In the statement, published on radical Islamist Web sites, the group hailed the "brother" who carried out the "heroic attack." The group said it tested a "new kind of explosives" in the attack, and hailed the fact that the explosives "passed through security."
The group threatened further attacks, saying, "since Americans support their leaders they should expect more from us."
December 28, 2009
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claims responsibility and brags "We have prepared men who love to die."
CNN reports:
Well, yeah. They love death more than we love life. How do you defend against that?
Whoa. We really need to step up our fucking game. This turned into a propaganda battle and Al Qaeda won it, hands down. The people running this government had better start to realize that, and realize that they are setting America up for another defeat, and had better realize these things fast!
American Power tracked-back with, 'The System Worked? Janet Napolitano Flip-Flops on Terror Threat; President Obama, Still Mum on Thwarted Attack, Will Take Golf Break to Address Nation'.
Well they still can't hate because of our freedom, because we're not free anymore now Democrats are in charge. Must be something else.
These fellows seem to have missed Barry's awe-inspiring Cairo speech in which he healed the age-old divide between Muslim and Christian and won himself a Nobel Peace Prize. Maybe once it comes out on DVD they'll see the error of their ways and stop this silly "terrorism" business.
Barry is on.
Dark jacket, American flag, white shirt, no tie. Two American flags in the background, with marine blue curtain -- play-by-play for those who can't watch.
"American people can be assured".
"Taken the following steps to ensure the safety of the American people".
Detailing those steps, including more Air Marshals.
Ordered reviews of incident to prevent future accidents, including watch list system. (Cont)
How do you defend against that?
Nazis were a death cult. So were the Japanese, their sense of honour and kamikazes, with the same question you ask, having been asked by the American population during WWII.
My response is the same.
Never in the history of the world, has a death cult won.
garage - do you EVER stop propagandizing?
Like I said on another thread, no better time to close the barn door than after the horse has left.
This guy did graduate from Harvard, right? With a solid B+?
Well, yeah, we won against the Nazis. But it took Dresden & 25-30 million deaths.
Do we have it in us to do it again?
We want to win the war with drones and iPhones.
They're fighting the war with PETN and Semtex.
"Thank you so much everybody! And Happy New Year"
A very short speech, but much overdue.
I hope he doesn't miss his noon tee-time.
Do we have it in us to do it again?
No. But no one has the will to do that again, and here I will make a claim -- not even the Muslims have it in them to give up the ghost on 25/30 million people.
But I will make yet another claim, that if there is one people who have the will to fight to protect their homeland and freedoms of all the Western peoples, it is the Americans.
For Jeremy & Garage it's just shill, shill, shill for the Democrats 24/7. They don't come here to debate in any honest way.
... but much overdue.
WHAT..... did he resign?!!
I hope he doesn't miss his noon tee-time.
I had the same reaction. He practised that speech to within an inch of its life. There were NO uhs-ahs at all. It was almost in one breath.
wv: wingesse!! The Right-Wing goddess.
I notice that Jeremy has NEVER EVER said anything critical about a Democrat. That's very weird and un-American.
It looks like AG Holder will need about 40,000 more investigators and assistant Federal DA's to keep up with the trial back log for the criminals coming from Yemen alone.
WHAT..... did he resign?!!
He'd drag that speech out much more than the rapid-fire 5 minutes he gave this one.
JFK gave up his golf game after the criticism of Eisenhower's hobby.
President Obama would be wise to follow in kind.
It just looks bad. Bush, JFK, Ike, whomever.
Vicki: Also, individual Brits but perhaps not G. Brown and fellow travelers!
Also, I feel strongly we must provide loving assistance, aid, and help to those AQ types in achieving their goal. We cannot be too generous what that aid.
wv: minon of the Earth, we salute as you die, Dear AQ Types.
Well, we can count on Obama setting precisely the wrong nuance on this.
Has he yet commented that the Dutchman acted "stupidly"?
Old Grouchy, since I use my full Christian name, Victoria -- and the other lady uses Vicki, it'll cause future misunderstandings if you continue to use it. :)
I realised that Obama loves appearing on television in all kinds of non-presidential contexts -- showing up on late-night talk shows, talking to Oprah in hour-long Christmas specials...barely a day going by when we don't see him inside our living rooms.
When liberals complained this weekend that we would gripe if he appeared to give a speech immediately after the terrorist attempt, I realised they don't get it. No we wouldn't, because we never mind a president being PRESIDENTIAL.
It's all the other fluff TV stuff we find unpresidential and intrusive.
The group said it tested a "new kind of explosives" in the attack, and hailed the fact that the explosives "passed through security."
The system worked, so to speak?
The group threatened further attacks, saying, "since Americans support their leaders they should expect more from us."
Maybe we should send them some recent polling data?
wv-"chemici" = Latin for Max Baucus?
Latin for Max Baucus?
LOL! I just saw the Baucus on the Senate floor performance. He was definitely cooked on something.
I shall sin no more! Plus: The other is no lady!
"Well, yeah. They love death more than we love life. How do you defend against that?"
You give them what they are asking for. Not their Miranda rights.
The other is no lady!
Most strippers are named Vicki. True story.
Matt, I think you're right - but the American people don't want to go that far. They hope they can just keep saying la-la-la-la-la and the bad guys will just go away.
Americans are asleep -- this is DETROIT, an American city, and there's something seriously wrong that we're not taking due diligence to use useful tools instead of useless tools such as taking off shoes and emptying shampoo bottles.
As someone else said, catch the bad people, not just their tools.
vbspurs said...
How do you defend against that?
Nazis were a death cult. So were the Japanese, their sense of honour and kamikazes, with the same question you ask, having been asked by the American population during WWII.
My response is the same.
Never in the history of the world, has a death cult won.
Absolutely correct. American soldiers had no problem helping the Japanese military die for the Emperor and they can do the same for all the Islamofascists who want to hook up with their 72 virgins (or is it white grapes?).
As a certain William Tecumseh Sherman once observed, "The more we kill today, the fewer we have to kill tomorrow".
miller said...
Well, yeah, we won against the Nazis. But it took Dresden & 25-30 million deaths.
Do we have it in us to do it again?
"When you put your hand in a mess of goo that used to be your best friend(in this case, wife, daughter, mother, etc.)'s face, you'll know what to do" - George Smith Patton, Jr.
We want to win the war with drones and iPhones.
They're fighting the war with PETN and Semtex.
Bambi and Halo Joe want to win the war with iPhones. Given their druthers, I have no doubt the US Army wants to win with JDAMs, M4s, and Strykers.
Matt, I think you're right - but the American people don't want to go that far.
Not yet. But the day is coming. And we are taking names. We will remember where you stand.
You are with us or you are against us.
I heard that somewhere. More and more people will realize that is exactly right. And all the Daily Kos and Daily Show and Daily Bullshit is not going to fly.
Ah yes, a "new kind of explosives." The kind that DOESN'T ACTUALLY WORK.
It imagine it IS easier to got that kind through security.
It was effective in getting Althouse's knickers in twist. But really, that's not very hard to do.
We have prepared men who love to die.
Then this should all be very easy. We give them what that want when they don't do what we want. Everyone is happy.
Never in the history of the world, has a death cult won.
I certainly don’t want to rain on your parade your examples are from a different time and different sense of values. If you are under the illusion that we’re going to treat Islamic terrorism in the same manner as National Socialism or the Bushido Code you might want to rethink that pleasant fiction. After Fort Hood, the Army Chief of Staff bemoaned that the greater tragedy would be if our diversity suffered. Rather than address the fact that Muslim men, aged 17-40 have perpetrated the lion’s share of terrorist acts for the last four decades here and abroad, we’re now being instructed we can’t visit the airplane lavatory for the last hour of the flight.
For a supposed tiny minority, these excitable lads sure seem to wreak a lot of havoc around the globe.
Well they still can't hate because of our freedom, because we're not free anymore now Democrats are in charge. Must be something else.
It never was about freedom but rather their religion. That's why they chant Death to America and not Death to the Nation of Freedom and Democracy.
"since Americans support their leaders they should expect more from us."
Al Qaeda recruiters should find a gold mine of recruits around here. Not a lot of support for the leadership.
Sarah Palin/AQ in Yemen 2012 for President
You are mistaken Mony. Barry is your leader not ours.
He deserves all the respect and support you Democrats gave President Bush. Not one bit more.
Dang, Freeman, you beat me to it. That's what I get for being in meetings all day.
I mean, how do they know they love to die if they haven't tried it? I think there are a lot of Americans who would be very glad to help them find out whether they truly "love to die" well before any of them enter a plane.
Al Qaeda recruiters should find a gold mine of recruits around here. Not a lot of support for the leadership.
Striking similarities. Both despise our president, and our government, for starters....
We don't love killing as much as they love dying...but we're really good friends with LOTS of bullets!
Perhaps a modus vivendi can be achieved.
This is a most interesting article and link to a site keeping score on the man made disasters being inflicted on people the world over.
They love death pretty much.
Interesting article on Al Qaeda's "new kind of explosives" here:
Detroit explosive common, easily detectible
Apparently, what is new to Al Qaeda is condoms.
Michael, your link (via Atlas Shrugged) is interesting, but irrelevant to most Americans.
New Year's Day is coming up - that's got their attention. Not the thousands of people slaughtered by Al Qaeda and their fellow travelers.
As long as we can watch people getting blown up at a distance with impersonal equanimity and still go out for our golf games, we are not serious about fighting or defending our fellow citizens.
But hey, it's probably cool that you can get two rounds of golf in while on vacay in Oahu before the sun sets and you have to get dressed up for drinks on the lanai.
The Trib has two headlines right now that have me gobsmacked:
1) Two of the masterminds of this attack were released from Guantanamo.
2) The new security theater precautions (no standing, blankets, etc. during take-off/landing) have already been revoked.
No matter what the subject, people like garage and Montagne are more interested in their cheap little political points than anything else. Since 'Nam, they are as much the enemy as the ones trying to kill us. They'd rather see Americans die than take a stand against the enemies of this country, particularly when that means their agenda goes by the wayside.
Arturius said...
Never in the history of the world, has a death cult won.
I certainly don’t want to rain on your parade your examples are from a different time and different sense of values. If you are under the illusion that we’re going to treat Islamic terrorism in the same manner as National Socialism or the Bushido Code you might want to rethink that pleasant fiction. After Fort Hood, the Army Chief of Staff bemoaned that the greater tragedy would be if our diversity suffered.
A fair point, but there were appeasers in the US before Pearl Harbor. The military has to do a certain amount of kowtowing to the poobahs in Congress who control the appropriations. Of course, guys willing to take a stand, like Douglas MacArthur and George Marshall, don't come along too often.
As I've said before, I think there's a revolution coming. The corruption and disconnect in DC and elsewhere has people mad and something like this will only add to it.
America is not the Administration running government and the Administration running the government is not America.
America is much more. Disliking the people running the government of the country is not the same as disliking the country.
It's not that difficult to comprehend unless one thinks the government is, or should be, running everything.
In that case, I can understand the confusion.
It takes a certain amount ingenuity to build an explosive device that can be smuggled aboard an aircraft. Compare that ingenuity with the amount of technical know-how that goes into building a jumbo jet and creating an infrastructure that can safely land such a vessel every two minutes. There's quite a gap. That roughly is the gap between a civilization where men embrace death and a civilization where men clamour to have viagra covered by Medicare. What's so great about loving to die?
It's a race between the muzzy and the lefty as to which is the most nihilist. Most nihilist gets to sit on the highest mountain of skulls. My bet's on lefty.
vbspurs - "Taken the following steps to ensure the safety of the American people".
Detailing those steps, including more Air Marshals. (Obama)
The problem we found with Hero Air Marshalls was they were pretty useless. Once passengers "got" that any Islamoid hijacking would mean their lives if the Islamoids were not subdued...we had less need of "Armed Heroes on Planes Keeping Us All Prefectly Safe".
We found that the type of person attracted to a boring job with tons of chickenshit tended to be the type of law enforcement person of less than stellar attitude and ability.
And we soon learned they were useless in the case of a shoe bomber, underwear bomber. Like us, they would have a moment to say "Oh shit!!" when seeing an Islamoid with a match or what looked like a detonating trigger and screaming "Allahu-Akbar!". And hope the bomb didn't go off.
Other than that, perhaps the utility of the Air Marshall would more fit Obama & Janet Napolitano's "criminal justice" version of proper ways of dealing with "man-made disasters" if the bomb doesn't go off. Safeguard the precious rights of the Islamoid "alleged suspect" from angry law-breaking vigilantes. Pull gun and order all passengers to their seats to "control things". Work on preserving evidence for prosecuting the Islamoid, as well as anyone that may have assaulted the Islamoid beyond "accepted force needed to restrain" as well as felony prosecution for anyone that directed Hate Speech at the Islamoid while subduing him.
Death Cults - There have been many successful "death cults". They may have eventually fallen after decades or centuries, but in their heyday, they prevailed over "more noble cultures".
1. The Mongol Horde. 2. The Islamic Horde's democides in Iran and N India. 3. The conquistadors & Inquisition. 4. The Aztecs. 5. The Thuggee cult. 6. The French Terror. 7.The Jewish-Russian Bolshevik Terror. 8. The Nazis. 9. Shaka Zulu.
miller said...
Well, yeah. They love death more than we love life. How do you defend against that?
12/28/09 1:54 PM
Don't you just love it when your enemy provides you with the solution right inside the boastful threat?
The enemy cannot win by blowing up airliners. What does that actually accomplish? What are they trying to do?
There's no point. They're just trying to kill us just to kill us. There's no rational political aim that the attacks further.
Even if they blew up fifty airliners, what would that accomplish? Israel would still exist. We'd still have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. What would change?
This isn't rational. It's abstract, religious, ideological thinking. Somehow just taking part in the struggle will magically cause Al Qaeda to win.
I doubt that will happen.
You forgot the Osmond family.
Never in the history of the world, has a death cult won.
How about Christianity?
Compare that ingenuity with the amount of technical know-how that goes into building a jumbo jet and creating an infrastructure that can safely land such a vessel every two minutes. There's quite a gap. That roughly is the gap between a civilization where men embrace death and a civilization where men clamour to have viagra covered by Medicare.
Do tell.
Fazlur Khan
Fazlur Rahman Khan (Bengali: ফজলুর রহমান খান Fozlur Rôhman Khan) (April 3, 1929 - March 27, 1982), born in Dhaka, Bangladesh, was a Bangladeshi-American architect and structural engineer. He did the structural engineering of the Willis Tower (formerly Sears Tower) and John Hancock Center. He is a central figure behind the "Second Chicago School" of architecture,[1] and is regarded as the "father of tubular design for high-rises".[2] Khan, "more than any other individual, ushered in a renaissance in skyscraper construction during the second half of the twentieth century."[3]
"We will not rest until we find all who were involved and hold them accountable," Obama said.
And then promptly returned to his vacation to ... rest.
But dude, he came to America. If he stayed in Bangladesh he would still be making mud huts out of elephant shit.
The only thing you get out of Bangladesh is surly cab drivers and crappy concerts starring Badfinger and Billy Preston.
Cedarford said...
Death Cults - There have been many successful "death cults". They may have eventually fallen after decades or centuries, but in their heyday, they prevailed over "more noble cultures".
1. The Mongol Horde. 2. The Islamic Horde's democides in Iran and N India. 3. The conquistadors & Inquisition. 4. The Aztecs. 5. The Thuggee cult. 6. The French Terror. 7.The Jewish-Russian Bolshevik Terror. 8. The Nazis. 9. Shaka Zulu.
Your history is a little off. I don't recall the Mongols being suicidal or the conquistadores. As for the Aztecs, they were big on human sacrifice, but, again, not suicidal; their reign was only about 100 years. The Thugs were a very small group - a fanatic cell inside Hinduism.
The Reign de Terreur was less than a decade and consumed itself. The Bolshies were great at extermination, but I don't recall too many kamikazes in their ranks. The Nazis only lasted 12 years and were sowing the seeds of their own destruction with their conquests, which only lasted 4 - 5 years, just enough time for the Allies to develop their war machine.
The Zulus only lasted about 50 years and were militarily aggressive, but they laid waste no vast populations and valued bravery, but not stupidity.
vbspurs is talking about the Japanese in WWII or the Islamonuts as they exist now. Her point, well taken, that no cult can survive when death is the highest goal, probably withstands scrutiny.
Sky Marshals get lengthy naps and, just in case, are deputized to give the alleged suspect of a Sky Bomber his Miranda rights. Plus handcuffs so the Sky Bomber can be spirited off to decide whether he requires a bi-lingual attorney.
But dude, he came to America. If he stayed in Bangladesh he would still be making mud huts out of elephant shit.
Not too racist.
You're scaring me. I guess the truth hurts so it is better to just call it racist. How many skyscrapers do they have over there in Bangladesh?
I bet they have a lot more huts made out of elephant shit.
Even if they blew up fifty airliners, what would that accomplish? Israel would still exist. We'd still have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. What would change? This isn't rational. It's abstract, religious, ideological thinking. Somehow just taking part in the struggle will magically cause Al Qaeda to win. I doubt that will happen.
Exactly. These guys are low-lifes that need to be eliminated whenever the opportunity presents itself (and Yemen might be a suitable place for such opportunities), but they are not an existential threat to our society the way the Nazis or the Bolsheviks were. There's a big difference between an enemy that can put together mass armies with the best of modern weaponry at its disposal and one whose main weapon is individual kamikazes with explosives in their underwear and body cavities. Not to minimize the latter, especially if you're on a plane with one of them, but Erwin Rommel or Heinz Guderian this isn't.
Hey all you right-wingers: You can stop fretting about the security of the country now. There's a much bigger problem that will shake you to the core. Rumor has it that Illinois Congressmen (a Democrat of course) is GAY! Now if you have to choose between dealing with Al Queda or taking quick political advantage of homosexual whispering, whaddayagonnachoose?
I say FIRE NAPOLITANO and replace her with DICK CHENEY! He's serious, experienced, has a track record of protecting the country, and isn't a stupid idiot obsessed with the political scorecard. Congress should give him some power and flexibility to do his job, and should enlarge the scope of that job to encompass all aspects of protecting America from non-citizens who want to destroy it.
I want my Cheney back! He's the only real success of the W administration, and he's the man most fit for the job.
Now if I called it the “What you talking about Willis tower” you could say it was racist.
You know, I don't mind if the President plays a round of golf every once in a while.
But not when terrorists are attacking the nation.
Truth be told, as far as they know this attack isn't finished yet. Could be 20 more guys waiting to come in starting Thursday. All carrying valid visas.
You'd think at least the President of the United States could take a moment to put on a fucking tie before he addresses his nation.
Jesus it's fucking amateur hour with these newbs.
Ed - Death cults do not have to be suicidal. They can achieve that status, as the Thuggee Cult of Kali did - be being quite happy killing others, not their own kind.
So yes, the Mongols and Nazis were exceptionally good butchers. As were the Jews and Russians that created the Red Terror, then their Chicommie and Khymer Rouge descendents.
Like the Nazis, the French revolutionaries reign was "short but sweet" from a bloodletting perspective.
The black-on-black wars in S Africa involved mass slaughter. As did the Bantu conquests, which were near-genocidal.
"The enemy cannot win by blowing up airliners. What does that actually accomplish? What are they trying to do?
There's no point. They're just trying to kill us just to kill us. There's no rational political aim that the attacks further.
Even if they blew up fifty airliners, what would that accomplish? Israel would still exist. We'd still have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. What would change?
This isn't rational. It's abstract, religious, ideological thinking. Somehow just taking part in the struggle will magically cause Al Qaeda to win."
They are attempting to cause terror (thus "terrorists") and loss of morale (thus "quagmire", "unwinnable war", "exit strategy"). AQ remains a viable force simply by existing, since their ability to cause scattered violence is used as proof by their useful idiots and fellow travelers in the West that they are unbeatable, and based on the supposed invincibility, to force the actions of a weary, fearful opponent. Thus, if their opponents allow them to force concessions, like withdrawal from disputed territory or modification of behavior they've essentially "won" a battle; terrorism is an efficient tactic for a force that cannot directly force political changes to effect limited political aims - "War is a mere continuation of politics by other means..."
it really says something about an organization that takes responsibility for something like this.
just think if things really went bad.
I rushed from my car after I was listening to AM radio -- there was a newsflash that Emergency crews are rushing to the Obama Hawaii compound.
I have no clue what's going on. Let me Google.
Donald Douglas - "I am a pro-victory Associate Professor of Political Science teaching in Southern California..."
you know, versus those anti-victory professors.
good lord...
Elin Woods showed up with a golf club.
I say FIRE NAPOLITANO and replace her with DICK CHENEY! He's serious, experienced, has a track record of protecting the country, and isn't a stupid idiot obsessed with the political scorecard. Congress should give him some power and flexibility to do his job, and should enlarge the scope of that job to encompass all aspects of protecting America from non-citizens who want to destroy it.
Seconded. Good call, J-Ray.
FOX40 NEWS ALERT: President Obama, family safe; family friend injured during vacation in Hawaii.
I feel badly for the friend, but considering what it could be, whew.
From Twitter feed on Google. That's the first time I'd seen a live tweetfeed tied to Google.
Rumor has it that [a] Illinois Congressmen [sic] (a Democrat of course) is GAY!
Mark Kirk happens to be a Republican. Carry on.
"I say FIRE NAPOLITANO and replace her with DICK CHENEY! He's serious, experienced, has a track record of protecting the country, and isn't a stupid idiot obsessed with the political scorecard."
not counting 9/11?
or anthrax?
Is it true that the family friend was the guy who set his pants on fire?
Or did they just go to school together?
I bet they have a lot more huts made out of elephant shit.
I'll defer to your expertise on Bangladeshi construction techniques.
Alex said..."I notice that Jeremy has NEVER EVER said anything critical about a Democrat. That's very weird and un-American."
i realize you're not the brightest bulb on the block, but how would you possibly know what i have or have not ever said or written?
this tells me the althouse site must represent your primary source of information.
that's rather sad...but understandable.
"you know, versus those anti-victory professors."
That would be you Mean Gene.
JFK Naked Babe Yacht romp photo published by TMZ as real? Fake. As all Althouse commenters suspected said.
The Janet Napolitano clown photo, though. Still real.
John Lynch said...
The enemy cannot win by blowing up airliners. What does that actually accomplish?
I wouldn't be so dismissive of the potential effects of them blowing 50 airliners out of the sky. The US and western economies are teetering right now. A successful series of simultaneous airliner explosions would most certainly cut world travel by an enormous percentage. This would at the very least topple many airline companies, hotel chains, restaurants, and other tourism related industries. It might also topple the western monetary system.
This is a very shrewd and seriously dangerous strategy. It must be quickly and effectively countered.
@Jeremy- Cheney didn't take up the reins of his job until after 9/11 and after the anthrax attack. When his job was well-defined, he did it exceptionally well.
In regard to the Mark Kirk bit, I hereby eat my hat. The only defense I can muster is that both parties are so fucking slimy in their dirty tricks right now that I got them confused.
Julius Ray Hoffman said..."@Jeremy- Cheney didn't take up the reins of his job until after 9/11 and after the anthrax attack. When his job was well-defined, he did it exceptionally well."
Oh, give me a break.
Cheney was running the show from day one, right up until the very moment they all walked out of the White House.
Unless of course you're saying he also didn't read the daily briefings warning us of an attack.
Is that what you're saying...?
Speaking of Darth Cheney, I hope he takes the opportunity to take a nice dump on the obama administration for sleeping at the switch again. If only to see our resident lefties have a conniption fit.
There are people dying in Teheran right now, today, for freedom. But our head muzzie thug keeps his priorities straight: a thug always sides with his fellow thugs against the people
Matt - does this gene person who about you, Pogo and others bizarre obsession?
where do you fools come up with this crazy gene and community college shit?
The only defense I can muster is that both parties are so fucking slimy in their dirty tricks right now that I got them confused.
The guy smearing Kirk happens to be a Republican, but I believe that he tried to get on the Democratic ticket around 30 years ago when he went by his birth name of Anthony Martin-Trigona. He lost by around a 60% margin.
I'm sure the protesters out in Iran right now would appreciate a few bombs dropped on them, as a show of support. Where is Obama?
I knew you couldn't leave it alone Gene. If it is not true, why does it drive you so crazy?
"Well they still can't hate because of our freedom, because we're not free anymore now Democrats are in charge. Must be something else."
Yep. My guess is that "something else" is that we have spent years fucking with them, treating their lands as mudrooms for our military, allying ourselves with repressive regimes in the region, when not being the repressive and violent agents ourselves, and supporting, funding and arming radical elements who later turned around and became our antagonists.
"Blowback," I believe this is called.
Florida: Hate(Not really!) to burst your bubble but that last CIC to lead the troops in the field was old George Washington himself.
We're much better off if "O" stays in his home state and pontificates from there, least dangerous to America. Of course, if Edutcher is correct about coming domestic events, "O" might wish to proclaim himself a non-combatant; he's certainly a non-leader.
"Obama family friend injured during vacation in Hawaii."
Run over by a bus?
gk1 - "Speaking of Darth Cheney, I hope he takes the opportunity to take a nice dump on the obama administration for sleeping at the switch again."
yeah, he knows all about that "sleeping at the switch" thing, doesn't he?
maybe you can run this drivel past the families of those who died in the towers or the 4,000 dead and 30,000 wounded american soldiers who have paid the price for his and little georgie's fuck ups.
after all we know, to represent dick (and i do mean DICK) cheney as some kind of security genius is asinine.
Jeremy- I think there was a period of confusion after 9/11. Perhaps Cheney did fuck up then. But after that, he figured out the job that needed to be done and did it. He made politically unpopular decisions for the purpose of protecting the country; he pushed for greater flexibility in doing his job for the same reason. We need someone (person + position) like that now to cut through the bullshit without kowtowing to the political winds of the day. It doesn't have to be Cheney himself, although I can't imagine anyone else who is equipped to do the job. If we don't have someone like this, we are going to have to continue with weak corrupt leadership who can't make decisions. Stopping terrorists requires that decisions be made and unconventional things be done. Our government should be empowered to do what is required.
If you are under the illusion that we’re going to treat Islamic terrorism in the same manner as National Socialism or the Bushido Code you might want to rethink that pleasant fiction.
I don't think that kind of total war can ever be summoned up by a pampered people like Westerners became post-war.
But I reiterate that Americans, of all the Western peoples, have it in them to at least hold fast given the right leadership.
You know why?
I usually don't mention this out loud, because leftists use it to cudgel Americans over the head with it, but Americans are a pretty religious, conservative people themselves, who have enough people willing to serve and even die to preserve your country's freedoms. They (you) BELIEVE in their country's history, in their Constitution, in the national purpose to continue freedom and prosperity.
You may think your country is overly PC, and it is, but it also tolerates violence in a way that other countries in Europe, for example, do not. Add to that access to firearms, and certainly more familiarity with having them around than any European, save the Swiss.
You also have the personal characteristics needed to be successful -- independence, high competitive levels, creativity.
Finally, you don't stand around taking orders from your government, because it is the fount of all help. You can cut the cord much easier than many other nations who depend on their government for their health and pensions, to do so.
The only other people I notice who are like this, are the Australians. Canadians, outside of Alberta, are just not.
Frankly, I'd suggest closer relations to Australia to battle extremist death cults like radical Islam.
""Blowback," I believe this is called."
that's exactly what it's called.
Run over by a bus?
Poor Barry. This is turning out to be a total golfing holiday disaster. He was called away after only an hour on the links.
On cue, cock breath comes out of the woodwork when Cheney is mentioned. Excellsior!
QUESTION: obama immediately put this terrorist into the US civilian criminal justice system, did obama have to?? did obama have any options? So now this terrorist is all lawyered up and not talking.
Julius Ray Hoffman said...
@Jeremy- Cheney didn't take up the reins of his job until after 9/11 and after the anthrax attack. When his job was well-defined, he did it exceptionally well.
I think Cheney did elements of his job exceptionally well, but like Bush was part of the exceptionally poor strategic mistake to invade Iraq, invade it without a post-war plan, sign off on some distastrous Neocon-Bremer decisions on nationbuilding...then becoming so consumed by Iraq and extolling "The Heroes" - that core domestic problems like trade, loss of manufacturing, unconstrained healthcare costs, reckless Republican spending and corruption, and the self-destruction of the financial system went largely unattended to.
Most of that is on Bush...but I think the history books will be on these "wise and experienced men" behind Bush like Cheney ---the same way history now regards the "old Harvard hands" and the "best and brightest experts" behind Vietnam, the Great Society, and the sweeping program of criminal and civil rights.
Some dumbass burns his penis off and Al Qaeda brags about it.
Blowback? So we have a government that treats terrorism as a criminal activity, USS Cole, et al and is rewarded with 9-11 which occurs under a more robust regime which institutes harsher, more warlike, measures. Safe for 8 years and followed by a more mellow, more reasonable regime, onto which there is blowback in the form of this terrorist, alleged? You are not reading your Bobbie Mugabe very carefully.
Julius Ray Hoffman - there were countless acts of terrorism throughout the entire world during the tenure of the bush administration...and you appear to discount the massive loss of american life in iraq and afghanistan...(and don't forget the 30,000 wounded), along with the 1,000's and 1,000's of iraqi civilians who have died or been wounded.
The common mantra that bush and cheney kept us safe, really only applies to right here in america, and if you look back; we also had no acts of terrorism here in america for at least 8 years previous to 9/ was the clinton administration also just as effective as cheney? (they even caught and prosecuted the tower bombers in 1993.)
But our head muzzie thug keeps his priorities straight: a thug always sides with his fellow thugs against the people
Do tell.
Obama demands freedom for Iran protesters
KANEOHE, Hawaii (AFP) – US President Barack Obama on Monday strongly condemned Iran's crackdown on protesters and called on the Islamic regime to immediately free those "unjustly detained."
"The United States joins with the international community in strongly condemning the violent and unjust suppression of innocent Iranian citizens," Obama said in Hawaii where he is on vacation.
"We call for the immediate release of all who have been unjustly detained within Iran," Obama said.
Obama promised to stand behind Iranians during the "extraordinary events," saying that he was "confident that history will be on the side of those who seek justice."
English is not their first language.
Off-topic, but worthy:
EDITORIAL: Obama greater than Jesus
It's from the Danish newspaper Politiken, and I post it here so that you can see how the international lovefest continues even in the face of the Copenhagen Conference disaster.
Huzzah! Obama gets off his ass and finally sticks up for the green movement in Iran. Does this mean he'll stop trying to kiss the mullah's asses and prostrating himself for a meeting?
I think our President has told the Iranian leadership to stop at once or he will be required to say stop again.
gk1 - Huzzah! Obama gets off his ass and finally sticks up for the green movement in Iran. Does this mean he'll stop trying to kiss the mullah's asses and prostrating himself for a meeting?"
can i assume you're not aware of reagan, bush sr., cheney and rummy sucking up to saddam for years on end? or our affection for osama bin laden when we wanted his help? or how about little georgie holding hands with the saudi prince?
what are you...12 years old?
C4 said...Death cults
You left off the Hashshashin, a Muslim cult that gave us the term Assasin
Obama greater than Jesus
Worked for The Beatles.
Michael "I think our President has told the Iranian leadership to stop at once or he will be required to say stop again."
what exactly did the last president do about this kind of thing in iran?
or the one before that?
or before that?
or before that?
and don't forget that the term Hashshashin is also widely suggested to have been derived from the ... word Hashish.
so it's not all bad.
"since Americans support their leaders they should expect more from us."
"Support?" Obviously, Al Qaeda is out of touch.
We will "bear witness" to Iran's atrocities, that's what the punk said.
Almost Ali "Support?" Obviously, Al Qaeda is out of touch."
real americans do support their leaders and president.
it's the tea bagger, wing nut, dittohead crowds that do not.
They said stop or we shall say stop again. If they had done anything other than that they would have been relegated to the wingnut category by such as you.
I gather you have little experience outside academia and none at all in the world of frequent air travel to capital cities where one might be either seriously inconvenienced by TSA or permanently by terrorists. Once you do, and I hope you do have the experience of frequent travel, I think you will have more sympathy with more rightish points of view. In what you term the "real" world there is very little understanding of the actual world. There are some very stupid people holding some very high sounding ideals and some very smart people holding sover very evil ones. You conflate intelligence with good will. Dangerous belief. Cheers.
vbspurs said...
But I will make yet another claim, that if there is one people who have the will to fight to protect their homeland and freedoms of all the Western peoples, it is the Americans.
Sooner or later, a nuke is going to go off in an American city.
Then if we have a Democratic adminstration, we'll issue an indictment. Later we'll have impeachments.
If we have a GOP administration, we'll have glassy craters in enemy capitals.
cock breath spews forth as he always does on these things. Obama=good Replublithugs=Bad. Yawn. No go back to the mens room on campus and hang out for a while.
And please reread the campus guidlines on computer use. you are a repeat offender.
Sooner or later, a nuke is going to go off in an American city. Then if we have a Democratic adminstration, we'll issue an indictment. Later we'll have impeachments. If we have a GOP administration, we'll have glassy craters in enemy capitals.
And if history is any guide, those glassy craters will be in countries that, while hostile to us, didn't actually have anything to do with such an attack.
Sooner or later, a nuke is going to go off in an American city.
I'd like to thank Nostradamus for stopping by.
If we have a GOP administration, we'll have glassy craters in enemy capitals.
Tell it to Harry Truman, but retaliating against multiple countries for a single attack is an interesting concept. I think there's a reason why you are an NCO.
Also if history is any guide, I suspect any nation that sponsored such an attack during a Democratic administration would find themselves on the wrong end of some serious weaponry. Harry Truman, aside from supporting universal health care, wasn't shy about bringing out the big guns when it was necessary, and neither would his Democratic successors.
"Harry Truman, aside from supporting universal health care, wasn't shy about bringing out the big guns when it was necessary, and neither would his Democratic successors."
There are no Harry Truman's in the Democratic party. Only Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Peolsi and Gene Olsen.
Don't kid yourself.
Michael - i have no idea what i said that would make you think i have little or no travel experience. i spent years traveling throughout the world on business and still travel overseas at least twice a year with my wife.
i also have no idea what "rightish points of view" have to do with security for all travelers. i have no problem with security measures that make sense, but in the case of this latest terrorist, he cleared customs...twice, and with what most airports have now, nothing would have revealed something sewn into one's under garments. i also mentioned earlier that we have 25,000 domestic flights a day, 5,000 international flights, and 50,000 private maybe you can explain the measures you would implement to handle such an extraordinary number of passengers. (and don't forget the trains, buses and cargo vessels)
as for business and personal travel, profiling is necessary, but can only go so far, especially since the world's populations is made up of billions of muslims who would immediately fit the profile you and others appear to believe is the ONLY one to concern us. (the kid caught this week is african by the way.)
oh, and in the "real" world i mentioned, there are plenty of individuals that are not tied any radical "organizations" who oversee their acts of terrorism, so bombing the living shit out of specific targets might help, but it's not going to stop those with the will to do harm.
and as princess sarah might say; cheers back atcha.
There you go somefeller.
I bet those terrorist states are quaking in their boots.
Matt - "There are no Harry Truman's in the Democratic party."
we have harry truman's in the current GOP?? the party that recently took a poll for who their leader was...and rush limbaugh got the most votes? you actually think harry truman would sidle up to that fat clown?
now...that is funny.
Does the bomber have the right to remain silent?
Courtesy of Mr Obama, the question is strictly rhetorical.
Jeremy has lost his capitalization key: or there is a new sock puppet filling in for awhile who doesn't know how to type.
Same horse hockey however.
Jeremy: I am glad to hear you have extensive travel experience but surprised that you haven't found the current security system laughable; principally because of self imposed restraints on common sense. We have every right at this point to "profile" that segment of the travelling public that is more likely than other segments to us harm. This is not a particularly concept to grasp and it is neither illegal nor immoral to take extra care with people from certain parts of the world, with certain family names and, alas, certain appearances. Those who are not terrorists who fit into these categories will take these measures in good cheer or bad cheer depending on their emotional composition. This approach is deemed right wing by many who are more liberal in their beliefs and more inclined to give themselves a slap on the back for stupid ideas that sound all worldly.
You prove the point every time you open your trap Gene. Harry Truman would not recognize hid own party.
Henry Wallace is in charge.
The leaders of the Republican party are none of your concern. You will meet them at the ballot box soon enough.
Or do you only put your votes in the trunk of a car?
Matt - "I bet those terrorist states are quaking in their boots."
are you daft?
were you asleep? in a coma? drunk?
there were all kinds of terrorists acts during the bush fact there was a dramatic increase during his years in office, with the death count rising every year.
what did HE do to quake their boots?
Matt, if you really think that a nuclear attack on the US during a Democratic administration would end in just some indictments and no military action, you're the one who's kidding themselves. I am pretty confident that Obama or any other Democratic President would push the button on any attacker (as he seems to be in Yemen), and as far as toughness goes, people like Hillary Clinton and Jim Webb have more than their fair share of it. Also, I seem to recall during the 90s when people like Tom DeLay (not the neocons, to their credit) were criticizing Bill Clinton for bombing a few Serbs. Let's not pretend that both parties don't engage in some point-scoring during these sorts of events.
Michael - "I am glad to hear you have extensive travel experience but surprised that you haven't found the current security system laughable"
i understand the pros and cons of the current security system, but you and others keep avoiding the point: what exactly would YOU do to make all things right?
no other country in the world has the combination of a free society and the massive traffic which also combines air, car, truck, bus, train, etc...that we have.
and tell me who it is you would start profiling. ALL muslims? (how do you know if they're muslim?) africans? (which africans?)
el al does a great job of using profile methodology but they have 35 airplanes to keep an eye on. we have 100's of thousands of airplanes...airports spread out across a huge country and we can travel from state to state without a passport of any form of restriction.
tell me how you and the other "travel" geniuses here would put things in order...oh...and who pays for it.
dust bunny - if you have something relevant to say, say it.
otherwise, fuck off.
Profile Muslims, period.
Matt - "The leaders of the Republican party are none of your concern. You will meet them at the ballot box soon enough."
are you implying the GOP is going to meet everybody at the ballot box?
seems like that would really take quite a bit of time away from voting no.
and everybody knows the real leader of the GOP has a radio show.
Somefeller, I truly believe that the Democratic party does not have the spine to stand up to terrorists. They showed it by their refusual to treat terrorism as anything other than a glorified purse snatching. They are doing it again. The response, you can't go to the bathroom or read a book. That will show them.
I can't even believe that Barry Otero won't bow to them if he gets a chance.
dust bunny - if you have something relevant to say, say it.
otherwise, fuck off.
Sure thing sweet lips.
Relevance: There is more than one person posting under the name of Jeremy. We can tell this because the style of writing, punctuation and lack of capitalization are striking from thread to thread and post to post. It is obvious.
This means that "Jeremy" is a gigantic fake and construct. Gene is probably using his students to spell him for bathroom breaks and as part of his idiotic pretentious psychological experiments.
Even though the writing styles are different, the posts are still spewing the same tired old talking points. Also the lack of maturity in all of the various Jeremys is evident in the inability to refrain from profanity when caught with his/her/its pants down.
The other relevant thing is that to attempt to debate in any intelligent manner to the Jeremys is a waste of time and pixels.
Almost Ali said..."Profile Muslims, period."
how would you kow if they're a muslim?
you do understand muslims don't ALL look like what YOU think muslims are supposed to look like...right? they come in all colors, shapes and sizes.
you can't possibly be that dense.
and you probably didn't know that many of your favorite biblical prophets and messengers have been described as muslims...such as:
Noah and Moses and even Jesus.
matt - you need to get yourself an education.
I will try again.
I would put extra effort into people whose names suggest middle eastern backgrounds or names evocative of the prophet. I would put extra effort into those who hail from places that are principally Muslim. I would place those people on the vast, 500.000!!, lists on extra double effort. I would make it very difficult to get passports and visas for people originating in those countries that are principally Muslim. I would spend extra time on young males that are not obviously from these parts.
The system does not have to be perfect. Not all one billion Muslims travel to the US. Not a fraction. And every day only a fraction of that fraction. It is not a big deal. You don't have to ask their religion, you can look at their passports or drivers License and get the picture.
I would not spend much time on old ladies or guys with bellies from Des Moines. The guys from DM are the guys that are going to save our ass should one of theabove slip through the system.
You are a bright guy who appears consumed by an anger that appears unrelated to current circumstances. That is why I inquired about your previous travel experience. Travel typically opens the mind.
And will the House of Saud pay for his lawyers?
(again, rhetorical)
Jeremy is not a real person. He is a group of students under the leadership of a failed professor at a community college.
Think “Glee.” For morons.
Suit yourself, but there isn't much evidence to support your position. Here again, I remember when people on the right criticized Clinton's missile attacks on Al Qaeda not for being too little of a response, but for being a Wag the Dog action. Also, there were no shortage of Democrats supporting the invasion of Afghanistan after 9/11. Too bad that one got backburnered for almost a decade.
And as far as recent events are concerned, while I'm not a fan of more dumb TSA rules (though I would be a fan of some more smart ones), what exactly should Obama be doing in response other than what's being done now? Can you suggest anyone that you think we should be bombing today as a proper response?
dust bunny - "Even though the writing styles are different, the posts are still spewing the same tired old talking points."
what people like yourself consider "tired old talking points" are the very same points that carried president obama into office...and your ilk out the fucking door. (remember the last election...little bunny?)
and as for debating me, don't even try. you're not smart enough.
as for the gene the professor's just that.
"and you probably didn't know that many of your favorite biblical prophets and messengers have been described as muslims...such as:
Noah and Moses and even Jesus.
matt - you need to get yourself an education"
When Muhammad in AD 633 claimed to receive revelations whilst alone in a cave he began a religious movement which later became politically and military charged in conquest against the non-Muslims of Arabia. When Muhammad in AD 633 claimed to receive revelations whilst alone in a cave he began a religious movement which later became politically and military charged in conquest against the non-Muslims of Arabia.
Jeremy's sock puppets should ask for a refund on their educations.
Ooops... That part about Muhammad didn't need to be repeated twice.
Profiling got bushwacked by the Left, Oops I meant Socialists, some time back. Profiling means in fact to compare a possible subject against known and defined characteristics, especially behavior or actions taken hithertofore.
For example, Jeremy is a pretentious, ignorant jerk, with a limited vocabulary and lacking any ability to reason or to communicate. Except "he" can read "his" party's talking points or perhaps the school "he" went to emphasized memorization. Therefore, Jeremy is a troll of the least capable kind. So, piss off a'hole and save a mouse.
Well somefeller we will see what we will see.
You must realize that both Hillary and Webb are outliers on the Democratic mainstream. They are basiclly opportunists not died in the wool left wing crazies like Barry and his ilk. I would put nothing past them. But the "real" Democr ats like Kerry and Obama and Reid and Pelosi and all the rest will fold. Watch and see.
And I didn't advocate bombing anyone because of this last incident. I just know when the time comes they will fall short.
Michael - i understand what you're saying, but as i mentioned to the ali the fuck would you know if the person is a muslim????
you're going to base it on their names or where they're traveling from or to? and what about the 6-8 million that already live here?? round 'em up and take names? have them call in before they travel?
and we already have thousands of people's names on watch lists right now (the kid this week included), and then we have thousands on no-fly lists (the kid wasn't...because he was granted a guess which administration?)
a free society is just that, and we pay for that freedom with a lack of security in many ways...but unless you're saying you want to move away from being "free"...forget about it.
how would you k[n]ow if they're a [M]uslim?
Put me in charge.
Short of certain empirical laws, when you're unsure, ask them. Although 98% of the time it will be obvious, so obvious even someone as oblivious as President Obama can spot them.
Meanwhile, would you rather fly with a planeload of Muslims, or a plain-load of Mormons?
A plane full of Mormons if they were all hot like that Niki chick from "Big Love."
A free society does not mean that you are free of hassel. I am not talking about rounding up Muslims. I am not claiming to know how to divine a person's religion, but I am perfectly capable, as are you, of a bit of reasoning which can get me pretty close. I am saying that a Muslim gets extra time in the security line at airports until Muslims quit blowing up things. I wouldn't expect to catch every single solitary Muslim. I am aware that there are Muslim's that look just like you or me.
This doesn't take away anybody's liberty, in fact it frees up normal travellers, the guy from Des Moines who is going fishing. And if you can't tell the difference between a guy from Des Moines going fishing from a terrorist you are indeed thick.
OldGrouchy Doug Wright said..."For example, Jeremy is a pretentious, ignorant jerk, with a limited vocabulary and lacking any ability to reason or to communicate."
(now that was a mouthful of pretty poor grammar and syntax.)
and it also represents a perfect example of faulty "profiling."
this fool has no idea of who i am, no idea of my educational background or experience...and at the same he sidles up to the other wing nuts here who think i'm a professor. (a college professor who has a "limited vocabulary and (is) lacking any ability to reason or to communicate"??)
i'll ask it once again: how would any of you profiling geniuses know if the person in line is or is not...a muslim?
and if you don't think he or she is a nasty ol' muslim...could you also tell if they were a catholic, a jew, a baptist, a lutheran or god non-believing heathen??
At the very least, President Obama is a Muslim/terrorist sympathizer. And if given just enough chances, he will be America's undoing - one way or the other.
cock breath ruins another thread. Sigh. It was so much better when school was out.
I hate the way obama thinks the world operates like an episode of "Law and Order". I don't want these vermin "brought to justice" I want them to be moldering worm food. Fucking dead. Dirt nap. For a harvard grad he sure is stupid.
Jeremy: Now I know you told a little fib a while ago when you said you had travelled extensively, because obviously you haven't. How can you tell if someone is a Muslim? You can't. And that means that it is perfectly fine to take guys with names like Mohammed (who is probably a Christian) and ask him to step in the left line and not the right. It doesn't do him any harm because it only takes a few extra minutes for him to be questioned/searched. Meanwhile the guy from Des Moines goes through the normal screening.
The Catholics and Baptists and atheists are going to get checked as well, Jeremy, do you get that point? We are not trying to be perfect here, but we are trying to get a little extra look at people who have a common trait.
We aren't trying to catch the Muslim, we are trying to catch the Muslim bomber.
We are going to give them, the Muslim looking, sounding, talking, living sorts, an extra look. We are not going to put them in camps we are not going to not let them on the plane we are only going to give them an extra look.
Why is this concept so difficult for you to understand?
You really don't know how the TSA lines work, do you? You told a bit of a fib, didn't you?
The Democratic Party always has a chance. It can go one of two ways. Henry Wallace or Harry Truman. John Kennedy or Adlia Stevenson. Hubert Humphrey or George McGovern. Scoop Jackson or Jimmy Carter. Barry O or Joe Lieberman.
All domestic liberals with the usual big spending ways, but some had gonads in foreign policy. Sometimes they go one way and sometimes they go the other. We are in Henry Wallace/Jimmy Carter land right now.
they are not an existential threat to our society the way the Nazis or the Bolsheviks were.
Rather hard to argue that the Nazis were an existential threat to the US. They had no capability to attack us, save for a few U-boats sitting off the Jersey Shore. Hitler couldn't mount an invasion of Britain let alone the US.
The Soviets on the other hand were considering their nuclear arsenal could easily have rendered the US uninhabitable. Then again we could do the same to them and they knew it. Then again the Soviets weren't nihilistic religious fanatics bent on destruction either. In a lot of ways I miss the Cold War.
For those of you who fail to remember:
Gene Olson AKA LuckyOldson AKA Michael AKA Jeremy (and a few others - I forget) is a long-time troll. The account is shared by several people who post fairly random stuff. (You can Google Gene Olson.)
I can't tell others what to do about Jeremy of the many names. I admire those who attempt to discuss, but I cannot share their optimism.
(The current Michael is not the current Jeremy.)
There is also Montana Urban Legend ("MUL") aka Brasilian Samba Rhythm ("BSR") aka Ritmo Brasiliero ("RB"). He appears to be the same person, but it is not useful to discuss things with him. Most regulars refer to him by "MUL" even though he changes his name.
YMMV, but pretty much these two are not "real" in the sense that there's a mind behind the keyboard.
Also note that both Jeremy and MUL think it the height of wit to change their user display name to your name and then post stuff that somehow shows you agree with them. Ha-ha, so funny!
Oh, and Jeremy switches personas fairly regularly too, so that in some cases there are many frequent posts full of vulgarity and "duh are you 12 years old?" and then it switches to a more coherent Mr. Argument, a votary at the shrine of O!
Also if history is any guide, I suspect any nation that sponsored such an attack during a Democratic administration would find themselves on the wrong end of some serious weaponry.
Laughable at best considering the Democratic administrations you wax nostalgic for are, by definition, history.
Harry Truman, aside from supporting universal health care, wasn't shy about bringing out the big guns when it was necessary, and neither would his Democratic successors.
You might want to consider that history hasn't been very kind to Truman, at least with respect to 'bringing out those big guns'. President Obama has stated repeatedly his desire to 'rid the world' of the 'big guns' and for someone whose spiritual mentor thinks that 9/11 was payback for Hiroshima, methinks President Obama isn't going to ask for the 'football.'
But you do make a good point. If we actually had a Harry Truman or an FDR, we'd have universal health care and the Muslim world would learn as did Imperial Japan that we're not a nation to be messed with. That's a trade I'd happly accept.
The basic problem is that Barry has no answer when he can't blame it on racism. That's all he's got.
If Al Qeada had the resources to bomb more than one airliner at once, they would have.
They blew their wad on this one. No more underwear bombs. I bet they told the Man with the Exploding Pants that there would be more on the way. Sure....
He seemed to be dumb enough to set himself on fire, so I bet he believed that lie, too.
The enemy has limited resources. They can be creative, but there's only so much they can do. There's a reason for Al Qeada's declining capabilities. We're winning the war. I'm glad to see that the President seems to recognize that, at least rhetorically. We'll see what he does.
Napolitano, however, seems to be a bureaucrat elevated beyond her level of competence. At least, she needs some lessons in how to talk to people outside the DC bubble.
Obama and Holder don't care - they don't have to fly commercial.
Does anyone know if this underwear clown has been interrogated by the CIA or is this a civilian, legal operation now? I heard he is being transfered to a federal prison next week. Is this true?
I hate troofers.
The enemy has limited resources. They can be creative, but there's only so much they can do. There's a reason for Al Qeada's declining capabilities. We're winning the war. I'm glad to see that the President seems to recognize that, at least rhetorically. We'll see what he does.
I'm thinking this is true. If this sort of weaponry is the state of the art for Al Qaeda, they aren't as fearsome as they seemed a few years ago. Anus bombs aren't as threatening as atom bombs. Unless you happen to be right next to one, of course.
The basic problem is that Barry has no answer when he can't blame it on racism. That's all he's got.
That misunderestimates B+. He also has the "prior administration" blame meme, which he relies on in nearly every speech, interview and pronouncement.
is this a civilian, legal operation now?
He has the right to remain silent, and/or recant.
In lieu of a recent executive order, apparently the Nigerian bomber has the option to move his case to the International Court of Justice (ICJ).
In other words, according to Mr Obama, the ICJ rightly claims ultimate jurisdiction based on the origin of the accused.
i say we just bomb the hell out of the Al Qaeda bases in Yemen. Drones, fighter jets, whatever. Are the areas they inhabit as bad as the Afgan/Pakistani border ? And I say we take some of that stimulus money and buy the millimeter wave technology that detects bombs, and get it installed in *all* airports .. and any ally of ours that we give money to should be required to buy them too to screen any planes headed for the US.
Are you going to blame President Obama for this too???
Two of the four leaders allegedly behind the al Qaeda plot to blow up a Northwest Airlines passenger jet over Detroit were released by the U.S. from the Guantanamo prison in November, 2007, according to American officials and Department of Defense documents.
American officials agreed to send the two terrorists from Guantanamo to Saudi Arabia where they entered into an "art therapy rehabilitation program" and were set free, according to U.S. and Saudi officials.
Guantanamo prisoner #333, Muhamad Attik al-Harbi, and prisoner #372, Said Ali Shari, were sent to Saudi Arabia on Nov. 9, 2007, according to the Defense Department log of detainees who were released from American custody. Al-Harbi has since changed his name to Muhamad al-Awfi.
I blame you Gene and every other liberal douche bag that wanted everyone released out of Gitmo instead of giving them one behind the ear.
"Are you going to blame President Obama for this too???
Well, no! However, it's most interesting that the tenor, tone, and apparent effort that went into "Jeremy's" comment is quite different from previous such comments on this post by Althouse.
However, let's reserve judgment about "Jeremy" for now and accept him for what he is. And, we all know what he is.
wv: pestl will be his lot.
Oh, and Jeremy switches personas fairly regularly too, so that in some cases there are many frequent posts full of vulgarity and "duh are you 12 years old?" and then it switches to a more coherent Mr. Argument, a votary at the shrine of O!
Shift change at the sausage factory.
Dare I say....I told you so.
Are you going to blame President Obama for this too???
Woah.... Found your capitalization key AND some punctuation type keys at the same time.
Walking AND chewing gum.
(jeremy) i'll ask it once again: how would any of you profiling geniuses know if the person in line is or is not...a muslim?
and if you don't think he or she is a nasty ol' muslim...could you also tell if they were a catholic, a jew, a baptist, a lutheran or god non-believing heathen??
TW: releup
OK, I'll releup. Surely you are aware of the conundrum faced by the Nazis in the Thirties and Forties? Who could tell a Schwartz from a Schwarz? What kind of name is "Stein?" Not to mention all the Polacks, etc. "Cukiergut?" WTF? I don't even know whether to gas this guy Zuckergood.
And yet, somehow, they managed, dint they. We studied this briefly in Hebrew school and, later, at the Holocaust seminar at Bronx Science. They had ways. Nothing mystic - just commonsense, working the problem. They didn't get every Jew, but they got enough, didn't they?
Not to compare us or anyone to the Nazis - and doubtless many other civilizations, organizations, etc., have done likewise; how did FDR ID all the nisei? - just saying you can get a long way with phone books, synagogue membership lists, traitors, etc. It ain't magic.
Crickets? You mean I reduced Jeremy to silence? I think I should be rewarded for this great service.
TW: kingsat. Um, yeah.
I blame you Gene and every other liberal douche bag that wanted everyone released out of Gitmo instead of giving them one behind the ear.
Althouse justice.
"Althouse justice."
Althouse doen's support that soulution. She is an academic and very liberal despite what you libtards spout in your insane fanatsy world.
When push comes to shove the people who can get the job done come to the fore. As it has ever been in American History.
Washington, Winfield Scott, Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, Pershing, Patton, Douglas MacArthur, Curtis Lemay, and all the rest who know the only way to beat the enemy is to kill them.
Time for Alger Hiss, Roger Badlwin, Geroge McGovern, Jimmy Carter and all the rest of weak kneeded pussies to cry about it after the work has been done.
Al Qaeda (Arab Pen. branch) essentially ripped off Delta's old slogan:
"We love to die, and it shows."
Jeremy wrote:
yeah, he knows all about that "sleeping at the switch" thing, doesn't he?
maybe you can run this drivel past the families of those who died in the towers or the 4,000 dead and 30,000 wounded american soldiers who have paid the price for his and little georgie's fuck ups.
Right because there was a report that said that Al Qaeda was determined to attack the US prior to 9/11. Even though it doesn't mention how or when or where. So therefore of course Bush and co. are negligent in your world. Of course every time Adam Gaddan apepars on tape he warns of attacks, and of course now that Al Qaeda takes credit for this attack they warn of future attacks. So therefore, shouldn't Obama be able to thwart all attacks going forward jeremy? Because certainly Obama knows that Al Qaeda is determined to attack us.If any attacks get through he is asleep at the wheel right? He has about as much info as Bush did about 9/11 prior to 9/11, with which you and your ilk damned him, while at the same time also suggesting that it was nothing but a hyped threat anyway. After all, as per Michael Moore and much of the left "there is no terrorist threat".
Jeremy also wrote:
Two of the four leaders allegedly behind the al Qaeda plot to blow up a Northwest Airlines passenger jet over Detroit were released by the U.S. from the Guantanamo prison in November, 2007, according to American officials and Department of Defense documents.
Wait, so are you suggesting that Bush should have held these people in Guantanamo without trials? or not let people go who were being held? Or we should have interrogated them a bit more, and with what methods to get more info to find out whether they were or were not terorrist masterminds? Or are you saying that they turned into jihadists because they were held at Guantanamo?
Jeremy wrote:
maybe you can run this drivel past the families of those who died in the towers or the 4,000 dead and 30,000 wounded american soldiers who have paid the price for his and little georgie's fuck ups.
Hey Jeremy, we're still in Iraq, and guess what? There was a suicide bombing today that killed 8 americans in Afghanistan, the GOOD war of choice, the war that you dems and libs said we were diverting from to go fight in Iraq and which Obama escalated (after vacillating for weeks of course when it came time to make a decision about fighting the war on the cheap or not or listening to the generals he appointed or not). So do those sacrifices not merit your scorn? Why isn't Obama a warmonger just like Bush? Hey, I think the media should show pictures of the draped coffins of the 8 that just died to point out what a warmonger Obama is and how our babies are dying for his war of choice. Maybe one of those parents is a Cindy Sheehan type with absolute moral authority that the media can parade around to show how evil Barack Obama ia and what a warmonger he is. And oh yeah, Barack just ordered a covert bombing run in Yemen of all places! BUT THEY DIDN'T ATTACK US! WHY IS HE DIVERTING FROM THE REAL WAR ON TERROR? and carpet bombing innocent civilians?! Didn't Barack Obama himself say that that shouldn't be done? Maybe the latest terrorist attack occured because Barack is occupying Afghanistan and bombing villages with drone attacks or do you think that somehow that occupation is ok in their eyes! Maybe Barack's attack on Yemen will in fact increase terrorism going forward. Perhaps the Times should leak the latest NIE report out of context to show how Al Qaeda can never be defeated and that we are only increasing their strength by attacking them.
How many more talking points should I go through to show what a bunch of inane idiots your side consists of?
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