Oh, garage, give it a rest. If you go out to the YouTube page you'll see that there are hundreds of these. It's an internet artform.
My husband laughed so hard at this last night I had to come over and see what it was. The litany of Obama's broken promises killed me.
More than anything else, this video is a sign that the bloom is off the rose. Mocking Obama and his agenda is becoming popular. If Obama and the Democrats don't course-correct quickly, he really will be a lame duck for the rest of his term.
I love these Downfall-based parodies! Unfortunately, YouTube is kept outside the corporate firewall; and the image on my LG Lotus phone is too small for me to read the subtitles. Arrrgh. The frustration!
Garage, if you actually watched the video, you'd see Hitler is having a breakdown after getting bad news. Sort of like you are doing in this forum. If you want to believe conservatives enjoy watching Hitler portrayed as a sad sack, then I think you are probably right.
The parody was spot on showing Hitler being a behind the scenes king maker of President Obama, who should have stuck with Hillary. Everyone knows that George Soros is the Hitlerian puppet master of the Demokrat's forces dedicated to world domination once the USA's power is neutralized from within. How did Barry Obama get admitted to and thru Harvard Law School ( and Law Review Editor who never wrote an article) with all of his expenses paid again? The big smiling, half-African Obama was selected for his current duties a long time ago by some king maker. And Barack knows that driving pick-up trucks was never a skill required in his ascendency. Their are not many pick-ups trucks in Eastern Europe anyway.
Obama had better NOT be a lame duck! He had better have the intelligence and cojones to make a mid-course correction, like Bill Clinton did. Obama sucks, but America with a weak president sucks even more.
It would be a hopeful sign if Obama fired David Axelrod and replaced him with a less tone-deaf political hack, like James Carville.
He was a socialist. You're a socialist. Come on, dude, get with the program. It ain't that difficult.
Well lets be fair Crack, Hitler was a murdering racist socialist and that isn't the garage mahal we all love and pity. No, Stalin is more the model of the current crop of progressives since he was a socialist and equal opportunity murderer.
What Joan said--the funniest one of these was the ohio state loss to southern cal--i gotta tell you--whoever does these things should be writing for SNL--they are hilarious!!
I'm never a fan of Hitler references, even in jest. It's a visceral thing. I could never watch Hogan's Heroes, which got a bunch of Emmy nominations! The War, the Holocaust, this was all so horrid that I can find no comedy in any reference, no political sense in any comparison of anything but massive genocide.
This goes for you too, Garage. "Dreaming of Hitler" my ass. What crap.
I could never watch Hogan's Heroes, which got a bunch of Emmy nominations!
Werner Klemperer who was a German Jew fled with his family to the US in 1935. He agreed to play Klink because he was to be a bumbling fool, as were all the Nazis depicted in the show.
Humor can be as powerful a tool in tearing down an opponent.
Well lets be fair Crack, Hitler was a murdering racist socialist and that isn't the garage mahal we all love and pity. No, Stalin is more the model of the current crop of progressives since he was a socialist and equal opportunity murderer.
C'mon you love Hitler and Mao. It's all you can talk about. You want one you can call your own.
I saw the original movie "Downfall" a few days ago. Parts of it were hard to watch-- especially what Herr Goebbels does-- but overall it was fascinating and thought-provoking.
It's strange to see that there was a personal side to Hitler. Watching him interact with the people around him reminds you that he too was human. A monster, of course, but still human.
The most fascinating bit for me was when, at one point in the film when he knows he has lost everything, Hitler claims that at least he provided a bulwark against Communism's invasion of the West. Which is sorta true.
C'mon you love Hitler and Mao. It's all you can talk about. You want one you can call your own.
Oh garage my little liebchen, when it comes to dictators, I'll have to settle with none other than Abraham Lincoln. A GOP's GOP he was. Now there was a guy who wasn't afraid to put the Bill of Rights in a lockbox during a crisis, deal with America hating Democrats and he knew how to put down an insurgency.
So how about you and I belt out a tune. I'll sing the Star Spangled Banner and you can do The Internationle
JRH... Hitler is still fascinating today because he tried to prove that intensly practiced evil with the forces of a Nation State behind it fully staffed with educated scientists and engineers and unrestrained by any morality except worshipful obedience to the personal Fuhrer (the One) would always triumph. And most Germans loved that idea and the robbery of the wealth from the Jews and the conquered countries, until they woke up one morning and found Zhukov's and Patton's tanks rolling down their streets. Choices, choices.
Now there was a guy who wasn't afraid to put the Bill of Rights in a lockbox during a crisis, deal with America hating Democrats and he knew how to put down an insurgency.
Garage you should be overjoyed at this turn of events, you really should. This is paving a road to the White House for your girl Hillary! A really wide one to make room for her giant rear end to take over and send the former very junior senator back to Chi-town.
You know garage, you guys should like Der Fuhrer more than us. Hitler didn't smoke, didn't drink (evil vices they were) had high taxes, loved animals (especially dogs!) and enacted the most progressive environmental laws at that time. I mean if it wasn't for the genocide...well now that I think on it considering how you liberals are all about global warming and saving the planet, I guess you probably have that angle covered too.
"I don't know any liberals that dream of Hitler and Mao like you do. Clearly, they are on your mind a lot."
LOL! Yea, like we're the ones who were handing out Mao's little red book, or sporting Che' t-shirts, or trying to enact Hitler's policies (as stated above by Hoosier Daddy) as our own. Jeez.
Garage, conservatives think about Hitler (and Mao and Stalin, etc.) becuase you Lefties insist on acting like them.
Forewarned is forearmed.
PS I loved that video. Only Barry isn't the one playing Dolf, it's RahmBO; I'll bet he's doing all sorts of DeNiro/Caponish things to Coakley's picture.
Without seeing your old lady's rear end, I wouldn't have anything for comparison.
Oh garage you disappoint me. Now I didn't go and bring your lovely wife into the debate but as usual you have proved that nothing is off limits to liberal douchebaggery.
Next thing you'll be saying Palin gave birth to my kid.
Barry Obama ... Law Review Editor who never wrote an article)
Oh for the love of Pete. Why do commenters keep repeating this untruth? The HLR published Obama's student note on fetal rights against its mother in the case of Stallman v. Youngquist, 125 Ill. 2d 267, 531 N.E.2d 355 (1988).
The citation is 103 Harv. L. Rev. 823-28 (1990). You can read it at the Tax Prof Blog:
You're not going to post one article - one - and seriously contend that disqualifies the statement entirely, are you?
He also had his name *added to a bunch of bills* during his last year as an illinois state senator, because he discovered no one would take him seriously as a U.S. senator if he'd never done anything but vote "present" after 7 years - does that make him a "lawmaker" as well?
Pretty lame, in my opinion. There's no real arc to the dialog or payoff at the end. After a promising start it just turns into a laundry list of Obama fails.
After Failed Bid to Elect Democratic Senator in Massachusetts, Obama Asked to Campaign on Behalf of Smoking in Hopes of Making It Much Less Popular http://optoons.blogspot.com/2010/01/after-failed-bid-to-elect-democratic.html
You're not going to post one article - one - and seriously contend that disqualifies the statement entirely, are you?
Sure, because one is the requirement. Further, the statement is comparable to saying, "You can't be a parent if you only have one child." Writing a student note is part of being on law review. If the note is good, it gets published. While on Law Review, Obama wrote a note that was good enough to get published.
Now, you can ask why Obama didn't write any LR articles when he was a Senior Lecturer at U of C. To stay in academia he would have had to, but he used his time for other pursuits.
Well he's either taking Brown's win really hard or he's on his period.
It started off wish some shit Folgers work coffee. Then read moaning from Evan Bayh, a shameless corrupt Democrat responsible for most of the ills in this country today.
I would seriously swim a river of piss to vote against Bayh. Dem, Repub, Tea Party, Communist. Don't matter.
It started off wish some shit Folgers work coffee. Then read moaning from Evan Bayh, a shameless corrupt Democrat responsible for most of the ills in this country today.
Damn garage you are having a bad day. Folgers? Evan Bayh? I mean wow! Here I am thinking that the Bush-Cheney Fourth Reich was responsible for all of the ills of the world and now I learn that the Democratic Senator of my beautiful state is responsible for the ills of our Great Republic.
Yea, Bayh votes with Cheney. He's an actual warrior when it comes to big banks, wars, and his wife at Wellpoint . But the very first one to retreat when it comes to his own party.
Sigh. I posted this, I think on Sunday. It's okay, not everyone can read all the links posted here by commenters. But this is the kind of thing that discouraged me in the past from posting here.
Happens to me all the time. Thing is, who you are matters more than what you say. Only solution is to make more people aware of who you are. You've done that here, as far as I'm concerned.
It's okay, not everyone can read all the links posted here by commenters. But this is the kind of thing that discouraged me in the past from posting here.
garage - "I would seriously swim a river of piss to vote against Bayh. Dem, Repub, Tea Party, Communist. Don't matter."
Garage, garage! You are already swimming in your river of piss in denying the obvious. And more the pity because I have no doubt your idol Hillary is off somewhere cackling away at the Obama slapdown and circling 2012 on her calendar.
Hillary dutifully talked to the Obamites about her lessons learned in excess secrecy, backroom deals, and not reaching out to the other side in explaining how healthcare reform might be done on a bipartisan basis. Used former Clintonistas to advocate. And what happened was Obama-Pelosi said "we know best", shut up and go away Hillary. You failed. "It will be a simple matter for us to ram this through and STILL keep trial lawyers, unions, and Dodd's insurance companies happy".
I tell you, Hillary is cackling.
Maybe even working Obama through proxies.."Stand tall Mr. President. Don't back down. Nancy won't appreciate it!"
Werner Klemperer who was a German Jew fled with his family to the US in 1935.
I don't think halakhically Werner was Jewish. His father, Otto Klemperer was a German Jew who came to the US in 1933 to become musical director of the LA Philharmonic. Werner's mother, the former Johanna Geisler, was born Johanne Elisabeth Meyer to a single woman in Hannover. A neighbor couple named Geisler took her in and raised her.
The Hitler video is apt. Hardly any differences between the "Twenty-Five Points" Program of the German National Socialist Workers Party and the current Democ.rats platform: see for yourself: http://socialismsucks.net/
You might recall how all this got resolved the last time: eradication.
I've been reading on U.S. communists. During WWII, US commies were silent about the German Socialists till the morning of Barbarossa, 6/22/1941 ... Just sayin'. Islam is a religion of Peace.
Until 1970, Werner Klemperer would have been Jewish enough for Hitler to gas, but not Jewish enough to have the right to immigrate to Israel. In 1970, the right of return was extended to everyone that Hitler would have gassed.
During WWII, US commies were silent about the German Socialists till the morning of Barbarossa, 6/22/1941
Back when the US was a neutral nation? The US was not allowed to trade with any belligerent until March of 1941, when the Neutrality Act was amended to let us sell munitions to the French and British.
I liked Downfall generally. The scenes outside the fuhrerbunker were excellent and helped put the events underground in context, particularly the set representing the Reichs Chancellery exterior. The bunker sets were less convincing, however (they used some old bits of the former East Berlin metro system as bunker sets). Cramped as these sets were they were much too roomy, the ceilings were too high, the lighting too even and soft, the walls smooth and painted. The real fuhrerbunker was a veritable concrete cavern.
Bruno Ganz as Hilter was a bit disappointing as well. His Fuhrer was just a bit to prone to fly off the handle - nearly every Hitler scene climaxes with a wild rant. That may have been historically accurate, but dramatically it somewhat irksome.
There is a better film about the same material, but it's about 20 years old and difficult to find, "The Bunker," an HBO made for TV movie featuring Anthony Hopkins as Hitler, the late Richard Jordan as Albert Speer, and Piper Laurie, who gives an absolutely shattering performance as Magda Goebbels.
Back when the US was a neutral nation? The US was not allowed to trade with any belligerent until March of 1941, when the Neutrality Act was amended to let us sell munitions to the French and British.
That's not quite the case. Under the terms of the Neutrality Act before the March 1941 amendments US flagged vessels could not transport weapons or strategic materials to belligerent nations, nor could US corporations and banks extend overseas credit for the purchase of these contrabands. However, the Act did not forbid Britain or any other country from buying US goods as long as they paid in cash or kind and transported their purchases in ships other than US flagged vessels. The policy was called Cash and Carry. Under the terms of the Neutrality act a German submarine arrived in Baltimore (it was late '39 or early '40) with a cargo of synthetic textile dyes, something the German chemical industry had a near-monopoly of back then. This was exchanged for about 30 tons of tungsten ingots.
During WWII, US commies were silent about the German Socialists till the morning of Barbarossa, 6/22/1941
Back when the US was a neutral nation? The US was not allowed to trade with any belligerent until March of 1941, when the Neutrality Act was amended to let us sell munitions to the French and British. 1/20/10 7:23 PM
Really? RLY?!?!? I honestly wouldn't have expected you to come out as an outright defender of communism. Wow, every time I think you have limits...is it NECESSARY to defend communism in order to toe the current Dem or leftist party line, or is that really the hill you want to die on?
C'mon, are you really ignorant of "Premature Anti-Fascists?"
BTW I believe there was a Nazi racial category called "Mischling" which covered disposition of people with mixed Jewish heritage. There was a book in my youth - Mischling, Second Degree. Can't remember much more than that at present. Happily they were not IIRC executed, this bunch - teenage girls - but it's not as if the notion were strange to them.
>C'mon, are you really ignorant of "Premature Anti-Fascists?"
And are you ignorant of the fact that the US Communist Party was from the moment of the non-agreession pact in August of 1939 until the day the Germans invaded Russia in June of 1941 opposed to any US assistance to the Allies?
Victoria, I clicked your link a few days ago, back when the vid only had a couple thousand hits. So, don't worry, you may not get credited, but we do enjoy your effort.
Please use the comments forum to respond to the post. Don't fight with each other. Be substantive... or interesting... or funny. Comments should go up immediately... unless you're commenting on a post older than 2 days. Then you have to wait for us to moderate you through. It's also possible to get shunted into spam by the machine. We try to keep an eye on that and release the miscaught good stuff. We do delete some comments, but not for viewpoint... for bad faith.
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If I ever get around to seeing "Downfall" I'll crack up when I get to this part.
I almost fell off my chair.
Haiti just got hit again.
Hysterical. And true!
What's up with conservatives always dreaming of Hitler.
Mitchell and Webb hava a better Fuehrer narrative YouTube.
garage, could you please cry your tears into this vial? There might be cocktails later.
Oh, garage, give it a rest. If you go out to the YouTube page you'll see that there are hundreds of these. It's an internet artform.
My husband laughed so hard at this last night I had to come over and see what it was. The litany of Obama's broken promises killed me.
More than anything else, this video is a sign that the bloom is off the rose. Mocking Obama and his agenda is becoming popular. If Obama and the Democrats don't course-correct quickly, he really will be a lame duck for the rest of his term.
What's up with lefties always acting like Lennon?
Also, everyone should see the real Downfall, it's a fantastic movie.
Lefties are worse than Lennon. Lennon hated Mao. The Obama-zombies hang ornaments with his image on the White House Christmas tree.
I love these Downfall-based parodies! Unfortunately, YouTube is kept outside the corporate firewall; and the image on my LG Lotus phone is too small for me to read the subtitles. Arrrgh. The frustration!
That course correction should have happened in November after the first round of elections in VA and NJ. It's too late now; he's already a lame duck.
Garage, if you actually watched the video, you'd see Hitler is having a breakdown after getting bad news. Sort of like you are doing in this forum. If you want to believe conservatives enjoy watching Hitler portrayed as a sad sack, then I think you are probably right.
What's up with liberals always dreaming of teabags?
It never gets old does it?
Meanwhile Howard Dean blames the loss of the Kennedy seat on...George Bush.
I am not sure Bush deserves the credit, but okay.
I was wondering when someone did a Downfall parody.
The parody was spot on showing Hitler being a behind the scenes king maker of President Obama, who should have stuck with Hillary. Everyone knows that George Soros is the Hitlerian puppet master of the Demokrat's forces dedicated to world domination once the USA's power is neutralized from within. How did Barry Obama get admitted to and thru Harvard Law School ( and Law Review Editor who never wrote an article) with all of his expenses paid again? The big smiling, half-African Obama was selected for his current duties a long time ago by some king maker. And Barack knows that driving pick-up trucks was never a skill required in his ascendency. Their are not many pick-ups trucks in Eastern Europe anyway.
Obama had better NOT be a lame duck! He had better have the intelligence and cojones to make a mid-course correction, like Bill Clinton did. Obama sucks, but America with a weak president sucks even more.
It would be a hopeful sign if Obama fired David Axelrod and replaced him with a less tone-deaf political hack, like James Carville.
That was hilarious. One of the best of those kinds of things I've seen yet.
Who knew fictional Hitler was so freakin' versatile?
Hilarious and Professor, you won me back, forever! Yep, he should have stuck with Hillary, a problem dictators always make!
wv: deisen volk suck!
What's up with conservatives always dreaming of Hitler.
Don't worry garage, I'll see if I can find a similar parody but with your hero Stalin instead. Or maybe a Mao skit. That should warm your soul.
Oh wait, you're a liberal so you don't have one of those.
"What's up with conservatives always dreaming of Hitler."
He was a socialist. You're a socialist. Come on, dude, get with the program. It ain't that difficult.
He was a socialist. You're a socialist. Come on, dude, get with the program. It ain't that difficult.
Well lets be fair Crack, Hitler was a murdering racist socialist and that isn't the garage mahal we all love and pity. No, Stalin is more the model of the current crop of progressives since he was a socialist and equal opportunity murderer.
What Joan said--the funniest one of these was the ohio state loss to southern cal--i gotta tell you--whoever does these things should be writing for SNL--they are hilarious!!
I'm never a fan of Hitler references, even in jest. It's a visceral thing. I could never watch Hogan's Heroes, which got a bunch of Emmy nominations! The War, the Holocaust, this was all so horrid that I can find no comedy in any reference, no political sense in any comparison of anything but massive genocide.
This goes for you too, Garage. "Dreaming of Hitler" my ass. What crap.
I loved one of the original ones which was about Microsoft Flight SIM.
There's a great line from another President Obama one.
Hitler: "He's the worst leader since...since..since.."
Random Officer: "Hitler?"
Hitler: "That's not funny Colonel Godwin!"
Stupid jetpack Hitler.
I could never watch Hogan's Heroes, which got a bunch of Emmy nominations!
Werner Klemperer who was a German Jew fled with his family to the US in 1935. He agreed to play Klink because he was to be a bumbling fool, as were all the Nazis depicted in the show.
Humor can be as powerful a tool in tearing down an opponent.
Well lets be fair Crack, Hitler was a murdering racist socialist and that isn't the garage mahal we all love and pity. No, Stalin is more the model of the current crop of progressives since he was a socialist and equal opportunity murderer.
C'mon you love Hitler and Mao. It's all you can talk about. You want one you can call your own.
I saw the original movie "Downfall" a few days ago. Parts of it were hard to watch-- especially what Herr Goebbels does-- but overall it was fascinating and thought-provoking.
It's strange to see that there was a personal side to Hitler. Watching him interact with the people around him reminds you that he too was human. A monster, of course, but still human.
The most fascinating bit for me was when, at one point in the film when he knows he has lost everything, Hitler claims that at least he provided a bulwark against Communism's invasion of the West. Which is sorta true.
C'mon you love Hitler and Mao. It's all you can talk about. You want one you can call your own.
Oh garage my little liebchen, when it comes to dictators, I'll have to settle with none other than Abraham Lincoln. A GOP's GOP he was. Now there was a guy who wasn't afraid to put the Bill of Rights in a lockbox during a crisis, deal with America hating Democrats and he knew how to put down an insurgency.
So how about you and I belt out a tune. I'll sing the Star Spangled Banner and you can do The Internationle
JRH... Hitler is still fascinating today because he tried to prove that intensly practiced evil with the forces of a Nation State behind it fully staffed with educated scientists and engineers and unrestrained by any morality except worshipful obedience to the personal Fuhrer (the One) would always triumph. And most Germans loved that idea and the robbery of the wealth from the Jews and the conquered countries, until they woke up one morning and found Zhukov's and Patton's tanks rolling down their streets. Choices, choices.
Now there was a guy who wasn't afraid to put the Bill of Rights in a lockbox during a crisis, deal with America hating Democrats and he knew how to put down an insurgency.
There you go. Always dreaming of Hitler.
Garage you should be overjoyed at this turn of events, you really should. This is paving a road to the White House for your girl Hillary! A really wide one to make room for her giant rear end to take over and send the former very junior senator back to Chi-town.
You know garage, you guys should like Der Fuhrer more than us. Hitler didn't smoke, didn't drink (evil vices they were) had high taxes, loved animals (especially dogs!) and enacted the most progressive environmental laws at that time. I mean if it wasn't for the genocide...well now that I think on it considering how you liberals are all about global warming and saving the planet, I guess you probably have that angle covered too.
Without seeing your old lady's rear end, I wouldn't have anything for comparison. What's big? Maybe it's bigger than Hillary's?
wv - lametaxi
You know garage, you guys should like Der Fuhrer more than us.
Like I said, I don't know any liberals that dream of Hitler and Mao like you do. Clearly, they are on your mind a lot.
garage, could you please cry your tears into this vial? There might be cocktails later.
Oh, *that* made me laugh. Thanks, Freeman.
"I don't know any liberals that dream of Hitler and Mao like you do. Clearly, they are on your mind a lot."
LOL! Yea, like we're the ones who were handing out Mao's little red book, or sporting Che' t-shirts, or trying to enact Hitler's policies (as stated above by Hoosier Daddy) as our own. Jeez.
As the saying goes, "What a maroon!"
Garage, conservatives think about Hitler (and Mao and Stalin, etc.) becuase you Lefties insist on acting like them.
Forewarned is forearmed.
PS I loved that video. Only Barry isn't the one playing Dolf, it's RahmBO; I'll bet he's doing all sorts of DeNiro/Caponish things to Coakley's picture.
garage is intentionally being a pissy little titty baby today!
Without seeing your old lady's rear end, I wouldn't have anything for comparison.
Oh garage you disappoint me. Now I didn't go and bring your lovely wife into the debate but as usual you have proved that nothing is off limits to liberal douchebaggery.
Next thing you'll be saying Palin gave birth to my kid.
garage is intentionally being a pissy little titty baby today!
Well he's either taking Brown's win really hard or he's on his period.
Barry Obama ... Law Review Editor who never wrote an article)
Oh for the love of Pete. Why do commenters keep repeating this untruth? The HLR published Obama's student note on fetal rights against its mother in the case of Stallman v. Youngquist, 125 Ill. 2d 267, 531 N.E.2d 355 (1988).
The citation is 103 Harv. L. Rev. 823-28 (1990). You can read it at the Tax Prof Blog:
Does it get funny, because it didn't start that way, and all I see is an enormous godwinning.
What about Bushitler?
You're not going to post one article - one - and seriously contend that disqualifies the statement entirely, are you?
He also had his name *added to a bunch of bills* during his last year as an illinois state senator, because he discovered no one would take him seriously as a U.S. senator if he'd never done anything but vote "present" after 7 years - does that make him a "lawmaker" as well?
Quit covering for the guy:
You voted for a loser.
Pretty lame, in my opinion. There's no real arc to the dialog or payoff at the end. After a promising start it just turns into a laundry list of Obama fails.
After Failed Bid to Elect Democratic Senator in Massachusetts, Obama Asked to Campaign on Behalf of Smoking in Hopes of Making It Much Less Popular http://optoons.blogspot.com/2010/01/after-failed-bid-to-elect-democratic.html
You're not going to post one article - one - and seriously contend that disqualifies the statement entirely, are you?
Sure, because one is the requirement. Further, the statement is comparable to saying, "You can't be a parent if you only have one child." Writing a student note is part of being on law review. If the note is good, it gets published. While on Law Review, Obama wrote a note that was good enough to get published.
Now, you can ask why Obama didn't write any LR articles when he was a Senior Lecturer at U of C. To stay in academia he would have had to, but he used his time for other pursuits.
Well he's either taking Brown's win really hard or he's on his period.
It started off wish some shit Folgers work coffee. Then read moaning from Evan Bayh, a shameless corrupt Democrat responsible for most of the ills in this country today.
I would seriously swim a river of piss to vote against Bayh. Dem, Repub, Tea Party, Communist. Don't matter.
And you wonder why I don't like liberals,...lame.
It started off wish some shit Folgers work coffee. Then read moaning from Evan Bayh, a shameless corrupt Democrat responsible for most of the ills in this country today.
Damn garage you are having a bad day. Folgers? Evan Bayh? I mean wow! Here I am thinking that the Bush-Cheney Fourth Reich was responsible for all of the ills of the world and now I learn that the Democratic Senator of my beautiful state is responsible for the ills of our Great Republic.
I mean zoinks and like wow.
Yea, Bayh votes with Cheney. He's an actual warrior when it comes to big banks, wars, and his wife at Wellpoint . But the very first one to retreat when it comes to his own party.
The whole Youtube Hitler series is awesome.
garage mahal said...
C'mon you love Hitler and Mao. It's all you can talk about. You want one you can call your own.
If the shoe fits, dribble-dick.
Yea, Bayh votes with Cheney. He's an actual warrior when it comes to big banks, wars, and his wife at Wellpoint .
Must suck being a liberal nowadays.
(Via Instapundit.)
Sigh. I posted this, I think on Sunday. It's okay, not everyone can read all the links posted here by commenters. But this is the kind of thing that discouraged me in the past from posting here.
This stuff Garage has been posting would make great Downfall subtitles.
Bayh has betrayed me! Why has the Steiner attack not begun?
But this is the kind of thing that discouraged me in the past from posting here.
Don't be discouraged. With so many comments, I'm sure Althouse can't read them all. Somebody certainly saw the vid earlier when you posted it.
Happens to me all the time. Thing is, who you are matters more than what you say. Only solution is to make more people aware of who you are. You've done that here, as far as I'm concerned.
What's up with lefties always acting like Lennon?
And who is the favorite Beatle of the right? Ringo?
It's okay, not everyone can read all the links posted here by commenters. But this is the kind of thing that discouraged me in the past from posting here.
Poor Victoria, nobody pays any attention to her.
Freder, we don't have an extra vial, so if you could use this funnel and length of tubing to share with garage, that would be most helpful.
You know Freder, you don't have to be a complete dick every day of your life. Or maybe that's just part of being a lefty.
Evan Bayh, a shameless corrupt Democrat responsible for most of the ills in this country today.
Spoken like a teabagger. When, oh when, will this hateful hate stop?
OK, so I guess on this thread "Boring is good" doesn't work.
garage - "I would seriously swim a river of piss to vote against Bayh. Dem, Repub, Tea Party, Communist. Don't matter."
Garage, garage! You are already swimming in your river of piss in denying the obvious. And more the pity because I have no doubt your idol Hillary is off somewhere cackling away at the Obama slapdown and circling 2012 on her calendar.
Hillary dutifully talked to the Obamites about her lessons learned in excess secrecy, backroom deals, and not reaching out to the other side in explaining how healthcare reform might be done on a bipartisan basis. Used former Clintonistas to advocate. And what happened was Obama-Pelosi said "we know best", shut up and go away Hillary. You failed. "It will be a simple matter for us to ram this through and STILL keep trial lawyers, unions, and Dodd's insurance companies happy".
I tell you, Hillary is cackling.
Maybe even working Obama through proxies.."Stand tall Mr. President. Don't back down. Nancy won't appreciate it!"
Werner Klemperer who was a German Jew fled with his family to the US in 1935.
I don't think halakhically Werner was Jewish. His father, Otto Klemperer was a German Jew who came to the US in 1933 to become musical director of the LA Philharmonic. Werner's mother, the former Johanna Geisler, was born Johanne Elisabeth Meyer to a single woman in Hannover. A neighbor couple named Geisler took her in and raised her.
Because the Nazis were such sticklers for Halaka.
"Off to the camps with you."
"But only my father was Jewish."
[Studies Talmud.]
"Oh. That's OK,then.
What's so funny, I work in this office.
The Hitler video is apt.
Hardly any differences between the "Twenty-Five Points" Program of the German National Socialist Workers Party and the current Democ.rats platform:
see for yourself: http://socialismsucks.net/
You might recall how all this got resolved the last time: eradication.
I've been reading on U.S. communists. During WWII, US commies were silent about the German Socialists till the morning of Barbarossa, 6/22/1941 ... Just sayin'.
Islam is a religion of Peace.
Until 1970, Werner Klemperer would have been Jewish enough for Hitler to gas, but not Jewish enough to have the right to immigrate to Israel. In 1970, the right of return was extended to everyone that Hitler would have gassed.
During WWII, US commies were silent about the German Socialists till the morning of Barbarossa, 6/22/1941
Back when the US was a neutral nation? The US was not allowed to trade with any belligerent until March of 1941, when the Neutrality Act was amended to let us sell munitions to the French and British.
Finally came home. Saw video. Laughed guts out!
Hoosier Daddy wrote:
Must suck being a liberal nowadays.
It sucks being garage mahal any day.
Back when the US was a neutral nation?
There were plenty of Americans who criticized the Nazis despite America being officially neutral.
I liked Downfall generally. The scenes outside the fuhrerbunker were excellent and helped put the events underground in context, particularly the set representing the Reichs Chancellery exterior. The bunker sets were less convincing, however (they used some old bits of the former East Berlin metro system as bunker sets). Cramped as these sets were they were much too roomy, the ceilings were too high, the lighting too even and soft, the walls smooth and painted. The real fuhrerbunker was a veritable concrete cavern.
Bruno Ganz as Hilter was a bit disappointing as well. His Fuhrer was just a bit to prone to fly off the handle - nearly every Hitler scene climaxes with a wild rant. That may have been historically accurate, but dramatically it somewhat irksome.
There is a better film about the same material, but it's about 20 years old and difficult to find, "The Bunker," an HBO made for TV movie featuring Anthony Hopkins as Hitler, the late Richard Jordan as Albert Speer, and Piper Laurie, who gives an absolutely shattering performance as Magda Goebbels.
former law student wrote:
Back when the US was a neutral nation? The US was not allowed to trade with any belligerent until March of 1941, when the Neutrality Act was amended to let us sell munitions to the French and British.
That's not quite the case. Under the terms of the Neutrality Act before the March 1941 amendments US flagged vessels could not transport weapons or strategic materials to belligerent nations, nor could US corporations and banks extend overseas credit for the purchase of these contrabands. However, the Act did not forbid Britain or any other country from buying US goods as long as they paid in cash or kind and transported their purchases in ships other than US flagged vessels. The policy was called Cash and Carry. Under the terms of the Neutrality act a German submarine arrived in Baltimore (it was late '39 or early '40) with a cargo of synthetic textile dyes, something the German chemical industry had a near-monopoly of back then. This was exchanged for about 30 tons of tungsten ingots.
Blogger former law student said...
During WWII, US commies were silent about the German Socialists till the morning of Barbarossa, 6/22/1941
Back when the US was a neutral nation? The US was not allowed to trade with any belligerent until March of 1941, when the Neutrality Act was amended to let us sell munitions to the French and British.
1/20/10 7:23 PM
Really? RLY?!?!? I honestly wouldn't have expected you to come out as an outright defender of communism. Wow, every time I think you have limits...is it NECESSARY to defend communism in order to toe the current Dem or leftist party line, or is that really the hill you want to die on?
C'mon, are you really ignorant of "Premature Anti-Fascists?"
BTW I believe there was a Nazi racial category called "Mischling" which covered disposition of people with mixed Jewish heritage. There was a book in my youth - Mischling, Second Degree. Can't remember much more than that at present. Happily they were not IIRC executed, this bunch - teenage girls - but it's not as if the notion were strange to them.
Beg pardon - in Mischling, Second Degree, Ilse's identity was concealed.
>C'mon, are you really ignorant of "Premature Anti-Fascists?"
And are you ignorant of the fact that the US Communist Party was from the moment of the non-agreession pact in August of 1939 until the day the Germans invaded Russia in June of 1941 opposed to any US assistance to the Allies?
Victoria, I clicked your link a few days ago, back when the vid only had a couple thousand hits. So, don't worry, you may not get credited, but we do enjoy your effort.
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