December 14, 2009

"The climatologist whose work Mr Gore was relying upon dropped the former Vice-President in the water with an icy blast."

An inconvenient climatologist embarrasses Gore in Copenhagen.


The Drill SGT said...

Al got caught making sh_t up again :)

And people used his internets to laugh about it. Pretty soon though Obama is gonna put him in charge of that Geothermal stuff, cause Al know how to tap that multi million degree heat layer.

who needs oil anyway when you have geothermal to run your carz

Anonymous said...

I hear Gore's first geothermal project will be to drill deeply along the San Andreas fault. Coincidentally, one of the companies he's involved with just sold a ton of commercial property in San Francisco.

Unknown said...

Albert thought he had it made until Climategate came along.

How does the old song go?

"Nobody loves you when you're down and out" :D

Methadras said...

And the phony gets gored on his own petard.

SteveR said...

The way these guys have been practicing science which includes using scientific ignoramuses like Al Gore to be their public face, means they no longer can tell fact from fiction. Even so, every once im a while its too blatent to ignore.

The Crack Emcee said...

I wish somebody had smashed Gore's face in, instead of the Italian Prime Minister (no matter how much he deserved it) or, maybe even, got them both:

It's time.

knox said...

Mr Gore, speaking at the Copenhagen climate change summit, stated the latest research showed that the Arctic could be completely ice-free in five years.

What?? This is so obviously absurd. Pardon the comparison, but he's like the serial killer who wants to get caught. I don't think he's even trying anymore. It's like a "cry for help."

sonicfrog said...

Look, this is no different than some of the fraudulent info he used in AIT. The difference now, is that the spell has been broken, just enough skeptical based blogs are starting to gain traction due to climate gate, and the regular press, struggling as they are, can no longer turn their heads and ignore the massive amounts of misinformation spewed by Gore.

Ver Word: gought

Charlie Martin said...

What?? This is so obviously absurd.

So was the claim that the Himalayan glaciers would be gone by 2035 — which no one can source now, but may have been a typo of 2350.

And which now appears to have as much to do with soot from South Asia as climate changes.

Bruce Hayden said...

The absurdity is that they are arguing about the outputs of models, which are based on the same sort of assumptions that the overall climate models have used, and seem to be just as specious. The problem for them is that the polar ice has just not melted as much as predicted recently. Another inconvenient truth.

"Richard Lindzen, a climate scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who does not believe that global warming is largely caused by man, said: “He’s just extrapolated from 2007, when there was a big retreat, and got zero.”"

Bruce Hayden said...

I hear Gore's first geothermal project will be to drill deeply along the San Andreas fault. Coincidentally, one of the companies he's involved with just sold a ton of commercial property in San Francisco.

I sure hope not. A big geothermal project just got terminated due to the possibility that it was causing earthquakes.

It, of course, depends on the type of geothermal project. Totally internal systems may be somewhat safe here. But external? Not likely.

My theory is that the water involved might lubricate the fault, which is caused by two plates moving along side each other in opposite directions. Whenever the movement of the plates overcomes friction, we have earthquakes. Artificially reducing that friction, through lubrication by the water involved in the geothermal project, would potentially allow the edges of the plates to move in relation to each other, resulting in earth quakes.

I have long thought though that the long run solution to these faults was just this, lubricating the faults to allow many smaller quakes, instead of the big ones that we do see. But getting to that point where it could be done safely is the scary part, since there is a lot of built up stress all along the faults that would have to be relieved, and I expect that to be difficult to do in a controlled manner.

So, yes, if I were in his shoes, I would be selling any property I had anywhere close to San Francisco. I would also make sure that much of my assets were well hidden offshore, because you can pretty well expect that if such a geothermal project were to cause earthquake, the damages would be enormous, and the parties involved would be liable.

John Stodder said...

I think this is part of Gore's lifelong Daddy issues.

To most of us, Albert Gore, Sr. is a minor historical figure, an old Southern Democrat, polite racist and tool of Armand Hammer. But to the VP, his dad is the colossus. Junior had no choice but to pursue world domination. Sad, desperate times for him. He came close, but his fall is embarrassing.

traditionalguy said...

This collosal joke of a trace gas causing a faked Global Warming that plainly does not even exist then causing all our resources spent to build windmills that produce nearly nothing in net additions to the power grid makes us all into fools. For that to be AlGore's sole contribution to life makes AlGore an evil man.

AllenS said...

I don't believe that Al Gore ever gets embarrassed. When questioned about anything that he says about global warming, or climate change, he just says "you believe that the earth is flat." End of discussion. What an unintelligent, idiotic statement.

Robert W. said...

To see even more how this complete charade is falling apart, look at this article:

Now there apparently won't be another review until 2016. Weren't we all supposed to be dead by then?!?

I only hope, through all of this, that the general public - especially those under 25 - learn how completely corrupt the MSM has become!!!

AllenS said...

According to the Mayan calendar, the world is supposed to end on December 21, 2012. I'm left wondering, is this based on some kind of Algoreish forcast? Or did the Mayan who was doing the chiselling, simply run out of rock surface?

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Haz said...

Maybe the Arctic ice wouldn't melt quite as fast if Al Gore foreswore use of his Gulfstream jet.

Fucking hypocrite.

traditionalguy said...

The Flat Earth Believer mantra aimed at the real scientists is a variation of "That question does no arise" mantra used by Dictators since News Media evolved on Radio and News Reels in the 1920s. No communication of a true idea is permitted...the Big Lie is only repeated over and over and over. The trace gas CO2 is harmless, if not beneficial, except in the Big Lie mantra.

KCFleming said...

Every so often throughout history, the multitude goes quite mad.

Whether animated by ideas of nation or religion or economics or science, the elite and the public they lead become a mob, an incendiary rabble, and seem hell-bent on destruction.

This periodic hair-shirt response is an apologia for the sin of being man, and not God.

Henry said...

From the article: “This is an exaggeration that opens the science up to criticism from sceptics,” Professor Jim Overland, a leading oceanographer at the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said.

Just now you noticed the exaggerations, Dr. Overland?

MadisonMan said...

Yes, the true figure is 20-30 years, not 5. That's much better.

Henry said...

I have a feeling the "true" figure will always be 20-30 years out.

Anonymous said...

And back to the real world. . .

Anonymous said...

Actually, about 5 years ago, the projections were 90 years out.

Now the projections have been changed to 2030 in light of accelerating warming.

This decade was the warmest decade on record.

Anonymous said...

Less ice also means more warming, as the dark ocean will absorb more heat than white ice.

Oh - but the I hear that there is an e-mail that "proves" that it is a myth that dark surfaces absorb more heat than white surfaces. . .

Henry said...

downtownlad -- you forget this one:

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Warmest century!
Warmest decade!
Warmest year!

Hell, according to the experts it's probably the warmest Dec 15th on record.

Funny how these proclamations never seem to describe the climate where I live.

Crimso said...

"This periodic hair-shirt response is an apologia for the sin of being man, and not God."

And it seems to run in about 10 yr cycles: extinction through nuclear war, then oil running out, then global cooling, then Iben Browning, then Y2K, then global warming (er, "climate change"). I'm sorely tempted to see if I can make up something and make it go viral for the next 10 year cycle. Alien abductions never seemed to catch on. Perhaps if we try that again, but leave out the anal probes, which seems to turn most people off.

Rialby said...

Warmest decade ever...

Says who? Based on what? Compared against which data points?

KCFleming said...

Warmest decade ever...
in Tiger's pants.

Now, the global Tiger cooling phase.

X said...

This next year will be the 30th anniversary of the hottest day ever recorded in Dallas, although AlGore has been assuring me for 20 years we're going to break that record any day now.

Henry said...

Crimso wrote: And it seems to run in about 10 yr cycles: extinction through nuclear war...

But the protesters never seem to change.

The high point of the week, from the environmentalists’ point of view, is Wednesday, when they hope that 10,000 protesters will storm the summit. But hundreds of Danish activists have been preparing for almost a year, and they are not going to waste the opportunities provided by having thousands of colleagues from around Europe in their capital city.

It's the Menudo of anarchistic demonstrations.

MayBee said...

20-30 years seems like a good amount of time to come up with a way to redirect the increased water flow to drought-stricken areas.

X said...

“It’s unclear to me how this figure was arrived at,” Dr Maslowski said. “I would never try to estimate likelihood at anything as exact as this.”

I hate to defend AlGore, but apparently he got it straight from chickentheboywocriedwolflittle's mouth:

Wednesday, 12 December 2007
Arctic summers ice-free 'by 2013'
By Jonathan Amos
Science reporter, BBC News, San Francisco

Arctic summer melting in 2007 set new records

More details

Scientists in the US have presented one of the most dramatic forecasts yet for the disappearance of Arctic sea ice.

Their latest modelling studies indicate northern polar waters could be ice-free in summers within just 5-6 years.

Professor Wieslaw Maslowski told an American Geophysical Union meeting that previous projections had underestimated the processes now driving ice loss.

Crimso said...

"This decade was the warmest decade on record."

Shhhhh! Don't tell the trees.

MadisonMan said...

Funny how these proclamations never seem to describe the climate where I live.

I think it would be very hard for a person to recognize a slow change in climate. You might if you're a gardener (I was amazed at how long my impatiens lasted in the garden for most of this decade -- this year, not so much). But if the temperatures have warmed such that every day is 1 degree warmer, will you really notice?

Synova said...

Old Eric the Red was into marketing, but it's a fact nonetheless that a thousand years ago Greenland was green and Vineland had grape vines.

It was probably already getting colder for some time by then, and now Greenland is not green and Newfoundland is not known for its vintners.

The idea that a few degrees warmer is a catastrophic disaster defies reason, no matter the cause of the warming.

Proclaiming carbon dioxide a pollutant by political fiat is anti-science and anti-reason. Might as well proclaim water vapour a pollutant and make the departure from reason complete.

Joe said...

But if the temperatures have warmed such that every day is 1 degree warmer, will you really notice?

They do on a yearly cyclical basis where I live. Every year they also drop, sometimes very suddenly and by a dozen degrees or more! It's truly frightening. One month I can't get cool, the next I'm freezing.

Joe said...

Thank God, all Gore wasn't around 12,000 years ago decrying all the global warming that was causing the ice sheets to retreat. Whither this worship of cold?

Synova said...

MM, I know that local temperatures aren't the point at all, and local climate tends to change in cycles, but I can't help but really and truly enjoy such things as "the Gore Effect" where cold weather seems to follow him around and every instance of cold local weather being used as commentary on "climate change"... a word change that really happened precisely because we were being beaten over the head with "proof" of global warming every time it was just a wee bit hot or dry or there was a hurricane or something.

I figure that those who pushed "global warming" that way and who changed it to "climate change" when enough people said, "Hey, I'm not very warm", deserve to have their own tactics turned on them.

It's also amazing to me how many people better and more informed than I am make fools of themselves, like that one fellow (educated, supposedly) talking about how the Blue States needed to pass laws to keep the inevitable Red State refugees from screwing up their new homes once the South had been completely flooded out.

I looked up flood maps to check on an SF story idea where those refugees simply stayed on the water instead of migrating and was severely disappointed to find out that other than the bottom of Florida and the area around New Orleans, the entire region would be high and dry.

I suppose that what I'm really saying is that we've been lied to so very much that the onus, as it were, really needs to go on those who have been doing the lying.

Synova said...

I should say about the science fiction story thing...

The real problem for writing that story is that in science fiction you have to get the science right.

This is apparently not the case in real life.

Oh, well.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

MadMan, I don't know about Madison but the area that I live in has had only 1 90 degree day in the last two years. Way below normal.

Anyway, fuck the North Pole. When is ice going to disappear from Wisconsin? It shouldn't take that long if every day is one degree warmer than the previous year. Maybe I should sell my snow blower while I can still get something for it.

MadisonMan said...

What I meant to say: If temperature of every day this year was exactly like last year, except that each day was a degree warmer this year than last, would anyone notice? You might notice on the hottest day, or on a day around freezing -- if it's raining -- but I don't think anyone would really notice otherwise.

What if every night is two degrees warmer than normal? Noticeable? Not really. (The same argument works for cooler temperatures too). So don't trust your recollections about weather and climate. It's difficult to remember all the truly boring weather days that are alas all too frustratingly common :) But it's the boring days that will be the majority of the average.

MadisonMan said...

BofTheK: We've had very few 90-degree days as well the last two years, yet the years themselves have been warmer than normal. (That's from memory, but I think it's correct)

Michael Haz said...

We are entering a period of global cooling.

Stop lying about global warming.

Michael Haz said...

Meteorologist John Coleman, founder of The Weather Channel:

"Worldwide there was a significant natural warming trend in the 1980’s and 1990’s as a Solar cycle peaked with lots of sunspots and solar flares. That ended in 1998 and now the Sun has gone quiet with fewer and fewer Sun spots, and the global temperatures have gone into decline. Earth has cooled for almost ten straight years. So, I ask Al Gore, where’s the global warming?"

Full text here.

cubanbob said...

downtownlad said...
Actually, about 5 years ago, the projections were 90 years out.

Now the projections have been changed to 2030 in light of accelerating warming.

This decade was the warmest decade on record.

12/15/09 9:26 AM"

The planet is 4 billion years old. What base year are you using? What's the frequency Kenneth?

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