January 16, 2010

"Curt Schilling? The Red Sox great pitcher of the bloody sock?"

Martha Coakley blunders horribly/hilariously, either not knowing who Curt Schilling is or — if you believe her spokesman's explanation — making the dumbest "very, very deadpan" wisecrack in political history. If it's any consolation, Martha, I didn't know who Curt Schilling is either. Bloody sock sounded interesting. I had to look it up. Now, would you excuse me? I cut my foot before and my shoe is filling up with blood.


Fred4Pres said...

Curt Schilling responded back to Coakley:

I’ve been called a lot of things…but never, I mean never, could anyone make the mistake of calling me a Yankee fan. Well, check that, if you didn’t know what the hell is going on in your own state maybe you could…

Andrew Sullivan meanwhile admits it was an incredibly stupid gaff on Coakley's, gives a pox on both parties' houses, accuses Brown of being dishonest for being anti tax, and declares his undying love to Obama as the only figure who can save us from ruin. I did not throw up a little bit in my mouth on that--I projectile vomitted on my kid's cat. No link to avoid giving Sullivan the traffic.

The cat is deeply upset.

Anonymous said...

Martha prefers to call him Kurt Shilling.

Fred4Pres said...

And Ann, you are not running for Senator of Massachusetts. Or in Coakley's case, she spells it Massachusettes on her site. But if you are running for political office there you better know at least a cursory amount about the Boston Rex Sox.

I mean, come on!

AllenS said...

The Red Soxes?

Fred4Pres said...

But there are plenty of substantive legal issues to not like Martha Coakley for:

Like this.

And this.

Even lefties say they would not vote Marth Coakley in as dog catcher.

Jeremy said...

yeah, most women follow baseball from morning til night.

grasping at straws.

Zachary Sire said...

If/when Coakley loses, I'd better not hear any "It's a referendum on Obama!" from you all. Jesus. Althouse has like 50 posts on the front page talking about how horrible she is all on her own.

Trooper York said...

"yeah, most women follow baseball from morning til night."

Well that works. Because Curt Schilling actually acts like a broad.

Nobody else makes a big deal about a little blood.

Jeremy said...

almost as ridiculous as brown saying he wasn't really sure what those tea baggers were all about.


AllenS said...


Jeremy said...

regardless of what the woman said or knew, most who follow baseball know schilling is considered pretty much of an asshole by his peers, sports fans and the sports media.

who needs another asshole supporting your cause anyway...that's what tea baggers are for.

Trooper York said...

For once in his life Jeremy is right. Basicly anybody who plays for the Red Sox is an asshole.

Because as we all know:


Jeremy said...

allen - you REALLY need to get yourself some NEW material or at least hold off on the booze before lunch.

try to contribute something that makes any sense.

Roger J. said...

there is obviously some subtext here that I know nothing about--and probably shouldnt even inquire

Does look the election will keep the pundits in business for a long long time--

Coakly appears to be nothing but gaffes--but the good citizens of MA can elect whomever they like--I mean these people keep electing Kerry--they deserve what they get

Trooper York said...

But maybe the morons in Boston will be happy with Martha.

If mean if they happy with letting "Manny is just being Manny" they should be fine with "Martha is just being Martha."

Jeremy said...

trooper - i'm actually a st. louis cardinals fan and don't care much about boston, but my comments about schilling are accurate.

he's an asshole...and throwing out questions about a baseball a player, who hasn't even played in two years, isn't worth the furor being attached.

but then again, it's like much of what we see during these campaigns...silly bullshit.

Trooper York said...

Until they trade he ass.

Maybe they can get Harold Ford. I hear he is a free agent.

Roger J. said...


welcome back at least for a cameo

Jeremy said...

trooper - "If mean if they happy with letting "Manny is just being Manny"

now you're showing how much YOU don't know.

boston unloaded manny on l.a. and it's the dodgers who have allowed manny to just be manny.

good thing you're not running for office, huh?

Jeremy said...

what the hell are you wing nuts here going to do if tea bagger brown doesn't win?

mass suicide?

don't get my hopes up...

Jeremy said...

i realize this doesn't rise to the level of baseball trivia, but it does say something about the tea bagger's new savior:

One month after the September 11th attacks, Scott Brown was one of only three Massachusetts State Representatives to vote against a bill to provide financial assistance to Red Cross workers who had volunteered with 9/11 recovery efforts.

The Brown campaign acknowledged the vote.

Roger J. said...

Jeremy--hate to tell you this, but your bon mots will have absolutely no impact on the race in MA--but by all means keep cutting and pasting--cut and paste less, type less, and think more--duh

Anonymous said...


"yeah, most women follow baseball from morning til night.

grasping at straws."

Your posts are consistently stupid, but you've outdone yourself. Let's go with your sexist assumption, even though it's wrong. Ok, the babes are doing dishes while guys who know who Curt Schilling is are swilling beer out at Fenway.

OK, now think like a politician in a close race. I got the babe vote sewn up so let's piss of the guys. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Are you Martha's campaign manager?

Trooper York said...

I figured you would be a Cards fan. I mean Mark Mcguire was a fine upstanding honest sportsman

In the best tradition of the Democratic party.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Yankees suck!!!!!

Trooper you know as well as everybody the New York taxpayers bought that last world series by paying for that stuoid park and allowing the team to have all that money to spend on the best players money can buy.

The Yankees and their deep pockets have ruined the game!!!!!

Fred4Pres said...

Martha Coakley's stock is falling.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

stuoid park .. i meant stupid park

Fred4Pres said...

The funny part is Jeremy is probably more competent than Martha Coakley's campaign manager.

I am not so crazy as to know the Dems could still steal this. But that Coakley is even within 10 points of Brown in this race is a sign that she completely and utterly imcompetent.

Go up to my link on how lefties hate her too.

David said...

(Reprise): "She be stupid."

Or stupide.

Steven said...

If/when Coakley loses, I'd better not hear any "It's a referendum on Obama!" from you all. Jesus. Althouse has like 50 posts on the front page talking about how horrible she is all on her own.
If he'd stayed out of the state, you could make a case for this. But the moment Obama swung into Massachusetts campaigning for Coakley, her horribleness became a reflection on him.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

it turns out stuoid is some kind of epithet..

oibei - the yanks are a buch of stuoids ;0

wv - dissinq - tropper started it

Jake said...

Yankmee York.

Trooper York said...

Lem my friend, baseball is like politics. The socialists at Major League Baseball had to slap an onerous "luxury" tax on the truly capitalist teams like the Yankees. The Yankees do nothing wrong. They charge the ticket prices and the concession prices that the market will tolerate and make their money honestly. While the welfare teams like the Kansas City Royals and the Pittsburgh Pirates fold up the “tax” money and put it in their billfold and don’t spend it on the players.

You see they are afraid of the free market.

The Red Sox finally won when they copied the Yankees business model.

Trooper York said...

Once again Jeremy shows that he has as much knowledge about baseball as he does about politics. He is much akin to a Pacific Islander glimpsing a suitcase and deciding he had found God.

There was a long history of the Red Sox tolerating Manny’s nonsense. In fact the aforementioned little girl Curt Schilling coined the phrase “That’s just Manny being Manny.”

But after their ill-gotten World Championship led by the steroid fueled Manny and Big Papi, they had enough and traded his sorry ass. They couldn’t take it anymore.

Much like it seems the voters in Massachusetts are doing with Martha.

Trooper York said...

OH and one more thing.


Thank you.

Chris Arabia said...

Coakley's stock is falling,

"The ship be sinking" (thank you Michael Ray Richardson),

and Leon's getting laaarrger...

Professor Althouse,

Please ban that one commenter. He's ruining my favorite comment zone on all of the internets, which is his intent. His ceaseless profanity and insults are sufficient cause. If you like, I can type "tea bag" and "duh" and "read more."

Have a competency hearing if DP is a concern.

AllenS said...

MLB Team Salaries
1. New York Yankees $201,449,289
2. New York Mets $135,773,988
3. Chicago Cubs $135,050,000
4. Boston Red Sox $122,696,000
5. Detroit Tigers $115,085,145
6. Los Angeles Angels $113,709,000
7. Philadelphia Phillies $113,004,048
8. Houston Astros $102,996,415
9. Los Angeles Dodgers $100,458,101
10. Seattle Mariners $98,904,167

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Yea whatever..

we better get back to Coakley and her hindenberg campaing.

Trooper York said...

The Yankees pay more because the cost of living is more expensive and they charge a ticket price and a cable bill commensurate with their market. And they are not afraid to put the money back into the team instead of in their pocket like the owners of the Twins who have twice as much personal monies than the Steinbrenners.

It's called capitalism.

They also paid Babe Ruth more than Jimmie Foxx. You can look it up.

Oh by the way, did I tell you lately that the Yankees won the World Series? Again.

Chris Arabia said...

Trooper York,

Boston won 2 championships with Manny being Manny (bit of a swing and a miss, unfortunately, given the way you opened your post).

Are you saying the Yankees titles were fairly earned but the Red Sox titles ill-gotten because of steroid accusations? That's odd given that at least 2 of the 09 Yankees have PED issues.

The Red Sox haven't copied the Yankees business model -- they have adopted a similar approach, but the Yankees usually spend 25-50% more.

So the Red Sox suck
and the Yankees SWALLOW.

But Trooper York, as far as I am aware, remains a credit to this forum.

Trooper York said...

And it is not fair to list the Mets there.

Half of that money is paid to doctors for second opinions.

Trooper York said...

If you are refer to A-Rod you would be mistaken. He came clean this year and actually played well for a change.

Which just goes to show you that Kate Hudson monkey juice is a performance enhancing drug.

hombre said...

Well, if the dims in Massachusetts don't elect her to replace "Osama Obama" Kennedy, she is obviously qualified to try for Biden's old seat.

Chris Arabia said...

Sorry -- the Yankees seem to spend 65% more.

That's not COLA territory.

Having worked in the Mass. AG's office, I can attest to the fact that it is a den of hacks -- the people of Mass. seem to agree, given the way they keep rejecting AGs for governor.

The Mass. AG works for himself or herself, his friends, and his donors, not the people.

Coakley is a horrid person just based on Amirault. Her stupidity vis a vis Schilling is trivial but telling of her contempt for the electorate.

Trooper York said...

Big Papi was also off the juice this year and could barely walk to first base, the load that he is.

He was a steriod made hitter, no doubt about it. And he was the one that beat the Yankess.

Except for Johnny Damon who couldn't wait to leave that hellhole called Boston to put on Pinstripes. Much like Clemens, Wade Boggs, Luis Tiant, and the aforementioned Babe Ruth.

Anonymous said...

"yeah, most women follow baseball from morning til night."

What an incredibly sexist thing to suggest.

Are you suggesting, Jeremy, that because Martha Coakley is a woman, we should judge her by a different standard when it comes to making boneheaded comments about sports?

Are you suggesting that women aren't capable of keeping up with baseball?

Because that's what it sounds like. It sounds like you're suggesting that women just aren't up to keeping up with who's who in the world of sports - and so we shouldn't question why Martha Coakley doesn't seem to know what team Curt Shilling plays for.

Or that she bashes a candidate for standing outside of Fenway Park - in the freezing cold - and actually deigning to speak with the voters he's asking for support.

Martha Coakley is dismissive of Senate candidates who do things like talk to voters, or go to Fenway, or know who Curt Shilling is, or who can even spell the name of the Commonwealth correctly.

She'd rather railroad innocent people into prison and attend posh lobbyist fundraisers in Washington, D.C. than stand out in the rain at Fenway meeting lowly voters.

Trooper York said...

65% or 95% you have to spend if you want to win. Occasionally a fluke team gets in there to calm down the rubes. But in baseball as in life "Money talks and you know what walks."

Well except for Big Papi. He strikes out.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

We got a good team this year trooper.. we will see you in october.

Chris Arabia said...

If you're going to throw sloppy allegations around regarding the Red Sox and steroids, I have the right to respond in kind regarding the Yankees. The right to be a fanboy does not stop in mid-Connecticut.

Good line on the Mets though. Odd franchise.

Championships this millenium:
Boston 2, NY Yankees 1

Anyone up on what's happening for governor in Mass.?

Chris Arabia said...


My mistake for thinking you were making a serious point. The cliches are boring. 2-1 isn't.

Papi had a horrible start, but try actually looking at his stats -- still drove in 93 (I think) runs even though he hit nothing until June.

You're just bitter b/c the tables finally turned. But please don't go Jeremy on us.

vbspurs said...

ZPS wrote:

If/when Coakley loses, I'd better not hear any "It's a referendum on Obama!" from you all. Jesus.

Two words:

"Manny Ortez"


And "Sammy Souzer".

vbspurs said...

Ooh, yes yes! Romy and Michelle. Me loves!

Trooper York said...

Oh I have no problem with you throwing whatever you want.

Just get ready for a Yankee to hit it out of the park.

The century is young my friend.

See April 4th on Opening Day in Beantown Lem. Yankees vs Sox at 8pm on a Sunday night.

Trooper York said...

Stephen I am not bitter in the least. The tables have not turned. All is right with the world. The cosmos is back in alignment.

I don't think I have told you lately but the New York Yankees are World Series Champions! Again.

And Ted Williams disembodied head has a can of Chicken of the Sea stuck to it.

I have always admired how the Red Sox valued their traditions.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Check out the best of the Yankees.

An alltime classic.

The Drill SGT said...

Martha Coakley is dismissive of Senate candidates who do things like talk to voters, or go to Fenway, or know who Curt Shilling is, or who can even spell the name of the Commonwealth correctly.

There are a lot of Reagan Democrats that are going listen politely to the shop steward on Tuesday and tell him with a straight face that they voted for Coakley (that dumb bitch), when they really went in the booth and voted for Colonel Brown.

AmPowerBlog said...

American Power tracked-back with, 'Martha Coakley's Radical Tax-and-Spend Ideology'.

Chip Ahoy said...

I watched baseball a couple of times. Whenever the camera focused on a single player he casually spit. After fifteen or so spits I go, "this is f'in gross."

* click *

The result of this aversion is it makes crosswords more difficult.

Jeremy said...

October 2007 -

Rudy Giuliani, while campaigning in Boston, a reporter asked the former mayor which team he would be cheering for in the World Series - the Colorado Rockies or the Boston Red Sox. To our surprise (and Bostonist's), he went with the Red Sox, "I'm rooting for the Red Sox.

Jeremy said...

October 2007 -

Rudy Giuliani, while campaigning in Boston, a reporter asked the former mayor which team he would be cheering for in the World Series - the Colorado Rockies or the Boston Red Sox. To our surprise (and Bostonist's), he went with the Red Sox, "I'm rooting for the Red Sox.

Peter V. Bella said...

Martha Coakley is fast becoming a contender for the Democrat Idiots Hall of Fame.

Jeremy said...

Trooper York said..."Once again Jeremy shows that he has as much knowledge about baseball as he does about politics. He is much akin to a Pacific Islander glimpsing a suitcase and deciding he had found God. There was a long history of the Red Sox tolerating Manny’s nonsense."

that's OLD news, dude...and i know all about manny's problems in beantown.

he also contributed to...oh, you know.

the yankees finally won another one this past season.

and anybody who think a fan of the st. louis cardinals isn't an avid baseball fan, or know his or her baseball is a fool.

Meade said...

Stephen Snell said...

"...Professor Althouse,
Please ban that one commenter."

I doubt that will happen, Stephen. May I suggest using the Trooper York model: Mockery. Ridicule. Be funny/interesting. No one does it better than Trooper but that should never stop anyone from giving it a try.

(And now I'll return to the Althouse rule, under Leave your comment:: "DO NOT comment about it.")

Jeremy said...

trooper going on and on about "juice"...with a-rod, giambi, pettit, and who knows how many others wearing pinstripes?

and if they're sooooo good...where were they from 2000 - 1009?

Jeremy said...

meade - quit sucking up to your wing nut buddies.

Jeremy said...

Florida said..."What an incredibly sexist thing to suggest."

oh, give me a fucking break.

are you actually jumping on the pc bandwagon to take an alternative stand?

YOU think most women are huge baseball fans?

baseball isn't even the most popular sport for men.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Whenever the camera focused on a single player he casually spit.

thats because most of them chew tobacco.

Anonymous said...

Oh Jesus Christ, baseball in politics again???

Yes, I agree that it's probably Althouse-worthy, but I really hate having to learn who Curt Schilling is... Sounds like a good name for a high-tech sex toy.

I'd trade in our separation of church and state for a separation of sports and state anyday...

former law student said...

But the moment Obama swung into Massachusetts campaigning for Coakley, her horribleness became a reflection on him.

Loyalty to a fellow Republican is a virtue, loyalty to a fellow Democrat is a vice.

"Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican." -- Reagan's Eleventh Commandment

Jeremy said...

Lem said..."thats because most of them chew tobacco"

i-don't-think-so...at least in a major league dugout.

Jeremy said...

curt schilling just announced he's voting for coakley.

Anonymous said...

All this talk of sucking and swallowing is leaving a misimpression. I say the more sucking and swallowing the better.

Sodomy is good.

vbspurs said...

Coakley to Obama on Sunday, channeling John Edwards:

"Why didn't you come to me like a fcking man, and tell me to stop fcking up my campaign!"

vbspurs said...

The irony, is that they don't see just how desperate that smells.

vbspurs said...

wv: glasess

Democrats lift their glasess when Democratic politicians look like jackasses.

This one: Blamy!

I wonder what the Blamy game will look like on Wednesday.

Trooper York said...

"where were they from 2000 - 1009?"

In a time machine.

Anonymous said...

Is this Obama's "HOPE" and "CHANGE" for America?

We've gone from those lofty platitudes to the ultimate in sleazey lies:

1,736 women were raped in Massachusettts in 2008.

Scott Brown wants hospitals to turn them all away.

Isn't Obama implicitly endorsing this crap by coming to Massachuohfuckit tomorrow?

They've lost me with this one. I will never look at a Democrat and give him or her the benefit of the doubt ever again.

vbspurs said...

Professor Ann, if you don't frontpage this Youtube video response, I'll hold my breath until I turn pre-Coakley Massachussetts blue.

Scott Brown Is A Yankee Fan

"Paid for Democrats United against the Evil Empire", hahaha.


G Joubert said...

Don't forget that Roger Clemens was juiced during his Yankee years, and not during his Bosox years.

vbspurs said...

It's not Hope and Change.

It's Hoax and Chains.

vbspurs said...

Oh snap!! G Joubert put on his secret Martha Decoder Ring, and decoded her squirelly mind association ramblings.

She was thinking Roger Clemens, not Curt Schilling (!!). RIGHT?

Trooper York said...

No real Yankee fan considers Roger Clemens a "True Yankee."

He was "on" the team but never "of" the team.

Much like a liberal can never be a "True American."

vbspurs said...

Practically live photo of Scott Brown at a campaign stop as we speak.

(Via MelissaTweets)

vbspurs said...

It's enough that he PLAYED for the Yankees, in my opinion. And Martha was counting on that disgust from Red Sox Nation to cement her street cred with them. Mwah-bloody-hah.

ricpic said...

Why are all modern pols supposed to be as one with "The People?" Judging from the way they slaver after the American versions of royalty - FDR; JFK - The People clearly prefer rule by one of their betters. Coakley would have been well advised to distance herself from the common man and his pastimes in order to gain his respect and vote. In her attempt to ingratiate herself to him she has only earned his contempt. The common man knows what he is. He doesn't want that in a ruler.

Titus said...

Boots on the ground here and things are sizzling.

Martha just said she hates Haitians.

This thing is over.

Mass has the third largest Haitian population.

ricpic said...

I could care less about the Haitians.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Martha just said she hates Haitians.

you got to be kidding titus.

vbspurs said...

Lem, adjust your irony metre, please. Even Captain Cockup wouldn't be that clueless. ;)

Meade said...

"Martha just said she hates Haitians."

You misheard her. What she said was, "I hate that I don't know who Curt Shilling is."

Trooper York said...

Someone just told her that CC Sabathia was a Haitian so she wanted to score some brownie points.

Trooper York said...

She thought David Ortiz was a Haitian. But he was born in the Domincan Republic which as you know shares an island with Haiti.

He did however eat several Haitians on the boat ride to South Florida if that means anything.

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Titus said...

I was kidding Lem but that would be par for course for her.

And Trooper...tits.

Titus said...

I was kidding Lem but that would be par for course for her.

And Trooper...tits.

Titus said...

This just in Scott Brown received the endorsement of gays, bis, tris and lovers of horses.

Help or hinderance?

Rumor has it they will be running a 30 second ad for Brown on a "farm".

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I could care less about the Haitians.

I could too.

But I try to care a bit more than less, because the poor Haitian people have had no choices.

I also try to prioritize my concerns and be the most effective that I can in my charitable efforts. This means I pretty much contribute out of my own pocket personally(directly to the person) or locally.

Curt Schilling. A abrupt spicy player.

Trooper York said...

The Coakley camp has issued a clairification.

Her father had always hated Willie Mays and she knew that he was called the Say Haiti Kid. So she hated him too.

She just wanted to show that she knows her baseball.

Alcuria said...

baseball isn't even the most popular sport for men

Ok, wise guy, then what is? Soccer? I bet you think soccer. I went to a soccer match once and saw fans passing around sliced oranges to each other? What kind of spectator sport is that?

Baseball may not be the most popular sport, but at least fans don't pass around sliced oranges to each other. At baseball games, fans consume beer, hotdogs and hamburgs.

I bet you like sliced oranges.

Trooper York said...

"baseball isn't even the most popular sport for men

Ok, wise guy, then what is? Soccer?"

Actually it is masturbation

Meade said...

"meade - quit sucking up to your wing nut buddies. "

Ha ha ha. You compliment me.

Thank you.

vbspurs said...

Fred4Pres wrote:

Martha Coakley's stock is falling.

OMG! It really has since last I checked when she was up by 80%.

As of time of posting Intrade has them at:

Coakley 47.9% Down 13.1
Brown 53.0 Up 12


vbspurs said...

Someone is going to make a KILLING with the previous long odds on Brown, if he wins on Tuesday.

Just our luck, it'll probably be Soros.

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