১৬ নভেম্বর, ২০০৯

TiVo-blogging Sarah Palin on "Oprah."

0:01 — Oprah is incredulous that Sarah Palin hadn't paid any attention — back during the campaign — to the talk about how Oprah had snubbed her. Palin was focused on the campaign. Oprah cannot believe it: "You didn't even know about it?!" — as if Palin is a complete ignoramus not to have been all Oprah-focused. "No offense to you, but it wasn't the center of my universe." Oprah looks away. Jeez. Does Oprah have self-esteem issues like Katie Couric? I'm going to give Oprah the benefit of the doubt and say she's trying to play Palin — stir up that female empathy. And either she'll rope in Palin or she'll somehow get the female audience thinking Oprah good, Palin bad.

0:03 — Palin looks great — youthful, glowing. I notice some obvious false hair stuck in on top. When she brings her hand up to her face, it's strangely light pink. I readjust and realize her face is heavily coated in bronze makeup. They're talking about how the news of Bristol's pregnancy emerged, and she complains that the McCain campaign sent out the message that the Palins were proud and happy to become grandparents, which wasn't the message she'd wanted at all. "Didn't you approve the message?" Oprah asks. No, she'd wanted to turn the news into an occasion to address the problem of teen pregnancy. Asked if she was "naive," she says she was naive to think the press would leave her kids alone. She notes that Obama had asserted that kids were off limits and, prompted by Oprah, indicates that was pretty nice of Obama.

0:13 — The McCain people got on her case about the Atkins Diet.

0:14 — The way the McCain people pushed clothes made her feel as though her whole family was starring in an episode of "What Not to Wear."

0:22 —  She thought the interview with Katie Couric would be fun and just "working mom talking with working mom." She concedes that if she were watching the Couric interview, as edited, she too would have thought she was unprepared and unqualified. She "knew it wasn't a good interview," but the McCain people thought it was fine.

0:25 — "Why didn't you just name some books and magazines?" Oprah asks (after showing the clip of Palin blabbering on about reading "all" of the books and magazines). Palin portrays herself as annoyed at Couric: It sounded like an insinuation that Palin, up in Alaska, couldn't possibly know what is going on, and she responded as if that had been the question. That is, she didn't realize how evasive — and dumb — it would sound that she would not get specific.

0:28 — "You're perky too," says Oprah when Palin calls Couric "perky."

0:29 — It took Palin 3 weeks to tell Todd that their unborn child had Down Syndrome. Todd didn't ask why us? He said why not us? That's about right.

0:33 — Everyone wants to hear about Levi Johnston, Oprah tells us. "It's kind of heartbreaking," Palin says, this "aspiring porn." "I call that porn." She wants to focus on her grandson and to think of Levi mainly as the baby's father. Oprah says, when Palin found out that Levi was badmouthing her to the press, "You had to be a little pissed." The audience applauds. "He's on a road that's not a healthy place to be. He's a teenager... He is loved..."

0:41 — "Sweat is my sanity." We see Sarah in shorts in a gym.

0:43 — "Very strong marriage" with Todd.  High school sweethearts. Long separations. Solid partnership where both do what needs to be done.

0:50 — "She's not retreating. She's reloading." Palin quotes her dad as she explains what it meant to step down from the governorship.

0:53 — Is she running for President? Oprah presses Palin as Palin wriggles out of the big question.

0:56 — "Oprah you are the queen of talk shows," Palin says, bowing twice with outstretched arms.

0:57 — "I get through the challenges that I do thanks to God and Todd."

SUMMARY: A pleasant chat. Not much substance. Both women seemed fine, such as it was. For the most part, Oprah pursued the traditional women's topics: pregnancy, children, marriage. Palin looked vividly alive and spoke quickly and without stumbles or hesitations. I don't think there was a single word about any serious policy question. It was mostly about how it felt to be Sarah Palin.

৮২টি মন্তব্য:

Alex বলেছেন...


Oh come on, are we supposed to believe that politicians don't obsess about Oprah every minute?


Fred4Pres বলেছেন...

Palin should dangle a fat whole salmon in front of Oprah and see if she goes for it like a hungry Kodiak bear.


traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Ophrah knows women. Palin is acting like the strongest man in politics...for heavens sake she has QUIT being a beauty queen from a trailer park now! What will she quit next?

knox বলেছেন...

Watched it earlier this evening. I thought Palin did fine. Oprah behaved herself pretty well, thinly veiled contempt notwithstanding. Palin again, for me, gave insufficient answer re: quitting. Overall, less than revelatory. Didn't really change my opinion one way or the other.

miller বলেছেন...

Fred - I laughed out loud at that image - and then the video!

Too funny.

Phil 314 বলেছেন...

Please make it stop!

wv: vappo: The superficial Marx brother.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Perky is as Perky does. If Sarah read news on CBS it would have a 30 Nielsen rating every night.

নামহীন বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
নামহীন বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Chase বলেছেন...

If Sarah read news on CBS it would have a 30 Nielsen rating every night.

I swear, she should take a spot on any news program, and you are so right. Can you imagine her spot? The IQ's of every viewer would rise 20 points instantly after switching over from brain-dead Katie.

Noooo - I know! Put her on MSNBC RIGHT after the smarmy and self-referencing Rachel Maddow.


Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

I don't want to step on Althouse's effort here, but WaPo had a great live blog. And, they include the after show stuff which apparently shows up somewhere after the regular hour long program.

wv: hevin Where all of Palin's detractors will not go, if Palin's prayers are answered.

নামহীন বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Sprezzatura বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Sprezzatura বলেছেন...


former law student বলেছেন...

For the most part, Oprah pursued the traditional women's topics: pregnancy, children, marriage.

I'm not surprised. Oprah's target audience is women who don't have to tivo her show to watch.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

For the life of me, I can't imagine why anyone would want to talk to someone who pushed The Secret as the most important thing in her life.

No substance? What did you expect from Oprah?

Her whole gig is denigrating reality.

chuck বলেছেন...

Palin goes 'Rogue' on Oprah: We watch so you don't have to

Yep, that's the WaPo, one of those serious newspaper thingies. They used to have a good comics section, though, beat the NYT all to heck.

Paddy O বলেছেন...

Since this is a post about Palin, here's my facebook interaction:

Patrick O is watching Sarah Palin on Oprah. (my status update posted mostly because of the amount of my friends who don't like Palin)
5 hours ago

Robyn B
Scary! LOL

Lisa S
you know she is in for a trap again. You know Oprah is setting her up big time!

Susanne R
she's sooooooooooo pretty.

Patrick O
you betcha

Patrick O
Lisa, about halfway through. Oprah seems very fair. It's a good interview so far.

J. J. L
That is just so rogue!

Patrick O
that's the way to go!

Lisa S
I am scared to watch because the previews showed her grandbaby's father getting HIS say and digs, back stage. Why do this with him there doing that? If they want to interview him it shoud be separately. We already know he is mad at her and so forth.
And we already know she is limited on what she can say on that matter. I can't watch. : (

Patrick O
Lisa, just finished it. Levi wasn't involved at all. No idea what the previews were about.

It's quite watchable. I don't think it will change opinions about her, but it was a good interview.

Griselda J
is it on hulu?

Patrick O
I don't know. I know oprah.com said there was extended interview clips that weren't aired, but I don't know if this means there was also the televised portions.

Lisa S
He was watching it from elsewhere. I accidentally caught his comments anyway.

I'm glad she is not afraid to say "porn". LOL! Oprah didn't like that though. Sarah is who Sarah is and I like her for not pretending she isn't human. Would I like her off camera, who knows? No one really knows the person off camera. Do I agree with her a hundred percent... Read More? No. But I don't worship any politician. Do I agree totally with any party? No. But i still enjoy Sarah Palin when she talks about certain things, lol! She has an every day language and a faith that is refreshing to say what wasn't politically correct on Oprah's show about things like posing for those magazines. I feel bad also this young man is going this route.

That was the part they played up though on the show that reviewed it. It seems those shows are more concerned about this stuff than what some of us really want to hear discussed. I am glad Oprah seems to have allowed it.

Ellen C
I missed it...how was it???

Patrick O
Interesting. Definitely better than other interviews. I think she got a reputation, deserved or undeserved, from previous interviews, so I'm really curious how she projects herself now that she is not in charge of promoting someone else. There wasn't any real substantive questions, but it was interesting to see how she responded. I think she wants to prove there's a lot more to her than those negative perspectives and so it'll be interesting to see if she steps up to the challenge. I am a lot more open to her than most others I know, but that mostly means I am open and not totally dismissive.

Ellen C
I always liked her :)

Paddy O বলেছেন...

I can't imagine why anyone would want to talk to someone who pushed The Secret as the most important thing in her life

Simple. She sells books. Lots and lots and lots of books.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"Simple. She sells books. Lots and lots and lots of books."

Actually, if you (and Chuck) would read to the end of my WaPo link you'd see that Oprah's current book is #47, while Palin is through the roof at #1. It seems that Oprah may need Palin more than the other way around.

BTW Chuck, the WaPo thing was really an assault on Oprah, not Palin.

AlphaLiberal বলেছেন...

She doesn't want to comment on Levi, in between the blizzard of comments she throws out about -- Levi.

This is a fundamentally dishonest person. Or too dumb to know what "no comment" means.

Amazing she has supporters for any public office at all.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Ann said...

Palin looks great — youthful, glowing. I notice some obvious false hair stuck in on top. When she brings her hand up to her face, it's strangely light pink. I readjust and realize her face is heavily coated in bronze makeup.

There was speculation about health as one reason (of several) for the resignation, particularly from The Anchoress.

Cancer, perhaps, being treated by chemo? One hopes not, but it's interesting Ann noticed those things about her appearance.

Maybe she's (Sarah) doing all she can, under the circumstances.

Give 'em Hell, Sarahcuda

Paddy O বলেছেন...

Oprah's current book is #47, while Palin is through the roof at #1. It seems that Oprah may need Palin more than the other way around.

She sells other people's books. Lots and lots of other people's books.

Plus, I think Palin was sincere at the end of the interview when she said that Oprah was an inspiration in the 90s when Palin was a stay at home mom.

"This is a fundamentally dishonest person."

Apparently not as fundamentally dishonest as her detractors who take a lot of non-answers and more kind than deserved words as somehow representing a 'blizzard of comments'. Criticism is never as interesting if it's predictable 'find something, anything' kind of criticism.

AlphaLiberal বলেছেন...

There is evidence, emails of course, that Palin is not telling the truth about how things went with the McCain campaign.


Paddy O বলেছেন...


That's worse than using Fox News on a gotcha about Obama.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

Paddy O,

There are top level McCain staffers going on the record (and leaking supporting emails) saying that Palin's book is dishonest and untrue.

You may want to consider the possibility that Palin may be something of a fibber.

Just Sayin.

AlphaLiberal বলেছেন...

Apparently not as fundamentally dishonest as her detractors who take a lot of non-answers and more kind than deserved words as somehow representing a 'blizzard of comments' .

WTF are you talking about?

"I hear he goes by the name Ricky Hollywood now,"

"If that's the case, we don't want to mess up his gig he's got going," she adds. That gig? "Aspiring porn...I call it porn."

She says she's not talking about that and the guy and then lays into him.

She's smarmy. Real grifter material.

Andrea বলেছেন...

"real grifter material"

Wow. It is not enough for you people that she was a political opponent of someone you supported -- she has to be evil and a criminal too. Charming!

Re Oprah talking about light, women-show things: please tell me we aren't expected to think of Oprah as a political commentator now. Because, um, NO. I refuse.

wv: uncuse -- you retract your accusation.

chuck বলেছেন...

the WaPo thing was really an assault on Oprah, not Palin.

I noticed. Thing is, I want more than a condescending attitude and snarky bits from a newspaper writer.

Palladian বলেছেন...

AlphaLiberal has to criminalize and despise the "other" he so fears that he could become. It's called a defense mechanism.

"I don't think there was a single word about any serious policy question. It was mostly about how it felt to be Sarah Palin."

Palin's entire political appeal seems to be based on how it feels to be Sarah Palin. That's the problem with her.

Oh, her other appeal is that she's not Obama, but that's an automatic positive advantage for any politician these days... well, except for Barack Obama.

Palladian বলেছেন...

"Thing is, I want more than a condescending attitude and snarky bits from a newspaper writer."

That's all they teach in college nowadays.

former law student বলেছেন...

Palin is through the roof at #1.

Have they shipped any yet?

blake বলেছেন...

FLS holds out hope that the book doesn't actually exist...

John Stodder বলেছেন...

I think Sarah Palin is going to end up being kind of like Ted Kennedy with respect to presidential politics. She'll be the heir apparent for a few cycles but won't run. Then she'll run but won't get the nomination, but will make such a great speech at the convention that she'll guarantee the GOP nominee is defeated in the fall. Then she'll start palling around with Chris Dodd and gain so much weight Todd will divorce her. And finally, she'll marry somebody with a small mansion in Georgetown and become an eminence grise.

John Stodder বলেছেন...

P.S. The shock among HuffPo types like AL that she would refer to Levi's career as "soft porn" is amusing. What do YOU call posing in Playgirl? But because he holds the hallowed position of father of her granddaughter, we're supposed to be horrified that she would call it for what it is. It goes beyond a double standard. There is a standard for Palin that literally no one else is held to, not even other evil Rethuglikkkans.

wv: Malomed = what you are if someone throws a Mallomar at you.

Fatmouse বলেছেন...

"she has to be evil and a criminal too."

Remember the Dumb or Evil Rule - The _only_ possible reasons someone might be a conservative are:

1. They're too dumb to know better.
2. It's part of their evil plan.

They used "dumb" against Palin during the campaign, and now they're bringing out the "evil."

former law student বলেছেন...

FLS holds out hope that the book doesn't actually exist...

Not me. Qui s'explique s'excuse, et qui s'excuse s'accuse Not writing a book would have been better for her career than a self-serving poor little me I'm a victim excuse fest.

But I don't know how a book can be the number one best seller before a single reader has his hands on one.

Palladian বলেছেন...

But I don't know how a book can be the number one best seller before a single reader has his hands on one."

Because you never know, the Rapture might happen and then every single person who pre-ordered a copy will be gone and they'll be nobody there to pay the credit card bills or accept the packages so the packages will get returned and the book will be a big flop!

Actually I should have said every single person who pre-ordered this book will disappear in the Rapture except one: Andrew Sullivan. He'll receive his copy which he'll furiously scramble through looking for a picture of Sarah Palin's pussy with Trig popping out. When he doesn't find one he'll yell "I'M VINDICATED!", then tear all the pages out of the book to use as beagle bathroom lining and cut Palin's picture from the dust cover to take to work and put on his Atlantic office dartboard.

careen বলেছেন...


Hardly anyone gets me to LOL, I usually just snigger, but you did:

"Andrew Sullivan. He'll receive his copy which he'll furiously scramble through looking for a picture of Sarah Palin's pussy with Trig popping out."

Kirk Parker বলেছেন...

Wow, this post has been up for 5 hours, and only 39 comments? Who knew that a healthy dose of Oprah was the cure for Palin fever?

vbspurs বলেছেন...

OMG! Had I any idea Ann would be live-blogging the Oprah show, I would've been here.

Honestly, I'm terribly impressed. Ann; WaPo; Andrew Sullivan's dismal live-blogging (you can tell, he has rarely done such a thing before) -- those are some heavy hitters tuning in to see Oprah and Palin.

I actually missed the interview live, but I will TiVo it tomorrow. I'm pacing myself, for the marathon book-reading that will follow. I feel like a Harry Potter fan.


vbspurs বলেছেন...

Two of the smartest comments on this thread are by TradGuy and Palladian, respectively:

Perky is as Perky does. If Sarah read news on CBS it would have a 30 Nielsen rating every night.


Palin's entire political appeal seems to be based on how it feels to be Sarah Palin. That's the problem with her.



vbspurs বলেছেন...

wv: fulitin

Get Oprah off her fulitin high-horse!

vbspurs বলেছেন...

With respect to Palladian's pussy-popping remark, this one by John Stodder is fantastic:

I think Sarah Palin is going to end up being kind of like Ted Kennedy with respect to presidential politics. She'll be the heir apparent for a few cycles but won't run. Then she'll run but won't get the nomination, but will make such a great speech at the convention that she'll guarantee the GOP nominee is defeated in the fall. Then she'll start palling around with Chris Dodd and gain so much weight Todd will divorce her. And finally, she'll marry somebody with a small mansion in Georgetown and become an eminence grise.


And there I though Hilary Clinton was going to be the new Ted Kennedy. Why is it that when you think of Ted Kennedy you think of controversial women?


vbspurs বলেছেন...

Andrea wrote:

Wow. It is not enough for you people that she was a political opponent of someone you supported -- she has to be evil and a criminal too. Charming!

Andrea, we conservatives think our political opposites, the liberals, are sadly misguided creatures. Liberals, OTOH, think conservatives are insane, criminal and/or evil.

The more I live, the more I read history, the more I know this to be true.


Maizin Clement's Copy Editing বলেছেন...

" traditionalguy said...
Ophrah knows women. Palin is acting like the strongest man in politics...for heavens sake she has QUIT being a beauty queen from a trailer park now! What will she quit next?"

traditionalguy, you got a problem with good looking women? You only feel comfortable with three-baggers?

Palin IS the strongest man in politics. She's also the most effective politician on the national stage. In 2.5 years, she accomplished what many Alaskan governors were unable to do in 50. She's accomplished more than any other governor in the union in that short time.

When Obama quit his newly acquired job as senator, did you say anything? When Hillary Clinton quit hers, where were you? Should the Palin family have bankrupted the state and themselves to make Americans think she's not a quitter? Then what would they have said about her regard for the financial well being of Alaska and her family?

I think Todd has something you'd like to get and you're just venting sour grapes.

Maizin Clement's Copy Editing বলেছেন...

Ann, you're still sporting wood for Palin. Unseemly.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

And Liberals have a whole Redwood Forest in their trousers for Obama.

AllenS বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Paco Wové বলেছেন...

"I think Sarah Palin is going to end up being kind of like Ted Kennedy with respect to presidential politics... And finally, she'll marry somebody with a small mansion in Georgetown and become an eminence grise."

Yes, but who will she kill in a drunken stupor?

Michael বলেছেন...

I've come to think that there's an official position in our culture I call the Designated Hate Bitch-- a famous woman who it's okay by liberal lights to smear with any and every crude sexist comment. A woman who allows an outlet for male resentment of female sexuality, fame and rejection of men, who the feminist establishment allows to be treated in a way they'd object to wildly in any other case. Hillary was the prototype in some ways, Paris Hilton held the post for a while, Kate whatever of Jon & Kate seems to be heading that way, but Palin is perhaps the clearest example yet and the one who demonstrates how the hatred is rooted as much in allure as disdain.

clumat= where you recover from a hit with the cluestick

Shanna বলেছেন...

Thanks for the blogging because I'm sure not watching this thing.

0:29 — It took Palin 3 weeks to tell Todd that their unborn child had Down Syndrome. Todd didn't ask why us? He said why not us? That's about right.

Awww, I still love Todd.

I don't think of Palin as perky. I think she's too intense to be perky.

KCFleming বলেছেন...

Oprah's status as television's Great Earth Mother demands she remain blandly benificent.

It must have really grated to be unable to expose a monster, albeit a woman who, like Oprah, grew up in rural America.

I wonder, when speaking about Levi, did Oprah share her own story about growing up abandoned by her father? Or about being a teenaged mother herself?

"Obama had asserted that kids were off limits"
Meanwhile, his fans ignored him and went after them anyway.

Sort of like how he conducts foreign policy, come to think of it. Other state merely ignore him and do what they want anyway.

El Presidente বলেছেন...

Palin is the Emmanuel Goldstein of the American Left.

El Presidente বলেছেন...

Palin's political career must die for Obama's political shortcomings.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

Michael wrote:

I've come to think that there's an official position in our culture I call the Designated Hate Bitch-- a famous woman who it's okay by liberal lights to smear with any and every crude sexist comment. A woman who allows an outlet for male resentment of female sexuality, fame and rejection of men, who the feminist establishment allows to be treated in a way they'd object to wildly in any other case.

I agree in essence. The fear of the Queen Bee, who had all the power at the time we were most vulnerable and now we're not so vulnerable and we're letting her have it.

Add Jacqueline Kennedy to the roll, except in the brief few years between widow and remarriage. Then it was all right to hate her again.

The only woman I've ever "known" to be Designated Hate Bitch-proof was Audrey Hepburn. Even if you weren't like her, you appreciated her all to heck.


vbspurs বলেছেন...

Meanwhile, his fans ignored him and went after them anyway.

That's what makes him different and more dangerous than other liberal presidents in the past, Pogo.

Whereas there was sympathy for the politics of LBJ, Carter, Clinton, they had enough faults (and the journalists of the time were too cynical) to hero-worship and to cheerlead so baldly.

I suppose Obama is like FDR in that respect. Except FDR actually had heft as a politician (and quite a bit of balls).


KCFleming বলেছেন...

P.S. Great to have you back, Victoria. I missed your take on things.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

Shanna wrote:

I don't think of Palin as perky. I think she's too intense to be perky.

Clearly the case. But when you don't respect a person, as the mainstream media of the David Brooks ilk do not, you have to wilfully misread positive attributes, and turn them into monumental failings.

- She's not intense. She's PERKY.

- She's not principled. She's nakedly AMBITIOUS.

- She's a self-reliant conservative from Alaska. She's not a FEMINIST.

- She's not to be taken seriously. TALK SHOW HOST.


vbspurs বলেছেন...

Hey thanks Pogo baby! Thought I had greeted you in previous threads, but here's another hug and a peck on your cheek again. ;)

I'm off to buy the Palin book at Barnes & Noble, who open at 9 AM. Woohoo! Shame they don't have WiFi that I can use, else I'd traipse back to post a few impressions here (won't be blogging about it on my own blog...alas).


AllenS বলেছেন...

"(and quite a bit of balls)."


A bag full? And, welcome back.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

Thanks, Allen! :)

vw: vulcal...vocal vulgarity?


MadisonMan বলেছেন...

I wonder how many more books will ship because of the interview. That's why she was on Oprah, after all.

AllenS বলেছেন...

"I wonder how many more books will ship because of the interview?"

A million or two more. That would be about it.

WV: antsma

Maizin Clement's Copy Editing বলেছেন...

"vbspurs said...
And Liberals have a whole Redwood Forest in their trousers for Obama.

11/17/09 5:23 AM"

That's part of the problem, vbspurs. Ann is regretting her jones for Obama and taking out her rage, at being suckered by an empty legal suit, on Palin. So, Sarah can't do anything right. Ann's pro-Obama wood has become anti-Palin.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Amba does a review of the interview here.

Victoria wrote:
And Liberals have a whole Redwood Forest in their trousers for Obama.

Lol! Wow, you're really back back at Althouse-just when I thought you might be teasing.

You make the whole blog more fun and interesting, and your timing is impeccable!


Meade বলেছেন...

Paco Wové said...
"I think Sarah Palin is going to end up being kind of like Ted Kennedy with respect to presidential politics... And finally, she'll marry somebody with a small mansion in Georgetown and become an eminence grise."

Yes, but who will she kill in a drunken stupor?

Note to self: Regret any and all moose hunting invitations from Sarah.

wv: sinec without ec

Greg Toombs বলেছেন...

Michele Bachman is getting the same stupid/evil treatment as Palin.

Fear our women!

wv: ancoid. Lower-class resident of Anchorage.

AllenS বলেছেন...

Don't worry about hunting with Palin, Meade. Do turn down a hunting request from Cheney. He'll shoot you in your face.

Michael Haz বলেছেন...

That's part of the problem, vbspurs. Ann is regretting her jones for Obama and taking out her rage, at being suckered by an empty legal suit, on Palin. So, Sarah can't do anything right. Ann's pro-Obama wood has become anti-Palin.

The Althouse, she does not need your shorty-pants'd analysis. She knows who it is that she is. She dangles a fleeting, gauzy glimpse for the mere enticement of the simple-to-control. Bow down, troll slaves.

kjbe বলেছেন...

Her appearance on Oprah confirmed one thing: the Alaskan does well when things are on her terms.

I especially liked the way that trick-or-treating and candy-apple-making was treated as some kind of zoological phenomenon. Thanks for that.

mccullough বলেছেন...

Not a Palin fan (though I do get a kick of how unhinged her detractors, especially the liberals in the media, get), but her book is doing more to stimulate the economy than Obama's stimulus package.

And if someone pointed this out to Obama, he would become apoplectic.

M. Simon বলেছেন...

But I don't know how a book can be the number one best seller before a single reader has his hands on one.

The left will NEVER understand business.

They will always be failures in America. Which is why they need government.

I wonder why more businesses don't cater to that market though. There is obviously a need for TP with instructions written on every sheet. Perhaps Sheryl Crow could be induced to write them. For a fee.

It could be a best seller.

kathleen বলেছেন...

"I especially liked the way that trick-or-treating and candy-apple-making was treated as some kind of zoological phenomenon. "

so true, like they were filming "Planet Earth"..."and like clockwork, every October, the Alaskans retreat into their warm kitchens and proceed to coat apples with sugar they heat on their stove..."

Unknown বলেছেন...

The whole DHB (Designated Hate Bitch) thing could never have begun if male liberals hadn't gotten permission from female libs to act thus, and so it had to have started with someone who gave the female libs real fits. I'm thinking of Phyllis Schlafly.

There can be more than one DHB at one time, of course, but if we were to reconstruct the chain, we might see Nancy Reagan, Margaret Thatcher (wouldn't dare to her face, though), Jeanne Kirkpatrick (maybe), Liddy Dole, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Condi Rice, and now Palin.

Am I forgetting anyone? Noonan's never been really threatening, other conservative pols and talkers too small fry or wishy washy...

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

@ Grapp@ 5:12 AM...I agree with you. My comment was making fun of the QUIT attack that the resident trolls have sworn allegiance to for months. Are you new? Sarah is out flanking the dirty liberal slime machine by avoiding their cheap shot attacks in Alaska from keeping her from a real counter-attack back down here in the lower 48. Her courage to make that move was magnificent, and there is a false Quitter meme which is the lib's consolation prize, while she lines up her next attack on them. Stay tuned.

KeesKennis বলেছেন...

Question: What is the diff's between BHO and Sarah Palin?
Answer: One is a well turned-out, good-looking, and let's be honest, pretty sexy piece of eye-candy.
The other kills her own food.

mariner বলেছেন...

Palin's entire political appeal seems to be based on how it feels to be Sarah Palin. That's the problem with her.

You obviously haven't read the book yet.

Until you do, you'll be clueless about what Palin's appeal really is.

Nonetheless, good to see you back.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Did they not discuss why Oprah wouldn't do an interview with Palin while her guy Obama was running for president and waited till after Palin lost before having the interview?
Because those are the details I want to know about.

Unknown বলেছেন...

1. Ann, "vividly alive?" The language maven in me has to call you on that.

2. "Sarah Palin's Pussy" would be an awesome name for Dave Barry's next band. (Vide if needed.)

zefal বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
zefal বলেছেন...

KeesKennis said...

Question: What is the diff's between BHO and Sarah Palin?
Answer: One is a well turned-out, good-looking, and let's be honest, pretty sexy piece of eye-candy.
The other kills her own food.

You have a promising future writing for Bazooka Joe comics.