February 7, 2010

At the Superb Owl Tavern ...

... you can watch the big game and talk about it all you want.

(Posted in response to a specific request by Trooper York. The photograph of the superb owl is by left-hand.)


Anonymous said...

Owl = Hoot Hoot = Hooters = Boobies = Sarah Palin

I understand that an especially offensive GoDaddy ad will be on during the game.

Meade said...

Who'll dat be at the top of the NFL food chain?
I predict the Colts will answer dat question.

Trooper York said...
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blake said...

Aren't most of the men going to be too busy beating their wives to actually post?

wv: remended

Trooper York said...
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ricpic said...

This whole thread is a hoot.

Michael Haz said...
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JAL said...

Just don't save any of the feathers.

Or leave them out where anyone can see you if you do.

Trooper York said...
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jayne_cobb said...

Damned snow has completely screwed up my plans for the day.

I need to get friends with 4 wheel drive.

rhhardin said...

I captured a sick owl once (spotted on the ground by my Doberman Susie) and put him in a cardboard box in the shade, and labelled the box in huge black magic marker letters: OWL.

The rehab people took not only the owl but also the box.

WOL seemed like it would be too obscure for rehab people.

Jason (the commenter) said...

The blog description is dead and Althouse is messing with Trooper's head.

Rose said...

Beautiful pic!

traditionalguy said...

That is one sad owl. He must have heard that Global Warming has flown away and that Global Freezing has come this year upon the Owls that survived the Wind Turbine Farms massacres. He is wisely thinking of becoming a Republican owl.

rhhardin said...

Maybe it will be another Heidi bowl.

What's on after it?

Anonymous said...

Is it halftime already? There's the Whooo!

Trooper York said...
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Penny said...

Real sports' fans won't touch their dials, but for all the rest of you...

Don't forget to watch the Puppy Bowl on the Animal Planet!

Just way too CUTE, and on repeat for the rest of the night.

Michael Haz said...
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chickelit said...

Penny wrote:
Don't forget to watch the Puppy Bowl on the Animal Planet!

That halftime show was purrfect!

Irene said...

I wish they'd televise the President's Bipartisan Superbowl Party.

Trooper York said...
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Unknown said...

Although new to me (given Mrs. Goodwin's reputation, I take her revelations with a grain of saltpeter), the gist of Troop's anecdotes are why I gave up on pro sports about thirty years ago.

Irene said...

I wish they'd televise the President's Bipartisan Superbowl Party.

Only on the SyFy channel.

Michael Haz said...
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Trooper York said...
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BJM said...

It's so hot when youse guys talk sports.

So what y'all eating/serving today?

We're braising up a mongo beef shank in Guinness, garlic, peppers & onions until it falls off the bone to scoop up on sour dough bread, the Pioneer Woman's crash hot potatoes and a huge bowl of crunchy sliced fennel, red onion and cucumbers tossed with Meyer lemon vinaigrette. Of course the usual suspects; guacamole, salsa and freshly fried tortilla chips will be scarfed in copious quantities.

Whole strawberries and pineapple spears to dip in sour cream and brown sugar and ice cream sandwiches made with split brownies will figure in there somewhere too...serving order anarchy tends to take over when there's a room full of crazed sports fans.

Oh, Go Colts!

themightypuck said...

I would definitely buy that book.

Beth said...

I'm at a superbowl party and not likely to spend time typing on my iPhone, but just one more time:

Geaux Saints! All the way! I believe!

Trooper York said...
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themightypuck said...

I don't even want to watch this game which means it will probably be great. Go Saints!!!

themightypuck said...

Also, awesome owl. I pretty much love all raptors. Or pictures anyway. We humans don't often think about death from the skies although I bet that's how the Superbowl plays out.

Palladian said...

That's a superb owl?!


Anonymous said...

Every Superbowl, my husband and I make dip with chili, cheese, and cream cheese. It's not a healthy dinner, but it sure hits the spot.

A few years ago, I saw Peyton Manning in a restaurant, and he totally checked me out. True story.

Trooper York said...
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Ann Althouse said...

I can't believe I'm sort of watching the game. I mean, it's on. I look at it a little.

reader_iam said...

That Tebow commercial which just aired was **real** offensive and polemical and everything, wasn't it?


reader_iam said...

"I look at it little."

I love that comment. (Seriously, I do.)

reader_iam said...

Two fun, food "factoids" I read this week (neither of which I can vouch for as to their truth or accuracy):

1. More food is consumed in the United States on Superbowl Sunday than any other day of the year, except for Thanksgiving.

2. More pizzas are ordered on Superbowl Sunday than any other day of the year, with Halloween coming in second.

Whatdya know?

Titus said...

I shit my pants today and no one cared. I am devasted. I wanted some empathy, bitches.

Trooper York said...
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pdug said...

Ironically, owls usually hunt small game

Titus said...

Could you imagine being in the locker room and seeing all those hogs? Totally woody.

reader_iam said...

Only time I regularly entered a male locker room was when I was a wrestling manager in high school. So, no, Titus I can't imagine, though I'm more than happy to take your word for it. : )

Oh, and I sure hope you weren't wearing anything expensive earlier today when you're...accident...took place.

Titus said...

Can I say I am mad about Pads and am excited that we are watching the game together. Pads, lift that fat up pull it to the side and let me devour you. Special Hugs Pad.

Cedarford said...

"We are stardust. We are golden. We are billion-year old carbon. And we've got to get ourselves back to the garden."

Joni Mitchell wrote it, I read...and it was 4 astrophysicists that figured out we were all made of stardust 10 years before Mitchell wrote the old song.

Now one of the remaining Brits on the "B2FH" team is dead. Geoffrey Burbige - a huge, booming man...Back to the matter he and his wife, another Brit and Nobel Laureate William Fowler figured out the origins of.

In 1957, in a long, groundbreaking paper in The Reviews of Modern Physics, Dr. Burbidge; his wife, E. Margaret Burbidge; William Fowler of the California Institute of Technology; and Fred Hoyle of Cambridge University — a collaboration noted by their initials B2FH — laid out the way that thermonuclear reactions in stars could slowly seed a universe that was originally pure hydrogen, helium and lithium, the simplest elements in the periodic table, with heavier elements like oxygen, iron, carbon and others from which life is derived.

His, his wife's failure to get in on the Nobel and Hoyles - was tied to their contrarian opposition to accepting the Big Bang by the politics of the day. Though the mood on "heretics" has changed considerably and vigorous skeptics, even those on the losing side like Burbige, are accepted.

Burbige was the 1st in his family to go past grammar school.

His wife Margaret is still alive. She was one of the 1st female astrophysicist PhDs.

Penny said...

I've never been in a male locker room. If it's anything like the men's room, which I HAVE been in a few times, ;) I will pass!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I watched the Tebow so called pro life ad and have no idea what the fuss was about.

Trooper York said...


The Saints went for it on fourth down and didn't make it.

I think Beth just slapped somebody.

Anonymous said...

If there's another lip-synching scandal in this year's halftime show, will they play the vocals off a Who DAT?

Penny said...

Beth slap someone? Oh I doubt that, Troop. She just seems soooo happy that her team made it to the Super Bowl.

You know those actors who get nominated for an Oscar who say that the honor was in the nomination, and being among all the terrific talent that year? Well those people remind me of Beth.

Trooper York said...

Well the problem is going to be with Pete Townshead because they told him they were going to play at halftime of "Toddlers and Tiara's" and he is gonna be really pissed.

Trooper York said...

Penny, I know she is very happy to be at the game but she has to be pissed at only two field goals at the half.

Maybe she should just use the Fabulous Moolah's famous sisscor kick move where she jumps up and wraps her thighs around the other woman's neck and then.....wait a minute that's too much information.

Better luck in the second half.

reader_iam said...

Son's immediate, umprompted comment when the Who show started: "How OLD are these people?"

DH: Papa's age. (Papa is DH's dad, so son's grandfather.)

Me (not out loud): Gulp. Dayum. He's right.

Trooper York said...

Wait a minute...are they gonna play "Won't Get Fooled Again"...because you know every time they play that they find another dead body in Miami.

Christy said...

Safe to say The Who are not lip-synching.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The old codgers are getting in the way of the lazer show..

Oh wait CSI is on..

Trooper York said...

Hey maybe next year they can somebody more revalent and contemporary....you know...like Bob Dylan.

Trooper York said...

You know Lem these guys should be stuck to a can of Tuna fish right next to Ted Williams.

Trooper York said...

Ten days to pitchers and catchers.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Easy on the beer Trooper ;)

Trooper York said...

You know they played the same set last night on that Time Life commercial for sounds of the seventies while I was watching Rhoda on American Life Network.

Trooper York said...

Lem, that was the funniest thing on this thread.

I salute you.

Freeman Hunt said...

Teenage Wasteland took on irony.

Big Mike said...

The halftime show is unwatchable.

From the looks of things Hoosier Daddy will be happier than Beth. But there's another half to go.

Sarah said...

It could have been worse - there could have been a wardrobe malfunction.

LoafingOaf said...

OMG the Super Bowl halftime show is boring beyond belief. This band is so over the hill.

Big Mike said...

@Lem, the folks who sponsored the Tim Tebow ad are utterly subversive. They got their adversaries to publicize the issue in all sorts of MSM outlets. The innocuous ad then makes those same adversaries look like shrieking harridans.

Well done!

Penny said...

"Maybe she should just use the Fabulous Moolah's famous sisscor kick move where she jumps up and wraps her thighs around the other woman's neck and then...."

GAWD! You alpha males and your lesbian fantasies. Makes me laugh every time.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Undercober Boss?

Sensors are not what they used to be.

reader_iam said...

because you know every time they play that they find another dead body in Miami.

Trooper, that drew a LOL not just from me, but also both DH and son.

Freeman: Yes! It sure did.

It could have been worse - there could have been a wardrobe malfunction.

Sarah: Well, there was Pete's belly display, and the lack of Roger body-flaunting. Do those count?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Doritos dog collar ad is the best so far.

Sarah said...

I was thinking more of the Janet Jackson variety - though what was seen was bad enough. Next year, I need to remember to switch to the Puppy Bowl at halftime.

LoafingOaf said...
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Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Onsite kick to open a half?

never seen that.

reader_iam said...

All that said, I think Roger is arguably much cuter now than he was when young. And Pete is definitely a better guitar player (technically speaking, anyway).

Quite encouraging, really.

Trooper York said...

Onsides kick. Oooooohhhhh the Colts mean business. Pointing both ways. Lets see....who has the ball.....pushing and shoving....SAINTS BALL.....OH BABY!

LoafingOaf said...

Well done, New Orleans.

reader_iam said...

OK. Time to think of food round two. Tacos. More than one kind.

Ken Pidcock said...

Watching the half time show, my son observed that Pete Townshend looks just like the guy in the 6 Flags commercial,

Trooper York said...
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Anonymous said...

People wanna let us c-c-croak
Just because we've had a st-st-stroke
I'm not tryin' to be a fussy p-patient
I'm just talkin' bout my g-generation.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Saints are playing like death is on the line.

I like the Saints to win. another first

Trooper York said...
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Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Can somebody sack loud mouth Payton Manning?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


anyone? anyone?

Anonymous said...

Is that a playlist on Manning's wrist?

Dude. Use a teleprompter. You'll look more qualified, and it will get in the way of the pass rush.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Go Bush

reader_iam said...


Fortunately, I planned ahead adequately and have tacos to suit those of various persuasions, by which variety it seems I'm perpetually destined to be surrounded.


reader_iam said...

If YOU were here, Trooper, I'd even try my hand at taco-flavored raviolis. And chili-oil infused fennel sald.

; ) xxoo

reader_iam said...


Sorin said...

More hot wings, firecracker shrimp and red beans and rice up next

reader_iam said...

"... . Watch all your Superbowl ads on demand..."

I assume there must be a critical mass of people who want to do this, on account of the whole supply-demand thing. And I further assume I must know a whole number of people who want to do this, both online and off.

Please come out of the closet, onlines and offlines! I'm fascinated. And supportive. (Though not particularly interested in reliving those ads myself.)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Saints got a break

Freeman Hunt said...

The Women's Media Center, which had objected to Focus on the Family advertising in the Super Bowl, said it was expecting a "benign" ad but not the humor. But the group's president, Jehmu Greene, said the tackle showed an undercurrent of violence against women.

"I think they're attempting to use humor as another tactic of hiding their message and fooling the American people," she said.


"Did you see that? Tim Tebow wants to beat the crap out of his mom!"

Yeah, okay. As a woman, can I protest the word "women" being in the name The Women's Media Center. I'd rather not have some group typing me and all my fellow women as a bunch of crazy harpies.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The 2 points conversion is good

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Another Big break for the Saints.

Somebody upthere likes them.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Yes Take ta Payton!

themightypuck said...

Who dat?

Peter Hoh said...

Yay Beth!!

reader_iam said...

Son's already over the moon, having thrown in his lot with the Saints weeks ago (despite pushback from extended family and friends alike). Apparently, his spirit is already pretty much all the way to joining Beth at her party in New Orleans--and my plaintive, "Come back! Come back! You're still my baby! Not old enough to go away and party with other people yet!" is for naught, for naught.

Well, *you* all knew it was gonna happen someday. *I* just hoped it'd be a tad later.

; )

reader_iam said...

Wait. Did his voice just start changing and deepening in the space of five minutes? (When I first started that last comment...but got interrupted.)

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Congratulations to the Saints and all their fans!

Beth said...

WHO DAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Freeman Hunt said...

So the Saints won?

Beth, you led me right.

Big Mike said...

I think there's a finite, nonzero possibility that Beth is very happy right now.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Congratulation Beth..

The Saints played their harts out.

themightypuck said...

Right now I really wish I was in New Orleans with a couple healthy livers on ice.

Freeman Hunt said...

The owl has a nice hairdo.

Ann Althouse said...

Congrats to New Orleans!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Sorry Meade..

Better luck next time.

Meade said...

Wow! What heart! Congratulations New Orleans!

Beth said...

Reader it's a family party. There's a nice 11 year old girl here. He's welcome!

reader_iam said...

Beth: Twitter seems to be down so (with apologies to the rest of you), I'm going put here what I was trying to do there [over 2 tweets]:

Preparing to fire up one and/or another of the New Orlean's playlists. Congrats, @elsbet and my son, among others! Though in my heart [c]

[c]of hearts I was rooting for the Colts (though quietly, cuz son felt betrayed by that) I LOVED the heart displayed by the Saints. @elsbet

Palladian said...

Was there some sort of sports competition today?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Ragin Cajun is on the platform.

Wahts he doing up there?

reader_iam said...

Reader it's a family party. There's a nice 11 year old girl here. He's welcome!

Great, Beth! Now you're not only encouraging him to come on down to New Orleans and party ...

... but you're ALSO implying you're ready to fix him up with an older woman!!


; ) xxoo

Freeman Hunt said...
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Freeman Hunt said...

Was there some sort of sports competition today?

No, but I think there was a show about a really great bowl. The Who even played on the show. There were horses there and very religious people too.

Dishes have never been so popular.

Ken Pidcock said...

That Tracy Porter bit was amazing. It started with his taking off on a full sprint. In my youth, I could never have imagined running that fast, let alone grabbing a football on the way.

Palladian said...

"No, but I think there was a show about a really great bowl."

Oh! I have some really nice 18th century Wedgwood bowls. I should have entered them in the competition! Although given how Townsend treats his own possessions, I wouldn't have let him touch my china.

Big Mike said...

And Danica Patrick topless. Let's not forget that.

Getting serious, she did very well in her first stock car race -- got spun out, recovered the car, got it back on the track, and came from the back of the pack to 6th place. Drives better than all but a handful of the guys on the track and gorgeous besides.

Dang. Them good ol' boys best watch out.

Anonymous said...

Father Capucci had a Saints jersey on under his vestments today at Mass. I think he was taking bets on the over/under from the Confirmation students. That was our "home" parish, two towns over in Scott Brown Country. In our town, we turn our Transcedentalist noses up at the likes of Scott Brown and other popular vulgarities.

At our "other" parish, in differently-snooty Cambridge, my son sang Saint Saens' Ave Verum in Latin, and Fr. Saltzman delivered an interesting homily on St. Peter being called to his apostleship, becoming a fisher of men, etc.

And not ONE of the priests there had on a football jersey, despite so many kids from the school winding up at Boston College.

What would Doug Flutie say?

Freeman Hunt said...
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Freeman Hunt said...

Those really are great bowls. From what I gather though, the competition wasn't decided on bowl merit. There was something with the religious people beating the horses (to death?) and that meant that the religious people won. I guess they were representing a bowl? Don't know what the bowl looked like, but I suppose it would have to be better than any bowl made by a horse.

Anonymous said...

BTW, congratulations Beth!

Next up, the Cubs win the World Series, and the World ends.

That'll be in 2012

Beth said...

Thanks everyone. They played Saints football and that carried the day. I love this team for their teamwork, discipline, lack of divas.

I see Bourbon street scenes on TV and it's full of happy New Orleanians, in all our beauty. It's peaceful because we know how to celebrate.

44 years! Geaux Saints!

Anonymous said...
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Elliott A said...

Pitchers and catchers report a week from Thursday.

Anonymous said...

Beth, as far as I could see, the official position of the Archdiocese of Boston was that it was a grave breach of faith for the Saints to lose.

Beth said...

Theo I am in my iPhone so I am limited in computereeze, but if you google Archbishop Hannan and Saints Prayer you might find evidence of longtime ecclesiastical devotion.

Anonymous said...

Beth: Well here it is! (The Prayer for the Saints that is, a PDF copy of the original)

WV = santed

Beth said...

We elected a new mayor yesterday.

The Saints won the Superbowl.

It's Mardi Gras.

Life is good.

traditionalguy said...

When the Saints Go Marching In, Beth will certainly be in that number. That is a great fight song for football Band music and cheerleader cheers. Can we find it on u-tube?

Maxine Weiss said...

There's a few too many men, including Mr. Althouse, who are spending far more time commenting at this site, than watching the game.

...and we all know what that means.


Beth said...

Tradguy - I think there's a million saints songs out there now. The big one this season is "stand up and get crunk" by the yingyang twins. There's the who dat/when the saints go marching in mix. I really like Rebirth Brass Band
version of when the saints go marching in. Search YouTube for it. It's great!

JAL said...

Congrats to Beth and all the Saints fans! Your guys played a great game.

Penny said...

Yay Beth's team!

Chris Arabia said...

Trooper York managed to squeeze a half sentence's worth of humor from his 12,000* words of blather. Awful.

*No way I'm wading back into this morass to get a more accurate count.

The Namath-Colts Super Bowl took place in 1969 (a self-proclaimed knowledgeable sports fan would know that), which I suppose might get another of the unfunny commenters to go into a lather.

I wish I could get back the time spent on this thread, but, absent that possibility, decided to double down by commenting.

That said, CONGRATS SAINTS. And any day the Colts lose is a good day.

Final verdict on the decade: Patriots are #1, Steelers and Colts tied for #2.

Anonymous said...

Stephen: If you've found, for example, that Trooper York is not your cup of tea, there is a handy, modern invention I'd like to recommend:

The scroll wheel.

This clever addition to your computer mouse allows you to zip right past those bores who might importune you with their blather.

And I myself have discovered another name to fly right past without further ado.

WV = bugends

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