March 8, 2010

"Do you know how awkward it is to have a political argument with a naked man? ... It's ridiculous."

"I'm sitting there showering, naked as a jaybird, and here comes Rahm Emanuel, not even with a towel wrapped around his tush, poking his finger in my chest, yelling at me because I wasn't gonna vote for the president's budget."

Massa's got the quote of the day, and he's certainly taken his revenge on Rahm Emanuel, whom we will now all instinctively picture naked and poking. I mean, back when the movie "Psycho" came out, it was a standard thing to be afraid to take a shower, because we were picturing Anthony Perkins, in his dress, coming to jab us with that knife. Now, the image is Rahm, naked, come to poke us with that finger.

And, isn't it interesting, that for all his ranting and raving — e.g., "son of the devil's spawn" — Massa did not take advantage of his knowledge of what Rahm looks like naked? I think we know what that means.

UPDATE: I claim first dibs on the joke "Chief of Staff." Chief of Staff™.


holdfast said...

I probably means that Massa could not concentrate due to a raging hardon.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"He is an individual who would sell his mother to get a vote".

In the universe where Carl Rove is the Devil how Am I supposed to take this new piece of information?

traditionalguy said...

No, I have no idea. But it sounds like garden variety intimidation to me. These thin skinned rulers of the mega trillions of free money for their friends charged on our BankChina Card need to learn how to withstand garden variety intimidation. There is a certain Alaskan who has a talent for that which she could teach to these confused Congress persons.

magpie said...

Really, they just all have to go.

Beth said...

He wanted to be frackin' that?

It's funny he mentions no towel on the tush. As if that's what matters.

Skyler said...

Maybe you have to be female to be afraid of showers after seeing Psycho. I don't know any men that were. Must be gender specific.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"I'm sitting there showering, naked as a jaybird, and here comes Rahm Emanuel, not even with a towel wrapped around his tush, poking his finger in my chest, yelling at me because I wasn't gonna vote for the president's budget,"

What we have here is a bunch of people that have been given marching orders - Rahm is the target - shoot at will!

The night of the long knives.

Speaking as a republican I love to try an Obama w/o Rahm.

Unknown said...

The absurdity of it all: Passage of Radical Health Care Bill Hinges on Democrat's Allegedly Drunk Gay Sex Joke and Nude Shower Encounter with "Son of Devil's Spawn"

Trooper York said...

This is bullshit.

Everybody knows who it the Devil's Spawn!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Idea that the possible failure of the one is incumbent upon his lieutenant, the one considered by the one to be his most trusted...

how can any body buy this bs?... unless it comes form the one himself... Obama undermining his own chief of staff?

This is too good for words.

traditionalguy said...

Rahm had to do this Power in the Shower gig for our President because Bambi's cigarettes get put out by the water.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Obama does have a history of an inclusiveness under-the-buss-ess- ness.

Heck of a way to ask somebody to resign. no matter how bad you think they been.

knox said...

I wouldn't believe any story this guy tells. And I think Emanuel is capable of just about anything ugly and bullying.

Carol_Herman said...

Well, Massa made sure he stuck it to Rahm, whose been getting it from all sides, anyway! (Only Axelrod, for some reason, still gets good press.)

The bamster, meanwhile, travels to Jakarta. And, if Pelosi had the votes, we'd have seen this thing pass.

If it comes to pass? Massa gets 'full steam ahead,' on the comeback trail. If it dies? People will still always see Rahm trolling the gym showers at House showers. (Who knows? Maybe, in the showers it's Seinfeld's turtle. Actually, George's. But why assume he can twirl on a 3rd leg, here?)

Palladian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Even if we buy this "uncontrolled congressman" w/ nothing to loose story..

its still a failure of the Ones number one leftenant.. one of the underlings went off script.

spilled the beans .. worst - sounded like a republican.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

For a President; Obama's people leave a lot to be presidential towards.

le Douanier said...

Today it's this.

This weekend CNN showed how Jason Chaffetz sleeps in his office and uses the House showers so that he doesn't need to rent a place in DC.


When do we get to hear about the ladies hanging around sans clothes in gals Congressional showers? Wait a, on second thought that is quite a roll of the hotness dice. Never mind.

Jason said...

Boondocks. Starring Rahm Emmanuel.

As my whimsy leads me.. said...

I have to post just to mention "pyclegod" as a word verification. I wonder if it is pronounced like pickle or cycle? Emanuel means "God with us," so is Rahm the Pyclegod?

David said...

"Do you know how awkward it is to have a political argument with a naked man?"

Or Emperors with no clothes?

Joe said...

To fuck the country effectively, you have to learn it somewhere.

Jeremy said...

"I'm sitting there showering, naked as a jaybird..."

The guy sits down to shower?

That in itself is enough for him to resign.

Ann Althouse said...

"The guy sits down to shower?"

Some people with disabilities do. Why must you hate them?

Jeremy said...

Lem said..."For a President; Obama's people leave a lot to be presidential towards."

What the fuck does that even mean?

"leave a lot to be presidential towards"


Jeremy said...

Ann - I wasn't aware of Massa's disability.

Jeremy said...

Ann - Why did he have to sit while showering?

My mother does, but she's 91.

Jeremy said...


I'm waiting.

William said...

In the same interview, Massa stated that the Congressional showers did not have shower curtains and wondered why that was so. Perhaps too many of our representatives were pissing in the shower, and the curtains were removed to curtail that practice....It's interesting to note that Rahm would consider himself a formidable presence in a naked state. We hope to give the Iranians tremors with this crew.

Matt Brown said...

How was he sitting as he showered? Did he have a chair? Was there a built-in bench that was part of the shower? Is it an open shower room, sans privacy curtains? You'd think that a congressional shower room would be a lot nicer - and provide a higher level of privacy - than a regular high school type shower room. But apparently not.

Anonymous said...

If Massa commented on Rahm's attributes one way or the other, it would have been used as evidence to support the rumors of his interest in men. I wouldn't read "too much" into his silence on that subject.

Anyway, it is well known that over-aggression and bullying are used to compensate for shortcomings elsewhere. Right, Jeremy the hater of the disabled?

TMink said...

Jeremey, she was joking.

Trooper, I was going to make love to my wife tonight. Then you showed me that photo of the devil's spawn. You ruined tonight's whoopee. 8(

Trey wv=spiftsit, not tonight (shudders)

Jeremy said...

Matt - According to Queen Ann he's disabled. Or at least she implies he is.

I wonder what his disability is?

Other than being an asshole.

Jeremy said...

TMink said..."Jeremey, she was joking."

But she said I was a hater.

Do you realize how much that hurts?

le Douanier said...

I know (friend of a friend) of a woman who trained her husband and her son to sit for number one. No disabilities involved.

The one time I met these weirdos it took all of my self-control to not ridicule and shame them--my friend made me promise I wouldn't let them know that I knew about of their sitting down to piss thing.

I've also met guys where, via my girlfriends talking to their girlfriends, I knew that they sucked in bed. In these situations I felt pity, so it was easy to avoid ridiculing them for sucking at sex.

I hope all men realize that our ladies like to gossip about everything.

Jeremy said...

Mr. T - "Jeremy the hater of the disabled?"

You keep it up and the Queen will give you a cookie.

Unknown said...

Massa has never learned about holes and not digging.

Lem said...


The night of the long knives.

Are you saying Rahm is like Rohm?

Jeremy said...

1jpb - Are you by chance doing drugs?

What would prompt such a ridiculous comment?

le Douanier said...


High on life.

Methadras said...

Jeremy said...

Ann - I wasn't aware of Massa's disability.

We are however, aware of yours.

Jeremy said...

Methadras - Just keep on sucking.

The Queen may give you a cookie, too.

Scott M said...

There have been many, many times that I've sat down in the shower with the water just as hot as possible. Either from trying to steam congestion away from the odd cold or such, or from being simply hung over...although with youngin's, that's quite rare these days.

If you're relaxing in a shower and there's a bench in the stall, wtf is the problem?

Penny said...

Massa was sitting for this awkward confrontation? Lucky for him that Rahm is so short.

Jeremy said...

Scott - I realize you and others just can't stand to see the Queen made to look foolish, for you to suck up to her by implying you think it's not unusual for a U.S. Representative, in such a setting, to sit while taking a shower...because you do it at, just plain stupid.

Let me know if you get your cookie.

Jeremy said...

Is it true Massa shits while standing?

Jason said...


You're an ass.

Jus' sayin.

Jeremy said...

Jason - Suck my dick.

Just sayin'.

traditionalguy said...

It sounds like Jeremy is auditioning for Rahm's job. But we will always remember Jeremy here for the witty way he interacts with others.

Scott M said...

Wow. You are, in fact, always "on". What shortcomings have you realized about yourself that have filled you with such hate?

Scott M said... I remember what your problem is. Sorry, I forgot how badly you handled that argument earlier today. Care to give the obligatory "its no use arguing with you idiot republithug wingnut" dismissal now since you failed so miserably earlier?

Jeremy said...

traditional tool - I never associate the term "wit" with much of anything I see here.

Witless bitching, sure...repetition, sure...plenty of sucking up to the Queen, sure...but wit?


Scotti - Keep telling yourself that.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"Do you know how awkward it is to have a political argument with a naked man? ... It's ridiculous."

Oh...I dunno. Sometimes my husband and I have some spirited political discussions while in the nude.

It usually turns out pretty well for both of us.

kimsch said...

I love what Gianni Russo (Carlo Rizzi in The Godfather said on Cavuto today: If you're naked in the shower it's clear you aren't wearing a wire or packing heat. It's just you and him...

wv: arkela

Jeremy said...

Scott - I'm not the one standing up while I shit.

Talk to your friend, Massa about that.

And what's with the "hate" thing you and others are always throwing around?

You spend every waking hour hating everything President Obama says or does, then act as if anyone with a contrary view is a hater.

I find most of what you say to be unAmerican and embarrassing.

Alex said...

Literally 2/3 of the comments are Jeremy. I've concluded he has no life.

Charlie Martin said...

Think "finger" is a euphemism?

Jeremy said...

Alex - Math isn't exactly one of your strengths is it?

Jason said...

Jeremy at 11:09,

Dream on.

Wow, talk about an immediate validation of an insult!

Jeremy said...

Jason - Is that a yes or a no?

Jason said...

Keep dreamin' Jeremy.

Michael McNeil said...

Ann — Why did he have to sit while showering?
3/8/10 10:20 PM

I'm waiting.

3/8/10 10:22 PM

LOL! Impatient, and demanding an answer, after 2 minutes! What a maroon!

Fen said...

Jeremy the hater of the disabled?

And add self-loathing metrosexual bitch to Jeremy's title.

rhhardin said...

Men all look the same naked.

Mutaman said...

"Some people with disabilities do. Why must you hate them?"

Ann often has to sit down to shower after a night of too many glasses of wine. Is being a drunk a disability?

Zachary Sire said...

I've always thought Rahm was good looking, in a rigid, creepy kind of way. He's undoubtedly a fucking maniac in the sack, too. And now we know he's well endowed. The triple threat.

Zachary Sire said...

Jeremy's avatar is weird.

Spence said...

Call me old school, but if a guy comes at me in the shower naked as a jay-bird shouting obscenities, the next thing he would see is.....tile

wind.rider said...

The crux of the argument - "L'il Rahm" or "Mini-Rahm"

Anyhoo. . .

Both Rahm and Dave the Atroturf King both have well known sleazier aspects - believe Massa or not, Rahm is now permanently tagged as "angry naked shower guy"

And the "good press" Dave got this weekend hung the "I don't give a flying f*ck what the peanut gallery thinks" along with the rather defeatist "maybe next year" tropes around HIS neck. With 'good press' like that. . .

Concerted effort? Likey not - as already mentioned, both these kids have greasy fingers aplenty already - that it's being focused on more may simply be a measure of the generally rising discontent with the current sausage making crew.

Certainly is advantageous for Skippy in one respect - very few tears will fall WHEN he underbusses these two as scapegoats for ruining America's chance to bask in the Skipster's utopian vision. . .

tw- supinti - reminiscent of the reaction wet naked angry man expected from Massa, but didn't get

Hoosier Daddy said...

Massa probably must have incredible self restraint. Is some naked guy came up to me in the gym shower and started poking me in the chest he would end up eating through a straw for the next six months.

Pat Patterson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pat Patterson said...

Thank goodness Mr Emanuel is Jewish so at least part of this story has been edited.

Aridog said...

Jeremy said: " traditional tool - I never associate the term "wit" with much of anything I see here.

Witless bitching, sure...repetition, sure...plenty of sucking up to the Queen, sure...but wit?

Then why do you visit at all?

Novel concept, vis a vis the "sucking up to the Queen" crap....did ya' ever think that if you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing?

We all stumble on that one now and then, but you seem to make it a habit. A "repetitive" one to boot. Why is that?

Question is rhetorical, in case you cannot tell, no response required.

cf said...

Thank goodness for folks like Massa willing and desperate enough to "punch back twice as hard". Otherwise, what in the heck would we know about how things are working in this dreadful DC Borgoplex?

It makes me wonder how many vivid stories are out there just waiting to be told, if only we had some reporters who hadn't castrated themselves on the altar of power.

Ahh, for even one DC reporter that is well-hung, our nation may depend on it.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Hmmm, now what was it that Althouse said about feeding trolls?

Anonymous said...

Jeremy's avatar is weird.

There's a reason for that.

Left lab's front. Right lab's rear. And Jeremy's lucky Pierre.

From Inwood said...

There are 600,000 stories in The Naked City; this was one of them.

From Inwood said...

And, isn't it interesting, that ...Massa did not take advantage of his knowledge of what Rahm looks like naked? I think we know what that means.

I remember that Paula Jones used her knowledge of Slick Willie's willie to score points.

Maybe Massa's saving it for his TV rehab tour. Or maybe Ann's, um, prickly prediction is correct.

From Inwood said...


Everybody knows who it the Devil's Spawn!

Funny, I'd assumed that you thought that term was restricted to lawyers.

bill said...

The first time I looked at this post there were 69 comments. That made me chuckle. Now there are 81. That does not make me chuckle. And my comment is an even less chuckleworthy 82.

From Inwood said...

News report:

Massa will reveal the size of Rahm's, um, lavaliere today but claim that it is caulk-enhanced!

Ann Althouse said...

"I'm waiting." Written (by Jeremy) at 10:22 PM.

Unlike Jeremy, I have a life ... as they say in Fortune Cookie... in bed.

As for Massa sitting down in the shower.... maybe he was shaving his legs.

Ann Althouse said...

You know, naked, it's a big advantage to be an un-tall guy. It's a great optical illusion. Those men in porn movies — I've read — are all quite short.

Ann Althouse said...

Short, height-wise.

Joan said...

I'm not going to speculate any meaning regarding Massa's commentary lacking any discussion of Rahm's package. I do know that when I heard the audio of Massa's rant, I totally cracked up. It's hard to believe that this isn't a sitcom script.

I think Massa comes out the better in his description of this confrontation. If you haven't actually heard it, do seek out the audio -- Massa's tone and inflection are perfectly outraged. I wonder if he practiced that delivery, such articulate apoplexy.

K T Cat said...

This provides us the ultimate argument against big government.


Anonymous said...

"Naked negotiations" is an old power play.

It's said Lyndon Johnson once summoned someone for a meeting while LBJ was sitting on the toilet.

The effect, apparently, is very off-putting. Very hard to concentrate when you're in what is normally a very private room and the President of the United States is defecating in front of you.

Emanuel (which, BTW, means "God with us") -- and I'm sure is a student of democrat power plays -- just did his own variation of LBJ's power play.

kentuckyliz said...

Did Rahm have a red angry erection while harrassing Massa in the shower?

WV unchopp
Well, Rahm certainly hopes so. The idiot brought a penis to a knife fight.

M. Report said...

This would be more amusing
if those involved did not
hold the future of the US
in their hands, and were
not pissing it away . :)

Aridog said...

Koblog....yep, it's an old trick, and one mimiced poorly to say the least. LBJ was President, and tall, whilst Rahm is neithert, he's "staff."

LBJ summoned and recipients came to him. Rahm sneaks up on people, in this case, in a latrine he arguably has no business using these days. I presume he still does to preen a bit.

Rahm who doesn't mind a bit when it's said he volunteered for the IDF and served there. Not exactly, he was a civilian box kicker (REMF) for the IDF.

LBJ, on the other hand, is likely the real source of the rumor that he kept important people's IRS-1040's by his toilet to read for giggles. LBJ was a player, Rahm is merely a unicorn fart.

Victor Erimita said...

OK, regardless of the reason, Massa is sitting in the shower. Rahm walks up to him and starts poking the chest? Are we sure it was his finger that was doing the poking?

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