March 11, 2010

"Democratic insiders... said Massa hired a surprisingly large percentage of young gay men, and paid them so little that staffers were forced to live in the house with him."

"It's like he had people trapped."

The Democrats eat their own.


Joan said...


Kevin said...

Not that there's anything wrong with that...

Kevin said...

Uh, no. Democrats jettisoned this guy.

Only after he indicated that he was going to vote the wrong way on health care...

Lem Vibe Bandit said...


garage mahal said...

Only after he indicated that he was going to vote the wrong way on health care..

Along with 40 other Dems in the House.

former law student said...

The Daily News quotes Limbaugh as saying that Paterson could be the massa over Massa, if Paterson had the power (alleged by a caller) to appoint Massa's replacement.

Not that Limbaugh's racist or anything. He just enjoys a good slavery joke.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Just more evidence of the Democrat culture of corruption.

Fred4Pres said...

Actually if it is consensual with adults, the only issue is Massa's unequal bargaining power being a congressman.

I guess Obama is just wishing Stupak and some other Democrats swung this way too.

X said...

how long did Gerry Studds serve?

The Drill SGT said...

garage mahal said...
Uh, no. Democrats jettisoned this guy.

3 parts to that statement.

- Hoyer apparently reacted instantly an correctly
- Pelosi's staff apparently may have known 6 months ago.
- the House ethics folks really want to drop it instantly, because like the Foley mess, the real dirt is when did the Leader know or should have known.

PS: Obviously the Navy's DADT works well.

PPS: the current level of sexual harassment may increase after DADT is repealed if the Massa Navy tails are true.

Anonymous said...

"Democrats eat their own."

No, they don't eat them.

They just suckle them to death.

KCFleming said...

Massa was just having his own little Folsom Street Fair in Washington.

I thought Democrats were all for alternative lifestyles and gays in the military.

Looks like Massa was a two-fer.
So what's the problem?

Anonymous said...

"The Democrats eat their own [staffers]". Implied or not, a funny line.

Hoosier Daddy said...

the House ethics folks really want to drop it instantly, because like the Foley mess, the real dirt is when did the Leader know or should have known.

They don't want to have to produce the stained blue tie.

No one wants to go through that again.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Along with 40 other Dems in the House

Yes the gridlock is all the GOPs fault.

holdfast said...

"Along with 40 other Dems in the House."

Who are now on notice that their skeletons may be made public too....

Shanna said...

DC is expensive :)

Anonymous said...

"Uh, no. Democrats jettisoned this guy."


You're missing the point (again).

There's nothing wrong with being gay. Right?

Why did Democrats "jettison" this guy just because he's gay. Just because he disproportionately hires gay staffers? Just because he offers them a place to change clothes that is in line with what he pays them? Just because he offers them a shower where they can be free of Rahm Emmanuel's naked attacks?

Is there something wrong with tickling a gay man so mercilessly that he can't breathe in the privacy of your own low-paid Congressional aide boarding house?

Democrats, as you say, jettisoned this fine man just because he is gay.

Isn't that wrong?

They destroyed this fine man's career just because he likes to wrestle. Just because a few "bad apple" complainers can't take a little jostling. A little friendly wake-up tickle at two in the morning.

There's nothing sexual about grabbing their cocks. It's just humor. Don't you get the joke?

Look, if America has descended to the sort of a place where a Congressman can't set up his own Barney Frank-style harem of low-paid homos to grope in Washington, D.C. and tickle them until his desire is sated then I'm not sure what this country is coming to.

I mean what's the fucking point of getting elected?

Anonymous said...

"Along with 40 other Dems in the House."

And when they can find something on them - or for them like a nice job for a relative - they will treat them accordingly too.

Anonymous said...

"Democrats, as you say, jettisoned this fine man just because he is gay."

He wasn't just gay, he was "tickle-fight" gay, which I imagine even grosses out normal gays.

KCFleming said...

""tickle-fight" gay, which I imagine even grosses out normal gays."

I'd like to see the poll on that one.

Maybe not.

Anonymous said...

"He wasn't just gay, he was "tickle-fight" gay, which I imagine even grosses out normal gays."

Only tickle-phobes such as Garage "Homophobe" Mahal and Steny "Homophobe" Hoyer.

Big Mike said...

The Clintons have a great deal to answer for, but to my mind the worst thing they did was encourage James ("The Talking Skull") Carville to raise vilifying your enemies to an art form.

I'm not sure why Massa's efforts to create a harem (of sorts) is evil while Charlie Wilson's heterosexual harem (as depicted in "Charlie Wilson's War" but independently confirmed by numerous sources) is just cute. But it's clear that the point of this campaign (obviously orchestrated between the White House and the Democrat Congressional leadership) is to make a perceived enemy -- Massa -- sorry he was ever born.

Well, politics ain't beanbag as they like to say. But there really ought to be some sort of threshold below which even a Democrat won't go.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Well, politics ain't beanbag as they like to say. But there really ought to be some sort of threshold below which even a Democrat won't go.

Well your Truman/JFK types I would say they had a threshold. However the current crop is more of the Workers of the World Unite faction and no method, however low can be spared when the ultimate goal is to provide more power to the State.

Wince said...

Massa, rather than a rogue, is the perfect metaphor explaining the Democrats' plan for the entire country.

Immiserate the people and make them so dependent on you for their needs that they're more likely to let you fuck them up the ass.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Massa's behavior was inappropriate and unprofessional. I really don't care who you are groping-- (male/female)-- it's not appropriate!

It is obvious that Massa's inappropriate behavior only become an issue when his vote mattered most.

former law student said...

while Charlie Wilson's heterosexual harem (as depicted in "Charlie Wilson's War" but independently confirmed by numerous sources) is just cute.

Did Wilson pay his "girls" so little that living with him was the only option? Was Wilson groping his office staff?

Hiring a hot staff doesn't mean you are screwing them -- apparently Wilson, a bachelor, had no trouble getting female attention.

virgil xenophon said...


The Dims have so many ethical skeletons in their past they're going to have to build an addition onto the Capitol just so they'll have enough closets in which to hide all the skeletons...

Hoosier Daddy said...

Who are these staffers anyway? I'm betting they're all just trying to cash in. Drag a $100 bill (I'm adjusting for inflation) through the Congressional cloak room and this is what you get.

kent said...

Look, if America has descended to the sort of a place where a Congressman can't set up his own Barney Frank-style harem of low-paid homos to grope in Washington, D.C. and tickle them until his desire is sated then I'm not sure what this country is coming to.

Are we allowed to nominate individual entries for the honor of this site's rotating sub-header...? ;)

Beth said...

Pogo, as usual, misses the point on DADT. Willfully? I'm beginning to think so. I don't think he's that dumb, but I do think he has serious anger against gay people.

It's simple, Pogo: Living a lie, as required by DADT, creates a lack of integrity. That fosters bad behavior in people like Massa, who seems to lack mental and moral strength. Being out, being honest, fosters integrity. Living in the sunshine is a healthy thing.

Pogo won't respond coherently to that; he'll change the subject to Marxism or one of the other threads in his paranoid web of oppression.

pm317 said...

I bet if he was a "yes" vote on the healthcare reform bill, this would not have seen the light of day.

Anonymous said...

"I really don't care who you are groping-- (male/female)-- it's not appropriate!"


In order to find out what's in the bill, you have to pass the bill. Nancy Pelosi rules.

It's the same with cocks. In order to find out if a man wants you to wake him up at two in the morning sucking his cock, you have to do it first. That's how you find out if he's really OK with it.

If that man objects, of course, you merely move along and find another aide to work in your Congressional office.

If you play your math right, and pay them so little that you can get them all living under your roof, you're bound to find four or five that won't mind if you get drunk and smoke their cocks in the dark, dark hours of the night.

Barney Frank perfected this totally legitimate harem-building technique.

What's inappropriate about that?

Are you homophobic? Or do you agree it's OK?

narciso said...

He was in the Navy, but he's been in the Congress for the last three years, they knew he was a hack, but
they covered it up

kent said...

Tickle Fight: Boehner Introduces Resolution Directing Ethics Committee to Investigate What Nancy Pelosi Knew and When

(h/t Ace)

Anonymous said...

"Living a lie, as required by DADT, creates a lack of integrity."

That's the big gay lie.

See, with DADT, nobody is asked to lie.

They're asked to shut up.

Look, dude, nobody gives a fuck what you do with your sex life.

Just shut. the. fuck. up. about it and find something else to talk about. If telling means that much to you, find a different job.

It's that simple.

We have the right to not have to hear about your cock-smoking adventures.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

"It's like he had people trapped."

Oh common - they were tickled to death to work for Massa.

garage mahal said...

Nothing brings out the pure stupid in conservatives more than the topic of gay. Try as they might, they just can't figure the difference between inappropriately groping someone, and simply being gay. One in the same, to them.

Beth said...

NewHam, that's bullshit. It's lying.

Do you ever mention what you and your wife are doing on vacation? Have a picture of her on your desk? See other people with whom you work out and about while you and she are shopping?

I assume during any of those mundane exposures of your heterosexuality you're not yacking it up about you and she do in bed.

Beth said...

garage, you're right. Why bother?

Over, and out.

Anonymous said...

"Living a lie, as required by DADT, creates a lack of integrity."

And not only that, it's for your own good.

Muslims execute homosexuals.

You maybe don't want to advertise your diversity to proudly because they're taking over and you're their first target for extermination.

sonicfrog said...

I'm shocked that no one has made more noise about the term "snorkeling".

Damn, I'll have to remember that one next time I'm out on a date.

We have the right to not have to hear about your cock-smoking adventures.

Oh darn. Now what will we talk about.... Titus! Calling Titus.... This topic is tailor made for his special pearls of wisdom. Where the hell is he?

Anonymous said...

"Do you ever mention what you and your wife are doing on vacation?"

Sure I do. And you know why?

Because I'm not under orders to keep my fucking mouth shut about it. You are. Man up about it. Life is unfair, but you chose the military.

You willingly chose the military and agreed beforehand to abide by your orders and this policy.

Now, you want to dishonorably renege on that agreement.

Man up and have some honor.

kent said...

... and, hard on the heels of the previously linked bulletin: Breaking: House passes GOP demand for investigation into Massa, Dem leadership.

Were there any fleshy, un-Botoxed portion of Madame Pelosi still capable of puckering in sudden, sweaty consternation, at this juncture... it'd be puckering right about now.

BIG time. ;)

Republican said...

From NYDN:

Did you receive an "inappropriate" text message from ex-Rep. Massa? E-mail us privately and safely at Confidentiality is assured.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

NewHam -
I have nothing to say - - I bow to the master.

"It's the same with cocks. In order to find out if a man wants you to wake him up at two in the morning sucking his cock, you have to do it first."


Anonymous said...

"Try as they might, they just can't figure the difference between inappropriately groping someone, and simply being gay."

Maybe its all the homos in the airport bathrooms begging to suck our cocks that makes things a bit hazy for us.

It clouds the issue.

Or the thousands of gay priests and cardinals molesting our fucking kids just trying to understand God ... maybe that's where it got difficult for us to "understand."

Or all the street sex at the Folsom Street Fair ... people beating off in broad daylight in the middle of the street.

I think we get it Garage.

I think we get it.

Anonymous said...

Being out, being honest, fosters integrity. Living in the sunshine is a healthy thing.

Did wonders for Bill Clinton.

Unknown said...

As I've always said, the Demos, and the Lefties in general, bleed all over the floor over a given minority as long as it's in their interest.

Massa had a "harem" in his house?

No problem, as long as he votes Pelosi Galore's way. Otherwise, he's a queer pervert and should thrown out of the House.

former law student said...

The Daily News quotes Limbaugh as saying that Paterson could be the massa over Massa, if Paterson had the power (alleged by a caller) to appoint Massa's replacement.

Not that Limbaugh's racist or anything. He just enjoys a good slavery joke.

No, he just appreciates the irony of it.

garage mahal said...

Nothing brings out the pure stupid in conservatives more than the topic of gay. Try as they might, they just can't figure the difference between inappropriately groping someone, and simply being gay. One in the same, to them.

And nothing brings out the stupid in Leftists like being caught in their own hypocrisy.

If this were heterosexual (remember Tailhook?), you would be bitching all over the place.

What Massa supposedly did was every bit as much sexual harassment.

What, you don't think people can be sexually harassed by people of their own sex? Even when they might have the same preference (to use your term), but not be attracted to or interested in that individual?

What a hypocrite!

Anonymous said...

"Being out, being honest, fosters integrity. Living in the sunshine is a healthy thing."

and you're free to do that everywhere except in the military ... so don't fucking join, and don't reup.

And until then you're under orders to shut. the. fuck. up. You're in the military and there will be orders you don't agree with and guess what? You don't get to decide which orders to follow and which ones not to.

Don't Lie. Don't Ask. Don't Tell.

It's nobody's business and come on ... isn't it always better when it's secret?

The Drill SGT said...

The House voted Thursday to open an ethics investigation into what and when House Democratic leaders knew of allegations of sexual harassment against former Rep. Eric Massa (D-N.Y.).
The House overwhelmingly backed a privileged resolution offered by GOP Leader John Boehner (Ohio) that will have the Ethics Committee look into what House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), and other Democratic leaders and staffers knew about allegations of sexual harassment against Massa, and when they became aware of the situation. …

garage mahal said...

I've been flying every other month for 15 yrs. I've never, ever, once had someone beg to suck my cock. Guess I will just have to take NewHam's word for it, he/she seems to be an expert on cock sucking in airport bathrooms.

Anonymous said...

"I've been flying every other month for 15 yrs. I've never, ever, once had someone beg to suck my cock."

Well, I guess I'm better equipped than you. Happens to me all the time.

Just because you're too ugly to get begged don't mean it 'ain't occurrin'.

Anonymous said...

Is anyone following up on the rumors that Sen. Maria Cantwell was canoodling with married CNBC and New York Times reporter John Harwood?

Anonymous said...

"I've been flying every other month for 15 yrs. I've never, ever, once had someone beg to suck my cock."

I noticed you addressed this issue, but conveniently forgot to address yourself to the thousands upon thousands of gay priests molesting children in every country of the world.

Since, you know, you can't refute that this occurred by claiming you haven't been asked.

It was pretty transparent how you glossed over that part of my comment, but claimed to have never been propositioned in an airport bathroom as a way of suggesting that isn't happening every day in every airport.

Anonymous said...

"I noticed you addressed this issue, but conveniently forgot to address yourself to the thousands upon thousands of gay priests molesting children in every country of the world."

But I'm sure you're now going to lecture us about how molesting kids is like, totally different than being just gay.

That those priests just happen to be gay and that we can't understand because we're "conservatives."

jamboree said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jamboree said...

This happens to women all the time - society wide. I'm quite serious. If you don't get paid enough to support yourself, you're forced to live in compromised conditions, be more open to office advances, etc. It's the oldest trick in the book. Massa's pathetic.

Gossip: when I was at UCLA, David Geffen had a posting on the housing board for a "student-houseboy" every semester. Can you say, "chicken hawk"?

Anonymous said...

If you don't get paid enough to support yourself, you're forced to live in compromised conditions, be more open to office advances, etc. It's the oldest trick in the book. Massa's pathetic.."

Big deal. That's called "navigating sexual politics." Everyone, male and female, has to do navigate advances in one way or another.

And worse, it misses the larger point.

The point is that Nancy Pelosi knew about this six months ago and did nothing.

It was OK with her, until it became obvious that the Massa wasn't going to stay on the plantation. He was going to vote against The Obama.

So she destroyed him by blackmailing him. If he stayed, they would investigate and embarrass and the politics of personal destruction would work their magic on his family. And the Washington Press Corps would be brought to bear upon him.

Or he could resign.

It's fucking blackmail. Pure and simple.

And this fucking bitch is going to get away with it.

That's the point.

The Speaker of the House is a fucking criminal. That's a far larger issue than one bi-curious Congressman who can't keep his hands off his staff's cocks.

Palladian said...

NewHam is Jeremy, in case anyone hadn't noticed.

In addition to the frequency of their comments and their utterly charming style of communication, you'll notice that they're both obsessed with fellatio.

Is this another phase of the UCLA experiment?

Hoosier Daddy said...

I've been flying every other month for 15 yrs. I've never, ever, once had someone beg to suck my cock.

Wait a few minutes till Jeremy gets here and he'll ask you to.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I have to wonder how hard up you have to be for a job that you'll take so low a pay as a congressional staffer that you have to live with your boss.

Anyone else find this just bizzare?

Hoosier Daddy said...

Nothing brings out the pure stupid in conservatives more than the topic of gay.

Well garage we can't be perfect on everything. On the other hand your side has stupid covered on economics, history, common sense and logic.

Paul Kirchner said...

Turns out that Massa decided to oppose Obama's Healthcare plan when he discovered it wouldn't cover twice-daily prostate exams. According to Dennis Miller, anyway.

Phil 314 said...

Absolutely Freudian.

It occurred to me today that Massa's story about Rahm was a Freudian fantasy.

swarthy male confronts him in the shower and points IT right at him and threatens to get rough

holdfast said...

San Fran Nan can't close the deal on Healthcare, so now the knives come out . . .

Hey said...

Do you ever mention what you and your wife are doing on vacation? Have a picture of her on your desk? See other people with whom you work out and about while you and she are shopping?

Nope. I really dislike all those personal touches in the office. Work is work, and keeping it separate from your personal life is basic courtesy as well as an excellent idea.

The best performing people and groups are those that are focused on their jobs and don't bring their personal lives to the office. The worst performing are those horrible back office types that want work to be a replay of elementary school, do the legal minimum, and figure out exactly what their job description is and do no more than that. The number of mentions of personal life and family pictures are directly correlated with a poor attitude and poor performance. Any well run company would make mention of one's personal life a summary firing offense.

Anonymous said...

"In addition to the frequency of their comments and their utterly charming style of communication, you'll notice that they're both obsessed with fellatio."


I don't want to talk about groping cock. That's boring.

I'd much rather talk about empaneling a grand jury to indict Nancy Pelosi so we can try her and throw her in jail where she belongs.

The media is yapping about Massa to distract us from the blackmail of a sitting United States Congressman that has been committed by Nancy Pelosi.

Looks like it's working.

We can always talk about Democrat Party perverts at a later date.

Anonymous said...

"I have to wonder how hard up you have to be for a job that you'll take so low a pay as a congressional staffer that you have to live with your boss. Anyone else find this just bizzare?"

Let's see ... a job where I can put very powerful Democrat perverts into a position where I can control their every move? Where I can blackmail them if they don't give me what I want?

Who wouldn't want that job?

Plus, they'll polish your knob for you on a regular basis.

What's not to love?

Are you getting that much head at work?

Beth said...

Palladian, yes, I realized today that he's a troll. Hadn't figured out exactly which one but the pseudo-academic sounds about right.

Cedarford said...

This is shaping up to be more gay "chicken hawking" of Congressional staff, with Massa in the Tom Foley role and Pelois and Stoyer in the Hastert/DelLay "see no evil" roles.

Which, if memory serves me, had Pelosi "shocked and ouraged!" about Foley and THAT cover-up.

Barney Frank is an old queen, but a smart old queen.
When his bearman lover was busted for pot, Barney in his fresh LL Bean getup costume on his Maine vacation said that he knew so little about woodsmanship and plants as a suburban Jew growing up in the suburbs that he had to have someone watching him on hikes so he didn;t touch poison ivy. Since Barney didn't know what poison ivy looked like, let alone pot.

Everyone believed him.

Now if his lover was involved in a scandal selling fake Gucci or Versace, and Barney claimed ignorance - he'd be laughed at.

And OF COURSE Barney knows what pot looks like. But it was such a great, perfectly delivered lie argued with Harvard Law brass and skill that people thought he deserved to get away with it.

kentuckyliz said...

Why would Pelosi's pro-gay SFCA constituents ever vote for her again after this gay witch hunt blackmail scheme?

It's just sick, how Dems pretend to be so gay-friendly and not only do they not pass their promised policies, but actually persecute a member of Congress because he's gay.

Poor baby.

The Drill SGT said...

Palladian said...
Is this another phase of the UCLA experiment?

Since I went to Grad school at UCLA, I ought to take some sort of offense, but don't.

E Buzz said...

See, this behavior was ok, but only for a while, while he beliveed the same garbage the rest of the weird party believed.

Once he veered, he was GAAAAY.

Tolerance, inclusion and diversity, yulp.

Palladian said...

The Democrats have preyed upon gay people for political advantage for almost two decades now. The Republicans do the same, in the opposite way. But I've never noticed a difference in the way either party actually treats gay constituents. The differences are merely superficial: one party pretends affirmation and acceptance and the other pretends indifference or disdain.

"Since I went to Grad school at UCLA, I ought to take some sort of offense, but don't."

Someone (I believe Theo Boehm) once put forth the theory that a lot of the trolling of Althouse was part of some UCLA sociology experiment, with "Maxine Weiss" at the epicenter. I always just assume that the standard trolls (NewHam/Florida/Jeremy, Alex/Titus etc) fit into that model.

Jason (the commenter) said...

I want to say something about the importance of being openly gay, that coming out of the closet frees society from so many horrors, but Massa just seems like too much of a lunatic to be an example. Maybe he's a closet-case, maybe he's just a big liar. I really can't tell.

Jason (the commenter) said...

I feel sorry for all the men who had to deal with his advances. It sounds like it was some pretty heavy sexual harassment. It was rude, it was unprofessional, and it was potentially damaging to the people who had to live through it.

Phil 314 said...

"I've been flying every other month for 15 yrs. I've never, ever, once had someone beg to suck my cock."

Well, I guess I'm better equipped than you. Happens to me all the time.

Uh, Ham, this isn't gong well for you. What that term you used before..

jag said...

The Massa story is lots of sound and fury....not much meaning. Think about it: lots of DC staffers live piled on top of each other in cramped apartments. A number of married Congressmen live with other males to save money. When males share tight living arrangments, they often revert to immature behavior. I don't think it's clear that he is a monster. It's a political story that is using fear of homosexuality to keep party members in line.

Shanna said...

I have to wonder how hard up you have to be for a job that you'll take so low a pay as a congressional staffer that you have to live with your boss.

Aside from this story, DC is expensive and congressional staffers generally don't get paid much, particularly low level ones. Roommates are common. Now, I don't know what these guys were making, but it's quite possible that they could have been making normal amounts for low level staffers and still have found the idea of free/cheap housing in their bosses townhouse (or whatever) ideal.

That said, I don't know about being "forced" to live in a house with anybody. You can find cheap living on your own and people advertise for roommates all the time in teh local paper. Also, DC is full of gay men and lots of them work on the hill.

This is probably one of those "where there's smoke there's fire" things, I'm just saying most congressional staffers are not making 100k and lots of people have roommates. I would personally be leary of a job where my boss wanted me to live with him, but to each his own. I have heard of lobbyists and other people on the hill getting free housing as a perk of employement.

William said...

Adultery, homosexuality, and telling whoppers about the same are not in any way dependent on one's political ideology.....A homosexual pass is different than a heterosexual one, both in degree and kind. There's a kind of rush when a woman lets you know she's available; there's a kind of eww when a gay man asks if you're available. I would guess the eww factor is increased exponentially if the pass is made by your superior in the chain of command. You don't want to destroy someone's career, but some types of behavior need to be called out. And, knowing the military, if you call him out, there's a good chance you'll be the one getting the (metaphorical) shaft. The fact that Massa behaved so poorly and got away with it is an argument against DADT.

Palladian said...

"There's a kind of rush when a woman lets you know she's available; there's a kind of eww when a gay man asks if you're available."

Speak for yourself, bitch.

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