Ayla was on the show back in the days when I did a lot of "American Idol" blogging, so let's see what I said about her. It was 2006, the year Taylor Hicks won and Katherine McPhee was the top female.
February 7, 2006:
There was the beautiful basketballer Ayla Brown, who belted robotically but made it on athletic attitude. Simon said the brilliant words that could stand as a critique of the whole show: "There's something empty about it all."February 21, 2006:
Ayla Brown, the beautiful basketballer. She motivates herself by thinking about how Simon called her "robotic" and "empty." She's singing some cheesy song in a horribly cheesy style. Oh, it's something like "Reflection." It's harsh and abominable. She puts that pop-groan into it, but I'm not embarrassed for her, because she's so pretty and so tall. When she's done, she says, "I just feel so complete," as if she'd just had sex with herself. Appalling! But will the judges complain? Again with the praise. Is there no relenting? Simon calls her a "hard worker" with "a limit." But he credits her with "some emotion." Disgusting overpraise!March 7, 2006:
Ayla Brown is just atrocious but the judges are very kind to her, perhaps because she looks fabulous -- really tall! -- and was adorable in the film clip talking about how when she was a kid she believed her dad was Elvis Presley. They don't want her to go.March 9, 2006:
[M]y two picks to leave -- in the female category -- are in fact leaving. Ayla fights not to completely burst out crying. Oh, don't feel sorry for her. She's beautiful, tall, a basketball player, and a straight-A student. She'll be fine.Ha ha. Well, they are a lovely family, and they seem to know how to leverage their loveliness. Does Scott Brown deserve to be Senator? I don't know enough about him to say, but I certainly suspect that his extreme handsomeness is a good part of the reason why people are responding to him so enthusiastically.
I can't stand it.
If a post could drip ... this one would be doing it.
Meade is going to be one happy man tonight.
Boo ya!
He should be renamed: Hot Brown
@Crack I knew exactly what I was doing there and here. Don't get over-inflated thinking you're the only one who perceives things. You might trip up and fail to see that you are doing that... which would be a failure to perceive.
Listening to Ayla & the James Montgomery Band right now, thanks to the link. That band has been around forever, I used to hear them regularly when I lived in Boston, and that's almost 15 years ago now. I think I even have one or two of their CDs around here. Anyway, she sounds good to me, but she does kind of look a bit robotic, as you noted back in 2006.
That Cosmo spread cracked me up.
Well I just listened to the link of him slapping around David Gergen-and bringing up the cuts to military Tricare-in the health care bill.
The guy is sharp.
But, the Democrats can try to trivialize him all they want.
Crap I read that damn Tricare section and I was afraid they were going after that.
btw-Tricare is headquartered in Madison Wisconsin...
-Hell if I know if Tricare is headquartered in Madison but it's the address they always list-for all I know they've got three people opening the mail in Madison.
Ayla? Is that Celtic?
Um - Sorry, but he's not handsome. Not even close. He's just not fat. You really have lowered the bar.
Even his centerfold spread is just kind of ehhhh.
Do all straight people have taste that is this bad?
And people aren't responding to him. You just choose to read polls that are biased. It's called brainwashing. Just like you did with Hoffman.
And when you're proven wrong, and he loses by 15 points, you'll ignore it.
What can Brown do for you?
Let's face it, she's actually doing what every young woman watching that show would like to do if they could.
And, to her credit, she's kept that in perspective in terms of the rest of her life. She's in college, plays varsity basketball and is enjoying her life to the fullest.
Just saw his response to an attack ad of Coakley's.
He needs to get a hold of Bob McDonnell's campaign advisors.
His response was close to correct but he needed to hit on what he could do for Massachusetts's voters and their concerns more.
Bob McDonnell has the one two punch of being a military officer and a prosecutor, which translates to having the discipline to stay on message.
Your opponent wants to talk about-
You say-one, two, three.
One , two , three-
I'm talking about, jobs, the economy and "x" whatever "x" would be for Massachusetts-after all-"all politics is local".
[That's something the Republicans forget when they slam after North East Republicans for not being "conservative" enough.]
...and American Idol starts again tonight. I am not sure if I'll watch today, my laundry list of things to do is pretty long.
Now THAT is a stimulus package I can support!
WV "pesting" What dtl is trying, and failing, to do.
I don't think I'm the only one who perceives things - I suspected what you were doing, too - but I do know my track record, which is fucking sterling.
Now I'll hit you back:
Don't get in that liberal habit of shooting down someone because he's right and knows it. I don't have a case of the bigheads:
I'm right. I know I'm right, and you should start acknowledging when/that I'm right. I deserve it. I'm right. When need more people who can think correctly - not less - and deciding to dislike me because I'm aware others don't doesn't help me, or the country, or anyone else. As someone said on that other thread, they followed you into ObamaLand and now wants to know where you're leading them. I say lead them away from YOUR worst impulses, which - as far as I can see - are frivolousness in nature. (I wish I could remember who it was, but I was just reading someone, a few days ago, saying the election of Obama was an unserious act) Don't get to, or think of yourself as, patronizing me, Ann. I'm a grown assed man, and want to be treated according to whether I'm right or wrong in my assessments, just as we do every other blogger/commentator/thinker. I'm right more often than most people I read:
Why I need to be denied for it, I don't get. Maybe I should call Harry Reid and find out what the problem is.
Scott Brown in a Lt Col is the National Guard (or is it the Reserves -- nah, IIRC it's the National Guard.)
How about a debate between Obama and Brown, both shirtless? Think of the ratings!
I'm right. I know I'm right, and you should start acknowledging when/that I'm right. I deserve it. I'm right
You can be right, which you are. And you can also be pointing out, to some of us, the obvious.
There is a difference between being right and guiding people into changing their thinking and being a nag about it.
Don't let your frustration get the better of you.
Hey, Ann,
Look at this from yesterday. Got lots of coverage.
Look at TMR back in 2008. It got zip.
I want a public speaking role, or a debate with somebody, because this shit's gotta stop. Personally, I'm tired of listening to people who don't know shit, telling me how things supposedly are, as they fall apart. Debate me.
@Crack I was just telling *you* not to underestimate me.
"Do all straight people have taste that is this bad?"
Well, in last night's post, Palladian called him "Hawt." So you gay guys can work it out amongst yourselves whether Brown is good looking.
I agree that the 1982 photograph does not meet present-day male torso standards.
Thanks for the info-I thought I could see that...
He has a certain presence.
"YOUR worst impulses, which - as far as I can see - are frivolousness in nature."
Yes. About time someone pointed that out.
I gave him money, not because of his looks--in fact, that makes me worry that he might just be a pretty face--but he represents a shot at stopping the Obama agenda. I see it as the only chance.
Ann rewards bad behaviour...
[wv:nutspit-I shat you not.]
I agree that the 1982 photograph does not meet present-day male torso standards.
Speak for your bloody, birthday self!!
@Crack You got an Instapundit link yesterday, you know.
I agree that the 1982 photograph does not meet present-day male torso standards.
I'm willing to adjust my standards occasionally.
So that's all it takes to get a link -- crank out lucid and discombobulated New Age rants?
Um - Sorry, but he's not handsome. Not even close. He's just not fat. You really have lowered the bar.
This word "handsome." I do not think it means what you think it means.
I'm right more often than most people I read.
hahahahahaha. Of course you are. Just like every other blogger/blog-commenter on the internet.
First, let me say I know it's your birthday and don't want to ruin it. Happy Birthday, sincerely.
That said, I don't underestimate you - I think you're smart (I wouldn't want to debate a fool) - but, come on, it's smart in the intellectual vein Thomas Sowell is talking about in his new book (check out his talk on The Wall Street Journal) not in the manner that causes him, or I, to notice it's flaws.
I know I got an Instapundit link yesterday, and that you have something to do with that, but - while I am grateful - I don't think I don't deserve it. I've said as much many times. As far as I'm concerned, this isn't a test for me but for y'all:
How fair are y'all? Will you let your feelings about the messenger squash the message? I wouldn't. That's maturity.
"You can be right, which you are. And you can also be pointing out, to some of us, the obvious.
There is a difference between being right and guiding people into changing their thinking and being a nag about it.
Don't let your frustration get the better of you."
To "some" of you, yes, but I don't see anyone else actually trying to get us out of all this. Ann ain't leading no anti-NewAge crusade, which we need. What you call "nagging" I call stern guidance - which NewAge rebels against. They want to be free, for everyone to have a say, whatever, whether it's necessary or not. All ideas aren't created equal.
In that Thomas Sowell talk, he's asked what he would say to intellectuals to change their minds and he says "goodbye" because it will do no good to say anything to them. Why? They'll never get off the pot - because it does nothing to benefit them - screw everyone else, or the good it'll do for society, to hear someone who's actually correct in their assessments.
Joe M,
Prove me wrong.
Scott Brown, chest wielder.
madawaskan said...
Ann rewards bad behaviour..."
Stop that. She's doing no such thing. This is adults talkin' and you're being childish. As I said yesterday, there's a box that people are determined to keep others in - and it's wrong. This check that Ann is trying to put on me - "Don't get over-inflated thinking you're the only one who perceives things" - is how it works. I don't suffer from "a failure to perceive" (very NewAge-y language, there) but a failure to recieve - and I perceive that, clearly. I've seen the same thing in the music world: artists who I can out-perform hooked up with their friends and blocked me out. (Once, a fucking Sony executive called a reporter and told him not to write about me again or he wouldn't let him cover other artists.) It's just wrong and deprives us all.
Sorry but I think I deserve better.
You have to wonder about a man who would name his daughter after the heroine of the Clan of the Cave Bear silliness. It would be like naming your son Han Solo or Harry Potter.
FLS - "You have to wonder about a man who would name his daughter after the heroine of the Clan of the Cave Bear silliness. It would be like naming your son Han Solo or Harry Potter."
Look the name up, genius. It is an old but uncommon name. Hebrew origin. It is going up in popularity, but still hasn't cracked the top 200.
Nice theory, cedarford. Too bad it doesn't match up with reality:
Laser_jock Hello Ayla....How did your folks come to choose the name Ayla? My daughter is 18 and her name is Ayla
Ayla_Brown From the book, "Clan of the Cave Bear." It's a great book
"but I certainly suspect that his extreme handsomeness is a good part of the reason why people are responding to him so enthusiastically."
Is it correct to use "why" when you have written "the reason" and are going to state what that reason is?
When I was learning another language, I found out that it is possibly not correct English to say "the reason why." I learned this after I started to say the reason why in the other language and the teacher was horrified, and indeed when I say to myself, la razon porque, it truly is an abomination! Is the same true in English I wonder? Whole songs have been written with the title "The Reason Why."
it is possibly not correct English to say "the reason why."
Title of a great book on the Charge of the Light Brigade:
former law student said...
it is possibly not correct English to say "the reason why."
Title of a great book on the Charge of the Light Brigade:
That, of course, does not make it good English. Anyone remember a book, and later a movie, named, "Run Silent, Run Deep"?
I don't see anyone else actually trying to get us out of all this
Crack, I might tweak you now and then, but you're an original and interesting commenter. With that said... You've had some very specific, very personal things happen to you in your life having directly to do with "New Age." That's unfortunate. The rest of us haven't, so you can't expect the same, er, enthusiasm. Passion. Whatever. Even though (I'd guess that) a lot of people here share your derision for the whole dreamcatcher/patchouli set.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is... stop busting our balls!!
I'm right. I know I'm right, and you should start acknowledging when/that I'm right. I deserve it. I'm right. When need more people who can think correctly - not less - and deciding to dislike me because I'm aware others don't doesn't help me, or the country, or anyone else.
You and that lonewacko spammer should move in together.
You two could sit around all day acknowledging to each other how brilliant you both are, and commiserate about how truly sad it is that the rest of America refuses to listen to your detailed instructions on what they should do to make their lives perfect.
Why not? Until ClimateGate most of you - 3/4 of the planet it seems - were willing to go along with the shit. I didn't need those e-mails to spot a scam - a scam that would cost us trillions of dollars and our national sovrenity. It's part of NewAge thinking and, while seemingly harmless and good, was evil. You guys can't even spot racism (as yesterday's post showed) but you'll talk and talk and talk like you're saying something valid. When does common sense get a go?
I hear Rush (just today) declare he's right "99.9% of the time" but I'm the bad guy?
Explain to me how that works.
"You and that lonewacko spammer should move in together.
You two could sit around all day acknowledging to each other how brilliant you both are, and commiserate about how truly sad it is that the rest of America refuses to listen to your detailed instructions on what they should do to make their lives perfect."
Yea, it would probably go something like this:
Dude, guess what?
All the people with Obama/global warming/race/whatever remorse/misconceptions are now warning us not to get cocky!
Figures. They certainly were cocky when they dragged us into this shit. Now we've got to fight off every bad thing they brought us - while they stand in the way because they don't like the way we talk.
Like I said, frivolous - and dangerous.
"Run Silent, Run Deep"?
What's ungrammatical about "Run Deep"?
Breathe deep
the gathering gloom
Watch lights fade from every room
Bedsitter people look back and lament
Another day's useless energy is spent
Impassioned lovers wrestle as one
Lonely man cries for love and has none
New mother picks up and suckles her son
Senior citizens wish they were young
My friend Crack...I had to learn that when I express a final answer, then I have stopped people thinking, while my asking a question opens peoples minds. It is sometimes wiser to ask the right questions, and say your thoughts about the subject as if they are not the final answers to the question. While I have agree with your comments, it is not necessary that you always be right for me to enjoy your language usage style and your ardent expression of the need to see dangers in mainstreaming of the occult into society today. None of us have all of the answers right yet.
FLS, Garage - why are you incapable of being nice?
Of course not - hell, I was wrong that anyone would vote for Obama, wasn't I? - but this insistence that I be humble is wack. I am - in my own way - but I'll never be in the way that's implied that I should: that ain't me and never will be.
I say learn from Harry Reid:
There are stupid, arbitrary, parameters that are being put on people to be accepted and/or flourish - and the people who set those parameters are WRONG.
There is absolutely no reason why I should have to pretend to be humble when I've got almost 5,000 posts there nailing reality to the wall, while my detractors - the people setting those parameters - are traveling, buying new cars, speaking publicly, making videos and gaining glory - though they have a reputation for being on the wrong side of history.
Look, I iknow what you guys are saying but you ask too much. I'm even aware this probably played a role in my divorce - to NewAgers, I HAVE to be brought down a peg - but damn them all: they're WRONG, and all the evidence of our crumbling world, from following their lead, proves their wrong. What y'all want to kill is rightous pride - the thing that makes men men. They want to sink a stuck-out chest, living with honor, a passionate voice for good. Read feminist lit and it's everywhere. I don't buy it, I won't give in to it, and I ain't the one. Go find one of those "beta males" if you want to getting the same results (spoken of in The Misandry Bubble) they're always willing to step in and back up that shit, and they ain't hard to find:
Hell, there's Joe M right there.
"why are you incapable of being nice?
Better question:
When are you guys gonna grow a couple?
I hear Rush (just today) declare he's right "99.9% of the time" but I'm the bad guy?
Only .1 percent of the time.
I actually think the third party candidate, Joe Kennedy is hotter.
I also thought he was the best in the last debate when he got to speak.
I don't care for Coakley. She has no energy and is completely flat. She will win though by 10 plus points. If for some strange reason she doesn't Scott Brown will only be able to fill Kennedy's seat for the remainder of the term. Than, likely one of the other Kennedy's will run against him and bury him.
"My father served as the reality check to my youthful excess."
Pogo, on the 'Avatar' thread.
Like on this thread, most of this NewAge culture has been dedicated to trying to kill that man, or the impluse that led him to stop you, for decades now. They can't handle it. He was "mean", even as he did what he did because he loves you. They wrote awful "Cats in the cradle" songs about what he did to give you a future. They condemn the very passion that makes a man worthwhile and then break their hands applauding his demise - which, eventually, equals the demise of all:
They're fools.
Where were you yesterday when that stupid Harry Reid thread was going on forever?
I was sincerely hoping you'd stick your dick in there somewhere.
Crack...You have a special talent using your God given free speech. But you know that in a fight we all need allies. Try the "If they are not against me, than they are for me approach" with other commenters. Not everbody has the boldness to express themselves using your style. Also see, 1 Kings18:18-40 for a portrait of your style in action.
Crack wrote: What y'all want to kill is righteous pride - the thing that makes men men. They want to sink a stuck-out chest, living with honor, a passionate voice for good. Read feminist lit and it's everywhere.
Sixty-five, or so, years ago, another man wrote: And all the time ... we continue to clamour for those very qualities we are rendering impossible. ... We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.
I don't know that Brown meets either author's requirement for a man with a chest, but, speaking figuratively, I'm sure that Coakley does not.
So what are we mere mortals to do, Crack, abstain?
When does the wisdom of crowds give way to the meanness of mobs?
In the 1990s, Jaron Lanier was one of the digital pioneers hailing the wonderful possibilities that would be realized once the Internet allowed musicians, artists, scientists and engineers around the world to instantly share their work. Now, like a lot of us, he is having second thoughts.
Mr. Lanier, a musician and avant-garde computer scientist — he popularized the term “virtual reality” — wonders if the Web’s structure and ideology are fostering nasty group dynamics and mediocre collaborations. His new book, “You Are Not a Gadget,” is a manifesto against “hive thinking” and “digital Maoism,” by which he means the glorification of open-source software, free information and collective work at the expense of individual creativity.
He blames the Web’s tradition of “drive-by anonymity” for fostering vicious pack behavior on blogs, forums and social networks. He acknowledges the examples of generous collaboration, like Wikipedia, but argues that the mantras of “open culture” and “information wants to be free” have produced a destructive new social contract.
“The basic idea of this contract,” he writes, “is that authors, journalists, musicians and artists are encouraged to treat the fruits of their intellects and imaginations as fragments to be given without pay to the hive mind. Reciprocity takes the form of self-promotion. Culture is to become precisely nothing but advertising.”
From an article in the NYT on the new book, "You Are Not A Gadget"
I'm not sure how they're connected, but when I read this I thought of this thread. No, I am not a gadget, but a living, breathing human being, thrashing to be free from the confines of the thinking around me - and encountering the meanness of mobs, the tyranny of "nice", and, yes, the culture of NewAge.
What to do, elHombre? When I first started my blog, all my (real) friends told me to stop - it's too big they said - but I'd think of the moment in Alice In Wonderland when she turned on the Red Queen's army and said, "Oh, pooh, you're just a deck of cards!" and, sure enough, they collapsed.
My answer is don't bend - for friend or foe - see yourself as the men in "300". Fuck the bullshit: This is Sparta! Disconbobulate them, make them scatter, make them fight on your terms - reality, damn it - it's the only way. Otherwise, we're all suckers (again and again) for the next scam to come down the pike. Nobody would've fell for AGW if they'd had that attitude. Nobody would've fell for Bernie Madoff if they'd had that attitude. Nobody would've fell for Barack Obama if they had that attitude. James Cameron would be hounded now, instead of applauded, if we had that attitude. We've got to stand up for right, and ourselves, now.
I want friends as badly as anyone else, but not if they're gonna sell me out aty the first hint of trouble. I welcome such conflict - it's the whole point.
This nation needs a good family argument about what's what, who we are, where we're going - and I'm determined to be a part of it.
Now that I like, Crack.
That I like..
I will open my bible tonight (yes, I do own one, and a Koran, and a whole lot of other "holy books") and read as you say.
Thanks, guy.
From traditionalguy regarding TCE:
Also see, 1 Kings18:18-40 for a portrait of your style in action.
Glad someone else noticed that.
"When does the wisdom of crowds give way to the meanness of mobs?"
There were many quotes I could have picked from Jaron Lanier's words, so I arbitrarily picked the ones above, Crack. I first started reading this guy about five years ago when he was contributing to "Edge". To my mind, he's a critical thinker, particularly about the internet.
One of the things that concerns me the most about on line discussions is the degree to which each "community" seems to have developed their own "informal" norms that often times looks, frighteningly, like "Group Think".
Regardless of the size of the community, and regardless of the political leaning of the community, it seems that the majority find both subtle and not so subtle ways to move people to their own standards of "right" thinking and "appropriate behavior".
For now, I'm not even going to think about using Althouse as an example. It's just too close to home for people who are regulars here. Instead, I'll just suggest that people spend some time hanging out reading comments at places they normally wouldn't see themselves caught dead in.
Pick your own "poison", so to speak. For those who might want a suggestion from me, try "Little Green Footballs" for example, or HuffPo's comment section. Instead of getting in a twist about WHAT is being said, try to stay focused on HOW the commenters or "crowd" INTERACTS.
Lanier is a big picture thinker. He's attempting to get us to really SEE ourselves.
Oh, and Crack? I like you just the way you are.
I see my little query is lost in a sea of sound and fury.
The Crack Emcee said...
Why not? Until ClimateGate most of you - 3/4 of the planet it seems - were willing to go along with the shit.
FWIW - I'm still willing to go along with the shizz.
Until ClimateGate most of you - 3/4 of the planet it seems - were willing to go along with the shit.
Crack, not "most" of the people on this blog!! That's totally disingenuous.Your generalizations might apply to our pop culture or to dumb liberals, but not to the vast majority of the commentariat here. So, I repeat, why the ball-busting, when most of us agree with you, and don't need to be "converted".
Fine. If I'm wrong I'm wrong and apologize, but I haven't seen anyone seriously saying it - not before ClimateGate, anyway, like they were afraid to call a racket a racket before more proof was in - and where is the outrage now? It's good enough for Bernie Madoff - with a swift trip to prison - but not for these jokers, who were going for a hell of a lot more, including turning us over to the U.N.? I just haven't seen it, here or anywhere else. It's like with TV psychics - why are they on our TVs? Surely, after all this time, we know better and yet, there they are! How? What's stopping us from ridding these frauds from our midst? We know what they're up to - in the case of psychics it's easy and obvious - but we go on, letting them run their scams in the open, and then wonder how we've gotten into such a financial hole? It's nutty!
TMR has got 169 posts on environmentalism, 148 on climate change, 168 on global warming, and now 18 on ClimateGate - with the first one starting in 2007 - you feel me? For the life of me, like NewAge itself, I can't imagine how any of this shit has gotten as far as it has - or why no one is seriously discussing, at the very least, putting Al Gore in prison for treason. It's just mind boggling.
Boomers have to be the dumbest generation in American history.
What to do, elHombre? When I first started my blog, all my (real) friends told me to stop - it's too big they said ....
My answer is don't bend ....
I was actually asking about your apparent dissatisfaction with Scott Brown even as an alternative to Massachusetts machine politics. Maybe I misread that.
As for "don't bend" and folks who see all the "progressive" nonsense going on in our country as surreal or insane, you have plenty of kindred spirits here. Feel free to acknowledge that from time to time.
"Blogger HT said...
I see my little query is lost in a sea of sound and fury."
Just a blustery night here at Althouse, HT. Batten the hatches, and stay the course.
Sorry, I misunderstood.
I say elect Brown in the same manner we should've elected McCain - carry him across the line (to stop ObamaCare) and then make it clear to him that, if he ever mentions the words "insurance for everyone" ever again, we'll shoot him in the head.
Oh man:
I hereby acknowledge there are people on Ann Althouse's blog who agree with me.
That's mostly for Tg and Freeman, but enough of you have said it that, I guess, I'd better learn to cope.
Thanks, y'all - and Ann:
You guys know you're saving me - don't you? Bastards. And Meade, especially, is probably laughing his ass off,...
Tg and Freeman,
So what - am I supposed to be Elijah, teasing the prophets of Baal?
Crack...The Elijah character said that he was the last truth teller left and he challenged 900 government sponsored occult gurus to a public confrontation and demanded that the audience which was diplomaticly keeping its silence admit he was correct, and then he slaughtered the occult gurus without mercy.Does that remind you of anyone? Later in the story he found out that there were 7000 more supporters and that he needed a rest so he was told to bring in another truth teller and another political leader selected by God to carry on the fight when this dude burned out under the stress of fighting a government official/queen in charge of witchcraft and haroltry while thinking he was alone in the fight. His place of honor for his valiant fighting is with us today in Judeo-Christian culture, although he was an irritable and emotional regular guy who wasn't perfect.
I've got to admit that I have had thoughts a married woman shouldn't have after looking at that Cosmo spread of Hottie Scottie. I already found him attractive with clothes, but he looks yummy without them too. I can see how this would LOSE him any votes. If anything, it ought to help him. As for those of you expressing regret over his package, we haven't actually SEEN what he's packing, okay? Soft porn COSMO won't let a dude show his junk.
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