February 3, 2010

"We exist! We exist! Please, let this mean something!"

Stephen Colbert being especially brilliant:

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Word - Cognoscor Ergo Sum
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorEconomy


Peano said...

I got to 2:31 before I had to shut it off. Painfully boring. How you found anything brilliant in that tripe is beyond me.

traditionalguy said...

Does Colbert write his own stuff? He is on the cutting edge of boring for sure.But he expresses a personal point of view which is refreshing these days.

chickelit said...

The part about Twitter is at 4:01.

Meade said...

"Except for who we really are. 'Cause that's kind of personal."


Joe M. said...

I like Colbert. He's funny. Here too.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Oohh, its not so bad.

Jason (the commenter) said...

When my friends ask me what I Tweet about, I tell them I Tweet pictures of everything I eat and then pictures of everything I poop.

Of course, I make a point of always taking pictures whenever we go out to eat, and had been doing so long before they asked about Twitter.

al said...

Colbert brilliant? I don't think there is enough alcohol in the house to make that happen.

bagoh20 said...

Does anyone else here fear the future more every day?

Anonymous said...

Oh god, "I'm" the elitist I've been hunting down.

rhhardin said...

Colbert's WORD never works for me; the comic timing is all wrong, so much as to be wince-inducing.

vet66 said...

More New Age navel gazing except now it is electronic lint analysis. It is hilarious that people reduce themselves to the discreet parts of their existence in search of the very meaning found in the sum total of the parts dissected.

Narcisissm is the predictable outcome of a society that electronically "reaches out to touch someone" sitting next to you.

Bob Ellison said...

I agree with most above: Colbert is boring. He seems mostly to be trying to satirize pseudo-intellectualism, but somehow he comes off as one who doesn't even grasp that concept very well.

MikeR said...

What a bunch of grumps. I liked it.

mariner said...

We've been metaphorically hearing Colbert's crap for years.

Now he wants us to hear about it literally.

Phil 314 said...

I struggle with Colbert at times, too many layers of irony (I think.) This was funny.

Colbert does illustrate the Peter Principle. He was better on the Daily Show when we had him in smaller bites. He has risen to his highest level of incompetence.