"And I can teach thee, coz, to shame the Devil By telling truth: tell truth, and shame the Devil. If thou have power to raise him, bring him hither, And I'll be sworn I've power to shame him hence. O, while you live, tell truth, and shame the Devil!"
what reason is there to hate him ? Obama had already said the bill wouldnt disturb abortion funding precedent. so now it will be an executive order. whatever.
if he had voted against the bill he would have had more trouble probably ...
I have been watching the friends of Dan Benishek grow on Facebook. If I was feeling in a good mood tonight, I could almost feel sorry for the insignificant little troll. Hell hath no fury like pro-life groups scorned. And his new best buddies, Barack and Nancy, do not need him now. The guy is toast. I am reminded of the line from Shakespeare attributed to Cardinal Wolsey, "Had I but served my God with half the zeal I served my King, He would not in mine age have left me naked to mine enemies." Cheer up Bart. You will get used to the Northern Michigan winters again.
what reason is there to hate him ? Obama had already said the bill wouldn't disturb abortion funding precedent. so now it will be an executive order. whatever.
Reason to hate him? Because an executive order isn't worth spit and is most likely illegal: given that we don't have a line item veto.
The Executive Branch doesn't make law. So Obama's promise is just piss into the wind.
Stupak sold out his principles and he should burn in Hell. Maybe Obama promised him a nice Ambassador position or his brother gets to be a judge or something. Ohh aaah. As long as the scum in Congress make out who cares what the ultimate result is to the people. Screw the people.
Socialism and the yoke of the government around our necks and our children and grand children's necks.
Stupak sold his soul to the Devil......whatever .....as danielle the dim says.
Surely it feels like Stupak let everyone down - everyone who hoped he would stand strong. That doesn't make you popular or well liked.
To say that I am sad, heartbroken and oh so disappointed doesn't express it. It's like getting beat up and just left there - alone. I've not understood why this bills' supporters want to force the rest of us to live by their values. That is so unkind.
Ron Paul points out that the executive branch is not the law making branch. I'd be interested in hearing from others as to their views on whether executive orders are constitutional.
It seems a lot of things are accepted because they have been accepted - or something like that.
Between now and November, it will be interesting to find out exactly the nature of the thirty pieces of silver for which Stupak and his friends sold out. With Palm Sunday next week, Judas is a very fitting analogy.
DBQ is correct in saying this Executive Order, if it's ever written, can be rescinded at will. Stupak is counting on The Zero writing an order in defiance of his own party.
As a guy named Hitler one noted, "every man has his price, and you'd be surprised how low it usually is."
A lot of people are scratching their heads about the executive order Rep. Bart Stupak extracted from President Obama as a condition of supporting health care reform. "It's not clear the executive order changes anything," writes the New Republic's Jon Cohn. I'd have to agree. So why did Stupak hold out for it?
Here's what I suspect. As of yesterday, the White House was willing to promise Stupak an open-ended ban on abortion funding in the exchanges. But today, either because of blowback from pro-lifers in Congress or because Stupak lost some leverage as the healh reform bill acquired more votes, it was not. So a basically meaningless executive order was issued to help Stupak save face. link
"BTW, isn't Althouse becoming uninteresting? It's one predictable post after another. Boring."
Husband (to wife): Stop the car we're heading off a cliff, that's all you can talk about these days. What I wouldn't give for a good coversatio.... aaaaaah... (crash)
God certainly can't be too pleased with this abortionist tonight ... making it possible for the state to officially start murdering children with our tax dollars.
NewHam -- so, are you PSAing for your cushy spot at the right hand, or for the PSA-prize-equivalent of 72 virgins ?
dont you just love when people, just like you, decide that they want to tell you what God thinks ? especially while completely confusing the elements of the health care reform bill ?
whether christian or muslim, trying to tell people what God thinks is so unbelievably self-aggrandizing.
The dirty little secret many blind-faith democrats will not admit to themselves: It's not just Republicans and Independents who hate this bill. There are Democrats out there who hate it too.
Lord, look at me. Please plague these arrogant sons of bitches Make their skin form sores and itches. Cause their hair to thin and waste And Lord, please to these things with haste.
Yes, telling us what G-d thinks is incredibly self-aggrandising, but coming on this blog and gloating and telling us we are all idiots and should just submit to the will of our betters -- oh, that's an act of a terribly humble, self-effacing person. Where do they grow people like you? Is there a special school that teaches you to heap scorn on your FELLOW AMERICANS just because they disagree with you? What's that they say about payback? Beware, little ... thing named Danielle. The crocodile will eat you too, right alongside us - ugh!- Rethuglicans.
God is smoking a joint... with me, right here, right now. He says for me to tell NewHam to chill 'cuz the High Tokin' God doesn't like angry third-party assessments of his opinion.
God and I are waiting for the Season 3 Breaking Bad premiere to start at 10PM on AMC. What will happen to the good pure meth manufacturer Walter White? We'll see...
The Senate version of reconciliation will get bogged down fast.
Great gnashing of teeth to ensue, but little real effort to revive it. (Why should the Senate work hard to make changes in THEIR bill.
House leadership will blame Republicans for bogdown.
Dems will use the Republican caused Senate bogdown as a campaign issue in November.
Everyone will be so sick of health care debate they will start talking about something else and Dems will suffer no more than average midterm losses in November.
This is a great day indeed. The democrats have just doused their majority with gasoline as is just fumbling with the matches at the moment. Burn baby burn! See you "loosers" in November.
God and I are waiting for the Season 3 Breaking Bad premiere to start at 10PM on AMC. What will happen to the good pure meth manufacturer Walter White?
You might want to watch Justified on FX....because soon that is what many people will feel about their political class.
Obama had already said the bill wouldnt disturb abortion funding precedent. so now it will be an executive order. whatever.
And I'm still waiting for someone to tell me why I should believe anything that comes out of Obama's mouth. (At least when it's on the record. I do believe he was sincere back when he talked about getting to single payer in multiple steps, and when he made that crack about flyover folk clinging to their god and their guns.)
Ms. Althouse, I love your blog and the community you've built, but I'm getting angrier by the minute at smart people who fell for our Confidence Man in Chief.
God really liked that Faust link. He doesn't believe that you can be as cultured and artistically-aware and sensible as you are, and also be gay. He says he didn't think it was possible for him to create such a combination. But he's high and he says that sometimes he gets confused when he smokes... and this is good White Widow shit that we're doin'... nonetheless he's gonna check the books on Monday morning when he gets into the office. Just wanted to pass along the message from God to you that there is a possibility that you, Palladian, might be a Prophet. Although God also said that if traffic is bad on the way to work tomorrow he might be pissed off and just say "fuck it" and strike you down instead.
Here's what I suspect. As of yesterday, the White House was willing to promise Stupak an open-ended ban on abortion funding in the exchanges. But today, either because of blowback from pro-lifers in Congress or because Stupak lost some leverage as the healh reform bill acquired more votes, it was not. So a basically meaningless executive order was issued to help Stupak save face.
So far, my thesis that trusting Obama is as wise as inviting Hannibal Lecter to an intimate lunch looks solid.
kroshka, scorn ? i never said you are ALL idiots; or that you should just submit to the will of our betters ...
... so ironic (your post). perhaps you miss the pile on -- or scorn as you call it -- that non-republicans get on this blog nearly every day. you cant blame a gal whose happy about the bill from proudly proclaiming it ! maybe you should scroll back through the blog after the scott brown senate victory. get back to me and let me know if anything i've said is anymore gleeful than anything said there.
and you cant blame me for some stark words when someone wants to claim that God is on their side/view of the bill against the other side (those like me happy about the bill !).
What Democrats should remember is that this bill will require funding.
Republicans are in no way obligated in future years when they may control the house, to fund ObamaCare.
Remember: Barack Obama signed an Executive Order to close Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, but the House of Representatives refused to fund such activity. And the gulag remains open.
Republican Congress' are not required to fund this law any more than Democrats are required to fund closing Gitmo.
There's also the bad economy and on-going jobless recession. This bill is not going to help. Businesses are terrified to make a move. Thanks, democrats!
Must be time for more tax-payer funded Stimulus. What's a little more debt sprinkled on top?
Stupak is not a fool, so he certainly understands the intrinsic weakness of an executive order; sooner or later taxpayers will fund assembly-line abortions, and he knows it.
The only question now is the precise nature of his golden parachute.
And four years is forever in internet time. Remember that people will be paying massive bills for health insurance without getting any of the benefits of the health reform bill for four years before benefits start.
Barack Obama just sealed the fate of Democrats and Bart Stupak just sealed the fate of his soul.
Democrats will be sent back to Podunk where they came from and Stupak will be sent straight to Hell by God.
Last week I respected him as a man of principle- and I do not care about abortion one way or the other. Now he is just another cheap Democratic Machine Hack.
Hey Althousians! I'm still chillin' here with God and we're gonna watch some TV and smoke out. But the thang is that God has read this thread and asked me to tell you all, in light of today's political developments, to ponder this:
If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, when?
It's apparently from some dude named Hillel who I think God used to smoke pot with about two thousand years ago. God says it contains all the wisdom you need to come to a settled personal understanding and go forward in a good way.
But God speaks some crazy stuff when he's high. He's also just told me that he actually created Twitter back in the 1930s by planting the idea for this in some dude's head.
Look, Althousians, I'm just passin' the messages along. God says to post, I post.
In the article linked to after ADDEDI think the author messed up-
But today, either because of blowback from pro-lifers in Congress or because Stupak lost some leverage as the health reform bill acquired more votes, it was not.
Shouldn't that read because of blowback from Pro-Choice Democrats in Congress....?
We so pwn you fucktard conservatives and neocons who HATE the poor!
I don't know any conservatives who hate poor people (I'm on good terms with all my extended family, many of whom are relatively poor) but I suspect all of us hate people who would write "pwn you fuctard conservatives and neocons".
I save my uncharitable emotions for those who deserve not charity but contempt. And Alex, that means you.
" I save my uncharitable emotions for those who deserve not charity but contempt. And Alex, that means you."
Mark, don't bother. Alex is just a tiresome troll. Look through other threads on the subject and you'll find him posting pretend comments against the bill. He openly admits he's just posting things to screw up any discussion he can, and for some strange reason people keep falling for it.
For what it's worth, Stupak probably just ensured that Republicans will regain at least the House in '10 and possibly the Senate. He probably drove the nail in the coffin of Obama '12. Republicans can ride this horse for 20 years.
Conservatives are having a hard time tonight because damage was done to a nation we love. (I'm not saying Liberals and Progressives don't love their country too; I'm saying they do it badly.)
But for the rare Republican-as-Sports-Team purist who cares only for who's going to win the next election, and the one after that, this is like getting the first 30 picks in the NBA draft.
Basically what appears to be going on is Salon.com is running interference for Obama with his own Pro-Choice party.
Winking at them and telling them it's all meaningless and even if it's not- there is a stupid loophole that Stupak did not notice or have enough power to close.
So more "double-speak" and of course Obama has the Liberal media as his public relations advisors at no cost to him-ever.
This duplicity gets communicated at -
Lightning Speed.
Really Obama has come out of the closet as a Pro-Lifer-why or why not?
A question he doesn't even have to answer-Democrats almost always believe the liar more clever and the lies to be persuasion.
Insta links some observations from Michael Barone.
To wit: As DBQ noted, an Executive Order isn't worth much. It can't override an Act of Congress, so he sold out for nothing, really. A point his opponent will use this fall, undoubtedly
The Obamatrons made this "deal" because they didn't think they had enough votes to pass it. The fig leaf of an Executive Order was to give him cover.
Stupak is a protege of John Dingell and wanted the bill as much as anyone. The anti-abortion act was a front (my opinion).
One other point Barone raises is that it's unclear how many votes Stupak brings with him. He may find that, in addition to being Judas, he also qualifies as Uriah the Hittite.
On another note, Stupak's challenger is gaining supporters on his facebook page at about 1 every three seconds.
Damn... God gets major marijuana munchies. We're on our second pack of Nathan's Hot Dogs already. They're kosher, you know.
I asked God about Stupak.
He said he liked Arlo Guthrie better.
I asked God what he meant.
God explained that when Arlo sings his tales he does so to a nice guitar tune, and also Arlo has good respect for the tribulations of his ancestors. Then God started whistling City of New Orleans.
I tried to get God back to explaining what he thought.
Then God told me that no man, be he Stupak or the Great and Blessed Prophet Arlo Guthrie, holds the fate of America in his single hands. It is silly to think so, God said. America is a big country with a lot of people who are responsible for each other.
God continued: Sometimes difficult decisions need to be made. Sometimes they must be made on faith – faith in fellow man, faith in community, even faith in country. And when one is filled with faith, God explained, one does not think small. God said that he gave each of us the deep intuitive understanding that when dealing with faith we must leap into the unknown.
Then God took another hit from the bong and started singing:
You can get any-thing you want... at Alice's Rest-au-raunt... You can get... any thing you want... at Alice's Restau-raunt, except the Alice...
It's interesting to note that much of the activity in the House is being done by unanimous consent.
If Republicans were serious about stopping this thing, they'd begin objecting to these unanimous consent agreements and make the House fucking vote on every little thing.
At a minimum, it slows things down while the Bishops explain to Bart Stupak that he's going to be excommunicated from the Catholic Church of this abortion passes.
Isn't that what everyone's been assuming is likely? Reconciliation can't be brought up in the Senate until the bill being reconciled in signed; the Senate Parliamentarian ruled on that a couple of weeks ago. And once the bill is passed, what reason does the Senate have to put in "fixes" that make it less to their liking and more to the House's?
Newham, if the Republicans were serious and not such cowards, they would have all walked off the floor. Just like the Dems did when Dick Gephardt led them out.
I went to Instapundit to see more images from the rally yesterday to see the talked about diversity (personally, I'm not hung up on diversity in this case, but since it was mentioned that it was diverse, I wanted to get a looksie), but the page took FORever to load, so I didn't see any images.
Also, caught Paul Ryan's (is that his name?) speech, and while I'm kinda sorta in favor of this bill, with some serious reservations, I must say that he really packed a punch with his speech on the House floor. Very well done. And well done because it did not have that nastiness of tone to it. And he really crystallized it. It really stood out. Must wiki this guy.
These kinds of calm, mature and deeply thoughtful speeches will really stand out. Maybe they are born of all that angst and anger and yes obnoxious cheering of obnoxious gallery protesters.
I don't know if you're a dope or not, but you certainly play one on this blog.
But, perhaps, you're a genius in disguise, so disabuse me of my ignorance. Do something that your dear leader failed for more than a year to do. Please explain how we already bankrupt Americans can spend our way to deficit reduction. You may cite the ridiculous CBO report on the health care abortion, but do so at your risk. Only innumerate ignoramuses and liars do so.
We're waiting.
P.S. Some addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are required. Also, having ever read an operating statement or balance sheet is helpful, or even knowing what those arcane documents are.
I don't have cable because I choose to save my money. So if by FNC you mean the Fox News Channel, "regular TV" does not pick it up. If I had cable of course I'd be watching CSPAN.
Old Dad: Danielle doesn't have to, because Pelosi just spoke the gospel--the bill ADDS 4 million jobs and REDUCES the deficit by $1.3 Trillion. I think the botox is the only thing that prevents her from laughing at her own joke, though.
This happens when weasels have no core values. The concept of a pro-life Democrat has proven to be a lie. You can be either one or the other...you cannot be both.
Yeah, I know, the Internet. Of course. But just - shouldn't it be on live regular TV for the large numbers of people who do not have cable? It should. But as I say so far only Al Jazeera is covering it live.
After Massa and Stupak, who will the Rs choose as their favorite D?
1, there are no favorite Dems. Not a single member of that party is worth the urine needed to put out the fire if they were aflame.
And he sold out for $750,000 for airports in his state. That's all it took for his morality to be sold.
So, not only do his constituents have a useless weasel...they have one with a really low price tag. I hope abortion becomes known as "Stupaking" from this point on.
madawaskan said... In the article linked to after ADDEDI think the author messed up-
But today, either because of blowback from pro-lifers in Congress or because Stupak lost some leverage as the health reform bill acquired more votes, it was not.
Shouldn't that read because of blowback from Pro-Choice Democrats in Congress....?
Stupak showed his insanity when he stated (after the Senate bill passed and just prior to the recommit vote containing the anti-abortion language of the Stupak amendment) that the Democrats and Obama were the real pro-life supporters. I think he is certifiably insane.
boy, some posters are making less than substantive remarks. I think the executive order has some slight legal significance in that it reaffirms that the executive branch will enforce and follow the Hyde Amendment. But, the order is largely a face-saving way for Stupak to support the bill. The only people who hate Stupak are people who never supported him anyway.
The only people worth supporting are people who have some principles and standards. Stupak has just proven that he has neither. Why then should he be supported. Of course this goes also for Zero.
Those who sold their souls so cheaply, do so because they do not truly believe in a power over them wielding justice. This is a mistake, for even the lowly power of the people will charge them before the highest makes it permanent.
I don't hate Stupak because he did exactly what I was expecting him and every other so-called "Blue Dog" to do, which is run home to mama. Did anyone really expect anything different? I mean, really?
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I don't hate him.
Contempt? Yeah. But not have.
"Not hate."
"And I can teach thee, coz, to shame the Devil
By telling truth: tell truth, and shame the Devil.
If thou have power to raise him, bring him hither,
And I'll be sworn I've power to shame him hence.
O, while you live, tell truth, and shame the Devil!"
--Harry Hotspur
what reason is there to hate him ? Obama had already said the bill wouldnt disturb abortion funding precedent. so now it will be an executive order. whatever.
if he had voted against the bill he would have had more trouble probably ...
After Massa and Stupak, who will the Rs choose as their favorite D?
BTW, isn't Althouse becoming uninteresting? It's one predictable post after another. Boring.
I have been watching the friends of Dan Benishek grow on Facebook. If I was feeling in a good mood tonight, I could almost feel sorry for the insignificant little troll. Hell hath no fury like pro-life groups scorned. And his new best buddies, Barack and Nancy, do not need him now. The guy is toast. I am reminded of the line from Shakespeare attributed to Cardinal Wolsey, "Had I but served my God with half the zeal I served my King, He would not in mine age have left me naked to mine enemies." Cheer up Bart. You will get used to the Northern Michigan winters again.
what reason is there to hate him ?
I can think of one.
what reason is there to hate him ? Obama had already said the bill wouldn't disturb abortion funding precedent. so now it will be an executive order. whatever.
Reason to hate him? Because an executive order isn't worth spit and is most likely illegal: given that we don't have a line item veto.
The Executive Branch doesn't make law. So Obama's promise is just piss into the wind.
Stupak sold out his principles and he should burn in Hell. Maybe Obama promised him a nice Ambassador position or his brother gets to be a judge or something. Ohh aaah. As long as the scum in Congress make out who cares what the ultimate result is to the people. Screw the people.
Socialism and the yoke of the government around our necks and our children and grand children's necks.
Stupak sold his soul to the Devil......whatever .....as danielle the dim says.
I don't hate him.
Contempt? Yeah. But not hate.
You need to learn to think like Atrios.
Best tweet of the day goes to Josh Trevino, who offered $50 to anyone who would go up to Stupak and say, "But, for Wales?"
More recent tweet to him claims someone did say that but not directly to Stupak.
Surely it feels like Stupak let everyone down - everyone who hoped he would stand strong. That doesn't make you popular or well liked.
To say that I am sad, heartbroken and oh so disappointed doesn't express it. It's like getting beat up and just left there - alone. I've not understood why this bills' supporters want to force the rest of us to live by their values. That is so unkind.
Ron Paul points out that the executive branch is not the law making branch. I'd be interested in hearing from others as to their views on whether executive orders are constitutional.
It seems a lot of things are accepted because they have been accepted - or something like that.
Between now and November, it will be interesting to find out exactly the nature of the thirty pieces of silver for which Stupak and his friends sold out. With Palm Sunday next week, Judas is a very fitting analogy.
DBQ is correct in saying this Executive Order, if it's ever written, can be rescinded at will. Stupak is counting on The Zero writing an order in defiance of his own party.
As a guy named Hitler one noted, "every man has his price, and you'd be surprised how low it usually is."
A lot of people are scratching their heads about the executive order Rep. Bart Stupak extracted from President Obama as a condition of supporting health care reform. "It's not clear the executive order changes anything," writes the New Republic's Jon Cohn. I'd have to agree. So why did Stupak hold out for it?
Here's what I suspect. As of yesterday, the White House was willing to promise Stupak an open-ended ban on abortion funding in the exchanges. But today, either because of blowback from pro-lifers in Congress or because Stupak lost some leverage as the healh reform bill acquired more votes, it was not. So a basically meaningless executive order was issued to help Stupak save face. link
"BTW, isn't Althouse becoming uninteresting? It's one predictable post after another. Boring."
Husband (to wife): Stop the car we're heading off a cliff, that's all you can talk about these days. What I wouldn't give for a good coversatio.... aaaaaah... (crash)
He wanted to vote for it AND and stay principled. Stupak didn't stay principled, instead he just found a a bit of faux-cover.
He'll feel it in November.
God certainly can't be too pleased with this abortionist tonight ... making it possible for the state to officially start murdering children with our tax dollars.
That's for sure.
We need to start calling HRC what it is:
Social Welfare.
It's not every day that you see a man sell his soul directly to Satan.
Watch it and weep.
This is what it looks like when a man enters Hell.
NewHam -- so, are you PSAing for your cushy spot at the right hand, or for the PSA-prize-equivalent of 72 virgins ?
dont you just love when people, just like you, decide that they want to tell you what God thinks ? especially while completely confusing the elements of the health care reform bill ?
whether christian or muslim, trying to tell people what God thinks is so unbelievably self-aggrandizing.
Ah, the dreaded Single Tweet Blog Post.
It should only be used in desperate times, as it is certainly a desperate measure.
Are you feeling desperate, Professor?
The dirty little secret many blind-faith democrats will not admit to themselves:
It's not just Republicans and Independents who hate this bill. There are Democrats out there who hate it too.
Uh oh. My doctor just canceled my Thursday appointment - referring all his patients to an "associate." Indefinitely.
I don't hate him.
I must now pray for this cabal.
Lord, look at me.
Please plague these arrogant sons of bitches
Make their skin form sores and itches.
Cause their hair to thin and waste
And Lord, please to these things with haste.
"... whether christian or muslim, trying to tell people what God thinks is so unbelievably self-aggrandizing."
God is against murdering children, I'm fairly certain of it.
I'm certainly willing to go out on that limb and speak for the Lord my God on that topic.
And Bart Stupak is consigning his soul to be forever damned.
That saddens me.
It should sadden anyone with a soul. That it does not sadden you does not surprise me in the least.
@Danielle the Dim (h/t DBQ):
Yes, telling us what G-d thinks is incredibly self-aggrandising, but coming on this blog and gloating and telling us we are all idiots and should just submit to the will of our betters -- oh, that's an act of a terribly humble, self-effacing person. Where do they grow people like you? Is there a special school that teaches you to heap scorn on your FELLOW AMERICANS just because they disagree with you? What's that they say about payback? Beware, little ... thing named Danielle. The crocodile will eat you too, right alongside us - ugh!- Rethuglicans.
w/v NOXIONS: Danielle, AL, Garage, et al.
God is smoking a joint... with me, right here, right now. He says for me to tell NewHam to chill 'cuz the High Tokin' God doesn't like angry third-party assessments of his opinion.
God and I are waiting for the Season 3 Breaking Bad premiere to start at 10PM on AMC. What will happen to the good pure meth manufacturer Walter White? We'll see...
Video of Stupak meeting with Obama earlier today
... you'd be surprised how low it usually is
For Kucinich apparently it was an airplane ride and a pat on his puppy dog head. Or was it a UFO? Whatev, I forget.
Can any recommend a good primary-care physician who doesn't mind working for peanuts?
The Senate version of reconciliation will get bogged down fast.
Great gnashing of teeth to ensue, but little real effort to revive it. (Why should the Senate work hard to make changes in THEIR bill.
House leadership will blame Republicans for bogdown.
Dems will use the Republican caused Senate bogdown as a campaign issue in November.
Everyone will be so sick of health care debate they will start talking about something else and Dems will suffer no more than average midterm losses in November.
It's the internet age. Attention spans are short.
This is a great day indeed. The democrats have just doused their majority with gasoline as is just fumbling with the matches at the moment. Burn baby burn! See you "loosers" in November.
Now take me down to hell..
Excellent link Palladian.
About a third of primary care physicians will now leave the field.
Now maybe everybody can move back to Mexico where things will function comparatively well.
Sophie said...
"But, for Wales?"
That has got to leave a mark for a Catholic...
God and I are waiting for the Season 3 Breaking Bad premiere to start at 10PM on AMC. What will happen to the good pure meth manufacturer Walter White?
You might want to watch Justified on FX....because soon that is what many people will feel about their political class.
Stupak just wrote the obit for the pro-life Democrat.
Nothing to be hateful about. Just sad - the democrat party is officially the Death Party.
Obama had already said the bill wouldnt disturb abortion funding precedent. so now it will be an executive order. whatever.
And I'm still waiting for someone to tell me why I should believe anything that comes out of Obama's mouth. (At least when it's on the record. I do believe he was sincere back when he talked about getting to single payer in multiple steps, and when he made that crack about flyover folk clinging to their god and their guns.)
Ms. Althouse, I love your blog and the community you've built, but I'm getting angrier by the minute at smart people who fell for our Confidence Man in Chief.
Why? Because he wanted to vote for the bill (he said so many times) and he finally found something he thought might give him the cover he wanted.
Which does imply his stance was one born of politics rather than conviction, but he thinks his voters will fall for it.
God really liked that Faust link. He doesn't believe that you can be as cultured and artistically-aware and sensible as you are, and also be gay. He says he didn't think it was possible for him to create such a combination. But he's high and he says that sometimes he gets confused when he smokes... and this is good White Widow shit that we're doin'... nonetheless he's gonna check the books on Monday morning when he gets into the office. Just wanted to pass along the message from God to you that there is a possibility that you, Palladian, might be a Prophet. Although God also said that if traffic is bad on the way to work tomorrow he might be pissed off and just say "fuck it" and strike you down instead.
I always thought the term pro-life democrat was a strain on credulity.
May it RIP.
I believe that form now on we may use the term loosely associate it with the tooth fairy.
From Ms. Althouse's link:
Here's what I suspect. As of yesterday, the White House was willing to promise Stupak an open-ended ban on abortion funding in the exchanges. But today, either because of blowback from pro-lifers in Congress or because Stupak lost some leverage as the healh reform bill acquired more votes, it was not. So a basically meaningless executive order was issued to help Stupak save face.
So far, my thesis that trusting Obama is as wise as inviting Hannibal Lecter to an intimate lunch looks solid.
wv: "diness" Yes, yes he does -- on fools.
kroshka, scorn ? i never said you are ALL idiots; or that you should just submit to the will of our betters ...
... so ironic (your post). perhaps you miss the pile on -- or scorn as you call it -- that non-republicans get on this blog nearly every day. you cant blame a gal whose happy about the bill from proudly proclaiming it ! maybe you should scroll back through the blog after the scott brown senate victory. get back to me and let me know if anything i've said is anymore gleeful than anything said there.
and you cant blame me for some stark words when someone wants to claim that God is on their side/view of the bill against the other side (those like me happy about the bill !).
Last sentence from your added link:
"So a basically meaningless executive order was issued to help Stupak save face."
What Democrats should remember is that this bill will require funding.
Republicans are in no way obligated in future years when they may control the house, to fund ObamaCare.
Remember: Barack Obama signed an Executive Order to close Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, but the House of Representatives refused to fund such activity. And the gulag remains open.
Republican Congress' are not required to fund this law any more than Democrats are required to fund closing Gitmo.
David said:
It's the internet age. Attention spans are short.
Yes, but taxes are forever.
There's also the bad economy and on-going jobless recession. This bill is not going to help. Businesses are terrified to make a move. Thanks, democrats!
Must be time for more tax-payer funded Stimulus. What's a little more debt sprinkled on top?
Krugman and Ezra would approve... glowingly.
Stupak is not a fool, so he certainly understands the intrinsic weakness of an executive order; sooner or later taxpayers will fund assembly-line abortions, and he knows it.
The only question now is the precise nature of his golden parachute.
Obama does have a couple of slush funds available, Tarp and Stimulus, with hundreds of billions of dollars at his disposal.
I would not be surprised if he promised Stupak he let his district wet their beak.
"Why did "a meaningless executive order" make the difference for Stupak?"
Why ... for Wales, of course.
"Yes, but taxes are forever."
And four years is forever in internet time. Remember that people will be paying massive bills for health insurance without getting any of the benefits of the health reform bill for four years before benefits start.
Barack Obama just sealed the fate of Democrats and Bart Stupak just sealed the fate of his soul.
Democrats will be sent back to Podunk where they came from and Stupak will be sent straight to Hell by God.
Whine, whine, whine, bitch, whine, bitch, whine, ....
We so pwn you fucktard conservatives and neocons who HATE the poor!
Last week I respected him as a man of principle- and I do not care about abortion one way or the other. Now he is just another cheap Democratic Machine Hack.
Hey Althousians! I'm still chillin' here with God and we're gonna watch some TV and smoke out. But the thang is that God has read this thread and asked me to tell you all, in light of today's political developments, to ponder this:
If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, when?
It's apparently from some dude named Hillel who I think God used to smoke pot with about two thousand years ago. God says it contains all the wisdom you need to come to a settled personal understanding and go forward in a good way.
But God speaks some crazy stuff when he's high. He's also just told me that he actually created Twitter back in the 1930s by planting the idea for this in some dude's head.
Look, Althousians, I'm just passin' the messages along. God says to post, I post.
Althouse and her lapdog conservatives are obviously panicking. Full panic mode!!!!
We already have health care for the poor - It's called Medicare.
This is just tax-payer funded health care to expand the welfare state.
It's worth a complaint.
It won't solve much, but it will bring down our standard of health care. Thanks, democrats!
In the article linked to after ADDEDI think the author messed up-
But today, either because of blowback from pro-lifers in Congress or because Stupak lost some leverage as the health reform bill acquired more votes, it was not.
Shouldn't that read because of blowback from Pro-Choice Democrats in Congress....?
We so pwn you fucktard conservatives and neocons who HATE the poor!
I don't know any conservatives who hate poor people (I'm on good terms with all my extended family, many of whom are relatively poor) but I suspect all of us hate people who would write "pwn you fuctard conservatives and neocons".
I save my uncharitable emotions for those who deserve not charity but contempt. And Alex, that means you.
Julius, enviest thou for my sake? Would God that all the Lord's people were prophets, and that the Lord would put his spirit upon them!
OMG, it's full panick mode! Now Megan McArdle is panicking too! Lovely, Huffington Post is splooging all over themselves!
I save my uncharitable emotions for those who deserve not charity but contempt. And Alex, that means you."
Mark, don't bother. Alex is just a tiresome troll. Look through other threads on the subject and you'll find him posting pretend comments against the bill. He openly admits he's just posting things to screw up any discussion he can, and for some strange reason people keep falling for it.
danielle - are you on some kind of drug? 'cause -you really are a jonestown kind of space cadet.
Notorious American Criminals..
Bernard Madoff..
Bonnie and Clyde..
Bart Stupak.
For what it's worth, Stupak probably just ensured that Republicans will regain at least the House in '10 and possibly the Senate. He probably drove the nail in the coffin of Obama '12. Republicans can ride this horse for 20 years.
Conservatives are having a hard time tonight because damage was done to a nation we love. (I'm not saying Liberals and Progressives don't love their country too; I'm saying they do it badly.)
But for the rare Republican-as-Sports-Team purist who cares only for who's going to win the next election, and the one after that, this is like getting the first 30 picks in the NBA draft.
John Wilkes Booth was a piker.
He killed one man.
Bart Stupak will kill billions of children over the coming years.
He may single-handedly be the largest mass murderer in the history of the planet.
Basically what appears to be going on is Salon.com is running interference for Obama with his own Pro-Choice party.
Winking at them and telling them it's all meaningless and even if it's not- there is a stupid loophole that Stupak did not notice or have enough power to close.
So more "double-speak" and of course Obama has the Liberal media as his public relations advisors at no cost to him-ever.
This duplicity gets communicated at -
Lightning Speed.
Really Obama has come out of the closet as a Pro-Lifer-why or why not?
A question he doesn't even have to answer-Democrats almost always believe the liar more clever and the lies to be persuasion.
Insta links some observations from Michael Barone.
To wit: As DBQ noted, an Executive Order isn't worth much. It can't override an Act of Congress, so he sold out for nothing, really. A point his opponent will use this fall, undoubtedly
The Obamatrons made this "deal" because they didn't think they had enough votes to pass it. The fig leaf of an Executive Order was to give him cover.
Stupak is a protege of John Dingell and wanted the bill as much as anyone. The anti-abortion act was a front (my opinion).
One other point Barone raises is that it's unclear how many votes Stupak brings with him. He may find that, in addition to being Judas, he also qualifies as Uriah the Hittite.
On another note, Stupak's challenger is gaining supporters on his facebook page at about 1 every three seconds.
Well isn’t this special. It appears the whole thing can be killed next week or worse, the Senate Bill, which Democrats and Republican House members hate may be the law. Ettu Harry?
It ain't over yet.
The only points I am sure of at this point are:
1) Ben Nelson is much, much smarter than Bart Stupak
2) This is not going to be repealed anytime soon, if ever.
3) The rubes are starting to realize they are rubes-- but won't change and will be rubes again in the future.
Damn... God gets major marijuana munchies. We're on our second pack of Nathan's Hot Dogs already. They're kosher, you know.
I asked God about Stupak.
He said he liked Arlo Guthrie better.
I asked God what he meant.
God explained that when Arlo sings his tales he does so to a nice guitar tune, and also Arlo has good respect for the tribulations of his ancestors. Then God started whistling City of New Orleans.
I tried to get God back to explaining what he thought.
Then God told me that no man, be he Stupak or the Great and Blessed Prophet Arlo Guthrie, holds the fate of America in his single hands. It is silly to think so, God said. America is a big country with a lot of people who are responsible for each other.
God continued: Sometimes difficult decisions need to be made. Sometimes they must be made on faith – faith in fellow man, faith in community, even faith in country. And when one is filled with faith, God explained, one does not think small. God said that he gave each of us the deep intuitive understanding that when dealing with faith we must leap into the unknown.
Then God took another hit from the bong and started singing:
You can get any-thing you want... at Alice's Rest-au-raunt... You can get... any thing you want... at Alice's Restau-raunt, except the Alice...
It's interesting to note that much of the activity in the House is being done by unanimous consent.
If Republicans were serious about stopping this thing, they'd begin objecting to these unanimous consent agreements and make the House fucking vote on every little thing.
At a minimum, it slows things down while the Bishops explain to Bart Stupak that he's going to be excommunicated from the Catholic Church of this abortion passes.
the Senate bill may be the law
Isn't that what everyone's been assuming is likely? Reconciliation can't be brought up in the Senate until the bill being reconciled in signed; the Senate Parliamentarian ruled on that a couple of weeks ago. And once the bill is passed, what reason does the Senate have to put in "fixes" that make it less to their liking and more to the House's?
Stupack is as stupid does.
Newham, if the Republicans were serious and not such cowards, they would have all walked off the floor. Just like the Dems did when Dick Gephardt led them out.
I went to Instapundit to see more images from the rally yesterday to see the talked about diversity (personally, I'm not hung up on diversity in this case, but since it was mentioned that it was diverse, I wanted to get a looksie), but the page took FORever to load, so I didn't see any images.
Also, caught Paul Ryan's (is that his name?) speech, and while I'm kinda sorta in favor of this bill, with some serious reservations, I must say that he really packed a punch with his speech on the House floor. Very well done. And well done because it did not have that nastiness of tone to it. And he really crystallized it. It really stood out. Must wiki this guy.
These kinds of calm, mature and deeply thoughtful speeches will really stand out. Maybe they are born of all that angst and anger and yes obnoxious cheering of obnoxious gallery protesters.
Nice speech by Boehner on the House floor. Dave Obey looks like a tool for sidestepping the voice vote request.
@ danielle 6:36
if he had voted against the bill he would have had more trouble probably ...
I cannot believe this is not on regular TV!!!! Not even PBS?? I can't believe this.
Pelosi's speech....not so much. Very lackluster, disjointed, and all over the board. Full of stumbling.
And don't get me started on the Obama veneration.
I don't know if you're a dope or not, but you certainly play one on this blog.
But, perhaps, you're a genius in disguise, so disabuse me of my ignorance. Do something that your dear leader failed for more than a year to do. Please explain how we already bankrupt Americans can spend our way to deficit reduction. You may cite the ridiculous CBO report on the health care abortion, but do so at your risk. Only innumerate ignoramuses and liars do so.
We're waiting.
P.S. Some addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are required. Also, having ever read an operating statement or balance sheet is helpful, or even knowing what those arcane documents are.
HT: I know it probably doesn't fit your definition of "regular TV" in more ways than one, but it is live on FNC. :)
Maybe the really good speechifying these days has to come in protest.
I don't have cable because I choose to save my money. So if by FNC you mean the Fox News Channel, "regular TV" does not pick it up. If I had cable of course I'd be watching CSPAN.
Old Dad: Danielle doesn't have to, because Pelosi just spoke the gospel--the bill ADDS 4 million jobs and REDUCES the deficit by $1.3 Trillion. I think the botox is the only thing that prevents her from laughing at her own joke, though.
This happens when weasels have no core values. The concept of a pro-life Democrat has proven to be a lie. You can be either one or the other...you cannot be both.
Ah, it's on Al Jazeera which reg TV does pick up.
HT: Stream it here
Yeah, I know, the Internet. Of course. But just - shouldn't it be on live regular TV for the large numbers of people who do not have cable? It should. But as I say so far only Al Jazeera is covering it live.
@David It's the internet age. Attention spans are short.
3/21/10 7:24 PM
Yes. It's the internet age.
But. Nothing is ever forgotten and can not be hidden or deleted.
(How many times can we read or hear POTUS lying through his pearly whites since 2007? Who'd a thunk 30 years ago it would be this easy?)
Althouse, in the comfort of her own home, watches Bork get Borked -- what -- 30 years ago?
Its the internet age.
We won't forget.
HT: Well God forbid that the Cold Case rerun be preempted!
After Massa and Stupak, who will the Rs choose as their favorite D?
1, there are no favorite Dems. Not a single member of that party is worth the urine needed to put out the fire if they were aflame.
And he sold out for $750,000 for airports in his state. That's all it took for his morality to be sold.
So, not only do his constituents have a useless weasel...they have one with a really low price tag. I hope abortion becomes known as "Stupaking" from this point on.
madawaskan said...
In the article linked to after ADDEDI think the author messed up-
But today, either because of blowback from pro-lifers in Congress or because Stupak lost some leverage as the health reform bill acquired more votes, it was not.
Shouldn't that read because of blowback from Pro-Choice Democrats in Congress....?
3/21/10 8:12 PM
Correct. And it has been corrected.
Calypso Facto,
Well then, thank God for St. Nancy. I was just finishing up a project for work tomorrow, but that won't be necessary.
When do the checks start coming? I'm online with Orbitz--I'm thinking Vegas.
Thanks Mr. President--but why do we need those job thingies now that you and Danielle have our backs?
WV: coushi--I swear to heaven!
1jpb said...
After Massa and Stupak, who will the Rs choose as their favorite D?
BTW, isn't Althouse becoming uninteresting? It's one predictable post after another. Boring.
Alpha Liberal asked why she didn't post on the bishop nun divide. I agree. That would have been interesting.
Marjorie Margolies-Stupak.
LL: With only 3 votes to spare, it does seem he has no cover other than a meaningless Presidential promise.
Is everybody looking forward to making the asshole who called him a "baby killer"...another of your tea bagger heroes?
Stupak showed his insanity when he stated (after the Senate bill passed and just prior to the recommit vote containing the anti-abortion language of the Stupak amendment) that the Democrats and Obama were the real pro-life supporters. I think he is certifiably insane.
"I think he is certifiably insane."
Betrayal does bad things to your sanity.
boy, some posters are making less than substantive remarks. I think the executive order has some slight legal significance in that it reaffirms that the executive branch will enforce and follow the Hyde Amendment. But, the order is largely a face-saving way for Stupak to support the bill. The only people who hate Stupak are people who never supported him anyway.
The only people worth supporting are people who have some principles and standards. Stupak has just proven that he has neither. Why then should he be supported. Of course this goes also for Zero.
"Is everybody looking forward to making the asshole who called him a "baby killer"...another of your tea bagger heroes?
Hey, if the shoe fits. But I wouldn't call the guy a hero, just a truth-teller.
I joined his opponent's FaceBook page and hit the Paypal button. I'm hoping he does a money-bomb soon and I will contribute then, too.
Stupak could have stopped this, but his principles were not strong enough. Now instead of facing down Nancy he will have to face the voters.
Funny thing is, Nancy probably won't even be the Speaker after November so he could have skated by. Now he won't be there either way.
"But, for Wales?"
Those who sold their souls so cheaply, do so because they do not truly believe in a power over them wielding justice. This is a mistake, for even the lowly power of the people will charge them before the highest makes it permanent.
Does anybody really take Atrios seriously? And if so, should we really take them seriously?
I don't hate Stupak because he did exactly what I was expecting him and every other so-called "Blue Dog" to do, which is run home to mama. Did anyone really expect anything different? I mean, really?
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