January 18, 2010

At the Hoar House....


... the reception is frosty.


Meade said...

"One could do worse than be a [hoer] of birches."

Revenant said...

Here in San Diego, it rained.

No, really, this is sort of exciting!

Anonymous said...

What a nice photo for the Law Professor's blog! Does this make her the ice queen intellectual or...???

traditionalguy said...

There must be a secret code in this post, but I am frozen out.

cold pizza said...

burr! -cp

wv: gredstyp: the pointy part of the gred.

Anonymous said...

Here's some nasty coldness for you:

from the Editorial pages of today's (voting day) Boston Globe

Democrats are in full-out PANIC now. This is something that you would expect to read in some cold war Soviet newspaper. You get the impression that Scott Brown is not just a truck-driving rapist himself, he's the leader of a whole cadre of truck-driving rapists.

Chip Ahoy said...

Hoar House. There's no rime or reason for using that word -- house.

SatichDash said...

what a marvoulious sight is this?
Hope everybody like to visit this sight again and againBusiness Opportunity Online

The rule of Lemnity said...

Some radio guy from Boston told Imus this morn that he is going to wait till he sees the Brown swearing in to believe it.

"Dems will be counting the vote"..

Canvasing board a
How many votes do you have?

Canvasing board b
How many votes do you need?

The rule of Lemnity said...

I like the hoar on Mars myself.

Unknown said...

Ann said...

At the Hoar House...."

Does that make Ann the madam? No, she's warm these days.

I just knew this was coming. Meade's idea?

Even in the fields primeval around here, the snow looks grungy. That's about the time you really start to go stir-crazy.

Lucky for you, it still beckons where you are.

Leather Daddy said...

I will be checking in. Please be sure the lube and poppers are in the night stand. Also, a bed with removable sling would be appreciated.

Beta Conservative said...

I learned the definition of that word (this spelling!)in a crossword puzzle, but in my dotage I had forgotten it.

Thanks for the reminder Ann, it may come in handy again.

The rule of Lemnity said...

On Imus, NYT Frank Rich squirmed not to state the obvious.

The Coakley defeat is a repudiation of the Obama agenda.

themightypuck said...

Hoar of birches. The English vice.

wv: coifaure-->tight lipped plastic surgery.

themightypuck said...

@Lem. I doubt that Coakley has all that much to do with the Obama agenda just because that isn't how our national politics works.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

If it weren't for walking, driving and riding on it, I would definitely miss ice.

WV: wootethe (no clue, some sort of crèole)

Chase said...


Here in Riverside County, it poured.

Get ready for Thursday - yikes!

Stay dry!

vbspurs said...

King George V once made a joke about one of his FO ministers, Sir Samuel Hoare.

Hoare had negotiated several landmark treaties with the French, but when he resigned, and was replaced by Anthony Eden, the King quipped to Eden:

"No more coals to Newcastle, no more Hoares to Paris"