March 17, 2010

Eric Holder would like you to think he's a tougher fighter than George Bush.

Recall what George W. Bush said a week after the 9/11 attacks:
"I want justice," he said after a meeting at the Pentagon, where 188 people were killed last Tuesday when an airliner crashed into the building. "And there's an old poster out West that says, 'Wanted: Dead or Alive.' "

He then seemed to temper his remarks by adding: "All I want and America wants is to see them brought to justice. That's what we want."

The blunt, Texas-style rhetoric, delivered off the cuff, came a day after Vice-President Dick Cheney said he would willingly accept bin Laden's "head on a platter". Some advisers said that although the comments might be popular in America, they would not be welcomed by European or Arab allies.

Mr Bush had just received a briefing on the call-up of military reservists and plans for Operation Noble Eagle, the name given to the "war on terrorism" that the president has vowed to prosecute.

Striking a sombre tone, he told Americans they should expect further casualties. "The United States military is ready to defend freedom at any cost," he said. "We will win the war and there will be costs."
Bush was criticized harshly over the years for saying "Wanted: Dead or Alive." At the end of his term, Bush expressed regret about talking like that:
"I regret saying some things I shouldn't have said," Bush told CNN's Heidi Collins when asked to reflect on his regrets over his two terms as president. "Like 'dead or alive' and 'bring 'em on.' My wife reminded me that, hey, as president of the United States, be careful what you say."
Now, here's Attorney General Eric Holder, at a House hearing yesterday:
"The reality is that we will be reading Miranda rights to the corpse of Osama Bin Laden - he will never appear in an American courtroom," the nation's chief enforcement officer told a stunned House hearing....

GOP congressmen tried to pummel the nation's top law enforcement official over giving terrorists the same constitutional rights in civilian courts as American defendants, such as the now-unlikely lower Manhattan trial of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed.

Holder said terrorists are treated like the murderers they are in federal courts - or, more specifically, "like Charles Manson."

When Rep. John Culberson (R-Tex.) said that if Bin Laden himself were arrested, it would be absurd to give him the same due process afforded Manson, Holder erupted.

Charges he coddles terrorists get his "blood boiling," the attorney general conceded....

Holder repeated - slowly - to the Texas congressman that "the possibility simply does not exist" that Bin Laden will ever be arraigned in any court....

"The possibility of capturing him alive is infinitesimal - he will be killed by us or he will be killed by his own people," Holder said.
So, Bush, in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, called for the capture of bin Laden "Dead or Alive," but Holder, with 9 years to meditate on the right way to deal with the situation, assures us that bin Laden will not be taken alive. What has brought Holder to this heated state of mind? Not the death of thousands of Americans. The threat to his political prestige. It gets his "blood boiling" that he is attacked. The fact that we were attacked did not loom large when he decided to try KSM in federal court New York City. But when that decision was savaged, he changed his tone.

He needed to show how tough he was, and now he's resorting to saying that bin Laden won't be taken alive. Oh, he concedes an "infinitesimal" possibility. What does that mean? If bin Laden openly surrendered or he was trapped and utterly defenseless, we couldn't gun him down. And then what would Holder do? Read Miranda rights to bin Laden's not-yet-a-corpse? Try him like a Manson? Ah, but Holder doesn't want you to think about that. He suddenly wants to strike the Dick Cheney bring-me-his-head-on-a-platter pose... until we stop calling him weak, his blood cools down, and he can get back to lecturing us about America's abstract ideals.


KCFleming said...

Osama will surely get a nasty fine for not having health insurance.

KCFleming said...

Reading Miranda rights to corpses seems like a waste of time. But the Feds gots to follow da rules, I suppose.

ricpic said...

"My wife reminded me...."

Ah yes, a kinder gentler America...that will never win the war with Islam.

Anonymous said...

"KSM will be tried in a civilian court, but don't worry, he'll be convicted - its an absolute certainty."

"And also don't worry about OBL because he won't even make it to the court."

(But heavens, don't pour water on anyone's face.)

Aren't you glad that the adults have taken over?

Original Mike said...

This, Obama assuring us that the Knicker Bomber will be found guilty... And these people consider themselves to be our moral superiors. Disgusting.

KCFleming said...

Blood was literally boiling from the intense heat of the jet fuel burning Twin Towers on 9/11/01. Some of it just vaporized, though.

A.W. said...

So if bin Laden surrenders, we will shoot him anyway?

Or if we come up with him as he sleeps, we shoot him anyway?

I seem to recall that was actually a war crime. and it bluntly seems foolish. I want us to keep bin Laden alive at least long enough to waterboard the bastard and find out what he knows. Then after that, if he is "shot trying to escape," yeah, i won't care.

But its more than a little hypocritical to say "we don't torture our enemies. We kill them, even if they are surrendering."

Sigh. i wish we had two parties that was serious about the war on terror.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Eric Holder's blood has never boiled.

Scott M said...

Aren't the many shades of tyranny wonderful? It's no less despicable if it were uttered by a Republican appointee to the chief LAW enforcement office in the land. Cowboy politics, anyone?

gk1 said...

Harmless pillow talk from an avowed pussy. The question is whether Holder resigns before or after November at this point.

Kirby Olson said...

If OBL got to court, it would expose the weakness of Holder's thinking. Therefore, he will never get to court. It would embarrass Holder, and that can't be allowed!

Big Mike said...

I stick with what I've said before: worst AG since Nixon's John Mitchell, very much on a par with Wilson's Palmer (he of the infamous Palmer Raids).

Peter V. Bella said...

Get it straight- Bush administration=bad
Obama administration=good

If Holder says it, it is right, just, and proper. He is an Obama man. They can speak no evil or do no evil. Just ask them.

Sloanasaurus said...

I would never question the veracity of liberals to be violent and tough when it matters. They are not pacifists. However, the problems leftists have is identifying who the enemy is. Holder may make some short term statement about gettin Bin Ladin, but that does not change the fact that he and Obama still see the American people and their traditionalism/conservatism and bitterness to cling to guns and religion generally as the enemy.

Kirby Olson said...

ANYONE who might embarrass Holder will NEVER have their day in court.

KCFleming said...

Holder wants to personally wrestle with bin Laden, so they'll keep him alive until then at least.

Holder's known to be working on his spinning headlock elbow drop. Word is it's awesome.

Henry said...

Nothing like a predator drone to make a man talk tough.

Welcome to The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean Holder:

Rev. Mr. LaSalle: I will read over the dead now. My Bible, please. Mister, uh...
Judge Roy Bean: Bean.
Rev. Mr. LaSalle: Bean?
Judge Roy Bean: Roy Bean. Judge Roy Bean. I am the law in this area.
Rev. Mr. LaSalle: What has qualified you as such?
Judge Roy Bean: I know the law. And I have spent my entire life in its flagrant disregard. But I had never killed a man before. Oh, I had shot at some... in self-defense or blind fright, but I never hit anyone. So God must have directed my bullets. Why, he even sent an angel to deliver this weapon [gun]
Rev. Mr. LaSalle: Just how do you intend to dispense this law?
Judge Roy Bean: With this [gun] and a rope.
Rev. Mr. LaSalle: And will you rely again on the grace of God?
Judge Roy Bean: Well, I intend to
[gun] practice and give Him some help. Get on with the reading.

Fred4Pres said...

Eric Holder said yesterday that Osama bin Laden is like Charlie Mason, but he will never be brought to justice. So there.

knox said...

Holder repeated - slowly - to the Texas congressman that "the possibility simply does not exist" that Bin Laden will ever be arraigned in any court

I saw this on TV yesterday and it struck me as the ultimate non-answer. Holder knows his "solution" is indefensible, so he says the need to apply it will simply never occur.

And it's especially insulting since we caught Saddam Hussein alive. It's not as if the notion of getting our hands on OBL is inconceivable.

garage mahal said...

I'm outraged, who does Holder think he is, a Republican? Chalk this up as the first Outrageous Outrage of the Day.

Anytime a Democrat attempts something Republicans perfected, it's outrageous. Like the self executing rule Republicans used over a hundred times that Democrats are now using once.

From Inwood said...

Coming soon: Obama & Holder will deem that Osama is no more.

Obama will declare a 3,000% decline in terrorism.

Chris Matthews will get a tingle up his leg.

Keith O will declare that he will eulogize Osama as the worst dead person in the world.

A.W. said...


> Holder wants to personally wrestle with bin Laden

that makes me think about a joke i used to say during the 08 election. i said of all the people running for president, including people merely seeking the nomination at some time, third parties, write ins, etc. John McCain was the most likely to catch bin Laden. i don't mean that McCain would say to special forces "go get him" and they would. i mean McCain was the most likely to put on the war paint, parachute into Wazirastan, find bin Laden, chop off his head and put it on a pike on the White House lawn.


I disagreed with McCain on alot of things, but i liked his stance on terrorist killing.

Btw, on a related point, in the game Mercenaries 2, they created a free downloadable thing where you could play as either Obama or Sarah Palin. So for instance, you can make her shoot a grapple onto a helicopter, pull open the door, beat the pilot's head on the dashboard and then throw him out, all while in the air. It was pretty awesome.

Some asked why McCain wasn't included and the answer was "because he lived it, man."

Hoosier Daddy said...

Anytime a Democrat attempts something Republicans perfected, it's outrageous.

Well it's outrageously funny because you guys are such epic failures at being copycats.

From Inwood said...

Osama may be dead but his name will still be recorded as having voted Dem in 10 inner-city precincts in 2010.

A.W. said...


> Keith O will declare that he will eulogize Osama as the worst dead person in the world.

You know that is not realistic. The worst people in the world are people like Michelle Malkin, Rush Limbaugh, etc. i mean those people have committed the unspeakably evil act of disagreeing with progressives. Seriously, what has bin Laden ever done to even be in the same leagaue as people who merely peacefully disagree with Olby on political matters. Get some perspective, man.


Joking aside, anyone who runs a "worst person in the world" feature and names someone who is not a dictator or a terrorist, is an idiot. Therefore, Olby is an idiot.

Scott M said...


Anytime a Democrat attempts something Republicans perfected, it's outrageous. Like the self executing rule Republicans used over a hundred times that Democrats are now using once.

So it was okay when Bush/Chaney were making comments like this? You mean the left didn't loose it's collective mind that our leaders were making simplistic cowboy statements? That's not quite how I remember it.

As far as the "deemed to be passed" (slimy and greasy and you know it), please point to a situation in which the GOP used this procedure under a complete lack of bipartisan support. Let's compare apples to apples, you know?

One further thing on that atrocity of a procedure...the expressed implication of it's use will be a GO AHEAD AND USE IT IN THE FUTURE ON ANYTHING stamp. If the dems go this route, instead of the vote they promised over and over again, it will be used as a cudgel for the next couple of decades against them.

Hoosier Daddy said...

In any event Holder doesn't have to worry about Osama since he's been worm food for some time. Until the Islamoasshole puts his ugly mug on a video like the rest of his jihadist pals do, I'll rest on my belief he's a brown stain on a cave wall somewhere.

A.W. said...


i wouldn't be offended if Holder just stopped pretending he and obama were somehow better than the republicans.

i would also add that we should be trying to take bin laden alive for intelligence purposes. but as i said, i have no problem with them killing him when they are satisfied they have learned as much as can be gleened from him.

paul a'barge said...

Eric Holder walks about the house with both hands over his crotch so you can't see that he has a female genitalia.

Hoosier Daddy said...

If bin Laden openly surrendered or he was trapped and utterly defenseless, we couldn't gun him down. And then what would Holder do? Read Miranda rights to bin Laden's not-yet-a-corpse?

I can pretty much guarantee you that the poor GI who gunned down Osama would be read his Miranda rights for shooting the poor defenseless man.

Hell we're trying a SEAL for bitch slapping a terrorist.

Chennaul said...

What lies at the bottom of all of their lies about what they would or wouldn't do is-

Democrats have not caught up with terrorism, they don't get it, they don't believe it and they incessantly underestimate it.

Now because of the terrorists willingness to constantly establish new lows, and because of technology a terrorist will and can attack US civilians in US airspace.

What do the Democrats do?

Reward them with US citizenship!

Any future enemy that does wear a uniform and does not attack US civilians on US soil will be putting themselves at a severe disadvantage compared to terrorists. Any enemy that follows the path forged by Osama will be more richly rewarded than any other enemy of United States that has gone before them.

Obama and his Department of Justice have richly rewarded that pattern of behavior and have all but guaranteed its recurrence.

bagoh20 said...

I never minded those Bush remarks. To me they were how the country felt and were honest and properly defiant after being attacked, but they didn't imply uncontrolled rage and a resort to lawlessness. Holder's remarks are truly embarrassing, not the American standard and below us in all the ways Bush's were inaccurately portrayed. Yes, I do miss Bush and his respect for his country and it's standards which are only seen as political obstacles with this new administration.

garage mahal said...

As far as the "deemed to be passed" (slimy and greasy and you know it), please point to a situation in which the GOP used this procedure under a complete lack of bipartisan support.

If there were true bipartisan support, and genuine consensus between the two parties, there wouldn't be a need for it.


When Republicans took power in 1995, they soon lost their aversion to self-executing rules and proceeded to set new records under Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.). There were 38 and 52 self-executing rules in the 104th and 105th Congresses (1995-1998), making up 25 percent and 35 percent of all rules, respectively. Under Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) there were 40, 42 and 30 self-executing rules in the 106th, 107th and 108th Congresses (22 percent, 37 percent and 22 percent, respectively). Thus far in the 109th Congress, self-executing rules make up about 16 percent of all rules.

Scott M said...


Yeah, sadly, I knew all of that already. I asked you to point to one that had zero bipartisan support.

Not once throughout the entire year did they mention this as a possibility. If their constituents wanted this bill, they wouldn't need to twist every last arm and try to pull this crap. The electorate is overwhelmingly against passage of this bill and the manner in which it has been handled.

This is all a mute point until the CBO comes back with the scoring, which we all know is rigged in the first place, but that seems to be what the Dem leadership is waiting on.

Funny, though. If it were not rigged, why the shell game with the taxes and benefits?

Hoosier Daddy said...

If there were true bipartisan support, and genuine consensus between the two parties, there wouldn't be a need for it.

Or if your own part which enjoys such a huge Congressional majority could have gotten its act together there wouldn't have been any need for it.

You guys are pretty pathetic when even with a 77 House majority you have to resort to this. Then again for someone who thinks Adams and Hancock were smugglers and the participants in the Boston Tea Party were terrorists I suppose pathetic is par for the course with your side.

Michael said...

I'm sorry it has come to this, Garage, but after your last post I am forced to deem you a moron on stilts. And humorless.

Scott M said...


Sorry...forgot to include...please find me an example of this procedure used without bipartisan support AND a president from the opposing party.

Then we're talking apples to apples and we can all have a group hug. Until that point, what your side is doing is still unprecedented.

Henry said...

If there were true bipartisan support, and genuine consensus between the two parties, there wouldn't be a need for it.

That's what Robespierre said about the guillotine.

garage mahal said...

Then again for someone who thinks Adams and Hancock were smugglers and the participants in the Boston Tea Party were terrorists I suppose pathetic is par for the course with your side.

Dude, this ain't exactly a secret. Try googling it. John Hancock+ +shipping Magnate+ Tea Act.

Try it.

AllenS said...

Can you hear the screams from the captured prisoners that are in Pakistan? This administration doesn't need any stinkin waterboard, they'll just kill ya.

Anonymous said...

The only way Eric Holder could convince me he isn't a Nancy-boy pussy is to prosecute the Black Panther terrorists intimidating voters at the polls with billyclubs and jackboots.

Otherwise, it's pretty clear he sucks penis and wears women's underwear when nobody is looking.

Tank said...

This is the problem with the Dems and Repubs. There is no happy middle ground.

The Dems will occasionally talk tough, but you know in the end that they will not do what is necessary to protect us. Half the time they agree with the bad guys.

The Repubs love to have military bases in more than 100 countries "projecting power" around the world, are eager to start wars where none are really needed, but will probably protect us, if they don't motivate too many enemies in the meantime.

Anonymous said...

"This administration doesn't need any stinkin waterboard, they'll just kill ya."

See, Chicago Way:

"They bring one of yours to the hospital, you bring two of theirs to the morgue."

This administration proposed show trials. I mean, what more do you need to know about these people? Barack Obama is personally approving, via Presidential Order, the murder of foreign citizens, in violation of the US Constitution, International Law and US law.

He's a garden variety murderer.

Arrest him. Give him a fair trial and then if he's convicted of his crimes, hang him just like his namesake Saddam Hussein.

When Republicans take over the country again, there had better be an accounting - by the law, using the law. Justice demands that these illegal activities being undertaken by the Obama Administration be investigated and those responsible held to account.

Or else Republicans won't stay in charge.

Michael McNeil said...

I'm outraged, who does Holder think he is, a Republican? Chalk this up as the first Outrageous Outrage of the Day. Anytime a Democrat attempts something Republicans perfected, it's outrageous.

Garbage, garage (perhaps you should change your moniker). GWB in Althouse's quote explicitly accepted the possibility, perhaps even the desirability, of capturing Bin Laden alive. Holder rules that out. Thus, he's going way beyond what “Republicans perfected.”

Kansas City said...

Ann is exactly right on Holder's comments.

I think Holder effectively has already killed his own future, but it is interesting that he ever progressed to the AG position. He does not seem terribly bright or capable. He thinks it is bright for the AG to effectively rule out the possibility of capturing Obama alive? That is a level of intelligence proper in cartoons, not the AG. He thinks it is wise to compare legal proceedings against terrorists with criminal charges against Manson? Manson is a guy who made a mockery of the justice system and secured the reversal of his death sentence.

The only reasonable conclusion is that Holder is: (1) fiercely partisan and self centered; and (2) not very bright.

Sloanasaurus said...

I can't wait for the day that the Liberals start waterboarding numerous prisoners and then attempt to defend their actions by saying that the Republicans once did it.

The Left's hypocrisy on things like self-executing laws should really discredit everything the left is doing and saying about the entire health care bill. How can you believe anything they say about it. Today they say it will save money and increase care, tomorrow they say it was never meant to do those things.

Obama is one of the greatest hyopcrites-liars in America history. It all started with reverend Wright and it goes on and on from there. They guy repeatedly lies about the health care bill from the stump. It's really gross.

george said...

WTH? What kind of idiot would object to taking Osama dead or alive? If we get the chance to hit him with a predator are we going to pass on it?

Holder on the other hand... He wants to read Miranda warnings to the lower level terrorists and try them in civilian courts but he also wants to kill Osama on the spot even if he gives up peacefully to avoid the civilian courts. WTH? For an AG he sure seems to make up a lot of shit as he goes along. There is certainly no legal principle on which he is basing his opinions. He is just like his boss. Holder will do as Holder likes.

Dems, they can't even get it right when they try to imitate Republicans.

Tank said...



You're so right.

It's remarkable. Obama is one of the all time big liars. Every day he is out there telling outright lies, distorting other people's statements, raising imaginary strawmen and debating false choices.

Where is the press on this?

Hannity is right. The press is dead. Bloggers do a better job.


It seems like you can take most of his speeches, go line by line, and pick out one lie after another.

If it were Bush or Cheney, the press would lead with it every day.

Speaking of the press, they mostly forgot about the war(s) and how terrible they are now that Obama is running them. I guess drones killing civilians is only bad when Repubs are in office. I guess it doesn't matter how many of our youngsters come back in boxes, as long as the Dems are in charge.

Cedarford said...

What would absolutely mess up Holders limited world view would be Osama deciding that he can absolutely shred the US on a global stage over the course of years by:


Bin Laden comes up with a bodyguard of Islamists and an ACLU lawyer or two, and a videographer recording Binnie was alive and healthy when taken into custody. And Binnie claims he was simply a soldier following the law of the land in Afghanistan and Pakistan at the time - Sharia. After formally declaring war in 1997.

That he only targeted items of key American strength and avoided other targets suggested by KSM like nuke power plants and dams and chemical factories. He struck the same sort of targets Clinton bombed in Serbia and Bush hit in Iraq - military and leadership command and control, and financial centers.
That the WTC was full of a cabal of bankers and financiers that were destroying Muslim economies - who later turned their wrath on the US financial system. A valid target.
He would have 5-8 years in pretrial workup and teams of dozens of liberal and progressive Jewish lawyers proud to have the privilege of defending him. He would have Sharia lawyers too, and bundles of statements and videos his lawyers and/or his Hollywood media/book/ and film rights agents could dole out over those 5-8 years assuming that Binnie is legally stifled from having news conferences in jail or email with reporters...
And discovery....

No, what Binnie could do if he wished to be a great martyr and cost the US another billion and 5-8 years of global pain is to just surrender as a martyr..and have some fun with just how legitimate the US civilian justice system is.

ken in tx said...

We're not allowed to shoot people trying to escape any more. However, they are still allowed to fall down the stairs an break their necks.

Scott M said...

However, they are still allowed to fall down the stairs an break their necks.

Or made to participate in human pyramids. Which, once the pictures get out, is just as deadly to your social life.

Chennaul said...

The Repubs love to have military bases in more than 100 countries "projecting power" around the world, are eager to start wars where none are really needed.

You do get that one of those might prevent the other....

Chennaul said...

And another point-

Democrats have closed some military bases overseas?


Charlie Martin said...

I suspect the difference is that nobody thinks Holder actually means it.

Ray said...

Considering Obama's been authorizing non-judicial executions by drone (with the attendant civilian casualties) pretty much from day one, with nary a peep from the vast majority of progressives, their moral high ground is an anthill.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Dude, this ain't exactly a secret. Try googling it.

I didn't see the terrorist connection but then again, you would.


Joan said...

I'm posting solely because I noticed the word verification: nonsince

It somewhat understates my assessment of Holder's position - nonsense! -- but it makes me think, none since when? When is the last time we had an AG so publicly and thoroughly subvert the judicial system? How is this guy still in office? With the handling of the New Black Panthers voter intimidation case, the KSM trial absurdity, and now this -- how long is he going to be allowed to remain? He's an embarrassment.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Dude, this ain't exactly a secret. Try googling it. John Hancock+ +shipping Magnate+ Tea Act.

Lets see, according to Wiki

Aside from the Liberty affair, the degree to which Hancock was engaged in smuggling, which was widespread in the colonies, has been questioned. Given the clandestine nature of smuggling, records are naturally scarce.[45] If Hancock was a smuggler, no documentation of this has been found. John W. Tyler identified 23 smugglers in his study of more than 400 merchants in revolutionary Boston, but found no written evidence that Hancock was one of them.[46] Biographer William Fowler concluded that while Hancock was probably engaged in some smuggling, most of his business was legitimate, and his reputation as the "king of the colonial smugglers" is a myth without foundation.[47]

Garage, is that your lame attempt at being a Found Father Troofer?

There was a time when you were actually sane. Did Hillary's loss really have some lobotomizing effect on your brain?

Tank said...


Sure some might.

Do we need hundreds of them all over the world? Is that really necessary?

A.W. said...


it is true that republicans used the "deemed" approach before. Its also true that democrats sued, claiming it is unconstitutional. So a pox on both parties.

that doesn't change the fact that it actually is unconstitutional. And pointless. do the democrats thinks it helps them to present a "i voted for it before i voted against it" BS response?

The common independant voter will say, well, how did this law become a law anyway? "Well, we deemed it." And you voted to deem it to be law? "Yes." And if a majority of representatives didn't deem it to be passed, it wouldn't be a law, right? "Yes." then how exactly are you not responsible for it?

Btw, exit question. Given that pelosi is on record saying it is unconstitutional, isn't she violating her oath of office to use it, then. And don't say the courts upheld it. They didn't. They just refused to hear it. Which is something that has got to change.

Alex said...

It's amazing that garage gets up every day with hatred in his heart.

Chennaul said...

Look I'm not going to pretend to be an expert on this damn thing-but-

We paid for that territory with something a lot more expensive than green backs.

We lost a lot more soldiers than necessary in WW II-my understanding is that when people complain about too many bases overseas-they usually are focusing on Europe, and are concentrated at the Democrat Underground for some reason.

So let's do Europe.

A lot of bases in Europe are supply depots, radar stations and support facilities-the best hospital we can get our own troops to where they won't be vulnerable and put the other troops at risk is in Germany.

We never really collected too much debt back from Europe-it's a small price for them to pay in return.

Plus-I think we kept the giant potential of Russia during the Cold War neutralized with a small efficiency of bases and troops relative to the potential longterm costs.

I'd rather pay a ton of tax dollars to have the damn projection-which prevents the build up of hope in our enemies than one extra 20 year olds life lost-because we were unprepared for even half of the worst case scenario.

But that's just me-I value a guy or gal who's willing to put their life on the line because they believe in something bigger than themselves. I think America should value them in return.

We spend more of our budget on damn Social Security than we do Defense.

Go to and take a look at that-then tell me the prjection of force isn't worth it.

Blue@9 said...

Yeah, I thought this was totally inappropriate for an AG. Bush's statement was a bit over the top, but he was speaking as an elected political leader. Holder is speaking as a law enforcement officer--he shouldn't be saying stuff like this. But the left will let this one go, just as it always does. "Dead or alive"? What an ugly American, a cowboy! "Dead"? Er, Holder's a Democrat, right?

Original Mike said...

"What would absolutely mess up Holders limited world view would be Osama deciding that he can absolutely shred the US on a global stage over the course of years by:


It would be a master stroke.

Original Mike said...

"The reality is that we will be reading Miranda rights to the corpse of Osama Bin Laden - he will never appear in an American courtroom," the nation's chief enforcement officer told a stunned House hearing...."

The simplest explanation for this apparent blunder is Knox's (9:42 AM). Or he really is stupid. However, it also seems possible he's seen intelligence that Osama's dead.

Blue@9 said...

So typical that Mahal is making excuses on Holder's behalf--Waaah, but the Republicans do the same thing!

I know this may be beyond your comprehension, but Holder is a law enforcement office--he should not be endorsing lawlessness or extrajudicial conduct. It's fine if he says "It's likely that OBL will be killed in the field; but if he's brought in we're ready to prosecute him."

Even Bush allowed for the possibility that OBL would be brought in "alive," even though as a political leader and head of state it would have been okay for him to say "We are going to kill this SOB."

Holder is turning out to be completely unfit for his role. His guarantee that KSM would be convicted and executed was likewise inappropriate.

Presidents and other political figures can sometimes strut like professional wrestlers, but AGs never.

Joe said...

Assuming bin Laden is alive, one his most effective acts would be to sneak into the US and surrender to the authorities live on television.

Tank said...


We'll have to disagree on this one. If you read my other posts, you'll know I'm not hanging out at the "Democrat Underground." LOL. Pretty sure I would not be welcome there. They think that libertarian/conservative types like me are scum.

Original Mike said...

@Joe: He could surrender to Geraldo.

Hoosier Daddy said...

However, it also seems possible he's seen intelligence that Osama's dead.

That's been my working belief for the last 9 years. The man could hardly keep his mug off camera and since Tora Bora all we get are audio tapes while his #2 and that turncoat American jackass crank out some Islamogibberish video about every 3-4 months.

If he was alive he would have been putting out videos of him giving Bush the finger a long time ago.

That still doesn't mean Holder is an idiot. I'm still waiting for some Obama appointee to demonstrate they have a higher intellect than my socks.

Original Mike said...

"If he was alive he would have been putting out videos of him giving Bush the finger a long time ago."

I think so, too.

Caroline said...

Holder deemed that Osama will never be caught alive, in order to avoid addressing the issue of whether he, and terrorists like him, should be given Miranda rights.

Holder should have been laughed out of the room for being an idiot.

garage mahal said...

Garage, is that your lame attempt at being a Found Father Troofer?

The Wiki piece you pasted said smuggling was widespread (which it was) and that Hancock was probably engaged in smuggling. He owned a huge shipping company, and one of his ships was seized by the British for smuggling, was charged for it, and became a hero in the colonies for it. How does this help your case? You have to ask yourself why colonists urged on by Hancock and Samuel Adams staged the tea party protest when the taxes on the tea were lowered to the point that it was undercutting the colonists smuggled tea prices from the Dutch. It couldn't have been from high British taxes on tea.

Chennaul said...


I'm not hanging out at the "Democrat Underground." LOL.

Ha!-you caught that one.

Oy I just hate fratricide over things the Democrats are equal to or worse on than Republicans.

You're a Libertarian?

On another thread sometime-maybe you can explain to me how Megan McCardle (or however the heck you spell it)-who's a Libertarian economist who somehow found a way to vote for Obama-is not a complete idiot.

She's making you guys look bad- and Instapundit keeps a linkin' to her.

Or worse that guy that calls himself a Liberaltarian that voted for Obama...can't even remember his name-Will somethin' or other.

Kansas City said...

I have for years thought Bin Laden was likely dead, but I also find it hard to believe that information wouldnot leak out in some way.

Tank said...


On another thread sometime-maybe you can explain to me how Megan McCardle (or however the heck you spell it)-who's a Libertarian economist who somehow found a way to vote for Obama-is not a complete idiot.

She's making you guys look bad- and Instapundit keeps a linkin' to her.

Or worse that guy that calls himself a Liberaltarian that voted for Obama...can't even remember his name-Will somethin' or other.

Ha. There is no way I could ever explain how a libertarian could vote for the big zero. Don't really know anything about "Megan," but I know a lot of people self-identify as libertarian who I view ... differently.

No such animal as a liberaltarian. I used to think that liberal/progressives and libertarians could meet and agree on many issues. I gave up on that long ago. The liberal/progressive approach, even when it happens to agree with a libertarian position on a particular issue, is simply too much from the other end of the freedom-fascism spectrum.

Phil 314 said...

If there were true bipartisan support, and genuine consensus between the two parties, there wouldn't be a need for it.

Why does that remind me of this rule:
In order to be grounded, I've got to be crazy. And I must be crazy to keep flying. But if I ask to be grounded, that means I'm not crazy anymore, and I have to keep flying.

And as for Holder, I'm still trying to reconcile the "show trials in New York" and the now "Miranda rights for a dead guy" statement as consistent with "The rule of law"

Der Hahn said...

Yet more data to support the theory that the KSM show trial in NYC was actually intended to provide a public forum to dump graphic and sensationalized EIT information without Obama or Holder being identified with the document dump. KSM getting off because he was 'tortured' was just a side benefit. Putting OBL on trial wouldn't serve the same purpose, so they just plan to cap his ass.

Anonymous said...

So he will give KSM a show trial and will assassinate Osama.

I guess that stuff is okay if the left does it? Because they are good?

And I agree--this mean's blood has never boiled. Every time I see him, I see Dennis Miller calling him Stedman, LOL.

Kansas City said...

Is Eric Holder a Dope? I say yes. He just does not come across as very bright.

RuyDiaz said...

"...You have to ask yourself why colonists urged on by Hancock and Samuel Adams staged the tea party protest when the taxes on the tea were lowered to the point that it was undercutting the colonists smuggled tea prices from the Dutch. It couldn't have been from high British taxes on tea."

No. You don't have to 'ask yourself'. The only thing you'd get in response is whatever you want to believe in the first place.

You are determined to follow the Marxist interpretation of history; if persons A, B, and C, did something claiming to follow their ideals, they must have been lying/hypocrites. Because deep down it's all about class/economic interests. It has to be.

Following your formulation 'you have to ask yourself' why the revolution broke out in New England. You know, New England, home of the Puritans. Those same Puritans that resented meddling in their affairs. Because there is far more to human beings that their immediate economic interests.

Bob Ellison said...

Makes me miss Janet Reno.

Cargosquid said...

I think this proves that OBL is already dead and they know it. I think he's been dead since the Tora Bora bombings. Or in some cave.

Original Mike said...

OTOH, if they know he's dead, there's little risk in them standing behind their misguided ideas about "justice". They could say they'd Mirandize and try him knowing they'd never actually have to fight that fight.

Stu in SDGO said...

Not to worry about this trifle! Obama says that our insurance premiums will go down "3000 per cent" after ObamaCare passes. And we're supposed to believe them regarding the war against terrorism? Please.

Hoosier Daddy said...

The Wiki piece you pasted said smuggling was widespread (which it was) and that Hancock was probably engaged in smuggling.

Key word, probably. Like Bush probably blew up the twin towers or Hillary probably killed Vince Foster or FDR probably knew the Japs were going to bomb Pearl Harbor. In your mind widespread smuggling means everyone was doing it right?

He owned a huge shipping company, and one of his ships was seized by the British for smuggling, was charged for it, and became a hero in the colonies for it.

I suppose you missed this part With John Adams serving as his lawyer, Hancock was prosecuted in a highly publicized trial by a vice admiralty court, which had no jury and did not always allow the defense to cross-examine the witnesses.[40] After dragging out for nearly five months, the proceedings against Hancock were dropped without explanation.[41

How does this help your case?

See above.

You have to ask yourself why colonists urged on by Hancock and Samuel Adams staged the tea party protest when the taxes on the tea were lowered to the point that it was undercutting the colonists smuggled tea prices from the Dutch. It couldn't have been from high British taxes on tea.

Garage you are the textbook example of a little bit of knowledge is dangerous. Good thing for you its only history and not being an electrician. Here let me help you out. It wasn’t about the damn tax, it was about who had the authority to levy the tax that is, the British Parliamenet or colonial legislatures. In other words, garage it was about principle and not money. A concept idiot progressives I thought were so enamored with. I swear debating history with a liberal is like kicking a small dog.

SukieTawdry said...

In this, he is much like his boss. Remember, Jeremiah Wright, regardless of his varied and frequent rants about white people, Jews and America, was not worthy of censure until he disrespected Barack.

Vaelin said...

You know what would be interesting -it would never happen, but it would be great to watch- would be for Bin Laden to show up in California and hand himself over to local Police authorities with the press present.

You know, get him in through Mexico or some other border.

I'd really like to see how it played out. I mean... if he tried it in Texas or New York, they'd already be publishing obituaries. However, in a Liberal state as far from the WTC crater as you can get, with no death penalty where any press/publicity is good press.

Well, it certainly would be interesting.

Dell said...

It must be TRUE! I saw it on the internet. Just Google it...You'll see!

Yeah, like everything you goggle up is the truth, accurate and beyond question.

When you use the DNC, Media Matters, Kos and HuffPo talking points and quotes as the basis for substantiating a point, you have no point at all.

orbicularioculi said...

Gee Whiz, sounds like Eric Holder, the AG, is making decisions for the military. Did Obama appoint him Military Czar?

Original Mike said...

If Obama turned himself in in a sanctuary city, they'd have to let him go, wouldn't they?

Original Mike said...

Oops. Make that "Osama".

Synova said...

"My wife reminded me...."

"Watch what you say" is not any sort of disagreement with what you say.

It's the equivalent of "don't get caught."

But really...

Althouse points out a profound relationship between the last administration and this one. The last was savaged for sounding too Cowboy. This one, starting during Obama's campaign, tries really hard to act and sound like hard-asses in an effort to correct their own image and what people think of them.

Holder isn't riled up over Bin Laden, he's riled up that *he* was criticized.

Good catch.

Blue@9 said...

Again, statists like Garage Mahal cannot conceive of ordinary people resisting a government that hands out cheap tea. The other commenters are correct that this is a very Marxian view, where everything is about class and economics. Surely poor people wouldn't be engaged about something so pedestrian as liberty when it would be against their economic self-interest!

The great thing about people like Mahal is that we already know he can be bought off rather cheaply.

Hey Mahal, I got some cheap tea here if you vote Republican next election. No go? What's the matter, are your strings being pulled by evil smugglers?

Original Mike said...

Could Garage be Thomas Frank?

Big Mike said...

@Hoosier, it's not worth exercising your fingers to

I don't see any difference between garage or FLS or yesterday's Mikio. They can't be reasoned with, one cannot expose them to facts, they are incapable of recognizing that they could be (gasp!) wrong.

They can only be surpressed.

For the good of the country they need to be surpressed.

Big Mike said...

Sorry, that last should have begun with the sentence "@Hoosier, it's not worth exercising your fingers to try to explain things to garage or any liberal.

Daggone cut and paste.

Ray said...

You have to ask yourself why colonists urged on by Hancock and Samuel Adams staged the tea party protest when the taxes on the tea were lowered to the point that it was undercutting the colonists smuggled tea prices from the Dutch. It couldn't have been from high British taxes on tea.

People who forget history, etc... Please see the Sons of Liberty. It wasn't one protest, it wasn't about tea.

wumhenry said...

Bush's heart was in the right place, sort of, but he wasn't smart enough. His lame pullback from the "dead or alive" statement, which was perfectly defensible, illustrates this all too clearly.

AST said...

Poor Eric. He's painted himself and his fellow liberals into a corner. They never thought about the problems of prosecuting terrorists seriously when they were intent on destroying George W. Bush. Actually having to govern is a bitch, ain't it?

But that's been the problem with liberals all along. They can't resist twisting logic to get the outcome they want, which is why our courts are now the third political branch instead of the only judicial one.

richard mcenroe said...

"If bin Laden openly surrendered or he was trapped and utterly defenseless, we couldn't gun him down. "

Aw, c'mon, Ann. There's a huge file of precedents for 'furtive movement' police shootings...

richard mcenroe said...

"Holder repeated - slowly - to the Texas congressman that "the possibility simply does not exist" that Bin Laden will ever be arraigned in any court...."

So now we have confirmation Obie has no intention of catching bin Laden, and he's safe 'til 2013...

richard mcenroe said...

"I'd really like to see how it played out. I mean... if he tried it in Texas or New York, they'd already be publishing obituaries."

I dunno. Based on what's been going on at Ground Zero, NY would probably still be arguing out what racially- and gender- inclusive murals to have the NEA-subsidized artists paint on the side of the gibbet with the feces of oppressed Palestinians...

A.W. said...

I am marveling over the stupidity of the debate on whether hancock or adams were smugglers.

First, do not cite Wikipedia. Only idiots trust untrustworthy sources.

Second, unless someone is caught and convicted, how exactly do you think you can prove someone did a crime that is by its very nature clandestine, 200+ years after the fact?

Third, even if they were smugglers, that doesn't necessarily mean that their support for revolution was insincere. Couldn't their attitude have been, "since these taxes are unjust, I will undermine them by smuggling"?

Fourth, how exactly does fomenting revolution help their smuggling business? Both men were enthusiastic supporters of revolution, Hancock famously writing his name larger than others on the Declaration of Independence joking it was so King George III could read it without his glasses on. If successful, the revolution would have ended any smuggling operation to get around British laws and it would be uncertain that America would make their duties nearly high enough to make smuggling profitable.

Fifth, it is retarded to argue that any of the signers of the declaration of independence were simply self-interested. Do you have any idea what the penalty was for treason back then? It was to be drawn (that is, have your intestines pulled out), hung (without actually killing you) and quartered (having your limbs ripped off your body while still alive).

Yeah, that is right, pretty much what happened to Mel Gibson in Braveheart, only they don’t usually do you the courtesy of chopping your head off before they rip your arms and legs off your body. And I am no doctor, but I am pretty sure it is physically impossible to shout “FREEEEDOOOOMMMMM!!!!!!” once your guts have been ripped out. Maybe you could sort of wheeze it out, I don’t know. I mean I love the movie to death, but you have to take it as about 90% fiction; but that is one of the few details they got right—the precise thing they did to Wallace to kill him.

That is what literally every person signing that document faced and it kind of outweighs any mere financial interest. Say what you will about the brutality of British anti-treason laws (and I do condemn them, obviously), but it had the virtue of ensuring that only the truly committed engaged in it.

For some reason it has suddenly become fashionable to miss the whole point of the revolution, of phrases like, “no taxation without representation.” As for the tea tax, the argument was that the tax was put in just to establish a precedent, allowing the British to tax without representation. Precedents are actually very important in the common law, so while normally slippery slope arguments are invalid, here they have a valid point.

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