February 27, 2010

At the Prospect Hotel...


... you can shoot the moon.


kentuckyliz said...

That looks very pre-springy.

And pre-horrible accident. Meade shouldn't stand in the middle of the street.

kentuckyliz said...

Hey, the comment interface changed!!!!!

kentuckyliz said...

Ruins the WV game, because your comment is half-posted (no more typing) by the time you get the captcha.

My last comment's WV was: bally

That will make Titus happy.

HKatz said...

Preternatural. A man struck still in the middle of the street by the sight of the moon.

Before you know it, he's going to have a snout, fur and sharp fingernails.

veni vidi vici said...

I love the ad for that Jonathan Krohn book in the margin: "The voice of conservatism has changed"...

No, as to Mr. Krohn it has only cracked, pubescently.

* Sad that there's no more word verification; that stuff was fun!

veni vidi vici said...

* I spoke too soon.

Penny said...

"That looks very pre-springy."

Love the optimist in you, liz! There's snow on the ground, yet you speak of spring. Well, pre-spring. But close enough.

Penny said...

Anyone feel like prospecting for gold by the light of the moon?

Chip Ahoy said...

Fruit salad in pictures and no words.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Anyone feel like prospecting for gold by the light of the moon?

Ecstasy of Gold.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Moonlight Serenade

Penny said...

I see we got ourselves a theme here, Lem. Excellent!

The rule of Lemnity said...

Shoot the Moon.

Thanks for the company Penny.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Walkin After Midnight

The rule of Lemnity said...

Moon River

The Crack Emcee said...

Nice photo.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Moonlight Sonata

Penny said...

Welcome for sure, Lem. In fact I am thinking about trying to do an "official" link. Triangle man left some instructions in one of yesterday's posts.

Penny said...

Gold Dust Woman and Tinkerbell?

Penny said...

OH MY! I did it! Thanks so much, Triangle Man!

The rule of Lemnity said...

Blue moon

The rule of Lemnity said...

Nice song Penny... you did it.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Fly Me To The Moon ..

Not the best out there but..

Penny said...

Thanks, Lem. In fact, I did it twice now! They say three times is the charm.

Deborah M. said...

Wow, last day of February already. I will be 60 in 10 days.

Unknown said...

Madison looks as if it's had a lot less snow than Akron. We can't catch a break this year; we get something from everybody else's storms.

Deborah said...

Wow, last day of February already. I will be 60 in 10 days.

60 is not as intimidating as it sounds. Have a piece of cake for me.

Ralph L said...

Do we need the Jack of Diamonds?

You can see your VW if you preview.

AllenS said...

This new commenting thing sucks.

Ralph L said...

I like it much better than the old one.

ricpic said...

Walking home I was stopped
By the moon in the treetops.
Say not that life is thin --
Magical quotidian.