November 4, 2009

What do the Election 2009 results mean for Obama (and the congressional Democrats)?

In the WaPo, Dan Balz says:
Neither [the Virginia nor the New Jersey] gubernatorial election amounted to a referendum on the president....
Why not? Read... read... read... read... oh, here it is:
White House senior adviser David Axelrod said Tuesday's races were in no way a reflection of public opinion about the president or his agenda. "Whatever's driving these voters, it wasn't attitudes toward the president," he said, noting that local issues and attitudes toward the candidates on the ballots were the major influences.
Why not? Because David Axelrod says not.
Axelrod warned against extrapolating into the future the shift among independents. He said he believed that many people who called themselves Republicans in the past now call themselves independents but are still voting for Republican candidates. "I don't think they portend long-term trends," he said.

He said the only race with real national implications was the congressional contest in Upstate New York.

To be fair to Balz, he did get a Republican, Haley Barbour, chairman of the Republican Governors Association, to agree with the proposition that the 2009 election was not "a referendum on the president." But on the substance of it, Barbour observed that "[t]he president's policies are very unpopular, and they are hurting Democrats in Virginia, New Jersey, New York."

In the NYT, Adam Nagourney says:
The results in the New Jersey and Virginia races underscored the difficulties Mr. Obama is having transforming his historic victory a year ago into either a sustained electoral advantage for Democrats or a commanding ideological position over conservatives in legislative battles....

... Mr. Christie and Mr. McDonnell won after decidedly playing down their conservative views on social issues.....

The critical question after this setback [in NY 23] is whether the conservative groups who had clearly signaled that they intended to press their advantage and challenge other Republican candidates they considered too moderate would now have the impetus or support to continue down that road.
Let's see now.... who to go to for quotes?
“[McDonnell] focused on the issues that are on people’s minds: jobs, taxes,” said Gov. Haley Barbour of Mississippi, the head of the Republican Governors Association. “I don’t think there are a lot of governors who are more conservative than I am. But I try to run campaigns on what people are interested in.”...

[David] Axelrod acknowledged that Mr. Obama’s supporters had not shown up in New Jersey and Virginia, but he said he did not believe that meant the end of the Obama coalition.

“That doesn’t mean they won’t come out for us,” he said. “I think they’ll come out for national races. But this wasn’t a national race.”...
The Wall Street Journal enthuses:
The GOP has been flat on its back since the Obama ascendancy in last year's presidential election, but Republican Bob McDonnell's blowout victory over Democrat Creigh Deeds in the Virginia governor's race and Chris Christie's defeat of Jon Corzine in New Jersey should help dispel the party's gloom.

Yesterday in advance of the results, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs was dismissing commentary on the impending bad news as "navel gazing." If so, navel gazing's bad reputation is suddenly looking up. The onrushing Obama Democratic machine has just hit a significant speed bump....

Mr. McDonnell ran straight into the teeth of the blue trend, explicitly campaigning against the policies of the Obama presidency. In at least one swing state that matters, the Obama Democratic ascendancy is on hold....
The overweening liberal-progressive confidence of late suddenly looks misplaced. The party's Blue Dogs have a basis for their misgivings. Republicans, too timid until now, have an opening to find ideas to give obviously anxious voters an alternative to the party in power.
"Mr. McDonnell ran straight into the teeth of the blue trend"
But not straight into the yellow teeth of the blue trend, surely.


Hoosier Daddy said...

Wednesday, November 04, 2009
What do the Election 2009 results mean for (and the congressional Democrats?

It's the economy stupid. Probably the most poignant statement about American politics ever uttered. Obama and Congressional Dems rolled into office on the wave of a shitty economy. Well its now a year later and I have news for Obama disciples; American voters are short on memory and shorter on patience.

Yes yes, I know Obambi hasn't been in office long enough but you know what, don't matter because what people know is its worse now than it was a year ago and like it or not, he's the one sitting in the Big Boy chair. Now if the economy starts roaring back he'll get the credit for it. If not, he can see if Jimmy wants him as successor for Habitat for Humanity in a few years. Assuming anyone has two nickles to rub together to buy a house.

TMink said...

"difficulties Mr. Obama is having transforming his historic victory"

Why was his victory historic? Because of the margin? Nope. Because of clearly stated socialist goals for the country? Nope. Because he is of "mixed" race? Maybe. Because he got people that had never voted before and will possibly never vote again to vote? Likely.


Anonymous said...

These gubernatorial races portend the end of Obama's presidency. He'll be a one-term lame duck from here on out.

Just yesterday, the AP and the Washington Post were both reporting that health care reform didn't have the votes to pass in either the House or the Senate.

Now why would that be?

Maybe it's because Democrats in the House and the Senate see the writing on the wall. If health care reform passes, the history books aren't going to remember some no-name Democrat Congressman from Poduck. The history books will give all the credit to Barack Obama.

On the other hand, if health care reform passes, that no-name Democrat Congressman from Poduck will be out of a $164,000 a year job with incredible perks.

That's pretty easy calculus in Poduck.

Obama is finished. He'll have plenty of time for midnight basketball now. He can work on his weak jump shot.

phosphorious said...

A humiliating defeat for democrats and The Worst President Ever.

More proof that only republicans have a right to be in office.

(I thought I'd get all the triumphalism out of the way, so the good people of Little Althouse on the Prairrie can get right to the sober political discussion)

Hoosier Daddy said...

Oh and it doesn't help Obama that he was hoisted up as the greatest thing since sliced bread. Yes yes, all those Che like posters which gave him a near Messianic look, the worshipful chants of YES WE CAN! and all the Hollywood glitterati who helped create a persona that simply wasn't up to the task. In other words, you guys built up some pretty big expectations and the results are, well shitty. Kind of like when you go to that hyped up movie everyone is chattering about and then you find out all the best parts were in the 20 second trailer.

Anonymous said...

"... [W]hat people know is it's worse now than it was a year ago and like it or not, he's the one sitting in the Big Boy chair."

Barack Obama held a press conference the other day to announced that unemployment was rising and that we should 10-15% unemployment as the "new normal."

He didn't hold a press conference to announce any bold new initiatives to deal with the problem.

He held a press conference to tell us we better get used to his new vision of America.

Fuck that shit, Obama.

We hired you to do a job - not play fucking midnight basketball all week.

Either do it with no whining, or you're fucking fired.

End. Of. Story.

KCFleming said...

"Mr. McDonnell ran straight into the teeth of the blue trend"

But not straight into the yellow teeth of the blue trend, surely.

Anonymous said...

In another and more important vote,
gold has hit an all time high at $1085 and oz. and oil has jumped to $80 a barrel. As BO loses credibility here at home, the world market is casting its 'no' vote for his economic policies. The dollar is becoming a third world currency

The Drill SGT said...

I would think that the NJ loss is worse than the 20% loss in VA. After all, the Dems had VA for 12 years, and it really still is a red state. (I live there and have a reasonable idea).

NJ on the other hand is rock solid blue, with a Dem machine and Corzine spent a bazillion dollars. Obama campaigned directly and they still lost by 5%.

that's got to sting...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MadisonMan said...

People who see Gubernatorial results and project them to the Nation aren't thinking very well. Certainly this is a good result for Republicans -- they won. The alternative would have been not good. It's not clear to me, though, that someone voting for a Governor is projecting their thoughts about the Nation as a whole. But that's me.

If the Gubernatorial results -- New Jersey, especially, where Obama was campaigning a lot -- were a referendum on Obama, is the Special Election in NY -- the one that Sarah Palin was invested in, and in which "her" candidate lost -- a referendum on her? Why or why not?

Anonymous said...

Phosporous wrote: "More proof that only republicans have a right to be in office."

So true Phosphorous.

In fact, once we take over again, we're going to make it a hate crime to even be a Democrat.

Democrats hate America ...and that's a hate crime. They should be put in very small prison cells for thinking those thoughts.

And we're going to put you there.

Old RPM Daddy said...

Seems to me it's a little early to be reading tea leaves. A lot can happen between now and the 2010 mid-term elections. The only thing I'd be willing to bet on is that the Democrats will lose a little in the House and possibly the Senate, since that often happens to the President's party in mid-terms.

wv: dingthe -- what the Avon lady wanted to do before she was ambushed by a bunny

Anonymous said...

"People who see Gubernatorial results and project them to the Nation aren't thinking very well."


Governors control hundreds of thousands of hack jobs throughout the bureaucracy. They're the "presidents" of each of the 50 states.

And that's why Barack Obama spent so much time personally campaigning for these people. He took time away from solving the unemployment crisis to campaign for Corzine ... that's how important he saw these races.

What's important to notice is that in places where Barack Obama didn't show up candidates did well.

But if Barack Obama showed up and campaigned for someone, candidates even in heavily corrupt blue states like New Jersey had their asses handed to them.

Barack Obama is kryptonite. Stay far, far away from him if you want to keep your job.

That's the message.

MadisonMan said...

Barack Obama is kryptonite. Stay far, far away from him if you want to keep your job.

Sarah Palin's candidate lost. What's that say about her, Jor-El?

AllenS said...

I tried to read the tea leaves (word verification) and rolled a berphyrw, so I got nothin.

Anonymous said...

"If the Gubernatorial results -- New Jersey, especially, where Obama was campaigning a lot -- were a referendum on Obama, is the Special Election in NY -- the one that Sarah Palin was invested in, and in which "her" candidate lost -- a referendum on her? Why or why not?"

Dude, Sarah Palin is a private citizen with a Facebook page. She didn't spend 1 dime on Hoffman (but helped expose Scuzzyfava). She didn't campaign one day in NY23.

Barack Obama, on the other hand, is the elected leader of the free world. He spent the only asset he has - his political capital - and got nothing to show for it.

Barack Obama is stuck on stupid.

Ger said...

Drill Sgt. says: "After all, the Dems had VA for 12 years..."

Not true - we've (I'm a Virginian - Virginia Beach) only had a Democrat governor for the past 8 years - prior to Kaine and Warner it was Gilmore(R).

From 1970 to the present governor (Kaine) the Democrats and Republicans have split the title an even 50-50.

If the Virginia governor race shows anything it shows we continue the pattern of electing a governor from a party that is the opposite of the occupant of the White House.

I don't really see this as really meaning much about Obama personally - just that the current prez is a Democrat.

Anonymous said...

"Sarah Palin's candidate lost. What's that say about her, Jor-El?

It says that if fake Republicans spend $900,000 on secretly Democrat candidates ... even Sarah Palin's hot good looks and stunning charisma can't overcome that disadvantage.

But really, Sarah Palin is just a private citizen with a Facebook Page. And with it, she's unmasked the Democrats who have infiltrated the Republican Party. She single-handedly defeated the obese Scuzzyfava.

It's not like Palin has an entire political party (and the national media networks) at her beck and call like Barack Obama does.

Sarah Palin would wipe the floor with Barack Obama in a heads-up match, dude.

The difference between Sarah Palin and Barack Obama is that having a pussy is a plus for Sarah Palin.

traditionalguy said...

Poor President Obama is being attacked by the confused guns and bibles Clingers as always. The new development is that now no one cares any more since Obama has proved that he cares for no one but his Marxist thugs and his Norwegan/international peace by surrender dreamers.Those two groups that he does care for have lots of grant money, but they have only the 30% of the voters that eat off of the government bribe money called grants. Unless he can up that to 50+% of the voters by re-setting all medical care as grants (after destroying the excellent system we have), and re-setting all energy creating devices as grants (after destroying the cheap coal, oil and gas we have), then he is stuck as a loser in every election. Stay tuned.

The Drill SGT said...

Ger said...
Drill Sgt. says: "After all, the Dems had VA for 12 years..."

Not true - we've (I'm a Virginian - Virginia Beach) only had a Democrat governor for the past 8 years - prior to Kaine and Warner it was Gilmore(R).

Ger is correct. It just seems like forever :)

One minor factiod that has to bother Axelrod however. My county, Fairfax went +21% for Obama and now +2% for the GOP.

jayne_cobb said...


It very well could have been a referendum on her, although given the bizarre nature of the entire affair that is rather tough to decide upon.

I do agree that the gubernatorial races weren't a referendum on Obama personally though. He wasn't running and for the most part wasn't part of the discussion.

The only reason one could make this about him is due to the fact that he injected himself so visibly into the races (particularly NJ).

I suppose if one really wants to draw a conclusion about him personally one could make the claim that Obama is no longer the electoral attraction some thought him to be (at least when not on the ticket).

Hoosier Daddy said...

If the Gubernatorial results -- New Jersey, especially, where Obama was campaigning a lot -- were a referendum on Obama, is the Special Election in NY -- the one that Sarah Palin was invested in, and in which "her" candidate lost -- a referendum on her? Why or why not?

I'll take a shot at that one. Corzine was an incumbant governor (of a blue state) who spent a shit ton of money on his re-election and had the President of these United States personally come out three times to stump for him and he still lost.

Palin on the other hand is a private citizen who stumped for a
3rd party canidate that didn't really have much of a shot to win to begin with.

MadisonMan said...

One minor factiod that has to bother Axelrod however. My county, Fairfax went +21% for Obama and now +2% for the GOP.

A good question would be: Did the Obama voters stay home, are they now dead, or did they change their votes? The answer to that will help Axelrod sleep. Or not.

bearbee said...

We need to learn and relearn that:

1. regardless of party, there should not be a political elite or career politicians and that all politicians must be rousted out of office after 2 terms or less;

2. divided government is best.

AllenS said...

MadisonMan said...

"A good question would be: Did the Obama voters stay home, are they now dead"

A lot of Democratic voters are indeed dead, when they died, doesn't seem to be the issue.

MadisonMan said...

If the Virginia governor race shows anything it shows we continue the pattern of electing a governor from a party that is the opposite of the occupant of the White House.

I wonder what commenters in this blog would have said about Mark Warner's victory. Referendum on George Bush: Yes or No?

jayne_cobb said...

Issuewise I have no idea what was in play (I live in PA and the only major state wide election was for the S. Ct.; the R. won).

I'm pretty sure that healthcare/cap and trade/card check all took a big hit last night but that's just common sense. (On a side note I would like to point out that Owens ran against the public option in NY, so even that weird election will hurt the healthcare plans)

Gay marriage is also in trouble as that lost in Maine of all places; the voters voted it down via referendum (it has yet to survive a popular vote in any state).

Taxes were really the only major issue that I can think of which could have national implications. Christie and McDonnell both pushed for lower taxes and less regulation. This'll probably scare the hell out of any blue dog thinking of going along with these massive spending bills.

Anonymous said...

"A lot of Democrat voters are indeed dead, when they died, doesn't seem to be the issue."

Death certainly doesn't seem to stop them from voting, that's for sure.

Look ... people generally don't like corrupt politicians or corrupt political parties. That's why Democrats are losing ... it's not that hard to figure out.

They're corrupt and people don't like them.

kjbe said...

Both Deeds and Corzine appear to have been the weaker of the candidates in their respective races –Deeds just plain week and Corzine pretty much despised. Obama’s approval/disapproval in VA was about split and in NJ, Obama’s approval rating is actually higher. After looking around a little bit, it seems Barbour and Axelrod are reflecting the polling numbers, so I’d be more likely to believe the numbers and not simply assume that Axelrod is blowing smoke.

Larry J said...

The Democrat's position on the election results is the classic "heads I win, tails you lose" proposition. Had Democrats won those races, it would've been hailed as confirmation about how the country loves Obama and his policies. But since they lost, it's no big deal.

phosphorious said...

Ok. . . so it's beyond question now: the whole nation hates Obama with a burning passion.

Progessice ideals have been rejected as a whole, and the GOP is in the strongest position it's ever been in.

So where will the after-Impeachment party be held?

Anonymous said...

"I’d be more likely to believe the numbers and not simply assume that Axelrod is blowing smoke."

Are his butt-cheeks moving? That's how you can tell if David Axelrod is blowing smoke out his ass: If his butt-cheeks are moving.

AlphaLiberal said...

Why not? Because David Axelrod says not. .

You think so, Ann? I think a better case is that:

a) Obama's popularity is about the same or stronger than one year ago when both states voted for him.

b) exit polls showed a majority of voters saying their vote turned on state issues, not the President.

c) sometimes elections are referendum on - the candidates! Imagine that!

The right wing and Ann Althouse want to seize every opportunity to bash Obama. After awhile you lose credibility.

phosphorious said...


"Democrats hate America ...and that's a hate crime. They should be put in very small prison cells for thinking those thoughts."

It will be doing us a favor; we're all ugly anyway, and after this momentous GOP victory, we're ashamed to show our faces.

Anonymous said...

the whole nation hates Obama with a burning passion.

Dude, we love Obama.

We just don't like anything about his policies because they're stupid, expensive and suck.

But we love him. You know ... as a person. He's pretty cool, in fact. Great jump shot ... decent golfer. Nice guy.

Horrible, horrible President though. Policies right out of Moscow and pre-war Germany.

AlphaLiberal said...

Meanwhile Democrats won in two House races.

One, the wingnut Hoffman, Glenn Beck's candidate, lost a seat held by the Rs for 100 years.

The other in more of a swing district in California, went to the Democrat.

But I really hope the tea partiers take heart and do not flag in their efforts to push the Republican Party further to the right. Hang in there!

AlphaLiberal said...


Horrible, horrible President though. Policies right out of Moscow and pre-war Germany. .


phosphorious said...

Obama should resign right now.

I think it's safe to say that THIS is the moment when his monstrous fraud of a presidency began to capsize.

I'm surprised he has the guts to even show his face.

(Now someone say something about Michelle being manly)

WV: oustst

That's what will happen to Obama! With an extra 'st', because we hate him so much.

The Drill SGT said...

AlphaLiberal said...

a) Obama's popularity is about the same or stronger than one year ago when both states voted for him.

while a case can be made for your other 2 bullets, I would not have led with this fable.

Anonymous said...

"Obama's popularity is about the same or stronger than one year ago when both states voted for him."

What utter bullshit. I noticed you conveniently didn't link to any of his actual polls to back up this popularity assertion so I'll correct this little oversight for you.

Rasmussen: "Only Thirty-seven percent of people polled (37%) say the country is heading in the right direction."

Rasmussen Reports Presidential Daily Tracking Poll shows Barack Obama with a net negative approval rating of -13 ... and falling.

It was +1 in June of 2009. So his popularity has fallen 14 percentage points in under a year.

These polls show clearly that Barack Obama's popularity has fallen dramatically as he has attempted to foist his policies on an increasingly skeptical America.

PWS said...

Why is it always about the President?

What happened to "All politics is local"??

AlphaLiberal said...

TABOR - Taxpayer Bill of Rights - goes down in smoke in Maine and Washington.

And, uh, that's a very Republican proposal which has been rejected around the country -- because it is irresponsible pandering politics.

phosphorious said...


"That's why Democrats are losing ... it's not that hard to figure out."

Yes. . . losing, ever losing. . . an uninterrupted descent into irrelevance and madness.

My god, I wish I was a republican or a conservative right now. Then instead of the bitter weeds if shameful defeat, I could taste the sweet fruit of the tree of Victory!

Hoosier Daddy said...

Obama should resign right now.

There's an idea I can support!

AlphaLiberal said...

OK, teabaggers! Time to go after Charlie Crist! Go get him!

Hoosier Daddy said...

TABOR - Taxpayer Bill of Rights - goes down in smoke in Maine and Washington.

So did gay marriage in Maine. And, uh, that's a very [Democrat] proposal which has been rejected around the country -- because it is irresponsible pandering politics.

Gee this fun!

phosphorious said...

"Dude, we love Obama.

We just don't like anything about his policies because they're stupid, expensive and suck.

But we love him. You know ... as a person. He's pretty cool, in fact. Great jump shot ... decent golfer. Nice guy.

Excpet hat he's an arrogant baby killer who hates America and hates your way of life.

Other than that, you like the guy.

Oh, and he wants to steal all your money and herd you into concentration camps.

But, personally, you'd have a bneer with him.

Oh, excpet he hates white people.

But other than that, you like him. You disagreement is purely political. . . a reasoned, objective analysis of policy.

AlphaLiberal said...


What utter bullshit. I noticed you conveniently didn't link to any of his actual polls to back up this popularity assertion so I'll correct this little oversight for you. .


I was referring to STATE polls, not national polls. You know why? Because those were STATE elections.

I would post a link, which you would still insist says is bad for Obama any way. But, I have a life.

Anonymous said...

After awhile you lose credibility.

We link to actual polling. You, on the other hand, lead your arguments with fables supplied to you by others.

It is you sir, who has no credibility. You only have White House talking points given to you by David "Goebbels" Axelrod.

Off you go, now.

AlphaLiberal said...

Baby killing, grandma killing, hating whitey, concentration camps.

who leaked our secret agenda?

phosphorious said...

Hoosier daddy,

"There's an idea I can support!"

Support? DEMAND. Now's the time to clamor for Obama's resignation. Obviously this off-year election was a referendum on Obama.

And the nation has overwhelmingly rejected his evil.

Let's all get together to watch the impeachment. I'll bring the chips!

AlphaLiberal said...


You ignored my point that I was referring to state polls. Inconvenient to your delusion?

Anonymous said...

I would post a link, which you would still insist says is bad for Obama any way. But, I have a life.

Hahahaha. Really ... too busy to supply actual proof for your ridiculous assertions?

I see. Funny how that works when you're caught in a lie, huh?

Google "Obama wrong track number" ... takes just 3 seconds. Hardly difficult or time-consuming to determine what is actually happening as opposed to what paid spinners are passing along.

Anonymous said...

You ignored my point that I was referring to state polls. Inconvenient to your delusion?

There are no state polls that back up your assertion that Obama is just as popular now as he was then.

You have time to argue, but not provide links? I thought you had a life?

So transparent. Every time you open your mouth you weaken your spin. First rule of holes, dude: stop digging.

AlphaLiberal said...

Hoosier Daddy, we agree! The politicization of personal life choices is irresponsible political pandering.

Especially coming from a party that falsely claims to give a tinker's dam about personal freedom.

Fred4Pres said...

Axelrod is wrong and he knows he is wrong. But it is Axelrod's job to lie.

But Republicans would be foolish to over read these results. Things could change big time in 2012 and Hoffman shows that victory is hardly guaranteed.

phosphorious said...

"So did gay marriage in Maine. And, uh, that's a very [Democrat] proposal which has been rejected around the country -- because it is irresponsible pandering politics."

Yes. . . it panders to those who think that freedom is a good thing.

Those fools.

Anonymous said...

"Things could change big time in 2012 ..."


Obama's presidency ended last night.

Yesterday, the AP and the Washington Post both wrote stories which said that Barack Obama hasn't got the votes in either the House or the Senate to pass his signature health tax legislation.

Democrats control the House and the Senate and the White House and Barack Obama can't muster the votes to pass his own tax increase legislation.

That's all that is important. Obama spent his political capital trying to get Corzine and Deeds elected and got nothing to show for it (Obama didn't show up in NY23 so we'll never know how his kryptonite effect would have crippled Owens had he shown up for the guy).

People don't want to associate with losers. Obama lost last night in contests that he chose to care about in the first meaningful test of his presidency.

Nobody will attach their fortune to a falling, fading star.

traditionalguy said...

All decisions by voters are relative ones. When faced with electing a personable and intelligent half African American, or being seen as a racist nation, then Obama got the swing votes and more. A year later, faced with accepting the end of the USA as a free country with a strong position in the world of nations, or instead rejecting strongly a dithering serial liar that they cannot stand for another second, suddenly the swing votes and more are leaving Obama and all of his helpers. I blame free speech by facebook Rogues.

lawyerdad said...

In sum, says Ann Althouse:

1) The governor's races in New Jersey and Virginia reflect widespread dissatisfaction with the president. Never mind that the last time these states' governors' offices switched parties--in November 2001, from Republican to Democrat--they did so at the height of a Republican president's popularity.

2) While state elections portend disaster for congressional Democrats, the two congressional elections we saw don't actually matter, regardless of the resources poured into them. After all, Hoffman had yellow teeth!

exhelodrvr1 said...

Hoosier Daddy,
"shit ton of money "

Is that more than a metric ton?

Hoosier Daddy said...

Yes. . . it panders to those who think that freedom is a good thing.

Well if you want to equate gay marriage with freedom you're free to do so. Makes you look dumb but hey, to each thier own.

Phil 314 said...

there's a message in here but time will tell us if it grows. Messages in here are:
1) the economy is very important
2) don't forget the independants and don't assume they want what you want
3) programs are nice and all but where's the money coming from
4) "Hope and Change" don't pay very well
5) Did i mention the economy?

Anonymous said...

"After all, Hoffman had yellow teeth!"

You're exactly right. A yellow-toothed weirdo almost beat a Democrat.

The message is simple: If Republicans run conservative candidates, then physical appeal becomes less and less important.

So much so that a yellow-toothed goofy talking weirdo can almost win an election despite his opponent getting all sorts of White House help.

Even the "fat guy" Chris Christie took out the trim, in shape and incumbent Obama-hand-picked governor of New Jersey, where the Democrat cheat machine is strongest.

Democrats are toast. They lost all the important races yesterday and only one by beating a yellow-toothed weirdo who put people off.

phosphorious said...

"Well if you want to equate gay marriage with freedom you're free to do so. Makes you look dumb but hey, to each thier own."

Yes. . . the state allowing and enforcing one kind of contarct between indiviiduals, and NOT allowing or enforcing another kind of contrat between individuals, based on purely religious distinctions, is a question of freedom.

Can't believe you didn't know that.

phosphorious said...

"Obama's presidency ended last night."

Thus end our long national nightmare!! Finally, the beast has been slain and freedom reigns once again.

All that's left is the impeachment of President Biden. . . a mere formality, so united is the country against these villains. . . and then ice-cream sodas all around!


Anonymous said...

"... there's a message in here but time will tell us if it grows.

Time's up.

How do we know this was a disaster for Barack Obama? Here's how we know: Even MSNBC, staunch Obama supporters, are reporting today that the Democrat loses represent a stunning rebuke of Barack Obama.

MSNBC Headline:

Republican wins deal blow to Obama
Republicans win Virginia, New Jersey governorships from Democrats

They're not even taking the effort to try to spin it for Obama - and MSNBC "journalists" are his biggest paid cheerleaders.

When you've lost Olberman ...

phosphorious said...

" Democrats are toast"

What a glorious day to be a republican. The sun ever shines upon their gentle goodness.

In a few weeks, the democratic party will have closed up shop and slunk off into the sunset, while a rejuvenated GOP will take their rightful place at the center of the polity.

avwh said...

"The other in more of a swing district in California, went to the Democrat."

It's such a "swing district" that the previous Dem Congresswoman (Tauscher) never won with less than 64%; Obama got 65% of the vote, and it even went for Gore with 55%.

Are all liberals that math-challenged, or do they just want to ignore the facts to be able to use their spin anyway?

Hoosier Daddy said...

Yes. . . the state allowing and enforcing one kind of contarct between indiviiduals, and NOT allowing or enforcing another kind of contrat between individuals, based on purely religious distinctions, is a question of freedom.

Uh no its not. Not sure where the religious distinctions thing comes in. The state doesn't allow marriage between two women and one man either. Or one between an adult and a minor either. There are plenty of restrictions within a free society but that doesn't make it less free.

I daresay I could find many sensible and more intelligent 16 year olds who are more intellectually capable of voting for President than an equal number of voting age adults but the law doesn't allow it.

Hoosier Daddy said...

In a few weeks, the democratic party will have closed up shop and slunk off into the sunset, while a rejuvenated GOP will take their rightful place at the center of the polity.

Crazier things have happened. I mean who would have ever thought that a former community organizer who never ran anything larger than a lemonade stand would become President of the USA.

Chase said...

Of course David Axelrod would say what he said - he's paid to say exactly that; it's his job.

Victor Davis Hanson said the indisputable truth:

If the night continues to go ill for the Democrats after so much personal investment from the president, what will be the explanation?

Or rather what cannot be the explanations? It cannot be a biased media that misrepresented the issues; it cannot be that liberals were overwhelmed and outspent by right-wing big money; it cannot be that third-party liberals drew votes from mainstream Democrats; it cannot be that we are watching red-state returns from a Mississippi or Texas; it cannot be that mysteriously all three candidates were weak and their campaigns uniformly poorly managed; and it cannot be that race was the issue, given there were only so-called white candidates. Yet I doubt news reports will focus on a grass-roots backlash against Obama's disingenuous health care plan, or unprimed economy, or mega-deficits, or squandered government stimuli, or promised higher taxes, or the nexus between big money and big liberalism, or partisan us/them politics, or serial apologetics abroad.

Tonight for the White House, after 10 rather than 24 months, it is a question of adopting either the model of Clinton triangulation or of Carter's sanctimonous finger-wagging path to irrelevance.

Chase said...

The idiot wrote:
Yes. . . the state allowing and enforcing one kind of contarct between indiviiduals, and NOT allowing or enforcing another kind of contrat between individuals, based on purely religious distinctions, is a question of freedom.

Can't believe you didn't know

He got it wrong. it's supposed to read:
"based purely on gender distinctions."

Can't believe the idiot didn't know that.

Anonymous said...

"In a few weeks, the democratic party will have closed up shop and slunk off into the sunset, while a rejuvenated GOP will take their rightful place at the center of the polity."

A few weeks?

Dude, that has already taken place, as evidenced by yesterday's news stories which revealed that Barack Obama cannot even get the Democrat House and Democrat-controlled Senate to pass health tax increase legislation.

Barack Obama has unstoppable majorities in both the House and the Senate and the incompetent boob cannot even pass a simple fucking tax increase.

What a maroon.

Chase said...

Dude, that has already taken place, as evidenced by yesterday's news stories which revealed that Barack Obama cannot even get the Democrat House and Democrat-controlled Senate to pass health tax increase legislation.

Harry Reid began hinting yesterday that Health Care Reform might stretch into next year. Which means it won't be done before last August Congressional recess like Obama said repeatedly he believed it would be AND despite all of the Postivie stories in the media that it would happen this week or next, WITH a Public Option AND some form of Federal Money for Abortions.

I saw that report on Rachel Maddow last night and boy, was she MAD!

KCFleming said...

The most appropriate response by Democrats at this juncture is full steam ahead.

I hope that's how they play it, anyway.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Harry Reid began hinting yesterday that Health Care Reform might stretch into next year.

Well Whorehouse Harry isn't exactly popular in his own state right now which isn't giving him much leverage in trying to arm twist the more sensible Democrats to vote on this POS bill.

Of course Botox Nancy is content with sacrificing some congressional seats to pass HCR but I'm betting her fellow Democrat congresspeoples don't share her willingness to commit hari kari for her legacy.

Like I said, if this is what a huge Democrat majority can accomplish, I'm content to let the GoP wander for awhile. This is fun.

phosphorious said...

"A few weeks?

Dude, that has already taken place, as evidenced by yesterday's news stories which revealed that Barack Obama cannot even get the Democrat House and Democrat-controlled Senate to pass health tax increase legislation.

Barack Obama has unstoppable majorities in both the House and the Senate and the incompetent boob cannot even pass a simple fucking tax increase.

I miss Bush. He would just snap his fingers and the republican controlled Congress would jump through whatever particular hoop was placed in frot of them.

Then they would clap their flippers together, Bush would throw them a fish, and Democracy would roll inexorably forward.

Whereas Obama, even though his party WORSHIPS HIM AS A GOD. . . why he can't even pass a major healthcare reform.

That Dubya. . . there wa s great man.

Chase said...

The saddest part for the United States in all of this is that of Obama being shown to be not up to the job of President and what that increasingly will mean for race relations in this country. It is heartbreaking that the first black President is currently poised to go down as a Jimmy Carter-type useless and rudderless watcher and not influncer of events.

As John said on Althouse about this:

Obama is going to set race relations back. His failure is going to lead to the kind of finger pointing you describe. It is sad that the first black President had to be someone so unqualified and out of the mainstream.

And Bruce Hayden:
I agree. Far better, for race relations, if the first Black President had been Colin Powell, Condi Rice, Michael Steele, etc.

garage mahal said...

Only Democratic losses last night are significant or meaningful in any way. And Democrats increasing their congressional majorities means America now hates Obama and he MUST resign. It's over!

Chase said...

In other news, Our Wise and Benevolent President cannot find time to go to Berlin next week for the 20th anniversary of the coming down of the Berlin Wall.

Despite the fact that he has found time to visit 16 countries already in his first 10 months, more than any other President (Clinton - 3; Bush - 12)has done.

Despite the fact that Obama has already played more golf in his first 10 months that his predecessor,George W Bush did in his first 4 years in office.

Our Wise and Benevolent Obama is too busy.

Hoosier Daddy said...

And Democrats increasing their congressional majorities means America now hates Obama and he MUST resign. It's over!

LOL! Hey garage, let me know how that increased congressional majority works out for you when Obama doesn't get his health care reform bill passed.

I'm sure you won't though.

Hoosier Daddy said...

In other news, Our Wise and Benevolent President cannot find time to go to Berlin next week for the 20th anniversary of the coming down of the Berlin Wall.

Why is this a surprise? I can't see him celebrating an event that signalled the demise of communism.

Chase said...

It really doesn't matter what liberals and Democrats have to say here today.

What matters is what they will have to say on November 3rd NEXT year, the day after the Midterm elections.

C'mon 2010!!!!!

Original Mike said...

In other news, Our Wise and Benevolent President cannot find time to go to Berlin next week for the 20th anniversary of the coming down of the Berlin Wall.

Man, that's dumb on his part. He's got everything to gain and nothing to lose by going. What's he thinking?

Hoosier Daddy said...

What's he thinking?

Is that a trick question?

Original Mike said...

Oh, wait. He'd piss off Putin. Wouldn't want to do that.

AllenS said...

He isn't going because he has never heard of the Berlin Wall.

miller said...

The Man-child President is 0 for 2 on his campaigning.

I'm sure Harry and Louise - I mean, Nancy - are excited to have him around to help push their Insurance Company Dissolution Act of 2009 through the legislature.

Unknown said...

Florida said...

These gubernatorial races portend the end of Obama's presidency. He'll be a one-term lame duck from here on out.

Not there yet, but it won't take much. If the economy deteriorates (quite likely - see Nouriel Roubini) or just stagnates (even more likely - add in those who have given up looking for work and unemployment is in the 17 - 20% range, where it was in 1939), if something large goes boom anywhere inside the country, he's had it.

Florida said...

Barack Obama is kryptonite. Stay far, far away from him if you want to keep your job.

Alpha, Madison, and phos may not want to see it, but that reality is not lost on a great many commentators this morning. Obama hurt, rather than helped people, much like Willie Whitewater.

The irony of the NY-23 is that, as I said in the previous post, this wasn't on the radar until the geniuses at 1600 Pennsylvania brought it up. While Hoffman as a media candidate wasn't ready for prime time, it was an impressive showing by the renascent conservatives, given that it was mounted in the last two weeks.

WV "pressess" A lady presser.

Original Mike said...

jayne_cobb said: On a side note I would like to point out that Owens ran against the public option in NY

Really? If I were a democrat, that little fact would make it pretty hard to feel good about the NY-23 result.

Unknown said...

One more quick point. Bambi better get his Hamlet act together as far as A-stan is concerned. We've seen several sieges of remote outposts by the Taliban. If one goes under this winter and a US Army unit does the Last Stand thing with everybody going down because The Zero dithered on McChrystal's troop requests, there will likely be Hell to pay.

Anonymous said...

"Obama's failure is going to lead to the kind of finger pointing you describe. It is sad that the first black President had to be someone so unqualified and out of the mainstream."

Dude ... Barack Obama's signature success so far is that he bought a bunch of people some new Cadillac's.

Hardly the sort of record that gets you a place on Mount Rushmore.

phosphorious said...

"Barack Obama is Kryptonite."

Whereas Palin is like RED Kryptonite. the stuff that when it touches you, all kinds of crazy shit happens.

And she's touching the GOP right now!

phosphorious said...

"The saddest part for the United States in all of this is that of Obama being shown to be not up to the job of President. . . "

True it must HUMILIATING to be the WORST PRESIDENT ever and to have every single American hate you so much.

It's been only a year and already America is a disaster.

It's okay though. Republicans will stroll back into power and make everything okay.

Whew! That was close!

Alex said...

TABOR - Taxpayer Bill of Rights - goes down in smoke in Maine and Washington

A sad day in America when the taxpayers get screwed and libs are happy about it.

Unknown said...

phosphorious said...

Whereas Palin is like RED Kryptonite. the stuff that when it touches you, all kinds of crazy shit happens.

And she's touching the GOP right now!

And she's doing this how?

She's done a pretty good job of handing some devastating talking points to the GOP on health care.

PS You need to get away from the comic books

Original Mike said...

From Politico: "From our perspective we won last night," Pelosi told reporters during a Wednesday morning photo opportunity. "We had one race that we were engaged in, it was in northern New York, it was a race where a Republican has held the seat since the Civil War and we won that seat, so from our standpoint, no, a candidate was victorious who supports health care reform, and his remarks last night said this was a victory for health care reform and other initiatives for the American people."

So does Owens support the public option or is Pelosi dissembling?

Chase said...

Original Mike,

It's hard to tell. He was certainly smart enough to not mention it on his campaign website, Bill Owens for Congress.

AlphaLiberal said...

Man, conservatives are deluded.

Democrats won two House races last night. Those were the FEDERAL races and the closest to a referendum on Obama's policies.

One seat had been held by Republicans since the 19th century. Another is more of a swing seat, in California.

The gubernatorial races revolve around STATE issues. Because, you see, Governors do not serve in Congress. These are state offices.

And the candidate who lost in Virginia ran away from Obama and Democratic policies. No referendum on Obama's policies there.

AlphaLiberal said...

Owens supports the new House health care bill, which has a limited public option that prevents people with other plans from joining.

Can't find where I read that this morning.

Love this observation from Steve Benen::

So, north of the Pennsylvania border, there 51 congressional districts representing 34 million people. Republicans have a whopping two seats.

Yeah. You're on a roll!

Original Mike said...

Another is more of a swing seat, in California.

Please defend your characterization of CA-10 as a swing district.

Chase said...

And the candidate who lost in Virginia ran away from Obama and Democratic policies. No referendum on Obama's policies there.

Ran Away? The candidate - Creigh Deeds - who lost in Virginia?

Do you mean like on his website here:

Deeds website running away from Obama here?

or maybe with TV ad with Obama here:

Deeds website running away from Obama here?

or maybe here:

Deeds website running away from Obama here?

or maybe here:

Deeds website running away from Obama here?

Democrats and liberals sure have a funny way of spinning things when they lose, don't they?

What is it called, let's see what is it called . . . oh yes;


Unknown said...

"Democrats and liberals sure have a funny way of spinning things when they lose, don't they?"

(Must. . . keep. . . straight. . . face)

Yes they do, don't they?

But we must not let their delusional nonsense distract us from the significance of this moment:

This is the GREATEST CONSERVATIVE VICTORY OF ALL TIME, and proof positive that Obama is a miserable failure as president, and that the nation hates him.

Republicans won EVERY seat they were going for, and the ones they lost were like victories too!

Losing two more seats in Congress played EXACTLY into the GOP's hands!

Conservatism came out of this the CLEAR winner, and our long national nightmare is over.

avwh said...

you're whistling past the grave to claim that 20-point swings from last year in 2 governors' races (one a purple, one a solid blue state) won't mean squat to Dems facing re-election next year.

More than 80 Dem congressmen and twenty senators come from states that John McCain carried in 2008. There is NO way they ignore last night's results as far as their implications next year in their own races.

You're the one who is deluded.

Chase said...


I do enjoy your sense of humor.

But do hold on to it. You will need it come next November. You are invited to bring sarcasm and laughs that day - the trends are that your liberal and Democrat friends will sorely be in need of it then.

When you get a bit older, and have been through enough political cycles, you can fairly accurately see which way the wind is blowing. President Obama is not a stupid man, nor is he a man who does not love his country. He is simply in over his head. He is a shiny car Lincoln Navigator with a tiny, used (recycled, you might say) hyundai engine. The outside looks new and promising, but everything inside that provides the power is simply tired old stuff that has been failing for a long time.

It is inevitable that the same old failed "spend our way out of (name whatever problem you like)______" policies - no matter how often they are tried - can only yield the same results.

Americans are a hopeful bunch - but this economic downturn is deeper than most people alive have experienced before, and this time patience is wearing out sooner than it would have even 20 years ago. Americans are waking up to the sad but inevitable facts, and no amount of spin will protect the current Democrat Congress from losses in the House and Senate next year. The only question is: how much?

avwh said...

Politico: "Even safe Democrats feeling at risk"

So Obama and Pelosi's supermajority means they'll fail the left-wing base if they DON'T get their radical programs passed. And those extreme programs now will have even fewer supporters, as anyone facing a 2010 re-election in less than a slam-dunk district looks to survive, not commit political suicide.

jayne_cobb said...

Can't we all just get along and agree that whoever scheduled "The Biggest Loser" for a WH appearance last night should be given an award for their humor and then fired for general incompetence.

phosphorious said...


President Obama is not a stupid man, nor is he a man who does not love his country.

This won't do. If Obama is NOT a baby-killing racist bent on destroying the country and enslaving us all, then what will you run on in 2012?

Don't go soft on us now!

AlphaLiberal said...

Chase makes a lucid, if losing, argument:

Ran Away? The candidate - Creigh Deeds - who lost in Virginia?

Do you mean like on his website here:

Dude. He tried to ride Obama's popularity with the voters but ran away from the actual substance.

What you have posted does not contradict my post: Deeds ran to the right and rejected Dem policies.

How, exactly, that is a referendum on Dem policies is a mystery.

So, who do you guys want to go after next? Crist in Florida or Carly Fiorina in California? Will you try to purge one or both of these candidates from the GOP? (please say both!)

Chase said...



Hoosier Daddy said...

Owens supports the new House health care bill, which has a limited public option that prevents people with other plans from joining.

That's good news for Obama and Pelosi because it seems like they're having a tough time getting the rest of thier huge congressional majority to go along with it.

Maybe Owens doesn't mind being one of Pelosi's sacrificial lambs.

mccullough said...

Alpha Liberal makes a decent point, but were conservatives in the 23 district NY against Scozzafava because she was socially liberal or because she was a very pro-union statist?

As someone who is socially liberal (I support gay marriage, like Dick Cheney but unlike Obama) but fiscally conservative I'm happy that Scozzafava dropped out. Owens is much better than she is.

It seems that people like McDonnell (and Mitch Daniels) and others who stay away from social issues but are fiscally conservative and can get some things done could be a big boon for the GOP in the next few election cycles.

I'm not sure what the hangup with Crist is, but I thought he supported the poorly-designed stimulus package, which ticked off some people. I also think that's why a lot of conservatives don't like Arlen Spector. Like W., he's a big government guy. (Of course many conservatives don't like him because he's in favor of Roe v. Wade).

avwh said...

Jay Cost, HorseRaceBlog:
"I think last night can be understood as a cautionary tale for the President - and here I would point to the case of New Jersey.

Times are tough in the United States of America. And Corzine's defeat should remind us that when politicians get the blame for tough times - no amount of campaigning, spending, union organizing, or anything of the sort can spare them from the wrath of the voters, even in a state that is highly partial to their side of the aisle. Jon Corzine got the blame for the tough times in New Jersey, and that meant an end to his political career.

If Barack Obama ends up getting blamed for these tough times - no number of rallies, campaign dollars, magnificent speeches in filled-to-capacity stadiums, or optimistic slogans will keep him in the White House."

Synova said...

"He said the only race with real national implications was the congressional contest in Upstate New York."

LOL! Of course the only one that has *real* national implications was the one where the Democrat won.

Synova said...

"Obama and Congressional Dems rolled into office on the wave of a shitty economy. Well its now a year later and I have news for Obama disciples; American voters are short on memory and shorter on patience."

For some people, sure, it's "Why hasn't he fixed this yet."

For other people it's... why isn't he *trying* to fix this yet? The stimulous was unserious and utterly ineffective. And what is on the agenda? Taking over health care (having health insurance attached to jobs might be a stupid way to do it, but more jobs is the quickest way to more health care, atm) and punishing and vilifying business either in relation to health care or in an attempt to solve global warming.


Where is jobs in that?

Where is improving our economy in that?

Or perhaps more people out of work dependent on the government isn't seen as a *problem*?

AC245 said...

NY-23 is definitely a sign of how well the Democrats will do in the 2010 midterms.

I confidently predict that the Democrats will win every single race in 2010 where the Republican candidate drops out and endorses the Democrat.

Synova said...

You know... the liberals who comment here don't seem very happy this morning.

Does that mean something?

Or is it that liberals are *never* happy?

Inquiring minds would like to know.

Synova said...

jayne_cobb said: On a side note I would like to point out that Owens ran against the public option in NY

Original Mike: "Really? If I were a democrat, that little fact would make it pretty hard to feel good about the NY-23 result."

Wow, pro 2nd Ammendment and anti Public Option.

I wonder what his views are on Card Check.

Sounds like Owens isn't a terribly bad choice.

Synova said...

I think that Althouse ought to put up a poll.

What was the importance of the outcome of the congressional and governor's races last night?

1) Fabulous Democratic victory and Repub pounding! Whoo Hoo!

2) A clear Democrat win.

3) Good for Democrats but they shouldn't be complacent.

4) Doesn't mean anything either way.

5) Good for Republicans if they don't misinterpret the results and screw up.

6) Definitely a Republican win and likely forecast for the future.

7) Fabulous Democrat stomping victory, Whoo Hooo!!

Chase said...

# 5

Penny said...

When you live in a one party state that has the highest property taxes in the country, high state income tax and a high sales tax and debt that is one third the amount of the entire budget, with businesses fleeing as fast as the wealthy, you need to breathe a sigh of relief that at least for the next four years, New Jersey will have some checks and balances in the state capital.

Penny said...

There is no way Obama can avoid taking some responsibility for the Democratic loss in the New Jersey. He sent advisors to run Corzine's campaign, for cripes sake.

The day before the election he appeared at the largest arena we have in the southern part of the state, in the poorest city we have in the state, giving it revival-like appeal. Doors opened at 9am for a 1pm start time! Live internet feed.

That meant that the day of the election, all the headlines were about Obama or Christie, as though they were the two opponents. Very clever tactic actually, but he bet big and lost big. Now deal with it like a man, Mr.President.

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