An attempt to scare some enthusiasm into Massachusetts voters.
And it's not just the fear of Texan outside agitators, there's a gender war a-comin':
At a Friday rally with former President Bill Clinton and again Saturday, Coakley ... raised the 4-wheel-drive factor, quipping that just because somebody drives a truck doesn’t meant they’re headed in the right direction.That's a quip because Scott Brown drives a truck.
But Coakley, who despite a modest background carries herself with a patrician bearing...Does she also bear herself with patrician carriage?
... has compounded the problem voters with a series of gaffes that suggest she’s out of touch, most recently on Friday when she appeared on a Boston talk radio show and seemed not to have heard of former star Red Sox star pitcher Curt Schilling.Teamsters!
Some Democrats worry that there is something deeper at work.
“I think it’s a man-woman thing,” said Robert Cullinane, a Teamsters local leader in the Boston area.
Cullinane, speaking following the Clinton rally Friday, said some of his own members know that Brown opposes their agenda but are telling him, “'I’m not voting for that broad.’”Those louts! Those unnamed louts that Cullinane — does he have patrician bearing? — must stoop to represent. Those brutes say "broad"... at least as paraphrased by the union leader who surely has their interests at heart.
“Unbelievable,” he said. “Here is someone who has voted against them on state issues yet they’re going to vote against ‘that broad.’”"Here"? Where? Are you pointing at someone? Who is that horrible trucker?! Unbelievable!
Despite its liberal tradition, Massachusetts has never elected a female senator or governor.OMG! Liberals might be sexists! Sound the liberal alarm! Liberals, prove you are liberal by voting for a woman!
See how that article — by Jonathan Martin in Politico — tried to flip you? First, nonentities were presented as prejudiced against a woman, ready to vote against Coakley because she's a woman, and then, suddenly, liberals are supposed pushed to feel that they ought to vote for her because she's a woman.
Oh, no! It's men in trucks! Plowing in from Texas! Running down all the women! Rape!
This can't surprise anyone, can it? The Democrat party has no scruples. They will do anything to win. In their scheme of things this is small potatoes.
I'm sure the Democrats in Massachusett[e]s have taken out Franken/Gregoire election insurance. It's guaranteed to declare Democrats the winner every time.
Here's the difference [emphasis mine]:
“I’m not voting for that broad.”
“I’m not voting for a broad.”
Wolf whistles have been missing from the campaign too.
Union guys are pussy whipped today.
Or they're not construction unions.
“I think it’s a man-woman thing,” said Robert Cullinane, a Teamsters local leader in the Boston area.
No, Mr. Cullinane and people who think like him, it's not a "man-woman" thing. It's a Martha Coakley "thing".
I know who Curt Schilling is, and I am a woman. I would bet my bottom dollar the majority of women in Massachussetts know who Curt Schilling is, too, without even knowing a base from a shortstop.
Your candidate is out of touch, and demonstrably dense. Tough cookies if you're having buyer's remorse.
"... and then, suddenly, liberals supposed pushed to feel that they ought to vote for her because she's a woman."
Also, she's "light-skinned with no Negro dialect", so why should we have any difficulty voting for her?
Re. the union member criticizing his fellow members for their sexism, and voting against their own self-interest:
Precisely the same tactic they used to elect Obama: Replace the union member with some anonymous "life-long Republican", or some elitist pundit who's about as conservative as George McGovern; and replace the charges of sexism with charges of racism.
There are quite a few reasons why people might find this argument less persuasive this time around. A year of watching the country spiral down into a socialist shit-hole might be part of it. The fact that 80% of liberals feel "white guilt", but only 45% of them feel "male guilt", might be another.
Fellow republicans I am the feet on the ground
My rare clumbers and I just went for a run and I can tell you this.
Martha Coakley is awful and Scott Brown is perfect.
You may have noticed it from this blog but I want you to know that democrats, especially Coakely really bad...republicans really good.
Thanks so much. Have a great day. Take a deep breath. Pray for Scott Brown who loves this country and hate Martha who hates this country. Namaste.
I'll be sick if this "rape" issue is what ends up being the reason Coakley doesn't lose. I also believe it will backfire in the broader US electorate as one more reason to throw the Dems out in Nov. as it is a clear indication of how untrustworthy and unethical they are.
wv: caitylst. Don't let bogus charges of denying treatment to rape victims be the caitylst of a Coakley win.
By the way the Scott Brown truck thing is really pretty Bogus.
He owns like 5 homes including homes in the Back Bay-not exactly truck driving locales.
But he is totally authentic.
And his wife who works in the press (gasp) not attractive. And he has never ever heard of "tea parties".
Eat shit, Titus.
I love Scott Brown and I say this as a moderate "democrat".
And Allens I love you too.
Is there no one this woman will not insult!!! Her comment was as bad as Reid's Negro comment. It is sexism run amok.
Now she is insulting all men who drive trucks!! Male truck drivers of the word unite. Fire up those pick-ups and head to Massachusetts!
Get a convoy going. Thousands of truck drivers should converge on the Kennedy State and show this woman what they think.
Truck drvivers have feelings too.
It is kind of embarrassing, almost disqualifying, that a practicing attorney has accumulated so little property over a 25-year career. A modest house, three shitty little condo units that rent out to college students and a $20,000 beachfront timeshare. Oh, the horror!
How dare this multi-thousandaire presume to usurp the seat of Ted Kennedy, humble servant of the little people!
Frankly, if union workers are motivated by self interest, they should vote for the Republican, Scott Brown. The economy tanking and unemployment soaring has all happened since the Dems took over Congress in 2006. If I were a union worker, I'd pass on keeping the Dem super majority in place. Eistein said, "no problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."
And, come on MA,when the opportunity comes, Barney Frank should go!
If you don't vote for a man as good looking as Brown, you are going to have to turn in your gay card.
I think it goes without saying that no politician is ever "authentic". You have to have some kind of personality disorder to get that far in politics. Normal people never get to be nominated for a Senate seat.
Brown, whatever his faults and I am sure there are a few, never has sent any innocent people to jail or let a child molesting priest off with no record and probation. And Brown can at least fake like he is from the state and would actually talk to a normal person on the street. So, he gets the edge here.
Martha Coakley is an incredibly stupid woman. She is living proof that higher education is no indication of intellectual capacity and is wasted on some people.
It is also time to smash the false and phony Kennedy legacy once and for all. It is time for real change in Massachusetts.
Barney Frank is next. Since no one, not even Republicans, have the guts to call for his resignation and or indictment.
Scott Brown enlisting his Texans.
1,736 women were raped in Massachusetts in 2008.
How many of those can be accounted for by the men of a single family named Kennedy?
I love that clip, Paul, LOL.
Scott (we're on a first name basis now) is having a rally at 3, the same as Obams and Coakley. I'm sure Scott will have more--Coakley's will be invitation only I'm sure to keep the Texans out.
Folks, if you're going, take video!
The last minute hysterical attempts to flip the race are going to be fun. The piece in the WSJ that described Coakley as a lawyer with no heart was wonderful. Now this: the truck-driving meme.
I'm sure Coakley will win the recount and end up seated next to Al Franken.
Oh Althouse! It's Politico. You've gotta keep that in mind.
Are you saying that Martin had an agenda with that article? I didn't get that. I would give more credibility to that idea if this were in the NYT or Boston Globe, or certainly at Kos or Balloon-Juice where they've turned information into manipulation quicker than the dudes in black overall ever could.
But Politico gets the benefit of the doubt. And there's much more in that article, which you don't quote, that can be taken as supportive of Brown.
Ugh! Proper use of language is soooo hard on Sunday morning. I meant, in my comment above, that you don't quote the portions that can be taken to be supportive of Brown.
The rape thing is truly a sign the Demos know this one is lost. Remember Cameron Diaz proving what a ditz she is on Oprah?
Ann said...
But Coakley, who despite a modest background carries herself with a patrician bearing...
English translation - she wants people to see her as part of the Kennedy crowd.
Newsweek ran a piece years ago about something in MA called WASPirants. The social-climbing ethnics wanted to be thought of like the Cabots and the Lodges. At the top of the list, along with Ed Brooke, were the Kennedys. So Maatha is chasing her own tail, ethnically, if not socially.
For MA, apparently, the election of Andrew Jackson has yet to take place.
WV "messi" What Demo HQ will look like Wednesday morning.
Yeah, Nina Easton from the WaPo has been all over the airwaves trumpeting the fact that Massachusetts hasn't voted a woman into the Senate - ever - because the people of Massachusetts have a thing against voting women into power! I turned to my wife and said - yes, the people of Massachusetts ARE anti-woman. That's why they put Ted Kennedy into office 9 times.
Oh and BTW - I lived in Massachusetts when the Democrats did their best to try to destroy Jane Swift, the Lt Gov who became acting Governor in the wake of Celucci's resignation. Remember, the only women worth electing to office are progressives. All others are not women. As a U of Chicago Divinity School professor told us about Palin, "Her greatest hypocrisy is in her pretense that she is a woman."
Even if Coakley wins the Dems still lose. A contested election in Massachusetts, the closest thing to a one-party state this side of Zimbabwe!
Not that MA is about to become a red state. But even the NYT is having to admit that O and Pelosi have overreached and it's too much even for the hardest-core Democratic base.
It's delicious to contemplate.
She patricates herself with bearing carriage.
I'm not voting abroad.
Why can't someone of a plebian background have a patrician bearing? Waspiration is not an affectation or social climbing. It is simply assimilation. And in America we are free to choose which class, religion, or ethnic group with whom we wish to assmilate. We wish to become authentic phonies like Gatsby rather than sodden louts like Gatz.....The thing that I admire about the WASPs is their flair for civil administration. They're not so great in the fields of music, sex, and food, but when it comes to writing a constitution or settling differences with an indoor voice they're tops. I would only wish Ms Coakley and her supporters were more Waspish. I think more people disagree with her policies than with her sex. You may argue the pros and cons of the health care issue, but it is not a moral issue.
Eat shit, Titus.
The Liberals (misnomer) are the most sexist, bigoted, racist group of people that I have ever met. Of course they don't THINK that this applies to themselves because whatever they think or propose is for the good of the common people. Spare me from those who have good intentions for other people.
Please excuse me while I go waspirate and patricate.
1,736 women were raped in Massachusetts in 2008.
Using Jonathan Martin's rules, the Dems that elected Kennedy are pro-Rape.
Ah nm, I forgot that its not Rape if you are a Democrat.
Democrats are the Filching Party.
What was Jane Swift?
A he-she?
First, nonentities were presented as prejudiced against a woman, ready to vote against Coakley because she's a woman, and then, suddenly, liberals supposed pushed to feel that they ought to vote for her because she's a woman.
I was in San Francisco for the 1992 election. I picked up and read at least one of just about every kind of paper I could find.
I still remember reading an editorial in one of them:
(Paraphrased)We don't like Barbara Boxer for her stand on this issue. We believe she's wrong about that one. ... But we think you should vote for her "because she's a woman"(not a paraphrase).
I still can't get over not knowing who Curt Schilling is. I demand audio. I mean, The Orioles, you don't know who's in the rotation after Matusz--fine, neither do The Orioles.
But the gender split on Bostonians--just the ones who come down and invade Camden Yards three times a year for cheap tickets--is almost 50-50 male/female.
Has Coakley never seen the pink Red Sox hats?
If I still lived in Massachusetts, I wouldn't vote for that broad either, not even for dog catcher after the way she persecuted the Amiraults.
Let's give a comparative definition of the term "broad":
Ann Richards: drunken asshole broad. George W. Bush stuck a silver boot up her butt in 1994 in response to her comment about his father in 1992
Hillary Clinton: power mad sleazy broad
Sarah Palin: hot shit broad (and would take such appellation as a compliment)
Kay Bailey Hutchison: damn hard headed broad is gonna get her butt whipped by Gov. Perry in the primary, but we love her as senator
Lynne Cheney: class act broad (and would take such appellation as a compliment)
Nancy Peolsi, Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer: the "C" word, used in the same precisely the same context as used in the movie, "An Officer and a Gentleman. Using the word "broad" in any description of the foregoing three Y-chromosome absent persons would debase its meaning.
Victoria is a class act broad, too, by the way.
Mariner: Jane Swift was not elected. I think a Republican Senator is much more progressive for MA than a woman. Republicans are the much rarer breed.
"I still can't get over not knowing who Curt Schilling is. I demand audio."
"Plowing in from Texas!" Oh no, Neanderthals from Texas are now getting involved. Because in Texas we would never elected a woman as governor, senator or mayor, especially if she's openly gay!
Oh wait! We've done all those things-never mind.
This is sooo cool! I'm a Texan, I drive a four-door, 4x4 pickup truck, and I'm DANGEROUS! Before this race, I was just a stupid redneck racist. I'm moving up in the world.
I really enjoy posts like this.
Trig is not his baby, etc.
FWIW, the quote Cullinane, speaking following the Clinton rally Friday, said some of his own members know that Brown opposes their agenda but are telling him, “'I’m not voting for that broad.’” is unclear about who's calling Coakley a broad. The union workers or Cullinane himself?
Has Coakley never seen the pink Red Sox hats?
My daughter finally had to get one because her other hats were at risk from disappearing and she figured (correctly) that boy friend -- now husband -- wouldn't lift it.
And that's in VIRGINIA!
I bartend in a dive/biker shot and a beer, or ten, bar. The union guys, steelworkers, pipe fitters, electricians are wondering were all the jobs are. They're getting laid off. The non union guys are hunting squirrels, and selling everything they own.
The Democrat party is like a team that hung on to it's old guys too long, and now has no draft choices and nothing in the pipeline. We're talking forth rate here. Further, all the smart Democrat hacks can't take a pay cut to run for office. It's for party losers. The rest are all as Dukakis said, in private/public partnerships. It's the only way to send your kids to private schools and get that house on the Cape.
I voted for female Republican Kerry Healy over black Democrat Deval Patrick in the 2006 gubernatorial election, so may I vote for a male candidate this time?
On one of Zo's video reports from Boston one Brown supporter mentions Coakley insulting Fenway Park and how "we're not done with that."
Wonder what that might mean?
I wonder if at some point when it gets this low and, frankly, idiotic, if people don't get turned off by being treated like they're morons, and this kind of stuff can backfire.
Obviously the Dems at the highest levels either think not, or things are so bad it's a risk worth taking. I live in Cook County, IL, and when it gets like this (often) I get offended enough to vote the other way regardless of who started it, and I know a lot of people who at least say the same thing.
Massachusetts has never elected a woman to the governor's office, but in 2002, more voters voted for a woman than for a man -- Mitt Romney was the only male candidate out of five on the ballot, and won with just shy of 50%.
If Coakley were a man, she would win in a landslide. Brown, like all Republicans, is a mysogynist ho wants to end a woman's right to choose and would keep rape victims from getting deperately needed medical care. Plus, he wants to stop the American people from receiving health care by voting against health reform. Women, minorities, and gays will be severaly hurt if the Republicans are able to steal the election.
I saw an article today ripping Coakley for doing her job as a prosecutor. You never see men get treated like that. I am appalled at how she is being smeared all over the place, no doubt by cronies of Karl Rove, the insurance companies, and Wall Street. A vote for Brown is really a vote for a return to the Bush regime. I hope she is able to win by enough votes to keep her win from being able to be stolen by lawyered upon Republican.
"Oh, no! It's men in trucks! Plowing in from Texas! Running down all the women!"
I see the sarcasm, but am disturbed that the south is depicted, more and more often, as being racist and sexist. And I wonder what these people know about the south.
I find, in general, that people from Texas are much like people from Oklahoma, and Arkansas, and Louisiana, and Missouri, and Kansas, and Mississippi, and Tennessee. Sorry, but that's about the limit of my travels. These people are uniformly polite and courteous to anyone who is courteous and polite to them regardless of race or sex.
I wish that I had received such courtesy in New York, where I was regarded as a backwoods hick who was likely to go postal at any moment!
"You carry a pocket knife?".
"Yeah, we gotta kill the gators lounging on the door step when we go out in the morning."
Thanks, Byron!
"But Coakley, who despite a modest background carries herself with a patrician bearing..."
Marie Antoinette comes to mind.
Teddy finally lived up to his covenant to serve the best interests of the people of Massachusetts.
By croaking in a timely manner, and playing footloose and fancy with the rules of his sucession all the way up to the bitter end, Ted opened the way for a good man to take the people's seat back from the Kennedy machine.
(Hope that's not too off topic)
I'm in Mass and attended the Scott Brown rally yesterday - the energy was positive and optimistic, and the handful of Coakley supporters looked like they would rather be elsewhere. The energy in this campaign is amazing! Please, if you are in Mass, hold a sign, call a friend, whatever to get the vote out. If you are out of Mass, please donate, spread the work via social networking, etc.
Brown, like all Republicans, is a mysogynist ho wants to end a woman's right to choose
We know that birth control is not 100% effective, yet we "choose" to take that risk anyway.
Brian: You obviously don't live here. In fact, I don't think you live anywhere, being an obvious commenter bot.
Not a bot pal, sorry. And no I don't live there, but what happens tomorrow affects me and every other American who is on the cusp of finally getting access to health care rather than being at the mercy of insurance companies that donate big money to Republicans rather than actually pay claims.
And the sexism is so obvious you have to be blind not to see it.
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