Isn't it funny how she caught our attention with her scrawled-on hand? I picture her — hanging out with Todd today — laughing at how absurdly fascinated everyone is with her.
Hey, Palin fans! Here's an idea: Ink a list of 4 items on your left hand with the second one crossed out. Take a photo of it and link to it here.
Variation: Make up a list of 4 items with the second one crossed out for some other person's hand, for example for Barack Obama or Harry Reid or Andrew Sullivan or ... anybody. This too can be done as a photograph.
Come on. It'll be fun.
IN THE COMMENTS: Palladian delves into my Flickr-stream and finds this:
AND: Palladian also says "Obama doesn't solely rely on his teleprompter friends..."
"... as you can see in this digitally-enhanced enlargement":
Following your instructions:
Cross out "my" and add "Todd's".
Remember, we can't do crossout.
Yeah, I'm sure she and her staff just love the fact that the crib notes on her hand are the main thing people are talking about with regard to her Tea Party convention speech. Good attempt at trying to turn lemons into lemonade.
This whole kerfuffle is particularly funny because Palin was criticizing Obama for supposedly needing to use a teleprompter, when he proved that was nonsense with his recent Question Times with GOP congressmen and Democratic senators. And people wonder why she's an easy punch line. It is to laugh.
Hey I didn't have time but Ritmo asked me to forward a photo of his hand!
Is it full of Titus's shit?
How, please, are notes... on paper, on cards, on a hand... the equivalent of a teleprompter?
I get that the only real "sin" on the left is hypocrisy, but conflating "notes" with "teleprompter" in order to twist the observation to mean "Obama should never use notes" in order to criticize Palin for using notes... that's a stretch. It really is. And obviously so.
somefeller: This whole kerfuffle is particularly funny because Palin was criticizing Obama for supposedly needing to use a teleprompter
Hey libtard, huge difference bewtween reading your speech off a script and jotting five words on your hand.
"when he proved that was nonsense with his recent Question Times with GOP congressmen and Democratic senators."
Again libtard, that was a debate, not a speech. Who brings a teleprompter to a debate? You are "proud" that Obama didn't need a teleprompter for a debate? Really?
The bigorty of low expectations, I guess. I bet you "forgot he was black" too.
somefeller's hand:
Ignore Althouse instructions
Spin the speech
Try to find irony when there is none
Spend Sunday stewing in my hate
(remember to cross something out)
"... libtard ..."
What would Sarah say?
Some, is it really impressive to not answer anything asked and attack straw men without a teleprompter?
Ink a list of 4 items on your left hand(...)
I'm amazed that anytime Palin opens her mouth or even shows up it is taken as a direct attack on Obama.
And every attack on her is a deflection of some perceived slight to the One.
I have given many speeches, and would be loathe to talk for any length of time without some simple notes. Yes, a few words written on my hand or a piece of paper. Scribbles usually. One's mind can easily go blank in such situations. A glance at the words brings all the preparation back to mind.
Now, now Fen, "libtard"? Did you not get enough sleep last night? Need to elevate your game there. Especially now that Sarah has declared all derivations of the word "retard" to be verboten under the most recent edition of the conservative PC handbook.
And Tommy, I'm laughing, not hating on this fine Sunday.
Who dat?
outside the box posts
Althouse's idea
draw new commenters
refresh refresh refresh
draw line on 2, change to Meade's
Aha! I found a suspicious one in the proprietor's Photostream! Detail!
"What would Sarah say?"
Probably not "libtard."
She did repeatedly use the term "lame-stream media" though.
Oh, wait... I get it... -tard. Yeah, she wouldn't care for that. Obviously.
I was thinking, though, that she makes an effort and clearly did in her Tea Party speech, to keep a door open ;-) to Democrats who might be open to small government ideas and because of that she'd probably disapprove of "libtard" even without the "tard" part.
She very clearly and repeatedly advised the people she was speaking to not to reject candidates with differing views so long as they got the essential small government part right.
Newly uncovered video of Palin's prep:
ISTM a person who uses the left hand might be a sinistrophile, or maybe even a dexterophobe, but not a sinistrophobe.
Just sayin'.
Bristol and Willow prompt from stage right:
Obama doesn't solely rely on his teleprompter friends, as you can see in this digitally-enhanced enlargement.
President Obama,
Yes We Can
Hope and Change
I Won
Let Me Be Perfectly Clear
Change line 2 to just "Hope" because Obama is like Bush
But you see... Althouse asked for us to write on our *left* hands... which a left handed person would find difficult.
Thus, anti-lefty instructions... sinistrophobe.
Andrew Sullivan's palm:
Post outside the box
Sarah is a fake mom
Attract new inmates
Repost, repost, repost
Cross out 2, substitute Sarah is a man
Appropriate that "squirrel" is crossed out because Ms. Palin is SQUIRREL!! to the Dems.
c3's got that right.
I hope Crack Emcee shows up to read palms.
The Hand of Omega (er, Obama)
Hey somefeller,
What about the Vice President. The intellectually challenged, babbling, bumbling, drooling, cretin and moron.
Sarah Palin is a member of Mensa compared to Joe Biden.
How do you feel about having a total fool as a heart beat away from the President.
First, I'm a die hard conservative. As such, I despise personality cults. Why aren't people seeing that Palin is creating a personality cult every bit as much as Obama? Her speeches and statements are empty platitudes. If this is what the tea party has become, it's already dead.
If Palin wants to impress me, she can come up with a viable federal budget for the next four years that shows substantive cuts in spending. She can detail how to restructure medicare and social security so that people who have paid into the system and planned on it aren't fucked over but neither are future generations.
I've had it will all this Obamaesque grandstanding.
Oh, snap! That reminds me; breakfast.
Miss Sarah has had all of us, especially the Faux Aristocrats of the Left, in the palm of her hand for two years, if we're honest about it.
Synova said...
How, please, are notes... on paper, on cards, on a hand... the equivalent of a teleprompter?
I get that the only real "sin" on the left is hypocrisy
For the Left, hypocrisy is only a sin if it can be used against Conservatives. There is no such thing, in their eyes, as a hypocritical Lefty. Witness Gloria Steinbrenner's defense of Willie after the Kathleen Willey-Juanita Broaddrick (sp?) revelations.
PS Like the new comments masthead. Encouraging as many new people as possible to join in only improves the conversation and prevents this blog (unlike the little green one) from becoming an echo chamber.
I believe that this is an Alaskan custom similar to putting ducktape on ones face. When a brain freeze from Katie Couric shoots in from the left, put palm of hand to eyes and ask yourself what play would Peyton Manning have run in this formation. Sweep right is usually the winning answer.
Sarah is telling all us libtards, as well as the President of the United States, to talk to the hand.
Forget her fricken hand, did you see her heels? Yowza!
Everyone makes notes. She used index cards during the speech, didn't she? So who cares about some notes on her hand? Certainly not that dead chick buried in The Won's t-shirt.
At least she can speak without having the whole speech flashed in front of her face like Barry.
The game is afoot: (1) Don't wink at the audience unless the speech is dull.(2) Blame Obama.(3)Admire old white men who are the base. (4)Remember to make Bristol show me her EPT results. Then cross out 4 because Soccer Moms have faith in goal tenders.
Is "libtard" any worse than "rethuglican" or "democrap"?
Newly uncovered video of Palin's prep:
Bristol and Willow prompt from stage right:
Y'know, Twitter's fine and all, but I don't like the use of or tinyurl. Masking the destination url is bad. I have no idea if I'm being taken to a news site or a pr0n/war3z-fest.
Yeah, I'm sure she and her staff just love the fact that the crib notes on her hand are the main thing people desperate to denigrate her in any way possible are talking about with regard to her Tea Party convention speech.
Fixed that for you.
@Palladian and @Jane, I'm really surprised.
I thought Obama only used red ink.
I have an Andrew Sullivan crib sheet photo here .
This was fun, great post.
Ann: "... libtard ..."
What would Sarah say?
She would prob yell at me and demand an apology.
But then, I'm not an administration official representing the POTUS.
Witness Gloria Steinbrenner's defense of Willie after the Kathleen Willey-Juanita Broaddrick (sp?) revelations
Ah yes, its not sexual assault if he stops groping your breasts after you say "stop!". That was priceless.
"The New Democrats: Our principles are as flexible as our interns. Join NOW! and get a pair of kneepads autographed by Gloria Steinem!"
Can't top Palladians phtoshops but Obama's might read:
Exciting game
No predictions!
Korman korman
What a dumb word!
What about the Vice President. The intellectually challenged, babbling, bumbling, drooling, cretin and moron
Bumblefuck Biden.
But at least won't say "Marine Corpse"
Why aren't people seeing that Palin is creating a personality cult every bit as much as Obama?
If you listened to her speech, she said the same as you - warned the audience that this should be about ideas and not personalities.
Libtard: Now, now Fen, "libtard"? Did you not get enough sleep last night? Need to elevate your game there.
For someone who equates 5 words written on the hand to Obama's reliance on a teleprompter? Nah, no reason to up my game. I called it right, you are a Libtard.
Lawgiver! Hahahahahahahaha sharpen knife hahahahahahahah crossed out hahahahahahah
I'm dyin' over here.
Who Dat!
Geaux Saints!
Cross out "Colts."
Small hands - I only need three.
Joe @ 3:45
Dude, chill. Sounds like you need a good laxative.
[Palin] warned the audience that this should be about ideas and not personalities...
Warning the audience of that doesn't prevent a personality cult from forming around her.
If I were in my right mind and not a hopeless libtard, then I would get behind Sarah Palin's candidacy in 2012, and I would get behind all her ideas in the meantime. I wouldn't question her. To me, being under her banner would be the most important thing in the world.
I would join her personality cult.
It wouldn't take any effort on her part. All she has to do is exist... and maybe throw out some of those advanced teachings to her loyal followers every once in a while.
In addition to the insanity of comparing notes on the hand to addictive use of the teleprompter, the minions of the left, pundits and commenters alike, are bleating about her lack of "proposals," "plans," and "real agenda" for America.
Evidently, they haven't noticed that she is a private citizen who has not declared her candidacy for any office and is not in need of a platform.
Of course, even if she does run, they will never understand that offering up a litany of new government solutions does not appeal to Palin and others who see government as part of the problem.
I think it was Reagan who said: "The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so."
Liberals seriously want to conflate someone who cannot talk to 11 year olds without a teleprompter to a woman who gave an hour long address to a group of adults with four concepts written on her palm?
I really don't think they want to invite those comparisons.
"[Palin] warned the audience that this should be about ideas and not personalities"
Julius Ray Hoffman: Warning the audience of that doesn't prevent a personality cult from forming around her.
Yes Julius. You are responsible for your own actions. I know its a novel concept, but...
I would get behind Sarah Palin's candidacy in 2012, and I would get behind all her ideas in the meantime. I wouldn't question her. To me, being under her banner would be the most important thing in the world. I would join her personality cult. It wouldn't take any effort on her part. All she has to do is exist...
Yes, we know. Its the same reason you fell for Obama's con. Again, look in the mirror and you'll see the problem.
You're a Tory. Like most libtards, you need a strong Che-like leader to tell you what to do.
Cue Libtards quoting Tina Fey as something Palin said, in 3 2 1...
My hand (with notes in preparation for my keynote speech for a national convention of a new party), and Pres. Obama's hand.
My choice for my blogging crib sheet
Fen said: "that was a debate, not a speech."
Does it even qualify as a debate? I didn't see much of it, but my understanding is the GOPers were not allowed any follow-up questions (in which case, they were very stupid for agreeing to that format).
You're a Tory.
Right on! I would love to support a new conservative movement if they had someone like Margaret Thatcher at the helm. She is one fine political leader!!! She's even better than Reagan, who was our recent best. Ever since their time, our pathetic so-called "leaders" have paled in comparison. Thatcher's clarity, moral conviction, and her ability to communicate forcefully and comprehensively is unmatched in recent history.
Thinking about Margaret Thatcher makes reading Sarah Palin's palm seem like a senseless endeavor.
If she really wants to play with the media, all she need write is, “There’s no E in P-O-T-A-T-O."
WH flickr fanboy posts another puzzler.
(h/t Insty)
Obama palm-writing:
"strike" 50 "strike"
57 states
Tories are conservative. Labor is liberal.
WV: leotard = the lion of Oz.
Great minds think (almost) alike. (I have the first thing in the last item crossed out, not the second.) I did that earlier today when I first heard of Handgate. If these are the End Times, then Eliot was wrong -- we're not going to go out with a whimper, we're going out with a whine.
You know the left keeps losing because they can't stay on message with their end-goals(socialism). They keep veering off into personal attacks, ad-hominem and just general nastiness. If they had a more disciplined approach that put anti-socialists constantly on the defensive they might just win in the long run. But the great American center doesn't like their brand of nastiness and much prefers the sweeter approach(justice, compassion, mercy) instead of "let's bash the filthy rich" rhetoric.
This contest merged with Instapundit's other caption contest.
Rest assured the left has as much contempt for Margaret Thatcher thirty
five years ago, check any Python references to be sure. What was it Rushdie, Maggie Magpie in terms only
less over the top then Sullivan, And one can't forget spitting image and the like in the 80s.
Oh for cripes sake, Titus. That last comment was the equivalent of pulling Palladian's pigtail.
So you have a "thing" for him?
i can t write anything at all on my hands
and i only have 960 brain cells
it s a wonder i remember anything at all
Who brings a teleprompter to talk to a bunch of 6th graders?
@narciso- True, true. But if someone of Margaret Thatcher's caliber were around now, there would be a lot less people left on the Left to maintain the contempt. Sensible people will follow someone like her in the right direction, toward the Right.
What I find the most frightening about this brouhaha is so many people who seem to be completely unacquainted with the mundane practice of speaking from notes. I mean, you don’t have to be a member of Toastmasters to know about this.
Is it because they were never taught how to give a speech in school?
Never studied the lives of famous people who give speeches?
Are illiterate?
Only write on their computers so never think in terms of making notes about anything?
From what I've been told Brits are taught in school that Thatcher was a warmongering neocon who created huge unemployment and ruined the country. The Left still runs that place; she was a post-WWII anomaly.
Tories are conservative. Labor is liberal.
"The term Tory or Loyalist was used in the American Revolution to describe those who remained loyal to the British Crown. Since early in the eighteenth century, Tory had described those upholding the right of the Kings over parliament."
Which is demonstrated by the American Left's habit of clinging to strongman Che-like cults of personality. Your dominant genes are from those who enjoyed scraping before the Queen.
And apologies for forgetting I need to speak s-l-o-w-l-y for the Fricken Libtards here.
They say history doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme. True the tories are likely to return after a dozen years
in exile, under Cameron, the Heath
of the 21st Century. The real powerhouses in the party, like Hannan
are in the European Parliament or other places.
She probably had a bit of a wry laugh at the whole thing, although
it does show that too many are willing to ignore her message, that's fine it will continue to grow in crescendo
Yes, Fen, you are correct. The Right's worship of Sarah Palin does indeed echo "the American Left's habit of clinging to strongman Che-like cults of personality". The Right ought not to take up the dangerous habits of the Left. It would be better if the Right were open to criticism of Palin and its other conservative leaders; only by considering such criticism to be constructive will American conservatism reform into a competitive political movement. It would be better too if the Right responded thoughtfully and thoroughly to such criticism instead of engaging the Left in mindless reactionary media-driven performance art.
fen, others, she read the speech from cards or papers. If you watched the speech she looked down constantly at the podium.
If you think all those dozens to hundreds of times she looked down, and heard the way she delivered the speech and thought it was all based on three things written on her hand, you're nuts. She was not looking at her hand till the (staged, I think) Q&A.
Obama reads speeches on the promter, as all politicians do, and does well on his feet unscripted.
You cant really think she did tat 45 min speech off her hand, can you?
And the Left does it again. This will only make Palin seem more human, and I imagine she'll happily admit to doing it all the time.
There are true, undoctored photos of Sarah Palin's hand at Rick Perry's Rally that do show that Sarah does have a great sense of humour...
She did write Hi Mom on her hand and there is more than one photo of it.
check out the url to confirm for yourself...
Sugar is toxic.
Caffeine kills.
..and now Someone's asking for lead poisoning !
You cant really think she did tat 45 min speech off her hand, can you?
Never said she did. We're discussing a libtards comparison with word written on Palin's hand VS Obama's dependence on a teleprompter.
They are not equivalent.
Ritmo: It would be better if the Right were open to criticism of Palin and its other conservative leaders
Oh bullshit. We're open to criticism of Palin, not the demonization of Palin.
You know this. Quit playing at being a Libtard.
Someone ought to retouch that photo, Philip. It looks like Perry is flipping everyone off. Ack!
Looks like Palin has a "hello" shout-out on her hand... so she remembers the name.
Maybe she can give Obama pointers about how, if he's going to mention an individual during his speech, that actually having the name is nice.
Did that say "Hi, Andy?"
LOL! Oh, way too funny if it did.
The things that make Palin popular with the average WalMart shopper are exactly the things that make certain people hate WalMart.
Therefore, they will never understand why (or how) Palin is shaking their world.
Great things are built on simple, solid ideals. Obama understood that with the hopey/changey stuff, but hope and change are actually lousy basics for governing. Getting laid, yes; governing, no.
I want to see more substance from Palin. But have no illusions that Obama has ever offered more than two reasons to vote for him, and the third (and any others beyond) were entirely found in the imaginations of his supporters.
Well Fen excuuuuuuuuse me. I never head Tory used for American before and how was I to imagine you were harking back to revolutionary history to describe somebody presently when those terms are in present day use?
But thank you for the explanation anyway.
Context should have tipped you off.
But sorry for the vitriol, I didn't mean to direct it at you. I've always found you to be fair and reasonable.
A problem with Palin's offering "substance" is that "substance" is too often equated with "new ideas," when small-gov't conservatives are justly leery of new ideas, finding that the tried-and-true is often the best way to go. (Hence "conservative"...) So pretty much no matter what she offers, if she sticks with conservative principles, it'll be cast by some as "same old," she'll be cast as "without ideas" (rather than as "rejecting the idea of flailing around trying stuff randomly or based on our feelings of how things should work out"), and conservatism will (again) be cast as "intellectually bankrupt."
None of which is likely to be true. But there ya go; in order to win the hearts and minds of our dedicated gate-keepers and agenda-setters, you have to up the ratings.
I should note that I'm not a Palin-ite, or whatever the term is; I'm just amused at the things her opponents - and I think you'd have to include the national media in that group, given their coverage - choose to hang their hats on.
Sarah is so funny! This is the real deal. Check out her left hand at yesterday's Rick Perry's event.
Old joke
What do they call "people [who] hate WalMart"?
I'm surprised that this didn't get a comment from you on the Robert Mitchum character's hands in Night of The Hunter.
Palin makes me embarrassed to be a white woman. She is an indictment of the "college" from which she FINALLY received her diploma. She is uneducated, and as incurious as a brick. We are the laughing stock of the free world when we idolize morons like her.....
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