MediaMatters makes a no-sense-of-humor move.
Boycott Minnesota? I'd never boycott Minnesota! I'd have to give up Bob Dylan. That won't happen. I wouldn't even boycott Prince... or the Coen Brothers. Really, politics just aren't that important to me. MediaMatters needs to get a life.
Let's see if people can have a discussion and get both major political parties' names correct. I doubt it, but let's just see.
As I said in the earlier post, I don't see how people who obviously consider themselves smart adults can expect people to take their arguments seriously when they knowingly mis-name one of the parties.
Anyone who disagrees in the slightest with those lefties is a right wing nut job. No matter that you voted for this waif of a president(has anyone kicked you for that yet?) or are a real feminist, or any of your other MOR Democratic bona fides, you are officially OFF THE BUS.
Welcome to the nut house. Have some tea!
Excellent point about their complete lack of humour. The delusional are typically brittle in that regard
This is not unintentional. They know most people who read Media Matters will not click through to see if their assertions are corroborated. So they can happily go along misleading their readers.
Interesting purpose for an organization that purports to fact check other sites.
Althouse didn't ask anyone to boycott Minnesota, but I sure did.
And I live here.
Screw us.
We deserve it.
Comedians and wrestlers and imbecile department store scions run for office and win (with a few extra ballots in the trunk, natch).
We buy domed stadiums for rich men.
We chase businesses away with high taxes.
We invite all who want to move here and live on the dole the minute they set foot here.
I'm amazed we Lake Wobegonians can tie our own goddamn shoes by ourselves.
So, yeah, boycott the Loon Star State.
Shit, Dylan left as fast as he could before he was 20.
Franken says Majority leader Harry Reid ordered all senators who presided today to keep speeches to their ten minute limits and not grant any extensions.
Well, when Harry orders people to do things, they better well jump!
Franken's not making any friends in the Senate, on either side of the aisle. He's a hothead in a place where cool is the coin of the realm.
Oh, and Garrison Keillor said Jews shouldn't write Christmas songs ("Christmas is a Christian holiday—if you’re not in the club, then buzz off").
That's Minnesota nice for ya.
For the record: I left Minnesota in 1973.
Ann is a right-winger?!?
Man, those guys are dumb!
Did I mention the mosquitos?
We got billions of 'em.
Mosquitos and taxes; either way, we'll bleed you to death.
See TMink above.
Explanation provided.
Minnesota ==> Minnetonka ==> Minnie Mouse ==> Minnie Driver ==> Mini-Me.
Ex-Minnesotan since 1996. I barely recognize it anymore.
On the other hand, there's Lileks.
wv: teestime. Time to tee off on MN, apparently.
Garrison Keillor said Jews shouldn't write Christmas songs
that was a side note, I see -- Keillor's focus was on the Unitarians' (are they even Christian) rewriting Silent Night to focus on Silence and Nighttime, deemphasizing God.
But Jewish holiday songs do bug me, making the solemn commemoration of the Nativity of Our Lord about snow instead of redemption. Same with the Resurrection, which Israel Baline interpreted as parading yourself down the main street in your new togs.
And, as Keillor pointed out, Christians have not returned tit for tat. No Ichabod Burke has ever trivialized Hanukah thus:
I'm dreaming of a fried latke.
Just like the ones I used to eat.
Where the onions glisten
And children listen
To spuds sizzling in the grease.
I'm dreaming of a fried latke
With every Hanukah gift I buy.
May your days be merry and bright
And may all
Your 'tater cakes be fried!
vw: balch -- what you do if you eat potato pancakes too fast.
The people at MediaMatters are dicks.
Demoncrats. What else would you expect?
Unbelievable, but on this I agree with Garrison Keillor ... Jews and Atheists (aka Unitarians) should leave our Christmas alone.
Go schmaltz up your own holiday.
Three observations:
1.) MM: Sen. Carl Levin immediately pointed out that, in fact, an identical denial had occured [sic] earlier in the day, and that the purpose was simply to keep debate moving.
In fact, Levin said "I think the same thing did occur ealier this afternoon..."
2.) MM: Franken says Majority leader Harry Reid ordered all senators who presided today to keep speeches to their ten minute limits and not grant any extensions.
Franken said "in my capacity as senator from Minnesota, I object."
Couldn't one of Reid's other minions have objected from the floor rather than the presiding senator? Despite his Eichmann Defense, Franken compromised his position as presiding senator and therein made it personal. Just because Bevich did the same thing earlier that day does not establish some kind of senatorial precedent. Two dicks don't make a right.
Democrats can't organize the Senate floor, but the can run healthcare?
3.) Althouse was kidding about the Minnesota boycott, but she was not backpeddling on Al Franken being a dick.
Don't forget that this is the same media matters that has accused Andrew Breitbart of wanting to murder Phil Jones and wanting to impeach Obama (a Red Eye joke)
HA HA, Ann is a hillbilly. You didn't actually believe there was a thing called a moderate, did you?
Like all the good little Reds, Media Matters makes up their facts as they go along.
paul a'barge said...
Unbelievable, but on this I agree with Garrison Keillor ... Jews and Atheists (aka Unitarians) should leave our Christmas alone.
Irving Berlin gave a whole lot of guys a little taste of home when they could really use it ,especially 1942 - 44. Keillor is an unfunny, pompous windbag whose career has been kept alive by the cultural snobs at NPR.
And the ADL should seriously go after him.
If Ann is right wing there is no label for the 40% of the country who are to the right of her. Maybe RIGHT WING TIPS.
The left, through the power of proclamation, has turned "right wing nuttery" into a overwhelming numerical majority. And that majority democratically elected to be lead by a socialist. How did this happen?
Absolutely nothing is funnier than asking a liberal who starts the conversation down the road about "Faux News" how they defend Media Matters.
Try it. A guest at our Thanksgiving table was laughed into embarassed silence when he tried every twist and spin possible to defend the liars at Media Matters. The other liberals at the table (relatives from Wisconsin) were smart enough to not try and come to his aid.
Best part - he shut up about Fox News. he really had no choice after that. Great Thanksgiving!
But it was a Dick move.
The Crack Emcee said...
Ann is a right-winger?!? Hilarious!
Man, those guys are dumb!
TMink said...
Anyone who disagrees in the slightest with those lefties is a right wing nut job. No matter that you voted for this waif of a president(has anyone kicked you for that yet?) or are a real feminist, or any of your other MOR Democratic bona fides, you are officially OFF THE BUS.
What Althouse’s fans are too naïve to figure out is that her claim she voted for Obama is her shtick. It's what she thinks gives her, as a right-wing blogger, something unique and interesting to talk about. Plus, it gives the impression she has more balanced-observer credibility, that all her criticism of and complaining about him (which, aside from neutral/ambiguous comments, is all there is -- there are no positive comments) carries more weight and bonafides because, after all, “she voted for him.” In their obliviousness, they eat it up and Althouse becomes a favorite because yes, it does feel more truthful and satisfying when someone from a different political camp observes things you knew to be true all along -- when they concede things that your political camp got right. When they go rogue. Problem is, Althouse is not from a different camp, she’s from their own. She’s playing a game. She’s going after blog hits. It’s way past time they grew out of this naivetee, but like children and Santa, maybe they’re better off clinging to the belief.
tonejunkie whined:
[Ann's criticism of Obama,] aside from neutral/ambiguous comments, is all there is -- there are no positive comments
Got any examples of things Obama has done that deserve positive commentary?
That's not fair. I mean he really has learned how to bow.
Hey Media Matters -- Althouse voted for Obama, and in my book, whatever else she is, she's no right-winger. You're absolute idiots.
Defenseman Emeritus said...
Got any examples of things Obama has done that deserve positive commentary?
What's the matter, can't address the main thrust of my post which is about Althouse's charade and her fans' obliviousness to it?
If you really and truly think that she is right wing you are sadly mistaken.
Althouse has all the liberal leanings and prejudices of a lefty college professor. Abortion on demand, a militant feminism, social spending in lieu of personal responsibility, and of course a mutton-headed believe in affirmative action that led to the vote for the One in the first place.
She only plays a conservative on Bloggingheads TV because they will have no truck with a real right winger
Well I boycotted half of the Coen brothers-I watched their last movie with only one of my eyes.
tonejunkie wrote: " It’s way past time they grew out of this naivetee"
I don't know pal, I am almost 50. I think I will never become as wise as you.
Truth is, I don't even know how to wipe the shit from my ass. Maybe, in your wisdom and perspicacity you could do that for me.
She only plays a conservative on Bloggingheads TV because they will have no truck with a real right winger
Oh, I've heard a few and, even if you want it kept to entertaining regulars, I think that Mr. Pinkerton might object.
Wait. You didn't say conservative. You said winger. Sorry.
In lefty land Al Franken is considered a comedian, what else does one need to know about lefty humour?
Look at all the outrage by right-wingers at what even Lieberman himself called no big deal. Apparently they consider this humble heroism on Joe's part.
I love Minnesota. Though I haven't been there in awhile.
I did a really hot guy named Oscar from Minneapolis years ago.
Love Stillwater, St. Cloud, even Duluth.
Minnesota is fabulous.
10k lakes and such.
they took Brett Favre too.
Love Minnesota.
Quit being a dick Althouse.
Althouse, isn't it nice to know that MediaMatters, the same group that brought down Don Imus, has its ears on you?
Pogo, Wisconsin is nearly as dicked up as Minnesota. Wisconsin now has more government jobs than it has manufacturing jobs.
Michael makes a good point. This isn't the same Wisconsin that I moved to in 73.
Hi, Wisconsin here. That isn't the same AllenS that moved here in 73.
When you think about it, much of Franken's schtick was based on being a dick.
As to Media Matters, it figures they wouldn't recognize a dick move.
What Althouse’s fans are too naïve to figure out is that her claim she voted for Obama is her shtick.
And you're obviously a moby-dick.
Media Matters is a raiding group always being sent on missions to seek and destroy public complainers about the Bright and Shining One's faults. The Professor was not their target until she recently started making helpful criticism of his style and a seeming dissonance between his sweet personality and his thuggish approach to getting his way. The professor has seemed seriously disappointed that Obama could not do a better job that the professor and many believed he could do as a left of center centrist. He has instead been a revolutionary who smiles a lot.
"Pogo, Wisconsin is nearly as dicked up as Minnesota. Wisconsin now has more government jobs than it has manufacturing jobs"
Government jobs and manufacturing jobs? Why do you imply disparity where none exists? We are the collective.
Soon there will be no jobs but government jobs.
Wisconsin now has more government jobs than it has manufacturing jobs"
I was lucky enough to tour the Pabst and Schlitz breweries in Milwaukee, back in the day. And I still cherish (for yard work) my made-in-Oshkosh striped overalls.
What do they make in Wisconsin anymore? Not Chevies, right?
Manufacturing jobs ARE government jobs nowawdays.
Wish I could boycott MN but I spend every Christmas there at my brother's house.
The MN enforced thought pattern has infected his family, sadly.
It's nice to see Media Matters finally got with the Obama Gotham font directive.
Dude, why you want to call me out? And what the fuck is this shit?:
" It’s way past time they grew out of this naivetee, but like children and Santa, maybe they’re better off clinging to the belief."
If you know my posts, here, or my blog enough to call me out, then you know my "shtick" as well, don't you? You can't see me but I'm shaking my head, dude: you're not making any sense.
I've told Ann she's a NewAger and I think everyone, including Ann, knows what I think of that term. She once confessed to seeing the air of mysticism around Obama - and said she was going to keep her eye on it - but disappointed me greatly when she dropped it. She just can't admit any of it. (Come on, no law professor blogs about spirits in her house and it escapes my notice.) I also read Camille Paglia - and respect her - and she's a confessed NewAger.
I'm an atheist who's acutely aware there's a spiritual, and political, battle going on around me, and I don't think the delusional and/or deceptive NewAgers, whether in or out of government - recklessly a mixin' and-a-matchin' our values away with any damn thing - yet understand the forces they've unleash on each other and, now, even our beloved country. As my friend and fellow NewAge blogger, Chris Locke, recently wrote, "When you get right down to it, nobody wants to be seen as New Age because nobody wants to be seen as irreparably stupid."
Dude, I didn't even approve of her wedding.
And I've definitely made it clear that, in my eyes, Ann's voting for Obama does NOT bestow on her "balanced-observer credibility". I'm waiting for an apology. As an American. As an American black man. Thinking I'd fall for this shit because of the color of this idiot's skin is a particularly stinging insult. I've called her friend, Glenn Reynolds, out on shit, too, even after he linked to me once for, out of all things I write about, a stupid piece on French Food.
Am I sounding like your proposed sycophant yet?
So Ann might be going for blog hits. Big whoop. That's allowed. But, from where I sit, she also appears to be some kind of observation machine, so it figures she'd alight on an interesting topic, or seven. I don't like all of her choices but, clearly, I like a lot of 'em. Don't hate on her because she's good. We need more good things. I'm all about things getting even better.
I think, like a fellow Leftist reviewing Rush Limbaugh, you miss the point of Ann Althouse's little salon (and, thus, why it's successful and, possibly, even influential) and, especially, how I see it and her. This is a free speech zone. This is what Jazz musicians get to do after all the paying customers go home. This is Titus sticking his dick in your face. And this is where a unique, and, I think, more workable form of conservatism is residing. Can't find much like it anywhere else.
And that's to Ann's credit, big time. I don't know what she set out to accomplish with this, but the fact she hasn't chased this crowd away is, in my opinion, kinda brave. She's not afraid of us, as you are, and we embrace her for that. When she and Meade say "We love you, Crack!" it means something to me, personally, even if it can ring of paternalistic white guilt or something. I, very much, love them in return.
So, is she conservative? Not on your life - but she's changing, right before our eyes, and that's worthy of applause - not condemnation. You can knock her for dissing the president, but that's just a sign you're brain-dead and she ain't. The guy's a douche. Y'all fucked up, but unlike many, she can finally see it and so we're not gonna completely torture her over it. Conservatism is supposed to be a "big tent", and she's built one herself, so there.
The fact you don't feel comfortable under it says much more about you, than her, by a long shot. We conservatives like this woman, faults and all, just as we do Sarah Palin, and that pro-woman stance, too, goes against the image you carry of we "troglodytes", so it's no surprise, to us, you still can't accept that you're the one with the vision problem.
With her keen eye, good humor, winning smile, a sense of fairness, and very feminine ways, Ann gives herself a very good name - and that name, as we all know, is "Althouse".
I don't know if this conveys what I want to say, but I didn't want to be mushy about it. "Althouse" is a good thing and Ann's a good person. Anybody who doesn't see that, or thinks I'm here for any other reason, has, as far as I'm concerned, a screw loose.
I follow no one.
former law student said...
What do they make in Wisconsin anymore?
God love em.
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