I figured MN would choke, again. Congrats to the Saints.
Instead of certain disappointment watching foootsball, I went to a fine evening watching Jearlyn Steele sing.
See a clip here for a sample. She was fun, inspiring. Her brother, Billy Steele (plays with the 'Sounds of Blackness'), was on piano, and sang one fine song himself. A talented family of 5 sibs I understand.
I know that fans in Packerland have a grudge against him - one that's totally, 100% understandable - but I have to admit, I was impressed by the old fart last night. He took hit after hit, got up, and kept coming. Sonuvabitch may have thrown the game away with that ill advised pass in the 4th quarter (and as an aside: I read that he's ended his career with Green Bay and New York with an INT, and if he retires from Minnesota, that'll be three franchises he left with a pick as the final play), but I was damn near slack jawed that he got back up from some of those hits. You saw the birds circling his head in the huddle, yet he kept on playing.
Frankly, it might have been smarter for him to protect himself more - laugh at Peyton Manning all you want for dropping within 5 yards of a tackler, but he keeps himself uninjured and ready to do damage - but Brett won't be able to stay on his feet if he takes many more hits. Remember Warner's hit in his last game? I mean, we'll have to remember for him, 'cause HE sure as hell can't, not on his own, the poor bastard. Not after that smack.
Tibore, what you say might make more sense when Peyton Manning is still playing at age 40.
I'm glad the Saints won because they play in New Orleans, and New Orleans could use good news. I'm glad the Vikings lost because, well, they're the Vikings and all they know is how to choke.
@Tibore, he ended his career in each city not just with INTs, but with dumb INTs. Troy Aikman praised the final play call, and was pretty forthcoming about Farve's throw being just about the first thing they teach quarterbacks not to do. As a Hall of Fame QB himself, I think Aikman knows whereof he speaks.
What Farve should have done is run for about 10 yards and let his kicker win the game for the Vikes. But he wouldn't be Farve if he turned the game over to the kicker, would he?
@Madman, as usual you don't know what you're talking about. Farve made his usual bad decision to try to win the game all by himself, but as a team I saw no choke whatsoever in the Vikings.
No choke whatsoever in the Vikings?? What do you call the 6 fumbles, let alone the 12 men in the huddle which led to them calling that pass play where Favre threw his trademark INT?
I don't know what Vikings fans expected, when you combine one of the biggest choking franchises with one of the biggest choking QBs not named Tony Romo.
It was Favre's Fault. His superior passing game discouraged his running backs until they started to fumble on every other run. Reminds me of Geo. Bush.
I did tell my son that no team that can't win in regulation against a team that fumbles 6 times deserves to be in the Super Bowl, and no team that fumbles six times deserves to be in the Super Bowl. Ergo, they should just give the title to Indianapolis.
James, you're being too harsh on poor Brent. He did win a Super Bowl. Chokers don't usually do that.
Oh. According to Peter King, that factoid about Farve's interceptions is actually mistaken:
"The pass (in the Dec. 28, 2008 game) was not the last one he threw. On the last series of the Jets' season, Favre did complete a short pass that was a desperation play. That was the one pass he threw after the one that was intercepted by Goodman."
I'm happy for the Saints, they've never been to the Super Bowl before, so good for them.
I enjoyed this game yesterday. You could tell that both teams really wanted the win. I've seen way too many games where one team or the other was just phoning it in. It's a lot more fun to watch two motivated teams.
Favre impressed me, because he is an old guy in NFL terms. But then he kept making mistakes! Far better to be Kurt Warner and walk away with your head held high. Warner did everything he could in our last game, but the defense just couldn't stop the Saints.
Congratulations to the Saints. But since they beat the Giants I can't root for them. Plus if Peyton wins it will motivate Eli to get off his ass and win another so he doesn't have to listen to his brother around the dining room table.
For the last decade, however, it's hard to argue against me. From the 6 ints against the Rams in 2002 (3 returned for TDs, one returned to the 4 yard line), to the Wild Card loss at home the next year to the Falcons, then the horrible interception in OT against the Eagles the next year, then the 4 ints against the Vikings in the Wild Card the next year. And so on . . .
While it may be true that Favre's last pass as a Jet was not an interception, it is true that his last pass in 2 of the last 3 years was an interception which kept his team out of the Super Bowl.
You'd think he'd learn. But then, he wouldn't be Brett Favre.
Complete screwup, IMO. The guy had a guaranteed 10 yards if he ran and went out of bounds. He goes for a middle of the field pass into coverage that would have gotten 2-3 years more if he completed it than he could have passed for.
My guess is that when they ran the ball on 1st and second down, they were being very, very careful with the ball - and I assume Favre knew that was what the whole coaching staff expected "don't screw up a chance to win this with a field goal with a risky play. Protect the ball!"
But Favre wouldn't be Favre if his overconfidence in a big game didn't again bite him.
Vintage Favre...
Pity if his last play in football was the most gigundo screwup he made along with the gift he hit a Giants player in the numbers with a few years back that sent the Giants to the Superbowl - but there it is.
How long do you suppose it will be before someone uses the bunker scene from Downfall about a cloistered group of Minnesota fans making plans for their superbowl trip, only to find out that Favre threw an INT?
Farve led his team to NFC championship game 2 of last 3 years. What a loser! Farve directed his team's offense to almost 500 yards while being hammered every other time he touched the ball, yesterday. The Pack wandered in the wilderness for a long time between Starr and Farve. Here's hoping history repeats for the Green Bay Cry Babies.
Favre [and Holmgren] were always overrated, and with the talent they had in the 90s they should have won a lot more. He pissed away a lifetime of god status in Wisc for that one shot at beating the Packers. Spiteful prima donna.
@garage: Yes, I was at both games. GREAT hockey. Denver is an impressive team. Good to see the Badgers could play with them. Too bad about the last Denver goal Friday night. We were that close to a sweep.
I hope the Badgers can keep it up. The McNaughton Cup is within their reach.
So happy to see the Vikings lose again. They are a bunch of spoiled children and they are criminals and belong in jail.
Football fans are morons. It's a little boys' game. Grown men should be doing something useful rather than playing in the dirt.
Our country is at a crucial crossroads. Liberty is in jeopardy. And these people have nothing better to do than scream for a pack of thugs who wear purple?
Meanwhile of course, four bigger global sports than the US Rugby, presently misnamed "footbol" are happening.
Team basketball vs. American "showtime!", True futbol is the sport with 1/3rd of US baseball players thinking the World Series is a contrivance - given the true "world series" is actually the FIFA World Cup.
Back in the day before America was sold out by the Ruling Elites, US style rugby mattered a lot because with our jobs and skills and inigenous technology...we had the money and power.
Not so much, anymore.
The other two, tennis and golf - showcase that any race, any body type can rise to the top. So while US style rugby may get overt attention in the US - vs. real futbol,
Golf has its top Japanese, Latins, black Americans and Fijians.
And tennis has 2 Chinese, 2 blacks, and 5 whites in the Grand Slam woman's QFs. And a similar "all races, all body types can win", golf game.
Tibore, what you say might make more sense when Peyton Manning is still playing at age 40.
The way Manning takes the fewest hits/sacks every year, he'll def make it to 40 playing at Pro Bowl level, I have no doubts. He's going to shatter all the regular season records and maybe might match Joe Montana's 4 Super Bowl triumphs.
Meanwhile of course, four bigger global sports than the US Rugby, presently misnamed "footbol" are happening. Team basketball vs. American "showtime!", True futbol is the sport with 1/3rd of US baseball players thinking the World Series is a contrivance - given the true "world series" is actually the FIFA World Cup. Back in the day before America was sold out by the Ruling Elites, US style rugby mattered a lot because with our jobs and skills and inigenous technology...we had the money and power. Not so much, anymore. The other two, tennis and golf - showcase that any race, any body type can rise to the top. So while US style rugby may get overt attention in the US - vs. real futbol, Golf has its top Japanese, Latins, black Americans and Fijians. And tennis has 2 Chinese, 2 blacks, and 5 whites in the Grand Slam woman's QFs. And a similar "all races, all body types can win", golf game.
No, actually it’s correctly named “football” because it’s been legally registered as such on numerous levels in numerous localities. Even back in the, I suppose, 50’s you’re pining for, nobody really cared much about American football in Europe or elsewhere, power or not. Soccer can be played damned near anywhere, with nothing but a ball and two things the people playing agree are goals. Very little in the way of monetary output to play it. American football, on the other hand, is quite the opposite.
Why the !@#$% are you so fixated on race all the time, C4? Who cares? There are a huge number of people in this country that love to play, watch, and discuss a truly American pastime. Why shit on it like that…like we’re all demented, ill-educated, and uncouth? Jazz and country are likewise truly American. Going to pen a screed telling us what dipshits we all are about those two pieces of Americana?
Based on the above, it almost seems like you hate the “Ruling Elites” because you’re not part of the club. Or did you actually try to play football and have your sack handed back to you?
Congrats to the Saints and all, but that pass interference penalty in OT was atrocious. The ball had to be 10 feet over the guys head. WTF is wrong with NFL officials?
Samoa produces the most American Rugger Ballers and Dominican Republic the most American Cricket Test Matchers per population unit. I guess that's where all them ruling elites got outfoxed. Thank gawd Woods was taken down a notch by the star chamber or else golf would be next.
Baseball is the most PC game one can think of. All three of the major races excel. Short, tall, dumpy and muscular all succeed. Wow, a diverse melting pot meritocracy. The ruling elite can't want that. I guess that since they keep Bernanke, they still win.
Farve's struggles elevates Elway's accomplishment as an older QB.
The Jets fans who were interviewed on Indianapolis TV's news broadcast (WISH channel 8, I think, although it may have been the local Fox station too... can't remember) were actually quite nice. A few on some blogs I play on were pretty cool too. On the other hand, the live game chat I played on was infested with hideous (pardon the term) douchebaggery from disaffected (and I feel, mentally disturbed) Jets fans. I hope they're the minority, because those guys were jerks.
Aaron Rodgers fumbled the ball for a touchdown to the other team in a wild card game.
Brett Favre's the choker?
The Vikings losing isn't the same as the Packers winning. And the Vikings beat the Packers twice this year. And Favre had a better season than Rodgers, who is a pussy.
Favre makes some incredible plays and some incredibly bad interceptions, but he's fun as hell to watch and has started every game for the last 18 years.
He also doesn't blame his teammates for his mistakes, like Peyton Manning, and never gets hurt, like Tom Brady.
The Packers sucked for 25 years before Favre came along. They will suck for the next 25 years.
No one was apparetly pulling for Farve in Mississippi either:
Nobody down here was pulling for Favre and Minn. Everyone was pulling for the Saints. I heard one dude at the sports bar say, “I love Favre, but F*CK him, if he keeps my Saints out of the super bowl I will drive to Kiln, MS and personally whip his ass.” That was pretty much the general feeling down here.
And, no one down here considers Peyton a Mississippi or LA boy. They think Archie hung the moon and they worship Eli for going to Ole Miss. Peyton has been disliked since choosing the University of Tenn. Over Ole Miss.
Fred's right about Mississippi fans. And Favre doesn't even live in Kiln anymore, anyway. The Saints are the Gulf Coast team, pretty much. The best thing about Dallas losing last week is it ended any divided loyalties for north Louisianians.
I've never cared about the teams in a Superbowl before. This is really something new. I went to work, everyone was happy and excited, but we worked and did the normal thing. I skipped out early to go buy the NFC hats and shirts (got to mail 'em around the country to family who've left NOLA), came home and started reading local blogs and stories. And started crying all over again. Oh, my.
I hear that a lot from Viking fans too. Then I say, "well okay, you haven't won a Super Bowl" either. I can't help the fact the Packer successes go so far back in history.
The best thing about hating the Vikings if you're from Wisconsin is you can also hate the Golden Gophers in 3 sports. Spread the hate around, so to speak.
Steelers 6 Super Bowls; 49ers and Cowboys 5 Super Bowls each.
The Packers, New York Gians, and New England each have three. Of course, New England won all three in the last decade and threw the fourth out of boredom.
The Packers won the first 2 Super Bowls, and one since. With Brett Favre. Who beat the Packers twice this year, and would have beaten them a third time if the Packers could win a playoff game without Brett Favre. But they can't.
Peter King is wrong about Favre having another pass attempt after his last INT as a Jet. That down was nullified by an Illegal Forward Pass penalty (which includes a loss of down). It was a weird play where be passed the ball, it was caught and passed back to him, then he threw it forward again. If you look at the stats for that game, the "completion" on that down is not even registered as a passing attempt. Favre was replaced at QB on the next play. Therefore, Favre's last official pass with the Packers, Jets and Vikings was a INT.
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Brett Favre: "That's it, I'm going to retire."
Brett Favre: "I dunno, maybe one more year."
Brett Favre: "I've talked to my family, and have decided that I'm going to retire."
Brett Favre: "I've been talking to the Vikings management, and I'll be back next year."
Brett Favre: "That's it, I'm going to retire."
Who will be the object of the sloppy wet mancrush for guys like Madden, Peter King, et al?
Peyton Manning?
Naw...Manning, while very funny personally, doesn't have the looks. My bet is Madden will start stalking Christian Bale now.
A clear case of Schadenfavre.
Favre saved the tax payers of Minnesota about a billion dollars.
I figured MN would choke, again.
Congrats to the Saints.
Instead of certain disappointment watching foootsball, I went to a fine evening watching Jearlyn Steele sing.
See a clip here for a sample. She was fun, inspiring. Her brother, Billy Steele (plays with the 'Sounds of Blackness'), was on piano, and sang one fine song himself. A talented family of 5 sibs I understand.
Much better than watching the Vikes blow it.
Peter, you make a good point.
To pull a 'Favre': a self-absorbed, alienating quest to correct a mistake that ironically ends in replication of that mistake.
Beth can thank me for the Tonya Harding voodoo, right on this blog. Anyone notice Favre's legs getting whacked. Heh.
I know that fans in Packerland have a grudge against him - one that's totally, 100% understandable - but I have to admit, I was impressed by the old fart last night. He took hit after hit, got up, and kept coming. Sonuvabitch may have thrown the game away with that ill advised pass in the 4th quarter (and as an aside: I read that he's ended his career with Green Bay and New York with an INT, and if he retires from Minnesota, that'll be three franchises he left with a pick as the final play), but I was damn near slack jawed that he got back up from some of those hits. You saw the birds circling his head in the huddle, yet he kept on playing.
Frankly, it might have been smarter for him to protect himself more - laugh at Peyton Manning all you want for dropping within 5 yards of a tackler, but he keeps himself uninjured and ready to do damage - but Brett won't be able to stay on his feet if he takes many more hits. Remember Warner's hit in his last game? I mean, we'll have to remember for him, 'cause HE sure as hell can't, not on his own, the poor bastard. Not after that smack.
Tibore, what you say might make more sense when Peyton Manning is still playing at age 40.
I'm glad the Saints won because they play in New Orleans, and New Orleans could use good news. I'm glad the Vikings lost because, well, they're the Vikings and all they know is how to choke.
@Tibore, he ended his career in each city not just with INTs, but with dumb INTs. Troy Aikman praised the final play call, and was pretty forthcoming about Farve's throw being just about the first thing they teach quarterbacks not to do. As a Hall of Fame QB himself, I think Aikman knows whereof he speaks.
What Farve should have done is run for about 10 yards and let his kicker win the game for the Vikes. But he wouldn't be Farve if he turned the game over to the kicker, would he?
@Madman, as usual you don't know what you're talking about. Farve made his usual bad decision to try to win the game all by himself, but as a team I saw no choke whatsoever in the Vikings.
No choke whatsoever in the Vikings?? What do you call the 6 fumbles, let alone the 12 men in the huddle which led to them calling that pass play where Favre threw his trademark INT?
I don't know what Vikings fans expected, when you combine one of the biggest choking franchises with one of the biggest choking QBs not named Tony Romo.
The Colts will slaughter the Aints. The Vikings should have won by 21 points but kept fumbling the ball.
Yeah Favre had two picks but he played pretty damn good. Threw better than almost all the other QB's in the league.
No grudge here, with Favre. It was a gutsy game - quintessential Favre.
But I, for one, am relieved knowing he won't be hoisting the Lombardi trophy wearing the purple and gold!
It was Favre's Fault. His superior passing game discouraged his running backs until they started to fumble on every other run. Reminds me of Geo. Bush.
Agree wityh k*thy. Except the not holding a grudge part.
If Favre hadn't jacked the Packers around, I probably could have cheered for his success and the Vikings.
Oh, hell, who am I trying to fool. The Viqueens suck!
I did tell my son that no team that can't win in regulation against a team that fumbles 6 times deserves to be in the Super Bowl, and no team that fumbles six times deserves to be in the Super Bowl. Ergo, they should just give the title to Indianapolis.
James, you're being too harsh on poor Brent. He did win a Super Bowl. Chokers don't usually do that.
Oh. According to Peter King, that factoid about Farve's interceptions is actually mistaken:
"The pass (in the Dec. 28, 2008 game) was not the last one he threw. On the last series of the Jets' season, Favre did complete a short pass that was a desperation play. That was the one pass he threw after the one that was intercepted by Goodman."
Link: Peter King's MMQB, Jan. 25, 2010
Huh. Did not realize this. But I didn't watch that game. Anyway, looks like I was wrong folks.
I'm happy for the Saints, they've never been to the Super Bowl before, so good for them.
I enjoyed this game yesterday. You could tell that both teams really wanted the win. I've seen way too many games where one team or the other was just phoning it in. It's a lot more fun to watch two motivated teams.
Favre impressed me, because he is an old guy in NFL terms. But then he kept making mistakes! Far better to be Kurt Warner and walk away with your head held high. Warner did everything he could in our last game, but the defense just couldn't stop the Saints.
Congratulations to the Saints. But since they beat the Giants I can't root for them. Plus if Peyton wins it will motivate Eli to get off his ass and win another so he doesn't have to listen to his brother around the dining room table.
Oh and I am boycotting Snapple!
1990's Brett Favre: Definitely not a choker
For the last decade, however, it's hard to argue against me. From the 6 ints against the Rams in 2002 (3 returned for TDs, one returned to the 4 yard line), to the Wild Card loss at home the next year to the Falcons, then the horrible interception in OT against the Eagles the next year, then the 4 ints against the Vikings in the Wild Card the next year. And so on . . .
The only thing better than the Vikings losing is the Vikings being put through the wringer for the next 6 months. Man, am I going to enjoy this .
"It's that time of year ..."
While it may be true that Favre's last pass as a Jet was not an interception, it is true that his last pass in 2 of the last 3 years was an interception which kept his team out of the Super Bowl.
You'd think he'd learn. But then, he wouldn't be Brett Favre.
Yea take your time Brett.
By "quintessential Favre", I meant the ups with the downs - often in the same game. Welcome to the club, Viking fans.
I like the Saints' story, but if I were betting, I'd bet on the Colts.
You go to see any hockey last Fri-Sat O.M.? I caught Saturday. Sold out. Great games.
In breaking news, the Minnesota Vikings will move to the Phillipines where they will be called the Manila Folders
Did someone mention Tonya Harding?
Complete screwup, IMO. The guy had a guaranteed 10 yards if he ran and went out of bounds. He goes for a middle of the field pass into coverage that would have gotten 2-3 years more if he completed it than he could have passed for.
My guess is that when they ran the ball on 1st and second down, they were being very, very careful with the ball - and I assume Favre knew that was what the whole coaching staff expected "don't screw up a chance to win this with a field goal with a risky play. Protect the ball!"
But Favre wouldn't be Favre if his overconfidence in a big game didn't again bite him.
Vintage Favre...
Pity if his last play in football was the most gigundo screwup he made along with the gift he hit a Giants player in the numbers with a few years back that sent the Giants to the Superbowl - but there it is.
Magnificent dumb bastard...
How long do you suppose it will be before someone uses the bunker scene from Downfall about a cloistered group of Minnesota fans making plans for their superbowl trip, only to find out that Favre threw an INT?
All of this frivolity is nice and all but the Giants will be back next year and win the Super Bowl.
You see the Yankees and the Giants are alternating winning the World Championship and next year is the Giants turn. Just sayn'
Farve led his team to NFC championship game 2 of last 3 years. What a loser! Farve directed his team's offense to almost 500 yards while being hammered every other time he touched the ball, yesterday. The Pack wandered in the wilderness for a long time between Starr and Farve. Here's hoping history repeats for the Green Bay Cry Babies.
Robert, I read that headline and pictured the brother haranguing the Dad to death in a telephone conversation.
Then I read the story and got the real story.
Favre [and Holmgren] were always overrated, and with the talent they had in the 90s they should have won a lot more. He pissed away a lifetime of god status in Wisc for that one shot at beating the Packers. Spiteful prima donna.
To pull a 'Favre': a self-absorbed, alienating quest to correct a mistake that ironically ends in replication of that mistake.
Jimmy Stewart could play Favre in the movie. Alfred Hitchcock would direct. Kim Novak would play the football.
Kudo's to the Indy police who tazed the Jet fan in the parking lot.
They should do that to every one of them.
@garage: Yes, I was at both games. GREAT hockey. Denver is an impressive team. Good to see the Badgers could play with them. Too bad about the last Denver goal Friday night. We were that close to a sweep.
I hope the Badgers can keep it up. The McNaughton Cup is within their reach.
So happy to see the Vikings lose again. They are a bunch of spoiled children and they are criminals and belong in jail.
Football fans are morons. It's a little boys' game. Grown men should be doing something useful rather than playing in the dirt.
Our country is at a crucial crossroads. Liberty is in jeopardy. And these people have nothing better to do than scream for a pack of thugs who wear purple?
We simply can’t all be as enlightened and useful as you. How is the weather up there on the top of Olympus anyway?
Meanwhile of course, four bigger global sports than the US Rugby, presently misnamed "footbol" are happening.
Team basketball vs. American "showtime!", True futbol is the sport with 1/3rd of US baseball players thinking the World Series is a contrivance - given the true "world series" is actually the FIFA World Cup.
Back in the day before America was sold out by the Ruling Elites, US style rugby mattered a lot because with our jobs and skills and inigenous technology...we had the money and power.
Not so much, anymore.
The other two, tennis and golf - showcase that any race, any body type can rise to the top. So while US style rugby may get overt attention in the US - vs. real futbol,
Golf has its top Japanese, Latins, black Americans and Fijians.
And tennis has 2 Chinese, 2 blacks, and 5 whites in the Grand Slam woman's QFs. And a similar "all races, all body types can win", golf game.
Colts def Saints 42-10 and everyone lauds Peyton as the greatest QB of all time, consigning Joe Montana to the dust bin.
Tibore, what you say might make more sense when Peyton Manning is still playing at age 40.
The way Manning takes the fewest hits/sacks every year, he'll def make it to 40 playing at Pro Bowl level, I have no doubts. He's going to shatter all the regular season records and maybe might match Joe Montana's 4 Super Bowl triumphs.
"Farve led his team to NFC championship game 2 of last 3 years."
1) Spelled Favre.
2) Great QBs don't make the types of mistakes that he made at the end of those two NFC title games.
Meanwhile of course, four bigger global sports than the US Rugby, presently misnamed "footbol" are happening.
Team basketball vs. American "showtime!", True futbol is the sport with 1/3rd of US baseball players thinking the World Series is a contrivance - given the true "world series" is actually the FIFA World Cup.
Back in the day before America was sold out by the Ruling Elites, US style rugby mattered a lot because with our jobs and skills and inigenous technology...we had the money and power.
Not so much, anymore.
The other two, tennis and golf - showcase that any race, any body type can rise to the top. So while US style rugby may get overt attention in the US - vs. real futbol,
Golf has its top Japanese, Latins, black Americans and Fijians.
And tennis has 2 Chinese, 2 blacks, and 5 whites in the Grand Slam woman's QFs. And a similar "all races, all body types can win", golf game.
No, actually it’s correctly named “football” because it’s been legally registered as such on numerous levels in numerous localities. Even back in the, I suppose, 50’s you’re pining for, nobody really cared much about American football in Europe or elsewhere, power or not. Soccer can be played damned near anywhere, with nothing but a ball and two things the people playing agree are goals. Very little in the way of monetary output to play it. American football, on the other hand, is quite the opposite.
Why the !@#$% are you so fixated on race all the time, C4? Who cares? There are a huge number of people in this country that love to play, watch, and discuss a truly American pastime. Why shit on it like that…like we’re all demented, ill-educated, and uncouth? Jazz and country are likewise truly American. Going to pen a screed telling us what dipshits we all are about those two pieces of Americana?
Based on the above, it almost seems like you hate the “Ruling Elites” because you’re not part of the club. Or did you actually try to play football and have your sack handed back to you?
Congrats to the Saints and all, but that pass interference penalty in OT was atrocious. The ball had to be 10 feet over the guys head. WTF is wrong with NFL officials?
Cedar: very illuminatti post.
Samoa produces the most American Rugger Ballers and Dominican Republic the most American Cricket Test Matchers per population unit. I guess that's where all them ruling elites got outfoxed. Thank gawd Woods was taken down a notch by the star chamber or else golf would be next.
Baseball is the most PC game one can think of. All three of the major races excel. Short, tall, dumpy and muscular all succeed. Wow, a diverse melting pot meritocracy. The ruling elite can't want that. I guess that since they keep Bernanke, they still win.
Farve's struggles elevates Elway's accomplishment as an older QB.
"Trooper York said...
Kudo's to the Indy police who tazed the Jet fan in the parking lot.
They should do that to every one of them."
I had no idea that happened. On the other hand, I know one was arrested at Qualcomm stadium back on the 17th:
The Jets fans who were interviewed on Indianapolis TV's news broadcast (WISH channel 8, I think, although it may have been the local Fox station too... can't remember) were actually quite nice. A few on some blogs I play on were pretty cool too. On the other hand, the live game chat I played on was infested with hideous (pardon the term) douchebaggery from disaffected (and I feel, mentally disturbed) Jets fans. I hope they're the minority, because those guys were jerks.
Clearly, getting the Aaron Rodgers era up and going has been a masterstroke so far.
Aaron Rodgers fumbled the ball for a touchdown to the other team in a wild card game.
Brett Favre's the choker?
The Vikings losing isn't the same as the Packers winning. And the Vikings beat the Packers twice this year. And Favre had a better season than Rodgers, who is a pussy.
Favre makes some incredible plays and some incredibly bad interceptions, but he's fun as hell to watch and has started every game for the last 18 years.
He also doesn't blame his teammates for his mistakes, like Peyton Manning, and never gets hurt, like Tom Brady.
The Packers sucked for 25 years before Favre came along. They will suck for the next 25 years.
The Vikings losing isn't the same as the Packers winning.
No, but it's a close second.
Two Wisconsinites, Sven and Ole, were sitting in a boat.
So Sven asks Ole, “Why do scuba divers always fall backwards off ‘der boats?”
To which Ole replied, “Well, ya know, if they fell forwards they’d still be in da fuckin boat!”
So, there ya have it.
No one was apparetly pulling for Farve in Mississippi either:
Nobody down here was pulling for Favre and Minn. Everyone was pulling for the Saints. I heard one dude at the sports bar say, “I love Favre, but F*CK him, if he keeps my Saints out of the super bowl I will drive to Kiln, MS and personally whip his ass.” That was pretty much the general feeling down here.
And, no one down here considers Peyton a Mississippi or LA boy. They think Archie hung the moon and they worship Eli for going to Ole Miss. Peyton has been disliked since choosing the University of Tenn. Over Ole Miss.
Well that sums up that.
Fred, where did you get that?
WV: jackinie
Brett Favre's the choker?
I don't know if that's the right word. But the result is often the same. First and 10 at the Saints 32 and he throws a pick. Delicious.
In Favre's defense the pick was on 3 and 18, but still.
Jet fans are basicly vermin. Foul disgusting drunken douche bags who should be kept behind chickenwire.
The only ones who are worse are Eagles fans.
And of course lawyers.
Some people hate Cowboy fans. Now that is not right. You should feel sorry for them because they are just retarded.
All they can do is stand there with shit stuck to their shoes and yell "HOW ABOUT THEM COWBOYS!!!!"
Your Packer fan is really proud of the history and tradition of the team from the frozen tundra.
What better way to immortalize their greatest coach than to name a rest stop on the New Jersey Turnpike after him.
Whenever I have to pee on the way to Atlantic City, I think of the Packers.
You can always talk football with Oakland Raider fans.
You just have to wait for them to be out on parole. And sober up.
Pee on 13 world titles, beyotch!
Titles that you won against the Canton Bulldogs don't count buddy.
Only Super Bowls.
Fred's right about Mississippi fans. And Favre doesn't even live in Kiln anymore, anyway. The Saints are the Gulf Coast team, pretty much. The best thing about Dallas losing last week is it ended any divided loyalties for north Louisianians.
I've never cared about the teams in a Superbowl before. This is really something new. I went to work, everyone was happy and excited, but we worked and did the normal thing. I skipped out early to go buy the NFC hats and shirts (got to mail 'em around the country to family who've left NOLA), came home and started reading local blogs and stories. And started crying all over again. Oh, my.
I hear that a lot from Viking fans too. Then I say, "well okay, you haven't won a Super Bowl" either. I can't help the fact the Packer successes go so far back in history.
"And of course lawyers."
You develop a fondness for journalists?
garage is that most elusive of creatures...the liberal who enjoys football. Kudos.
"You develop a fondness for journalists?"
Not in the least. Remember the only thing worse than a journalist is a lawyer.
Most lawyers are Cowboy fans.
The best thing about hating the Vikings if you're from Wisconsin is you can also hate the Golden Gophers in 3 sports. Spread the hate around, so to speak.
I hated the Vikings when they were representing the NFL at the time and losing all those Superbowls.
Plus they stole Fran Tarkenton.
Steelers 6 Super Bowls; 49ers and Cowboys 5 Super Bowls each.
The Packers, New York Gians, and New England each have three. Of course, New England won all three in the last decade and threw the fourth out of boredom.
The Packers won the first 2 Super Bowls, and one since. With Brett Favre. Who beat the Packers twice this year, and would have beaten them a third time if the Packers could win a playoff game without Brett Favre. But they can't.
@Beta, point of clarification. The Golden Gophers field varsity teams in 11 men's sports and an even dozen female sports.
Not that anyone's counting or anything.
Who could hate a curling or women's tennis team Big Mike?
Football, B-Ball and Hockey will suffice.
Fred, where did you get that?
A buddy of mine in Gulfport today emailed me that. Which reminds me, I have to call him up about going fishing.
Peter King is wrong about Favre having another pass attempt after his last INT as a Jet. That down was nullified by an Illegal Forward Pass penalty (which includes a loss of down). It was a weird play where be passed the ball, it was caught and passed back to him, then he threw it forward again. If you look at the stats for that game, the "completion" on that down is not even registered as a passing attempt. Favre was replaced at QB on the next play. Therefore, Favre's last official pass with the Packers, Jets and Vikings was a INT.
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