door on any bipartisanship- even though Obama wanted some. If you want to criticize the Republicans as the party of no, then Nancy Pelosi is the Queen of NO damn way. She would not work with a Republican if the country survival depended on it.
She has the power. She is in charge. She has the whip, the black leather, and all the toys. She is the dom and all will submit.
No Speaker of the House in modern times has held this much power over two branches of government. She is the POTUS. Obama is the firgure head. He is a tyro who will get spanked bad if he defies her.
Love her, hate her, demonize her, adore her; you must bear some respect for what she has done- taken over the reigns of power in government.
We just have to take them back and restore some semblance of balance.
In fairness to garage though, the poor folks do have to chip in to Social Security, Medicare and they do pay sales tax assuming they have a state that has a sales tax. Needless to say, the first two are fairly paltry deductions from their pay while sales tax is purely on consumption.
Nevertheless, all that federal largese is paid for with Fed income tax, which as the IRS tables show, are paid for by about 50% of the folks.
Like I said, we're just around the corner from becoming Greece.
You just bought into the myth of history and legacy.
What that story never mentioned- nor did the illiterate Mr. Flyth- the insurance does not kick in until 2014. He gets nothing until then.
He smoked to much hopium over the weekend.
But hey, this keeps the false dreams and promises alive. Hope and Change. Yes we can screw the American people. Yes we did screw the American people. we will do it again soon. Stay tuned.
"In 2007, the top 1 percent of tax returns paid 40.4 percent of all federal individual income taxes and earned 22.8 percent of adjusted gross income. "
Zombie fact.
That fact makes our tax system immoral and our people weak.
Well upon further study, it would appear that in 2007, the bottom 50%paid 2.89% of Federal income tax while the top 50% paid the remaining 97.11%.
Rialby said: "He looks like an able-bodied young man ... Tell why I am subsidizing him? ... Tell me again why he couldn't get 2-3 simultaneous PT jobs at some point..."
I've been biting my tongue about that same thing re: a woman that I was close friends with as a teen. In High School, she was REALLY smart, I mean, aced all her classes without trying, tremendous writing skills, hugely respected by the teachers.
She came from a busted home which sucked, but she completely passed up any opportunity to go to college. Yeah, she didn't have money, but neither did I. She could have gotten the exact same full scholarship (including living expenses) that I earned, even more easily than I did because I would have happily walked her through it (I'm a year older), and I'm sure that, with her talents, there have been hundreds of other opportunities she's passed up.
And she spends half her facebook posts bitching about not having coverage, and the other half gloating about the healthcare bill being passed. I don't want to start a fight, so I have to constantly remind myself not to respond. Tell me why I should pay for her coverage?!?!?
- Lyssa
"Tell me why I should pay for her coverage?!?!?"
Because we voted poorly. Elections have consequences.
Tell me why I should pay for her coverage?!?!?
The reason is because most liberals refuse to believe that some people are unemployed, underemployed or uninsured due to any personal choices of their own therefore you have a moral obligation to help them out.
Big deal, can we name a damn building after her and get her to retire.
Pelosi Penal Colony and Re-education camp?
For those who will go to jail because they didn't buy government mandated insurance.
Pelosi Prison and Work Camp for Debtors?
For those who have had their assets seized by the IRS for failure to buy the complusory government mandated insurance.
What? You don't think the IRS will put a lein on your house because you failed to pay your mandatory insurance premium or you just don't have the money to pay the penalties? You don't think that they will audit your tax returns and drive you insane?
Well....unless you are an illegal immigrant then you are exempt from the rules.
How do I really feel about Nancy? I can't even say it in polite company. C*nt and burn in Hell you f***ing heartless self agrandizing bitch would be a mild version.
I hope there is retibution if not in this life then in whatever heaven or hell you believe in for these creatures who have doomed the U.S. to become a poverty stricken socialst state for generations to come.
Who are going to be directly responsible for the murder of hundreds of thousands of unborn children at the expense of the unwilling taxpayers (no matter what they say it will happen)
Who are directly responsible for the future suffering and deaths of uncounted people from inadequate and rationed medical care.
And....they aren't done yet. Just wait until they completely destroy the economy of the country (and also the World Economy) with Tax and Trade and most likely set off another world wide trade war and depression similar to that of the 1930's.
Burn in Hell with your eyelids taped to your forehead and be doomed to watch what you have wreaked on our children and grand children for eternity. I'll be dead before the worst hits and we are on a level with Zimbabwe or Kenya, which I expect to be in about 20 to30 years.
So ...should I be more blunt about what I think of Nancy?
Oh. BTW....very cool animation Chip.
The medusa is part of the symbol of medicine.
All of this could be fixed with a flat tax (n.b. not "fair tax") replacing the income tax.
No deductions, no exemptions.
There's wide agreement across incomes that the most anybody should have to pay in taxes is 25% of their income.
It's just that an even better choice is always to tax somebody else, if it's available.
When you're voting on your own taxes you vote as if it's your own money, which is why it's a fix.
The nature of pandering changes.
What's really cool is that the staffers who wrote the bill are exempt from the mandate to buy insurance. You gotta love that. Whatever you can get away with is just cool shit and makes you an admirable mover and shaker for the people.
It's so great, because she's a woman and all! Who would have thought a woman could do such a thing?
garage - FICA deductions aren't taxes, they are involuntary contributions to well-managed retirement security plans, covering one's healthcare needs and living expenses - didn't you get the memo?
Now certainly poor people pay some use, sales and excise taxes - most of which are local and state, some of which are federal. Also, we all pay corporate taxes when we purchase goods or services from a corporation, a fact liberals/progressives never seem to grasp - tax those big bad oil companies and watch it show up at the pump in a rather regressive way.
All that said, about 50% of Americans pay no income taxes, which are the government's largest single source of revenue - and many get an "Earned Income Tax Credit", a/k/a welfare bonus payment. People who do that year in and year out, are, absent some debilitating condition, upside down on their citizenship obligations. They are like members of an LLC or LLP who are behind on their capital contributions, and as such should have their membership privileges curtailed.
Of course, most importantly, they are permanent Democrats!
Won't LoafingOaf and garage and fls show up and pledge fealty to their new Democratic Party masters? Or have they already assumed the position?
"Yes, ma'am, may I have another?"
"Who are going to be directly responsible for the murder of hundreds of thousands of unborn children at the expense of the unwilling taxpayers"
The best we can hope is that those babies will be mostly poor, minority, hippies and progressives - a/k/a future liberals/Democrats.
They were about 10 short when Stupak sold out for the Congressional equivalent of 30 pieces of silver and led his group over. Those eleven Congressmen essentially sold out for fixes to 3 regional airports in Stupak's district and were too dumb to know an Executive Order doesn't supersede an Act of Congress. Not the stuff of leadership, unless Boss Tweed and Richard J. Daley have been added to the pantheon of great leaders in the last 10 minutes.
Stupak ought to be the word to describe a Congressman who doesn't think for him/herself.
Ann said...
Oh, lord! That's so wrong and so right. There was a time when we pulled our punches when a woman was involved.
Big Mike said...
There was a time when we pulled our punches when a woman was involved.
Out in the real world -- that's a slap at the very left-of-center academic community you're immersed in, Professor -- it's been that way for quite some time.
A quarter century ago, perhaps, it was something on the order of "oh, looky, a woman pretending to be a department manager, we have to keep our expectations down." For the past fifteen years in the organizations I've worked for, female managers have the same expectations for results that their male counterparts have -- with the same willingness up the line to remove or reassign female managers who don't measure up.
There was a time when a lady was something special. That was before 1970 or so. A lady earned deferential treatment. The feminists sneered at a true lady and demanded obeisance and, if they didn't get it, they went screaming, "Sexism".
How many females really get ripped the way you can do to a guy, especially in a business setting? Ze Ro.
I think Ann's right, though. That will change now. This female has stolen the people's birthright and she will be vilified for it in a way Americans have never done to a woman. Something else for Pelosi Galore's cap.
Ann said...
But that's another kind of salute to the lady who has claimed her place in American history.
Right alongside Benedict Arnold and Simon Girty.
garage engages in another hit & run troll.
Pelosi's place in history will be determined by who writes the history.
If the left wins Sunday's vote will go down as the nexis of the rebith of the country, and Pelosi will have Reagan International renamed for her.
For the 20 or so years we have left, until we start needing to learn Chinese.
If the right wins, Sunday's vote become the nexis for the takeback of the country, and the repeal of that mess of a bill will be celebrated as a rebirth of liberty, and Pelosi will have a stall in the Capital Men's Room named after her.
WV: Lattes; a liberal substitute for real coffee
Given her popularity I imagine that there are already a number of stalls with her name and number on them.
And she spends half her facebook posts bitching about not having coverage, and the other half gloating about the healthcare bill being passed. I don't want to start a fight, so I have to constantly remind myself not to respond.
Lyssa, I have found facebook's "Hide" feature extremely useful these past few days.
As for Pelosi: what goes around comes around, and her means and methods will persist long after her tenure. I don't think she will be remembered well at all for the way she has ignored precedent, constituents, and common sense in her bid to put her party in permanent control over our lives.
This bill, and its requirements on businesses, is exactly what we do not need in our "jobless recovery" economy. Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better -- if they ever do.
"Most powerful woman in 100 years."
1910 Madam C.J. Walker sets up a factory and beauty school in Indianapolis.
She's 70 years old now.
She is fabulous, totally rich and powerful and has a hot husband.
She can retire now.
If I may point out, for all the vituperation being heaped on Ms Pelosi, there are only a few options open to getting rid of her:
1) vote her out in her district--not very likely; 2) elect enough republicans to take the majority in the house; 3) defeat her on enough issues that she looses the confidence of the dmocrats in the house--again not very likely; 4) embolden enough blue dogs and wavering dems in swing districts--as well as perform testicle/ovary implants--to make them stand up to madam speaker (in the stall or not).
Heaping scorn on your opponent is easy enough--doing something about is a lot harder. In the interim, I suggest not underestimating your opponent, because we will be looking at immigration reform and cap and trade brought about by the same tactics and quite possibly passed by the november cycle.
Rage has to be transformed into action. And what I dont see is any sort of coordinated action at this point--the TP movement is a start, but it isnt clear to me the republican "leadership" is aboard,
and the TP movement may end up like most third party movements in this country.
If I may point out, for all the vituperation being heaped on Ms Pelosi, there are only a few options open to getting rid of her:
1) vote her out in her district--not very likely; 2) elect enough republicans to take the majority in the house; 3) defeat her on enough issues that she looses the confidence of the dmocrats in the house--again not very likely; 4) embolden enough blue dogs and wavering dems in swing districts--as well as perform testicle/ovary implants--to make them stand up to madam speaker (in the stall or not).
Heaping scorn on your opponent is easy enough--doing something about is a lot harder. In the interim, I suggest not underestimating your opponent, because we will be looking at immigration reform and cap and trade brought about by the same tactics and quite possibly passed by the november cycle.
Rage has to be transformed into action. And what I dont see is any sort of coordinated action at this point--the TP movement is a start, but it isnt clear to me the republican "leadership" is aboard,
and the TP movement may end up like most third party movements in this country.
I suggest not underestimating your opponent, because we will be looking at immigration reform and cap and trade brought about by the same tactics and quite possibly passed by the november cycle.
Did anyone else find it coincidental that there was an illegal immigration rally on the same day as the bill vote?
Can anyone with any ounce of intellectual credibility state that bringing in another 10-15 million people into citizenry and passing Cap and Tax is something that we can actually afford at this point? Does the CBO numbers take into account another 10-15 million added to the HCR rolls?
If they're smart, illegal immigration and cap and tax will probably take a back seat until after November. I'm guessing even Obama isn't dumb enough to try and hornswaggle that past the great unwashed so close to elections.
"She has proven, like her or not, she is the only person in Washington who knows how and when to use power. No one, not Bush, not Obama, not Emanuel, not Biden, not Reid, cand come close to her."
You forget that President Bush got everything he wanted in his first term.
Tax cuts, NCLB, Medicare drug coverage, Iraq resolution.
He did it with a smaller GOP margin in the House and with a small Democrat majority in the Senate for part of the time.
We can argue if these things were good or bad but he got them passed. With Medicare drug coverage especially, some of the tactics were just as aggressive as anything Pelosi used.
HD--yes I noted the immigration rally--to your questions, did anyone think the HCR would have been passed on a uniparty vote with a substantial majority of Americans opposing it?
Put yourself in the dem leadership's position. There is no further downside for them--might as well go for the whole enchilada. They are already facing a substantial downside with HCR, but that wont take effect until January 2011. Seems to me they have already bet the farm--might as well double down.
Tell me why I should pay for her coverage?!?!?
Because health care is a right.
And, if health care is a right, that must mean that the person with the right, or the gov't on their behalf, can come into your house and take your money to pay for their right. And, if you don't let them, you will go to jail or be shot.
This is the nature of the State.
Put yourself in the dem leadership's position. There is no further downside for them--might as well go for the whole enchilada. They are already facing a substantial downside with HCR, but that wont take effect until January 2011. Seems to me they have already bet the farm--might as well double down.
Well the flipside is that the public’s memory is short (example: When was the last time you saw an anti-war rally?) and perhaps the Dems are counting on short term memory and the fact that the tax and premium hikes won’t take effect for some time. I’ll argue the 4 year implementation date was to ease those of us who pay the bills into the cauldron slowly so we don’t thrash around too much ;-) Again, for Pelosi, she has no worry about being voted out of her section of the People’s Republic of Kalifornia but there are a lot of others who might thinking that the people will have forgotten HRC.
HD--I do agree with your points. They fall into "on the other hand" category" but are all good and viable alternatives to my POV.
I think we will be able to tell how the dem leadership is thinking in a few more months--Interesting times ahead, I fear.
WV: spent (really): what the democrats have done to US treasure.
Hoosier, there was an anti-war rally on Saturday. In fact, as far as ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, Fox, Yahoo!News and Google News were concerned, the only other rally in D.C. was the immigration rally.
There is a significant chance that Democrats will lose their majority in the House. Let's all work towards that end.
Y'all are missing the point!
I got a top level mention and a tag!
I am a muse to my crush object, Chip Ahoy! (Well, artistically crushy...I don't have crushes any more.)
WV wingangs
wow ann. so unwilling to give President Obama any credit on this, eh ? when the bill is bad, its Obamacare. when you decide that Nancy has pushed it through, its a salute to Nancy and Obama the coward, and oh, maybe there are a few good things in the bill.
how consistent.
danielle - why should we praise the Marxist dictator? It's like asking Jews to praise Hitler.
Roger J. said...
Rage has to be transformed into action. And what I dont see is any sort of coordinated action at this point--the TP movement is a start, but it isnt clear to me the republican "leadership" is aboard,
and the TP movement may end up like most third party movements in this country.
Most Tea Partiers understand the third party route isn't an option and realize that, until people like Michael Steele aren't calling the shots, the republican leadership truly isn't on board. This is why there's new emphasis on the primaries and local committee seats. These people have done their homework.
And, to show the grass roots is the way this will have to be done, consider that Lindsey ("just call me Arlen") Graham is not only collaborating (as in collaborateur/collaborateuse) with Chuckie Schumer on immigration, he's now doing the same with Lurch Kerry on cap & trade (and I don't want to hear any of that nonsense about how we need to be open to all those "moderates". God knows the Demos don't care about them).
kentuckyliz said...
Y'all are missing the point!
I got a top level mention and a tag!
I am a muse to my crush object, Chip Ahoy! (Well, artistically crushy...I don't have crushes any more.)
Oh, go ahead, Liz, crush away. Looks what it's done for Ann.
Yes, the bill is so good that Congress felt the need to exempt themselves from it. I mean that is always a sign of quality.
I do not see where President Obama has done much to push the bill thru. Ms Pelosi did the heavy lifting; Mr Obama's task was to use the bully pulpit to gain broad support for the bill, and in that task he manifestly failed--a large majority of Americans disapproved of the legislation. The more Mr Obama talked (let me be clear....) the less Americans believed him. And I think his current approval ratings support my contention.
That the bill got thru is more a function of Ms Pelosi's tactics, unsavory as they were, and the feclessness of far too many democrats, than Mr Obama's ability to persuade the public to support the legislation.
So "credit" to Ms Pelosi--for Mr. Obama, not so much.
Awesome stuff Chip. You never disappoint.
Nancy Pelosi had an additional accomplishment yesterday. She inspired me to contribute to the RNC's twitter bomb.
This bill only passed through the use of threats and bribes that overwhelmed the protests of the people in the minds of the Dems. If it can happen on stuff you like, then it can happen on stuff you don't. Even stuff an overwhelming majority of us don't like. Nobody should be fine with it, and it certainly is nothing to be proud about. I was not impressed with the effectiveness of Al Capone or Tammany Hall either. A nation of laws, my ass.
So here we have The Chipper (MORE PICTURES OF YOU!!), a nutcase tea bagger, making fun of dropping balls into someone's mouth??
Alex said..."danielle - why should we praise the Marxist dictator? It's like asking Jews to praise Hitler."
You're an ignorant little fuck.
Pelosi Sausage Factory was a trending topic on twitter yesterday, to which I contributed:
Excised body parts under Obamacare get made into school lunch mystery meat at the Pelosi Sausage Factory
Nancy Pelosi's trimmed facial skin gets made into school lunch mystery meat at the Pelosi Sausage Factory
Obamacare Oral Surgeon
In the current game of Washington politics, where "winner takes all" is the method of play, it would be difficult to call Nancy Pelosi anything other than a very BIG winner.
Every time I see this AniGIF, I hear, "This is SPARTA!!!"
Jeremy said...
You're an ignorant little fuck.
Hey, look, it's the succulent little Marxist piggy coming to eat at his little black jesus masters trough of government jizz.
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