২৯ ডিসেম্বর, ২০০৯

Is Obama getting tired?

He's been traveling a lot — including going on a vacation — which is grueling. And he doesn't give priority to sleeping:
Unlike former President George W. Bush, who made getting eight hours of sleep a priority, Obama often works late into the night, averaging five or six hours of sleep, but making do with less when need be. After the Senate held a 1 a.m. vote on health care last week, Obama said he was awake to see the results.

IN THE COMMENTS: Johanna Lapp said, "It only took six words to bring down a British prime minister. Just six words":

১১৭টি মন্তব্য:

Opus One Media বলেছেন...

I assume anyone would get tired doing what he does and having to deal with what he deals with.

Is there a story here?

miller বলেছেন...

I feel so sorry for the poor guy.

And he gets his golf game interrupted constantly by these mere peons and serfs.

Brian বলেছেন...

I don't begrudge anyone getting enough sleep. I've had a pain condition that caused me to lose a lot of sleep, and I don't wish that on anyone.

In fact, if George W. was able to sleep soundly, that actually makes me feel better. Maybe it was Cheney that was losing sleep trying to prevent another terrorist attack.

Roger J. বলেছেন...

Oh the poor baby is tired--what did he think the presidency is all about? I see this tired meme is starting to filter down thru the fellating MSM--poor bambi is tie tie

What a loser

Great job America in electing this worthless twit

paul a'barge বলেছেন...


Obama is asleep at the wheel. He's sleep walking through the first term of his administration. Even the international alarm (clocks) can't wake this guy up.

AllenS বলেছেন...

He has a job that is above his pay grade, and it's making him tired trying to think of excuses for his inaction and inability to solve any crisis that he's faced. Not that he works very hard, but the confusion that he faces every day is tiring. He's lucky that the MSM is still willing to let him blame the previous administration.

AllenS বলেছেন...

Maybe he doesn't own a golf cart, and is forced to walk, carrying that heavy golf bag.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Tired of what exactly?

Roger J. বলেছেন...

Lem: my guess, given his propensity to vote present, is that the responsibility thing is getting him down.

The Ghost বলেছেন...

if Obama is pushing himself to stay up at night to work instead of trying to get some sleep and keep himself healthy I would ask him to look at the big picture ...

unless he is working on an immediate military matter getting more sleep is much more important for America than another strategy session with Rahm and Axelrod ...

5-6 hours is not enough ... he will not be thinking as clearly and should a real crisis occur, he will be forced to go without sleep for an extended period of time (a day or 2) which he will be starting already with a sleep deficit ...

work smarter Mr. Obama ...

Matt Eckert বলেছেন...

It is hard to sleep with one eye open.

Michelle has a lot of golf clubs.

tachyonshuggy বলেছেন...

Good execs get their sleep and delegate.

Overpromoted managers work too many hours and micromanage.

Unknown বলেছেন...

I'll say it; we're tired of him!

veni vidi vici বলেছেন...

Bush had it right; the demands of having your faculties about you to think straight when you're the "decider" in chief -- particularly when the likes of al qaeda and other opportunists are looking for openings in a war (or what they think is a war, even if many Democrats don't agree) -- call for getting enough sleep.

You can't half-ass a presidency without enough sleep in times like these. This isn't the "holiday from history" that President Clinton enjoyed, replete with late-night bull sessions in the war room with pizza ordered in.

The guy in the big chair has to have a clear head and sleeping enough is a big part of it.

If this is a newly planted "media meme" that's supposed to help Obama, methinks his meme-planters are risking some backfire. After all, this could easily play as cumulative to the growing "dude is unprepared for the gig he campaigned for and won" sentiment out there.

Most of the time, these kinds of stories are just journalistic diddling to fill space and spin something, and have little to do with what's actually going on, though.

But, we'll see how it all plays out.

Clyde বলেছেন...

I don't know if he is tired, but I know I'm damn sure tired of him!

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

I'm not tired. I had 11+ hours of sleep last night.

The story seems almost boilerplate to me -- I think it could be written about any new President.

I wonder what his 'normal' sleep demands are.

Matt Eckert বলেছেন...

It is very hard to get a good night's sleep when you are always pretending to be something that you are not.

Michael Haz বলেছেন...

Jimmy Carter had the same problem for the same reasons: (1) Inability to delegate work to trusted and competent subordinates; and (2) A sense that the world world revolved around him and if he slept, the world would stop.

My advice to B+: Suck it up. there are a hell of a lot of PFCs who have it far worst than you, and don't have the Wednesday evening party and the vacations.

X বলেছেন...

Jobs are hard!

Wince বলেছেন...

And curse Sir Walter Raleigh
He was such a stupid get.

I'm so tired

I'm so tired, I haven't slept a wink
I'm so tired, my mind is on the blink
I wonder should I get up and fix myself a drink

I'm so tired I don't know what to do
I'm so tired my mind is set on you
I wonder should I call you but I know what you would do

You'd say I'm putting you on
But it's no joke, it's doing me harm
You know I can't sleep, I can't stop my brain
You know it's three weeks, I'm going insane
You know I'd give you everything I've got
for a little peace of mind

I'm so tired, I'm feeling so upset
Although I'm so tired I'll have another cigarette
And curse Sir Walter Raleigh
He was such a stupid get.

You'd say I'm putting you on
But it's no joke, it's doing me harm
You know I can't sleep, I can't stop my brain
You know it's three weeks, I'm going insane
You know I'd give you everything I've got
for a little peace of mind
I'd give you everything I've got for a little peace of mind
I'd give you everything I've got for a little peace of mind

wv-"eatcha" = no comment

Gabriel Hanna বলেছেন...

I don't think anyone begrudges a President three square meals a day, eight hours of sleep, and golf on weekends.

He's there for the big decisions. I don't want a micro-manager-in-chief and I don't want a Presidential-level decisions made my a guy who's hungry and sleepy.

Rather than hear about how much sleep the President is losing, I'd rather hear about the decisions he's making.

GeorgeH বলেছেন...

Travel is not grueling, traveling commercial is grueling. I traveled quite a bit on executive aircraft in the past, and when you have a chauffeur to deal with the traffic going to the airport, no check in or screening to go through and a nice recliner on a plane that leaves on your schedule and is stocked with the meals of your choice, travel is positively relaxing. It would be even more so on a 747 with your own bedroom and bath.

Fred4Pres বলেছেন...

I am going to throw up.

Rose বলেছেন...

I don't believe a WORD that comes out from Obama's propagandists. He doesn't get the sleep Bush did? Translate - he sleeps in til noon.

He's tired? Tough. He was tired before he ran for this office - just remember his work habits and voting record in his previous position.

miller বলেছেন...

This is what my president is ignoring while he vacations.

I'm sorry, but I have no sympathy for him.

Synova বলেছেন...

I think that sleep and exercise are important. I don't begrudge Obama playing basketball.

And McCain's people should have "found time" for Palin to run.

And Bush was right to go to bed as early as he did and guard his sleep time.

Fred4Pres বলেছেন...

Perhaps Obama should go clear some brush in Crawford instead of playing golf. It seemed to work for his predecessor.

Greg Hlatky বলেছেন...

If it wasn't for those obstructionist Republicans he'd be better rested.

SteveR বলেছেন...

Well I'm tired of him.

veni vidi vici বলেছেন...

I don't understand why people think that Obama, of all people, is not particularly good with delegating his authority!

I'd say delegation is just about all he's done with his authority since coming into office. Consider the stimulus, healthcare legislation, cap 'n trade, etc.

Don't confuse delegation issues with prioritization issues, which are discussed elsewhere on Althouse today/yesterday. President Obama appears to delegate the big issues to Congress or others and zestily takes on the "small-ball" ones (like tripping to Copenhagen to bring the Olympics to Chicago, for instance); this is a prioritization problem, not a delegation problem.

I think prioritization's a worse problem than delegation, myself.

wv: "cheend" -- a slang word for having a dick in one's mouth, e.g., "You've been cheend!"

JAL বলেছেন...

Pace is clearly a fan.

But what a whiner we have as CIC.

Aides who have known Obama since before he took office say he seems more sober than he did a year ago, but also increasingly focused on the issues facing the country. Though he may need a vacation, they say he still thrives on a keeping a busy schedule and [he] continues to scoff at critics who say he's taken on too much in his first year. Unlike former President George W. Bush, [OF course!! When is this childishness going to cease? 2012, I hope.]

who made getting eight hours of sleep a priority, Obama often works late into the night, averaging five or six hours of sleep, but making do with less when need be. After the Senate held a 1 a.m. vote on health care last week, Obama said he was awake to see the results.

[That'll catch up with him, big time. It's called "burning the candle...."]

As a presidential candidate, Obama was known to get grumpy [maybe he needed more sleep] about grueling travel schedules, questioning why so many events had to be layered on top of each other and why the days had to be so long.

[He was a whiner back then. He's always been a whiner.]

He not only hated being away from his family for long stretches but, in his typically rational style, [oh, puhleease] questioned the reasoning behind the craziness of the campaign trail. Aides came to dread having tell him about certain aspects of his schedule.

The grueling travel hasn't gone away, nor have the long days. Now they're further compounded by red-eye flights to Europe
[Signifcantly, some by his CHOICE, and clearly unnecessary or vanity driven....] the seemingly endless stream ["seemingly endless" -- just say "No!"!!] of social events the president is expected to attend,

[Awwww....!!! Men older than he have coped without whining]

from concerts at the Kennedy Center to holiday parties where he and the first lady spend hours shaking hands.

But for all of its stresses, the presidency [???] has provided Obama ways to cope. He persuaded advisers early on to let him keep his beloved BlackBerry

[!!!!! Ha. The Secret Service, FBI, CIA, NSA and everyone else tapped with security were having a fit. And rightly so. And are all those communications going into the presidential records? Do George Soros's love notes to him go into the record??? That really is so typical of the "Barack is special" meme. Rules and regulations are not for someone as special as Him]

to stay in touch with a handful of friends outside the White House. Aides try to include time in his schedule for morning workouts in the White House gym and weekend rounds of golf.

And it isn't even one year in yet. He should have done his homework better.

Maybe the press misquoted him -- Maybe he didn't say "I won!"

Maybe he said "I whine."

Dark Eden বলেছেন...

The presidency is hard on everyone. Its amazing looking at the before and after pics of each president.

jacksonjay বলেছেন...

Maybe the President should watch the interview of General McChrystal on "60 Minutes"! Up at 4:30 a.m., one meal a day, Spartan living condtions and presumbaly NO Martha's Vineyard or Hawaiian vacation time! Watch this video of an inspirational American hero! I don't think that General McChrystal is ever tired!

sort of runic rhyme বলেছেন...

That weight was particularly striking during the president's exhaustive, three-month review of the U.S. strategy in Afghanistan. Images of a visibly tired Obama, his black hair now flecked with gray, greeting the bodies of fallen soldiers at Dover Air Force Base and walking through rows of headstones at Arlington National Cemetery sparked rumors that he was skipping meals and losing weight

unlike Bush who ritually overate and slept so as to have the energy to dance on their caskets in soul- sucking cadences to give him eternal youth and family fortune oil options.

Eric বলেছেন...

I remember watching an interview with George Shultz in which he was critical of the Clinton administration for their propensity to lose sleep digging into details on relatively minor problems. The reason was when a crisis hits (and they always do), you don't have any reserves - you can't function as well as if you'd taken care of yourself on normal days.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Obama is tired of being admired.

wv - thecomi - Jesus tired too.

David বলেছেন...

People like Obama confuse lots of work for with effectiveness. (I know the type, because I was one myself.) Part of effectiveness is discipline is setting and keeping appropriate priorities. He's not there yet.

There has been a heck of a lot of razzle dazzle in O's first year. If he travels less, gives less speeches, has fewer symbolic events in the second year, I will have hope that he is changing. He won't even have to cut back on the golf or the vacations.

exhelodrvr1 বলেছেন...

Michael Hasenstab,
"Inability to delegate work to trusted and competent subordinates"

And there's the rub - competent subordinates.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Anybody seen The Cain Mutiny Court Marshall lately? The professor's extra sensitivity to Obama's style in the comunication of leadership memes reminds me of the Officer's of the USS Cain slowly getting to know their Captain under each pressure filled event. Also the intense mental workload required for a narcissistic personality to keep producing the images he wants to be seen by to the Nutroots, to the Moslems, to the Global Governance apparatus, and to the white liberal establishment all at the same time would wear out Superman.

AllenS বলেছেন...

If you accept the premise that the job is 24/7, wouldn't taking hours off during the day to play golf, make the rest of your work day more hectic?

ricpic বলেছেন...

It must be demoralizing for the Kenyan Lizard King: no matter how hard he works at burying her that Goddamned America just keeps soldiering on.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Obama could always appoint a Tired Czar.

Eric বলেছেন...

There has been a heck of a lot of razzle dazzle in O's first year. If he travels less, gives less speeches, has fewer symbolic events in the second year, I will have hope that he is changing.

Not to mention overexposure from the constant public appearances is starting make people sick of him. Even if he does nothing with the time he should cut back quite a bit.

Harry Mellon বলেছেন...

You seen daddy and them?

Chase বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Chase বলেছেন...

This Just in:

Obama Faults ‘Systemic Failure’ in U.S. Security

Issob Morocco বলেছেন...

Where do Americans go when they seek refuge from the folly of Washington? The inane regulations and political correctness that stifles the truth. The bizarre and Dali-esque massive legislative tomes that no one can be bothered to read who is empowered to actually vote on its passage. Or perhaps the endless piling on of debt in a recession as if it has no consequence. Is that not how the housing and financial mess came to be via Fannie, Freddie and Rahm?

Squire Obama you are the Washington Follies Des Obama Ring Master. Unfortunately we don't have a refuge yet. Let's celebrate Lame Duck refuge next November!

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

As you know.. I really enjoy joking around as much as anybody here.

But for AP to put out this puffery about Obama being tired when well over 12% of Americans are unemployed (myself included) shows as clear as anything I've seen yet how detached from anything resembling a scintilla of reality these bastards are.

David বলেছেন...

Latest from President O per WSJ:

President Barack Obama said a "catastrophic breach" of security led to the Christmas Day attempted bombing on a Detroit-bound airplane. "A systemic failure has occurred and I consider that totally unacceptable. There was a mix of human and systemic failure that contributed to this catastrophic breach of security," he said.

He must be tired. He forgot to blame Bush.

Chase বলেছেন...

Rahm Emanuel, Obama Chief of Staff, during President Bush's vacation when Hurricane Katrina

During Katrina, Rahm Emanuel, then a Democratic congressman, criticized Mr. Bush for not cutting his vacation short to return to Washington sooner. “He has to get off his mountain bike and back to work,” Mr. Emanuel said then.

Four years later, Mr. Emanuel is White House chief of staff for Mr. Obama, whose aides are making the same argument that Mr. Bush’s aides did during Katrina — that he is president no matter where he is and that he has been active behind closed doors, conferring with advisers and ordering action.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi বলেছেন...

He must be tired. He forgot to blame Bush.

No he didn't David. He stated that the system that failed "has been in place for years now". The implication seems clear to me.

Glenn Howes বলেছেন...

There is a great Google Tech Talk on the importance of paying off one's sleep debt. I highly recommend anyone and everyone watch it.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

he's getting "tired" of the bullshit politics the GOP is playing with almost anything he says or does. here's a perfect example of the bullshit being played out by the tea baggers, wing nuts and regular ol' GOP assholes:

The bellowing by Republicans over the Obama administration's supposedly lackadaisical response to the attempted bombing of an airliner over Detroit seems as much about political posturing as legitimate national security concerns.

How else to explain the GOP's relatively quiet reaction eight years ago to President George W. Bush's detached response after a similarly-botched terrorist attack?

On December 22, 2001, Richard Reid -- known more infamously as the shoe bomber -- failed in his attempt to blow up a Miami-bound jet using explosives hidden in his shoe.

Coming less than four months after September 11, there already were deep concerns about a potential attack during the upcoming holiday break.

Nevertheless, President Bush did not directly address the foiled plot for six days, according to an extensive review of newspaper records from that time period. And when he did, it was only in passing.

David বলেছেন...

"No he didn't David. He stated that the system that failed "has been in place for years now". The implication seems clear to me."

Thanks for the correction.

Damn. Things never change.

You know, it's ok to blame Bush. Really it is. Bush is a big boy. He can take it.

But could Obama please delegate the blaming to someone else? It' so . . . you know . . . childish.

Jason (the commenter) বলেছেন...

I assume Obama is used to living on little sleep. He's probably just as tired now as when he was campaigning or writing books. This is normal for him.

Now, maybe he can't be an effective President on such a schedule, but maybe he'd be worse without it.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

Chief Chimpy Bunnypants Flight Suit didn't respond for six days after the Reid bombing? Oh my. That's awful!

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Compared to Bush, I dont think anybody can say Obama is tired of reminding us (along with our security apparatus) that we are at war with terrorists that do not rest in their cause of battling the 'great satan'.

He had to get an award (and not just any award) for him say that we had been a force for good in the world.

wv - stablema - prioritisation by repetition.

Gabriel Hanna বলেছেন...

Nevertheless, President Bush did not directly address the foiled plot for six days, according to an extensive review of newspaper records from that time period. And when he did, it was only in passing.

Yeah, he wasn't bombing Afghanistan or anything and sending terrorists to Cuba.

Just twiddlin his thumbs, he was.

Are you 12?

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Obama only mentions the war on terror - excuse me - the 'man made disasters' after an attack has occurred.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

Gabriel Hanna - actually he was vacationing at camp david...ass-wipe.

but that's not even the point; the point is that you and other wing nuts constantly whine about everything obama says or does, while ignoring the fact that previous presidents (little georgie included) have other things going on and choose the right time to address situations.

if you actually read anything before posting...you would know that.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Tiredness is a displacement of incompetence.

Jeremy বলেছেন...

once again, karl rove, once again tries to spread a complete falsehood via...Fox News and Hannity...who else?

Karl Rove went on Fox News twice yesterday -- first on Your World and later on Hannity, where he essentially repeated his earlier performance -- to accuse the Obama White House of being soft on terrorism because it did not declare Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the would-be bomber of that Northwest flight into Detroit, an enemy combatant:

Rove: This shows the big difference in this administration's approach to it. This guy was treated not as an enemy combatant, and turned over to the FBI and the CIA for interrogation, he was charged criminally, which means he immediately lawyered up and the amount of information we're going to get from him is going to be this much, compared to what we could get if he was just simply sweat by the FBI and the CIA -- not even using enhanced interrogation techniques, just using what police would be able to use if you weren't lawyered up. This is a very troubling way in which the administration has handled this.

On Hannity, he claimed that by filing criminal charges, "we treat him as a guy who tried to knock over a Seven-Eleven or got caught shoplifting."

The problem with Rove's claim that "this shows the difference" between the Bush and Obama administrations is flatly false.

Faced with nearly identical circumstances with would-be shoe bomber Richard Reid -- who was attempting to use the exact same kind of explosive on an American flight -- the Bush administration in 2001 did exactly the same thing: it filed criminal charges and eventually tried Reid in federal court.

Gabriel Hanna বলেছেন...

@Jeremy:the point is that you and other wing nuts constantly whine about everything obama says or does, while ignoring the fact that previous presidents (little georgie included) have other things going on and choose the right time to address situations.

Quote me "whining about everything obama says and does". Oh, you can't?

Well, try reading before posting.

Your mental age is certainly 12, if you use words like "ass-wipe".

Matt Eckert বলেছেন...

Jeremy is a big fan of the ACLU.

Be sure to call him a Moby troll.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

As a product of Affirmative Action, Obama has no concept of work, time management, or effective administration.

This underlines his affinity for the collective - the supremacy of the group over the individual, and his contempt for capitalists and capitalism.

Add his wife's obsession with retribution against all things white, you have one very destructive president.

As he's already demonstrated, you can bet he'll continue doing exactly the wrong thing at every turn, that is, until we're all living in a banana ghetto.

Chip Ahoy বলেছেন...

Little bit tired, yes. Know what Obama needs? He needs a good vacation out to nature, that's what. Maybe somebody who's not Cheney could take him hunting.

Gabriel Hanna বলেছেন...

@Matt Eckert:Be sure to call him a Moby troll.

Jeremy's posts have the unmistakable whiff of unconscious self-satire; you sound more like deliberate parody.

I'm actually giving you a little more respect than Jeremy, if you think about it.

If you actually believe the stuff you've been saying, then "plusgood duckspeaker" describes you better.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Maybe Obama's back is tired.

Opus One Media বলেছেন...

the republican contingent on this blog, by in large, are assholes. Bush, who took over a year off of his 8 years in office gets a pass and the fools and knaves here go nuts because he takes a week at Christmas.

I used to give a shit for your points of view. I no longer see reasons to be that generous.

Matt Eckert বলেছেন...

On the other hand, Opus One Media is a fount of wisdom.

Thank you sir.

MOTUS বলেছেন...

OMG, does anybody other than our friends on MSNBC understand? We are on VACATION!

Well get back to health care and our CO2 tax next week.


নামহীন বলেছেন...

Abdulmutallab is not an enemy combatant because Mr Obama is, at the very least, a Muslim sympathizer.

Penny বলেছেন...

Can you imagine any POTUS who would not get tired? Agree or disagree with any of them, the rest of us carry a much lighter load because they chose to serve.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

I can't believe that no one has referenced

THIS clip

He's so tired. He's not a wabbit....he needs some west.

BJM বলেছেন...

Did someone open a bag of troll chow?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

...the rest of us carry a much lighter load because they chose to serve.

Regarding Mr Obama, the reverse is true; the rest of us are progressively carrying an incredibly heavier load because he chose to serve himself, and only himself.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

I did DBQ - back at 3:41

chickelit বলেছেন...

The President is successfully executing his Loath of Office. Link

paul a'barge বলেছেন...

TraditionalGuy, when Obama starts rolling around 3 shiny ball bearings in his palm, we really need to start losing sleep.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Someone should remind POTUS that he swore he could handle that 3am call anytime, which includes vacay time.

Ralph L বলেছেন...

I can't believe that no one has referenced
THIS clip
I was about to link it, but I had to take a nap first (honest).

Irene বলেছেন...

Ah! Madeline Kahn, my hero.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I think these references to his being tired or needing a vacation are attempts to explain his detached, phlegmatic reactions to the world. He simply is not interested or is in over his head) in foreign policy or anything other than building the new EU-style socialist paradise.

jms বলেছেন...

After John F. Kennedy was elected, President Dwight D. Eisenhower spent many hours with him. One of the key lessons was this: "All the decisions you will make," said Eisenhower, "will be hard decisions." Dwight went on to explain that the easy things will be tended to by cabinet secretaries and others of the administration with executive authority. But the tough ones will always be kicked to higher levels to be decided. At every level, the decisions become more and more difficult until, at last, the presidential inbox is filled with nothing but the most difficult items.

Obama has surrounded himself with incapable fools, and he is wasting his time and energy on problems that would be solved at lower levels by more competent subordinates.

This is a consequence of having no executive experience, and no executive hiring experience.

Chip Ahoy বলেছেন...

... vacation -- which is grueling. My arse is grueling.

Vacation is grueling for you and for me, when it involves driving across country or even now flying commercially. For a president, I'm imagining, not so much. When you have your own butler packing your suitcases, secretaries making all the arrangements, travel taken care of for you, no lines, no tickets, people throwing roses at your feet along the way, civil servants rolling out the carpet for you, someone else taking care of the pet, locking up the house, no TSA to deal with, someone making sure the bills are caught up, driving you wherever whenever the impulse strikes you, and T-men clearing the streets for you therefore no traffic for you personally to consider, opening doors for you, toting luggage for you, tipping for you. Then on top of that, the most excellent bodyguards attainable willing to throw themselves between yourself and danger, then it's a little less grueling, personally, I'm imagining.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Obama has surrounded himself with incapable fools

In other words, his intellectual equals.

gk1 বলেছেন...

I suppose the more worrisome sight is how joyless he is doing his job. His shoulders are rounded and stooped and its only 1 year into the thing. Maybe that's why he picked Biden as VP to liven up the place by trying to tie his own shoes or get his head out of a waste paper basket.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

GWB took the job seriously and knew what a pressure cooker it its. Obama has been running from the job.

GWB knew that achieving a solid 8, if he ever did that, prepared him mentally and physically for each day's pressures. Obama believes he's too brilliant to need the rest, too brilliant to do what GWB did.

The result? GWB did it for 8 years and didn't run from the job. He took it wherever he went. Obama can't handle the job.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

Of course Obama isn't tired!! HE'S GREATER THAN JESUS and Jesus never tired!


Patm বলেছেন...

I'm really getting tired of the whimpering from the Obama camp. Bush, in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, clearly lost some weight, and he had to have felt enormous pressure bearing down as he went into Iraq, but we never heard this constant, "it's hard; he's tired" crap.

Obama has found that being president is hard. He thought it would be like being a rock star -he'd get adulation and others would do the work. That's practically what has happened, but the little bit he actually has to do, he seems to do resentfully.

Johanna Lapp বলেছেন...

It only took six words to bring down a British prime minister. Just six words. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0UUOQtcVBo

vbspurs বলেছেন...

JAL wrote:

[He was a whiner back then. He's always been a whiner.]

"Why can't I just eat my waffle?" (Campaign trail 2008)

"All right, that's enough" (Halloween 2008 to photographers)

"I will watch you on Fox News and feel bad about myself." (War against Fox)

Now he complains he's tired.

ZIP IT, zippy!

We're not interested in hearing our president say he's tired. Suck it up, like the millions of unemployed and scared Americans currently tired as all get out, not cocooned by luxury and security like you are.

And he's a YOUNG man? Please. What a lack of endurance for someone so young.

Ric Locke বলেছেন...

HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF, HEGEL NOTED, prompting Marx to add: the first time as tragedy, the second as farce.

Ah, the late Seventies. Living in Northern California (though not SF itself) and watching Jimmah on TV, aging by the minute. The increasing stoop, lines in his face growing as you watched, gray coming out in his hair. And the pundits, O! the pundits! The Presidency is just too big for one man, they said. It's impossible, a job that can't be done, they said.

Then came Reagan, elected at age 70, and looking as good after eight years and an assassination attempt as he did when inaugurated. The Presidency is a hard job, but it isn't impossible. You just have to be up to it. Part of that is knowing how to pace yourself.

I'll give Carter this: he didn't spend a lot of time whining about what a horrible set of problems Nixon and Ford left him with. Of course, as a Rickover graduate he got that hammered out of him at around O-3. He still ended up as a tragedy. Hegel would be gratified at the fulfilling of his prediction.


নামহীন বলেছেন...

I wouldn't have given him a long weekend in the Hanoi Hilton.

Penny বলেছেন...

"And he's a YOUNG man? Please. What a lack of endurance for someone so young."

True, Victoria.

Except only ONE young man has the weight of our collective well-being on his shoulders.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

I did DBQ - back at 3:41

@ Lem.

I should have known. Lem ....font of music and movie trivia.


RHSwan বলেছেন...

To start off, I don't mean this as a slam on Obama. I know the president is a 24/7 job no matter where in the world he is.

But I'm wondering what he has been doing if he is working all those hours. He delegated primary responsibility for the stimulus package, carbon trade bill and the health care bill to Congress. Yes he and his staff gave inputs, but the heavy lifting was done by Congress. He had a fair number of meetings on Afghanistan but that is done now so should take up a minimal amount of time. He has three or four briefings every day to keep him up to date on the world but none of that should take all that much time else we probably would hear about it. Does anybody know what subject is taking up all that time?

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

Obama has surrounded himself with incapable fools, and he is wasting his time and energy on problems that would be solved at lower levels by more competent subordinates.

This is a consequence of having no executive experience, and no executive hiring experience.

That is it in a nutshell.

We are sooooo screwed.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

The point IS not that he's young, but that other occupants of the highest office in the land, far older than he, never blurted out that they were tired.

When he says he's tired, it allows people like me to correctly, if ungenerously, call him a weakling.

Ralph L বলেছেন...

Does anybody know what subject is taking up all that time?

vbspurs বলেছেন...

Bowing lessons?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Does anybody know what subject is taking up all that time?

Partying, concerts, AF-1 junkets, date nights, buzzing the Statue of Liberty, entertaining George Soros, riding in limos, praying to Allah, re-reading Das Kapital, playing pick-up, and laughing his ass off (re stupid white people).

Until now.

Penny বলেছেন...

"Bowing lessons?"

After YOU, madam victoria.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

@ DBQ - Thanks.. You are too kind.

Synova বলেছেন...

You know who else was reported as running himself ragged?


I think that a president has to guard his or her sleep, exercise *and* recreation. Running, golf, basketball, or clearing brush... it doesn't matter to me. It's important and helps to keep a person as sharp as they can be.

I'd rather presidents traveled as little as possible simply because the security necessary interrupts everyone's life for little purpose, even for days as the locals practice rerouting traffic. But not because they can't take their work with them, and do take their work with them. I just think they should stay in D.C. as a courtesy to the rest of the world. (How much of Obama's support staff would have rather been "home" for the Holiday? Is there still some poor shmuck who has to follow him around with the nuclear codes every moment of the day? Maybe they got to bring their families on Air Force One and spent the time off-shift at the beach? You think?)

That said, I would *far* rather see Obama taking a vacation with his family in Hawaii than sharing a stage in Copenhagen with Robert Mugabe.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Bowing lessons?

See Lem @ 5:04

Penny বলেছেন...

It takes extraordinary faith in humanity for the powerful to "bow"...first.

MathMom বলেছেন...

I agree with an earlier commenter - Obama travels a lot, but it's not "grueling". Traveling with a toddler and an autistic 6-year-old from Saudi Arabia to Idaho in Coach (38 hours in transit) is grueling.

Obama just waves his hand, and someone else "gruels". He travels so much to look busy, because he's afraid to stay in the Oval Office. People will expect something of him that he's not competent to produce, so he hits the trail.

Mark বলেছেন...

Penny, you don't play poker, do you?

Penny বলেছেন...

Blogger Mark said...

"Penny, you don't play poker, do you?"

Oh, but I do play!

Perhaps not enough? Or perhaps just enough to know that my luck runs hot AND cold?

And you, Mark?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Just six words:

It's brain cancer. Chemotherapy and surgery.

Shanna বলেছেন...

Awesome! I didn't expect a Doctor Who reference on here.

Mark বলেছেন...

Penny, luck has nothing to do with strategy, if you're playing poker correctly. (Outcomes are a different matter, but if you're judging by outcomes instead of whether you're making the proper moves, then you aren't playing correctly by definition.)

But back to my point, you only intentionally show weakness in a poker hand if you're inviting an escalation. I see no upside in Obama bowing first to anyone.

Charles বলেছেন...

Obama has limited management experience so he doesn't know how to delegate effectively. He also, for all his intelligence, accomplished very little before he was thrust into the limelight by his 2004 speech. He doesn't have a high energy level and doesn't manage his own time effectively. So he compensates by working too hard. I think he is overstressed.

Any objective assessment of his resume would show him unqualified for a high-level management position.

Dark Eden বলেছেন...

Althouse gets +100 points for the Dr. Who reference.

sugennew: the increasing feeling among leftists that they need a new sugar daddy, because the big O kind of stinks at it.

Mark বলেছেন...

Obama's attitude:
